Trump Shill McEnany Visits Fox News to Drop Another Flagrant Election Fraud Lie

Next week the Electoral College will certify that Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election. But even as this date approaches, and the outcome is unquestionably certain, Donald Trump continues to babble incoherently that he was the winner “by a landslide.” It’s position that just gets more pathetic every day as Trump affirms his departure from reality and psychotic deterioration. Unfortunately, he’s also veering closing to open advocacy of violence.

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Kayleigh McEnany, Donald Trump

However, it isn’t just Trump who is suffering from this deeply delusional defect. It has spread like an epidemic throughout Trump World. His dimwitted cult disciples are fully indoctrinated into believing that a cabal of thousands of coup conspirators have “stolen” the election without leaving behind a single shred of evidence. And Trump’s remaining dead-ender confederates in the White House persist in propagating a victory that exists only in his diseased mind.

Chief among those stubborn Trumpians is his combination press secretary and campaign mouthpiece, Kayleigh McEnany. She spent some quality time Monday night with Senior Fox News Trump-fluffer Sean Hannity where she tried to pass off a provable lie about alleged voting irregularities:

“This happened in the places where it needed to happen. Which is why the four metros, the only four where Joe Biden outperformed Hillary Clinton, were Philadelphia, Milwaukee, Atlanta, and Detroit. The four he needed in the four key states.”

McEnany’s disinformation appears to have been cribbed from a tweet by the ultra right-wing pollster, Rasmussen. Their tweet linked to an article by the notorious Internet conspiracy crackpot, Gateway Pundit, who sourced his info to the website Townhall. Of course, the article was utterly fictional. Even Townhall later disclaimed their own post. But the presence of blatant falsehoods have never stopped McEnany, or Hannity, before. CNN’s Jake Tapper put it succinctly this weekend when he described his standards for booking Trump administration guests:

“There are some people that are just so mendacious I just wouldn’t put them on air. Kayleigh McEnany, I’ve never booked her. Jason Miller from the Trump campaign, I would never book him. These are just people, they just tell lies the way that most people breathe. There was no value in that. […] This is what she does. She tells lies all the time. She can’t acknowledge reality.”

For the record, USA Today conducted a study of “the country’s 10 largest cities — or the counties in which they’re located, if data by city was not available — plus Detroit, Milwaukee and Fulton County, where Atlanta is located.” It found that Biden actually did outperform Clinton in 10 of those 13 locations:

  • Chicago by 19,613 votes
  • Philadelphia by 20,150 votes
  • Milwaukee by 6,004 votes
  • Houston by 210,279 votes
  • San Antonio by 128,902 votes
  • San Diego by 226,849 votes
  • Dallas by 137,496 votes
  • San Jose by 103,574 votes
  • Phoenix by 337,867 votes
  • Atlanta by 84,093 votes

As further evidence of how far off McEnany et al are, Biden actually appears to have underperformed Clinton in Detroit. Another study conducted by the conservative National Review confirmed USA Today’s study. They found that “Biden improved his margin of victory compared to Clinton in 31 of 36 urban counties.” They also found that “There’s no evidence that swing states had more than 100% voter turnout.”

McEnany’s penchant for poisoning her diatribes with untruths is well known. She began doing it on day one of her employment as Trump’s press secretary, ably filling the deceitful shoes of Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Following Tapper’s public rebuke, McEnany spitefully turned to Twitter to hysterically claim that she doesn’t lie. Which is just another lie in her ample supply of prevarication.

But if McEnany is really so offended by people accurately pointing out her aversion to truth telling, she just might want to take this advice…

NOTE: Twitter recently suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Fox News ‘China Spy’ Story Falsely Accuses Democrats of Trump’s Crimes

As expected, Donald Trump’s pathetic assault on America’s democracy is rapidly sinking further into irrelevance. His efforts to manufacture evidence of a “rigged” election have produced nothing but failure and legal humiliation. Consequently, his Ministry of Propaganda (aka Fox News) is grasping desperately for new forms of journalistic chicanery with which to malign Democrats.

