Antifa Mitch McConnell Warns that Trump 2.0 and ‘America First’ are Like the Third Reich

The authoritarian aspirations of Donald Trump have been unmistakably apparent for years. Anyone who has a functioning cerebral cortex will have noticed the maniacally tyrannical rhetoric that he openly excretes whenever he has an opportunity to express his rancid thoughts.

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Donald Trump

In the recent past Trump has advocated for “terminating” parts of the Constitution, herding migrants into concentration camps, accepting monetary contributions to enact legislation favorable to the contributor, suppressing the free press, and incarcerating his political opponents.

SEE THIS: Trump Madness on Meet the Press: Jail the January 6th Committee and Pardon January 6th Rioters

Trump’s admiration for brutal dictators such as Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, and Kim Jong Un, is well known. He can’t stop lavishing them with praise, while simultaneously castigating America’s leaders, institutions, and citizens, as “vermin” who “poison the blood” of the country. Much of his bombast is closely aligned with the fascism of another one of his heroes, Adolf Hitler, whose book of speeches he kept at his bedside, according to his ex-wife Ivana.

Consequently, it is surprising to hear the Republican leader of the Senate, Mitch McConnell, deliver some harsh criticisms of Trump, whose hide he saved during two attempts to impeachment him. But now that McConnell is on his way out, he might be leaning a bit more toward some candid assessments of Trump. The Financial Times is reporting that…

“With [Trump] preparing to return to the White House next month, [McConnell] issues a warning from America’s past. ‘We’re in a very, very dangerous world right now, reminiscent of before world war two,’ he says. ‘Even the slogan is the same. ‘America First.’ That was what they said in the ’30s.'”

McConnell is right. Trump’s words and deeds are frighteningly similar to those of the Nazi regime prior to World War II. And the “America First” slogan was originally used by Nazi sympathizers in the U.S. and the American Nazi Party in the the 1930’s.

None of this information is new. What’s new is that a staunchly conservative Republican icon like McConnell is the saying it this time. And that’s not all, He also told his biographer, Michael Tackett, that McConnell has called Trump “stupid” and a “despicable human being.” And, once again, that isn’t new information either to rational, thinking Americans.

McConnell’s opinion of Trump, while accurate, is coming out too late to have any positive impact on the state of current political affairs. But it is not too late for the nation to prepare for a massive campaign of resistance to Trump’s totalitarian intentions.

Trump is endeavoring to populate his administration with overtly anti-American sycophants whose loyalty is only to Trump. And he is using his gift for lying to claim a mandate that his margin of victory (1.5%) doesn’t support. He is also trying to convince the nation (and perhaps himself) that he is popular. Part of the argument will rest on his being named Time’s “Person of the Year.” However, like almost everything else, Trump doesn’t understand what that means…


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Trump Throws Antifa Tantrum Over January 6th Insurrection on Sean Hannity’s Fox News Fluff Fest

Nearly ten months ago Donald Trump dispatched his psycho StormTrumpers to the Capitol in a doomed but deadly attempt to stage a violent coup. The January 6th insurrection revealed the chilling lengths that the Cult of Trump would go to in order to seize power for a tyrannical madman.

Donald Trump Rally, Sieg Heil

In the months that followed, Trump has doggedly pursued his single-minded obsession with undermining democracy and exalting himself as America’s first dictator. Much of that objective involved justifying the brutality of the rioters that he incited. From the start he portrayed the rioters as “patriots” and told them that he “loved” them. Despite voluminous video evidence of violence against people and property, Trump told Laura Ingraham of Fox News that his neo-fascist fanatics posed “zero threat.”

Trump is still peddling those pernicious and self-serving lies. The latest episode occurred Tuesday evening on Sean Hannity’s Fox News Fluff Fest (video below) where Trump did what he does best: Whine! He ranted for the full hour about his delusional claims that he won the “rigged and stolen” presidential election, insisting that the real insurrection occurred on November 3, 2020 (election day), not January 6th. And he complained about Congress having the gall to investigate the worst assault on the U.S. seat of government since the Civil War. He blathered that…

“Our country focuses on so many of these fake investigations and we don’t focus on greatness any longer. Everything is an investigation. You look at what’s going on now when you have an ‘Unselect’ Committee – it’s an ‘Unselect.’ And the way they’re treating people. And yet Antifa, who are bad…BLM…You look at all of the horror shows and the death and destruction they cause. And they don’t go after them. But they go after people that in many cases – not in all cases – but in many, many cases are patriots. And you had some bad people – if you look at what happened at the Capitol – you had some bad people that were not patriots at all. And they came from other places including Antifa and including others, and they led a lot of people astray. They don’t want to cover that. They don’t want to cover the election results.”

