Glenn Beck Targets White House Advisor Van Jones

A couple weeks ago, Glenn Beck demonstrated the severity of his cognitive deformity by asserting that he didn’t think Barack Obama is a racist, just that he has a deep seated hatred for white people. Uh huh.

Subsequently, an activist group called Color of Change initiated an advertiser boycott of Beck’s program. The campaign has been wildly successful with three dozen advertisers now declining to buy time on Beck’s show. The remaining list of advertisers reads like a telemarketing wasteland.

In the wake of the boycott, Beck disappeared from the air for a week. There has been some dispute as to whether it was a forced time-out imposed by his bosses at Fox News, but regardless, he returned to work today.

He began his program by beseeching his audience to call all of their friends and tell them to tune in. He told them this would be an important show, an important week, and they should watch closely and even take notes. (Seeing as how this is Beck’s audience, they might want to have someone help them them with that last part). He even announced that on Friday he would have a “plan of action.” Then Beck proceeded to do virtually the same show he has been doing for months. It was his standard formula of innuendo, fear-mongering, and delusional paranoia. At one point he even wondered aloud why he is the only one who is aware of the looming menace.

“Many people will ask you, ‘Well, if these things are so true, why is that only Glenn Beck is saying them?’ Believe me, I have asked myself that question many, many nights. Usually about 2:00am when I couldn’t sleep. Why is no one else asking these questions?”

He might just as well have been asking “Why do only I hear these voices?” It’s a question that only his psychiatrist can answer. Beck doesn’t bother to provide an answer himself, he just leaps into the glassy-eyed speculation that has become his stock in trade. And while the bulk of the show was standard Beck fare, there was a particularly notable segment that consumed a significant portion of the program. It was his way of responding to the boycott without ever acknowledging that it was taking place.

The way Beck does this is to take on the scourge of Obama’s czars, a subject he has fulminated over before. And the first czar to be slandered by Beck is Van Jones, Obama’s Special Advisor for Green Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation at the White House Council on Environmental Quality. Jones also happens to be the founder of Color of Change, although he has had no active role in the group for two years and was not involved in the advertiser boycott. However, it would be naive to assume that it was merely a coincidence that Beck chose Jones as his target on his first day back from an allegedly forced vacation that was partly attributable to the group Jones had founded.

This is typical of the Fox News tactical response to those they perceive as enemies. When Keith Olbermann goes after Bill O’Reilly, O’Reilly escalates the attack to NBC and GE’s CEO, Jeff Immelt. So when Color of Change reacts to Beck’s overt racism with a boycott, Beck escalates his response to the President of the United States. Without even mentioning the growing boycott, Beck strikes back by attacking Jones and the White House.

This is the Fox News version of a “scorched earth” strategy. The problem is that Beck’s violence-ridden rhetoric is likely to produce some actual scorching. Perhaps a better analogy is that of Jonestown. Beck presents himself in much the same manner as the murderously manic Rev. Jim. Like Jim Jones, Beck regards himself as a lonely visionary and the target of unseen foes. And he ministers to a dangerously suggestible flock in whom he stirs ever increasing trepidation. Let’s just hope that reason prevails before tragedy ensues.


45 thoughts on “Glenn Beck Targets White House Advisor Van Jones

  1. So you support having a communist and ex-con advising the president?

    I remember when presidents fought communists, rather than hire them.

    • So many lies…

      Van Jones is not a communist. That was in his past, but he evolved into an activist and an entrepreneur. How many communists are entrepreneurs?

      He is also not an ex-con. He was arrested during public protests. That is not the same as being a convict who spent time in prison. Plus, the charges against him were dropped.

      • If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck then it is probably a duck. Why can’t you accept Van Jones is a communist. Watch his speeches.

        I am thankful that someone and Fox gave us the information to check things out. They are the only NEWS station that does.

        All of the “czars” and groups that are in the inner circle have now been exposed. I do not want anyone who praises Chavez or Mao Tse-Tung working in my government. I am glad we got the information so all Americans can keep their freedom.

        • Thank God for WorldNetDaily & FOX News. I think (???) it may have been WorldNetDaily that uncovered Van Jones’ past first, but WND is only available online. Had it not been for them, the truth about the communist, racist Van Jones would have never seen the light of day. Van Jones, Obama, Soros, & their ilk have committed, & are continuing to commit, TREASON against the United States, & should be dealt with accordingly.

