Fox News Pundit Exploits Steve Jobs’ Death To Make Idiotic Political Point

Fox News recently announce that “The Five,” the program that replaced Glenn Beck temporarily, will be given that slot permanently. This just proves that it takes five morons to fill the shoes of Super-Moron Beck.

Yesterday on The Five, co-host Greg Gutfeld advanced a theory that only a dimwitted Fox News viewer could love. In an attempt to hijack the untimely passing of Steve Jobs, Gutfeld turned his commentary into a screed on abortion that made no sense when fully thought out. He said…

“The big story isn’t Steve Jobs’ death, but his life. Jobs died Wednesday at the age of 56, was given up for adoption after his birth to an American mom and a Syrian-born father. Apparently, the mom’s father didn’t want his daughter to marry a Syrian, so the baby was adopted by working class couple who encourage the child’s later interest in electronics. Their names were Paul and Clara jobs.

“So, one hero in all of this is Steve’s birth mother who gave him up for adoption instead of choosing a more finite alternative. Imagine what a hole there would be in this world if she went the other way. Lucky for us, the choice she made was the one she made. In that sense, Steve Jobs makes me think not just of the people here but people who aren’t.”

The notion that by having made a decision against an abortion, Jobs’ birth mother insured a future of Macs and iPhones, is utterly ludicrous. Only the most shallow thinker could entertain such nonsense. Gutfeld is merely exploiting a personal tragedy in order to advance his right-wing, anti-choice agenda.

He is arguing that Jobs’ birth mother made the right choice by not having an abortion, and that resulted in the life of an historic technological innovator. But if Jobs’ mother had done what the right really advocates there would have been no Steve Jobs at all. That’s because the right’s answer to unwanted pregnancies is abstinence. By Gutfeld’s logic Jobs’ birth mother should not have had premarital sex in the first place and become pregnant with the future Apple founder. So while Gutfeld attempts to credit conservative dogma for Jobs’ existence, in reality it would have been the conservative path that would have insured an Apple-less future.

Extending Gutfeld’s ravings, you would also have to conclude that abortion would have been the right choice for the mothers of Timothy McVeigh and Charles Manson. So is Gutfeld now advocating a pro-choice position? Of course this is all speculation that ignores the fact that no one can predict the future, nor can anyone predict an unrealized future that might have occurred had events transpired differently.

It is easy to see why Fox News awarded Gutfeld and The Five a permanent place on their schedule. While they have a ways to go before achieving Glenn Beck status, they are clearly making a respectable start down the road to utter lunacy and extremist political exploitation and bias. Good work, guys.

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Rush Limbaugh Says That Obama Is Setting Up Riots

Now that Sarah Palin is officially out of the race for the GOP nomination for president, and is going to remain a full time wingnut pundit, Rush Limbaugh is feeling the pressure to amp up the stupid. Toward that end he had this to say on his radio program today:

“Obama is setting up riots. He is fanning the flames for riots and eventual violence. That’s all he’s got. And now you look, all this talk about millionaires and billionaires and people not paying their fair share, and this relentless assault on achievement in this country has resulted in … what? The appearance of a spontaneous combustion of angry, white, college students who are fed up with all the injustices that this country is famous for. That’s his base. Occupy Wall Street is his base. Those are his foot soldiers. The anarchists, the union thugs who are occupying Wall Street.”

Of course. Why didn’t I see it? The way to win reelection is to preside over civil unrest and a despondent population. That Barack Obama is a genius. But it took Limbaugh to see through the plot and reveal the President’s dastardly plan. Only Limbaugh could have done this because of his unique experience with setting up riots. Here is what he said just prior to the Democratic National Convention in 2008:

Rush Limbaugh - Screw the World

“Screw the World. Riot In Denver,” is the actual headline of Limbaugh’s article on his own web site. He continues…

“Riots in Denver at the Democrat convention would see to it we don’t elect Democrats – and that’s the best damn thing could happen for this country as far as anything I can think.” […]

“I mean, if people say what’s your exit strategery, the dream end of this is that this keeps up to the convention and that we have a replay of Chicago 1968, with burning cars, protests, fires, literal riots, and all of that. That’s the objective here.”

