The REAL Mitt Romney Just Stood Up: He Calls Half Of America Freeloaders

Mother Jones has posted videos of Mitt Romney at a fundraiser earlier this year. The video was taken secretly amongst a group of millionaire donors whom Romney was begging for buckets of cash.

If these videos get the broad exposure that they deserve, we may look back on this as the moment Romney’s campaign died and went to Kolub

In this segment Romney tells his wealthy backers that…

“There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. That that’s an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what…These are people who pay no income tax.”

Mother Jones has four more videos wherein Romney paints himself as the out-of-touch elitist that we all know him to be. He praises his consultants because of their experience running campaigns in Armenia, Africa, Israel (whatever happened to his campaign slogan “Believe in America?”). He answers a donor’s question about how they can help appeal to Hispanics by saying “Frankly, what I need you to do is to raise millions of dollars.” He offers his stock market prediction saying…

“If it looks like I’m going to win, the markets will be happy. If it looks like the president’s going to win, the markets should not be terribly happy. It depends of course which markets you’re talking about, which types of commodities and so forth, but my own view is that if we win on November 6th, there will be a great deal of optimism about the future of this country. We’ll see capital come back and we’ll see—without actually doing anything—we’ll actually get a boost in the economy.”

Romney knows damn well that the market has more than doubled under the Obama administration, despite their being commies who hate business. Surely one of the reasons he won’t release his tax returns is he doesn’t want people to find out that he is way better off than he was four years ago, since most of his income is from investments.

David Corn summed up the gist of these videos nicely by writing…

“With this crowd of fellow millionaires, he apparently felt free to utter what he really believes and would never dare say out in the open. He displayed a high degree of disgust for nearly half of his fellow citizens, lumping all Obama voters into a mass of shiftless moochers who don’t contribute much, if anything, to society, and he indicated that he viewed the election as a battle between strivers (such as himself and the donors before him) and parasitic free-riders who lack character, fortitude, and initiative.”

If that’s how Romney thinks he will capture the hearts of voters and ride an electoral wave to victory, he is going to be sorely disappointed. It’s fair to say that insulting the vast majority of voters and their family and friends is not a particularly sound campaign strategy. But it’s not as if his strategy has ever been well thought out. Early on he said he likes to fire people, who he also thinks are corporations. And just last week he accused the President of sympathizing with terrorists and blamed the diplomats who had been attacked for the violence committed against them.

Of course, nothing in politics is certain, and Romney could still pull off some sort of miracle. So Democrats need to stay vigilant and work as hard as if they were underdogs. But it seems like every day Romney personally pounds a new nail into his campaign’s coffin, and for that we should thank him on November 7.

Fox News “Democrat” Kirsten Powers Accuses Obama Of Sympathizing With Terrorists

The next time you hear the Fox News slogan “fair and balanced,” be sure to remember that their rendering of fairness is to trot out covert conservatives and label them Democrats. Their concept of balance is to pair a right-winger with a far-right-winger.

Kirsten Powers - Ann Coulter

A perfect illustration of this is the op-ed on the Fox News web site posted by Kirsten Powers. If you changed the name in the byline to Ann Coulter nobody would have blinked an eye. And the anti-Obama bile begins with the title: “President Obama, stop blaming the victim for Mideast violence.”

This characterization of the debate could not be more biased and dishonest if it had come from Sean Hannity (on whose show Powers frequently appears). Her article takes the position that President Obama has not directed enough outrage to the perpetrators of the recent atrocities in Libya and Egypt. Her evidence of this is that Obama referred to the anti-Islam film reputed to have inspired the violence as “disgusting and reprehensible,” but went soft in criticizing the rioters by saying only that he “strongly condemn[ed] the outrageous attack.”

First of all, I’m not sure that Powers understands that a strong condemnation is just as resolute a criticism as an expression of disgust. They both send a pretty clear message of unmitigated disapproval. But Powers left out of her wimp-baiting the fact that Obama also declared unequivocally that those responsible for the attacks would be brought to justice. His record on accomplishing that task is familiar to the dozens of dead Al Qaeda operatives, including Osama Bin Laden.

In an effort to bolster her liberal bona fides, Powers brags that she has…

“…defended the Obama administration against the complaints from the right that they have run an ‘apology tour’ in the Middle East because I believe the US should admit when we make mistakes.”

