Trump’s TV Lawyer Keeps Contradicting His (Variable) Excuses for Hoarding Classified Materials

The legal geniuses that have represented Donald Trump over the years have not exactly distinguished themselves as paragons of their profession. They include the likes of Rudy Giuliani, whose license to practice has been suspended, and QAnon adherent, Sidney Powell. And those may be the cream of the crock.

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Trump Lies

A more recent addition to the team is Christina Bobb, who Trump recruited from her prior job as a host on the One America News Network (OAN). Bobb’s job duties didn’t change much when she joined the Trump legal staff. She made television appearances on OAN where she devotedly defended everything Trump did, no matter how obviously illegal and/or immoral. And she does precisely the same thing now as his lawyer.

RELATED: Fox News Spews Knee-Jerk Defense of Wannabe Dictator Trump After FBI Search of Mar-a-Lago

Amid the controversies surrounding the FBI search of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago bunker, Bobb has been making the rounds on TV to pitch her Trump propaganda. And for the most part she has succeeded only in making Trump look even more guilty than prior to her commentaries. For example, she visited with Sean Duffy – a former congressman and reality TV star – who was filling in for Laura Ingraham on Fox News. They united to muddy the waters with regard to whether the documents that Trump took from the White House were classified…

Duffy: You were there at Mar-a-Lago when the FBI raided the place. Do you know what was in the boxes that they took?
Bobb: It was documents, that’s all I know … So, no, at this point we don’t necessarily know what was in the boxes. But I also think it’s important to point out, as you did earlier, that president Trump had declassified everything.

So Bobb doesn’t know what was in the boxes. That’s an interesting story considering that she told a completely different one the day before to Ingraham, when she asserted that Trump’s legal team had “done a very thorough search” of the documents he had at Mar-a-Lago.

Ingraham: Is it your understanding that there were not documents related to our nuclear capabilities or nuclear issues that had national security implications in the President’s possession when the agents showed up at Mar-a-Lago?
Bobb: That’s right. I don’t believe they were…I have not specifically spoken to the [former] President about what nuclear materials may or may not have been in there. I do not believe there were any in there. The legal team has done a very thorough search and has turned over – we’ve been very cooperative with the Biden administration and the DOJ – and turned over everything we’ve found that we had. So it’s my understanding, on very good belief based on a thorough investigation, that there was nothing there.

On another occasion, Bobb contradicted Trump who posted a furious complaint claiming that the FBI “wanted to be left alone, without any witnesses to see what they were doing, taking or, hopefully not, ‘planting.'” He asked “Why did they STRONGLY insist on having nobody watching them?” However, on the right-wing webcast, Real America’s Voice, Bobb refuted that saying that…

“[Former] president Trump and his family probably had a better view than I did because they had the CCTV (closed circuit TV) that they were able to watch. I was stuck in the parking lot to collect paper and answer questions. But they were actually able to see the whole thing.”

So Trump’s charge that the FBI prevented any witnesses from observing their plot to plant evidence was another Trump lie. According to his own lawyer, he was watching the search himself.

RELATED: The Trump Cult Knows He’s Guilty, So They’re All on Fox News Yammering About Planted Evidence

In the few short days since the FBI search was done, Trump’s excuses and defenses have varied wildly. Here is a brief summary of them for the record…

  • Well, there were no documents.
  • Okay, There were documents but they were just personal mementos and family photos.
  • Okay, There were also documents that were official business that Trump took home to study.
  • Okay, Trump was allowed to have all of the documents, and besides, what about Obama?
  • Okay, Any classified documents were packed by someone else when Trump moved out of the White House and he didn’t know what was in them.
  • Okay, the classified documents that were found were planted there by the FBI.
  • Okay, none of the documents were classified because Trump secretly declassified them.

In short, the documents that don’t exist, and which Trump refused to return when subpoenaed, were actually there, but he was using them, even though someone else packed them without his knowledge, which didn’t happen because the FBI planted them, and the documents that the FBI planted were all declassified in a secret ceremony, and once declassified they still weren’t released to the public, and can’t be released now.

Got it? Good! Now back to lying about the 2020 presidential election being “rigged” and “stolen” from Trump.

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Fox News Fear Mongers that Biden’s IRS Agents Will ‘Hunt Down and Kill Middle Class Taxpayers’

From its inception, Fox News has been a fear factory, manufacturing nightmarish scenarios that they could ascribe to Democratic politicians and pundits who seek to improve the lives of average Americans. The Fox News narrative is a non-stop dystopian disinformation machine built to undermine democracy, on behalf of the Republican GOP (Greedy One Percent).

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Fox News, Joe Biden, Fake News

This week Democrats in Congress will pass the Inflation Reduction Act that achieves several long sought after progressive goals. It expands Obamacare subsidies. It caps Medicare drug costs. It imposes a minimum tax on billionaires and corporations. It makes the biggest allocation of funds to mitigate climate change in history. And much more.

RELATED: Joe Manchin Calls Out Fox News Host for Lying About Biden Raising Taxes on the Middle Class

Republicans are staunchly opposed to all of those widely popular measures. Every GOP senator voted against the bill. And another feature of the legislation that majorities of Americans support is being demonized in a particularly grotesque manner. The bill provides an additional $80 billion in funding for the IRS to enhance their services, modernize their systems, develop their labor force, and strengthen their enforcement capabilities targeting high income and corporate tax cheats.

