Kamala Harris is Blitzing Media that Donald Trump is Too Afraid of To Do

On July 21, 2024, President Biden made the courageous, selfless, and patriotic decision to withdraw from the presidential election and endorse his Vice-President, Kamala Harris. It was a decision that dramatically altered the political landscape and set the stage for a historic race and, if successful, America’s first woman to serve as President.

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Donald Trump, Newspapers, Baby, Hate

From the day that Harris became the Democratic candidate, Donald Trump and his MAGA Republicans in politics and the press embarked on a vicious campaign of slander and deceit in an effort to drag down her favorability with voters (which hasn’t worked). And the MAGA media was instrumental in that coordinated campaign of character assassination…

SEE THIS: Crybaby Trump Tells Fox News that They Should Only Put on Sycophantic Trump-Fluffers

Much of the criticism that emanated from the Trump camp centered on the allegation that Harris was avoiding interviews with the press. The Trumpists, and especially Trump himself, accused her of having a “low IQ” and being too “stupid” to engage the press. These are the sort of typically infantile insults that are the hallmark of Trump’s stunted emotional state.

To be sure, Harris was not prioritizing such events in the early days of her campaign. But it wasn’t due to any lack of ability or intellect. It was because she had just become a candidate with an unusually compressed time line leading up to Election Day.

Now that some of the pressures from building a campaign team, managing the Democratic Party convention, and participating in debates, has eased, Harris is scheduling more media avails. This week it was announced that she will be interviewed on “The View;” she will guest on “Late Night with Stephen Colbert;” she will visit with Howard Stern; she will be interviewed on Univision; and she will appear on the traditional “60 Minutes” pre-election episode.

This is a media blitz that is well-timed with only a month to go before Election Day, and while early voting has already begun in some states. And it is likely just the beginning.

Trump on the other hand, is continuing to shelter himself in his Mar-a-Lago bunker. He only leaves to hold his cult rallies in safe communities before his glassy-eyed disciples. What media he engages in is limited to MAGA-friendly outlets like Fox News, Newsmax, and obscure podcasts hosted by fringe characters with extremist views. And even those bookings are phone-in affairs that he can conduct in his jammies in his Palm Beach home/hotel.

It is notable that the media with whom Harris is meeting this week are broadly popular programs that reach millions of Americans. And with the exception of Colbert, they are not particularly partisan. They are, however, precisely the sort of press that frightens Trump. “The View” is a show hosted by outspoken women from both sides of the aisle. And Trump hates women. Trump also hates comedy, so the Colbert and Stern bookings would scare the pants off of him.

MORE HERE: Crybaby Trump: I Hate it When People Laugh at Me, and When Kamala Harris Laughs at All

Trump also hates people of color, so Univision won’t be on his agenda. And while Trump initially agreed to do “60 Minutes,” he later chickened out, because it’s actually a hard news program, which he hates with a passion.

Now that Harris is making herself more available to the press, and Trump is cowering in his whine cellar, will the media abandon its portrayal of Harris as being averse to interviews? Will they accurately point out that it is Trump who trembles with fear at the thought of meeting the press? Or even meeting with Harris for another debate?

Time will tell. But with Election Day coming soon there isn’t much time to correct the false impressions that the media has been spewing for weeks. And the past performance of the press this year is less than impressive. Sadly, they appear to be just as afraid of Trump as he is of them.

UPDATE 10/15/2024: In the week that has passed since this published, Harris has continued to schedule more interviews with a broad variety of media, including Fox News. Trump, on the other hand, has remained in his MAGA-fied bunker. He did a town hall hosted by GOP governor, Kristi Noem. And he just canceled an interview with CNBC, which has been a friendly spot for him.


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Stephen Colbert Triggers Another Totally Tacky Trump Tantrum on Truthless Anti-Social

With a mere six weeks until Election Day, Vice-President Kamala Harris is crisscrossing the country and engaging voters on critical subjects, such as the economy, immigration, and healthcare. Meanwhile, Donald Trump is laser focused on the issues that he believes matter most to the American people, such as who is eating the cats, creepy protectorship of depressed women, and the “stolen” election of 2020.

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In this political environment it is often healthy to take a breather for some comic relief. Which is made all the more possible by the vast amounts of material provided by Trump and his MAGA clown show. Unfortunately for Trump, he doesn’t have the ability to process humor the way other human beings do. In fact, he finds it offensive.

