WTHolyF? Trump Says Democrats Want to Ditch the Popular Vote in Favor of the Electoral College

Just when you thought that Donald Trump had reached the outer limits of logic and reason, he manages to astound everyone by sinking even lower on the sanity spectrum. Which proves that, with respect to Trump’s tenuous grasp of reality, or at least his perception of what nonsense his cult followers will tolerate, there really is no bottom.

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Donald Trump

In another laughably loony late night post to his floundering Twitter ripoff, Truth Social, Trump sought to make what he surely considered to be an insightful criticism of the state of politics in America. He absurdly asserted that…

“The Democrats are fighting hard to get rid of the Popular Vote in future Elections. They want all future Presidential Elections to be based exclusively on the Electoral College!”

REALLY? This would be a brilliant observation, if it weren’t for the pesky little fact that it is diametrically opposed to what Democrats actually want. Progressives have long criticized the Electoral College for its inherent bias toward small, red states that lean Republican. And it was Trump’s mangling of the Constitution’s references to it that were the basis of his ludicrous claim that he had won the election in 2020, and his inciting of the January 6th insurrection.

SEE THIS: Trump’s Big News? Blatant Lies About Pence’s Authority to Reject Electoral Votes on January 6th

It’s hard to imagine what might have triggered this outburst. Generally when Trump makes a comment like this it is provoked by something he saw someone say on television. But this is so far removed from anything that makes sense, the source of his angst is a mystery.

Even worse, Trump is displaying his infamous ignorance of American laws and principles. He is complaining, incorrectly, that Democrats “want all future Presidential Elections to be based exclusively on the Electoral College!” However, all presidential elections are already based exclusively on the Electoral College, and they always have been. And he should know. It’s how came to occupy the White House in 2016. And it’s how he tried to overturn the election in 2020 by deploying an army of fake electors.

If Trump needs any further evidence that Democrats oppose the Electoral College and favor the popular vote, he need look no further than the progressive movement to effectively nullify the Electoral College by a group called “The National Popular Vote” whose website states that…

“The National Popular Vote law will take effect when enacted by states with a majority of the electoral votes (270 of 538). Then, the presidential candidate receiving the most popular votes in all 50 states and DC will get all the electoral votes from all of the enacting states. That is, the candidate receiving the most popular votes nationwide will be guaranteed enough electoral votes to become President.” […]

“The National Popular Vote Compact has been enacted into law by 17 states and the District of Columbia…These jurisdictions have 209 of the 270 electoral votes needed to activate the law.”

This movement is not some fringe faction of extremists. According to a recent survey by PEW Research, abolishing the Electoral College and electing presidents by popular vote is quite…well, popular…

“More than six-in-ten Americans (63%) would instead prefer to see the winner of the presidential election be the person who wins the most votes nationally. Roughly a third (35%) favor retaining the Electoral College system, according to a Pew Research Center survey”

What’s more, Trump is not only flagrantly wrong (as usual) about what Democrats want. That broad majority of 63% of Americans who prefer relying on the popular vote includes nearly half (46%) of Republicans. And according to the National Popular Vote group, they are tantalizingly close to achieving their goal. They report that in addition to the 17 states that have already passed their bill, “The bill has also passed one legislative chamber in 7 states with 74 electoral votes (AR, AZ, MI, NC, NV, OK, VA).”

That would be enough to align the Electoral College with the popular vote, and to end the bizarre and outdated dependence on the undemocratic Electoral College. With some some hard work and good luck, that could happen before the next presidential election. Then Trump would have to manufacture something entirely new to whine about. Which, unfortunately, is one of his few demonstrated skills.


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Trump’s Big News? Blatant Lies About Pence’s Authority to Reject Electoral Votes on January 6th

For nearly three years Donald Trump has been claiming that the 2020 presidential election, where he lost decisively to Joe Biden, was “rigged and stolen” from him. And for nearly three years he has failed to produce a shred of evidence to support his claims, despite dozens of opportunities to do so in court, on television, and at his cult rallies.

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Donald Trump, Mike Pence, Hanging

Now, with four criminal indictments pending, Trump continues to whine that he’s the victim of a vast conspiracy orchestrated by Democrats, even though almost all of the evidence and testimony against him has come from Republicans, and largely from his own administration and campaign staff. On Tuesday Trump promised that next Monday he will hold a press conference where he will expose the whole nefarious scheme and unveil a “CONCLUSIVE Report” that will result in all charges being dropped and “complete EXONERATION!”