The bill’s funding of the IRS has triggered right-wing politicians and media to fabricate ludicrous conspiracy theories in order to scare the American people. And nowhere is that more repulsive than on Fox News.

On Thursday, Brian Kilmeade, sitting in for Tucker Carlson, launched into a maniacal monologue that recklessly declared that the bill will produce IRS Agents who, acting as “Joe Biden’s new army,” will “hunt down and kill middle class taxpayers” (video below). Considering the violence that has recently been aimed at the FBI following Fox’s incendiary rhetoric, it isn’t far fetched to be concerned about the safety of IRS agents. But Kilmeade had no such concerns when he said that…

“The so-called Inflation Reduction Act also says the $80 billion budget is to increase enforcement, operational improvement, and customer service. What kind of customer service? We don’t have to wonder. Before the IRS took it down yesterday there was a posting on their website that listed the job requirements for a special agent’s position. The major duties require agents to carry a firearm and be willing to use deadly force, if necessary. A little like James Bond, but instead of hunting down evil maniacs, these agents hunt down and kill middle class taxpayers that don’t pay enough.”

Holy Shih Tzu! Kilmeade is explicitly accusing the IRS of plotting to “hunt and kill” American citizens. Chyrons during the segment included “Weaponizing the IRS to Hurt Middle Class Americans,” and “Biden’s New IRS Will Hunt Down the Little Guy.” That requires minds so sick that they should be confined to padded cells. But it is not only nauseating, it is flagrantly false.

Among the misrepresentation by Fox News is the assertion that the bill’s funding will result in the IRS hiring of 87,000 new agents. What Fox doesn’t say is that that number is over ten years and includes 40,000 hires who are intended to replace retiring employees in the next five years. Also, the hiring is across a wide range of positions including IT technicians and taxpayer services support staff. In reality, the new funding will only allow the IRS to net about 20,000 to 30,000 more employees, which would be just enough to restore the agency’s staff to where it was before Republicans embarked on a crusade to neuter it.

What’s more, the charge that any of the new agents would be tasked with auditing middle class taxpayers is blatantly untrue. For the record, the Secretary of the Treasury, Janet Yellin, had this to say on the subject…

“Specifically, I direct that any additional resources — including any new personnel or auditors that are hired — shall not be used to increase the share of small business or households below the $400,000 threshold that are audited relative to historical levels. This means that, contrary to the misinformation from opponents of this legislation, small business or households earning $400,000 per year or less will not see an increase in the chances that they are audited.”

Nevertheless, Fox News is devoted to their lying about the bill. Kilmeade also mentioned a poll (that he failed to identify) that “shows that 45% of the country fears the IRS will increase the number of audits.” So what? That number could be attributed mostly to just people who have been lied to by Fox News. And of course Trump, who has weighed in, is arguing that Democrats should vote against the bill because it “Adds 87,000 gun carrying IRS Agents to cajole and harass you and your family.” Which is typical of his dangerous derangement.

RELATED: Trump’s Ludicrous ‘Whataboutism’ Falsely Accuses Obama of Absconding With Classified Documents

Anyone who still thinks that these cretins aren’t hankering for a civil war is terminally naïve. They couldn’t be more clear about their overtly hostile intentions, and their blind allegiance to authoritarian cult leaders. But they couldn’t be more idiotic either. And while they are small in number and destined to be losers, we still need to be vigilant and steadfast in defense of democracy and freedom.

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Trump’s Ludicrous ‘Whataboutism’ Falsely Accuses Obama of Absconding With Classified Documents

In the wake of the FBI searching Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago bunker, the right-wing propaganda machine has been working overtime to defend their aspiring authoritarian master. It’s been a dangerously dishonest display of disinformation intended to stoke fear and hostility among Trump’s cult followers

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Barack Obama, Donald Trump

In the days after the FBI operation, Republican shills and Fox News hacks mobilized to spread their contrived nonsense asserting preposterous conspiracies from clandestine cabals aimed at destroying Trump’s future electoral prospects, to baseless charges that the FBI was planting evidence to incriminate Trump, as if he weren’t doing that himself every time he opens his mouth.

RELATED: The Trump Cult Knows He’s Guilty, So They’re All on Fox News Yammering About Planted Evidence

On Thursday afternoon, Attorney General Merrick Garland called Trump’s bluff. He filed a motion to unseal the Mar-a-Lago search warrant. Trump’s allies in the media have been clamoring for just this sort of transparency. And now they can get what they’ve been pretending to wish for. Although Trump himself was the only obstacle to releasing the warrant, which he could have done at any time, since he has a copy of it. Now he is calling for the warrant to be released, while maligning it as having been written by “radical left Democrats and possible future political opponents.”

Now why do you suppose Trump would want to disparage the warrant that was actually written by career Justice Department professionals? Perhaps because he knows that it was valid and contains incriminating information about Trump having taken classified materials – possibly including some with nuclear secrets – and storing them at his highly unsecure golf resort. It’s telling that Trump hasn’t bothered to make a substantive denial of any of that. Instead, choosing to unleash infantile insults, obvious deflections, tedious yammering that every allegation against him is a “hoax,” and ridiculous, reckless charges that FBI planted evidence.

