Congratulations America. We made it to 2022 despite the challenges and obstacles. While the COVID pandemic is still with us due to the lies of Donald Trump and Fox News, most of us who are not in Trump territory have been vaccinated and are likely shielded from severe consequences.
Sadly, the former reality TV game show host doesn’t seem to be sharing much joy this holiday season. although he was seen at a Mar-a-Lago Super-Spreader party, he neglected to wish his cult disciples a Happy New Year. In stead, he posted a message (via his Twitter ban defying spokes-shill) with s decidedly depressing – and typically dishonest – theme:
“The United States just set a record high for coronavirus infections. Remember when Biden said that he would quickly and easily solve this problem? How’s he doing? He now says that it is up to the states, not the Federal Government, exactly the opposite of what he said during the campaign!”
Notice that Trump is virtually rooting for the virus. He is downright gleeful that it is continuing to cause more misery and loss. The only thing he cares about is that it could cause political problems for President Biden. This isn’t the first time Trump has celebrated such suffering. And he persists in ignoring the painful reality that it is almost entirely his own supporters who are succumbing to severe sickness.
Trump asks his dimwitted devotees to “Remember when Biden said that he would quickly and easily solve this problem?” If they do, they really need to get into a drug rehab program. Because Biden never said any such thing. He said that he would fight to defeat the virus, and recognized that it would be difficult. It’s Trump who is always saying that all of things he failed to achieve would be achieved quickly and easily.
As for how Biden is doing? Well, over 240 million Americans (73%) have been vaccinated, and about 67 million (20%) have received the booster in less than a month. That is what is keeping hospitalizations and deaths down. And the only reason that there have been more deaths in 2021 than in 2020 is because 2021 started with a much higher population of infected people, and so many of Trump’s followers still refuse to get vaccinated or wear masks.
Trump is also lying about Biden saying that “it is up to the states, not the Federal Government” to resolve the pandemic problem. That’s a distortion that he picked up from Fox News. But the truth is that Biden told a conference of governors that the federal government by itself is not the solution. When Biden said that “there is no federal solution. This gets solved at a state level,” he was not dismissing any federal role. He was agreeing with the Republican governor of Arkansas, Asa Hutchinson, who said that “as you look towards federal solutions that will help alleviate the challenge, make sure that we do not let federal solutions stand in the way of state solutions.”
Biden elaborated on the need for a federal/state partnership saying that “My message to the governors is simple: If you need something, say something — and we — we’re going to have your back in any way we can.” He enumerated some of the ways that Washington was working with the states, from invoking the Defense Production Act to deploying FEMA. And he closed saying that “we’re going to get through it by working together.” So contrary to Trump’s warped misrepresentation, that is exactly in accordance with what Biden said in his campaign. And it’s just that sort of consistency and integrity that triggers Trump’s latent inferiority complex and contributes to his holiday whining.
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“…Trump who is always saying that all of things he failed to achieve would be achieved quickly and easily.”
Trump is “a legend in his own mind.” True, his name will go down in history, but not for anything grand & glorious. Spot in history books a certainty, so far:
*His record 30,000+ lies as POTUS (stopped the count as campaign began);
*2x Impeached U.S. Prez;
*Biggest, worst LOSER in U.S. elections ~ due to his refusal to accept loss & spreading his “Big Lie”;
*AZ ‘fraudit’ & others too, finding NO fraud;
*60+ loser lawsuits claiming fraud, with NO evidence; &
*arranging for, inciting, violent mob to attack Capitol Bldg on 1/6/21 (based on his ‘Big Lie’) ~
attemping to overturn fair election & get himself appointed to 2nd term.
Those things are pages in U.S. history that Trump can count on!
He has done much more that should also make his name infamous in U.S. & World History, some of which are still playing out to their final end & others yet to be uncovered!