Happy Birthday, News Corpse

Another year has come and gone
And now you have reached five
And though at times is has been hard
you’ve managed to survive.

If there is one thing that is sure
Along the path we went
We no longer bear the shame
Of an idiotic President

Woo Hoo, Baby!


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6 thoughts on “Happy Birthday, News Corpse

  1. Yay! Now we got a President that thinks money grows on trees.

    • Better than one who thinks WMDs do, Or human lives.

      Or one who thinks that the money trees are the exclusive property of wealthy, privileged, members of the greedy class, who raise the debt and sink the economy while lining their own pockets.

  2. Yep… Now the lazy class gets bailed out by the people that work hard and actually give more than 50% in life. Free shit for everybody. The world is great now.

    • That’s hilarious. You regard the laborers and factory workers and nurses and cops as the lazy class. But the rich and the exploitative and the jet setters and the heirs as hard workers.

  3. First: I’m sorry I missed this on the RSS feed Mark. Congrats, and happy Birthday. I look forward to next years celebration.

    Second: Chaser, you do realize that since Reagan the Republican party has thought that Corporations defecate money? That they created a welfare system for the wealthy? That they have diminished the quality of life for everyone not in top 6% most wealthy? Have you, for instance, seen the latest quarter earnings for Goldman Sachs, a company that received TARP payments (money, by the way, that came from middle class taxes, not that top 6%)? And who, precisely, IS the lazy class? It’s nice that you got your talking points from FOX news, but you can’t be a member of the “lazy thinking” class here. Show some evidence.

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