Nearly ten months ago Donald Trump dispatched his psycho StormTrumpers to the Capitol in a doomed but deadly attempt to stage a violent coup. The January 6th insurrection revealed the chilling lengths that the Cult of Trump would go to in order to seize power for a tyrannical madman.
In the months that followed, Trump has doggedly pursued his single-minded obsession with undermining democracy and exalting himself as America’s first dictator. Much of that objective involved justifying the brutality of the rioters that he incited. From the start he portrayed the rioters as “patriots” and told them that he “loved” them. Despite voluminous video evidence of violence against people and property, Trump told Laura Ingraham of Fox News that his neo-fascist fanatics posed “zero threat.”
Trump is still peddling those pernicious and self-serving lies. The latest episode occurred Tuesday evening on Sean Hannity’s Fox News Fluff Fest (video below) where Trump did what he does best: Whine! He ranted for the full hour about his delusional claims that he won the “rigged and stolen” presidential election, insisting that the real insurrection occurred on November 3, 2020 (election day), not January 6th. And he complained about Congress having the gall to investigate the worst assault on the U.S. seat of government since the Civil War. He blathered that…
“Our country focuses on so many of these fake investigations and we don’t focus on greatness any longer. Everything is an investigation. You look at what’s going on now when you have an ‘Unselect’ Committee – it’s an ‘Unselect.’ And the way they’re treating people. And yet Antifa, who are bad…BLM…You look at all of the horror shows and the death and destruction they cause. And they don’t go after them. But they go after people that in many cases – not in all cases – but in many, many cases are patriots. And you had some bad people – if you look at what happened at the Capitol – you had some bad people that were not patriots at all. And they came from other places including Antifa and including others, and they led a lot of people astray. They don’t want to cover that. They don’t want to cover the election results.”
First of all, there wouldn’t be so many investigations if Trump and his confederates didn’t commit so many crimes. No president has had more administration and campaign associates indicted and convicted than Trump, who was impeached twice himself. And if he really wants to focus on greatness, he might consider the unprecedented success of the Biden administration that has accomplished more in ten months than Trump did in four years.
Trump also reaffirms his infantile temperament with his “Unselect” nickname, for the bipartisan House Select Committee, that would make an eight year old cringe. He further asserts that the criminals who stormed Congress are being treated poorly because they are being held accountable for their crimes.
What’s more, Trump’s complaint that the election results weren’t covered is really just his desperate yearning for his lies about nonexistent election fraud to be accepted, despite the utter absence of any evidence after nearly a year, more than sixty court cases, and the indefatigable efforts of the MyPillow crackpot, Mike Lindell, and Fox News.
However, where Trump really skids off the rails is with his defense of the rioters as “patriots” and his baseless assertion that the “bad people” were clandestine members of the fictional foils of the far right, Antifa. But while Trump and others of his ilk seek to falsely lay the blame for all civil unrest on Antifa, Trump’s own Department of Homeland Security concluded that it is right-wing extremists who pose the most risk of violence.
Trump’s ludicrous accusations against imaginary leftist agitators also contradicts much of what is claimed by his own supporters. Tucker Carlson, for instance, is convinced that it wasn’t Antifa but the FBI that orchestrated the January 6th insurrection. He even produced a lie-riddled, multipart crocumentary on the subject that he titled “Patriot Purge.” And Trump fanboy Alex Jones posted his own video confession that his orders for the insurrection came directly from Trump.
Given the rampant dishonesty and incoherent ramblings of Trump and his dimwitted disciples, it is impossible to take his latest spleen venting seriously. Not that that was ever considered by rational thinkers. But it is still unsettling to see him persisting with this line of asininity. And it is even more troubling to know that there are mental defectives like Carlson, Jones, and most of the Republican Party who continue to put their faith in Trump’s fever dreams.
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"Our country focuses on so many of these fake investigations and we don't focus on greatness any longer…They don't want to cover the election results."
— Liz Harrington (@realLizUSA) November 24, 2021
How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.
Yes, Mark summarizes Seanny’s latest Buttkissing Session with His Lord God and Master so YOU don’t have to!!! 🙂
The most disgusting aspect of this is Fox “News” itself. And, of course, its founder and proud owner, Rupert “The Fascist of Oz” Murdoch.
Just for grins and giggles, Billboards across our Nation with photos of each insurrectionist blown up and in color, should keep the spotlight on them. Every city and town could know who, and where these anti-Americans are located. They will do it again with weapons the next time, so should be proud to be identified!! These Fakes believe they are “patriots”, as they are useful idiots for Trumpf. He owns them, so they kow-tow to him daily. A loser leading his loser minnions!
As Samuel Johnson (an English writer) is quoted as having said in April of 1775 “patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel”
Bingo….246 years later Trump and his cult of the pathetically ignorant shows up and confirms!