SEE THIS: Crybaby Trump: I Hate it When People Laugh at Me, and When Kamala Harris Laughs at All

So it will surprise no one to learn that Trump spent a sleepless Tuesday night composing a screed lambasting Stephen Colbert who appeared on PBS NewsHour to promote his new cookbook with his wife, Evie, Does This Taste Funny? During the nine minute interview, Colbert mentioned Trump once in passing when the interviewer specifically asked him about Trump…

Amna Nawaz: Do you have red lines, like people you won’t talk to. Like, would you have former President Trump on the show?
Colbert: I have had him before, and he was kind of boring. So, no. […] I don’t like to have people on the show who I don’t think are going to be honest agents of their own ideas.

That was it. But that was enough to set Trump off on an extended rant that he posted on his floundering Truth Social scam. It consisted entirely of his predictable and tiresome insults and pitifully ignorant observations. He raged that…

“I briefly watched an interview of Stephen Colbert on highly government subsidized PBS, and found it fascinating for only one reason — Why would they be wasting time and the public’s money on this complete and total loser? He is not funny, which he gets paid far too much to be, he is not wise, he is VERY BORING.”

In that opening, Trump touched on several subjects that he ought to be an expert on: what is a “waste of money,” things that are “not funny,” and how to be “VERY BORING.” But, as usual, he has no self awareness whatsoever as he projects his own personality defects onto Colbert. Then he continued saying that…

“And his show is dying from a complete lack of viewers —Gutfeld, on cable, is killing him! CBS should terminate his contract and pick almost anyone, right off the street, who would do better, and for FAR LESS MONEY.”

Actually, Colbert’s show can hardly be described as “dying.” In fact, it is the top rated late night talk show. And it is not being killed by Greg Gutfeld, whose show is not a late night program, except on the east coast. Everywhere else in the country he is on in prime time. If Trump knew anything about how ratings work, he would know that you can’t compare programs in different time periods. HUT levels (Homes Using Television) are much higher prime time. But Trump still wasn’t through…

“Or I could recommend someone, much more talented, and smarter, who would do it for FREE! The good news for Stephen is that the two DOPES on NBC & ABC are not much better than him!”

Yeah, right. Trump surely knows people who would host a network television program for free. And it would be someone with the talent and skill to do it successfully. Does anyone believe that? He couldn’t even do it himself. His “Apprentice” languished near the bottom of the ratings in its final years.

As for Colbert’s competition (who are all close friends), Trump’s reviews are less than worthless. It’s a good thing he didn’t see Jimmy Kimmel’s monologue Tuesday night. It featured a blistering smackdown of Trump’s still smoldering anger over a joke Kimmel told at the Oscars six months ago.

So Kimmel invited his wife, Molly, to respond. She had some advice for Trump, suggesting that he, “Shut up and go away. Go to Mar-a-Lago. Spend all day cheating at golf and masturbating to Newsmax. And let a competent woman take over.” That would surely crack him up. Literally! If he isn’t already cracked beyond repair.


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Crybaby Trump Bares His Ultra-Thin Skin in Tantrum Against Late Night Comedy Shows

Poor Donald Trump has suffered long from the trials and tribulations of being a malignant narcissist. His inability to cope with trifling jokes at his rather modest expense has been one of his most pronounced personality disorders. By some estimations, it is the reason he chose to enter politics, following jabs by Seth Meyers at the White House Correspondents Dinner (WHCD) (Video below).

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Stephen Colbert & Trump Baby

During Trump’s occupation of the white House, he refused to attend the charity dinner all four years. That’s because he’s too big a baby to sit through a program where he might be the butt of a few jokes. Which is funny because he doesn’t seem otherwise opposed to being or having a big butt. Last year, for the first time in six years (it was postponed twice due to COVID), the dinner was attended by the President of the United States, Joe Biden. Trevor Noah was the featured comedian, and he didn’t shy away from Trump jokes.

NOR DID BIDEN: The Condensed White House Correspondent’s Dinner Remarks About Fox News and Crybaby Trump

On Monday morning, Trump took time away from his brooding and whining about having lost the 2020 election to complain again about the state of comedy in America. In a post on his floundering social media scam, Truth Social, Trump linked to an article on Fox News that roasted late night comedy as a declining format, which Fox blamed on the hosts mocking Trump. He wrote that…

“It was my great honor to have destroyed the ratings of Late Night “Comedy” shows. There is nothing funny about the shows, the three hosts have very little talent, and when Jimmy Fallon apologized for having humanized “Trump,” and his ratings soared, the Radical Left forced him to apologize—that was effectively the end of The Tonight Show. In any event, congratulations to Greg Gutfield!”

