In what has become a recurring circus of hypocrisies, Fox News has released a poll that contrasts sharply with their editorial positions on the coronavirus. The staunchly pro-COVID network routinely features commentaries from their hosts and guests that malign efforts to mitigate the harm caused by the virus, such as getting vaccinated and wearing face masks.
Fox News spent months downplaying the severity of the virus, in synchrony with Donald Trump’s deliberate pattern of deception. Trump and Fox News have even refused to promote common sense mitigation practices for fear of upsetting the Trump cult and/or benefitting President Biden.
However, the latest poll from Fox News reveals where the American people stand on Biden’s plan to defeat COVID. And it does not remotely match the anti-vaccine, anti-mask, malarkey peddled by the likes of Tucker Carlson (who says that vaccines don’t work), Sean Hannity (who steers viewers away from getting vaccinated), and Laura Ingraham (who mocks CDC guidelines). In fact, the results show that Biden’s plan – that was viciously disparaged on Fox News – is favored by significant majorities of the American people. for instance…
- 69% believe face masks are effective
- 65% believe vaccines are effective
- 67% believe schools should require masks for teachers and students
- 66% believe businesses should require masks for employees and customers
- 61% support vaccine mandates for teachers
- 58% support vaccine mandates for federal government employees
- 55% support vaccine mandates for business employees
- 56% favor requiring businesses with 100+ employees to require vaccination or weekly testing
- 54% favor requiring proof of vaccination to participate in indoor activities
- 55% approve of Biden’s overall handling of the pandemic
These numbers show that most Americans are not fooled by the Fox News lies and disinformation. They have the common sense to do the right thing. And Democrats should be encouraged by the support for Biden’s initiatives. In fact, they should run hard on these results and challenge Republicans to defend their pro-COVID positions. After all, almost all of the new cases, hospitalizations and fatalities are among the unvaccinated. And that means they are mostly among Fox News viewers and Trump Republicans.
Separately, Fox News also released a poll on the human infrastructure legislation proposed by Biden and Democrats in Congress. It found that the $3.5 trillion bill is favored 56% to 39%. Also, Biden’s overall job rating is 50% approval, despite a rash of bad news about the Delta variant surge, and the Afghanistan withdrawal.
These polls are further evidence of the strength of the Democratic agenda going into the 2022 midterm elections. And Democrats need to recognize that strength and use it to push a blue wave of voters in November of next year.
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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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