First of all, there wouldn’t be so many investigations if Trump and his confederates didn’t commit so many crimes. No president has had more administration and campaign associates indicted and convicted than Trump, who was impeached twice himself. And if he really wants to focus on greatness, he might consider the unprecedented success of the Biden administration that has accomplished more in ten months than Trump did in four years.

Trump also reaffirms his infantile temperament with his “Unselect” nickname, for the bipartisan House Select Committee, that would make an eight year old cringe. He further asserts that the criminals who stormed Congress are being treated poorly because they are being held accountable for their crimes.

What’s more, Trump’s complaint that the election results weren’t covered is really just his desperate yearning for his lies about nonexistent election fraud to be accepted, despite the utter absence of any evidence after nearly a year, more than sixty court cases, and the indefatigable efforts of the MyPillow crackpot, Mike Lindell, and Fox News.

However, where Trump really skids off the rails is with his defense of the rioters as “patriots” and his baseless assertion that the “bad people” were clandestine members of the fictional foils of the far right, Antifa. But while Trump and others of his ilk seek to falsely lay the blame for all civil unrest on Antifa, Trump’s own Department of Homeland Security concluded that it is right-wing extremists who pose the most risk of violence.

Trump’s ludicrous accusations against imaginary leftist agitators also contradicts much of what is claimed by his own supporters. Tucker Carlson, for instance, is convinced that it wasn’t Antifa but the FBI that orchestrated the January 6th insurrection. He even produced a lie-riddled, multipart crocumentary on the subject that he titled “Patriot Purge.” And Trump fanboy Alex Jones posted his own video confession that his orders for the insurrection came directly from Trump.

Given the rampant dishonesty and incoherent ramblings of Trump and his dimwitted disciples, it is impossible to take his latest spleen venting seriously. Not that that was ever considered by rational thinkers. But it is still unsettling to see him persisting with this line of asininity. And it is even more troubling to know that there are mental defectives like Carlson, Jones, and most of the Republican Party who continue to put their faith in Trump’s fever dreams.

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Fox News Edits Out White Nationalists in Article Pitting Fictional Antifa Against Trump’s America First

Last Friday Fox News deliberately and deceptively edited a video of President Biden to make it appear as if he made a racially insensitive remark. He didn’t. Fox News purposefully removed the part of Biden’s speech that provided the context and left the false impression. That’s not an uncommon tactic used by Fox to slander their political foes. And it happened again just one day later.

Fox News, KKK

On Saturday there was a protest at Gracie Mansion, the official residence of the Mayor of New York City, ostensibly in opposition to COVID-19 vaccine mandates. Naturally, Fox News covered this event without disclosing that they impose vaccine mandates on their employees. But that wasn’t the worst part of this pseudo-journalism.

The story, as it currently appears on the Fox News website, features the headline, “Antifa members clash with anti-vaccine protesters outside NYC’s Gracie Mansion.” It’s opening sentence states that “Antifa radicals and anti-vaccine protesters appeared to clash Saturday night outside Gracie Mansion, the mayoral residence in New York City.”

However, that is a significantly different presentation from the story as it appeared when it was first published. Originally the article’s title was “Antifa members clash with White nationalists over COVID vaccine mandate outside NYC’s Gracie Mansion.” The URL for the article still reflects its original title referencing the organizers as White nationalists.

That wasn’t the only undisclosed edit. The original article began quite differently, stating that…

“Antifa protesters and a White nationalist group appeared to clash at an anti-vaccine mandate protest held outside of Gracie Mansion in New York City on Saturday night.”

“Far-right activist Nick Fuentes organized the protest against vaccine mandates outside of Gracie Mansion on Saturday night, where Antifa groups also showed up to confront his group, the “Groyper Army. The Anti-Defamation League considers the “Groyper Army” as a white supremacist group.”

