BLAME AMERICA FIRST: Fox News Attacks U.S. in Response to Reports of Russian Election Interference

Ever since Donald Trump became a candidate for political office, he has had the distinction and disgrace of garnering support from shady characters affiliated with some of America’s most virulent enemies. In both 2016 and 2020, Trump’s campaigns were aided by his pal and idol, Vladimir Putin, who took an active role in efforts to undermine American democracy.

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Fox News Commies

The 2024 presidential election is expected to have some of those same nefarious players on Trump’s team. Their unambiguous purpose is to bolster Trump’s electoral aspirations, while torpedoing Kamala Harris with slanderous lies and wholly fabricated allegations. Since they can’t find anything honest and substantive to criticize her for, they resort to pure fiction and fear mongering.

SEE THIS: Fox News is Desperately Struggling to Find Dirt on Kamala Harris – Here is What They Found

On Wednesday reports emerged about Russia’s continuing efforts to interfere in American elections. However, these latest reports reveal that the U.S. government is doing something affirmative about it. As reported by MSNBC…

“The Biden administration is taking a series of actions to target what they allege are Russian-backed actors to manipulate public opinion here in the U.S. ahead of the presidential election, according to two senior U.S, officials. […]

“[Ken Dilanian:] This is being described as a whole of government action designed to target Russian propaganda and disinformation aimed at interfering in the 2024 election. It’s said to include sanctions by the Treasury Department, law enforcement action by the Justice Department, and one of the focuses is on [Russian-funded propaganda network] RT [that] was tagged back in 2017 as a vehicle for Russian disinformation and election interference. And at that time the government required RT to register as a foreign agent.”

This news isn’t exactly groundbreaking because we know that Russia has been doing this for years, with the knowledge, approval, and even coordination with the Trump camp and the GOP. But what makes it even worse is that our foreign foes and their domestic flunkies are aided and abetted by Fox News. When Fox reported these actions by the U.S. against Russia’s interference in our election, their hosts, Harris Faulkner and Steve Hilton, wasted no time in deflecting blame from Russia and casting it on America (video below)….

Faulkner: Just this hour we can confirm that the Biden administration plans to accuse Russia of a sustained effort to influence the 2024 presidential election. And that it will do so using state-run media and other online platforms to target U.S. voters with disinformation. It’s expected that the U.S. will make a series of moves today to address those issues. Talk to me. Why is that suddenly a concern now?
Hilton: That’s the truth about all of this in this world that we live in today, which is you have Iran doing this, you have China doing this, and frankly, we do it to other countries as well. […] Yet, just at this time, the Biden-Harris administration raises the specter once again of Russian interference. […]
Faulkner: That’s such a great question. And it’s contextually very important. We have 51 intelligence agents agree to the fact that the Hunter Biden laptop wasn’t real.

Rather than express outrage that Russia is once again trying to undermine American democracy, Faulkner’s immediate reaction was to cast suspicion on the U.S. for doing something about it. As if taking action while the election is in progress and vulnerable to Russia’s tactics is in itself evil. And she reaches back to the irrelevant matter of Hunter Biden’s laptop. Which, by the way, no one ever said wasn’t real. They only said that the hype surrounding it was generated by Russian trolls. Which is true.

Hilton went further down the “Blame America” trail to accuse the FBI, the CIA, and the Department of Justice of being “totally biased and in the tank and trying to stop Donald Trump from being elected.” Then the two of them continued saying that…

Faulkner: It also gives the left that familiar mantra of Russia, Russia, Russia. They’re not gonna concentrate on the areas where our own people fell down on protecting our elections. […]
Hilton: We cannot trust them. We need a complete clear out. They are institutionally corrupted.

So according to these treasonous cretins, evidence of Russia committing crimes against the American people is irrelevant, except as a trigger to attack the U.S. for imaginary election fraud for which they have never been able to produce any proof. In fact, their lies on the subject cost them 3/4 of billion dollars in a defamation settlement. They are so devoted to their anti-American views that they are incapable of defending the nation against foreign enemies. To the contrary, they are driven to malign the U.S. and its institutions.

That is a perspective that runs through the Republican Party and that has been nurtured by Trump’s animosity toward America and his aversion to democracy. It would make sense for the U.S. government, while slapping sanctions on Russia and its propaganda outlets like RT, to do the same with Fox News. In fact, Fox should have been labeled a foreign agent many years ago.


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2 thoughts on “BLAME AMERICA FIRST: Fox News Attacks U.S. in Response to Reports of Russian Election Interference

  1. Between the FCC, and the DOJ, I would love to see Fox News shut down completely, and fined another 1 3/4 billion! Maybe Rupert will finally learn something if it costs enough!

  2. Maybe the sanctions should be extended to Fox News since they seem to be an offshoot of the Kremlin anyway.

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