Of course an actual liberal spokesperson who isn’t a Fox toady would have defended the President because there never was an “apology tour.” It was a complete fabrication by rightist liars. Yet Powers has accepted the phony premise and is now complicit in propagating it.

Powers spends much of her column seemingly offended herself that the Da Vinci Code or Bill Maher have engaged in offensive utterings directed at Christians. It’s a comparison that is so absurdly misused that one has to be concerned about her mental stability. Her contention is that our response to religious insults, and the actions they provoke, be the same for American Christians as for Middle-Eastern Muslims. But she is ignoring reality with that shallow opinion. There are, after all, no Christians rioting in the streets of Tuscaloosa.

Whether we approve or not, there are distinct differences between our cultures. Most of the world’s 1.2 billion Muslims have not participated in any violence, and in fact reject it. There were probably no more than a hundred protesters who have resorted to violence in the events of the past week. But the President, and the official American position, has to take into account the potential for harm to Americans at home and abroad and to mitigate such dangers. That’s a responsibility that Powers and her pundit class don’t have to labor under. And it’s the reason that Obama’s public statements exhibit a measure of diplomacy that loudmouth commentators lack.

The President is doing what presidents do. He is accumulating facts and intelligence. He is communicating with allies and his defense and security staff. He is strategizing in private so as not to alert our enemies or further inflame an already volatile situation. That’s how adults with real responsibilities, and lives in the balance, handle these matters. Already Libya has arrested four suspects in the embassy murders.

Obama doesn’t have to talk tough and thump his chest (like our last president, Bush, who achieved nothing). He just needs to get results and administer justice. With less than a week having transpired, there is no reason to believe that Obama is not progressing toward those ends. And it doesn’t help to have Fox propagandists pretending to be on the President’s side and making irresponsible statements like this:

“The condemnations are paired in with claims about respecting religious beliefs, which is implicit sympathy for the claims of some of the attackers and rioters.”

So Powers thinks that respecting religious beliefs is tantamount to sympathizing with terrorists. She cannot comprehend that the respect is offered to the vast majority of peaceful Muslims who had nothing to do with last week’s murders. If she thinks that demonstrating American principles of freedom of religion must be dispensed with because a few members of a religion are reprehensible killers, then she doesn’t have much faith in American principles.

It’s a good thing that Powers is confined to the narrow plank of conservative media that is willing to tolerate her, because her views would be tragically inappropriate in any official diplomatic post. What’s more, she is not the sort of person that liberals want representing their views on national television. She is just another Fox News phony (ala Pat Caddell, Doug Schoen, etc.) acting as an accomplice to tarnish liberals and fill the seat of someone who might otherwise take legitimately progressive positions.

Fox Nation’s Shameless Politicization Of The American Diplomats Who Were Murdered In Libya

It’s not bad enough that Fox News lies incessantly and engages in ongoing campaigns to insult President Obama, and the millions of Americans who support him, but today they posted an entirely unnecessary triviality that served only to tarnish a day of remembrance solely for the purpose of landing a political low blow against the President.

The breaking news story that Fox Nation was compelled to report was “Obama’s Twitter Feed Hawks Campaign Sweatshirts During Ambassador’s Casket Transfer Ceremony.” What they thought was important about this information is a mystery. After all, Obama’s Twitter account is run by campaign staff, so it’s not as if the President was Tweeting from the Oval Office. But Fox found it necessary to diminish the President’s tribute by juxtaposing two completely unrelated occurrences.

And what makes this all the more repulsive is that Fox’s intent was so pointedly partisan. They obviously never even looked at Mitt Romney’s Twitter feed (or they did but didn’t care) or they would have seen that, at the same time, he was doing the very same thing. He was hawking “a chance to join [him] on board the campaign plane” for a donation to his campaign.

Fox Nation

That sort of unfair, unbalanced, and hypocritical coverage is why Fox has so little credibility outside of the mental deficients who make up their audience. It is just unfortunate that they have to demonstrate their disgraceful lack of decency on a day like this, and that a ceremony to honor murdered Americans was turned into a circus on the Fox News web site.

Fox News Banishes Their Own Polls From Fox Nation

There is a conspicuous trend developing at Fox News that indicates the depth of their desperation in light of the momentum President Obama is enjoying coming out of the party conventions. They are so afraid of an Obama victory in November that they are burying their own polls when the results show Obama leading.