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Donald Trump, Fox News, Fake

In pursuit of that goal Fox News is employing a tactic that Trump uses frequently: Accuse your enemies of crimes for which you are guilty. This is evident in a story on Fox News that brazenly distorts a rather innocuous item about Democratic representative Eric Swalwell published by Axios. The article tells the tale of an alleged Chinese spy who wrangled her way into the California political scene.

Fox News attempted to turn this old news into a new scandal via deceitful spinning and insinuation. They begin with a blatant lie by White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany, who claimed that Democrats were “under control of a foreign power.” But the Axios article even never suggested that. What the Axios article made clear was that the “spy” accomplished nothing and that there was no evidence whatsoever of wrongdoing by Swalwell. Fox even included those conclusions deep in their story saying that “officials do not believe she received or passed on classified information.”

So all that’s left of this story is that Swalwell was targeted – unsuccessfully – by an alleged Chinese spy. He reported it to the FBI and cut off all connections to her. Which is exactly what is supposed to be done.

Trump, on the hand, when his unsavory connections to Russia were revealed, attacked the FBI and the rest of the U.S. intelligence community and whined about being a victim of a hoax by Americans plotting against him in a “Deep State” conspiracy. He refused to cooperate with law enforcement, the intelligence community, or Congress. But he continued his relationships with the people who were fraternizing with Russia.

Yet somehow this became the number one story on Fox News (followed shortly by more bullpucky about Hunter Biden). Fox produced a flurry of headlines with ludicrous insinuations, such as…

  • McCarthy demands answers on Chinese spy’s infiltration of top Democrat’s team
  • Ingraham: China’s influence in the US is dangerously ‘widespread’
  • Swalwell refuses to explain relationship with suspected Chinese spy accused of affairs with mayors
  • McCarthy: Why is Swalwell still in Congress after China spy report?
  • Swalwell suggests Trump is behind blockbuster Axios report
  • Sanders: Swalwell’s ‘outrageous and irresponsible’ behavior looks even worse now
  • Rubio: Swalwell has much to answer for ‘if he wants to continue’ in Congress
  • MacCallum: Swalwell link to Chinese spy more ‘substantial’ than Trump-Russia claims
  • Congressman’s past positions on Beijing draw scrutiny after Chinese spy infiltrated his office
  • Gaetz slams coverage of Swalwell spy scandal: ‘That’s deemed as something we can just accept and move on’
  • [And my personal favorite] Swalwell’s dad, brother no longer Facebook friends with suspected spy

Tucker Carlson joined in on the lie-fest with a segment that referred to Swalwell as “a reliable source of Chinese propaganda.” That’s a flagrant falsehood that Carlson backs up with nothing but flimsy misquotes and innuendo. Although Carlson does attempt some rhetorical jiu Jitsu saying that “It’s always those who have the most to hide who attack other people for the very things they’ve done.” That, of course, is the Trump method.

So we’ve come full circle. Fox News accuses Swalwell of accusing Trump of accusing everyone else for his atrocities and failures. These are the growing pains of a network that needs to reinvent itself for the post-Trump era. They have to transform from a slobbering pro-Trump mouthpiece, to a vicious anti-Democratic slander machine. And the result will be more stories that try to construct controversies where none exist. That’s been the Fox News mission from its inception. And it will continue into the foreseeable future, spreading lies and disinformation, and lowering the collective IQ of their dimwitted viewers.

NOTE: Twitter recently suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Trump’s Not Nearly a Million MAGA March Massively Misfires

The mass delusion exhibited by the Cult of Trump continues to manifest in the most bizarre and irrational ways. On Saturday a coalition of white nationalists, neo-Nazis, crackpot conspiracy theorists, and of course, Republicans (or is that redundant?), descended on Washington, D.C. like a flock of vultures. The attendees of the hysterically misnamed “Million MAGA March” were intent on propping up the failed presidential campaign of Donald Trump, whose pitiful denial of reality has infected his most fervent devotees with the same deranged notions of an imaginary victory.

Trump Charlotsville

The marchers fanned out along the streets waving banners and shouting slogans attesting to their utterly unfounded belief that the election was stolen from their Dear Leader. There were estimated to be only a few thousand marchers, but they made up for that lack of numbers with their abundance of yelling and blind hostility. Trump himself was watching the parade and was so impressed that he tweeted…

However, nothing that took place advanced their central, and patently absurd, theme that Trump had actually won reelection. There was no presentation of evidence that any voting irregularities occurred. And even their baseless allegations wouldn’t have overturned the results were they all found to be valid. What’s more, Trump’s own Department of Homeland Security found “no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised.”