Once again, Trump is attempting to take credit for something that he had nothing to do with. He’s also assuming incorrectly that anyone regards his analysis of comedy as having any merit or insight. What’s more, the article he links to is profoundly lacking in any grasp of the TV business or program performance.

In order to make their argument work, Fox compared the current ratings of the late night shows hosted by Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Fallon, and Jimmy Kimmel, to their ratings – not last year – but six years ago, before Trump took office. That’s a long time in TV land. Fox completely ignored the fact that the television landscape had changed significantly during that time frame, with the advent of streaming and other methods of time-shifting. That’s what had the biggest impact on ratings. And it was an impact that occurred across every part of the TV schedule.

The article asserts instead that the ratings decline was due to the abundance of Trump jokes. However, it contradicts its own premise by noting that Colbert and Kimmel substantially increased their ratings when they told more jokes about Trump. Fallon, on the other hand, lost viewers with his less political style.

The Fox News article also took this opportunity to promote their own show with right-wing pseudo-comic, Greg Gutfeld. But it is deliberately dishonest to compare his ratings to the network late night shows. Those shows are shown at 11:30pm local time (tape delayed) across the country. Fox News airs Gutfeld at 11:00pm Eastern time nationwide. That means that Gutfeld is on at 8:00pm in Pacific time, 9:00pm Central, etc. Therefore, most of the nation sees Gutfeld in prime time when there are more people watching television. So when the article brags that Gutfeld’s 2.2 million viewers edged out Colbert’s 2.1 million, it’s missing the fact that Colbert actually drew a much higher percentage of the available audience.

Throughout the article Fox accuses the late night hosts of delivering Democratic talking points. But they never offer a single example to support that charge. If Fox has a problem with the leftward slant of the humor by these hosts, then their real problem is that, as Colbert once noted (at the WHCD in 2006), “Reality has a well known liberal bias.”

The article also ignores its own brazenly partisan perspective. The only quotes the author bothered to include were exclusively from washed up conservative “comedians” (Jimmy Failla, Tim Young, Joe Piscopo, Rob Schneider). There was no effort to get any statements from the shows that the author was maligning, their hosts, or their networks.

That won’t surprise anyone who is familiar with the purposeful dishonesty of Fox News. And it’s affirmation of the popular meme that has circulate for many years that says “I get my news from Comedy Central and my comedy from Fox News.”

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Stephen Colbert Takes Dr. Fauci to Get His COVID Booster Shot – Or Per Fox News: Govt Propaganda

Whether or not COVID-19 is still technically a pandemic, rather than just an endemic virus such as the flu, is an open and debatable question. What is not open for debate is the fact that the virus is still with us and is still infecting tens of thousands – and killing hundreds – of Americans everyday.

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Fox News, Covid

This month a new vaccine became available that adds explicit protection from the most prominent new variants of the coronavirus. The vaccines effectiveness in preventing serious illness or death is well documented. And studies show that hundreds of thousands of fatalities can be avoided if people get vaccinated. CNN is reporting that “A new analysis suggests that if more people in the United States get their booster by the end of the year, about 90,000 Covid-19 deaths could be prevented this fall and winter.”

To that end, Dr. Anthony Fauci appeared on “The Late Show” with Stephen Colbert to discuss the benefits of the vaccine and promote its uptake. But he was surprised when Colbert invited him to go down the street and get himself vaccinated, as he had just become eligible. Watch as Colbert accompanies Dr. Fauci to his local pharmacy for some late night healthcare…

While Colbert is keeping his audience entertained and informed about critical health matters, Fox News is continuing their campaign to keep their viewers uninformed, and even worse, misinformed. Their report on Colbert’s trip with Dr. Fauci to get vaccinated was covered in a segment they framed as “Colbert Still Dishing Out Govt Propaganda.”

The gist of Fox’s message was that vaccines are unnecessary, possibly a hoax, and probably harmful. They are, once again, putting the lives of their own viewers at risk. Seniors are the group most vulnerable to sever symptoms and consequences from COVID. And the median age of Fox News viewers is 68.

The effect that Fox News has on their audience is measurable in grief. Studies show that “counties with a Republican majority had a greater share of Covid deaths through October 2021, relative to majority-Democratic counties,” and that “vaccine hesitancy among Republicans may be the biggest culprit.”

The callous and self-serving irresponsibility of how Fox News is deceiving people about the pandemic for purely political purposes is reprehensible. And they don’t seem to be the least bit concerned that the people that they hurting most are their own viewers. To Fox News, disseminating propaganda that advances their ultra-rightist views is more important than human lives. And yet, it’s Fox who accuse Colbert of “Dishing Out Govt Propaganda,” that is actually honest information that could save lives. Now, if only their were a vaccine for Fox News.

