Knox Scratched Loser: Army Base Cancels Ted Nugent Appearance

The army base at Fort Knox announced today that they will not permit Ted Nugent to play at a scheduled concert there with fellow 70’s rockers REO Speedwagon and Styx. They posted the announcement on their Facebook page saying…

“After learning of opening act Ted Nugent’s recent public comments about the president of the United States, Fort Knox leadership decided to cancel his performance on the installation.”

That seems to be a fairly responsible course of action. It would be unseemly, to say the least, to sanction the appearance on base of someone who casually refers to the Commander-in-Chief as a vile, America-hating, criminal. Nugent told an audience at the recent convention of the National Rifle Association that he would be either “dead or in jail” by this time next year if Obama is re-elected. Without meaning to, Nugent gave the American people another good reason to vote for Obama.

I’m still amazed that the pseudo-patriots of the right can get so incensed by the Dixie Chicks saying merely that they were ashamed to be from the same state as Bush, but those same patriopathic zealots applaud far more derogatory language by nutcases like Nugent.

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Bill O’Reilly Is A Nazi Who Secretly Adores Adolf Hitler

Grab yourself a large, economy size bottle of Pepto-Bismal and listen to this:

If O’Reilly can say that Robert Reich is a communist who adores Marx, then I can say that O’Reilly is a Nazi (or a racist, or a pedophile) who adores Hitler (or Manson, or Satan). The funny (or sad) part of this is that there is more evidence to affirm my sarcastic statement than O’Reilly’s earnest one.

The truth is that O’Reilly is a disgusting, hyperbolic, dishonest purveyor of lies and slander (or a scumbag fuckwad). And Lou Dobbs aint much better.

The Lies Told By GOP Proponents Of Discriminatory Voter ID Laws

The Constitution Subcommittee of the House Committee on the Judiciary held a hearing this week that illustrated just how far from reality the advocates of photo IDs, and other methods of suppressing votes, will go to peddle their phony message that voter fraud is rampant in America and must be stopped by enacting legislation that disenfranchises legitimate voters.

The first indication that these hearings were an outright sham was the inclusion of a video by the notoriously dishonest crockumentary maker, James O’Keefe. O’Keefe is best known for producing videos that have been deliberately edited to give false impressions that advance his political agenda. His antics include plying teachers with alcohol in order to embarrass them, and attempting to seduce a CNN reporter aboard his “Love Boat.”
James O'Keefe CBNHe is presently on probation for crimes committed in the federal offices of a United States senator where he unlawfully impersonated a telephone repairman. (And, according to a recent appearance on the Christian Broadcast Network, he is now officially the Breitbart videographer, a role the late Andrew Breitbart had never permitted).

The Republican led congress has tarnished its own reputation in many ways in the last couple of years, but never more pathetically than by giving this cretin a platform and vouching for his credibility. As has been proven previously, the O’Keefe video presented at the hearing proved nothing other than that O’Keefe is a recidivist lawbreaker.

Adding to the perception of the hearing being a sham is the fact that the GOP committee chair, Lamar Smith, would allow only one witness to rebut the three conservative partisans that Smith invited to testify – two of whom represented the Republican National Lawyers Association (RNLA), an organization dedicated to advancing the myth of widespread voter fraud. Their web site features a page with a list of alleged offenses, however the vast majority are not voter fraud at all, but other violations concerning registration or precinct errors. The few instances that deal with actual voter fraud are mostly involving absentee ballots or other issues on which the proposed voter ID laws would have no effect. As might be expected, their testimony was predictably slanted in favor of legislation that puts unnecessary and ineffective obstacles in the way of citizens casting votes.

Smith’s opening statement was a perfect example of the lengths that conservatives will go to misrepresent the facts on this issue. He begins by making the tired argument that since photo IDs are required “to open a bank account, cash a check, drive a car, or board a plane […] then why is it not required to exercise one of our most valuable democratic rights?” The answer is, of course, because voting is a valuable democratic right enshrined in the constitution, unlike the other examples cited by Smith. Access to voting should be expanded, not inhibited.