So failing in what was the principle justification for the march, the Trump disciples lashed out at what they have come to regard as their most ardent foe, Fox News. That’s right, the rabidly biased network that is most responsible for putting Trump in the White House is now considered to have betrayed the movement and is working for the socialist opposition. One speaker at the rally expressed the opinions of the hive-mind attendees saying that…

“Fox News sucks! How bad is Fox News now? What the hell happened? What a disgrace. They are the enemy of the people.”

That’s an opinion that is shared by Trump who has similarly castigated Fox News for failing to be unflinchingly worshipful at all times. Even interviewing a Democrat on the network is considered to be treasonous. That’s why speculation is running so high that Trump is plotting to launch a competing network with the express purpose of Wrecking Fox News.” In fact, that may be the true motivation behind Trump’s challenging of the election results. He might just be using that as a means to continue fundraising for his post-presidency media enterprise.

However, if the turnout for this March of the MAGA Munchkins is any indication, Trump’s hopes for a successful venture are likely to land him his next bankruptcy. And also his next indictments after he’s caught funneling campaign funds into his personal business pursuits.

On the bright side, Trump has actually succeeded in uniting America – in opposition to Fox News. Now the left, who have long regarded Fox as a brazenly conservative dispenser of right-wing propaganda and an arm of the Republican Party, are joined by the right, who lately have come to see Fox as being in bed with liberals.

So now everybody hates Fox News. Well, except for Trump. Because even though he whines like a baby whenever he thinks that Fox isn’t sufficiently adoring, he still promotes them by posting clips from their programs and with nearly exclusive appearances on their air. It’s a love/hate relationship that twists on the nebulous winds of whatever he watched last – whether it was Sean Hannity fluffing his fragile ego, or some nameless host reporting that Joe Biden won another state. That’s knife’s edge of Trump’s psychosis. And it is only going to get worse in the days before Biden’s inauguration.

NOTE: News Corpse was notified by Twitter recently that its account would be permanently suspended for repeated violations of their rules. Which is strange because it has never been cited for a single violation in 11 years and they didn’t even identify this alleged violation. They just bounced the account and its 7,000 followers. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from this website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Trump Says He ‘Won the Debate Big’ – According to Imaginary Polls

In these increasingly divisive days of the dwindling Era of Trump, there are rarely matters that achieve anything approaching a consensus. However, the first presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden has managed to produce a fair amount of agreement that Trump’s behavior was disruptive, petulant, asinine, and harmful to both his candidacy and the nation’s pride.

Donald Trump

Despite the overwhelmingly negative response to Trump’s incessant and insolent interruptions, Trump himself is pleased with his performance and is celebrating the aftermath of the muddy mess he made Tuesday night. That’s to be expected of a malignant narcissist who is incapable of forming any connection to reality. Consequently, on Thursday morning Trump tweeted this…

Notice that Trump didn’t bother to cite even a single poll that reported his allegedly big win. But there’s a good reason for that. There aren’t any. He is thanking an imaginary compilation of polls that exist exclusively in his diseased brain. These pseudo-surveys are in stark contrast to the actual polls released since the debate that all show Joe Biden crushing Trump by substantial margins ranging from seven to 32 points. Here are five of those polls:

  • 538/Ipsos: “Biden got higher marks (59.7-32.9%) for his performance.”
  • CNN/SSRS: “Six in 10 debate watchers said former Vice President Joe Biden did the best job in Tuesday’s debate, and just 28% say President Donald Trump did.”
  • CBS/YouGov: “Forty-eight percent said Biden won, while 41% thought Mr. Trump was the winner.”
  • Politico/Morning Consult: “The survey, conducted the day after the candidates’ clash in Cleveland, found that 50 percent of debate watchers surveyed said Biden, the Democratic presidential nominee, performed the best during the debate. Just 34 percent said the same about the Republican incumbent”
  • Vox/Data for Progress: “A new poll by Data for Progress provided exclusively to Vox shows that viewers thought Democratic nominee Joe Biden decisively won Tuesday’s first presidential debate against President Donald Trump, by a 52-39 margin.”
  • CNBC/Change Research: “A CNBC/Change Research poll conducted Tuesday night and Wednesday found 53% of likely voters nationwide said Biden did a better job in the debate, compared with 29% for Trump.”

