In Delusional Podcast Rant, Trump Still Thinks He’s Going To Be Returned To His Throne

By now, anyone who has been paying attention knows that Donald Trump is suffering from psychotic delusions about having won the 2020 presidential election that he lost by more than seven million votes. Either that or his pathological lying just keeps descending to new lows. Every recount, audit, and court case, over the past ten months has affirmed that Trump was decisively defeated by now President Joe Biden.

Donald Trump, King

These unimpeachable facts notwithstanding, the twice impeached mental case of Mar-a-Lago continues to peddle his “Big Lie” that the election was “rigged” and “stolen” from him. It’s a persistent pattern of victimhood that Trump uses to fleece his pathetic cult followers.

For the record, the latest example of Trump’s psychosis was evident in a podcast “interview” he conducted with ultra-rightist wannabe pundit David Harris Jr. Trump deployed the usual contrived clichés that litter his third grade level rhetorical vocabulary. “The Election was rigged,” he whined. It was “incorrectly reported by the fake news,” and “Our country is going to hell.” You know the drill. He elaborated saying that…

“They found thousands and thousands, much more than you’d need. Thousands and thousands of votes that were just false, or disgusting, or phantom, or anything you wanna call it. Far more than would be needed to overturn. […] I don’t need many of them [states]. I need two, two or three depending on size.”

Needless to say, actual evidence proves that none of that is true. There were not “thousands and thousands” of “false, or disgusting, or phantom” votes. In fact, the Arizona fraudit conducted by the conspiracy crackpots known as the Cyber Ninjas actually found more votes for Biden and fewer for Trump.

However, what’s most disturbing about Trump’s rant is that he still seems to believe that the election can be “overturned.” All he needs are a couple of states to decertify. Of course there is no legal path to the fantasy world that Trump inhabits. He is rambling incoherently again. And sadly, his dimwitted disciples will eat it up. It would be downright depressing if it weren’t so hysterical. Or would it be downright hysterical if it weren’t so depressing? At this point it’s getting hard to tell.

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HUH? Trump Opposes the Democratic Bills Because … They Will Elect More Republicans?

Democrats in Congress are battling with Republicans – and a couple of reticent Democrats – to pass a pair pf bills aimed at keeping the government from shutting down and defaulting on its debt. Republicans are demonstrating their customary hypocrisy with regard to the debt limit, and their blatant and reckless partisanship on funding for critical ongoing operations.

Donald Trump Angry

On Thursday morning there was some chatter in the press about agreements being reached to get the Continuing Resolution passed and keep the government open. But any signal that the government might function efficiently is an automatic trigger to Donald Trump, whose psychotic synapses force him into a perpetually hostile stance. Consequently, upon hearing the news, Trump had his spokes-shill, Liz Harrington (whose proxy Trump tweeting is violating Twitter’s rules against circumventing a ban), hammer out a couple of audaciously dishonest tweets in hopes of undermining the legislative progress.

The first tweet insisted that “This bill must be opposed!” Trump’s reasons for opposition were based on his utterly fictional analysis of the bill, along with a swing at xenophobic fear mongering:

“Snuck into the government funding bill, or CR, the Democrats are trying to pass, and just found, is unlimited money to random, unscreened, unvetted Afghan nationals. Republicans can’t let this happen. […] This is not a “clean” government funding bill. It’s a major immigration rewrite that allows Biden to bring anyone he wants from Afghanistan for the next year—no vetting, no screening, no security—and fly them to your community.”

Absolutely none of that is true. The only reference to Afghans is a clause that permits the federal government to continue operations in support of “individuals evacuated from Afghanistan.” These are the allies who worked with the U.S. military during the twenty year war. They are the same people that Republicans and Fox News complained were being left behind. Now Trump is portraying them as dangerous foes being surreptitiously planted in “your community.”

The second tweet also demanded that the bills be rejected. but this one took a more brazenly political posture:

“If Democrats are able to piece together their huge tax hikes, called by another name, it will mean an additional 40 Republican seats in the House and at least a few additional Republican Senators in the U.S. Senate.”

Without any warning, Trump appears to have changed the subject from the funding and debt ceiling bills, to the infrastructure bills. It is the reconciliation bill that contains a rollback of Trump’s prior tax scam that cut taxes for corporations and the wealthy. However, what is notable in his comment is his belief that those provisions are unpopular and would result in a red wave in the mid-term election next year.

Let’s set aside the fact that the Democratic bills are overwhelmingly favored by broad majorities of voters. If Trump actually believed that passage of the Democratic agenda would result in Republicans retaking both houses of Congress, wouldn’t he welcome that? It would pave the way for his return to the White House in 2024, and then the GOP could enact whatever right-wing wet dreams they have.

Obviously, Trump is rambling incoherently again. He has no idea how Congress works, or how the game of politics is played. His only strategy, no matter the circumstances, is to be virulently opposed to whatever his political foes favor. His one-note ideology can be summarized in the timeless words of one of America’s most renown statesmen…

NOTE: Twitter suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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