Limbaugh’s absurd allegation about Obama was based on his assertion that Obama expressed solidarity with the Occupy Wall Street protesters, although he offered no support for that claim. The only thing Obama said about the protest was…

“I think it expresses the frustrations that the American people feel. People are frustrated and the protesters are giving voice to a more broad-based frustration about how our financial system works.”

That’s not even remotely an endorsement, much less a call to riot. However, Limbaugh did advocate violence himself in no uncertain terms. That just makes his phony whining about Obama and the protesters on Wall Street all the more ludicrous and hypocritical.

Limbaugh is not alone in making unsupported claims about Obama and the peaceful protesters. Fox Nation posted an item with the headline “Obama Gives Blessing to Anti-Capitalist Wall Street Protests.”

Fox Nation

This item not only falsely associates Obama with an independent, populist movement, it disparagingly refers to thousands of patriotic demonstrators, who are participating freely in a democratic process, of being anti-capitalist, which Foxheads read as anti-American. And once again, the claim is completely unfounded.

If all of this tells us anything, it is that Limbaugh, Fox, et al, are very much afraid of what’s happening in Lower Manhattan. They are afraid that their benefactors in the Ivory Tower suites on Wall Street and other corporate and media offices are finally being held to account for their abuses and crimes. They are afraid that their position of privilege is being challenged. But mostly they are afraid that Americans are no longer going to tolerate being held down by ultra-wealthy elitists who put more faith in corporations than in people, and don’t care about the Constitution, fairness, and democracy.

Fox News Reporters Maced And Beaten While Covering #OccupyWallStreet

The Occupy Wall Street protests have endured for nearly a month despite little attention from the press. Yesterday there was an incident that, under ordinary circumstances, would attract some additional coverage.

Reporters from the Fox affiliate in New York were covering the protests when they were embroiled in a chaotic scuffle that resulted in the photographer getting maced and the reporter getting struck by a police baton.

The police in New York have been accused of using unnecessary force against peaceful protesters on several occasions. There have even been allegations that they have deliberately targeted citizens with cameras. However, this is the first report that documents the use of such force against members of the mainstream media – and it turns out to be from a Fox affiliate.

[Note: Local affiliates get some direction from Fox News, but also have a measure of editorial discretion. The affiliates most under Fox control are those that are owned by the network and run by Roger Ailes who chairs both Fox News and the Fox Stations Group. New York is one of those owned by the network.]

The story that accompanied this video on the MyFoxNY web site was also uncommonly candid in reporting this incident and on the protests generally:

“The protests on Wall Street continued to grow all day. The rallies and their participants are showing no signs of slowing down.” […] “During the day, unions and students joined the demonstrators. What was once a protest of powerful Wall Street financial firms and banks is growing into a larger movement about the working class, employment, poverty, education, and more.”

That’s a surprisingly accurate assessment of what is going on in Lower Manhattan and across the country. However, no description of that detail and balance has ever been broadcast on the Fox News Mothership. It is also notable that the footage above has not been aired on Fox News even though elements of the reporter’s story unrelated to the assault have been used.

Hopefully this video will get some traction on other media outlets so that the world can see what is happening down on Wall Street. But what I fear is that someone from Fox corporate will get wind of this and scrub the video from the Internet. Unfortunately for them, that will probably not occur until after many copies have been made and uploaded.

It is important that news of this nature be widely disseminated to counter the portrayal that Fox and other rightist media types are making that cast the protests as irrelevant, unfocused, anti-American, or just plain crazy. This is a true populist uprising and the people deserve to have their voices heard. Particularly when majorities of Americans agree with them.

Remember When Fox News Loved Protesters? What About #OccupyWallStreet?

A couple of years ago there was a media frenzy surrounding a bunch of screaming malcontents who showed up at town hall meetings and refused to let anyone speak. They became known as the Tea Party and, while portrayed by right-wing media as a grassroots movement, they were actually organized and financed by billionaires like the Koch brothers and conservative establishment lobbyists like Americans for Prosperity.