Smith goes on to suggest that voter fraud is a serious problem because polls show that Americans think it is. Setting aside that Smith referenced a poll by the right-wing pollster Rasmussen, the evidence of voter fraud is not validated by people’s perceptions. It can actually be studied and verified. And the studies show that voter fraud is extremely rare and neither Smith nor anyone else on the GOP side has bothered to rebut those facts. So they pivot to the question of whether the proposed laws are discriminatory. On that issue Smith criticizes Justice Department efforts to ensure equal access to voting. In an example utilizing the state of South Carolina, where voting rights were found to be discriminatory and is required to “pre-clear” any changes to their voting laws, Smith said…

The Department claims that the laws are discriminatory because minorities are less likely to have the required IDs. But a closer look at the Department’s math shows that their arguments simply don’t add up.

For example, in South Carolina, 90% of blacks have photo IDs compared with 92% of whites. So the Justice Department seeks to override a state law because of a difference of less than 2%.

OK then, let’s help Lamar do the math. South Carolina has about 4.6 million residents, approximately 28% of whom are black. So if 2% of them are blocked from voting for lack of photo IDs, that means that 25,700 Americans have been deprived of their right to vote. That’s the number of disenfranchised citizens that Smith and his colleagues regard as acceptable in order to prevent nearly non-existent voter fraud. In fact, the RNLA web site found only one case of alleged voter fraud in South Carolina in ten years. And for that single incident the GOP wants block 26 thousand African-Americans from voting. But hey, it’s only 2%, so who cares?

This is indicative of the Republican obsession to steal elections by enacting laws that have the effect of prohibiting their opponents from participating. These so-called voter integrity laws are thinly disguised attacks on democracy and negatively impact students, minorities, and seniors – all constituencies that frequently vote for Democrats. These cynical and un-American initiatives must not be allowed to succeed, and the GOP must be exposed for their blatant bias and corruption.

The Fox News Audience Demonstrates Their (Non) Humanity – Again

Here we go again. The people who patronize Fox News just can’t seem to suppress their innate inhumanity. A plane crashes in Pakistan with 127 passengers that might be from anywhere, including the U.S., and this is how the Fox audience responds:

Fox News Jet Crash

The overt racism and absence of common decency is disgusting. These are people who represent themselves as pro-life and tolerant of individual sovereignty. Yet their bigotry and hatefulness always seems to come through. And there are even those who just have to turn even an unrelated tragedy into a treasonous desire for the President’s death.

Where are people like Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh, who relentlessly disparage liberals as soulless and uncaring, but when remarks like these appear they have nothing to say? And these are not remarks popping up on some obscure fringe web site – this is Fox News. And this should be condemned by everyone.

Rachel Maddow Seeks Dismissal Of Lawsuit By Homophobic Rocker/Preacher

In a court action this week, attorneys for MSNBC host Rachel Maddow asked a federal judge to dismiss a defamation lawsuit filed by Bradlee Dean, a former Christian rocker turned anti-gay preacher, on the grounds that it was a deliberate attempt to censor and/or intimidate Maddow by subjecting her to the burdens of defending against a meritless claim. The legal vehicle for this petition is known as SLAPP (strategic lawsuit against public participation).

In Dean’s complaint he alleged that Maddow had defamed him when she broadcast a segment on his commentary on Islam and homosexuality. It’s not surprising that he should consider his own words to be tantamount to defamation. Here is the whole statement by Dean with the parts Maddow quoted in bold:

Muslims are calling for the execution for homosexuals in America, this was just released yesterday and it shows you that they themselves are upholding the laws that are even in the Bible, the Judeo Christian God. They seem to be more moral than even the American Christians do. Because these people are livid about enforcing their laws, they know homosexuality is an abomination. And I continually reach out to the homosexual communities on this radio show, and I warn them, which ones love? Here you have Obama condemning it behind the backs of the homosexuals but to their faces he’s promoting it. I say this to my gay friends out there the ones that continuously nitpick everything I say. Hollywood is promoting immorality and the God of the Heavens in Jesus names is warning you to flee from the wrath to come, yet you have Muslims calling for your execution. If America won’t enforce the laws, God will raise up a foreign enemy to do just that’s what you’re seeing in America today. Read Leviticus 26 America.”