So where did Trump get his fantasy polling results? From Fox News, of course. Sean Hannity giddily reported the “instant polls” that some media conduct by simply asking the opinions of whoever happens to be reading their tweets at the moment. “I’m sure the mainstream media will have corrupt polls,” Hannity cackled, “as they always do, but those [CSPAN and Telemundo] are the two flash polls that we have already.” And Trump’s Minister of Propaganda (aka press secretary), Kayleigh McEnany, tweeted much the same thing:

None of these numbers that the Trump toadies are touting are rooted in statistical reality. They have no scientific basis and represent nothing more than the ditzy clicking of amped up Internet Trolls for Trump. But it is all that Trump can cling to given the stinging truth that he is profoundly unpopular and widely despised. Which is what the real polls show conclusively.

With specific regard to the debate, Trump’s abysmal personality was so glaringly on display that there can be no escape from the well-deserved deluge of disgust he’s receiving. After acting out like a psychotic toddler, refusing to denounce white supremacy, lying every time he opened his mouth, and reaffirming his loathsome reputation for belligerent incoherence, Trump is lucky he wasn’t carted off to the psyche ward. Which, according to another recent poll, is something that a majority of the American people would deem appropriate.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Kayleigh McEnany’s Lame Attempt to Whitewash Trump’s Blame for 200,000 Deaths

This week the United States achieved another milestone under the “leadership” of Donald Trump. More than 200,000 Americans have died as a result of his negligence, incompetence, and deliberate malfeasance in responding to the coronavirus pandemic. Add to that the 6.7 million people who contracted the disease, many of whom will suffer permanent, debilitating disabilities.

Kayleigh McEnany, Donald Trump

This is unarguably a record of abject failure that translates into tragedy for millions of people. Yet somehow Trump gives himself a A+ for ranking near the bottom worldwide for managing this crisis. The only area that he concedes falling short is in public relations, for which he gives himself a D.

Trump deserves some credit for recognizing how terrible his White House communications operations are. For the most part they have ignored the traditional duties of conveying important information to the American people, choosing instead to conduct itself as an arm of Trump’s 2020 reelection campaign. And he has repeatedly been at odds with the medical experts on his Coronavirus Task Force. No wonder the cases and fatalities stack up even as other countries are returning to relative normality.

At the helm of Trump’s communications team is his press Secretary, Kayleigh McEnany. She’s an accomplished liar who is ably filling the shoes of her weasley predecessors Sean Spicer, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, and “alternative facts” spinner, Kellyanne Conway. As evidence of McEnany’s prowess for falsehoods, observe this response to a question from CNN’s Jim Acosta:

Acosta: The country has had over 200,000 deaths from coronavirus. What do you say to Americans who are outraged over this and blame this administration for so many lives lost in this country?
McEnany: Well, as you’ve heard several doctors on the task force note from this podium, we were looking at the prospect of two million people perishing from the coronavirus in this country. We grieve when even one life is lost, but the fact that we have come nowhere near that number is a testament to this president taking immediate action. After shutting down travel from China, when the other party, Democrats were saying that was xenophobic; for shutting down travel for Europe; for developing landmark therapeutics that are working, like Remdesivir.

There’s a lot to unpack in that brief commentary. To begin with, we were never “looking at the prospect of two million people perishing.” That was a baseline estimate of fatalities if nothing were done at all to mitigate the spread of virus. While Trump didn’t do very much, many governors and mayors took independent actions to shut down hazardous activities and to promote safe practices such as social distancing and the wearing of facial masks, both of which Trump dismissed and even mocked. The two million fatality estimate was never intended to be a benchmark for success. Trump himself used smaller numbers, beginning with fifteen and rising with reported deaths to 60,000. It’s now more than three times that, and growing. That’s a testament to failure.