        • You need to look up “treason” in the dictionary. Then you need to turn off Beck and get back on your meds.

    • Yeah, If I was running a company that would be the smart thing to do. Let me stop my advertising on the number one station for news and viewers. They beat out all other stations put together. C’mon.

      • If you were running a company I’d sell all my stock in it.

        You need to learn something about TV. Cable news is niche programming. The highest rated show on Fox has fewer viewers than the lowest rated broadcast news program. Fox’s audience represents about 1% of the American population.

        It would be extremely poor business judgment to allow your company to be associated with hate speech under ANY circumstances. But definitely not when the audience is such a small subset of the audience at large.

  2. This site is really humorous.

    Beck’s segment on Van Jones was factual. I do not watch his show (I don’t have cable – by choice). I watched the segment on Youtube.

    You say Beck “slandered” Van Jones.

    OK. Show me where. Show your audience where.

    You won’t. You’ll probably call me some names and imply that I have only half a brain, use Extenze and am a fat, lazy hyprocrital republican. Like you do elsewhere on this site.

    Then you’ll point out that I cannot even spell hypocritical. Gotcha!

    By the way, there are only about 11 actual advertisers boycotting the show. I think that they can do as they want.

    Get a real hobby – go help someone. Do something useful.

    Volunteer somewhere. I do.

    Above all else, be truthful, even if it hurts.

    • P1: the condescension tactic. Duly noted.
      2: disclaimer to imply credibility. Actually, it doesn’t.
      3 and 4: you oughta know. You watched the segment, and it hardly matters where.
      5 and 6: when applicable, some comments warrant no good faith rebuttal. The argument wasn’t offered in good faith.
      7: factually inaccurate. No matter by what definition you trot out to justify your claim.
      8 and 9: presumptuous as it is gratuitous (not to mention irrelevant)
      10: back atcha.

      Conclusion: too easy.

      • Lack of substance or coherence in your pretentious reply. Duly noted.

        It’s a great example of attacking the author (me) and not answering the questions or points posed. Although quite typical, I commend you on your ability to do it very indirectly (like a riddle).

        Conclusion: You think you’re clever, but you’re not.

        For the author:
        Today’s Word of the Day: Slander FALSE statement or statements, damaging to a third person’s character or reputation.

        Learn it. Show it. Prove it. Or don’t use it.

        • The slander was calling Jones an avowed communist. That was taken from an article where Jones was describing something from his past.

          He is not a communist. He is an entrepreneur and an environmental advocate.

        • Beck never said Jones was an “avowed communist”. The closest he came, was saying that he is “still a revolutionary – just a more powerful one.”

          Maybe there is another clip? This is the one I watched:

          I hate the music in it – so dramatic. But I still have not seen the slander.

          Trying to be fair here.

        • Beck has said repeatedly that Jones is a communist. The video you linked says it repeatedly, linking Jones to allegedly communist organizations, and referencing Marx and Mao. What more do you want?

          How about this:

          “This guy in particular is an avowed communist.”

          Is that fair?

        • Mark said:
          “Beck has said repeatedly said that Jones is a communist. The video you linked says it repeatedly,…”

          What are you smoking?

          Why can’t you be truthful? I went back and watched the segment again – for the third time just to be sure of MY facts. He NEVER said Jones is a communist. You are making that up.

          Beck did quote JONES: “By August, I was a communist” – indicating that this quote was many years ago.

          Jones was a member of those radical groups – Jones has many quotes confirming that. Jones has stated that he is not affiliated with them anymore. Fine.

          This whole issue is about czars and the fact that they are not vetted. This guy has a past I don’t care for and I am concerned about his background – as most people should be.

          All government officials should be reasonably vetted regardless of their political leanings.

          With regard to the clip, you are not being truthful.

          But at this point, I suppose that’s expected.

          It’s very sad that so many on this site have to be so disingenuous, very sad indeed.

          I am not spinning anything. The facts are right in front of everyone to see.

          Take another hit…

        • Unbelievable.

