Idiocracy: Mitt Romney’s Convention Speech Was Written Below An 8th Grade Level

The Flesch–Kincaid Grade Level test is used extensively in the field of education to judge the readability level of various books and texts. It’s results reveal the education required to understand the text.

An analysis of the speech that Mitt Romney delivered at the Republican National Kvetch-a-Sketch came in at slightly below an eighth grade level (7.98). For comparison, After President Obama’s State of the Union Address, Fox News published a story that reported his Flesch–Kincaid results at 8.4. They accompanied the story with this graphic:

Fox Nation

Clearly the implication is that Obama is an idiot for having delivered a speech that only scored 8.4 on the Flesch–Kincaid test. Therefore, Romney is even dumber for having scored only 7.98, and Fox will be posting an article saying so shortly. And if you believe that you’re even dumber than the congressional Tea Party Republicans who performed even lower on a series of these tests conducted by the Sunlight Foundation.

For the record, Obama’s speech at the Democratic National Convention scored well above the ninth grade level (9.59). That may account for why the ratings for Fox News during the DNC were so depressed. Their audience wouldn’t have been able to understand the big, multisyllabic words that the President used. After all, studies have shown that Fox viewers are significantly more misinformed than consumers of news from other sources. Which in turn may also explain why Fox viewers enjoyed Clint Eastwood’s speech more than any other at the RNC, including Romney’s.

Clint Eastwood

Update: I also ran the a few more scores that might be of interest:
Michelle Obama: 7.81
Ann Romney: 6.25
Bill Clinton: 10.46
Clint Eastwood: 4.51

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Sarah Palin Says You Are Diminished By Even Mentioning Her Name

Sarah PalinOK…Get ready. I am about to diminish myself.

In an appearance on Fox News with Neil Cavuto, Sarah Palin (there, that did it) had an unusual response to a joke about Mitt Romney that included a reference to her. The joke was made by John Kerry in his speech to the Democratic National Convention. And it wasn’t even a very good joke:

Kerry: Folks, Sarah Palin said she could see Russia from Alaska. Mitt Romney talks like he’s only seen Russia by watching “Rocky IV.”

Palin was asked about these remarks by Cavuto and immediately presumed that the whole thing was about her. But it’s her response that is raising eyebrows for the astonishing blindness to her own manufactured media hype.

Palin: I think he diminished himself by even mentioning my name. How does he even know my name? I mean aren’t these guys supposed to be these big-wig elites who don’t waste their time on the little people like me?

WTFFFFF? Palin is surprised that someone should know her name after running for vice-president, making herself a spectacle with idiotic remarks about Marxist Democrats, conducting bus tours (and book signings) across the country, hosting in two unintentionally hilarious reality shows on cable TV, and appearing regularly on Fox News as part of her million dollar contract. After all of that she still has some bizarre impression of herself as a little person. Little, perhaps, in mental acuity. But the notion that another politician might happen to recall something about her, and her laughable and undeserved celebrity, may be an indication of acute cerebral atrophy.

Recent reports speculate that Palin is having trouble with negotiations over her contract renewal with Fox News. Incidents like this are not going to help her much. Fox is unlikely to place much value in a pundit who believes that her own notoriety is not only miniscule, but reflects poorly on those who have heard of her. If that’s what they are looking for they could get Orly Taitz for a lot less money.

Palin is, however, right about one thing. The mention of her name certainly is diminishing, and I should probably do it less often. But sometimes the urge is just too compelling, and the humor just too much fun. Don’t ever change, Sarah.

Not So Breitbart: Left Media in Full Civil War Over Fact Checkers?

The BreitBrats are at it again. They continue to embarrass themselves with hypocritical articles that lack substance or reason. However, they do provide an abundant source of unintentional humor.

The latest episode features a column by the Editor-At-Large for Breitbart News, Ben Shapiro, with the outrageously hyperbolic title “Left Media in Full Civil War Over Fact Checkers.” The entirety of his outrage is based on the criticism of a single article by the Associated Press that purports to fact-check Bill Clinton’s speech at the Democratic National Convention.

The AP’s article deserved the criticism it received. It’s analysis was strikingly biased and avoided the most elementary criteria for judging the factual basis of its subject. For instance, the AP highlighted a portion of Clinton’s speech where he correctly quoted a Romney aide saying that “We’re not going to let our campaign be dictated by fact checkers.”