Furthermore, Trump never shut down travel from either China or Europe. His restrictions were full of exemptions and he applied them too late, after the virus was already spreading in the U.S. The criticism of his xenophobia was connected to his focus on China – even calling it the China virus – despite the fact that most of the cases in the U.S. were traceable to Europe. And finally, McEnany summed up Trump’s accomplishments by giving him credit for developing Remdesivir, a drug developed by Gilead Sciences in 2009.

It’s easy to see why Trump’s PR operations are held in such low repute, even by him. In the exchange above, McEnany never even answered Acosta’s question. But Trump’s own efforts aren’t helping. Just this weekend he made some ludicrous and blatantly false remarks about the coronavirus and it’s potential for transmission:

“Now we know [the coronavirus]. It affects elderly people, elderly people with heart problems and other problems. If they have other problems, that’s what it really affects. That’s it. In some states, thousands of people, nobody young below the age of eighteen, like nobody. They have a strong immune system. Who knows? Take your hat off to the young, cause they have a hell of an immune system. But it affects virtually nobody. It’s an amazing thing.”

You’ll recall that just last week Trump was heard on recordings by Bob Woodward for his book, RAGE, saying that COVID-19 affects “not just old…older. Young people too. Plenty of young people.” That was in addition to his admission that he knew from the start how deadly it was, but was playing it down.

200,000 are a lot of “nobodies.” But it was always Trump’s intention to trivialize the massive amount of suffering for which he is directly responsible. That explains the fallacies disseminated by his PR team. However, it isn’t because they performed poorly. In fact, it was probably the best performing agency in his administration. That’s because they were saying precisely what Trump wanted them to say.

McEnany and company were lying on Trump’s behalf and at his direction. So it’s unfair of him to grade them with a D, when they were just doing what they were told. They may have been grossly misinforming the public and putting untold lives at risk, but they were doing exactly the job that Trump hired them to do.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Wannabe Dictator Trump Orders AG Barr to Prosecute Clinton for Following the Rules

It’s always to easy to see when Donald Trump is freaking out over some perceived slight or the unforgivable offense of someone daring to tell the truth about him. If he were a poker player his “tell” would be throwing a tantrum and overturning the table. He has the emotional response mechanism of a four year old, if that.

Donald Trump, Bill Barr

On Monday morning Trump overturned the figurative table in a frantic tweetstorm that was clearly intended to deflect from some of the more serious news stories of the past week. For instance, Bob Woodward’s new book, Rage, exposed Trump for having known just how deadly the coronavirus is, but lying about it to the American people. An article in The Atlantic revealed Trump’s disregard for America’s war dead as “losers” and “suckers.” And his polling versus Joe Biden continues to decline, as does his fundraising.

Consequently, Trump needed a distraction to avoid having to deal with these problems. So he reached back into his bag of golden oldies and pulled out a moldy conspiracy theory regarding cell phones used by Hillary Clinton and others in the Obama administration. The nightmare tale that Trump unfolded suggests that these folks conspired to hide damning evidence of some imaginary crimes by deleting the contents of their phones before returning them to the government inventory. Trump posted eight tweets on this subject. The substance of his commentary consisted of profound remarks like “Action must be taken!,” and “DOJ?,” and this classic that also trivializes a threat to lynch a black NASCAR driver:

Trump has tweeted and spoken about these bogus allegations dozens of times in recent weeks. And he has been helped by Sean Hannity of Fox News, who hosted Trump’s press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, Friday night to disseminate the same falsehoods (video below).

There is, however, absolutely no credibility to these charges. In fact, Clinton, and every other government employee, are actually required to wipe the contents off of their phones and other electronic devices, or physically destroy them, as a security precaution to prevent confidential information from being exposed. A State Department official explained this directive to Wired Magazine in 2016, saying that…

“‘…department security policies mandate that all electronic devices are cleared of sensitive or classified information prior to reuse or disposal.’ Some devices are wiped and reused, in other words, while others are destroyed as part of the recycling process.”