None of that is the article in its current state. In fact, the words “white nationalist” are not in the current article at all. Nor is the reference to the “Groyper Army,” a group described by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) as “a loose network of alt right figures who are vocal supporters of white supremacist and “America First” podcaster Nick Fuentes.” The White nationalist language also was preserved in an early tweet that Fox News posted to promote the article.

It’s also notable that the photo Fox News used in their promo was not taken at the Saturday protest. It is a stock photo that they have used many times when referring to Antifa.

Fox News, Antifa

The specter of Antifa is mentioned throughout the story. Never mind that Antifa does not exist. There is no such organization. There are no members, or leaders, or headquarters, or agenda, or logo-adorned hoods. At best it’s a loose affiliation of Americans who oppose fascism, like most Americans.

The original article cites the counter-protesters as being from “United Against Racism and Racism NYC.” That, however, was entirely removed from the story. Although the article does mention that Fox News attempted to get an official response, but that “A representative for Antifa did not respond to Fox News.” Perhaps that’s because it doesn’t exist or have any representatives.

This is a blatant example of Fox News manipulating their story, after the fact, to make it consistent with their editorial mission and their right-wing propaganda narrative. The original version connecting anti-vaccine activists – and Donald Trump’s America First thugs – to White supremacists could not be allowed to stand. But they apparently aren’t aware that the Internet preserves everything, including their dishonesty and disinformation.

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Rudy Giuliani Feebly Blames Trump Insurrection on the Lincoln Project and Antifa

Three weeks after Donald Trump sent his seditionist hordes to assault the United States Congress, he and his confederates in the Republican Party and right-wing press are continuing their cowardly and dishonest evasion of responsibility. They assert that the American people should just “move on” and forget about the treasonous storming of the Capitol that killed five people, injured scores of others, and defiled democracy.

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Rudy Giuliani

Chief among the Trump apologists is Rudy Giuliani, Trump’s addled attorney who can’t even represent him because he’s also likely to be indicted. Giuliani was interviewed on Steve Bannon’s radio show where he demonstrated why no one in their right mind would hire him as their lawyer. He sought to dismiss the charges against Trump by pointing his bony finger of blame toward others and constructing a thoroughly fictional scenario for which he provided zero evidence. His babbling led to this exchange with a rather baffled Bannon:

Giuliani: The biggest problems were caused by Antifa. That’s where the shooting took place. That was surrounded by all Antifa people. So how can he be held responsible for a whole thing that was planned days before he was gonna speak, that has a mixture of people that hate him and people that support him.
Bannon: But who’s the guy working with the Lincoln Project?
Giuliani: I don’t know if I can reveal his name because we have that from anonymous sources. But he worked in the past for Romney.
Bannon: Okay, hang on for a second. This is why we’re getting blown up all the time. You can’t throw a charge out there like that and then say I got a double-secret probation guy that I can’t mention, but he worked for Romney and worked for the Lincoln Project.

In Trumplandia, if you’ve lost Bannon you’ve sailed off the edge of the flat Earth and fallen into a black hole of conspiracy crackpottery. Giuliani’s accusations against Antifa fall flat, mainly because it’s an organization that is as real as the Legion of Doom. And his libel of the Lincoln Project doesn’t go anywhere either because there isn’t a scintilla of proof to back it up. To the contrary, most of the seditionists who have been arrested have already affirmed their devotion to Trump as the motivation for their crimes.

Furthermore, Giuliani wonders how Trump could be held responsible for a violent uprising that was planned prior to his speech at the rally. That’s an easy one. Trump was a participant in those planning sessions and his campaign even paid the organizers. The rally address wasn’t a coincidental public appearance. It was the climax of a collaborative plot.

It’s also notable that Giuliani refused to name his alleged source because he was “anonymous.” He might want to confer with his client who has distinct opinions about anonymous sources. In August of 2018 Trump tweeted, “When you see ‘anonymous source,’ stop reading the story, it is fiction!”