Mitt Romney

The quote was accurate, in context, and documented. The AP’s response…

THE FACTS: Clinton, who famously finger-wagged a denial on national television about his sexual relationship with intern Monica Lewinsky and was subsequently impeached in the House on a perjury charge, has had his own uncomfortable moments over telling the truth.

What the hell did that have to with Clinton’s remark? What bearing did it have on whether or not Clinton’s statement was factual? Obviously, none at all. And it was the criticism of this article by the AP that brought BreitBrat Ben to the boiling point, accusing the left of engaging in a “civil war” with nothing more than this one article as evidence. Ironically, Breitbart News has been conducting their own war against fact checkers, whom they regard as a “liberal” media plot. And I have evidence. Here are a few recent columns from the BreitBrats:

  • AP Publishes Laughably Unserious Fact-Check Of Clinton’s Speech
  • When Not Outright Lying, Fact-Checkers Make Fools of Themselves
  • Media Launches Preemptive ‘Fact-Check’ Strike on Romney Speech
  • Era of Media Fact Checkers Intimidating Republicans Is Over
  • WaPo’s Glenn Kessler Has Fact-Checking Tantrum Over ‘You Didn’t Build That’
  • Romney to Media Fact-Checkers: Drop Dead

Note that the first article above lambastes the very same AP fact-check that Shapiro is now bashing liberals for criticizing. Breitbart’s Editor John Nolte is apparently among the liberals who are at war. Except that Nolte’s war is with his own dementia. He actually believes that the AP published an “intentionally ridiculous” fact-check in order to help President Obama:

“From where I sit, the corrupt AP intentionally manufactured a ridiculous fact check so they could be on record fact-checking Clinton while at the same time doing zero harm to him and by extension Barack Obama.”

That’s in keeping with his previous paranoid delusions about fact-checkers being a liberal plot. Nolte and Shapiro are so obsessed with their assault on truth-telling that it has clouded their ability to even remember what they wrote a week or two ago. Even worse, in Shapiro’s article asserting that liberals are at war with fact-checkers, he unleashes a litany of attacks against them himself. So he can’t even recall his delusions from one paragraph to the next.

Last month I posted an article with the headline “Is Breitbart News Really A Parody Site Attempting To Make Conservatives Look Stupid?” That question sounds less and less rhetorical every day.

Fox News Ratings Collapse On First Day Of The Democratic National Convention

The ratings for the cable news networks on day one of the Democratic National Convention are out and they reveal much about the nation’s political divisions.

First of all, MSNBC won the night. That may seem like a given, but in reality that was a steep hill to climb for a network that rarely enjoys a single program win. Last night, however, MSNBC not only beat its cable rivals, but also two of the broadcast networks. They came in second only to their sister network, NBC.

More significant is the fact that Fox News, the number one cable news network, saw a steep decline, coming in dead last. For Fox to lose to both MSNBC and CNN is a rare occurrence and gives us a fascinating look into the audience composition of the network

We know that Fox News is the channel of choice for Republicans and conservatives. Their devotion is almost cult-like. In multiple analyses of Fox’s ratings it is apparent that their audience is fiercely loyal. They are not inclined to switch channels, even to watch a GOP debate on another network. Their core audience is stuck on their channel regardless of what else is on.

During the recent Republican convention, Fox’s ratings were up only slightly from their normal programming. And the network was down only 2% from what they did during the 2008 GOP convention. That’s how consistent their audience is on a regular basis. However, for the first day of the Democratic convention they sunk about 66%. What could account for that uncharacteristic decline?

Obviously the FoxPods were faced with a dilemma. They had no intention of tuning in some other channel. But their pet channel was broadcasting {yuck} Democrats. So the Tea-publicans that make up Fox’s audience sucked it up and turned off Fox. We do not know where where these viewers went, but it’s a safe bet that they did not venture into Lamestream Media territory. Perhaps they had DVR’ed “Here Comes Honey Boo Boo.” But they weren’t watching Fox News.