At the time they received a warm welcome from mainstream media ranging from talk radio to the Wall Street Journal, to Rupert Mudoch’s Fox News. In fact, Fox News literally adopted the Tea Party and branded it as their own:

Fox News Tea Party

Fox ran hundreds of stories extolling the virtues of these allegedly valiant Americans seeking to return America to the utopian fatherland it was before they had elected a black president. They sent there star reporters and anchors to headline the Tea Party rallies. The Fox Nation posted articles with titles that praised the Tea Party as “A great Part of America’s History – and America’s Future.”

Fast-forward two years and there is no sign of that patriotic spirit in the conservative media that slobbered over the Tea Party. Now that there is a real populist movement advocating on behalf of the middle-class, Fox News has reversed course and declared that such activity is “dangerous” and “anti-American.” Rush Limbaugh called the protestors “human debris and parasites.” Glenn Beck went even further (as usual) saying…

“They are only interested in destruction. That leads to gas chambers. That leads to guillotines. That leads to millions dead. That leads to Mao. That leads to totalitarianism, every single time.”

So Beck thinks that the people seeking compassion for the 99% of Americans who are not wealthy, are plotting genocide. OK, it goes without saying that Beck is nuts, but what is the media excuse for misrepresenting or ignoring the “Occupy Wall Street” movement that is inspiring hundreds of thousands of Americans nationwide?

Comedian Andy Cobb of Second City has helpfully provided a way to break through the media blackout. He proposes a makeover that will turn ragged protesters into just the sort of spokespersons that appeal to a lazy, biased press.

I’m not entirely sure that Cobb’s makeover will work, but he’s on the right track. In order to grab the attention of modern media you need to give them what want most: drama, conflict, controversy, sex, and most of all, ratings. A few months ago I did my own handbook for “How To Be A Media Magnet:”

Media Magnet

The so-called “liberal” media has shamefully avoided accurately reporting on the Occupy Wall Street protests. Similarly, they have failed to cover the fact that broad majorities of the American people agree with the goals of the protesters who are calling for more fairness in tax policies.

“Taxing millionaires in fact is one of the rare political issues to draw bipartisan majority support – 57 percent from Republicans, 75 percent among independents and 89 percent among Democrats. Even among supporters of the Tea Party political movement, 55 percent support raising taxes on millionaires…”

When Democrats and Tea Partyers are both calling for the rich to pay their fair share, the media and our representatives in Washington should start paying closer attention. It’s time to level the playing field. It’s time to undo the absurd legal notion that corporations are people. And it’s time for Americans to come together and retake control of their country from the impersonal monoliths that exist only to accumulate wealth at the expense of our standard of living.

In order to achieve these goals we will also need to hold the media accountable and demand that they do their jobs responsibly and honestly. That means that Fox News, and their audience, should be reminded of their hypocrisy when they promote phony movements like the Tea Party while disparaging the real populists occupying Wall Street (and many other places). And it means reminding the rest of the press, who are not much better than Fox, of the very same things.

Sarah Palin Elects To Continue Cashing In On Fox News

I hate to say I told you so…..

Sarah PalinSarah Palin announced today that she is not running for President of the United States of America. Oh gee, what a surprise. Anyone who thought that she was running is in serious need of in-patient psychiatric care. And that includes much of the media who followed her bus around and pretended that her incoherent ramblings resembled policy statements. Two months ago I wrote that…

Sarah Palin Is Not Running For President And Fox News Is Lying About It.

The thing is, Palin is not running. She has no campaign staff; no organization in early primary states; no press office. Polls place her near the bottom of the pack and losing to President Obama by 20 points. She is not engaging in public appearances. In fact, her much ballyhooed national bus tour was aborted after just six days without ever making it off the east coast.

And as for Fox News…

Fox knows that they can’t cover even a potential candidate who receives a Fox paycheck this late in the game. If Palin has not informed the network that she isn’t running, they would have to sideline her. Since that has not happened, it’s a safe bet that she has already told them that she’s out of the race.

If that’s the case, then Fox News knows that a prospective candidate has opted out, but they are keeping it secret. That is not acceptable behavior from a legitimate news enterprise, which of course, Fox is not. They are withholding a significant news item that journalistic ethics would require they disclose. Particularly because the only reason for them to withhold it is for their own financial benefit, and for that of Palin.