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Lauren Boebert Tells Newsmax that They Eat Dogs In Venezuela Because They Don’t Have Guns

At what point do we throw up our hands in the air and concede that Republicans are are just a perverse comedy troupe trying to punk America? Because that appears to be only way to make any rational sense of some (most) of the blitheringly idiotic things they do and say.

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Lauren Boebert

It would explain so much. It would explain how every Republican can get away with voting against the gouging of gas prices. It would explain how the GOP can vote against healthcare for veterans poisoned in the line line duty. It might even explain how a former reality TV game show host, who believes that windmills cause cancer and bleach injections cure COVID, came to occupy the White House, and still has supporters after being impeached twice and trying to overthrow the government.

RELATED: Trump Projects His Own Dementia on Biden in a Nauseating Mash Up of COVID and Election Fraud

The Republican Party is really giving Saturday Night Live some serious competition. And there could be no better example of that then what Rep. Lauren Boebert (CO-QAnon) said during an interview with former Trump flunky Sebastian Gorka on Newsmax Sunday night:

“If the citizenry of America is disarmed, then we are no longer citizens. We are subjects. You know, here in America we have gourmet treats for puppies. We have these amazing groomers for dogs. Well in Venezuela they eat the dogs. And it started because they don’t have firearms. They do not have a way to protect themselves, to defend themselves against a tyrannical government.

Indeed. American citizenry is defined by each individual’s personal arsenal. And American democracy is admired around the world because it provides “gourmet treats for puppies,” just like it says in the Constitution. Never mind that Boebert is imagining a scenario wherein all Americans are disarmed., something no Democrat has ever suggested. Although, perhaps we shouldn’t dwell on Boebert’s affinity for “amazing groomers.”

The key point that this GOP member of Congress was intent on making was that America’s lax gun policies have kept the nation from consuming it’s canine friends. Having the freedom to own all manner of weaponry, even military assault rifles, is what separates us from the heathens in Venezuela.

Boebert doesn’t mince her words. She flatly states that the reason Venezuelans eat dogs is because “they don’t have firearms.” That’s true. After all, if the dogs had firearms they would mow us down in the street if we tried to approach them with steak knives and BBQ sauce.

It’s difficult to grasp how Boebert got from gun regulation to doggie dinners. But that’s because we don’t have the kind of twisted sense of humor that she does. It’s because we don’t ignore facts, such as that much of the Venezuelan population is so poor that often dogs are the only source of food available.

Boebert’s stab at comedy comes at time when actual comedians are taking more serious positions on matter of critical importance to the nation. Jon Stewart has been lobbying Congress to pass the veteran’s healthcare legislation that the Republicans have been voting against. And Stephan Colbert sent Triumph, the insult comic dog, a rubber puppet, to Capitol Hill to confront members about the January 6th insurrection that was incited by Donald Trump.

RELATED: Stephen Colbert Hysterically Mocks Tucker Carlson’s ‘Comedy’ on the Arrest of His Staff in D.C.

Triumph is lucky that the hungry Democrats in the House of Representatives didn’t tie him to a spit with an apple in his mouth. Although, it is important to note that Triumph managed to escape with his life even though he and his human handlers were all unarmed. And with no help from Boebert, either.

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Fox News Hypocritically Hypes Hostile Hecklers Who Attacked Jill Biden While She Was Dining

Two and a half weeks ago the biggest story on Fox News was that Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh had been “accosted” by protesters while he was dining at Morten’s Restaurant in Washington, D.C. Never mind that Kavanaugh never saw or heard the protesters, this exercise of the Constitution’s First Amendment rights was viewed by Fox News as an intolerable invasion of Kavanaugh’s privacy.

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Fox News, Joe Biden, Jill Biden, Friends

Fox News characterized the entirely peaceful event as something akin to domestic terrorism. Their outrage endured for several days and was featured on every one of their primetime programs. Their White House correspondent, Peter Doocy, humiliated himself by wasting the time of the Press Secretary, and the real journalists in the briefing room, by badgering her with petty and repetition inquiries about incident.

RELATED: Fox News Hack Peter Doocy Gets Stuck in Ludicrous Loop About Protesting Supreme Court Justices

So you might think that Fox News would be furious about protesters harassing First Lady Jill Biden as she was getting ice cream at a shop in Connecticut. You would, however, be wrong. Fox reported this episode in a story saying that…

“First lady Jill Biden was heckled by unknown bystanders on Wednesday as she walked into a Connecticut ice cream shop. ‘Your husband is the worst President we ever had, you owe us gas money,’ a man shouted at Biden as she walked into the Arethusa Farms ice cream shop in New Haven.