Pray for Fox NewsThis means that the Fox News audience made a deliberate choice to avoid any exposure to the party they regard as their enemy. They refused to listen to views that Fox has convinced them are dangerous and representative of foreign, Muslim, communist, and godless pagans. They voluntarily separated themselves from the heresy that might have infected their pious souls.

That is behavior consistent with cults. They make a point of disassociating with apostates and blasphemers who might divert them from the true path. Even if those “threats” are close family members. The cult leaders demand strict loyalty. And that is precisely what Fox News gets from their disciples.

OMFG: Mitt Romney’s New Black Leadership Council Chair: Allen West

Just when you think that politics has reached an epic high in absurdity, something happens that makes you realize that there is simply no limit to how monumentally deranged things can get.

Allen West

Last month an NBC/Wall Street Journal poll was released that showed Mitt Romney receiving 0% of the African-American vote. So what does Romney do to address that historic rejection? He chooses wackadoodle congressman Allen West of Florida to chair his Black Leadership Council. Yes, that’s Allen West who has said…

  • I believe there’s about 78 to 81 members of the Democrat Party who are members of the Communist Party.
  • If Joseph Goebbels was around, he’d be very proud of the Democrat Party.
  • President Obama seems determined to punish and wipe out economic success in this country, leveling tax weapons of mass destruction on all taxpayers.
  • Barack Obama is undeserving of the title Commander-in-Chief.
  • [Obama] can take [his message] to Europe, you can take it to the bottom of the sea, you can take it to the North Pole, but get the hell out of the United States of America.
  • You [Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz] are the most vile, unprofessional, and despicable member of the US House of Representatives.
  • Mainstream media’s is no longer reporting the news, they are propagandizing […] Goebbels is doing somersaults and back flips in his grave.

OK, so West is a paranoid, hateful, misogynist who is obsessed with Nazis and communists, but how does that affect his chairmanship of Romney’s Black Leadership Council? Well he is also a bitter opponent of the Congressional Black Caucus who he has disparaged as race-baiters. He diminishes the horrors of slavery by calling himself a runaway slave from the Democratic plantation. He has spoken out virulently against Muslims and immigrants and is hostile to multiculturalism.

The repugnant comments and behavior of West are not aberrations. They are representative of his malignant character. He was nearly drummed out of the Army for engaging in torture against innocent Iraqi civilians. And since all of the incidents noted above occurred prior to Romney appointing him to his Council, Romney now owns all of it. He surely vetted West before bringing him on board.

Allen West is about as welcome an ambassador to the American black population as David Duke. It is incomprehensible that Romney believes that someone as incendiary as West could advance Romney’s interests in the black community. Romney must be shooting for support from African-Americans that is below zero. Either that or he thinks there is a large, secret, self-hating black demographic that will propel him to victory.

Fox News Struggles To Find A Line Of Attack For Michelle Obama’s Speech

Day one of the Democratic National Convention is over and now the the biggest threat to Barack Obama’s convention appearance is rising to the level set by his wife, First Lady Michelle Obama.

Michelle Obama
America. We Built That!

The First Lady has set the bar so high that the convention’s headliners, including Bill Clinton, are going to have to bring their best game in order not to be overshadowed. Her speech hit on every level – emotional, political, personal – and served as an inspirational motivating kickoff to the President’s campaign.

The speech was so good, in fact, that Fox News was sweating bullets in an effort to find something to complain about. Immediately following Michelle’s address, Chris Wallace came on and described her performance as “masterful” before descending into criticism that it was negative and focused too heavily on government solutions. Then Fox turned to Bret Baier who also began with praise for Michelle as a prelude to bashing the segment in her speech where she said that the President didn’t “care if you’re a Democrat or Republican.” Baier perpetuated the myth that Obama is a divisive figure when in fact it is the GOP that has engaged in unprecedented obstructionism. Finally, the world’s worst pundit, Dick Morris, published an editorial on Fox News online that conceded that Michelle’s speech was powerful, but asserted that she was selling herself and not the President.

Expect one or more of those themes to be sprinkled throughout Fox’s programming on Wednesday until they find some mud they think will stick. One desperate smear attempt is already taking shape in the form of a soundbite plucked from a DNC video where the narrator says…

“We are committed to all people, we do believe you can use government in a good way. Government’s the only thing that we all belong to. We have different churches, different clubs, but we’re together as a part of our city or our county or our state. And our nation.”

