Why Is Fox News Racist Tucker Carlson Smearing a January 6th Capitol Police Hero?

On Wednesday afternoon House Speaker Nancy Pelosi responded appropriately to GOP leader Kevin McCarthy’s transparent attempt to make a mockery of the House Select Committee on the January 6th Insurrection. McCarthy tried to stack the Committee with a pair of fervent foes of democracy, Jim Jordan and Jim Banks. Both of these extremist Republicans are devoted members of the Cult of Trump who support his “Big Lie” that the 2020 presidential election was “stolen” from him. The very lie that Trump used to incite the riots in Washington, D.C. in the first place.

Fox News, Tucker Carlson, QAnon

No rational person could criticize Pelosi’s decision not to seat Jordan and Banks. It would be like seating Harvey Weinstein or Bill Cosby (or Donald Trump) on a committee to probe sexual harassment. But Fox News isn’t known for their rational people or analyses. And that’s especially true with regard to Fox’s Senior White Nationalist, Tucker Carlson, who has been on a tear recently with idiocy like his paranoid delusion that the National Security Agency (NSA) is spying on him. Or his dangerously dishonest claim that health authorities know that vaccines don’t work and they aren’t telling you. Or his baseless accusation that the FBI orchestrated the January 6th insurrection.

Consequently, Carlson immediately launched into a predictable condemnation of Pelosi and the Committee’s effort to get to the truth of what happened on January 6th, why it happened, and what led up to it. In the course of his knee-jerk jabbering he somehow managed to take a detour toward a racist attack on a Capitol Police officer who courageously defended the seat of America’s democracy.

Officer Harry Dunn put his own life at risk to protect members of Congress, their staffs, and the Constitution, whose duties the House was in the progress of undertaking. But Carlson was focused solely on his ultra-partisan obsession with slandering Democrats and any unfortunate who happened to be in line of fire. He said (video below)

“So the Committee will proceed with one party. What will it look like. Well, think MSNBC with subpoena power.

“On Tuesday Pelosi will call a Capitol police officer called Harry Dunn. Dunn will pretend to speak for the country’s law enforcement community. But it turns out Dunn has very little in common with your average cop. Dunn is an angry left-wing political activist whose social media feeds are full of praise, not coincidentally, for Nancy Pelosi. Here’s a picture of the two of them together.

“‘Racism is so American,’ Harry wrote in one post, ‘that when you protest it, people think you are protesting America.’ Hashtag ‘Leave it to whites to tell blacks what is racist,’ hashtag ‘I stand with Ilhan Omar,’ hashtag ‘Squad.’ Harry Dunn, ladies and gentlemen. Just another fact-based witness to the insurrection.”

Where upon Carlson introduced his guest, Jim Jordan. Carlson’s rant presents a dumpster of derp that requires some further exploration. First of all, the Committee will not proceed with one party. Pelosi has already appointed one Republican, Liz Cheney, and there could be more. If Carlson has a problem with the make up of the Committee, he should direct his whining to McCarthy who childishly took his ball and scampered away after Pelosi nixed his two most radical opponents of an honest probe.

Secondly, Carlson’s assertion that Dunn would “pretend to speak for the country’s law enforcement community,” is pure fiction. Dunn never claimed to do so, and he isn’t the only member of law enforcement who will be testifying. What’s more, Carlson’s characterization of Dunn as “an angry left-wing political activist” is wholly inappropriate. He is a police officer who was doing his duty during a violent riot without any of the political posturing that marks everything Carlson does or says. Which means that Dunn actually has much “in common with your average cop,” but nothing in common with Carlson.

Thirdly, Dunn is an citizen who has every right to express his opinion outside of his official duties. But Carlson apparently doesn’t believe that Dunn is entitled to the freedoms that every other American enjoys. Could it be because he’s black and proudly supports his people? Well, it’s interesting that Carlson chose to attack Dunn, but not the white officers who are scheduled to testify before the Committee.

Finally, there is another element to this melodrama that needs further attention. Carlson is obviously very upset that Pelosi rejected Banks and Jordan for seats on the Committee. However, he failed to disclose that his son, Buckley Carlson, is Banks’ communications director. So Carlson is enraged that his son’s boss was denied the opportunity to dishonestly distort the events of January 6th, but he didn’t think it was important to reveal that familial connection, a clear conflict of interest and breach of ethics.