“‘Thank you! Thank you for your support, thank you!’ Biden responded with a smile and a wave. A second heckler then shouted at Biden, ‘You suck!'”

The protesters were not only rude and offensive, they were pitifully ignorant, blaming President Biden for high gas prices that are international commodities controlled by market factors and corporations that have been enjoying record profits.

More to the point, Fox News never expressed the slightest concern that Dr. Biden was confronted while engaged in a private activity, similar to what Fox complained Kavanaugh was subjected to. However, there were some stark differences. For one, Biden was well aware of the boorish protesters. She, nevertheless, responded pleasantly and with good humor.

Another difference is that, unlike Kavanaugh, Biden is not a political decision maker, making her an inappropriate target for such abuse. Protesting a Supreme Court justice who recently made an unprecedented ruling that will lead to great harm for millions of Americans is justifiable. Screaming at the First Lady, not so much. Especially because Dr. Biden, a teacher, was in Connecticut to bring attention to the learning loss suffered by children as a result of coronavirus lockdowns.

RELATED: In Desperation, Tucker Carlson of Fox News Resorts to Viciously Maligning Jill Biden

There is a distinct irony in the fact that Fox News considered the protests of Justice Kavanaugh an invasion of his privacy, considering that the concept of “privacy” in this context was the Constitutional right that Kavanaugh and his radically conservative colleagues took a way with their irrational decision reversing Roe vs Wade. And yet, Fox couldn’t find the same privacy argument to defend Biden on her ice cream outing.

The truth is that both Biden’s and Kavanaugh’s protesters were free to engage in peaceful demonstrations. The problem is that Fox News only has a problem with it when the subject is a right-winger. It’s the same prejudice that Fox exhibits in their support for the violent January 6th insurrectionists, who they portray as law-abiding tourists. Meanwhile, Fox’s Tucker Carlson maligns Stephen Colbert’s comedy players as the “real” insurrections when they were invited to interview members of Congress. Hypocrisy is almost too mild a term for this.

RELATED: Stephen Colbert Hysterically Mocks Tucker Carlson’s ‘Comedy’ on the Arrest of His Staff in D.C.

UPDATE: Here is a video of the “protest” of Dr. Biden, where it appears that there was only one jerk protesting amid a bunch of unrelated bystanders.

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Putin Puppet Tucker Carlson: Gas Prices are ‘More Significant’ than the Lives of Ukrainians

Two and a half years ago Donald Trump was impeached – the first time – for having unlawfully attempted to extort Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and coerce him into trying to dig up dirt on Joe Biden. From that day forward Fox News has sought to malign and undermine Ukraine, even as they have been subjected to the genocidal aggression of Vladimir Putin’s increasingly imperialistic Russia.

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Fox News, Tucker Carlson

Leading the Fox News attack on Ukraine has been their Senior Putin Apologist, Tucker Carlson. He has been a relentlessly reverential spokesperson for Putin’s aspirations of world domination. Carlson and his Fox colleagues, have so closely aligned the network with Russian interests that it is essentially serving as the U.S. bureau of the Kremlin’s Ministry of Disinformation.

On Saturday Carlson was the keynote speaker at the Family Leadership Summit in Iowa. The conference is sponsored by an organization founded by radical right-wing evangelist, James Dobson, with a mission to “inspire Christ-like leadership in the home, in the church, and in government.” So naturally, the event featured the hypocrisy and blasphemy that is emblematic of Trumpism.

Carlson was an inspired choice for keynote speaker, and his audience surely wasn’t disappointed by his rancid rhetoric. Intent on fomenting division and political animus, Carlson made a point of lambasting Democrats with deliberately dishonest characterizations. For instance, Carlson lied that it’s “absolutely true” that Democrats…

“…are promoting the idea that your family is worthless compared to loyalty to your employer and a political party. That is the sickest message I can possibly imagine. Totalitarian message, by the way. They don’t want the competition.”

That is indeed a sick message. But it wasn’t difficult for Carlson to invent it in his perverse imagination. It’s a common tactic by Carlson to describe some loathsome behavior that is resolutely Republican and falsely attribute it Democrats. But no Democrat has ever hinted at such an agenda. To the contrary, it is Republicans who exalt corporations by giving them preferential tax benefits, exempting them from regulations designed to save lives, and even referring to them as “people” who are entitled to the same rights as human citizens.