          Despite your denial, Beck’s profile of Jones DOES associate him with communism, Marx and Mao. It may not have the words “Jones is a communist” in it (if that’s what you’re looking for), but the associations are direct and absolute. However, the link I provided has a video of Beck saying EXACTLY the words “avowed communist” with regard to Jones. Apparently nothing will satisfy you.

          This is so pathetic. Beck calls Jones an avowed communist ON VIDEO, which I show you, and you still claim it didn’t happen. I really can’t think of any way to respond to that sort of dementia. It’s like you’re looking at your hand right in front of your face and saying “What hand?” And you ask what I’M smoking?

          You’re right about one thing: The facts are right in front of everyone to see. At this point, anyone who is interested can click the links above and see for themselves who the liar is.

        • I did not notice the link in your earlier reply. I thought it was just emphasized in color. YOU ARE CORRECT – he did say that Jones is an avowed communist. I am against him saying that. That is slanted and not really true. Slanderous – maybe.

          What I was referring to was the youtube link and was asking if there was another link since I never heard him make that claim.

          Funny, I kept looking at the Youtube video and you were referring to the link on

          And I thought you were suffering from dementia.

          Jones was a member of those groups. If I were advising the president and was a former member of say, the Hell’s Angels, I think it would be fair to bring up. I guess that’s all.

          Anyway, thanks for the back and forth.

          I’m tired. Thanks for pointing me to the video.

        • You’re welcome. And I apologize for the tone. I assumed you saw the video I linked.

          I would like to say that I appreciate that you show a willingness to be civil and I wish that everyone could engage in these debates with some measure of respect.

        • van jones is a criminal, a radical and he is a communist and absolutely has no business being in our goverment. you really are out of your mind if you are defending this guy. obamas administration is like a scene from one flew over the kookoos nest. if you liberals would ever READ the facts you would see this this whole administration if anit american.

  3. apparently all democrats have all turned a blind eye. I hope that these radicals all fill their agenda, just to see what the dem’s will say when they begin to feel the affects of the socialist run system

    • Good one. You spelled “effects” wrong to prove the above commenter’s point.

      • daphne, so what if gonzo spelled a word wrong, as usual you dems never answer a question, “Good one.” focus on a misspelled work you idiot.

  4. So what if he is a communist. Anthony K “Van ” Jones Esq. has a good plan to save the earth and the ghetto! Rehabilitated convicts will be trained to install solar panels. *I hope congress makes solar power mandatory and soon. Then the new solar install teams will come to all of our houses and put them on our roofs.
    Just stop all the HATE and give a brother a chance. These inmates are mostly BUSH/Chainy political prisioners and they need a chance too.

    • are you stupid “so what if he is a communist” and he doesnt have a good plan except to line his pockets and try and destroy america. further, do you really think convicts get rehabilited? study solar power and you will see it will never work. further, just for the sake of argument, say this happened, why the hell would convicts be hired when their are law abiding americans that are out of work. further, if you want to save the ghettos, get a job, start taking care of where you live, stop doing drugs, get an education, and stop robbing and killing each other and others. give a brother a chance, stop looking for hand outs and make your own chance like many many others have done.

      • Step back, Carole. false flag buster is on your side. That is obviously a sarcastic comment. Your wingnut is wound a little too tight, but that was clear from your comments.

  5. i have googles van jones and he is a radical and communist. you are doing nothing but attacking glenn beck but not discussing the fact van jones is everything beck says he is. the reason no other news stations are talking about it is because they dont talk about anything anti obama and thats a fact. obama has surrounded himself with criminals, lyers, TAX CHEATS, incompetants, and inexperienced idiots.obamas health care plan will not see the light of day, the american people have spoken. further, all these democrats up for reelection in 2010 must be out of their minds because they will certainly be out of jobs.the governments have always been bad but obamas white house takes the cake, worst in the history of administrations. he is going to make bush look like a saint.

    • Turn off Fox News. You have received a lethal overdose of propaganda.