That’s the sort of white privilege that is present in much of Tucker Swanson McNear Carlson’s elitist life as the son of a diplomat and the heir to a frozen food fortune. Only now he is combining it with a hatred for police officers, African-Americans, Democrats, and patriots who respect the Constitution. And as usual, Fox News is behind him all the way.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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GOP QAnon Rep Calls Pelosi Mentally Ill, Then Compares Face Masks to the Holocaust

Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia has distinguished herself as the Fox News approved QAnon mouthpiece for congressional Republicans. Her manic raving is frequently so far over the edge that it’s impossible to imagine anyone could take her seriously. And yet she is sitting member of Congress with all of the rights and privileges that go along with that position.

Marjorie Taylor Greene, QAnon

This week Greene may have outdone herself during an interview by Real America’s Voice host, David Brody, on the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN). The subject was the mandate in the House of Representatives to wear face masks, a policy that is expected to remain in place per CDC guidelines, or until all members are vaccinated. Which is a problem because some Republicans are stubbornly and ignorantly refusing to get the shot. When Brody asked Greene about the policy it led to this chilling exchange:

Brody: This is Nancy Pelosi saying – literally talking about this idea of segregating – segregation – like literally putting unvaccinated House members in a different area.
Pelosi Video: We have to wait for them to be vaccinated. Because they are selfishly an endangerment to other people, including staff people here […]
Greene: This woman is mentally ill. You know we can look back at a time in history where people were told to wear a gold star and they were definitely treated like second class citizens. So much so that they were put in trains and taken to gas chambers in Nazi Germany. And this is exactly the type of abuse that Nancy Pelosi is talking about. […] This is a woman that is hyper-focused on her own power and control.

Brody was visibly disturbed at the notion that, in order to insure the health and safety of everyone, unvaccinated members would be socially distanced from others. But Green’s reply was what truly took this discussion over the top. Setting aside her infantile insult about Pelosi’s mental health, Greene’s analogy could not have been more nauseating.

Could Greene actually believe that there is any similarity between a requirement to wear a face mask that every health expert agrees will saves lives, and the genocidal murder of millions of Jews by Nazis in Germany? Well, actually, she does believe that. When asked later about her comment comparing mask mandates to the Holocaust she replied, “I stand by all of my statements. I said nothing wrong.”

So there you have it. Given the opportunity to correct or clarify her disgusting and deranged comparison, Greene doubled down. Now we know exactly where she stands on this issue. And as long she remains a member of the Republican caucus in the House, every one of her GOP colleagues shares responsibility for this position. They have the power to expel her, and if they choose not to, then they own her and her noxious ideas.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Fox News Gets Spanked for Shamelessly Lying About ‘Spontaneous’ Trump Rally

The sagging fortunes of America’s Biggest Loser, and former reality TV game show host, Donald Trump, continue to swirl down the drain. Not only did voters decisively reject him last November, but his approval ratings have fallen precipitously ever since. He never hit 50% in four years. While President Joe Biden in his first month has been enjoying a post-election honeymoon with a soaring 62% approval.

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Donald Trump Circling the Drain

All of this puts Fox News in an awkward position. They are desperately struggling to frame current events in a manner that is a sharp diversion from reality. The result is a flurry of bizarre stories about House Speaker Nancy Pelosi being responsible for the Capitol Hill riots instigated by Trump; or Lindsey Graham threatening to impeach Vice-President Kamala Harris; or Republicans trying to disassociate themselves from QAnon. Needless to say, none of that is working.

For his Part, Sean Hannity is taking up the call to float some more preposterous notions of how the nation still madly adores their deposed Dear Leader Trump. Hannity led off a segment on his Monday night program by attacking Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell for his lambasting of Trump as “disgraceful” and “responsible” for inciting the January 6th assault on Congress (video below). He put McConnell on notice, slamming him as “sanctimonious” and “way out of touch” with the GOP base. Elaborating, Hannity said…

“Let’s make one thing clear. The seven Republican senators that voted to convict Donald Trump, and other Republicans who have turned their backs on the former president are way out of touch with the base of their own party. A record 75 million Americans turned out for Donald Trump in November and they support him to this very day. […] A few hours ago, spontaneously, thousands of people in Palm Beach lined up in support of the former president as his motorcade traveled through Florida.

Let’s break down this heap of nonsense. First of all, While the seven Republicans who voted to convict Trump might have been out of touch with the radical GOP base, they were steadily aligned with the majority of the American people. What’s more, if the other Republican senators weren’t such cowardly hypocrites, they would have voted to convict Trump as well.

Secondly, Hannity is parroting Trump’s brag about having gotten 75 million votes (it was 74 million). But they are both conveniently forgetting that Biden got 81 million votes. So whatever point he is trying to make about Trump’s alleged popularity, it is still significantly below that of Biden.

