Lying Liar Trump Brags About His ‘Successful’ Political Endorsements on Fox News

The evidence of Donald Trump’s malignant narcissism has been well documented over the past five years. No matter what else is going on in the world, Trump manages to see it only in terms of how it relates to him. It’s a psychotic malady that has had horrific consequences, including hundreds of thousands of preventable deaths to due the COVID pandemic.

Trump Lies

Trump’s derangement has not subsided at all in the year since he was evicted from the White House. If anything, it’s gotten more severe. And he exhibited another symptom of it Fox News Saturday night during an interview with Fox’s Senior Trump-Fluffer, Jeanne Pirro. During a discussion about his place in the political landscape, Trump had the following exchange with Pirro:

Trump: If I endorse somebody they win. I think I’m 148 and 2. That’s a pretty good number.
Pirro: You endorsed Youngkin?
Trump: I did Endorse Youngkin. And I hope it’s not gonna be three.

It’s always a mystery as to where Trump gets the information he regurgitates. Well, perhaps “mystery” isn’t the right word. More often than not he simply makes it up as he goes along. So, unsurprisingly, Trump is flagrantly lying about his endorsement scorecard.

The truth is that he has had a decidedly unimpressive record of endorsing winning candidates. He is likely including every Republican primary endorsement in his phony stats. Those would be irrelevant because only Republicans would be voting, and we know that he has a cult-like influence over them. Furthermore, he has a habit of making endorsements only in races where Republicans are already favored to win. Even so, it’s not a record that he can brag about. According to Ballotpedia:

In 2020…
Trump’s Senate endorsement tally was 18 and 5
In the House it was 116 to 33
For governor it was 4 to 1 (The 4 wins were in ND, MT, WV, MO)

In 2018…
Trump’s Senate endorsement tally was 10 and 10
In the House it was 29 to 20
For governor it was 10 to 9

So just for those two election cycles Trump’s record was 187 to 78. That’s a long ways from 148 to 2. And it is weighted in his favor by his selection of races in red districts and states where the Republican was already heavily favored to win. And it should not be forgotten that his single term in office saw Democrats take the majority in the House and the Senate, and win the presidency by a decisive margin.

That is not a record that any rational politician would boast about. But the operative word there is “rational.” Trump is anything but that. He is a rare form of pathological liar who after a lifetime has never developed any skill at it. But what’s worse is that are people who fall for his obvious bullpucky. They may be a small minority, but they are still an embarrassment to our species.

NOTE: Twitter suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Trump’s Feeble Attempt to Divide Moderate and Progressive Democrats Fails Spectacularly

Is there anyone in America who is waiting for Donald Trump to deliver his analysis of Democratic politics? His positions could not be more predictable and preposterous. In his view everything that Democrats and President Biden does is “disgraceful” and “disastrous” and is leading to the “total destruction” of the country and the world. And the pretty much exhausts his vocabulary.

Donald Trump

Never mind that Trump never has any facts to support his knee-jerk condemnation. Why would he, when the only thing he’s interested in is fomenting irrational hatred and dividing the American people? Trump is literally the last person that any sane observer would ask about Democrats. But that doesn’t stop him from giving his utterly worthless opinion anyway. In a tweet (posted by his Twitter ban defying spokes-shill), Trump actually gave some back-handed praise to moderate Democrats saying that…

“It’s wonderful to see the moderate Democrats take such total advantage of the ultra Liberal Progressives in the House. They promised the Progressives everything and are giving them nothing. No wonder AOC +3 are so angry!”

In Trump’s shrunken brain he sees a broad-based coalition in a political party as a fatal flaw. In his Republican Party everyone goosesteps to the tune of Dear Leader. Indeed, with respect to the Build Back Better legislation, Democrats have had to struggle to find a consensus among their diverse members. But Trump’s assessment of this process is an affirmation of his authoritarian aspirations. He can’t comprehend that free people can have different views.

What’s more, Trump is 100% wrong – which shouldn’t surprise anybody. First of all, moderates never “promised the progressives everything,” and they surely didn’t give them nothing. In fact, the chair of Democratic Progressive Caucus in the House, Pramila Jayapal, said that “the reality is that we have 50 votes that we need to get in the Senate [and that] out of something like nine priorities, we got seven or eight of them.”