Trump has until 3:00 pm Friday to officially advise the court if he will object to the motion. Which, knowing Trump, he might not actually do. In the meantime he’s posting bizarre rants on his miserably failing Twitter ripoff, TRUTH Social. Among those posts is one that raises “whataboutism” to new heights of the absurd…

“What happened to the 30 million pages of documents taken from the White House to Chicago by Barack Hussein Obama? He refused to give them back! What is going on? This act was strongly at odds with NARA. Will they be breaking into Obama’s “mansion” in Martha’s Vineyard?”

Trump’s jealousy of Obama continues to haunt him. The latest example of it was triggered by a New York Post article that was deliberately misleadingly, saying that “Barack Obama trucked 30 million pages of his administration’s records to Chicago.” The truth, as noted in the Washington Post, is that “the Obama team was transferring the records to Chicago through the National Archives.” And that “there isn’t the faintest hint of legal violations.”

In other words, the documents were always managed by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), which controlled the facility in Chicago, and none of them were classified. Which Obama’s website affirmed saying that the document transfer was “the [Obama] Foundation’s joint endeavor with NARA to digitize nearly 30 million pages of unclassified paper records of the Obama presidency.” The National Archives has also affirmed this.

Trump’s comment was pure fiction. Obama never “refused” to give anything back, because he never took anything. There was nothing “at odds with NARA.” And why would Trump even mention “breaking into Obama’s ‘mansion’ in Martha’s Vineyard,” when his fallacious allegation claimed the documents were in Chicago?

The bottom line is that Trump is parroting purposeful lies by Rupert Murdoch’s New York Post and other right-wing press. And they are doing it despite the fact that the truth is readily available and has been for years. But then what else should we expect from Trump and company? Even Fox news is starting to cringe at the antics of Trump and his minions.

RELATED: Fox News Surprisingly Grills GOP Rep Scalise About His Wacko Charges of ‘Rogue’ FBI Agents

THIS JUST IN: Trump is now fundraising off of this BS…

UPDATE: Trump posted a new comment literally admitting that he had documents that were classified. He wrote that “Number one, it was all declassified.” Which means there were previously classified. And since there is no evidence that they were ever declassified, other than this after-the-fact statement, they are officially still classified. Either way, he previously denied he had anything at all. His comment also says the FBI could have had the documents at any time, just by asking. But the evidence shows that Trump refused to turn them over, which is why the warrant was issued. And finally, Trump threw in the Obama deflection again, which we know is a lie.

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Fox News Surprisingly Grills GOP Rep Scalise About His Wacko Charges of ‘Rogue’ FBI Agents

On Monday Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago bunker was served a with search warrant by the FBI who were reportedly looking for classified documents that Trump unlawfully took from the White House and failed to disclose he still had. It is a crime that has serious implications for national security, as well as severe penalties for violators.

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Ever since then, Trump’s Republican cult followers, and especially Fox News, have been throwing up all manner of preposterous defenses for Trump’s malfeasance. Much of their psychotic overreactions were drenched with accusations of wrongdoing by the FBI and threats of violence against law enforcement. They even unleashed a coordinated media attack baselessly alleging that the FBI planted evidence.

RELATED: The Trump Cult Knows He’s Guilty, So They’re All on Fox News Yammering About Planted Evidence

However, on Thursday there was an uncharacteristically sane segment on Fox and Friends wherein co-host Steve Doocy actually challenged the Republican House Minority Whip, Steve Scalise, while he was in the process of disseminating the GOP screed about the FBI operation in Palm Beach. Doocy started off by saying…

Doocy: There are a number of people, online and elsewhere, that are demonizing the FBI. And some Republicans. Paul Gosar, a Republican in your caucus from Arizona, said, “We must destroy the FBI. We must save America. I stand with Donald Trump.” Marjorie Taylor Greene said, “Defend [he meant defund] the FBI.” I’m just curious, whatever happened to the Republican Party backing the blue? And in particular, the 35 members of law enforcement at the FBI?
Scalise: We’re very strong supporters of law enforcement, and it concerns everybody to see some agents go rogue, and if you see an agency that doesn’t have the right checks and balances at the top. this is coming from the top

You may have noticed that, rather than answering Doocy’s question, Scalise invented some imaginary “concerns” that “everybody” is having about “rogue” FBI agents. And in the same breath he placed the blame, not on rogue agents, but on the people “at the top.” So Doocy pressed further…

Doocy: Who went rogue? They were following a search warrant.
Scalise: We want to find that out. That’s why we’re asking these questions. Because there were reports yesterday saying that Merrick Garland didn’t even know about this raid. I don’t if anybody believes that, but he should be asked under oath if he knew about the raid prior to it happening. He hasn’t answered that question. Why hasn’t he held a press conference? Why won’t President Biden talk about this? That is deafening right now, that silence.

Scalise is now flagrantly lying. The examples that Doocy gave of Gosar and Greene were not questions. They were overt statements advocating the destruction and/or defunding of the FBI. What’s more, there have been no reports that Attorney General Merrick Garland didn’t know about this raid. To the contrary, almost every report said that Garland, and FBI Director Chris Wray (a Trump appointee), would have almost certainly had to sign off on it.

Scalise then complains that Garland hasn’t talked about the search. But Scalise knows – or should know – that it would be improper for him to do so. The search warrant was issued under seal. And President Biden has correctly remained distanced from the Justice Department’s operations.

The only one who could have provided any additional data about this was Trump himself. He has a copy of the search warrant, and there is nothing stopping him from releasing it. Well, nothing except the likelihood that it contains something that would incriminate him.