The Fox misinterpretation of that centers on the phrase “Government’s the only thing that we all belong to.” Their tortured reasoning pushes the notion that this is a message that the government owns us. However, the actual context makes it clear that the meaning of the word “belong” in this usage is not ownership, but membership. While we all have different personal associations and relationships, we are all still Americans. That’s the message of patriotic unity that Fox and other right-wing manglers like Breitbart, Malkin, and Ericksen, are trying to twist into statist slavery.

Despite Fox’s efforts, Michelle’s speech is probably going to be received positively by the vast majority of those who see or hear it. It may go down in history as the best speech by a First Lady ever. The writing was sharp and emotive. The delivery was heartfelt and exuded both strength and empathy. And the only problem with it is that it presents an enormous challenge for the remainder of the convention’s speakers to live up to. However, if Barack is worried he doesn’t show it in this picture from the White House where he watched Michelle with his daughters (and a special guest):

Watching Michelle

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Motor City Jackass: Romney Surrogate Ted Nugent Threatens Obama Supporters

Last March Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney personally solicited the endorsement of washed-up raunch-rocker, and demented pseudo-patriot Ted Nugent. At the time Nugent disclosed Romney had phoned him and that “after a long heart&soul conversation with MittRomney…I endorsed him.”

Last week Nugent appeared at a senile rockers concert in Ft. Worth and delivered a message to the audience that was really meant for people who wouldn’t be caught dead (literally) at a Nugent affair:

“I vow that I will use our freedom to get these dirty c*ck-suckers out of the White House. The president is a bad man. The vice president is a bad man. They’re all bad people. If you don’t get that, you’re a dead motherf*cker.”

Ted Nugent & Mitt Romney

It is not particularly noteworthy that Nugent said something hostile and stupid. He rarely says anything else. But somebody needs to hold Romney accountable for the sort of people who he has embraced as his surrogates. Nugent’s latest tantrum is obviously profane in the extreme, but it also borders on terrorism. What exactly does he mean when he says that people who “don’t get that” are “dead.”

This is a man who has made openly hostile threats before. Last April he earned a visit from the Secret Service for saying “If Barack Obama becomes the President in November again, I will either be dead or in jail by this time next year.” And then there was his notorious meltdown at a concert in Chicago where he brandished automatic weapons and shouted…

“Hey Obama, you might want to suck on one of these, you punk? Obama, he’s a piece of sh*t and I told him to suck on one of my machine guns. Let’s hear it for them. I was in New York and I said, ‘Hey Hillary, you might want to ride one of these into the sunset you worthless bitch.’ Since I’m in California, I’m gonna find Barbara Boxer she might wanna suck on my machine guns. Hey, Dianne Feinstein, ride one of these you worthless whore.”

President Obama is constantly hounded by the press any time a remotely liberal person says something that Tea-publicans find offensive, even if the speaker has no relationship to Obama or his campaign. But Nugent was personally selected by Romney to represent his candidacy, yet he is never asked to repudiate Nugent’s abhorrent behavior. That’s the “liberal” media for you.

News From The Future: Viewers Tune Out Obama’s Convention Speech – Ratings Plummet

The Republican National Kvetch-a-Sketch wrapped up last Thursday with a speech by Mitt Romney that threatened to put the makers of Ambien out of business. The speech was mostly notable for what he left out.

The television audience for Romney’s address was less than spectacular. Nielsen reports that about 30 million people viewed the speech. That’s down 25% from the 40 million viewers of John McCain’s nomination acceptance speech in 2008. And most analysts would not have put anticipation for McCain’s speech very high.

Fox News chose to ignore the dismal ratings for what they said was the most important speech of Romney’s political life. However, that cannot be said about Fox’s coverage of the Democrat’s convention next week in Charlotte, North Carolina. My sources from the future tell me that Fox News will feature bold headlines announcing that President Obama’s popularity, measured by the television ratings for his re-nomination speech, has crumbled in comparison to 2008’s ratings. Here is the headline from Future Fox declaring that American’s have rejected Obama:

Future Fox News

Never mind that most analysts expect the ratings to decline considering that the last time around Obama was a new face on the political scene and the first African-American ever nominated for the presidency by a major political party. And set aside the fact that Fox didn’t think that Romney’s dismal ratings were newsworthy. It’s a pretty good bet that Fox will make a different assessment should Obama’s ratings fail to match or surpass those from 2008. And should he come up short, we can expect stories to proliferate on Fox and other right-wing media celebrating the downfall of Obama.