In other words, the vast majority of the progressive’s priorities were agreed to. And if you need further evidence of that, take a look at what’s actually in the bill that will be voted on in the coming week. It states that it will…

  • …expand access to free preschool for more than 6 million children.
  • …provide that middle-class families pay no more than 7 percent of their income on child care and will help states expand access to high-quality, affordable child care to about 20 million children.
  • …improve Medicaid coverage for home care services for seniors and people with disabilities.
  • …provide monthly payments to the parents of nearly 90 percent of American children.
  • …save the average American family hundreds of dollars per year in energy costs. These measures include enhancement and expansion of existing home energy and efficiency tax credits.
  • …cut the cost of installing rooftop solar for a home by around 30 percent.
  • …lower the cost of an electric vehicle that is made in America with American materials and union labor by $12,500 for a middle-class family.
  • …help rural communities tap into the clean energy opportunity through targeted grants and loans through the Department of Agriculture.
  • …target incentives to grow domestic supply chains in solar, wind, and other critical industries.
  • …fund port electrification; facilitate the deployment of cleaner transit, buses, and trucks; and support critical community capacity building.
  • …create a new Civilian Climate Corps – with over 300,000 members that look like America.
  • …provide resources to farmers, ranchers, and forestland owners, supporting their efforts to reduce emissions.
  • …reduce premiums for more than 9 million Americans who buy insurance through the Affordable Care Act.
  • …deliver health care coverage through Affordable Care Act premium tax credits to up to 4 million uninsured people in states that have locked them out of Medicaid.
  • …expand Medicare coverage to cover hearing coverage.
  • …enable the construction, rehabilitation, and improvement of more than 1 million affordable homes, boosting housing supply and reducing price pressures for renters and homeowners.
  • …make a historic investment in rental assistance, expanding vouchers to hundreds of thousands of additional families.
  • …create more equitable communities, through investing in community-led redevelopments projects in historically under-resourced neighborhoods.
  • …extend the American Rescue Plan’s tripling of the credit for childless workers, benefiting 17 million low-wage workers, many of whom are essential workers.
  • …make education beyond high school – including training for high-paying jobs available now – more affordable.
  • …make historic investments in Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs), and minority-serving institutions (MSIs) to build capacity.
  • …expand free school meals to 8.7 million children during the school year and provide a $65 per child per month benefit to the families of 29 million children.

And if that weren’t enough, these programs are being fully paid for “with savings from repealing the Trump Administration’s rebate rule, [and] by asking more from the very largest corporations and the wealthiest Americans.” The bill will…

  • …impose a 15% minimum tax on the corporate profits of large corporations with over $1 billion in profits.
  • …include a 1% surcharge on corporate stock buybacks, which corporate executives too often use to enrich themselves.
  • …adopt a 15% minimum tax on foreign profits of U.S. corporations, so that they can no longer claim huge tax benefits by shifting profits and jobs abroad.
  • …create a fairer tax system – a tax system that requires the wealthy to finally pay their fair share and rewards work, not wealth – by hiring enforcement agents who are trained to pursue wealthy evaders.

Is this everything that progressives wanted when negotiations began? Of course not. But it is still a historic achievement that provides more benefits for poor and middle-class Americans than even FDR’s New Deal did. And it restores some fairness to the tax laws that were grossly skewed in favor of corporations and billionaires during the Trump travesty.

Furthermore, there is nothing stopping Democrats from restoring items that were removed, such as paid family leave, free community college, dental and vision coverage for Medicare, and lower prescription drug prices. In fact, there is already talk of reintroducing some of those benefits in separate legislation. The only thing needed to complete the job is more Democrats in the House and Senate. And the opportunity to do that is coming soon.

NOTE: Twitter suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

CNN’s Jim Acosta Renames the Tucker Carlson, Fox News False Flag Flick: ‘Proud Boy Porn’

This week Tucker Carlson announced the premiere of his Fox News produced crocumentary, “Patriot Purge.” And judging by the trailer that he released, it is a cornucopia of conspiracy crackpottery. Carlson is promoting the program as “The True Story Behind January 6.” Which, of course, is a lie. What it is is rancid wingnut code intended to incite further violence.