RELATED: Eric Trump Admits on Fox News that the Trump Admin Interfered with Justice Department Business

At this point co-host Brian Kilmeade chirps in with the news that GOP Rep. Scott Perry had his cellphone seized by the FBI. And Scalise suggests that there is something untoward about the IRS getting funding to add more agents, who will only be working on high-income individuals and corporations. Both of those matters are obvious deflections that have nothing to do with the search at Mar-a-Lago. But Doocy brings the discussion back to the issue at hand saying…

Doocy: Steve, why not wait a week or so until we know more about this search warrant, then immediately rush to judgment and say, “Yeah, the FBI, they’re crazy.”
Scalise: We’re asking questions right now that no one is answering. We’re not hearing the FBI answer any of these questions. We’re not hearing Justice. And we’re sure not hearing the White House.

Once again, Scalise is not asking questions. And the people he wants to speak out are prohibited by law and ethics from doing so. But what’s truly remarkable about this exchange is that Doocy was the one introducing a rational perspective to the discussion. It would be too soon to assume that there has been any change in Fox’s editorial stance on these matters. They are, after all, the ones who have been ranting about the FBI planting evidence. But it is sufficiently peculiar to keep an eye on.

UPDATE: AG Garland held a press conference Thursday afternoon to announce that the Justice Department will make a motion to unseal parts of the search warrant, so that they can be made public. That should make Scalise happy. Or, more likely, just make him have to contrive a different set of lies to cast aspersions on the FBI, law enforcement, the President, and to absolve his messiah Trump of any wrongdoing.

Garland noted that the Department of Justice intended the search to be conducted quietly, but it was Trump who made it a public spectacle. And when the warrant is made public like Republicans and Fox News have wanted, they will learn why it’s important to be careful what you wish for. You may just get it.

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Snowflake Trump Pleads the Fifth Amendment, So Let’s Break Down His Desperately Deranged Reasons

On Wednesday Donald Trump finally appeared for a deposition that he tried desperately for months to avoid. After losing every appeal to quash the order to testify, Trump showed up and, when he got there, took the cowardly way out by pleading the Fifth Amendment (more than 400 times). You know, the one that enables people to remain silent so that they don’t incriminate themselves.

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Donald Trump, Snowflakes

The deposition Trump is keeping his mouth shut for was ordered by New York Attorney General Letitia James. She’s investigating Trump for fraudulently misrepresenting the value of his real estate properties. Trump has responded by viciously attacking James and insulting her, rather than simply making the case for his innocence. What does that tell you?

RELATED: Crybaby Trump is Scared and Lashing Out Hysterically at Hillary Clinton and NY AG Letitia James

Of course, anyone is permitted to plead the Fifth in order to avoid self-incrimination. And that includes Trump. However, the reasons he provided in a rambling and hostile statement that he posted online don’t exactly help his case. The full statement is posted below (or here transcribed). But here are a few of choice selections that embody the crux of his feelings about the matter.

Trump opened by saying that “Attorney General Letitia James openly campaigned on the policy of ‘Get and Destroy Trump.’ This political attack on me, my family, and my great company is her despicable attempt to fulfill that cynical, and very corrupt promise.”

Trump’s complaint that James campaigned “on the policy of ‘Get and Destroy Trump,” actually points out how much Trump is despised. After all, it was a winning campaign. And if Trump had such a “great company,” it wouldn’t now be the subject of an investigation for fraud.

Trump wrote that James said “‘He’s going to know my name personally’, and she claimed I was an ‘illegitimate President.'”

Well, James was right on both counts then. Trump obviously knows her name, and his presidency was wholly illegitimate if judged by his ignorance, failure to accomplish anything, and his tendency to violate the legal and moral principles of the position.

Trump wrote that James “colluded with others to carry out this phony years-long crusade.”

In other words, she worked cooperatively other other law enforcement agencies to advance a probe that Trump tried to obstruct for years, but for which James won every court battle. Which is why he was there pleading the Fifth.

Now Trump is whining that “Letitia James openly stated her hostilities toward me.”

Was that while Trump was politely calling her “despicable,” “corrupt,” and “racist?”

Trump insists that “I did nothing wrong, which is why, after five years of looking, the Federal, State and local governments, together with the Fake News Media, have found nothing.”

Actually, Trump has resisted cooperating with the investigations, which is what took up most of that time. And he might want to check with the FBI, who just searched his Mar-a-Lago bunker, about whether anything was found.

RELATED: The Trump Cult Knows He’s Guilty, So They’re All on Fox News Yammering About Planted Evidence

Trump calls the probe “a vindictive and self-serving fishing expedition.”

But James is very narrowly looking into how “the Trump Organization exaggerated the value of its holdings to impress lenders or misstated what land was worth to slash its tax burden […] The company even exaggerated the size of Trump’s Manhattan penthouse.”

And this is where we get into the meat of Trump’s excuse for pleading the Fifth.

“I once asked, ‘If you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?’ Now I know the answer to that question. When your family, your company, and all the people in your orbit have become the targets of an unfounded, politically motivated Witch Hunt supported by lawyers, prosecutors, and the Fake News Media, you have no choice.”