There is little leeway for any interpretation other than that Dean was praising the moral superiority of extremist Muslims who advocated executing homosexuals. He even went further to offer his Biblical analysis that radical Islamists were fulfilling the will of God by attacking the United States. While Dean made a disclaimer that he was not calling for the execution of gays, it was an irrelevant gesture. No one had accused him of calling for executions, just for saying that Muslims were doing so and that they were “more moral” as a result.

Maddow’s response to the suit was that she had not defamed Dean because she had reported factually and that her comments were constitutionally protected speech. The facts appear to support her position. It would be surprising if this suit were permitted to go forward. But even Dean should hope that the judges dismisses the suit. Could he really want to generate more publicity for his views that he is now characterizing as harmful to his reputation?

Fox Nation vs. Reality: Romney’s Phony Lead Over Obama

Sometimes the brazen disrespect Fox News has for honest analysis is breathtaking. They seem to have such a fierce determination to deceive their audience that no limits are drawn for their blatant biases. Take, for example, the article posted this morning reporting on the results of an NBC/Wall Street Journal poll:

Fox Nation

The Fox Nationalists analyzed this poll (which was co-produced by a fellow Murdoch entity, the WSJ) and concluded that the headline news that it contained was that “Romney Opens Up Lead Over Obama.” Just to give you an idea of how far they had to stretch in order to make this an anti-Obama article, here are some of the actual results from the poll:

  • Obama leads Romney among all registered voters 49% to 43%.
  • Obama leads Romney among African Americans 90% to 4%.
  • Obama leads Romney among Latinos 69% to 22%
  • Obama leads Romney among young voters (18-34) 60% to 34%.
  • Obama leads Romney among women 53% to 41%.
  • Obama leads Romney among Independents 44% to 34%.
  • Obama leads Romney as most likable 54% to 18%.
  • Obama leads Romney as caring about average people 52% to 22%.
  • Obama leads Romney on looking out for the middle class 48% to 22%.
  • Obama leads Romney on being knowledgeable and experienced 45% to 30%.
  • Obama leads Romney on being a good commander-in-chief 43% to 33%.
  • Obama leads Romney on standing up for his beliefs 41% to 30%.
  • Obama leads Romney on being honest and straightforward 37% to 30%.

The poll also found that respondents favored Obama’s approach to the economy by fighting for fairness and strengthening the middle class; that 45% approve of his handling of the economy (a five point gain over last fall’s poll); and that a plurality (36%) believes the president’s policies have helped U.S. economic conditions. In fact, the only economic question in the poll where Romney beat Obama was on who would have better ideas for improving the economy, where Romney led 40% to 34%. And on the basis of that single statistic Fox trumpeted a headline that played up Romney lead in the poll.

To be fair, Romney did lead on some other questions (i.e. white and suburban voters), but that hardly compensates for the devastating beating he took on almost everything else. Sometimes, when you witness such gross misrepresentation, you have to stop and say “Wow.” Just “Wow.” These people have no scruples whatsoever.

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Glenn Beck’s Radio Show Plummets – Progressives Soar

The influential Talkers Magazine has released its annual “Heavy Hundred” ranking of radio talk show programs for 2012. This list is commonly dominated by conservative shows due mainly to the fact that right-wing radio syndicators and station groups refuse to schedule liberal programming on their networks. Nevertheless, a few liberal programs manage to break through and prove that the radio audience is not a Great Wall of Tea Party rightists.

Glenn Beck

The most significant shift in the rankings is the precipitous drop of Glenn Beck. In 2011 Beck came in at #3, but with this year’s list he nose-dived to #9. That decline is surely the result of the cancellation of his Fox News program last summer. By denying him that platform he has been unable to sustain his position. Either that or it was George Soros dispatching his socialist goons to pressure editors at Talkers Magazine to fudge the list.

During the same time frame, Ed Schultz rose from #9 to #4 on the list. Stephanie Miller rocketed from #21 to #11. And Thom Hartmann (#8), Joe Madison (#10), and Alan Colmes (#15) all held steady.