SEE THIS: YEAH, RIGHT! Trump Promises an ‘Irrefutable,’ ‘Completely Exonerating’ Report on Election Fraud

If anyone believes Trump about any of that, they are terminally naïve. It’s just a pitiful display of dishonesty, weakness, and paranoia, that his glassy-eyed disciples somehow view as veracity and strength. And on Wednesday he posted what may be a preview of his “irrefutable” report on his failing social media sham, Truth Social. He quoted from a Newsmax report about something Mike Pence said in his autobiography last year…

“Big News! Mike Pence said, ‘ I met with the Parliamentarian of the Senate, Elizabeth MacDonough, to discuss the procedures for the upcoming joint session on January 6. She told me that Congress always receives miscellaneous slates of electors every four years.’ Greg Kelly, ‘That’s huge! A game changer in terms of information. It really turns upside down everything the Democrats said about January 6th, and this latest Federal Indictment.’ DROP THE FAKE CASE!”

So Trump is babbling about allegedly “Big News” that he is presenting as affirmation of his preposterous position that Pence could have single-handedly thrown the election to Trump. He’s implying that Pence’s account of what the Parliamentarian told him means that “alternate” electors are common and countable. They are not. And Trump is not only wrong, he is purposefully misquoting Pence in order to deceive his flock of willfully blind devotees.

In his autobiography, “So Help Me God” (published November, 2022), Pence relates how he had told Trump many times that “I did not believe that I possessed the power under the Constitution to decide which votes to accept or reject.” To which Trump complained that “You’re too honest,” and threatened that “hundreds of thousands are gonna hate your guts,” and that “people are gonna think you’re stupid.” Then, after Trump warned him not “wimp-out,” Pence wrote what Trump quoted above, but Trump left out some significant parts (in bold below)…

Later on Sunday, I met with the Parliamentarian of the Senate, Elizabeth MacDonough, to discuss the procedures for the upcoming joint session on January 6 […] I mentioned that I had heard that some alternate electors had been sent from several of the disputed states, and she told me that Congress always receives miscellaneous slates of electors every four years but that there was no alternate slate bearing what was known as a certificate of election from any competing state authority from any of the disputed states.

So, in context, the Parliamentarian is only acknowledging the occasional presence of alternate electors, who may be legitimate replacements in the event that an original elector is unable to fulfill their duties. However, they would come with “a certificate of election” from a “state authority,” and that there were none of those in 2020. She never said that unauthorized, fake electors could replace the real ones chosen by voters.

Consequently, this is neither “huge,” nor a “game changer.” It’s old news that has no bearing whatsoever on Trump’s current legal predicament. And Trump is severely demented if thinks that it “turns upside down everything the Democrats said about January 6th.” It certainly isn’t cause to drop any of the charges against him. To the contrary, Pence’s account provides more proof that Trump knew that he had lost the election and that his efforts to alter the outcome were deliberately dishonest and illegal.

Pence’s decision to comply with the Constitution and certify the Electoral College vote count was not so much heroic as it is expected of every public servant. Still, many of his GOP confederates will chastise him for daring to defy Trump and declining to go along with his anti-democratic, authoritarian aspirations. But that’s where the Republican Party is today. And it’s why no patriotic American should vote Republican tomorrow, or any day thereafter.


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Trump’s Deranged Response to Mike Pence Sends the Republican Party Skidding Into Disarray

Former Vice-President Mike Pence managed to crawl out from under his rock to make a bit of news on Friday. He gave a speech to the ultra-rightist Federalist Society during which he made his first feeble foray into finding fault with his former boss, Donald Trump.

Donald Trump, Republican, GOP

Taking a break from his typical Trump-fluffing, Pence ventured into the subject of his role during the January 6th insurrection. That role was solely to carry out the constitutionally mandated certification of the Electoral College votes for president by Congress. But in his remarks to the Federalists, he responded to Trump’s ludicrous assertions that he was empowered to overturn the election. Pence made a surprising departure from the Trump Cult Doctrine that the deadly riots were peaceful protests and Trump’s claim that he could halt the proceedings. Pence said that…

“Trump is wrong. I had no right to overturn the election. The presidency belongs to the American people and the American people alone. And frankly, there is no idea more un-American than the notion that any one person could choose the American president. Under the Constitution I had no right to change the outcome of our election.”