So today Palin makes it official. She is not willing to relinquish her paycheck and media platform in exchange for having to actually work for living by engaging in a tough campaign that she would certainly lose. But that didn’t stop her from hustling her disciples for cash with a plea that dangled her candidacy over their heads like a box ox of Beggin Strips. Here is the pitch from her political action committee just two weeks ago:

“Someone must save our nation from this road to European Socialism. Do you think it should be Gov. Palin? If so, can you send your best, one-time gift to SarahPAC today…”

Apparently not enough donors materialized to coax Palin into the race. Either that or the applause wasn’t loud enough to save Tinkerbell. So look for her star to fade as she descends further into irrelevance. A few days ago, Fox News CEO Roger Ailes said that the reason he hired Palin had nothing to do with politics (yeah, right). He said the hiring was “because she was hot and got ratings.” Consequently, my next prediction is that her contract with Fox News will not be renewed upon expiration.

Family Values Or Value Families?

One of the great PR successes of modern conservatism is their assumption of the mantle of “Family Values,” despite having a roster of leaders whose ill behavior has only succeeded in turning it into catchphrase that has lost all meaning.

The right is a hypocrites festival of the fallen with infidelity and broken marriage vows (Newt Gingrich, Rush Limbaugh, John McCain); hooker patrons (David Vitter, Larry Craig, Dick Morris); drug abusers (Rush Limbaugh, Ted Haggard, Glenn Beck), and the list goes on. Yet somehow they have the audacity to preach to others about family values and hold conferences like the Values Voters Summit taking place this weekend. Although they profess to honor family values, they persistently refuse to value families.

The summit is featuring a who’s who of right-wingers that will take the stage and sermonize on standards of behavior that you must comply with even if they do not.

Almost every GOP candidate for president is scheduled to speak: Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, Ron Paul, Rick Perry, Mitt Romney, and Rick Santorum. Joining them will be numerous federal and state officeholders: John Boehner, Eric Cantor, Ann Marie Buerkle, Ted Cruz, Ken Cuccinelli, Vicky Hartzler, Bobby Jindal, Jim Jordan, Steve King, and Mike Pompeo. And don’t forget the media mouthpieces for the right: Glenn Beck, Lou Dobbs, Laura Ingraham, Gary Bauer, Bill Bennett, Tony Perkins, Phyllis Schlafly and Brent Bozell.

The Summit is sponsored by some of America’s most notorious hate mongers: The Family Research Council, The Heritage Foundation, Liberty University, and The American Family Association. These groups are united in their pursuit of religious intolerance and bigotry aimed at minorities and gays. The American Family Association’s Bryan Fischer has called President Obama a fascist, blamed gays for the Holocaust, asserted that Muslims have “no fundamental First Amendment claims,” and that Mormons have no right to religious freedom. That should make appearances by Romney and Beck more interesting. Here’s more hate speech from Fischer:

The Southern Poverty Law Center and People for the American Way (among others) have called for public figures to denounce these views and cease to associate with those who espouse them. But the participation of Republican presidential candidates, the Speaker of the House of Representatives and prominent rightist pundits like Beck, insures that the summit will reach their parishioners to affirm the negativity that is their trademark.

Conscientious Americans should reject the so-called Values Voters and instead, vote their values. Because the truth is that majorities of Americans believe in religious freedom, marriage equality, universal health care, and tax fairness. America is a nation that values tolerance over bigotry, and people over corporations.

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The Tea Party Con

Tea Party ConI always knew that the Tea Party is a con. I’ve written extensively about the small numbers of people associated with it, its low approval ratings, and the fact that they are all Republicans anyway. Now the Tea Party has confirmed their fraud by coming together in Schaumburg, IL for an event they themselves call the TeaCon.

Today the event is wrapping up two days of Tea Baggery that featured rightist luminaries like Glenn Beck, Andrew Breitbart, and Herman Cain. But if they were hoping to score some positive post conference PR, they must be mighty disappointed.

Gawker is reporting that the leader of the Chicago Tea Party, Steve Stevlic, who helped to organize the affair, was busted a couple of years ago soliciting the services of a prostitute. Of course, this is such a common occurrence amongst these family values advocates that it probably can just be assumed. Another featured speaker at the event is Republican congressman Joe Walsh, who owes more than $100,000 in child support. So much for families.