So Trump’s purported scandal is that Clinton et al are following the rules. Nevertheless, Trump is improperly pressuring his Attorney Genuflect, Bill Barr to “take action” against his political foes. And all because of this fictional “crime” that is really just another example of Trump’s flaming ignorance of the government that he pretends to lead. And Barr is likely to follow those orders, just as he has with regard to dropping charges against Michael Flynn, and siccing his “special” prosecutor on Joe Biden. Fortunately, the American people are not falling for it, and Trump is just digging himself into an ever deeper hole.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Trump Wonders ‘How Different My Life Would Have Been’ if He Weren’t a Treasonous Swine

While it seems like this could be said about pretty much every week lately, this past week was one of the worst for Donald Trump. Bob Woodward’s new book, Rage, exposed Trump for having known just how deadly the coronavirus is, but lying about it to the American people. An article in The Atlantic revealed Trump’s disregard for America’s war dead as “losers” and “suckers.” And his polling versus Joe Biden continues to decline, as does his fundraising.

Donald Trump Swine Pig

So what is a perpetually unpopular president (he’s never hit 50%) do to turn around his floundering campaign? In Trump’s case he resorts to moldy complaints about having been impeached due to an imaginary “witch hunt” and whining about his perceived persecutors:

When Trump says that “now we find out” something, he means that he just finished watching Sean Hannity on Fox News. Indeed, on Hannity’s Friday night program he discussed the “wiping” of phones with Trump’s press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany (video below). “Now we learn what Mueller’s team was doing,” McEnany lied. “Several dozens – think about that – several dozens of devices returned damaged, wiped clean, some of them intentionally so.”

What Trump and McEnany are too ignorant to know (or too dishonest to admit) is that the federal government requires that phones and other electronic devices used by those with access to confidential and classified materials be either thoroughly cleansed of the data, or physically destroyed. A State Department official addressed this issue with regard to Hillary Clinton’s phones. He told WIRED magazine in 2016 that…

“‘…department security policies mandate that all electronic devices are cleared of sensitive or classified information prior to reuse or disposal.’ Some devices are wiped and reused, in other words, while others are destroyed as part of the recycling process.”

So the shock expressed by McEnany, Hannity, and Trump is really just confirmation of how woefully ill-equipped they are to do their jobs.

But Trump had only just begun to deceive. He went on to characterize the Mueller Report as a “scam,” saying that that “has now been determined.” Notice that he doesn’t say who or what determined it. That’s because he’s making it up. In fact, the Department of Justice Inspector General, Michael Horowitz, found that the investigation was proper and was not motivated by political bias. Furthermore, the Republican-run Senate Intelligence Committee concluded pretty much the same thing.

All of this proves that Trump’s petulant whimpering and victimhood are the product of a weak and frightened man who is conscious of his guilt. And his plaintive yearning for a different life are really just the regrets of an inept criminal who is upset at having been caught.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Trump Reveals New Campaign Slogan: The Greatest Election Disaster in History

When someone is suffering from severe mental infirmities, they are prone to making remarks that inadvertently expose the depths of their derangement. Donald Trump is a prime example of this. And he just provided another instance to add to the cornucopia of commentaries that serve to prove how socially distant he is from reality.

Donald Trump Rally Trash

On Friday morning Trump addressed a gaggle of reporters in his ongoing effort to claw his way out of the political abyss he has dug for himself. Among the questions he replied to was one about mail-in voting. He began by falsely asserting that “mail-in ballots are a disaster,” and that the upcoming election will be “rigged.” He then went off on an extended tirade that was chock full of baseless allegations drawn mostly from his asinine imagination. The rant (video below) concluded with Trump claiming that…

“This is going to be the greatest election disaster in history.”

Don’t be confused. That is not a warning. It’s a promise. It’s what Trump and his Republican confederates intend to insure happens by whatever means necessary. He’s not issuing an alarm. He’s proclaiming with pride the core strategy of his 2020 reelection campaign. He should print it on his hats.

This isn’t a new tactic by the GOP. They have made the failure of government the primary theme of their party philosophy for decades. They fear monger about how terrible government is, and then, when they gain power, they set about to prove it by purposefully orchestrating the failure they predicted. Then they ask you to vote for them again.