That’s a pretty emphatic repudiation of Trump’s self-serving, nonsensical blathering on the subject. Not that Pence deserves much credit for this unexpected eruption of honesty, considering it took him more than a year to deliver it. Still, calling Trump “wrong” and “un-America” was more than what most Republicans have mustered the courage to do.

Predictably, Trump was perturbed by Pence expressing any opinion that differed from his own. So he lashed out on Twitter (via his Twitter ban defying spokes-shill) to castigate his former number two saying that…

“Just saw Mike Pence’s statement on the fact that he had no right to do anything with respect to the Electoral Vote Count, other than being an automatic conveyor belt for the Old Crow Mitch McConnell to get Biden elected President as quickly as possible. Well, the Vice President’s position is not an automatic conveyor if obvious signs of voter fraud or irregularities exist.”

Trump spat out a twofer there, also snarling about Republican Senate minority leader, Mitch McConnell. It’s puzzling that Trump thinks his infantile characterization of McConnell as an “Old Crow” is some sort of epic burn. First of all, Trump is almost as old as McConnell. And crows are considered to be intelligent and cunning. Trump might have been better off calling him an old turkey. But that’s more descriptive of Trump than McConnell.

More to the point, it’s preposterous that McConnell had any desire to hurry the election of President Biden. McConnell is a rock-ribbed conservative who has been an obstacle to all things Democratic for decades. Undeterred, Trump went on to repeat his ignorant misinterpretation of the law governing the certification process. He still thinks that Pence could have scuttled Biden’s election, and has the delusional impression that he “was right and everyone knows it.” Also, there are no “signs of voter fraud or irregularities,” obvious or otherwise. And everyone but Trump and his sycophants know it.

Ironically, Trump has become the most destructive critic of the Republican Party. He has called for GOP incumbents to be primaried. Particularly those who seek the truth about his role in plotting the insurrection, such as Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger. It is likely that the GOP’s censure of them was at Trump’s behest. That’s evident in the language used, calling out Cheney and Kinzinger for “engag[ing] in a Democrat-led persecution of ordinary citizens who engaged in legitimate political discourse.” That’s what the GOP thinks took place on January 6th when the StormTrumpers violently invaded Congress and injured more than 140 police officers.

Yet somehow, the press reports that Democrats are in disarray because two small-state senators out of fifty have broken an otherwise unified party.

So who will Trump’s Republican Party censure next? Mike Pence? Mitt Romney? George Bush? Mitch McConnell? Lindsey Graham? They are a small but significant contingent of the Party’s most prominent names. However, most of the Party is still supporting Trump. And therefore, they also support violent insurrection and Trump’s “Big Lie” that the election was “rigged” and “stolen” from him. But most of all they must support the sentiment with which Trump closed his anti-Pence tweet, saying that “our Country is going to hell!” Which is just Trump, once again, revealing his own agenda America’s future.

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Is Trump Preparing to Expose Mike Pence as Part of the Fabled Deep State?

The psychotic decline of Donald Trump is rapidly progressing to the point where he is utterly incapable of recognizing reality. He continues to whine about having lost the election to Joe Biden, a candidate he maligned as a mentally deficient socialist, and still couldn’t beat him. What does that say about Trump?

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Donald Trump, Deep State

The debate over the mental soundness of Biden vs. Trump was decided by American voters who, according to a Fox News poll, said Trump was the most unsound. They reiterated that view by soundly rejecting Trump’s reelection bid. Trump, though, seems determined to affirm the Fox survey’s results with every new tweet he posts. Take this tweet Tuesday morning for instance…

Trump is reprising his remarks from Monday night at his cult rally in Georgia that was ostensibly to support the reelection campaigns of David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler, although he rarely mentioned them. But he did mention his vice-president saying “I hope Mike Pence comes through for us, I have to tell you. Of course, if he doesn’t come through, I won’t like him quite as much.”

That would be totally in character for Trump, who is known for attacking his own staffers when he deems them less than 100% worshipful and obedient. Just ask the dozens of former administration officials he’s flipped on (i.e. John Kelly, Jim Mattis, John Bolton, Rex Tillerson, Jeff Session, etc.).