Fox News, Tucker Carlson, QAnon

Carlson’s “propaganda flick” compiles much of what he has said in recent weeks on his primetime Fox News Hour of Ultra-Rightist Rancor into an indigestible pile of manure. His focus is on his baseless accusation that the January 6th insurrection was a “false flag” operation orchestrated by the FBI and other agencies of the mythical “Deep State.”

On Saturday afternoon CNN’s Jim Acosta delivered a scathing review of Carlson’s demagoguery (video below). It was so complete and accurate that it hardly needs any commentary. So without further ado, Acosta said that…

“The reason why federal investigators and millions of Americans are terrified by right-wing violence in this country is because it keeps happening. and Tucker Carlson is inciting more of it. Tucker is calling his propaganda flick “The Patriot Purge!” It’s nothing more than Proud Boy porn. And the worst part is that a major corporation in America, Fox News, is bankrolling it.

[For more on Carlson’s lie-riddled agitprop, see this: Breaking Down the Crocumentary By Tucker Carlson that Glorifies ‘False Flag’ Insurrection.]

“Now Fox is insisting that Tucker’s manifesto will only be seen on its streaming service, Fox Nation. Please. No matter how you slice it the Murdoch family is cashing in as American democracy is being set ablaze. The fact that the Murdoch-run Wall Street Journal just ran a letter to the editor peddling the “Big Lie” again is hardly the worst thing that they’ve done this week. And that’s saying a lot.”

[Fox News pretending that they aren’t responsible for what Carlson does on Fox Nation is precious. Fox Nation is the streaming subsidiary of Fox News. And they are using Carlson’s seditionist sermonizing to drive up subscriptions to the service. What’s more, at least some of Carlson’s “false flag” screed will surely be aired on Fox News]

“As the Anti-Defamation League wrote in a letter to Fox executive chairman and CEO, Lachlan Murdoch, how many more people need to die? My question to the Murdochs is this: Why are you doing this to us? Why are you doing this to America? You came to this country and built a media empire. Isn’t that enough? During Trump you became American State TV. Now you seem like ‘End of America State TV.’ People like to say the Murdochs, ‘Oh, they’re just like that HBO show, Succession.’ Close. It’s more like Secession. The Murdochs and Tucker Carlson, their primetime pyromaniac, appear to be hell bent on dragging this country into a civil war. Jefferson Davis would be proud.”

The only part of Acosta’s monologue that is slightly off base is his assumption that the Murdochs came to the U.S. with intentions of building a media empire and nothing else. The truth is that Rupert Murdoch was a right-wing propagandist in Britain, and in his homeland, Australia, before that. So no, building a media empire in the U.S. would not be enough for him and his family.

If only civil war and secession were what they wanted. But it is clear that they want much more. They do not want a splintered America. They want to rule all of it. And with a puppet seated at the top that they can control. Which explains why they got behind an ignorant, unprincipled, business failure like Donald Trump in the first place.

NOTE: Twitter suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

BOO! Trump’s Spooky Stab at Burying White House Documents is So Stupid it’s Scary

This Halloween promises to be as frightening as any in modern times. That’s primarily due to the persistent presence of an orange, pumpkin-headed monster, Donald Trump. Nearly a year after his political demise, he remains a haunting figure from beyond the electoral grave who inexorably insists on terrorizing the nation with loathsome lies and abhorrent, authoritarian aspirations. He’s even frightening his own supporters into not voting.

Donald Trump, Fox News, Halloween

Although fear defines the season – and is the favored tactic of Trump and his cadre of demons – on this All Hallows Eve The Trump was dealt a blow by the National Archives. Responding to his lawsuit demanding that hundreds of documents from his occupation of the White House be suppressed, the administrator of the Archives concluded that it does not meet any legal standard for executive privilege and the materials can be dispensed to the House Select Committee investigating the January 6th insurrection (which Fox News goblin, Tucker Carlson, thinks is a “false flag” affair). As reported by CNN

“Specifics about former President Donald Trump’s efforts to keep secret the support from his White House for overturning his loss of the 2020 election were revealed in late-night court filings that detail more than 700 pages of handwritten notes, draft documents and daily logs his top advisers kept related to January 6.” […]

“The records Trump wants to keep secret include handwritten memos from his chief of staff about January 6, call logs of the then-President and former Vice President Mike Pence and White House visitor records, additional court records revealed early Saturday morning.”