Conservatives have been arguing for years that the reason liberals are not more successful on talk radio was because the market rejected them. That is demonstrably untrue and this new ranking is evidence that progressive talk is in demand. Whether that has any impact on the commercial operations of the conservative-run radio companies remains to be seen. But if they were to be honest they would have to start employing more liberal talent because that is what the marketplace is demanding.

As for Beck, he is currently begging his supporters to buy tickets to his upcoming “Restoring Love” event in Texas on July 28. It is being held in the 100,000 seat Cowboys Stadium which Beck is desperate to sell out. Tickets go on sale to the public tomorrow and Beck warned his listeners that they will probably be gone the same day. Somehow, I doubt it. With his popularity plummeting, his audience crumbling, and his credibility in tatters, I would expect that Beck will be preaching to an abundance of empty seats.

Remember, Beck couldn’t get 100,000 people to show up for his Washington, D.C. event when he still had Fox News to promote it. These are the End Times for Beck, and the darkness he so often predicts for the world is closing in around him now. Look for his next project to be a new communal survivalist colony in Guyana.

Why Is Fox News Recycling Old, Anti-Liberal Articles As Breaking News?

Much of what is seen on Fox News is either false or twisted beyond all recognition to anything resembling reality. That is well known and extensively documented. But recently I have noticed some journalistic peculiarities that are curious editorially and affirm Fox’s reputation for incredulous and unethical reporting.

Fox NewsThe first example of this odd behavior that I observed occurred last week when perusing the Fox News home page where I saw an article headlined “White House ‘Birther’ Strategy Backfires.” Since I couldn’t recall any current strategy concerning the Birther controversy emanating from the White House, I clicked the link to find out what it was about. What I found was an article that seemed dated and irrelevant. After poking around I eventually discovered that the article was actually dated April 27, 2011. At the time I just wrote it off as a clumsy attempt by Fox to inject some additional negative news about President Obama, as if all the other negative stories adjacent to it were not enough.

Fox NewsToday, however, I came across another incident of the same type. This article on Fox’s home page, where they post breaking news, was headlined “Hollywood Finally Admits It Discriminates Against Conservatives.” Once again, I had not seen any other news that addressed this topic so I clicked through to the article and discovered that it was originally written and posted on July 13, 2011. This item was an opinion piece by Breitbart protege Ben Shapiro and prominently promoted a book that had been published at about the same time that the article was first posted.

It is no longer surprising to find Fox misrepresenting the facts about news items they publish or broadcast. That is, after all, their mission. But this tactic of reprising stale articles that have no current news value is entirely unique in journalism. To be sure, some news entities will republish an older item when it has some relevance to current events. But they always identify it as a flashback or otherwise reveal its origins. What Fox is doing is posting old stories without any indication that they are old. A reader not paying close attention would never know that what they were reading was not breaking news like the other stories on the Fox home page. And while I have only stumbled across a couple examples of this, there are likely more that have gone unnoticed.

So why would Fox News do this? The easy answer is that they are just piling on the disparaging content they prefer in order to smear the President. But they have plenty of new articles they can (and do) distort for that purpose. The only other explanation is that they want to make certain that the old phony controversies they disseminated in the past are not forgotten by their disinformed audience of dimwits. Maybe Fox is just so proud of their prior lies that they hate to see them fade into obscurity. Or maybe they just like to see how far they can drift from ethical reporting before anyone notices.

The Faux Conservative Outrage Over Jon Stewart’s Vagina Manger Routine

Once again the selective fury of the right has conservatives aghast over a comedy bit by Jon Stewart, despite their silence, and even defense of, far more revolting remarks by Ted Nugent that were made in all seriousness.

Last night Stewart performed a routine (video below) mocking Fox News for both their neglect of the GOP “War on Women” and their abundance of wars on just about everything else. Fox declares war whenever there is an topical story that they believe they can twist into a harangue aimed at Democrats or President Obama. Here are just a few of the actual “wars” Fox has declared:

  • A war on Christmas.
  • A war on Hanukkah.
  • A war on Easter.
  • A war on fall holidays.
  • A war on Halloween.
  • A war on fossil fuels.
  • A war on the constitution.
  • A war on ladies’ night.
  • A war on Fisherman.
  • A war on salt.
  • A war on chocolate milk.
  • A war on sugary drinks.
  • A war on food.
  • A nanny state war on spuds.
  • A war on conservative women.