However, lying to his viewers is standard operating procedure for Sean Hannity. So it will come as no surprise that he highlighted a video that was posted on Twitter by a former Trump staffer. It showed crowds of Trump cultists lining the streets of Palm Beach as Trump drove by on his way home after golfing. Hannity described this show of support as “spontaneous.”

Later in the same program Hannity interviewed Don Trump Jr. and made the same claim. “Did you see?” Hannity asked. “Thousands of people out of nowhere. Nobody organized it that I could see. Certainly nobody associated with your father that I know of. Do you?” To which Donnie replied “No. This is totally organic. This shows that the American people are with Donald Trump.”

However, it was not the least bit organic. In fact, it had been planned for over a week. The evidence of that was deliciously revealed by CNN’s Brianna Keilar:

This is just another example of how disreputable Hannity and all of his Fox News confederates are. They can’t be relied upon to tell the truth, even on the small things. So naturally the big things are just going to be smothered in even bigger lies. Such as the the one about the election being stolen, which led to five people being killed, and many more injured, by Trump’s Seditionist Brigades.

Hannity polished off his segment with some equally absurd outrages concerning Mitch McConnell, demanding that he “give a speech on the Senate floor and hold [Kamala Harris, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, and Maxine Waters] accountable for their incitement of insurrection.” Huh?

Hannity also claimed that he has “a long and growing list of Democrats who should now qualify for impeachment and impeachment trial. You can start with Kamala Harris, Chuck Schumer, Joe Biden, and work your way through the list.” Really?

He closed with an unusually honest commentary, so long as he was directing it at himself and Fox News: “Journalism in this country is dead and buried. We are in the middle of an information crisis in this country. And media is not coming back to life anytime soon.” Actually, with Fox News now floundering in third place behind CNN and MSNBC, I may be a little more optimistic than Hannity.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Blaming the Victim: GOP Accuses Pelosi of Allowing the Capitol Riots that Targeted Her

It’s about time that we all finally recognize that you CAN make this up! The Republican party is notorious for manufacturing radical, rightist mythologies that conform to their dystopian world and self-serving political environments. They couldn’t care less if there are facts to support their half-baked diversions from reality. They are a factory for fantastical fiction.

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Fox News, Nancy Pelosi

The latest GOP fractured fairy tale strives to achieve new lows of contempt for the truth and insensitivity toward the real victims of heinous crimes. And it’s brought to you by Fox News and some of the GOP’s most noxious and dishonest characters, including Jim Jordan and Devin Nunes. As Fox reported Monday morning…

“House Administration Committee Ranking Member Rodney Davis, House Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Jim Jordan, House Oversight Committee Ranking Member James Comer and House Intelligence Committee Ranking Member Devin Nunes sent a letter to Pelosi, D-Calif., on Monday, saying that ‘many important questions’ about her ‘responsibility for the security’ of the Capitol on Jan. 6 ‘remain unanswered.'”

The article is full of quotes by these Republican cretins making patently baseless charges regarding the security preparedness for the January 6th Congressional session where the Electoral College vote would be certified. That, of course, devolved into an insurrectionist coup attempt instigated by Donald Trump, who sent his cult disciple to the Capitol on mission to suppress democracy.

The charges in the letter are entirely speculative and intended to raise wholly unwarranted suspicions about House Speaker Nancy Pelosi that have no foundation in reality. They are brazenly smearing the Speaker in an attempt to tarnish her reputation while diverting attention from their own culpability. Their allegation rests on the fact that Pelosi, as Speaker, was responsible for security for the whole of Congress.

These Republican whiners want to make people forget that they were the ones who propped up Trump’s Big Lie about a “stolen election” that was the impetus for Trump’s Insurrectionists to attack the Congress while they were doing their constitutional duty. They were Trump’s accomplices in the assault on Congress, and his apologists afterward. But now they are trying to lay the blame on Pelosi, who was the target of Trump’s Seditionist Brigades. They think that she was a party to her own attempted assassination.

What’s more, the GOP congressmen make no mention of the fact that Sen. Mitch McConnell was the in charge of the Senate and would have had the very same authority for security as Pelosi does. But they aren’t condemning him or demanding that he answer their antagonistic questions. They are exhibiting rank partisanship while throwing around false allegations that Pelosi’s efforts to scrutinize the assault were partisan. Never mind that those efforts included appointing retired General Russel Honoré, a universally respected crisis management expert, to conduct an independent security review, and advocating for a 9/11-style, bipartisan commission to investigate the matter and its causes.