While most constitutional experts agree that a former president has no claim to executive privilege, it is notable that the documents referenced herein wouldn’t be protected by executive privilege anyway. That privilege is applicable only to the official business of the president. But these are political documents that are related to a campaign and Trump’s anti-democratic efforts to cling to power. They are also potentially evidence of crimes and criminal conspiracies, which cannot be shielded by executive privilege.

The chilling disclosure by the Archives reveal that the documents that Trump seeks to smother include White House visitor logs and calls between Trump and Pence, all centered around January 6th. It further affirms that Trump’s intent is to conceal evidence against him and his role in the Capitol Hill riots by his glassy-eyed cult disciples. Separately, there is documentary proof that pro-Trump attorney John Eastman (who authored the infamous “coup memo”) sought to cast blame on Pence for the violent insurrection.

RELATED: The October Demise: Trump’s Frightful Halloween Election Surprise

A court will hear Trump’s complaint next week. But whatever the outcome we can’t relax our guard. The monstrous Trump rampage against America and democracy is going to be plaguing us for the foreseeable future. For the time being we are all trapped in this House of Horrors. But fear not. Trump’s threats are mostly impotent expressions of weakness and the dread he harbors of being held accountable for his crimes. He will, in the end, be vanquished by his own frailties. Then the only thing we’ll have to worry is the sequel.

NOTE: Twitter suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Trump Frantically Reminds Republicans Not to Vote if ‘SCAM’ Election Fraud ‘Is Not Fixed’

Two weeks ago Donald Trump released a bizarre and self-defeating statement regarding the likelihood of his obsession with non-existent voter fraud hampering voter turnout among disgruntled Republicans. He was right. When you relentlessly complain that elections are “rigged,” you are sending your supporters the message that it’s a waste of time to vote.

Donald Trump, Woman, Fear

“If we don’t solve the Presidential Election Fraud of 2020 (which we have thoroughly and conclusively documented),” Trump whined, “Republicans will not be voting in ‘22 or ‘24.” Let’s set aside the ludicrous assertion that Trump has “conclusively documented” any fraud at all. Had he done so he is behaving strangely by not having presented any of it after nearly a year. More to the point, Trump’s griping can’t help but depress GOP voter turnout. So naturally, he’s doing it again (via his Twitter ban defying spokes-shill):

“The statement that I made a few weeks ago saying that Republicans will not vote if the Election Fraud of 2020 is not fixed, was in no way meant to imply that I would tell them not to vote, but rather that they may not have the incentive to vote if the election process is not fully remedied, and quickly. It was the Crime of the Century. We are working on solving that problem every day—it will be done! People do not want to spend their time and money to have a SCAM like that happen again. Regardless of anything or anyone, we must get out the Republican and SANE VOTE!”

Notice that Trump starts off by trying to deny the obvious. While he says that he never “meant to imply that I would tell them not to vote,” that is precisely what he is implying. Why should any of his cult disciples bother to “spend their time and money” on a “SCAM” of his own invention? And the condition that he stipulates for incentivizing voters is for the fake election fraud to be “fixed” and/or “fully remedied.” However, it isn’t possible to fix a problem that doesn’t exist anywhere but in the diseased imaginations of Trump and his dimwitted devotees.

The question is why would Trump revisit this hokum now after making the rhetorical blunder two weeks ago? It undoubtedly has something to do with the upcoming election for governor in Virginia, where his flunky, Glenn Youngkin, is in a tight race with Democrat Terry McAuliffe. In an apparent attempt to emulate his mentor, Youngkin is already alleging election fraud five days before the election. As for Trump, he doesn’t want the candidate he endorsed to lose. and even more important, he doesn’t want to be blamed for the loss. So he’s making a transparent and futile play to undo the damage he did previously.

Unfortunately for Trump, he’s making the very same mistake. He is still warning Republicans that they have no chance of victory if “the Election Fraud of 2020 is not fixed.” And since what isn’t broken cannot be fixed, Trump is signaling that they might as well opt out. It’s a ploy he’s used before. Back in July Trump fear mongered that, due to mail-in voting “There will never be a Republican elected to high office again.”