It’s important to remember that Obama does not need to match the exceptional ratings produced by an historic election year. He simply needs to stay ahead of his opponent through election day. Prior to the GOP convention, Romney’s campaign gave a Powerpoint presentation wherein they projected that Romney would get an 11 point bounce in the post-convention polls. So far Romney’s bounce has been a statistical zilch. So their prognostications are about as reliable as their “facts” are provable.

Another interesting observation from the television ratings is that the decline for Romney occurred almost entirely on networks other than Fox News. For Fox the drop was only 2% from 2008. The other broadcast and cable networks lost between 25% and 50%. What that tells us is that Fox’s audience is still just as insular and cult-like as ever, while the other networks more accurately reflect the lower levels of engagement in the current campaign. The result is evident in the degree to which Fox viewers have such a divergent and unrealistic appraisal of the political landscape. All they know is what they see on Fox with it’s distinct biases, so they come away with far more negative views of the President and far more positive impressions of Romney’s prospects for victory.

We’ll know by next Friday whether my future correspondent is correct. If so, the results will be posted here at News Corpse. Until then, I’ll see you in the future.

Socialist Republicans And Mitt Romney’s Promise To Do ‘Something’

Wrapping up the Republican National Kvetch-a-Sketch, Mitt Romney delivered a barn-boring speech that nevertheless stirred the sheep in the convention hall. With a different theme every night, Romney chose to highlight a bold new message that is sure to resonate with the Replicant base:

“Now is the moment when we can do something. With your help we will do something.”

So there you have it. Mitt Romney pledges to do “something.” That soaring rhetoric ought to inspire America’s voters. And consistent with his campaign to date, Romney refused to say specifically what that something would be. Contrary to the build up from Chris Christie and Paul Ryan, who hailed Romney as a leader who would tell the nation the “hard truths,” Romney stuck to soft platitudes and appeals to the disappointed demographic.

However, a familiar hint of a vision did emerge from both of the GOP’s standard bearers. Romney and Ryan united to express their shared belief in the spirit of collectivism and the sense that we, as Americans, are all in this together:

Romney Ryan Socialists

Romney: “The America we know is the story of the many becoming one.”

Ryan: “We have responsibilities, one to another. We do not each face the world alone.”

Those are admirable sentiments that reflect the views of many Americans who are committed to holding the nation together community by community. Even Chris Christie declared that “We all must share in the sacrifice.” The problem with those remarks is that, had President Obama made them, they would have been castigated by Tea-publicans as anti-American, socialist sermonizing. Fox News and talk radio McCarthyites would have built days of programming around such objectionable ravings.

But an even bigger problem is that Rom-n-Ry don’t mean what they say. Their philosophy leans more toward going it alone – an “I got mine” individualism that rejects social welfare and unity of purpose. The Republican model of shared sacrifice is lower salaries for teachers, lower benefits for seniors, and lower taxes for millionaires.

Shared Sacrifice

There’s going to be plenty of analysis in the media in the next couple of days of Romney’s speech on both its style and substance (although Clint Eastwood may have stolen the RNC finale, and not in a good way). However, much of the right-wing press has already dismissed fact-checking as a liberal plot to which they don’t have to pay attention. That’s convenient considering the frequency with which they lie.

Perhaps the most blatant falsehood in Romney’s speech was when he said “Unlike President Obama, I will not raise taxes on the middle class.” Not only has Obama cut taxes for the middle class, but Romney’s tax plan actually does raise their taxes. But the funniest misrepresentation was when he said that “My dad had been born in Mexico and his family had to leave during the Mexican revolution.” Romney left out the fact that his father had been born in Mexico because his grandfather, and his five wives, had to flee the U.S. in order to sustain their polygamy. I wonder why Romney glossed over that devotion to the institution of traditional marriage.