      • hey Mark-gues what, VJ resigned (uh huh). To his credit he realised that whatever his past affiliations are (and they are many and mostly WAY left)he is a detriment to the current administration. Of note is that BO was hardly singing his praises on the way out the door, proving onece again, theat the Pres. will throw you under the bus in a second if he thinks that you’ll hurt the cause. A lot of this ‘whatever Obama says is bad, and whoever he supports is suspect” is directly attributable to BO’s inability to clearly articulate his agenda, esp, health care. Also, the left seems to have forgotten the pig in the python in current American politics-the baby boomers. They are getting older and more conservative, and thus are suspicious of, and uncomfortable with, rapid change. Take the health care issue: BO wanted it signed and oh his desk BEFORE the August recess-given all the probelms w/ the plan (and I’m not against reforming health care) is it unreasonable to be suspicious of both his plans and his motives? You might want to take a look @ Michelle Malkin’s new book-it will open you eyes a bit as to why we as Americans, should be suspicious of this administration and of EVERY administration. Politicians are are interesting primarily in tow things: re-election and power. BO is doing nothing to counter that view.

  6. Beck’s “Violence Ridden Rhetoric?”
    I listen to Beck, I have never even heard anything remotely resembling violent rhetoric. The writer of this article does not know what he’s talking about.

    I do hear Beck often quote Martin Luther King, and urge people to remain nonviolent at Tea Parties and other gatherings. I can agree thats always sound advice.

    The Glenn Beck described in this article does not even remotely resemble the Glenn Beck I hear on the radio.

    This article is riddled with lies.

  7. the fact is that glenn beck posed some reasonable questions for the whitehouse to answer about a person working in the administration with a questionable background, it isn’t just about van jones, it’s about the system and how someone with a background like this can get into this type of position in government. also van jones proclaimed to be a communist himself and nowhere have we heard him reounce the statement, and why won’t the whitehouse just respond to glenns questions? if glenn is wrong then it seems the whitehouse would be all over this to set the record straight. since they remain basically silent on the issue except for van jones apoligising for calling the republicans assholes (which is irrelevant and who cares about that anyways) leads one to believe that beck has them over a barrel and that the cat is out of the bag and they have no defense. JUST ANSWER THE QUESTIONS

    • The reason the White House doesn’t answer questions from Beck is the same as why they wouldn’t answer questions from any other paranoid schizophrenic, TV clown/evangelist: They’re CRAZY!

      Van Jones’ past is is past. He now has a record of outstanding public service and brilliant innovations in advancing both environmental issues and the economy. H shouldn’t have to answer to the likes of Beck, who has contributed NOTHING to society.

      • i’m wondering why you sound so bitter and why you have to resort to name calling and personal attacks. what is so paranoid schizophrenic or crazy about asking these types of questions? and when someone is working in a position of influencing our president, who is a self proclaimed communist and who has never appoligized for it or renounced it publically then you cannot say oh well the past is the past. its not that simple, people have a right to have these concerns addressed by the so called most transparent administration ever. the united states is a constitutional republic and the government answers to we the people, and glenn beck is a tax paying, law abiding citizen, who happens to have a public platform and who has the right to ask these legitimate questions and have them answered. this is not about glenn beck or van jones or barrack obama like i’ve stated before it is about the system, and the peoples right to know who is working within there government and what there real agenda is, and van jones’ background is a good place to start

        • You have clearly heard Glenn Beck’s positions on Van Jones. Have you read Jones’ book? My guess is that you have not received a particularly balanced picture of Jones. If you had, you would have a much harder time giving credence to Beck’s so-called “reasonable” questions.

          I’m satisfied with Jones’ fitness for public service. I don’t care what Beck has to say about it. You are right about one thing, this is not about Jones. Were Jones to resign, Beck would just move on to another attack victim. It would never end.

          That’s why it’s so funny to me that you ask why I’m bitter. Do you even watch Glenn Beck? He spends the whole hour screaming at his audience. Either that or making funny faces and noises indicating his disapproval. I feel sorry for people who regard that as coherent political discourse.

  8. and please be respectful, calling people names or attacking them personally is quite counterproductive

    • I appreciate that sentiment and I observe it most of the time. But Beck is running a slanderous campaign against his perceived enemies, so I have to call it the way I see it.

      I really do not regard calling Beck paranoid or crazy as name-calling. I’m not saying it to be mean. I believe it is literally true. I think he needs help. Remember, he is a drug addict and alcoholic (recovering?), he has admitted to being suicidal on at least two occasions, and his mother and sister did commit suicide. Now he sees evil in every shadow and himself as the only one who knows. There is reason to be concerned.