However, Carlson was just getting started. He also found a way to slip in some pro-Russian propaganda into his harangue, saying that…

“I’m not a Putin defender, despite what you may have heard. I don’t really care one way or the other because he’s not my president. He doesn’t preside over my country. And what he does in Ukraine – I think historically significant, certainly significant to Ukrainians – is not more significant to me than what gas costs. In fact, it’s not even in the same universe.”

First of all, Carlson is the epitome of a Putin defender because of what you have heard. He has repeatedly used his primetime Fox News platform to venerate the murderous Russian dictator. Here are just a few examples of his unabashed admiration and unequivocal support for Putin’s terrorism:

Tucker Carlson of Fox News Rattles Off His Ridiculous Reasons for Why You Shouldn’t Hate Putin
Carlson demonstrates his habit of asking asinine questions: “Has Putin ever called me a racist? Has he threatened to get me fired for disagreeing with him? Has he shipped every middle-class job in my town to Russia? Did he manufacture a worldwide pandemic…” And he went on for several more minutes of that idiocy absolving Putin of any wrongdoing.

WTF? Fox News Traitor Tucker Carlson Takes Russia’s Side Against Democracy and America
“Why would we take Ukraine’s side? Why wouldn’t we have Russia’s side? I’m totally confused.”

Fox News Senior Putin Apologist, Tucker Carlson, Pleads to Keep the Russian Dictator in Power
“We can force Vladimir Putin from office entirely […but…] Would the next Russian president be an improvement over Putin?” Do you suppose that Carlson would have used the same argument for keeping Hitler in power?

Only on Fox News: Russian Foreign Minister Praises the Network’s Pro-Putin Propaganda
Russia’s Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, in an interview on the Kremlin sponsored RT (Russian Television) cable channel, lavished praise on Fox News as a singular voice for Russia’s interests, saying that “only Fox News is trying to present some alternative point of view.” Alternative meaning anti-American.

EU Bans Russian Propaganda TV Networks, While Fox News Still Peddles Putin’s Lies in the US
“Why do I care about what’s going on in the conflict between Ukraine and Russia? And why shouldn’t I root for Russia, because I am.”

And there you have it. Carlson – in his own words, on his own program – has explicitly declared his support for Russia and Putin. So why would Carlson leap to Russia’s defense in this debate? Well, remember that Russia eagerly helped the Trump campaign in 2016 and 2020. Carlson and Fox News surely appreciate that. Ukraine, on the other hand, declined to help Trump steal another election after they were threatened by Trump with the loss of military aid if they didn’t submit to his demands.

For his trouble, the Kremlin distributed a memo ordering Russian media to “feature Tucker Carlson in their coverage of the #Ukraine war ‘as much as possible,’” because he “sharply criticizes the actions of the United States [and] NATO.” Consequently, clips from Carlson’s program are replayed almost nightly on Russian-state TV. Such patriotism as this could not be ignored by Stephen Colbert:

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Stephen Colbert Hysterically Mocks Tucker Carlson’s ‘Comedy’ on the Arrest of His Staff in D.C.

Last week Senior Fox News Blow Hard, Tucker Carlson, went completely off the rails with a ludicrous segment accusing Stephen Colbert of having “committed insurrection” at the Capitol when members of his staff were detained during production of comedy routine featuring Triumph, the Insult Comic Dog. Carlson bizarrely asserted that it was “exactly like what happened on January 6th.”

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Fox News. Tucker Carlson

Sure. It was “exactly” like the deadly insurrection by hundreds of hostile thugs incited by Donald Trump to break through barricades, injure more than 140 police officers, five of whom died, shatter windows and bust through locked doors, threaten to kill or hang government officials, and cause $30 million dollars in damages.

RELATED: Trump is Covertly Recruiting More Violent Insurrectionists With Promises of Future Pardons

On Monday night Colbert responded to the preposterous ravings of Carlson with both humor and insight. In his opening monologue, Colbert was noticeably shocked by the pure idiocy of Carlson’s take on the incident. He allusively referred to Carlson’s latest harangue saying that…

“… a couple of the TV people claimed that my puppet squad had “committed insurrection” at the U.S. Capitol building. First of all…What? Second of all…Huh? Third of all, they weren’t in the Capitol building. fourth of all – and I am shocked that I have to explain the difference – Insurrection involves the lawful actions of Congress and howling for the blood of elected leaders all to prevent the peaceful transfer of power. This was first degree puppetry. This was hijinks with intent to goof.” […]

“Drawing any equivalence between rioters storming the Capitol to prevent the counting of electoral ballots, and a cigar-chomping toy dog is shameful and a grotesque insult to the memory of everyone who died. And it obscenely trivializes the service and courage of the Capitol Police showed on that terrible day. But who knows. Maybe there was a vast conspiracy to overthrow the United States with a rubber Rottweiler.”