Pelosi’s chief of staff. Drew Hammill, responded to the letter saying that it was a…

“transparently partisan attempt to lay blame on the Speaker, who was a target of assassination during the insurrection fueled by the lies of House Republicans.”

[…and that…]

“We look forward to these Ranking Members asking these same questions of former Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. As the target of an assassination attempt, the Speaker knows all too well the importance of security at the Capitol and is focused on getting to the bottom of all issues facing the Capitol Complex and the events that led up to the insurrection. Clearly, these Republican Ranking Members do not share this priority.”

for Republicans to send this accusatory letter to Pelosi, the intended target of Trump’s insurrectionist mob, is abhorrent in the extreme. Particularly when they are the ones who are guilty of the crimes they are charging her with. But it’s also the predictable behavior of purposefully dishonest, moronic, conspiracy-obsessed, crackpots with nefarious agendas. And it’s what we should expect of them – and be prepared for – for the foreseeable future.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

WTF? Trump Flunkies on Fox News Blame Pelosi for Plot to Assassinate Herself

The second Senate impeachment trial for Donald Trump will commence next Tuesday. And the approaching spectacle is driving up the anxiety levels of Trump’s apologists in Congress and the right-wing press. Consequently, their arguments in defense of the “former social media influencer” (h/t Colin Jost of SNL) are becoming ever more bizarre and downright hysterical.

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Fox News, Nancy Pelosi

Trump knows that he has no plausible defense. That’s why he is too afraid to accept the Senate’s invitation to make the case for his own innocence. He knows that there is too much evidence against him in the form of videos and the testimony of his cult disciples. And much of the evidence that Democrats will present at the trial is Trump’s own words. So at his lawyers’ direction, he is remaining sequestered in his Mar-a-Lago bunker imagining what he would be tweeting if he were still able to.

Meanwhile, Trump sycophants marched off to defend the dishonor of the Insurrectionist-in-Absentia. Two of them bravely faced the barrage of softballs pitched by Fox News’ Senior Trump-Fluffer, Maria Bartiromo. Although her network colleague Lou Dobbs was unceremoniously dismissed for disseminating flagrantly defamatory lies, Bartiromo, for the moment, still has a job. And on Sunday she exploited her platform to feature a pair of shameless mouthpieces for Trump.

There appears to have been some message coordination between the Trump spokes-weasels. Or else both of them just independently decided to launch the same ridiculous attacks on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. The gist of the synchronized assaults was that Pelosi secretly plotted the Capitol riots that place the lives of her congressional colleagues at risk. And even worse, they allege that she was complicit with the conspiracy to assassinate herself.

For instance, Bartiromo interviewed Wisconsin Senator and alleged Russian agent, Ron Johnson. in the seemingly scripted segment, Johnson addressed Trump’s impeachment and the charges that Trump incited the violence that took place in his name:

“We now know that forty-five Republican senators believe that it’s unconstitutional. Is this another diversionary operation? Is this meant to deflect away from potentially what the Speaker knew and when she knew it? I don’t know, but I’m suspicious.”

First of all, there is no constitutional prohibition to the impeachment of Trump (which occurred while he was still in office), or the Senate trial, which the Constitution actually mandates. The fact that forty-five cowardly and biased Republicans voted to exonerate their Dear Leader is legally irrelevant.

Secondly, Johnson’s insinuation of some sort of “diversionary operation” is nonsense on steroids. He doesn’t bother to say what it’s diverting from. Nor does he explain what Pelosi could have known that would make her seek a diversion from the criminal attack on Congress by Trump cultists who were screaming their intention to kill the Pelosi, as well as Mike Pence.

If that weren’t bad enough, Johnson was followed by Trump’s former Chief of Staff, Mark Meadows. Bartiromo pressed Meadows to address the inadequate law enforcement response to Trump’s Seditionist Brigades. And in doing so, he attempted to shift the blame to Pelosi saying that the problem rested on some bad decisions:

“Some of those decisions weren’t made appropriately in my opinion. And those decisions did not come from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. They came from the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue.”

The record shows that Pelosi and her staff had tried repeatedly to support the Capitol Police and provide back up with National Guard troops. Those efforts were stymied by Trump. And, once again, it wouldn’t make any sense to suggest that Pelosi wanted to cripple the law enforcement personnel who were there to protect her. However, Meadows and Johnson” remarks perfectly fit the character (or lack thereof) of the Republican hypocrites who are now maligning the police who were among the victims.