So this is what it’s come to. Rudy Giuliani is disgorging preposterous conspiracy theories to absolve Trump of his obvious criminal culpability. He can’t prove a word of it, much like his sixty plus lawsuits trying to to overturn the election, for which he claimed that losing was actually part of his master plan. And for his trouble he’s getting slapped down by veteran Trump-fluffer Steve Bannon. What a world.

UPDATE: The Lincoln Project responds…

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Trump Threatens to Designate ANTIFA as a Terrorist Organization – Again?

In his ongoing attempts to inflame tensions, incite violence, and shift blame for his own failings onto others, Donald Trump took to his Twitter machine to once again divide the nation at a time when it most needs healing. The dystopian nightmare vision of Trump’s MAGA Night at the White House is fueling his latest outbursts of unbridled rage. And he seems oblivious to the fact that there have been more than 102,000 deaths from COVID-19 (coronavirus), 40,000,000 Americans out of work, and an economy that is floundering in depression territory.

Donald Trump, MAGA

With everything else that’s going on, Trump is desperately trying to deflect from his negligence and incompetence by exploiting the nationwide protests against the sort of systemic racism that killed George Floyd. He is purposefully politicizing it by attacking Democratic leaders and making wholly unsupported allegations against liberal activists. His Twitter feed on Sunday morning looked like a screed from a typical white supremacist website.

Trump began by offering Congratulations to our National Guard” for “shutting down” the mythical “Antifa anarchists.” Although it’s hard to shut down something for which there is zero proof of existing in the first place. That was followed by by his taking a bitterly partisan swipe at Democrat run Cities and States”And naturally he went after his arch nemesis, the “Lamestream Media” that he accused of doing everything within their power to foment hatred and anarchy.” Because the giant, multinational, billion dollar corporations that control the media just love anarchy. But perhaps the most bizarre twitticism was this:

There is so much wrong with that that it will require some extended analysis. First of all, there is no Antifa organization. At best it is a loose assembly of unaffiliated activists who are opposed to fascism, as are most patriotic Americans. That alone would rattle Trump whose fascistic tendencies are well documented. Secondly, Trump has no legal authority designate any domestic group as “terrorist.” The law only permits such designations for foreign entities. Thirdly, Trump’s Department of Homeland Security already designated whatever it thinks Antifa is as having engaged in terrorist acts way back in September of 2017:

“Federal authorities have been warning state and local officials since early 2016 that leftist extremists known as ‘antifa’ had become increasingly confrontational and dangerous, so much so that the Department of Homeland Security formally classified their activities as ‘domestic terrorist violence,’ according to interviews and confidential law enforcement documents obtained by POLITICO.”

However, Politico also noted that the rise of so-called “extremist” left-wing protests was actually incited by Trump:

“In interviews, law enforcement authorities made clear that Trump’s inflammatory rhetoric and policies — first as a candidate and then as president — helped to create a situation that has escalated so quickly and extensively that they do not have a handle on it.”

That’s true as well with regard to the current protests going on around the country. Contrary to the heated blather of Trump and his Attorney General Bill Barr, it is right-wing extremists who appear to be responsible for the violence that has marred the protests in recent days. Facts on the ground have shown that…

“…the demonstrations that caused so much damage included provocateurs, likely from outside the area. State officials said around 80 percent of those arrested in the Twin Cities on Friday were from outside Minnesota. Former FBI agent and CNN commentator, Josh Campbell wrote, that Minnesota ‘authorities have been monitoring alleged criminals online, including postings by suspected white supremacists trying to incite violence.'”

That’s consistent with studies on domestic terrorism conducted by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security:

“There is empirical and anecdotal evidence that far-right hate groups pose a significant threat to public safety. Far-right extremists commit many violent attacks, and some scholars conclude that far-right extremists, especially groups motivated by religious ideology, are strong candidates to commit future acts using weapons of mass destruction”

It is also consistent with studies conducted by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL):

“From 2009 through 2018, right-wing extremists accounted for 73 percent of such killings, according to the ADL, compared with 23 percent for Islamists and 3 percent for left-wing extremists. In other words, most terrorist attacks in the United States, and most deaths from terrorist attacks, are caused by white extremists.”