Technically, Trump isn’t telling people not to vote. However, he is telling them that that it won’t do any good if his conditions aren’t met. But since his conditions require overturning the 2020 presidential election and reinstating Trump (which 60% of delusional Republicans believe should happen), those conditions will remain unmet. And it doesn’t help that he is urging them to get out the “SANE” vote, because that would disqualify the majority of Republican voters.

NOTE: Twitter suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Breaking Down the Crocumentary By Tucker Carlson that Glorifies ‘False Flag’ Insurrection

Tucker Carlson and Fox News are at it again. Not satisfied with disseminating deadly disinformation about the coronavirus that has led to tens (hundreds?) of thousands of preventable deaths, or advancing the racist “white replacement theory” to malign immigrants, or undermining American democracy by aiding and abetting Donald Trump’s “Big Lie” that the 2020 election was “rigged,” Carlson and Company are now exalting domestic terrorists and white supremacists.

Fox News, Tucker Carlson, Dictator

Carlson is promoting a crock documentary that purports to tell “The True Story Behind 1/6” That, of course, is a lie. The title sequence is crammed with ludicrous talking point subtitles alluding to “The War on Terror 2.0,” and “The Plot Against the People,” and a “Patriot Purge” All of that wingnut sloganeering is deliberately inflammatory code intended to incite further violence. As are the opening frames of the trailer that includes video of the police shooting domestic terrorist Ashli Babbitt as she and her militant comrades are attacking law enforcement officers and smashing through the glass door entrance to the Capitol.

The video goes on to feature a quote by Darren Beattie, who left the Trump administration after he was caught at a white nationalist conference. In the video Beattie says that “The domestic war on terror is here. It’s coming after half of the country.” Which is nonsense because not only is there no “domestic war” on these rightist kooks, they don’t comprise anywhere near half the country.

That’s followed by Carlson fear mongering that American soldiers are preparing an assault on citizens here in the U.S. Carlson says that “The helicopters have left Afghanistan. Now they’ve landed here at home.” That in turn is followed by a disembodied voice warning that “The left is hunting the right. Sticking them in Guantanamo Bay, for American citizens, leaving them there to rot.” It goes without saying that that is flagrant fiction. No American is incarcerated at Gitmo. Nor has anyone been waterboarded as is implied by the visual in the video.

Next up is a clip of President Biden saying correctly that “Terrorism from white supremacy is the most lethal threat to to the homeland. […] Not Al Qaeda. White supremacy.” This was an assessment made by the Department of Homeland Security in September of 2020, during the Trump administration. However, Carlson is mocking Biden as his words play over archive footage of a KKK parade.

Finally, the trailer concludes with a bizarre and baseless allegation by a disgraced former Army captain, Emily Rainey, who is being investigated for her participation in the insurrection. She says that “False flags have happened in this country, one of which may have been January 6.” Naturally, there is no evidence whatsoever to support this reckless accusation. But it is one that Carlson has made before, specifically charging the FBI with “orchestrating” the violence. The background visual for this quote is footage of the January 6th insurrection. That segues into a shot of helicopters ominously approaching the Capitol dome with the Battle Hymn of the Republic playing…“Glory, glory hallelujah. His truth is marching on.” What do you suppose that is implying?

The key question raised by Carlson’s propaganda pic is, how can the insurrectionists be both patriotic protesters fighting to MAGA, and false flag provocateurs conspiring against freedom? In order to follow his logic you would have to believe that the same mob that stormed the Capitol are simultaneously heroes and traitors. It’s a paradox that can only reside in the warped mind of a Trump cultist.

This abomination is not just the work of Tucker Carlson. The whole of the Fox News enterprise is responsible, including the network’s CEO Suzanne Scott, president Jay Wallace, and corporate masters Lachlan and Rupert Murdoch. Their culpability was acknowledged by the two Republican members of the House Select Committee Investigating the January 6th Insurrection:

Liz Cheney: “It appears that Fox News is giving Tucker Carlson a platform to spread the same type of lies that provoked violence on January 6. As Fox News knows, the election wasn’t stolen and January 6 was not a ‘false flag’ operation,”

Adam Kinzinger: “Anyone working for @FoxNews must speak out. This is disgusting. It appears @foxnews isn’t even pretending anymore.”