One of things we’ve learned since the emergence of the Trump cult is that making sense is very low on their priority scale. And the result is appearances like these on Fox News, a network that long ago abandoned any pretense of offering objectivity or even the barest hint of truth. And while the regular viewers of Fox won’t – or more accurately, can’t – critically assess what they see and hear on Fox, the rest of the nation cringes in disgust at the fatuous fabrications that emanate from these craptacular cretins. But that’s the good news. Most Americans see right through the bull. and with some luck, enough senators will alos and Trump will finally be held accountable.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Donald Trump Jr: ‘The Bull$h!t Never Ends’ – Even When He’s Right, He’s Wrong

It’s only halfway through Christmas week and Donald Trump has already vetoed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), threatened to do the same to the Consolidated Appropriations Act (which contains COVID relief, as well as all twelve federal spending bills), and then jetted off to Mar-a-Lago on the taxpayer’s dime (actually 34 million dimes).

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Donald Trump Jr

In the midst of the surging coronavirus pandemic, that is worse now that at any time since it first appeared, Trump has devoted his time to an increasingly ludicrous and futile campaign to “prove” that he actually won the 2020 presidential election by a landslide. The only thing he’s missing is the proof. But that hasn’t stopped him from whining petulantly and repeatedly posting false claims of election fraud. His conspiracy theories have even gotten Fox News and other Trump-fluffing “news” outlets into legal trouble.

As Trump struggles impotently to advance his egomaniacal march to an imaginary victory, his imbecile spawn can’t help chiming in with what he thinks is helpful and brilliant blathering. On Christmas Eve morning, Don Jr tweeted…

You’ve gotta hand it to him. When little Donnie is right, he’s still so painfully wrong. Trumpette is retweeting Lance Gooden, a Republican member of Congress from Texas. Gooden’s tweet begins with a flagrant misstatement of fact. The foreign aid for “democracy in Venezuela” is only $33 million, not billion. But his more significant mistake is his suggestion that there should be funds in the Omnibus bill “to investigate the massive claims of voter fraud” for which there is zero evidence. The Trump forces have lost nearly sixty lawsuits because of their inability support their wild allegations with facts.

Boy Don, however, was impressed with Gooden’s moronic babbling. But the comment he attached to it is inadvertently appropriate. Any progressive Democrat could have said the very same thing. The bull$h!t (from the GOP and the Trump family) does seem to go on endlessly. That’s partly because the Trump Brigades are so shamelessly lying about the bill.

To begin with, in Trump’s self-serving announcement of opposition to the bill he says it’s because the COVID relief is too stingy at $600.00. He proposed $2,000.00. Which is what many Democrats proposed months ago, but were met with nothing but obstruction by Republicans in Congress. Throughout that debate Trump was conspicuously silent. Now he wants to take credit for the Democratic position.

What’s more, Trump’s complaints about the foreign aid in the bill are disingenuous at best, considering that the aid is nearly identical to what he asked for in his own budget. The Republicans in Congress know this, but are too cowardly – and too far up Trump’s asinine excuse making – to admit it. They are scared of the Trump Cult of Personality as demonstrated in a recent poll finding that “In the case of a disagreement between Trump and Republicans in Congress, 52% of Republican and Republican-leaning independent voters say they’d be more likely to support Trump.” That’s actually down from 61% in an August poll, but still a majority.

President CHAOS is inspiring this sort of blind and dangerous adulation. He’s got people like Newt Gingrich declaring that he won’t accept President-elect Joe Biden as president. And in a radical departure from reality, he rewrote Trump’s disastrous coronavirus history saying that Trump “did literally everything top scientists instructed.” Really? Does anyone remember when top scientists instructed people to forgo face masks, inject bleach, gather closely in large crowds, expect the virous to disappear by Easter, or advocate herd immunity?

Furthermore, when Roy Blunt, the chairman of the Congressional Republican Policy Committee, was asked about the next moves for Congress and Trump on COVID relief, he replied “I have no idea what he plans to do. We were assured that the President would sign the bill.” This was right after House Democrats tried to pass an amendment to raise the relief amount to $2,000.00 by unanimous consent, but were stopped by Republicans. Nancy Pelosi then sent a message to Trump saying that “If the President is serious about the $2,000 direct payments, he must call on House Republicans to end their obstruction.”

So who can argue with Spawn Don when he says that “The bull$h!t never ends”? Everything that he and his rapidly deteriorating, mental basket case father do and say affirms that analysis. It’s just too bad that he doesn’t understand what he’s saying himself.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Trump Hails Stock Market Whose Rise is a Rejection of Him

The manic frenzy that is displayed daily on the Twitter feed of Donald Trump is especially heated this Monday morning. He posted 75 tweets before 3:00pm in what may break his all time record of 123 tweets in single day. It’s impossible to say at this point whether the reason for this crazed output is his acute panic at the prospect of a landslide electoral loss to Joe Biden in three weeks, or the side effects of the drugs he’s been taking to treat his coronavirus. Or maybe a catastrophic combination of both.