For his part, Carlson spent the entire A-block of his show blasting Colbert and his “seven saboteurs” who Carlson said had “breach[ed] the Capitol grounds” on “a hunt for sitting members of Congress.” And if you think he was kidding – because Carlson’s delivery always seems too asinine to take seriously – he followed up those allegations by affirming that “That happened, ladies and gentlemen!” That, in fact, did not happen .

Carlson went on to call the Colbert comedy routine “a meticulously planned coup … under the direct control of an extremist called Stephen Colbert.” He claimed that Colbert’s team “trashed the place, committing violence against our democracy.” Which is an absurd distortion of reality. Then he mocked the trauma experienced by journalists and members of Congress who were terrorized by the hundreds of StormTrumpers who were marauding through the Capitol calling for their deaths.

Was Carlson joking? It hardly matters. So much of what he said was uttered with a straight face and followed by a statement of affirmation. If it was satire it was executed so badly that its alleged humor was totally lost. And if it were his perverse attempt at comedy, it was a nauseatingly callous display that belittled the serious physical and emotional injuries suffered by the victims of Trump’s seditionists on January 6th.

But then, does anyone expect anything from Carlson other than malicious dishonesty and crackpot conspiracy theories? His whole raison d’etre is to spread ultra-rightist propaganda and divide the American people with flagrant lies. Pretty much exactly what his Dear Leader Trump is best known for. After all, he was actually defended in a defamation lawsuit by Fox News lawyers who told the court that “no reasonable person” would believe anything he said.

RELATED: Fox News Court Ruling: No ‘Reasonable Viewer’ Takes Tucker Carlson Seriously

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Watch Tucker Carlson’s Insane Accusation that Stephen Colbert’s Staff ‘Committed Insurrection’

Holy Shih Tzu! When Fox News Senior Bullshucking correspondent, Tucker Carlson, devolves into unbridled hysteria he really holds nothing back. And on Friday night he was so incensed by late breaking news that he interrupted his regularly scheduled schizophonic schtick to report on a matter that would surely alter the course of humanity.

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Fox News, Tucker Carlson, Bullshit Factory

As usual for Fox “News,” they were regurgitating a story that they picked up other from credible news organizations. Fox doesn’t actually do journalism. The story that titillated Tucker on this occasion was one that has international consequences. ABC News reported that several staffers for Stephen Colbert’s Late Show on CBS had been arrested for being in a congressional office building without proper authorization:

“In a statement to The Hollywood Reporter, CBS said the production team was at the Capitol Wednesday and Thursday to record a comedy segment featuring Triumph [the Insult Comic Dog].

“‘Their interviews at the Capitol were authorized and pre-arranged through Congressional aides of the members interviewed,’ the network said. ‘After leaving the members’ offices on their last interview of the day, the production team stayed to film stand-ups and other final comedy elements in the halls when they were detained by Capitol Police.'”

So this was essentially a case of having stayed beyond the period of time that had been previously approved. But to Tucker Carlson it was the same sort of domestic terrorism that was committed by Donald Trump’s shock troops on January 6, 2021. Carlson raged that…

“This is almost beyond belief, but just before this show aired we learned that last night producers for Stephen Colbert’s show on CBS committed insurrection at the United States Capitol. Adam Schiff, the congressman from California who spent the last year and a half telling you that unauthorized violations of Capitol space are a coup – Adam Schiff illegally gave producers from CBS access to the Capitol.

Then the group, which includes the show’s senior producer, director, comedian and writer, remained in the Longworth House office building after hours. And the point of them being there was for them to harass sitting members of congress. […] It’s exactly like what happened on January 6th, So, we’ll take a close look at what the punishments are.””

WOW! that is one heck of a deranged outburst, even for Carlson who is known for them. For him to equate what these seven comedy professionals were doing with the deadly insurrection by hundreds of hostile thugs incited by Trump is spectacularly preposterous. Colbert’s crew did not break through barricades and, in the process, injure more than 140 police officers, five of whom died. They did not shatter windows or bust through locked doors. They never threatened to kill or hang anyone. They didn’t vandalize the premises causing $30 million dollars in damages.

Carlson’s tirade also accused Rep. Adam Schiff of “illegally” giving producers from CBS access to the Capitol. That’s a lie. Carlson claimed that the purpose of the visit was “to harass sitting members of congress.” That, too, is a lie. The only thing that Carlson accomplished with his histrionics is to reveal that he doesn’t know the difference between a violent insurrection and a harmless overstay of a permitted visit by a few funny people.