Don’t hold your breath. Fox News is not going to “speak out” or take any action against Carlson because they agree with him 100%. This program isn’t a rogue operation by Carlson. It is fully supported by, paid for, and proudly broadcast by Fox News, with the approval of its editors, executives, and owners. And they are as responsible for the harm it causes as Carlson. But there is something you can do about it: UnFox My Cable Box!

NOTE: Twitter suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Fox News Ranter Dan Bongino Was Bumped From His Radio Show – Over Vaccine Mandate?

The Great Vaccine Mandate Debate rages on – exclusively on Fox News! Ever since President Biden proposed a plan to save more American lives from the ravages of COVID-19 by getting more people vaccinated, Fox News has engaged in a brazenly dishonest campaign to portray it as tantamount to tyranny. Never mind that Fox News imposed their own stricter mandate prior to Biden’s initiative.

Fox News, Dan Bongino

Among the most hyperbolic blowhards on Fox News making a fuss of this issue is the weekend host of Unfiltered, Dan Bongino. He has recently joined with his Fox colleagues in doubling down as a giant middle finger to Joe Biden’s tyranny.” It was an explicit admission that their opposition to vaccines is rooted in politics, not science or humanity.

Bongino has also babbled his anti-vax banter on his radio show. He even went so far as to pick an on-air fight with his syndicator, Westwood One/Cumulus Media, over their corporate vaccine mandate. Bongino virtually dared Cumulus to fire him for not being vaccinated. And while he is basking in the faux-tough guy image he wants to present, he is still too cowardly to give Fox News the same ultimatum.

Now it is being reported that Bongino has been removed from the schedule this week. Neither Westwood One nor Cumulus is commenting on why they have replaced his show, but Bongino, as is typical of right-wing gasbags, is clucking about it himself:

“Several affiliates have told Radio Ink that Westwood One has put The Dan Bongino Show into ‘best of’ mode for the remainder of the week. His program was not on the radio yesterday. Bongino has been ranting on his show about Cumulus’ vaccine mandate.”

No one has bothered to explain what would constitute the “best of” Bongino. Some one would say that dead air would do the trick. But this is what Bongino had to say about it:

“They didn’t consult with us content providers. I strongly object to the mandate. The fight with them is having a real impact. Behind the scenes it’s getting a little ugly here. I wasn’t on the radio today. I don’t know what they did, played the ‘best of’ or whatever. You don’t treat people this way. You don’t let people go because they insist their body is theirs.”

Bongino has every right to decline to get vaccinated. But he doesn’t have the right to become a potential deadly danger to others. Upwards of 90% of all new coronavirus infections – and deaths – are among the unvaccinated (and most of them are among Fox News viewers). What’s more, corporations have the right and obligation to maintain a safe work environment and provide for the welfare of their employees.

So if Bongino doesn’t want to get vaccinated, he can make that choice. But he must be prepared to accept the consequences. And if he had any integrity he would resign from both his radio gig and his program on Fox News out of a commitment to his “principles,” warped and selfish as they might be.

NOTE: Twitter suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Trump’s Update on His TRUTH(LESS) Social Scam is an Incoherent, Lie-Riddled Mess

Last week Donald Trump announced what will surely be his next humiliating business failure. Laughably dubbed “TRUTH Social” – a name that defies the reality of his documented history of pathologically lying – Trump’s stab at social media already shows signs of being a scam contrived to enrich himself and feed his gargantuan but fragile ego.

Trump Baby on Cash Pile

On Tuesday morning Trump directed Liz Harrington, his Twitter ban defying spokes-shill, to post a tediously rambling elaboration on his proposed social media (cr)app. Not surprisingly, the proclamation was littered with lies and shameless exaltations of himself. It began by asserting that his intentions transcended politics. “This is about saving our country,” Trump prevaricated. He continued saying that…

“America has always been a nation of smart, spirited, and independent people who take pride in thinking for themselves. We admire those who aren’t afraid to speak their minds, or go against the tide. Yet suddenly, we find ourselves being censored and dictated to by a small group of self-righteous scolds and self-appointed arbiters of what everyone else is allowed to think, say, share, and do.”