Donald Trump, Stock Market Crash

The flurry of frantic and anxious outbursts that make up this tweetstorm run the gamut of Trump’s paranoid psychoses. For instance, Trump tweeted about a “Big spike in the China Plague in Europe,” in an attempt to compare it to the U.S., which he apparently doesn’t know is suffering from a similar or worse spike. He tweeted that New York and California are “going to hell.” Which is an odd campaign strategy of maligning the biggest states in the country that you’re supposedly leading. He tweeted that he is “winning BIG in all of the polls that matter.” Which I guess are the polls of boaters and maskless bar patrons. But he wasn’t through.

Trump also tweeted that “We will have Healthcare which is FAR BETTER than ObamaCare, at a FAR LOWER COST.” Which is documented in the invisible plan that he has been saying for three years that he will release in two weeks. And as an indication of what is most important to him, Trump posted ten tweets in support of Eric Early, who running a laughably futile campaign against Rep. Adam Schiff of California. Schiff may be the member of Congress Trump despises most after Speaker Nancy Pelosi. That’s more tweets than he posted in support of his Supreme Court nominee, Amy Coney Barrett.

However, perhaps the most enthusiastic of Trump’s twittery concerned the performance of the stock market. He managed to get something right for once by noting that it was going up. However, he has no idea why it’s doing so. He, of course, thinks he’s responsible for it. And in a way he is, but not in the way he thinks.

Trump has been shouting from the White House rooftop for weeks that a Biden presidency will thrust the nation into a depression. Let’s just set aside the fact that we are already in a recession during the Trump presidency. Trump’s tweets are cheering on the market’s rise along with fear mongering about a collapse if Biden is elected. Never mind that Obama and Biden presided over a much more robust economic recovery and market advance than Trump has. The five tweets he posted on this subject were evidence of nothing more than Trump’s ignorance and ego. For example…

What Trump is missing is that the rise in the market is occurring simultaneously to the rise in Biden’s polling against Trump. The greater the margin of Biden’s lead, the higher the market goes. That’s the market indicating that it is looking forward to a Biden victory. The market is always representative of the future. And this isn’t just a coincidental observation. According to Goldman Sachs, “A Democratic sweep would mean faster economic recovery.”

“…’a blue wave would likely prompt us to upgrade our forecasts,’ Goldman Sachs chief economist Jan Hatzius wrote in a Monday report.”

Hatzius went on to note that a blue wave would increase the likelihood of a coronavirus relief bill. He also noted the positive impact of Biden’s spending plans on infrastructure, climate, health care and education. But that isn’t all. Moody’s also weighed in saying that…

“Moody’s Analytics found that Biden’s economic proposals, if enacted, would create 7.4 million more jobs than would Trump’s. The economy would return to full employment in the second half of 2022, nearly two years earlier than under Trump’s plan, Moody’s said.”

Of course, none of this is a guarantee that the market will continue going straight up. There are distinct warning signs for a down turn. The market is already over-valued in some analysts opinions. And the overweighting of just a few stocks (more than 20% of the S&P) that uncharacteristically benefit from the current conditions (Apple: 7.3%, Microsoft: 5.9%, Amazon: 5.3%, Google: 2.4%, and Facebook: 2.4%) don’t tell the market’s whole story. And as anyone with the slightest inkling of knowledge is aware (which leaves Trump out), the stock market is not the economy. Most Americans do not own stocks.

There is, however, one thing that can’t be denied. If Trump’s fear mongering were correct, the market would have been on a downward trend for at least the past couple of months. Clearly the financial institutions that drive the market don’t agree with Trump. The fact that it’s strong and rising is a testament to the market’s confidence in, and preference for, a Biden presidency.

So keep that in mind when voting. And tell your friends and family. It is Trump who has proven to be an economic imbecile who declared bankruptcy on six separate occasions, lost billions of dollars during the boom times, and currently owes more than $400 billion to – well, we don’t know who because he refuses to release his tax returns. That by itself is reason enough to remove Trump from office. And also to investigate him for criminal activity and crimes against the state.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

In Honor of World Mental Health Day, Invoke the 25th Amendment on Trump

This week House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced that the House of Representatives would consider establishing “an independent commission under the 25th Amendment to the Constitution to evaluate a president’s health and oversee the transfer of power to the vice president if the president becomes incapacitated while in office.” This is a long overdue measure that protects the interests of the nation under dire circumstances.