I’m sure the Tea Bagging conventioneers had a great time – all 640 of them. It’s not exactly the kind of turn out they were enjoying two years ago. But it is better than the Vegas convention that was cancelled for lack of interest earlier this year.

Glenn Beck’s Kiddie Show – Or Pea Brain’s Playhouse

In the weeks since Glenn Beck lost his Fox News megaphone he has steadily receded from public view. His melting into the fringe oblivion occurred despite his prior declaration that if Fox were to throw him overboard him he would…

“…only be stronger for it. I will use American ingenuity and my ingenuity to pull myself up, and I will find another way to get my message out on a platform that will be a thousand times more powerful!”

The ingenious platform that Beck landed on was the Internet. With the launch of GBTV, Beck is pretending that he is now a some sort of mogul set to dominate the media. But no matter how loudly he insists, GBTV is not television and it is not a network. It is a web site. Period.

This week Beck announced that GBTV will be producing content for children. I’m not entirely sure how it will be different from anything else he has done on TV and radio for the past couple of years. His shtick has always been been aimed at a childish demographic with diminished capacity for complex thought and the inability to distinguish fact from fantasy.

The “program” will be called “Liberty Treehouse,” and will continue in Beck’s tradition of perverting history to the point where it is nothing more than his idealized delusion of the Founding Founders and an addendum to the Bible that explains how God created America on the eighth day.

There is some irony that will certainly escape Beck and his disciples in that he has been fiercely critical of President Obama for merely speaking at schools. Beck denounces these appearances as attempts to indoctrinate America’s youth with subversive messages like “pay attention to your studies,” “work hard,” and “believe in yourself.” But it is Beck who is overtly seeking to implant false doctrine into the minds of the spawn of his current disciples (because surely no other kids will watch this dreck). He is hoping to shape the next generation of conspiracy theorists who will pass on the legends of satanic leftists and their Islamic cohorts.

Upon his departure from Fox, Beck said that the reason he was leaving was so that he could reach out to the youth. It’s true that his Fox program skewed older than any other show on cable news, but that’s only because his rhetoric has a limited appeal that only registers with curmudgeonly Dark Agists. He is frequently disparaging of youth, calling them “useful idiots” and denouncing them for participating in public life. How he expects to win them over now is a mystery.

For Beck to launch a site for kids is surprising for another reason. Recall that a couple of months ago he compared scores of murdered children in Norway to the Hitler Youth because they attended a camp that taught them about government and civil service. And all the while he was a sponsor of similar camps (except with a more dangerously ultra-conservative agenda).

Glenn Beck Tea Party Youth Camp

It’s that sort of content, combined with episodes of 1950’s television shows like “Ozzie & Harriet,” that will make Beck’s web site a must see destination for demented rightist families across America. I just feel sorry for the kids who will have to undergo years of therapy to relieve the paranoid anxieties that Beck’s fear mongering will poison them with.

Fox Nation vs. Reality: On Learning Ethics

The subject of ethics might seem like obviously foreign territory for Fox News, but the way Fox Nation positioned an article this morning serves to cement their utter lack of ethical principles.

The Fox Nationalists posted an item that linked to CSNNews, a subsidiary of the ultra-rightist Media Research Center. The headline reads: “Obama: ‘I Don’t Think Ethics’ Was My Favorite Subject.”

Fox Nation

Fox Nation was careful to selectively highlight just the portion of the article that made it appear that Obama shunned ethics. They quoted this portion of the article:

President Barack Obama told an audience of high school students in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday that he was “not always the very best student” and that ethics “would not have made it on the list” of his favorite subjects.

“I was not always the very best student that I could be when I was in high school, and certainly not when I was in middle school,” Obama said, speaking at Benjamin Banneker Academic High School.

“I did not love every class I took. I wasn’t always paying attention the way I should have,” Obama said. “I remember when I was in 8th grade I had to take a class called ethics. Now, ethics is about right and wrong, but if you’d ask me what my favorite subject was back in 8th grade, it was basketball. I don’t think ethics would have made it on the list.”