Most recently, the Fox News poll published yesterday gave Obama a pronounced lead of 48% to 43% for Romney. It included a 12 point swing in Obama’s favor by Independents, and the GOP advantage in enthusiasm has evaporated. In virtually every category of voter attitude Obama held a lead: On foreign policy (+15), education (+14), Medicare (+11), health care (+9), terrorism (+8), immigration (+4), taxes (+3), making the country a better place to live (+2), honesty (+11), steady leader (+10 ), the right experience (+7), keeping promises (+4), and strong moral values (+2). Romney led only in helping small businesses (+2) and understanding capitalism (+25).

There has been no mention of this poll on the Fox News community web site, Fox Nation. And this is not the first time that’s occurred. Last month the Fox Nationalists posted the results of a Rassmussen poll that put Romney in the lead. The article neglected to say that three other polls released the same day had Obama ahead, and one of those was a Fox News poll that put Obama up by nine points.

Fox Nation August Poll

The same thing occurred last May when Fox News published a poll featuring an Obama lead of seven points. The Fox Nationalists missed that one as well. But it’s not as if they don’t like to post poll results. Take a look at the frequency with which they publish polls that have Romney out in front:

Fox Nation May Polls

Fox News is acting like a PR agency that is dutifully serving their client. Always hype good news and squelch bad news. It doesn’t change the reality of the electoral contest, but it keeps their audience hypnotized with the sort of disinformation that will eventually bite them in the ass. When Obama wins in November, Fox’s viewers will be stunned, having no idea that Obama was ever competitive. They currently are convinced that he has no chance of winning and that misconception is affirmed by Fox News pundits who assure their glassy-eyed disciples that Obama is toast. Bill O’Reilly even hosted Dick Morris (the world’s worst pundit) to predict that Romney would win big, and to mercilessly rip apart the poll conducted by the people who are paying his salary.

When the folks at Fox are running so scared that they choose to hide the polls they spend so much money on, you know they are trembling severely. More importantly, they are exposing themselves as frauds who are more interested in deception than journalism. But then, that isn’t exactly news.

Crybaby Republicans Imagine Media Conspiracy To Trip Up Romney

Mitt Romney proved yesterday that he lacks the character and experience to manage sensitive foreign relations. His politically motivated rush to judgment was criticized by a broad swath of politicians and pundits including conservatives like Peggy Noonan, Matt Lewis, Bill Kristol, and even Romney’s campaign chair, John Sununu.

Now the dead-enders in the right-wing press are slobbering over what they believe is a smoking gun that implicates the media in a vast conspiracy against Romney. Their evidence is a short video (posted below) wherein a couple of reporters discuss the questions they plan to ask Romney about the tragic events in the Middle-East. Fox Nation tacked on a sensationalist headline that read: HOT MIC: ‘Objective’ Reporters Caught Conspiring to Trip Up Romney at Press Conference.

Mitt Romney - Gotcha

The Fox Nationalists (via The Daily Caller) implied that there was some sort of collusion between a roomful of reporters to ambush Romney. In fact, the video shows that it was only one reporter mentioning to another what she intended to ask. So what was the question at the heart of this conspiracy to embarrass the GOP candidate? “Do you stand by your statement or regret your statement?”

What an outrage! The liberal lamestream media is seeking to nail a Republican candidate for the highest office in the land by requesting that he affirm something that he had already said. This is nearly as despicable as the time the media hurled a gotcha question at Sarah Palin about what newspapers she reads. And it’s a particularly egregious affront since Romney earlier in his campaign informed the press that “I stand by what I said, whatever it was.” Shouldn’t that have sufficed for the remainder of the campaign?

Fox Nation vs. Reality: Another Imaginary Apology – UPDATE: Romney vs. Reality

UPDATE: Mitt Romney has weighed in on this matter by demonstrating his complete unreadiness for leadership, and a lack of character and diplomacy, with a statement that advances the same lies as Fox News did. He said that it was…

“…disgraceful that the Obama administration’s first response was not to condemn attacks on our diplomatic missions but to sympathize with those who waged the attacks. […] It’s a terrible course for America to stand in apology for our values.”

As described below, there was never an apology, and the remarks Romney is referencing were not the Obama administration’s first response – or a response at all – since they occurred before the violence took place. The administration’s actual response was an unequivocal condemnation.