Trump Fear

This also happens to be World Mental Health Day, an annual observation of the need to focus attention on mental health issues and their personal and institutional impact on society. It’s sponsor, the World Health Organization (WHO), notes that…

“This year’s World Mental Health Day, on 10 October, comes at a time when our daily lives have changed considerably as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The past months have brought many challenges: for health-care workers, providing care in difficult circumstances, going to work fearful of bringing COVID-19 home with them; for students, adapting to taking classes from home, with little contact with teachers and friends, and anxious about their futures; for workers whose livelihoods are threatened; for the vast number of people caught in poverty or in fragile humanitarian settings with extremely limited protection from COVID-19; and for people with mental health conditions, many experiencing even greater social isolation than before. And this is to say nothing of managing the grief of losing a loved one, sometimes without being able to say goodbye.”

Unfortunately, Donald Trump withdrew from the WHO after falsely accusing it of being an accomplice to what Trump believes was China’s deliberate spreading of the coronavirus. In fact, that was just Trump’s way of evading his own responsibility for failing to handle the COVID-19 pandemic as it spread across the United States, and even into the White House.

Trump’s delusional attacks on China, the WHO, Democrats, and the media, are all further evidence of the need for Pelosi’s commission. He is an unstable, malignant narcissist and an aspiring dictator. He is the poster child (with an emphasis on “child”) for mental health awareness. He believes the world revolves around him and that he is superior to the other pathetic creatures that inhabit it. Once, when asked who he consults with, he replied that “My primary consultant is myself” because “I have a very good brain and I’ve said a lot of things.” That attitude, along with an array of other symptoms of mental impairment, are reason enough to worry.

In the nearly four long years since Trump was sworn in as president, his erratic and impulsive behavior has caused broad based concern. He has continued his bromance with Russia’s dictator Vladimir Putin, and other brutal authoritarians, while alienating longtime allies. His attacks on the media border on obsession and are aimed at delegitimizing any criticism. He has a perverse fixation on polling and crowd size. He repeatedly makes statements that are easily debunked as lies. And his Twitter feed is a scrolling document of mental instability.

Recently, Trump has taken to demanding that his Attorney Genuflect, Bill Barr, arrest, indict, and prosecute his political adversaries, including Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Joe Biden. And after turning the White House into a coronavirus “Hot Zone,” he is holding a rally there and inviting 2,000 people to participate in another Super Spreader event.

What better time to honor World Mental Health Day than while a madman is running rampant in Washington, D.C. and threatening not to leave after he’s voted out? This nation has endured many difficulties, but teetering on the edge of a fascist dictatorship overseen be a certifiably insane cult leader is not one than anyone contemplated. And we must not allow Trump and his army of glassy-eyed disciples to succeed.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

PROJECTION: Trump and Fox News Attack Nancy Pelosi’s Mental Fitness

The mental state of Donald Trump has been questioned for many years, even in the earliest days of his presidency. More recently, however, the signs of his cognitive lapses are impossible to ignore. His frequent incoherent ramblings, blatant contradictions, and unbridled hostilities are clear symptoms of a severe psychological breakdown. And it isn’t helping matters that, due to his COVID-19 diagnosis, he’s on several medications that are known to produce mood disorders.

Donald Trump

Not surprisingly, Trump is attempting to cast his cerebral decay onto his perceived political foes. It’s form of a psychotic response that seeks to “project” ones own faults onto others. Trump has been doing that for months to Joe Biden, but has utterly failed to make any of it stick. In fact, polls show that a majority of voters regard Trump as the one who doesn’t have the mental soundness to serve.”

On Friday morning House Speaker Nancy Pelosi held a press conference to announce that she is sponsoring legislation that would codify the Constitution’s 25th Amendment, a key provision of which addresses how Congress can respond if “the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office.” Despite the fact that Pelosi explicitly stated that this bill would not go into effect until after Trump’s term is over, he nevertheless took it personally and lashed out predictably on Twitter:

Trump managed to demean both Biden and Pelosi in that childishly retaliatory tweet. Although he might not have understood exactly what he was he was saying because he’s actually conceding that Biden will be the president to whom the legislation will apply. But that didn’t stop Fox News from quickly agreeing and posting an article on their website with the headline, “Trump and others question Pelosi’s mental fitness after she suggested pres. may not be fit for office.”