Oh yes. The undisputed King of Cancel Culture is very concerned about censorship. Trump rails about the alleged banning of doctors, scientists, and journalists (mostly by Trump), in a tirade that leads predictably to himself, whining that “we’ve seen a sitting president of the United States effectively silenced.” We wish! And the last people that Trump cares about are the smart, independent thinkers. As he has told us before, he “loves the poorly educated,” for the ease with which he can fleece the them.

Trump then complains about America having “fallen far down the ‘slippery slope’ of censorship.” This coming from someone who advocates for the censorship of Critical Race Theory, who prohibited the use of the phrase “climate change” by the Department of Energy, who regrets not banning Twitter and Facebook when he was in office, and who “cancels” anyone who is the least bit critical of him.

Trump goes on to unironically ask, “How many Americans no longer trust a word they hear from their leaders?” Maybe that’s because Trump lied so often that it would be easier to count the few number of times he told the truth. Then he asks “How many ordinary citizens have sadly come to resent their neighbors?” Perhaps that’s due to the most divisive public figure in modern times. Trump viciously maligns anyone who isn’t unflinchingly adoring. He insults his foes with vulgar, uninhibited, rancor. He has mainstreamed hate.

Finally, Trump promised that “there will be no shadow-banning, throttling, demonetizing, or messing with algorithms for political manipulation.” In other words, you can lie as much as you want to on Trump’s site without risk of consequences for the very real harm it can cause. For example, Trump’s tweeting about nonexistent election fraud that incited the January 6th insurrection. Or his deadly falsehoods about the coronavirus pandemic. Although the site’s agreement states that it can’t be held liable for anything that a user posts. That’s actually a provision of the Communications Decency Act’s Section 230 that Trump has vehemently opposed.

However, there are exceptions to Trump’s promised “free” speech.. And they are explicitly spelled out in the site’s terms of service that state that users cannot “disparage, tarnish, or otherwise harm, in our opinion, us or the Site.” So in order to use the site you must first agree to never criticize Trump. FREEDUMB!

NOTE: Twitter suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

OMFG! A Trump Supporter and a Reporter Put Their Hysterical Stupidity on Full Display

There is often a fine line between between comedy and tragedy. It’s a line that the record of Donald Trump’s public life frequently crosses. For instance, while there is certainly nothing funny about Trump’s negligent and incompetent mismanagement of the COVID pandemic that has resulted in nearly 800,000 American deaths, you can’t help but laugh at his preposterous proposals to treat the virus with bleach injections.

Donald Trump Crazy

Trump’s Olympic-grade idiocy has, unfortunately, become a daily affair, even after his eviction from the White House. And it is buttressed by the cult disciples who cling to him like a maniacal messiah. An example of this humiliating behavior that Trump inspires from his flock was delivered Monday morning in a Twitter post by Newsmax White House correspondent, Emerald Robinson. Her tweet asked…

“Does Mitch McConnell still think Trump is ‘morally responsible’ for the Jan. 6th fake-insurrection created by the FBI?”

Obviously Robinson hasn’t been paying attention to how obediently McConnell has been upholding Trump’s “Big Lie.” He was opposed to the congressional investigation into the January 6th insurrection. He urged voting against the release of any documents related to Trump’s criminal conspiracies. He is also against compelling testimony from Trump’s accomplices like Steve Bannon and Mark Meadows. So whether or not he “still thinks Trump is ‘morally responsible'” – which he said on the Senate floor shortly after the Capitol riots – that isn’t really relevant. McConnell clearly thinks Trump should be granted a “Get of Jail Free” card. Although his motivation is more focused on the GOP retaining power then on Trump’s interests.

However, that wasn’t the only ridiculousness in Robinson’s tweet. It is also notable for calling the insurrection, that everyone watched live on TV, “fake” and baselessly accusing it of having been “created by the FBI.” That’s a conspiracy theory she probably borrowed from Tucker Carlson, the Senior Conspiracy Crackpot of Fox News.

In addition to that laughably moronic outburst, a supporter of Trump at a recent cult rally was interviewed by TheGoodLiars about getting vaccinated for the coronavirus. It didn’t take long to devolve into pure farce:

Trump Supporter: Everyone who has taken the vaccine will be dead within 5 to 15 years. Guaranteed!
TheGoodLiars: So why did Donald Trump authorize Operation Warp Speed and create the vaccine?
Trump Supporter: Because if not, I think a lot more people would have died.

