Stephen Colbert Triggers Another Totally Tacky Trump Tantrum on Truthless Anti-Social

With a mere six weeks until Election Day, Vice-President Kamala Harris is crisscrossing the country and engaging voters on critical subjects, such as the economy, immigration, and healthcare. Meanwhile, Donald Trump is laser focused on the issues that he believes matter most to the American people, such as who is eating the cats, creepy protectorship of depressed women, and the “stolen” election of 2020.

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In this political environment it is often healthy to take a breather for some comic relief. Which is made all the more possible by the vast amounts of material provided by Trump and his MAGA clown show. Unfortunately for Trump, he doesn’t have the ability to process humor the way other human beings do. In fact, he finds it offensive.

SEE THIS: Crybaby Trump: I Hate it When People Laugh at Me, and When Kamala Harris Laughs at All

So it will surprise no one to learn that Trump spent a sleepless Tuesday night composing a screed lambasting Stephen Colbert who appeared on PBS NewsHour to promote his new cookbook with his wife, Evie, Does This Taste Funny? During the nine minute interview, Colbert mentioned Trump once in passing when the interviewer specifically asked him about Trump…

Amna Nawaz: Do you have red lines, like people you won’t talk to. Like, would you have former President Trump on the show?
Colbert: I have had him before, and he was kind of boring. So, no. […] I don’t like to have people on the show who I don’t think are going to be honest agents of their own ideas.

That was it. But that was enough to set Trump off on an extended rant that he posted on his floundering Truth Social scam. It consisted entirely of his predictable and tiresome insults and pitifully ignorant observations. He raged that…

“I briefly watched an interview of Stephen Colbert on highly government subsidized PBS, and found it fascinating for only one reason — Why would they be wasting time and the public’s money on this complete and total loser? He is not funny, which he gets paid far too much to be, he is not wise, he is VERY BORING.”

In that opening, Trump touched on several subjects that he ought to be an expert on: what is a “waste of money,” things that are “not funny,” and how to be “VERY BORING.” But, as usual, he has no self awareness whatsoever as he projects his own personality defects onto Colbert. Then he continued saying that…

“And his show is dying from a complete lack of viewers —Gutfeld, on cable, is killing him! CBS should terminate his contract and pick almost anyone, right off the street, who would do better, and for FAR LESS MONEY.”

Actually, Colbert’s show can hardly be described as “dying.” In fact, it is the top rated late night talk show. And it is not being killed by Greg Gutfeld, whose show is not a late night program, except on the east coast. Everywhere else in the country he is on in prime time. If Trump knew anything about how ratings work, he would know that you can’t compare programs in different time periods. HUT levels (Homes Using Television) are much higher prime time. But Trump still wasn’t through…

“Or I could recommend someone, much more talented, and smarter, who would do it for FREE! The good news for Stephen is that the two DOPES on NBC & ABC are not much better than him!”

Yeah, right. Trump surely knows people who would host a network television program for free. And it would be someone with the talent and skill to do it successfully. Does anyone believe that? He couldn’t even do it himself. His “Apprentice” languished near the bottom of the ratings in its final years.

As for Colbert’s competition (who are all close friends), Trump’s reviews are less than worthless. It’s a good thing he didn’t see Jimmy Kimmel’s monologue Tuesday night. It featured a blistering smackdown of Trump’s still smoldering anger over a joke Kimmel told at the Oscars six months ago.

So Kimmel invited his wife, Molly, to respond. She had some advice for Trump, suggesting that he, “Shut up and go away. Go to Mar-a-Lago. Spend all day cheating at golf and masturbating to Newsmax. And let a competent woman take over.” That would surely crack him up. Literally! If he isn’t already cracked beyond repair.


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2 thoughts on “Stephen Colbert Triggers Another Totally Tacky Trump Tantrum on Truthless Anti-Social

  1. Should be called “Lies Sociopath.” Defines it perfectly….

  2. Ooooo Molly, now you’ve stirred up a storm: now FUX News knows that Trump jerks off to another network.

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