So Romney jumped the gun with a clumsy, political attack on the President without having first gotten all the facts. That’s not a demonstration of the sort of leadership skills required by a prospective president.

The original article (published 9/11/2012 at 6:45pm) begins below.

Let’s start out this edition of Fox Nation vs. Reality with a message from PolitiFact:

PolitiFact - Romney Hotpants

Mitt Romney has been rated as untruthful 68 times by PolitiFact, and 15 of those were “Pants-on-Fire” lies. Three of his fiery pants lies involved the right-wing myth that President Obama has a habit of apologizing for America. It has been proven repeatedly that it isn’t true, but that hasn’t stopped Romney from saying it.

Now Fox News, whose pants are similarly ablaze on this matter, has posted a brazenly false article on their site for delusional wingnuts, Fox Nation.

Fox Nation

The headline said, ” Muslims Attack US Embassy, Burn American Flag on 9/11, While Team Obama Apologizes?” It is true that protesters in Egypt breached the perimeter of the U.S. embassy in Cairo and took the flag down from the pole and subjected it to abuse it. However, there is no truth whatsoever to the assertion that Obama, or anyone on his team, apologized while that occurred.

The protesters were reportedly angered by vague news of either a film being produced in the United States that insulted the Prophet Mohammed, or the antics of deranged pastor Terry Jones, who has promised to burn copies of the Koran. In response to growing anger about the alleged insults, the embassy Tweeted:

“We condemn the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims, as we condemn efforts to offend believers of all religions.”

That Tweet was posted well before there were any protesters at the embassy. So the assertion by the Fox Nationalists that an apology was offered “while” the protest was in progress is an outright lie. And in any case, the Tweet wasn’t an apology by any objective standard. It was, in very literal terms, a condemnation. It begins “We condemn…” That is not a typical way to commence an apology. And who could argue with the message in the Tweet? Is there anyone who favors misguided individuals offending religious believers?

Nevertheless, the Fox Nationalists chose to lie about an imaginary apology; to lie about when it occurred; and to lie by associating it with the President. Clearly they are going for some sort of record for most lies in a single headline.

A Disgusting New Low: Fox News Calls Obama A ‘Pimp’

This is an actual story from the Fox News web site, Fox Nation. The headline, “Obama “Pimp With The Limp” on 9/11,” marks a new low for an alleged “news” organization that has already sunk far lower than any other news organization.

Fox Nation

The “article” is nothing more than the posting of a non-controversial interview (video below) of President Obama by a Miami radio DJ. The DJ is Lazaro Mendez (aka DJ Laz) who uses a sort of nickname, Pimp With a Limp, that was derived from his work as a rapper.

However, the headline used by Fox does not say that Obama was interviewed by the Pimp With a Limp. It simply uses the name as a slur to describe the President. And to top it off it invokes the 9/11 tragedy that had nothing to do with any of this. This is so utterly repulsive and disrespectful it requires no further commentary. But it is unbelievable that Fox continues to be treated as a mainstream news source when they engage in unethical antics like this.

Even MSNBC Gets A Convention Bounce: Still Beating Fox News

The Democratic National Convention last week provided an opportunity for MSNBC to introduce themselves to a wider audience. And that they did. The channel was viewed in primetime by more than nine million people during the three days of the convention. That’s nearly 10% higher than the RNC viewership. And for the first time ever they scored a ratings victory over top-rated Fox News for a full week.

With the conventions over MSNBC still has the glow of victory about it. On Monday September 10, Rachel Maddow beat Sean Hannity by 12% in the key 25-54 year old demographic. Lawrence O’Donnell had an even bigger margin of victory (29%) over Greta Van Susteren. And for good measure, the repeat of The Ed Show beat the repeat of the O’Reilly Factor, and Maddow’s repeat beat Hannity’s. That’s four solid hours on top for MSNBC.

These wins were achieved without the help of the convention. And the programs on Fox were stacked with guests that should have been big draws for them. Hannity featured Tea Party darling, Sen. Rand Paul. Van Susteren touted an exclusive with Rep. Darrell Issa who has been hammering the Obama administration over the salacious (and phony) Fast & Furious controversy.

If MSNBC can hold just a portion of these numbers over time, it could signal a turnaround in the cable news hierarchy. MSNBC has not been particularly successful in building their audience, while Fox has masterfully captured the glassy-eyed disciples of conservatism. Time will tell if this is a blip or a trend.