Indeed. On more than one occasion Trump insisted that taking the Fifth Amendment was a sign guilt: “The mob takes the Fifth. If you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?” However, nothing in Trump’s statement refutes the facts that are alleged against him. So his complaints about them being unfounded, or politically motivated are just more hot air. If anything, he should be more motivated to speak out in order to set the record straight. But that’s hard to do when you know you’re guilty.

Trump then asserts that “the current Administration and many prosecutors in this Country have lost all moral and ethical bounds of decency.”

Once again, Trump offers nothing to support that charge. Just like his tedious lies about election fraud, he can’t provide a shred of evidence.

Trump closes with “Accordingly, under the advice of my counsel and for all of the above reasons, I declined to answer the questions under the rights and privileges afforded to every citizen under the United States Constitution.”

This would be a good time to point out that Trump didn’t actually give any reasons for declining to answer questions. He just insulted the Attorney General and other government officials, and he complained about being held accountable for his crimes. And there is nothing in the rest of the statement that rises to any sort of coherent argument for declining to make his case under oath. But then, did you expect anything more from Donald Trump?

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The Trump Cult Knows He’s Guilty, So They’re All on Fox News Yammering About Planted Evidence

In the wake of the FBI searching Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago bunker, his worshipful cult followers have been mired in panic mode. Their reaction is perhaps the the most telling proof that Trump is guilty of serious crimes, and they know it.

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What’s astonishing about the post-FBI search is that none of Trump’s Deplorables are attempting to argue that he’s innocent. They are in lockstep formation attacking the the FBI and the Justice Department as corrupt, dishonest practitioners of radical leftist, banana republic tactics. Never mind that they haven’t produced a shred of evidence to support their hair-on-fire harangues. And pay no attention to the fact that FBI Director Chris Wray was appointed by Trump, who said he was “an impeccably qualified individual, and I know that he will again serve his country as a fierce guardian of the law and model of integrity.” Oops.

RELATED: Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Bunker Has Been Raided by the FBI, and His Reaction is Predictably Bonkers

More specifically, the Trumpists are falling in line behind the utterly baseless charge that the FBI planted evidence against Trump during the Mar-a-Lago visit. It’s a shameful and reckless allegation for which the only basis is their perverse imaginations. But it has rapidly become the mantra at Fox “News” because, despite it’s pitiful idiocy, it’s the least idiotic defense they can fabricate on such short notice.

What Trump and his Fox friends are doing is laying the groundwork to deny the validity of the evidence that they know the FBI has confiscated from Trump’s Palm Beach compound. In other words, they know that Trump is guilty. And since the hard documents that Trump stole from the White House – many of which are classified – will be unimpeachably incriminating, the only thing Trump’s minions can do is try to characterize them as fake or planted by a cabal of dozens of law enforcement professionals working in tandem with Justice Department officials and the White House.

RELATED: Fox News Spews Knee-Jerk Defense of Wannabe Dictator Trump After FBI Search of Mar-a-Lago

It’s a conspiracy theory that puts the “lizard people” proponents to shame. But it’s what is on the script for Team Trump today. As evidence of the coordination in place for this preposterous fan fiction, what follows are some of the wild commentaries on Fox News from just the past 24 hours…

Jesse Watters: What the FBI is probably doing is planting evidence, which is what they did during the Russia hoax. We also have a hunch that they doctored evidence to get the warrant.

Trump lawyer Alina Habba: Quite honestly, I’m concerned that they may have planted something. At this point who knows? I don’t trust the government.

Fox News host Ainsley Earhardt: What Was in Those Backpacks?
Sen. Rand Paul: Do I know that the boxes of material they took from Mar-a-Lago, that they won’t put things in those boxes to entrap him? How do we know? […]
Ainsley Earhardt: His lawyer said they brought in backpacks, what was in those backpacks? Did they bring those in to fill them up or did they have something in there?

Trump attorney (and former OAN shill) Christina Bobb: At this point I don’t “necessarily” think that they would even go to the extent of trying to plant information. I think they just make stuff up.

And of course, Wannabe messiah Trump

“The FBI and others from the Federal Government would not let anyone, including my lawyers, be anywhere near the areas that were rummaged and otherwise looked at during the raid on Mar-a-Lago. Everyone was asked to leave the premises, they wanted to be left alone, without any witnesses to see what they were doing, taking or, hopefully not, ‘planting.’ Why did they STRONGLY insist on having nobody watching them, everybody out? Obama and Clinton were never ‘raided,’ despite big disputes!”

Who wants to to tell Trump that neither President Obama nor Hillary Clinton committed crimes that warranted being raided? Although the FBI did examine Clinton’s emails just eleven days prior to the presidential election of 2016, she never presented any risk of tampering with, or destroying evidence. Unlike Trump. Also, it is routine for search warrants to be executed without others around contaminating the potential crime scene. Particularly others with interests in altering the outcome of the search.

RELATED: Eric Trump Admits on Fox News that the Trump Admin Interfered with Justice Department Business

Trump is known to have shredded, flushed, and even eaten documents that were required by law to be preserved. He took dozens of boxes from the White House and, when challenged, only returned some them, lying that it was all he had. And now that the FBI has recovered more of the materials that Trump stole, he and his goon squad are maligning law enforcement and manufacturing an argument that any evidence of a crime was planted. Which is a pretty good indication that they know there is evidence of a crime – or crimes – in what the FBI recovered.