Trump’s persistent condemnation of mail-in voting will continue to be a key component of his reelection effort. He knows that his prospects for victory are dismal, so he’s focusing on delegitimizing the election. He even went so far as to propose to delay the election, which he has no legal authority to do. Although, if the the election date were to change, most Americans would probably prefer to make it sooner, along with Inauguration Day.

In a bizarre twist of political theater, Trump’s press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, was asked about the news that Hong Kong would be delaying their elections. She responded without a hint of irony that…

“We condemn the Hong Kong government’s decision to postpone for one year its legislative counsel elections and to disqualify opposition candidates. This action undermines the democratic processes and freedoms that have underpinned Hong Kong’s prosperity.”

Exactly! So McEnany is affirming that Trump’s intentions are to “undermine the democratic processes and freedoms” of the United States. Not that any further affirmation was needed. It was apparent in Trump’s deployment of federal storm troopers to assault and suppress citizens exercising their constitutional rights to demonstrate. It’s apparent in his toleration of Russia placing bounties on American soldiers. It’s apparent in his favoritism of corporations and the wealthy in his economic and taxation agenda. And it’s tragically apparent in his fatally negligent mishandling of the coronavirus pandemic.

Remember that when you hear Trump say that “This is going to be the greatest election disaster in history.” He’s right, but not for the reason he thinks. Like everything else that Trump brags about, this will be “the greatest…in history.” That’s how you know that it’s something he’s taking pride in. And It’s why the American people cannot afford to be complacent about it. It will take the determined vigilance of every patriotic citizen to prevent Trump from achieving the disaster he intends to provoke.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Defending His Bleach Injection Insanity, Trump Lies and Makes Matters Even Worse

When lying holds no moral weight, the liar will carelessly compound his dishonesty. So it is with Donald Trump whose pathological falsification of all things great and small is bound to set historical records. Unfortunately, this isn’t sport, and the likelihood that people will be hurt, and even die,cannot be ignored.

Donald Trump Virus

Trump’s bizarre and dangerous assertions on Thursday that injections of bleach or alcohol could be potential treatments for COVID-19 (coronavirus) were the latest escalation of his war on human beings. Trump seems to cherish initiatives that put lives at risk. He displays that in his efforts to kill Obamacare, his rollback of fuel emission standards, and remarkably in his proposal to nuke hurricanes. He clearly doesn’t have even a kindergartners grasp of science. But more worrisome is that he has zero empathy for the citizens of the United States or the world.

On Friday Trump sought to disinfect his noxious suggestion about ingesting household cleaning solutions. But his pitifully lame effort only served to amplify his abundant ignorance. For the record, at Thursday’s Coronavirus Task Force briefing (aka Trump 2020 reelection campaign infomercial), Trump hyped an insane theory of his own making with this inquiry: “The disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute, and is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside, or almost a cleaning.”

Yes, of course there is. And it would totally kill the virus – along with the patient – but hey, that’s the trade-off. The comment was so preposterous that Trump had to walk it back early Friday as he spoke with reporters. However, his explanation only affirmed that he will lie shamelessly no matter how obvious it is. When asked to clarify his remarks, Trump told reporters that “I was asking a question sarcastically to reporters like you just to see what would happen.”

The only problem with that excuse is that the video above shows that he wasn’t addressing reporters. He plainly turned to Dr. Deborah Birx and Bill Bryan of the Department of Homeland Security for affirmation of his wackadoodle theory. Furthermore, there was no hint of sarcasm in his voice or manner. And if that weren’t enough, Trump’s press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, issued a statement saying that…

“President Trump has repeatedly said that Americans should consult with medical doctors regarding coronavirus treatment, a point that he emphasized again during yesterday’s briefing. Leave it to the media to irresponsibly take President Trump out of context and run with negative headlines.”

Notice that McEnany doesn’t bother to point to whatever she is asserting was out of context. She knows that the media was merely quoting Trump, and doing so accurately. Even worse, McEnany doesn’t dispute the impression that Trump left as endorsing bleach injections. She merely advises that people consult with their doctors first. There’s a problem with that as well. Because if you ask your doctor if it’s okay to shoot up Clorox, you’re likely to be committed to a psyche ward.