In related news, the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press released their post-convention survey of attitudes and opinions of the candidates and their events. The headline notes that President Obama was overshadowed by keynoter Bill Clinton. That provides a stark contrast for the RNC where Mitt Romney was similarly overshadowed by Clint Eastwood. Who would you rather be overshadowed by? And Fox News viewers affirm Pew’s findings:

Fox News Poll - Clint Eastwood

Mitt Romney Breaks Pledge to Refrain From Political Attacks On Anniversary Of 9/11

On this eleventh anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on New York, Pennsylvania, and Washington, D.C., both presidential campaigns promised to hold their fire and not engage in partisan politics while Americans observed a day of remembrance. But it didn’t take long for Mitt Romney to break that promise.

Romney delivered a speech before the National Guard Association Conference that was mostly bland platitudes and predictable, but vacant, praise. But at one point he veered away from his pandering to say this:

“With less than two months to go before Election Day, I would normally speak to a gathering like this about the differences between my and my opponent’s plans for our military and for our national security. There is a time and a place for that, but this day is not it.”

If you are not going to talk about politics, you don’t do it by talking about how you are not going to talk about it. Romney inserted that segment into his speech to deliberately and covertly convey a message about the differences between his plans for the military and those of President Obama. Why else bring it up at an event that was supposed to be free of politics? He might just as well have said…

“With less than two months to go before Election Day, I would normally speak to a gathering like this about what a douchebag my opponent is and how his plans for our military are tantamount to surrendering to the enemy. There is a time and a place for that, but this day is not it. So just pretend I didn’t mention it.”

Romney’s machinations are particularly offensive because he thinks that he can get away with planting subliminal attacks in his speech on a day when the rest of the country is in mourning. His poorly disguised rhetoric is an insult to the Guardsmen in his audience, as well as to all Americans and the victims of 9/11. And this is coming from a man who didn’t think the troops were important enough to thank in his convention nomination speech. And that’s when he wasn’t reducing them to pawns in the military-industrial complex.

Mitt Romney

Rush Limbaugh’s Predictable Predictions

Yesterday talk radio’s king of drug-addled asininity, Rush Limbaugh, settled into his paranoid dementia to dispense his predictions of a future wherein democracy is carried out and President Obama retains his residency of the White House. Limbaugh has a well known disgust for democracy if its results are not to his liking. But yesterday he let loose with a dire forecast that must surely have rattled the marbles inside his followers dittoheads.

9/10/2012: “If Obama’s re-elected, it will happen. There’s no IF about this. And it’s gonna be ugly. It’s gonna be gut-wrenching, but it will happen. The country’s economy is going to collapse if Obama is re-elected.”

Uh oh. What ever will we do now? Limbaugh has divined the course of our destruction and there appears to be no way out other than casting our votes for Mitt Romney, a man who will not tell us what his plans are for the economy; will not release his tax returns; will not disclose his wealthy campaign bundlers; will not stick with the same position for more than a couple of hours; and has a record of destroying jobs while bankrupting companies and stashing his ill-gotten gains in foreign banks. Yeah, that’ll save us.

And, as we know, Limbaugh’s predictions are so accurate that we absolutely must heed his every word. We know that his vision of certain doom is looming over us because his prior prognostications have been so on target. Two days after Obama was elected in 2008, Limbaugh said…

11/6/2008: “The Obama recession is in full swing, ladies and gentlemen. Stocks are dying, which is a precursor of things to come. This is an Obama recession. Might turn into a depression. He hasn’t done anything yet but his ideas are killing the economy. His ideas are killing Wall Street.”

That was two days after the election. Obama was still two months from being inaugurated. And since then the stock market has died to the tune of more than doubling in value. The ideas that killed Wall Street worked so thoroughly that anyone who invested when Limbaugh made those remarks must feel like they’ve died and gone to heaven.

There is another prediction that Limbaugh made yesterday in the same rant. This one is more pointedly political but just as important to our nation’s well being going forward:

9/10/2012: “[Chris] Matthews was saying…if Obama wins it’s the end of conservatism. Nope. If Obama wins let me tell you what it’s the end of … the Republican Party.”

You promise? We can only hope and pray that you’re right about that one.

Rush Limbaugh