So all the evidence points to right-wing extremists being responsible for domestic terrorism both generally over many years, and specifically with regard to the Floyd protests. Yet Trump and his confederates are spreading baseless lies to smear the protesters, Democrats, and liberals across the board. It’s a despicable act of disinformation and slander. But it is precisely what we would expect from Donald Trump as he swirls ever lower in the downward spiral of his failed presidency.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
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Trump’s Base: FBI Cites Right-Wing Conspiracy Groups Like QAnon as Domestic Terrorists

The incidence of racial hatred and violence has done nothing but increase during the administration of Donald Trump. In fact, the relationship between hate crimes and Trump is so tightly correlated that one study shows an increase in violence of 226 percent just in the counties where Trump has held a recent rally. And his ramping up of racist remarks aimed at congressional women of color surely isn’t helping.

Trump Charlotsville

Not surprisingly, the response to this flagrant bigotry from Trump’s Deplorables has been an outpouring of support. Polls show that Republican approval for Trump actually went up after his racist tirades. But within his own FBI, a new report is placing the blame for violence instigated by hate groups where it truly belongs:

“The FBI for the first time has identified fringe conspiracy theories as a domestic terrorist threat […] It lists a number of arrests, including some that haven’t been publicized, related to violent incidents motivated by fringe beliefs.”

Other non-partisan organizations have found similar evidence of this sort of violent activity, but this is the first time that it has been affirmed by the FBI with specific citations of the bad actors:

“The document specifically mentions QAnon, a shadowy network that believes in a deep state conspiracy against President Trump, and Pizzagate, the theory that a pedophile ring including Clinton associates was being run out of the basement of a Washington, D.C., pizza restaurant (which didn’t actually have a basement).”

“The FBI assesses these conspiracy theories very likely will emerge, spread, and evolve in the modern information marketplace, occasionally driving both groups and individual extremists to carry out criminal or violent acts.”

The report forecasts that “conspiracy theory-driven extremists are likely to increase during the 2020 presidential election cycle.” And FBI Director Christopher Wray (a Trump appointee) warned that “a majority of the domestic terrorism cases that we’ve investigated are motivated by some version of what you might call white supremacist violence.”

What the report leaves out is the link between these violent groups and Donald Trump. QAnon is built around a clandestine cabal of cultists who believe that Trump is heading up a secret society whose mission is to expose a child sex trafficking ring masterminded by Hillary Clinton. No really! And Trump has also been closely affiliated with conspiracy crackpots like Glenn Beck and Alex Jones of Infowars. However, the ability of law enforcement to reign in these organizations was greatly curtailed when, according to the Department of Homeland Security, “nearly all, if not all, the intelligence analysts focusing on domestic extremist groups” were eliminated under the Trump administration.

The publication of this report at this particular time has its own set of peculiarities. Most notable is the fact that Trump himself addressed the matter of domestic terrorism just last week, but from the completely opposite direction:

Bear in mind that there is no such thing as Antifa. There is no organization by that name, nor are there any acknowledged members. There are, however, people who are intensely anti-fascist, and they sometimes express that opposition with physical force aimed at the organizers and attendees of neo-Nazi rallies.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

You have to wonder why Trump chose to speak out for the first time on this subject five days before the release of an FBI report on violence by white nationalists. Did he get a heads up from the FBI? Was he attempting to sandbag the FBI’s study with his own phony narrative? Whatever the reason, the effect of Trump’s tweet was to excuse the documented brutality on the part of the people who make up his base of support. And you can be sure that Trump will never make a similar denouncement of the “gutless Radical [Right] Wack Jobs” who populate his rallies and on whose votes he relies.

Watch Fox News Try to Smear Democrats By Turning Antifa Into the ‘New’ New Black Panthers

The Fox News propagandists have been fiercely battling the flood of bad news for Donald Trump and the Republican Party. Lately there has been more than the usual onslaught of lies and ignorance. Consequently, they have escalated their use of a hollow tactic that has come to be known as “Whataboutism.” So anytime someone brings up something negative about Trump or the GOP, Fox News responds with “What about this other thing?” It’s a means of avoiding a coherent defense when you obviously don’t have one.