Lemme get this straight. More people would have died if it weren’t for the vaccine that is killing everyone? For the record, there have already been about 220 million American adults vaccinated. The total population of the U.S. is about 330 million. That means that after all of these vaccinated people die off there only be 110 million people in the whole country. That will have some positive consequences for the environment and anyone who is looking to buy property. Problems with traffic and getting concert tickets will disappear. However, the economy will take a massive hit with the reduction in both people to consume things and people to make things.

This Trumpist also seems a bit confused about the lethality of the vaccine. When asked about Trump’s role in producing it, he flipped his argument, asserting that it actually saved lives. So which is it – miracle cure or deadly toxin? Don’t bother asking any Trump supporter.

As a bonus feature, you may be interested to learn that Donald Trump Jr had his fee fees hurt when he learned that the people of New York hate him and his family. He tweeted a link to an article in the New York Post that claimed that “[Mayor] De Blasio’s bid to rid NYC of Trump name could cost taxpayers over $30 million.”

That $30 million figure is based on dubious estimates by either the Trump Organization (known for misrepresenting the value of their properties) and the NYPost. However, many Trump properties have already divorced themselves from the brand on their own. And there is an argument to be made that ditching the Trump name would make the properties more profitable. So this is a trend that is only just getting started.

NOTE: Twitter suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Crybaby Trump is Whining (and Lying) Again that Fox News (and Everyone) is Against Him

The cult of Donald Trump – and Trump himself – likes to pretend that he is a macho man and is predestined to be America’s savior. The reality, though, is that he is a whimpering snowflake who can’t stop wailing about his imagined victimhood. He even admitted that he is the most fabulous whiner.”

Donald Trump, Snowflakes

On Sunday afternoon Trump alt-tweeted, via his Twitter ban defying spokes-shill, Liz Harrington, another rant against all the “many forces” lined up against him. He was apparently triggered by having seen, or been told about, a negative advertisement on Fox News that was less than flattering: He blathered that…

“What good is it if FOX News speaks well of me when they continually allow horrible and untruthful anti-Trump commercials to be run—and plenty of them. In the good old days, that would never have happened and today it happens all of the time. Ratings-challenged CNN and MSNBC would never run a positive Trump ad—never. With so many forces against us, Big Tech, the Fake News Media, the Radical Left, the RINOs, and more, we are at such a disadvantage, but we will win anyway!”

WTHolyF? So Trump believes that Fox News is obligated to present only positive news about him and then refuse to accept any advertising by parties who have an opposing view. As usual, he doesn’t offer any examples of anything that was “horrible and untruthful” or “anti-Trump.” His willfully blind disciples are just supposed to accept whatever he says without question.

What’s more, Trump has the perverse opinion that there were “good old days” when TV networks would decline to air political ads that didn’t unflinchingly fawn over aspiring authoritarians like Trump. He goes on to falsely assert that CNN and MSNBC don’t air pro-Trump ads. But you have to wonder why he would care when he also claims that no one is watching them.

Trump has never been an ardent fan of free speech. To the contrary, he incessantly yowls whenever anyone exercises it to criticize him. At his recent cult rally in Iowa he complained about the loss of free speech even as he called for banning speech. And after having been evicted from Twitter for inciting violence, he just announced his intention to launch his own social media venture to restore his free speech rights. Although his site explicitly prohibits anyone from speaking negatively about him.

Trump’s pathetic perceptions of victimization are typical of malignant narcissists who view any criticism as unfair and hostile. And Trump has itemized an army of critics including “Big Tech, the Fake News Media, the Radical Left, the RINOs, and more.” But he leads off with Fox News, the network whose editorial mission got him elected in 2016, and is still supporting his “Big Lie” about the 2020 election. Never mind all the times that Trump blasted Fox News as “dead, totally fake, not watchable. lost” etc. There is simply no pleasing Trump because no matter how much you kowtow to him, it will never be enough.

UPDATE: This may be the ad that has Trump’s panties in a twist…

NOTE: Twitter suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.