  9. how can one recieve a balanced picture of someone who is a radical and a self proclaimed communist, and is working as an advisor to the president? believe me i like to be fair and rational but i do not believe someone with a radical or communist past should be allowed to advise the president of the united states no matter how small or limited mr. jones may claim his job is. no i have not read his book, but i have heard his comments and his speaches and to me that is enough to come to the conclusion which i spoke of above. again this is not mr. jones mr. beck or mr. obama it is about the system and how one with a radical and communist past gets a job as advisor to the president, so yes even if mr. jones does resign it will still leave unanswered questions in my opinion. and how does this all add up or be explained, from the rev. wright to bill aires to van jones to jeff jones and a list of other radicals all intertwined somehow wth mr obama, i’m just a concerned citizen who questions his government i am not a democrat or a republican i am an independant and first and foremost i am an american and mr. beck is not bieng slanderous in my opinion all he did was bring the questions out into the open everything beck is asking is in response to what mr jones said himself nothing more nothing less

    • Your first sentence says it all. It’s like an addendum to the old joke that asks “Have you stopped beating your wife?” After which you ask “How can you receive a balanced picture of a wife beater?”

      You have bought Beck’s arguments in total and refuse to look at the evidence that Beck is a lying dirtbag. You actually believe that the stuff Beck plays is fair and in context to today’s reality. I just can’t argue with that.

  10. i just do not see your logic in trying to convince people that a radical communist should be in a position of power in this country.and by the way i never heard the old joke, and it doesn’t make any sense anyway. what i was trying to say is once i hear someone say they are a communist and a radical that shuts the argument down right there, i dont have to look any further, because i have already made my decision based on the persons own words. and there you go with the name calling again, boy i read alot of these posts and you guys are all the same name calling and personal attacks, but thats not the point anyways and the stuff beck plays, alot of it isn’t that old, alot of it was made in febuary 09 just before mr. jones was appointed green jobs czar, so enough with using the excuse that ohh that was years and years ago because it wasn’t. and as far as bieng a 911 truther i mean come on thats such a lame excuse the used ohh he didnt read it that well before he signed it, what a load of bs. the guy signed it, its his signature on the form he’s busted and thats it no excuse.and its not about buying anyones argument it’s basic common sense everything glenn beck talks about concerning van jones he backs up with solid proof ie jones’ own words ,there is no argument to be made, nothing to prove, its plain common sense ,just look at the video and listen to the audio its all there in black and white

    • That’s right. Beck said Jones is a radical communist, so he must be one. There is no need to research it for yourself. There is need to see the clips in full and in context. There is no need to read Jones’ book or to study how he has been a positive contributor to society. Stay secure in your Fox News shelter. Open minds and broad based knowledge only confuses matters.

      Just heed The Beck. The Beck has spoken. Long live The Beck.

    • Gloat now if you like. Van Jones will be a far more effective agent of change outside of the government. He won’t have to mince words to avoid controversy.

      The real loss is to the state of public service, where everyone will now be subject to ridiculous standards that neglect one’s ability to make positive contributions.


    Thank God, there were a lot of worried people out there, worried about the state of our government. Now we know there are several more hurdles to pass before we can feel safe in our own republic again, however Van Jones resigning says that at least in this instance the will of the people is alive and well! This would be the perfect opportunity to gloat, I know most of you are better than that and we need to keep our eye’s on the ball. The energy spent gloating to these liberals would be wiser spent on uncovering and persuading the public to put the spotlight on the other radical, insane, should be living in Russia, Czars! It does make you wonder how, for instance, the writer of this article continues to have this obviously wrong take on our great nation. Somehow liberals just have to name call and not look at the facts, while insisting they know what is the best for our Great Nation. They are the minority don’t forget, and somehow we are on the defence, that is why we need to keep this up and put THEM on the defence, Good Job fellow Americans, tonight we have seen the power of the people this is just the beginning. Keep up the heat and they will fall like domino’s as truth always conquers lies. Good night and God Bless!!!

    • Yes, I’m sure you’re happy now. I just need to point out that you have something to learn about math if you think that we are in the minority. We won the House and the Senate and the Presidency. And even with recent declines in the polls, Obama and Democrats are far ahead of Republicans.

      Your idea of patriotism is a dictatorial obedience to a failed philosophy.

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