Finally, if Trump is really so upset that the search warrant was improper, why doesn’t he release his copy of it as proof? The FBI cannot do so if it is under seal, but there is nothing stopping Trump – except his consciousness of guilt. Trump’s glassy-eyed disciples should ask themselves this question: Why would he hesitate to release information that would exonerate him? The answer: For the same reason he refuses to testify under oath and obstructs his supporters from doing so. He’s guilty and he knows it.

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Eric Trump Admits on Fox News that the Trump Admin Interfered with Justice Department Business

The old adage that, if you give them enough rope they will hang themselves, has never been more apt than when applied to the Trump family. On Monday the FBI served a search warrant on Donald Trump’s Palm Beach resort, Mar-a-Lago. And the mindlessly defensive responses have revealed boatload of info about the criminal proclivities of the former First Family.

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For his part, Donald Trump released an utterly inane statement that that only served to make him look more guilty. That was followed by hour after hour of Fox News hyperbolically insisting that civil war was imminent and/or the the world was coming to an end, simply because Trump might finally be being held accountable for his crimes.

RELATED: Fox News Spews Knee-Jerk Defense of Wannabe Dictator Trump After FBI Search of Mar-a-Lago

Now Eric Trump is contributing to the mess with another appearance on Fox News wherein he does more harm than good for himself and his father. He told Jesse Watters that…

“I know the White House as well anyone. I spent a lot of time there. I know the system. This did not happen without Joe Biden’s explicit approval. The White House approved of this. Mark my words. It will come out.

“I love to see the Press Secretary out there today, ‘We had no knowledge of this at all.’ Give me a break. A field office wouldn’t take … they wouldn’t even think of doing this without the sign-off of the President of the United States. This is raiding one of the most famous houses on planet Earth. One of the most famous people – probably the most famous person on planet Earth. Give me a break.”

Let’s just set aside the absurd assertion that Donald Trump is the “most famous person on planet Earth,” or that that has any relevance to his being the subject of a criminal investigation.

The more salient point is that Eric is confessing that during his father’s occupancy of the White House, it would be unheard of for an investigation to proceed without the President’s approval. That is, in fact, a serious violation of legal protocol. The Justice Department is supposed to be an independent agency that is run without the interference of political motivations.

However, according to Eric, who is bragging about his in depth grasp of how the system works, the Trump White House didn’t observe any such independence. Which explains Trump repeatedly firing his own attorneys general when they wouldn’t obey his corrupt orders.

Eric also mentioned that he doesn’t believe the White House Press Secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, when she says that President Biden had no prior knowledge of the FBI operation at Mar-a-Lago. Which is precisely how the system is actually supposed to work. But Eric’s remarks indicate that was not how it worked during the Trump administration.

Fox News is just as ill-informed as Eric Trump. At the daily press briefing on Tuesday, Fox’s Peter Doocy engaged in the following exchange with Jean-Pierre…

Doocy: Is this administration weaponizing the Justice Department and the FBI against political opponents?
Jean-Pierre: Peter, the President believes in the rule of law. The President believes in the Department of Justice…
Doocy (interrupting): That’s a yes or no.
Jean-Pierre: It’s a yes or no for you. I’m answering the question. You may not like it, but I’m answering the question…
Doocy (interrupting): [unintelligible]
Jean-Pierre: No…no. I’m answering the question. And I am telling you we are not going to comment on a criminal investigation. The President has been very clear. I’ve laid out what his thoughts were back on January 7, 2021, about how he saw the Department of Justice. And I’m just going to leave it there. We’re not going to comment from here, from this White House, on a criminal investigation that is currently happening.

Once again, that is precisely how these matter should be handled. For Doocy to badger Jean-Pierre to improperly blab about ongoing investigations proves that he is unfit for the position of a White House correspondent anywhere in the media. Well, anywhere except for Fox News where knowledge and professionalism are considered character flaws.

RELATED: Karine Jean-Pierre Has to School Peter Doocy of Fox News that Lower Gas Prices Are a Good Thing

At least we can be grateful that people like Eric Trump and Peter Doocy so freely demonstrate their ignorance and unfitness for roles in public life. It’s just unfortunate that they continue to have sway over the deplorables who think that Fox is a real news network.

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Fox News Spews Knee-Jerk Defense of Wannabe Dictator Trump After FBI Search of Mar-a-Lago

In what everyone – including Donald Trump – is calling an unprecedented act by federal law enforcement authorities, the Trump compound at Mar-a-Lago was the subject of a search warrant by FBI agents in connection to Trump’s potentially criminal removal and possession of classified documents from the White House.

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Republicans and right-wing media are fixated on the unprecedented nature of this operation, while desperately seeking to ignore the criminal part. But the only reason it is unprecedented is because no president has ever acted so brazenly in the commission of crimes as Trump. And even while he rages over the indignity of being held accountable to the law like any other American, Trump frantically scrambles to shift attention away from his legal troubles, to unrelated matters about everything from the his Russian collusion scandals to Hillary Clinton.

RELATED: Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Bunker Has Been Raided by the FBI, and His Reaction is Predictably Bonkers

As soon as the story of the FBI visit to Mar-a-Lago broke, Fox News went to work obediently excusing Trump’s legal malfeasance and baselessly accusing President Biden and the Democrats of engaging in an improper persecution of The Former Guy. In an Olympian feat of projection, they likened it to third-world and/or fascist tactics. Never mind that they couldn’t provide a shred of rational support for their wild charges.