Fox News

That strategy was in full force Monday morning when Fox News hosted a couple of pundits to discuss violent protests. The premise put forth by Fox was that “leftists” were not being sufficiently condemned for their acts of violence. The main reason for that is that leftists have not been engaging in any organized violent activities. What Fox News tried to pin on Democrats was behavior by the shadowy and leaderless group of anti-fascists known as Antifa. (See video below).

But here’s the problem with that. Antifa is not a Democratic movement. They do not campaign for Democrats. They do not vote for Democrats. None of them run for office as Democrats. And actual Democrats do not appear at their events. On the other hand, the alt-right, white nationalist, KKK crowd are tightly bound to Republicans. They openly campaign for GOP candidates and celebrate their electoral victories. Particularly that of Donald Trump. They feature GOP representatives at their rallies. And they have even run for office as Republicans.

It is entirely appropriate to expect a group of pro-Republican extremists to be renounced by the Republican Party. And when Trump failed to do so after the Charlottesville tragedy, he was effectively welcoming their support. However, Democrats cannot be expected to distance themselves from a group that they are in no way affiliated with. They can renounce violence broadly, and they have done so repeatedly. But they aren’t responsible for a group that isn’t among their supporters.

The efforts by Fox News to falsely tie Antifa to Democrats is reminiscent of their prior attempts to do the same with the ludicrous New Black Panthers. That was a group that may have had no more than four members, but Fox News built them up into a national terrorist enterprise. It was largely Megyn Kelly who focused on this nonsense. But now many hosts, contributors, and guests on Fox are pounding the Antifa drums.

This morning’s segment was a perfect example. Anchor Sandra Smith began by alluding to “Violence breaking out as thousands of left and right protesters descending on Berkeley.” The alt-right protesters were referred to as peaceful, but their motives were exposed simply by where they chose to protest. They knew that Berkeley would not be an especially welcoming locale. They were inviting counter-protests. But Fox’s Republican pundit, Lisa Boothe, immediately went on the attack against Democrats.

Boothe: I think we’re just seeing a lot of violence and a lot of hate in this country, and we have for a number of years recently. We saw it with the violence in Fergusson and Baltimore, where people are getting way out of hand. And I think what we really need to see is people marginalizing some of these hate groups. […] Unfortunately, we’re not seeing that same rebuke of groups like Antifa. I’ve not seen one Democratic leader say that these groups should stop their ways, should stop what we saw in Berkeley. Where is Congresswoman Barbara Lee who represents the thirteenth district of California? Where is former Speaker Nancy Pelosi?

Boothe completely avoided the alt-right’s record of violence and murder to blame Democrats for not denouncing a tiny fringe group that they have nothing to do with. The group would already be marginalized were it not for the publicity they get on Fox News. And contrary to Boothe’s tunnel-blind assessment, Democrats have condemned all violence of the sort that Boothe is addressing. The Democrat on the segment, Christie Setzer, had some trouble getting in her comments.

Setzer: I was just as horrified as most people by what transpired in Charlottesville. And I was equally inspired by what happened in Boston. Which is to say that there was a small number of neo-Nazi, KKK, and other hate groups who were calling themselves a free speech rally, but in fact were organized by a lot of the same people who were in charlottesville. And they were surrounded by 40,000 peace-loving, good Bostonians saying ‘We will not accept hate in our city, in our town, in our country.’

Setzer attempted to continue her remarks to insist that “We don’t want violent protests anywhere.” But Smith interrupted her saying that she “wanted Lisa to have the last word.” Never mind that Boothe had the first word and much longer uninterrupted time. Boothe used her conclusion to say that “We’ve seen the media prop up groups like Antifa.” Then complained again that Democrats had not denounced them, even though Setzer just did.

Boothe’s last comment, however, was true. It is the media that has propped up Antifa. Primarily the conservative media. They need it to deploy their Whataboutism tactic whenever there is violence from the alt-right supporters of the GOP. Some members of Antifa may be well-meaning anti-fascists, and who can argue with that? But the faction within the group that advocates violence is counterproductive to their own goals. That said, they still have no affiliation with the Democratic Party and it is dishonest for Fox News to make that linkage. But being dishonest has never stopped Fox before from disseminating lies in support of the Republican agenda. So we can expect this promotion and hyperbole about Antifa to continue until Fox News finds some even newer fake movement to promote.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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