Then again, it is never Carlson’s intent to provide honest accounts of anything. He is always focused on spreading disinformation that advances his ultra-rightist agenda. And this harangue is no exception. It’s his way of belittling the actual insurrection on January 6th, which he has previously tried to pass off as a pleasant tourist outing where “not a lot happened.” He works overtime to disinform his already dimwitted viewers with blatant falsehoods covering a wide array of subjects. For example…

There’s much more where that came from. But listing every asinine thing Carlson has said would break the Internet. It will be fun to see what Colbert has to say about this on Monday.

UPDATE: As expected, on Monday Colbert had something to say about Carlson’s ludicrous blathering. See Colbert’s response, as well as another excretion of absolute idiocy by Carlson…

HERE: Stephen Colbert Hysterically Mocks Tucker Carlson’s ‘Comedy’ on the Arrest of His Staff in D.C.

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Stephen Colbert Hysterically Rips His CBS Bosses for Hiring Lying Trump Flunky Mick Mulvaney

In the annals of American presidencies, there are few administrations who were more devoted to dishonesty and deliberate distortions of reality than the one presided over by pathological liar, Donald Trump. And within that council of cretins one man stood out for his shameless flow of flagrant falsehoods: Trump’s chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney.

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Stephen Colbert, Mick Mulvaney, CBS

Mulvaney distinguished himself despite the tough competition he faced from Trump’s other chiefs of staff, Reince Priebus, John Kelly, and the closer, Mark Meadows, who was just revealed as a coup plotter with Ginni Thomas, the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.

Now CBS News has announced that they have hired Mulvaney as a political “analyst” (with an emphasis on the anal). It’s a move that quickly drew the condemnation of CBS staffers who regard the hiring as an embarrassment. Some of those who expressed their dismay publicly said that…

“‘I know everyone I talked to today was embarrassed about the hiring,’ mostly due to Mulvaney’s history of inaccurate comments, one CBS News employee told the [Washington] Post. Another employee said ‘everyone is baffled’ by the hire.”

Among those who were appropriately disgusted by the Mulvaney hiring was Keith Olbermann. He presented a moral challenge to Stephen Colbert, who will become a corporate colleague when Mulvaney assumes his position. Olbermann tweeted…

Well, Colbert was up to the challenge. On his Thursday night program he addressed CBS and Mulvaney in his monologue saying that…

“Recently my network has gotten a lot of criticism, much of it from itself, because CBS News has hired the ex-president’s former chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney. to provide ‘political analysis across the network’s broadcasts and platforms.’ For more, we go to the Late Show’s own media analyst, Stephen Colbert. Stephen, your thoughts? WTF?

“I for one can’t wait to hear Mulvaney’s trenchant and objective political analysis considering that back in 2020 he suggested that coronavirus was the media hoax of the day. And after his boss extorted Zelenskyy for dirt on his boss he said ‘Get over it.’ And just days after the election he announced that, if he loses, the former president ‘will concede gracefully.'”

Colbert went on to tag Mulvaney as “Nostradumbass” and asked “Why would the Tiffany network’s venerable news division put this craven toady to a tyrant on their payroll?” That’s a good question, to which the president of CBS, Neeraj Khemlani, provided an absolutely terrible answer:

“If you look at some of the people that we’ve been hiring on a contributor basis, being able to make sure that we are getting access to both sides of the aisle is a priority because we know the Republicans are going to take over, most likely, in the midterms.”

Really? First of all, there are plenty of Republicans who could provide commentary and aid in access who were not professional liars for the Trump regime. But it is utterly beyond the pale for an executive at a news network to make decisions based on partisan prophesies about political circumstances that have not – and may never – come to pass. Journalists report the news. They do not presume to “know” what it will be in the future and act on that imaginary knowledge.

This is sadly reminiscent of a previous CBS president, Les Moonves, who once said of Trump, “Who would have thought that this circus would come to town. It may not be good for America, but it’s damn good for CBS.”

There really isn’t any rational justification for hiring a known liar to pontificate about political news on a news network. That’s the sort of anti-journalism practiced at Fox News where hiring liars is a core feature of their mission. They have already brought aboard former Trump staffers Mike Pompeo, and Kayleigh McEnany, and Larry Kudlow, and even Lara Trump.

Mulvaney has nothing to offer CBS News but his partisan spin and documented dissemination of “alternative facts” (coined by his fellow Trumpster, Kellyanne Conway). And if they actually end up turning to him for analysis, they will only succeed in disinforming their viewers and alienating everyone who values honesty in journalism.

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