The usual suspects at Fox News launched into hysterical defenses of Trump, affirming their role as boot-licking sycophants. It began with Jesse Watters who presented a parade of Trumpist Fox contributors such as Dana Loesch and Dan Bongino to malign the “radical leftists” at the FBI.

That led into Will Cain, sitting in for Tucker Carlson, who somehow managed to book Lara Trump on a moments notice. The thrust of her attempt at whitewashing the affair was that her sugar-daddy-in-law just “loves to save things like newspaper clippings, magazine clippings, photographs.” Yeah, that’s the ticket. He was just scrapbooking. She went on, of course, to divert the low attention span Fox viewers, directing them to “Look at Hillary Clinton. the 33,000 emails that she just deleted.”

The headliner for the night was Sean Hannity. And he didn’t disappoint, so lang as your analysis is based on flagrant deception and hostility. Hannity brought on another unbiased guest, Eric Trump, who said that…

“Going back to Hillary [Clinton], There’s a whole lot of other things. How about the Benghazi scandals? How about the Clinton Foundation? I mean, how many shady oligarchs from Russia were contributing to that? How about Uranium One? You want to talk about scandals that were never investigated, never vetted?”

Literally every item that Eric uttered was a non-scandal that was indeed investigated and had been proven to be fabricated. Clinton testified under oath for eleven hours (something Trump is too cowardly to do), and no evidence of wrongdoing was found. The Clinton Foundation is a pillar of the charitable world, receiving the top rating from charity watchdogs. As opposed to Trump’s foundation that was shuttered by New York authorities for committing fraud. The Uranium One matter was a wholly contrived sham created by Fox News and the GOP.

Eric also explicitly accused Biden of being at the head of the imaginary cabal against his father. And for an added serving of comedy, Hannity punctuated his propaganda by dementedly messing up the old adage about dotting i’s and crossing t’s…

Much of the wingnut argument on Fox News has been centered on a campaign to literally defund the FBI. That’s quite a reversal from their prior position attacking Democrats for being anti-police. What’s more, they have entirely – or conveniently – forgotten that the FBI director, Chris Wray, is a Trump appointee. They even brought in felon Steve Bannon, who pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI, but was later pardoned by Trump. Bannon advocated for cutting off funds to the agency that he lied to:

“The House leaders right now need to step up and recommit Jim Jordan. Full investigation, I think, cutting off appropriations to the FBI to get to the bottom of this. This is gonna continue on. The FBI right now is the Gestapo.”

At least Bannon didn’t insult the FBI as being gazpacho. However, this take by Fox’s Todd Starnes may truly be the most deranged…

One thing all of this Trump-fawning settles is the question as to whether Fox News is still on Trump’s side. Clearly they are as worshipful of Trump as ever. There may have had a brief moment wherein a couple of Murdoch’s newspapers went off script, but Fox News itself is still a fully indoctrinated mouthpiece for the Trump cult.

RELATED: WOAH! Rupert Murdoch’s Right-Wing New York Post Scorches Trump as ‘Unworthy’ to Be President

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Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Bunker Has Been Raided by the FBI, and His Reaction is Predictably Bonkers

The former reality TV game show host and crime family boss, Donald Trump, has announced to the world that his Palm Beach resort, Mar-a-Lago, has been raided by the FBI. This is a developing story and little is known beyond the basic facts that a search warrant was served, although it is unclear which of the currently open investigations it refers to.

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Donald Trump, Prison

Unsurprisingly, Trump has issued a frantically deranged statement that is filled with hostility and unrelated nonsense. For the record, it is posted here:

“These are dark times for our Nation, as my beautiful home, Mar-A-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida, is currently under siege, raided, and occupied by a large group of FBI agents. Nothing like this has ever happened to a President of the United States before. After working and cooperating with the relevant Government agencies, this unannounced raid on my home was not necessary or appropriate. It is prosecutorial misconduct, the weaponization of the Justice System, and an attack by Radical Left Democrats who desperately don’t want me to run for President in 2024, especially based on recent polls, and who will likewise do anything to stop Republicans and Conservatives in the upcoming Midterm Elections. Such an assault could only take place in broken, Third-World Countries. Sadly, America has now become one of those Countries, corrupt at a level not seen before. They even broke into my safe! What is the difference between this and Watergate, where operatives broke into the Democrat National Committee? Here, in reverse, Democrats broke into the home of the 45th President of the United States.

“The political persecution of President Donald J. Trump has been going on for years, with the now fully debunked Russia, Russia, Russia Scam, Impeachment Hoax #1, Impeachment Hoax #2, and so much more, it just never ends. It is political targeting at the highest level!

“Hillary Clinton was allowed to delete and acid wash 33,000 E-mails AFTER they were subpoenaed by Congress. Absolutely nothing has happened to hold her accountable. She even took antique furniture, and other items from the White House.

“I stood up to America’s bureaucratic corruption, I restored power to the people, and truly delivered for our Country, like we have never seen before. The establishment hated it. Now, as they watch my endorsed candidates win big victories, and see my dominance in all polls, they are trying to stop me, and the Republican Party, once more. The lawlessness, political persecution, and Witch Hunt must be exposed and stopped.

“I will continue to fight for the Great American People!”

Among the bizarre assertions in Trump’s rant about “dark times for our Nation” are that…

His “beautiful home” is “currently under siege.”
Actually, it the subject of a lawful search that had to be approved by a judge and officials at the highest levels of the Department of Justice.