Today Newsbusters has come out swinging with a critique that illustrates how desperately poor their comprehension skills are. They seem to have missed the obvious fact that this was a satire directed at Fox News and jumped straight to a conniption fit over Christians who must now be sorely offended. The more obvious explanation is that the Newsbusters couldn’t really find any fault with Stewart’s hilarious analysis of Fox News so they had to find another avenue for their umbrage. They latched onto the Christian angle for which they got support from the uber-rightist, political operation (disguised as a religious civil rights group), the Catholic League. The League’s leader, Bill Donohue, is taking the war on Jon Stewart to another level:

“We are asking Stewart to apologize. If he does not, we will mobilize Protestants, Jews, Mormons and Muslims to join us in a boycott of his sponsors. Moreover, we will not stop with a boycott; there are other things that can be done to register our outrage. We are prepared to spend the money it takes to make this a nationwide issue, and we are prepared to stay the course..

I must admit that I’m curious as to what other things Donohue has in mind in addition to his boycott threat. Perhaps he is plotting a nationwide prayer vigil to beseech God to smite all comic apostates. And Donohue’s willingness to throw cash at the controversy can only be creating anxiety over at Comedy Central. I’m sure that Jon Stewart is shaking in his clown shoes at the thought of the wrath that is about to come down on him.

Mitt Romney Surrogate Ted Nugent’s Anti-American Meltdown At The NRA Conference

This past weekend there was a media feasting on a few poorly chosen words by CNN commentator Hilary Rosen. Although Rosen is not a representative of President Obama’s administration or campaign, the President and his staff was hounded for reactions and responses to her comments. Republican operatives and media flacks spent countless hours falsely asserting that Obama was in some way responsible for Rosen’s opinions.

OK then, let’s have some fairness and balance. This weekend another political partisan had a few things to say about the upcoming election. Washed-up, geriatric rocker, Ted Nugent appeared at the NRA conference in St. Louis and what he had to say ought to have similar repercussions for Romney. His unhinged rant was an onslaught of invective wherein he called the President and others in the administration “evil” and “vile,” and he spoke of his desire to oust “the enemies in the White House.” Here are a few more choice moments from his psychotic spewing:

  • “If you don’t know that our government is wiping its ass with the constitution, you’re living under a rock someplace.”
  • “We’ve got four Supreme Court justices who don’t believe in the constitution.”
  • “If Barack Obama becomes the President in November again, I will either be dead or in jail by this time next year.”
  • “Our President, Attorney General, our Vice-President, Hillary Clinton – they’re criminals.”
  • “We need to ride into the battlefield and chop their heads off in November.”
  • “It’s as Nazi Germany as it gets.”
  • “We need to become warriors on the streets of America.”

These remarks run the gamut from merely disrespectful to hostile to treasonous. And this is not coming from an unassociated cable news talking head, Nugent is a Romney advocate whose endorsement Romney purposefully solicited. Last month Nugent Tweeted his support after a personal call from Romney:

“after a long heart&soul conversation with MittRomney today I concluded this goodman will properly represent we the people & I endorsed him”

At the time I wondered whether the media would hold Romney accountable for actively seeking the endorsement of a psychopath who has threatened the President and others with assassination. Apparently the media wasn’t interested. However, after the press’ mobbing of Rosen you might think that they would expect similar responses from Romney for what his campaign surrogate says.

The differences in the way that the press handle these situations should put an end to any talk of the so-called liberal media. Nugent’s violent and revolting rhetoric (which he means sincerely) far exceeds the comparatively tame opinions of Rosen (which were misconstrued). And Romney ought not to be allowed to evade questions on the matter.

[Update] New York Magazine contacted the Secret Service with regard to Nugent’s threats and they confirm that “We are aware of it, and we’ll conduct an appropriate follow up.”

Here is a highlight reel of Nugent’s remarks (and if you have the stomach for it, here is the whole thing [Note: The NRA has removed this video]).