This week President Biden introduced an initiative to halt the current surge of COVID that is spreading mostly among the unvaccinated (i.e. Republicans and Fox News viewers). Consequently, Biden’s plan focuses on getting more people to get the shot and to take other precautions such as masking and testing.
Biden’s plan was immediately attacked by Fox News as an imposition of tyrannical mandates that rob Americans of their freedom – – to get sick and die and spread the same dire fates to others. Never mind that Fox News actually imposes even stricter mandates on their own employees, including the ones who air in primetime and tell their audience that vaccines don’t work.
However, Biden’s plan was well received by the American people. Polls show that majorities approve of requiring vaccinations or weekly testing for federal employees, school staff, and private businesses with 100 or more employees. Fox News even did a story about these polls. Unfortunately, it was a typically dishonest Fox News style story.
The headline for the article on their website said that “Biden’s push to combat COVID disapproved by roughly half of Americans.” The question asked specifically about mandating vaccines for workplaces with 100 or more employees. And the headline is technically true. Disapproval was “roughly half” (46%). But the other half who approved (53%) was greater. Leave it to Fox News to lead a story about a poll that showed majority approval by citing only the lower number who disapproved. What’s more, every specific question in the Quinnipiac poll about Biden’s plan showed that the American people were solidly in favor of it. Fox even said so in the body of the article:
“According to the poll, Americans by a nearly two-to-one margin support requiring students, teachers and school staff to wear masks. And a majority (57%) support requiring masks while in indoor public spaces. By a 68%-24% margin, those polled said that the rise in COVID deaths this summer was preventable.”
Furthermore, Fox included the results of another poll by Monmouth University that had similarly positive results. According to Fox’s article…
“63% of Americans support COVID vaccine mandates for health workers, with 58% supporting such mandates for federal employees, and 55% backing such requirements for private contractors working for the federal government. According to the survey, 63% support the instituting or reinstituting of state-based face mask and social distancing guidelines, up from 52% in July.”
Something that Fox News left out of their article was the finding in the Monmouth poll that said that “Among the nearly 1 in 4 who show anti-vaccine attitudes, 72% describe themselves as Republicans or lean toward the Republican Party.” Which is just more proof that watching Fox News and listening to Republicans is one of the best predictors of who is going to contract COVID.
While the Fox article contained some truthful bits of information, readers who just scanned the headlines would have come away with a completely false impression of reality. And that’s exactly what Fox intended. And it’s why the nation is currently suffering another catastrophic wave of this pandemic whose victims are predominantly Republicans, Fox News viewers, and Trump voters.
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