Marchers for Trump Chant ‘Destroy the GOP’ and Attack Deep State Fox News

The bottom is rapidly falling out of Donald Trump’s “Stop the Steal” campaign. The legal misadventures for his imaginary reelection victory have resulted in more than 50 losses at every court level. That includes the Supreme Court that he thought he had pretty well stacked. And in desperation he is planting thinly veiled incitations to violence.

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Following the Supreme Court rebuke, Trump’s cult disciples staged a “March for Trump” in Washington, D.C. on Saturday. It was intended to persuade the feeble-minded faithful that their Dear Leader had, as he tweeted in all caps, “WON THE ELECTION IN A LANDSLIDE,” if you only counted the votes that were for him. The rally was a bizarre spectacle that featured the most devoted Trump-fluffing zealots this side of Mar-a-Lago. Among them was Nick Fuentes, a former YouTuber who got the axe for repeatedly violating YouTube’s hate speech policies. At the rally he ranted that…

“At the first Million MAGA march [which fell about 995,000 short of a million] we promised that if the GOP would not do everything in their power to keep Trump in office, that we would destroy the GOP. And as we gather here in Washington D.C. for a second Million MAGA march we’re done making promises. It has to happen now. We are going to destroy the GOP.”

Whereupon the crowd vigorously took up the chant, “Destroy the GOP!” So with that goal, Trump actually has produced some measure of unity among the right and the left. Fuentes went on to specifically call out the Republican candidates for the Senate in Georgia. “The GOP wants us to hold the line,” he hollered, “and vote for RINOs like David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler.” The crowd responded again with resounding boos.

Also speaking at this event was that notorious political thinker and scammy telemarketer of crappy pillows, Mike Lindell. The MyPillow guy was equally irate at the establishment conservatives who he believes have let Trump down. Even worse, he accused Fox News of being in on the conspiracy:

“Why do you think Fox declared Arizona with only 14 percent of the vote in? They already knew what they did! They were in on it. I’m serious, they had to be in on it. You don’t know this stuff. I mean all this stuff…and you know what? It’s not just the ones that are behind this that are gonna wind up being…and they should all go to prison when they are found out. But how about the Republicans out there that didn’t back this great president and us as a people?”

First of all, Lindell is either lying or stupid. When Fox News called Arizona for Joe Biden about 80% of the votes were in. That blows up his paranoid conspiracy theory. But it still resonates among the Trump cultists who are convinced that Fox News, the network that put Trump in the White House, is part of the “Deep State” cabal aligned against Trump, freedom, and Gawd. Lindell concluded that these allegedly wayward Republicans, including the governors of Arizona and Georgia, “have to be hiding something.”

It’s also notable that Lindell’s MyPillow is a big advertiser on Fox News. Given his views, shouldn’t he pull those ads? He’s actually financing the Deep State evildoer that he believes is “in on” the conspiracy to steal the election from Hair Trump.

As for Fox News, they don’t intend to be shut out of this madness. On Saturday evening “Judge” Jeanine Pirro weighed in with her assessment that Trump’s hand-picked Attorney Genuflect, Bill Barr, was another traitor to the Trumpian cause (and not for the first time). “We now know,” she harangued, that “Bill Barr was the ultimate do nothing deep stater there to defend the status quo.”

That revelation makes this a profoundly nefarious and convoluted plot. It designates Trump himself as the Deep Stater-in-Chief, since he was the one who appointed Barr to lead the so-called “Justice” Department. Who would’ve thunk it?

These schizoid conspiracy crackpots are determined to bring down the Republican Party and the conservative establish that it represents. And they deserve all the help that Democrats can muster to accomplish that noble goal. They are the unwitting (unconscious) right flank of the progressive movement. And they are working in tandem with Trump who has been furiously waging warfare against Fox News, and Republicans who are less than unconditionally adoring, for most of his single term in the White House. It’s the textbook behavior of a malignant narcissist who is consumed by his addiction to non-stop adulation and the fear of losing it.

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6 thoughts on “Marchers for Trump Chant ‘Destroy the GOP’ and Attack Deep State Fox News

  1. Unfortunately these types do not bring positive change to the retrumpian party. These people originally brought in the Birchers (the John Birch Society) and that was followed recently by the Teaparty who re-adopted the, “Don’t Tread On Me,” flag. We may have the Teaparty reinvigorated or something worse like an adoption of the proud boys. Something worse.

  2. I love it when the maniacs being cannibalizing their own. Darwinian selection at its best.

  3. So I guess I would much rather see a huge pillow fight rather than armed domestic terrorists in the streets! Hilarious.

  4. Now I’m beginning to figure out how the Plantation owners got the people of the South to fight for them….brain washing and propaganda.

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