Indeed, Pelosi has questioned Trump’s mental fitness, as have many others. However, the “others” mentioned in Fox’s headline as questioning Pelosi’s fitness consist of White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany and … well, that’s it. No one else is mentioned at all. Trump, however, has worked overtime to disparage Pelosi with another of his infantile nicknames, “Crazy Nancy.” He has used that derogatory label at least 33 times on Twitter just this year. That’s about once a week. But Trump has called many others on his enemies list crazy as well, including Robert Mueller, Bernie Sanders, etc.

Trump’s behavior bespeaks an inherent weakness of character. He is incapable of forming an intelligible argument to reply to his critics, so he resorts to these impotent and immature tactics out of frustration and fear. And these emotional anchors are only going to weigh on him more in the coming weeks as the election, and his impending loss, draws closer. Which might explain behavior like that he demonstrated while co-hosting Rush Limbaugh’s radio show on Friday. While discussing his foreign policy conflicts with Iran, Trump dropped an F BOMB on the national broadcast. And if that aint crazy…

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Business as Usual? Trump Returns Home to Spread Lies Along with the Coronavirus

The more that Trump sinks into electoral oblivion, the more desperate and bizarre he becomes. He’s like the wounded mama bear whose psychotic irrationality is triggered and acts out with sociopathic malice and jealous rage. Or something like that.

Donald Trump, White House

Trump’s behavior is further evidence that he should never have been discharged from the Walter Reed Medical Center. Despite his manic and lie-riddled propaganda video on Monday, Trump has learned nothing from his coronavirus adventure. Not only is he still a potentially deadly COVID-19 Super Spreader, he is mentally distancing from reality. A review of his Tuesday morning Twitter rant is all the proof that any competent psychiatrist would need to involuntarily commit to Trump to an institution for his own safety and that of others. For example…

No will be surprised that Trump is lashing out at the press that he so frequently maligns in Stalinist terms as “the enemy of the people.” But in this instance he is also insulting the American citizens participating in the NBC town hall with Joe Biden. After all, the people in the audience were undecided voters who were asking their own questions. And contrary to Trump’s whining, they were hardly “softballs.” The topics ranged from everything from Biden’s plans for reopening the country and schools to his age and mental health. He was also asked about defunding the police, domestic terrorism, abortion, and accusations that he’s a secret socialist.

What’s more, it’s hysterical that Trump would criticize this independent town hall as a disgraceful use of the “FREE public airwaves” when his own Ministry of Propaganda (aka Fox News) unloads rabidly biased and partisan commentaries 24 hours a day. And for much of those hours Trump himself is on their air to disseminate his lies. That time should be paid for by the RNC. But Trump was just getting started. He also tweeted that…

First of all, fatalities due to common influenza have averaged about 37,000 a year for the past decade. And the ten year high was 61,000. When asked about this tweet, Dr. Anthony Fauci contradicted Trump’s nonsense rambling, saying that COVID-19 is far more lethal than the flu.

It’s insane for Trump to suggest that we “learn to live with” COVID-19. Doesn’t he realize that the families and friends of the 211,000 Americans who have already died can hear him? And while he’s pretending that he has conquered the virus (it’s way to soon for him to say that), and that we shouldn’t be afraid, he also doesn’t get that he has access to medical care that far exceeds that of anyone else in the country.

Trump also tweeted an outright lie about Biden’s position on reproductive rights and Roe v. Wade. Trump falsely claimed that Biden supports late-term abortions. Then he tweeted that he’s looking forward to the next debate with Biden on October 15. Although Trump should not even be allowed in the studio. He and his entourage should be considered highly contagious and a risk to Biden, the press, and everyone else involved in producing the debate. He complained that the media “refuses to discuss how good the Economy” is doing. But the media only refuses to discuss that because the economy is in recession, more than 10 million people are still unemployed, thousands of businesses have gone bankrupt, and tens of thousands of Americans have been evicted or foreclosed on.

Finally, Trump tweeted that he’s terminating discussions with Nancy Pelosi and Congress for a pandemic relief bill until after the election. He claims that Pelosi is negotiating in bad faith, despite the fact that she has already lowered her proposal by a trillion dollars in a compromise with Republicans who want it to go down a trillion more. Trump says that he’ll resume negotiations after he wins the election. So that, presumably, will be never. Those tweets resulted in the stock market taking a nose dive in the last hour of trading.

Unfortunately, we can expect to see more of this aberrant behavior from Trump as election day draws near and his prospects for reelection continue to dwindle. It may even get worse after he loses. The American people and the press are going to have to be vigilant in order prevent further deterioration of our democracy. Trump is dangerously unstable and would like nothing better than to take the country down with him.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.