He claims to have been “cooperating with the relevant Government agencies.”
In fact, he has obstructed the investigations at every turn. He even falsely claimed to have executive privilege that prohibited himself and numerous associates from having to testify.

He claimed that “this unannounced raid on my home was not necessary or appropriate.”
Obviously law enforcement disagreed as to whether it was necessary or appropriate. And given the fact that he is known to have destroyed evidence by shredding and flushing it down toilets, and even taking classified materials from the White House to Mar-a-Lago, the necessity of the raid is fully justified.

His accusations that the raid was “prosecutorial misconduct, the weaponization of the Justice System, and an attack by Radical Left Democrats…”
…is utterly unfounded. He offers nothing to support his wild charges. And it should be noted that the current FBI director is a Trump appointee.

He whines that “Sadly, America has now become one one of those [Third-World] Countries.”
This is only true to the extent that his efforts to undermine our elections and overthrow government contribute to that claim.

He asks “What is the difference between this and Watergate?”
Well, the illegal Watergate break-in was conducted by criminals working for a rogue white House operation. This lawful raid was conducted by law enforcement professionals under the supervision of the FBI and Justice Department.

Trump repeated his obsessive rants about “Russia, Russia, Russia Scam, Impeachment Hoax #1, Impeachment Hoax #2”
These are wholly unrelated deflections that have nothing to do with this current activity. But it is part of his routine script of robo-outrage.

He also unleashed on Hillary Clinton, who he said “was allowed to delete and acid wash 33,000 E-mails.”
These are more false charges that Trump regularly dredges up. Clinton actually testified under oath for eleven hours, something that Trump is too cowardly to do.

Trump closed by exalting himself as the people’s champion who is now being persecuted for his divine virtue. And he throws in an obligatory reference to it all being a “Witch Hunt.” But the bottom line is that the entirety of this statement is just more proof that he is scared witless and pulling out all the stops to enrage his potentially violent cult followers. Hopefully he will not succeed in inciting more riots and harming more law enforcement officers and other citizens.

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Envious of Nazi Loyalty to Hitler, Trump Raged ‘Why Can’t You Be Like the German Generals?’

One of the most profoundly disquieting aspects of Donald Trump’s brief but historically horrifying occupancy of the white House is the abundance of scathing tell-all books published by his former staffers and associates. There has never been a former president who was more reviled by the people who worked most closely to him.

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The latest example is a book by Peter Baker and Susan Glasser, The Divider: Trump in the White House. These seasoned journalists are likely to share numerous disturbing revelations about Trump when the book is released. But in the meantime, they have published an excerpt in the New Yorker that is a pretty chilling teaser for what’s to come.

The article features some of Trump’s exchanges with his defense and national security advisors that illustrate just how dangerous his arrogance and ignorance was. Such as what the authors say was “Trump’s love affair with ‘my generals'” that “soured on them over time.” “These were very untalented people,” Trump bleated, “and once I realized it, I did not rely on them.”

That’s because Trump only relied on those he had certified were unflinching sycophants and, more often than not, himself. He was once asked who he talks to for advice and responded saying that “I’m speaking with myself, number one, because I have a very good brain and I’ve said a lot of things.”

RELATED: Trump Doesn’t Need Intelligence Briefings Because ‘I’m, Like, A Smart Person’

The book also presented an exchange that Trump had with his then-Chief of Staff, Gen. John Kelly. It reveals both Trump’s disrespect for America’s most experienced military leaders, as well as his grotesque aspirations for authoritarian dictatorship…

Trump: You f*cking generals, why can’t you be like the German generals?
Kelly: Which generals?
Trump: The German generals in World War II.
Kelly: You do know that they tried to kill Hitler three times and almost pulled it off?
Trump: No, no, no, they were totally loyal to him.

Somehow it seems like a more accurate transcription would have read “Nein, nein, nein, they were totally loyal to him.” This exchange shouldn’t surprise anyone. It isn’t the first time that Trump has expressed his admiration for – and jealously of – foreign tyrants. He once lamented that the American people didn’t idolize him like the brutally oppressed North Koreans idolize Kim Jung Un. “He speaks and his people sit up in attention” Trump dreamed. “I want my people to do the same.”

RELATED: Trump: I Want ‘My People’ To Worship Me Like North Koreans Worship Kim Jong Un

The article also featured a reference to Trump’s craving for obedient generals who would assist his overturning the 2020 presidential election and the overthrowing of the U.S. government.

“On December 18th, Trump hosted [disgraced former general Michael] Flynn [who was pardoned by Trump after pleading guilty to lying to the FBI about his contacts with Russia] and a group of other election deniers in the Oval Office, where, for the first time in American history, a President would seriously entertain using the military to overturn an election. They brought with them a draft of a proposed Presidential order requiring the acting Defense Secretary — Christopher Miller — to ‘seize, collect, retain and analyze” voting machines.'”

The more we learn about Trump, the more we realize how close we came to the end of American democracy. And it needs to be noted that in most cases it isn’t some adversarial Democratic politician or pundit sounding the alarm. It is the people Trump hired to staff his administration, and who were first hand witnesses to his treachery.

The nation must remember this and hold Trump to account. Because if we don’t, he is surely going to try it again. He’s already laying the groundwork for it.

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