Finally, Trump seems to think that it’s his job to float reckless and potentially fatal therapies to the American people on national television. And he said as much in this exchange:

Philip Bump, Washington Post: Respectfully sir, you’re the president and people tuning into these briefings they want to get information and guidance and want to know what to do. They’re not looking for rumors.”
Trump: I’m the president and you are fake news. And you know what I’ll say to you? I’ll say it very nicely. You ready? It’s just a suggestion from a brilliant lab by a very, very smart, perhaps brilliant man. He’s talking about sun. He’s talking about heat. And you see the numbers. So that’s it. That’s all I have. I’m just here to present talent. I’m here to present ideas.”

First of all, the suggestion to inject poisons was not from the “very smart, perhaps brilliant man.” That was all Trump. More to the point, it is not the president’s job to present any and all ideas, particularly those that are not validated by science and that can result in tragedy. That’s just rumor mongering. And Trump’s recent experience with hyping the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine proved the folly of such snake oil pitches when it turned out that it contributed to more deaths among a trial group of coronavirus patients, than those who did not receive it.

If there’s one thing that can be learned from this, it’s that Trump’s babbling must never be taken seriously. His ignorance and callous disregard for the welfare of others can only lead to pain and loss. And even when he’s called out for his fatal errors, he will manufacture distortions of reality to try to absolve himself of responsibility. These are the behaviors of a narcissistic sociopath. And those who continue to cover for him, whether in the public, the press, or politics, are not only complicit, they are hopelessly lost cultists.

UPDATE: So after suggesting that people ingest poison, then lying that it was HHS official Bill Bryan who said it, then lying that he was sarcastically addressing it to reporters, Trump has now tweeted that he did in fact say it to Bryan. Trump really needs someone on his staff to manage his lies better.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

CONFIRMED: Trump’s White House and Reelection Campaign are Joined at the Lip

Ever since the creation of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, Donald Trump has hijacked their daily press briefings to advance his personal interests. He wasted the time of both the Task Force members and the American people so that he could spew lies about imaginary accomplishments and shamelessly pay tribute to himself. That’s when he wasn’t whining about media coverage and yelling petulantly at reporters who asked pertinent questions.

Kayleigh McEnany, Donald Trump

The briefings that were supposed to keep the public informed were exploited to boost Trump’s floundering reelection prospects and to satisfy his voracious ego and need to constantly be the center of attention. It has been an unethical failure of duty by both the White House and the media, which should have refrained from live airings of Trump’s flagrantly partisan, reality show-style tantrums.

Now the marriage of Trump’s White House and his 2020 reelection campaign operation is complete. CNN is reporting that White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham has been given the boot. That’s not much of a loss considering that the only thing she did in her eight months on the job was to serve as the resident Trump-fluffer on Fox News. She never held a single press conference.

Grisham’s replacement – and Trump’s fourth press secretary in three years – will be the Trump campaign’s spokesperson, Kayleigh McEnany. Clearly Trump is suffering some anxiety about the November election and feels that it’s necessary to turn his White House into an arm of his campaign. Apparently commandeering the coronavirus briefings for that purpose wasn’t sufficient. So Trump has tapped one of his most shrill and glassy-eyed devotees to make the case to the media that he is a “stable genius.”

For an example of the deft communications skills that McEnany will bring to the White House, see this video of her last month insisting that “We will not see diseases like the coronavirus come here,” and remarking that “isn’t that refreshing when contrasting it with the awful presidency of President Obama.”

Like most of the Trump cultists and Fox News sycophants (I know, that’s redundant), McEnany was dismissing the threat of a pandemic that many experts were already warning was inevitable. And in this video she is being “interviewed” by Trish Regan, who was fired by Fox last month for a commentary asserting that COVID-19 was another Democratic “impeachment scam.” You have to wonder why Fox hasn’t fired Sean Hannity and others on the network who have said the same things.

However, what may have clinched this appointment for McEnany was an interview last August on CNN. Chris Cuomo asked McEnany if she believed that “Trump has never lied to the American people?” To which McEnany replied “No, the President hasn’t lied. I think CNN has lied to the American people.” McEnany went on to robotically repeat that “the fake news media lies.” It was a performance that was clearly inspired by the rabid ravings of her boss. Watch and wretch:

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.