Update: This photo just came in off the wires of another hard hitting interview with Invisible Obama:

Pee Wee Herman and Invisible Obama

Breitbart Conspiracy Theory: Fact-Checkers Are A Liberal Plot

A new front has been established in the political war zone that reveals the unique character of the American conservative movement. Not satisfied with bashing everything about the media (despite the fact that their own Fox News is a huge part of it), the wackoids on the right have declared war against … Fact-checkers!

This may seem wildly deranged, but upon reflection it makes perfect sense. If your entire movement is built on a foundation of lies, then fact-checkers are your mortal enemy. This became clear a few days ago when a Mitt Romney adviser publicly declared that “We’re not going to let our campaign be dictated by fact-checkers.”

Romney Anti-Fact-Checker

That comment was hailed by John Nolte, editor of Breitbart News, as evidence that Romney’s campaign had decided to tell fact-checkers to “Drop Dead!” It’s astonishing that a political operative would admit something so absurdly anti-fact and to frame his remarks in the context of factuality being a dictatorship. He plainly believes that being forced to adhere to only statements that are true is too large a burden for the Romney campaign. Of course, that has been apparent for the past several years to anyone who has observed Romney in action.

Now the mental deficients at Breitbart News are piling on with more articles blasting fact-checkers as if it were a dishonorable profession on a par with crack dealers. BreitBrat Nolte veritably glows with excitement as he declares that the “Era of Media Fact Checkers Intimidating Republicans Is Over.” Where he gets that from is a mystery, but then he doesn’t require any facts to support his assertions so he can say whatever the hell he wants – which he often does, such as when he advocated the murder of a child actress’ mother.

The source of Nolte’s glee came from reports following Paul Ryan’s fib-filled speech at the Republican National Kvetch-a-Sketch. Ryan was found to have slipped off of the truth tracks on numerous occasions that were well documented by a broad and diverse cross-section of the press, including Fox News. Nolte’s paranoid, conspiratorial dementia drove him to assert that the flurry of fact-checking that found fault with Ryan’s speech was…

“…undoubtedly pre-planned and organized between Team Obama and his Media Palace Guards. […] My guess is that Obama and the media set up this plan weeks ago.”

Of course they did. And Ryan must have been in on it as well because he dutifully spewed the lies that the media had pre-planned to expose in their fact-checking. The scheme would have failed without Ryan’s cooperation. Apparently, in Nolte’s diseased brain, Ryan is a double agent working to sabotage Romney’s campaign. And the plot was only uncovered because, as Nolte revealed, “Breitbart is everywhere.” Somehow the zombie spirit of Andrew Breitbart is still haunting the material world and communicating with Nolte to expose liberal media shenanigans. Scary, isn’t it?

In another article, Nolte bashed a columnist for the Washington Post, Glenn Kessler, for daring to venture into what sane political analysts call “speculation.” Nolte seems to think that when an opinion columnist attempts to anticipate events in the political world, which is what opinion columnists are paid to do, he has broken some sort of commandment. Nolte goes even further, accusing Kessler of extortion (while engaging in some childish insults):

“This feckless, impotent little fact-checker is bullying Romney; putting him on notice and threatening him. Kessler’s firing a warning show (sic) across Romney’s bow.”

Nolte virtually froths with revulsion over Kessler having the audacity to presume that Romney’s speech will contain some of the ideas Romney has been talking about on the campaign trail for several months. He may have a point. With Romney’s proclivity for flip-flopping on almost every position he takes, it may be risky to expect that he’ll be consistent in his speech tonight. So once again, Romney would have to be complicit in his own downfall in order for this plot to succeed. It’s downright insidious.

After celebrating the demise of fact-checking, Nolte feverishly condemns the practice of anticipating a future event in politics. But that doesn’t stop him from making his own wholly unsupported prediction:

“Day after day, before our very eyes, we are witnessing the media Kamikazee their integrity against the truth for a guy who’s going to lose.”

So Nolte thinks that Kessler is feckless and impotent for correctly noting the themes of Romney’s campaign and suggesting that they might be included in his big speech. But Nolte has no problem with stating as a fact that Obama is going to lose an election that is still two months away, despite the fact that the electoral college map is swinging heavily in his favor. However, that’s no problem for Nolte since he has already cast off facts as annoyances that are only important to liberals. How convenient.