Even stopping there that would not be surprising for a typical 13 year old boy. But on a Fox web site it’s easy to imagine the responses in the comments by ignoramuses who never bothered to click through and read the article in full. The comments ranged from sorry attempts at humor to downright vile racism. They took from this excerpt that Obama had rejected ethics at an early age and that he has none today. Had they read further they would have learned what point Obama was actually making.

“I still remember that ethics class, all these years later,” Obama said. “I remember the way it made me think. I remember being asked questions like: What matters in life? Or, what does it mean to treat other people with dignity and respect? What does it mean to live in a diverse nation, where not everybody looks like you do, or thinks like you do, or comes from the same neighborhood as you do? How do we figure out how to get along?

“Each of these questions led to new questions,” said Obama. “And I didn’t always know the right answers, but those discussions and that process of discovery–those things have lasted. Those things are still with me today. Every day, I’m thinking about those same issues as I try to lead this nation.”

Clearly Obama was affected by his studies, and the lesson that he was passing on to the audience of school children was that subjects that may not seem interesting today are still valuable and will shape your character in years to come.

What a travesty! String him up. Another extremist, Marxist, attempt to indoctrinate American kids by the tyrannical Kenyan.

Fox News plainly lacks any speck of journalistic ethics. They could not have more deliberately misrepresented the facts in this story. And when you sink to these depths to twist facts that even the conservative source of the information reported accurately, you really should not be allowed to use the word “news” in your name.

The Sorry Truth About Roger Ailes And Fox News

Roger Ailes

A few days ago Howard Kurtz of Newsweek published an article profiling Roger Ailes, the CEO of Fox News. It was revealing of both Kurtz and Ailes.

The first sign that Kurtz was either unconscious or delusional was when he offered this description of Ailes’ allegedly changing moods:

“[A]s President Obama’s popularity has plummeted and the country has grown increasingly sick of partisan sniping, something unexpected happened. Roger Ailes pulled back a bit on the throttle.”

Kurtz never provides any evidence to support that contention. In reality Fox News is just as extreme an outlet for rightist propaganda as it has ever been. They incessantly hammer on fabricated scandals and openly disparage the President. The departure of Glenn Beck, which Kurtz mentions in passing, has done nothing to reduce the vitriol. Now Eric Bolling is calling President Obama a socialist in the program that replaced Beck.

Kurtz did manage to slip in this insight from unnamed Fox executives:

“Privately, Fox executives say the entire network took a hard right turn after Obama’s election, but, as the Tea Party’s popularity fades, is edging back toward the mainstream.”

The interesting thing about that is not the contention that Fox is “edging back toward the mainstream.” It’s not. What’s interesting is the admission that Fox “took a hard right turn.” That is something that Fox has been denying for years as they pretend to be “fair and balanced.” It also contradicts the constant Fox drumbeat of support for the Tea Party which they believe is a dominant factor in modern political culture (despite their puny 16% approval in recent polling). Another moment of clarity occurred when Kurtz painted Ailes with concern after the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords.

“Ailes ordered his troops to tone things down. It was, in his view, a chance to boost profits by grabbing a more moderate audience.”

Notice that Ailes did not want to tone things down to ease tensions and prevent further outbursts of violence. According to Kurtz, Ailes wanted to tone things down to make more money. Of course, returning to reality, Ailes never toned anything down and he most likely doesn’t believe that doing so would be more profitable.

Perhaps the most unintentionally hilarious part of the profile is when Ailes complained that “America used to be able to get straight journalism.” This was such an egregious separation from sanity that even Kurtz noticed.

Roger Ailes is still running a dishonest enterprise dedicated to spreading falsehoods and advancing an ultra-conservative agenda. He still employs demagogues like Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity, Megyn Kelly, and Sarah Palin (who is NOT running for president and Fox is lying about it). He still allows the ignorant stooges on Fox & Friends to spew gossip and inane conspiracies.

Kurtz was able to ply a few morsels of truth from Ailes about his inherent bias, but that does not excuse his naivete about whether Ailes has softened. He hasn’t. And in the coming months, as the election season heats up, expect to see even more radically untrue attacks on Democrats and progressives. If Kurtz really thinks that Fox News is moderating their biases, he is even dumber than Sarah Palin.