More recently, Trump has viciously turned on some other previously appreciated allies who he now regards as conspirators in the “Deep State” that, in his deep state of paranoia, he imagines are plotting against him:

For the record, Pence has no more power to decide who won the election than Oscar presenters have to decide who won an Academy Award. In fact, his role is nearly identical. He opens the envelopes and announces the result. The election was already decided, first by a decisive majority of voters, then by the certification of all fifty states. That, of course, includes the states run by both Democrats and Republicans.

Likewise, the Republicans in Congress who have announced that they will object to the Electoral College count have no power to effect a change. The only possibility of an upset would be if one or more states failed to certify a slate of electors. That, however, didn’t happen in any state. But even if it had, Pence would still have no power to alter the outcome. The House of Representatives and the Senate would both have to vote separately to uphold the objection and seat an alternate slate. And it’s highly unlikely that the Democratic majority in the House would vote to reject Biden electors and seat those committed to Trump instead.

It is also highly unlikely that Pence will stray from the purely ministerial role he has in this congressional session to certify the Electoral College vote. Consequently, Trump appears to be setting Pence up to expose him as a “Deep Stater,” bent on sabotaging what Trump thinks was his landslide victory. But the true leader of the anti-Trump cabal is really someone that nobody expects: Donald J. Trump!

After all, what do all of the conspirators have in common? They were all appointed by or staunchly supported by Trump. Open your eyes, Trumpians. There are no coincidences. How could Trump have been so integral to the configuration of the conspiracy without being in control of it himself? The absence (suppression) of any credible evidence is further evidence that it’s all true. It all makes sense now.

UPDATE: At the Trump rally in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday, Trump again implores Pence to take an action that he has no authority to take, and then whines that he’s “not hearing good stories” about Pence.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
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HUH? Trump Chump Stephen Miller Tells Fox News He’s Forming a Slate of ‘Alternative Electors’

Donald Trump exhausted his last best hope to steal the election last week. The Supreme Court, that he thought he had stacked with servile flunkies, unanimously ruled against his lawsuit aiming to throw out millions of votes from states that Joe Biden had won decisively. That was after having already lost more than fifty court cases. And yet, Trump still whines that he was “never even given our day in court.”

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Donald Trump, Constitution

Of course, Trump was given fifty days in court, where he failed to produce any evidence to support his election fraud claims. It’s been clear all along that the only court that Trump cared about was the court of public opinion where he could lie without the risk of committing perjury.

Continuing that campaign of disinformation, Trump got up early Monday morning to dispatch his Propaganda Advance Team. Their Senior White Nationalist Advisor, Stephen Miller, appeared on Fox News to deliver the administration’s sermon on anti-democratic election theft. And Miller’s presentation to the “Curvy Couch” potatoes of Fox and Friends was every thing you would expect:

“The only date in the Constitution is January 20, so we have more than enough time to right the wrong of this fraudulent election and certify Donald Trump as the winner of the election. As we speak, an alternate slate of electors in the contested states is going to vote and we are going to send those results to Congress. This will insure that all of our legal remedies remain open. That means that if we win these cases in the courts, that we can direct the alternate slate of electors to be certified.”

Miller asserted that upon completion of their ludicrous machinations “Donald Trump is the winner of this election.” He further claimed that he had “hundreds of violations that we’re documented.” He did not, however, explain why none of those allegedly documented violations were presented in court despite fifty opportunities to do so.

For regular observers of Trump’s Circus of Deceit, Miller’s buzzwords may sound familiar. His “alternative electors” must come from the same warped imagination as Kellyanne Conway’s “alternative facts.” And his distortion of the Constitution’s provisions for a democratic transfer of power ignore the laws associated with certifying the electoral votes (by December 8), the official casting of votes by the electoral college (on December 14), and Congress formalizing the outcome on January 6. January 20 is the day that the already certified president-elect is inaugurated and sworn in to office.

Miller’s contention that his alternate slate of electors can be sent to Congress and certified as legitimate is a fantasy that does not exist anywhere in the law. He is merely perpetuating the fraud that Trump has been blathering about for more than a month in his attempt to delude his dimwitted cult disciples – and probably himself – into believing that he still has a chance of serving another four years in the White House. He doesn’t!

More troubling is his flagrant lies that have the potential to incite violent responses to what Trump characterizes as an election that was “RIGGED,” and a presidency that was “STOLEN.” In fact, that’s precisely the response he’s seeking with inflammatory language that is an explicit call to “escalate dramatically” the opposition to American democratic principles.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Fox News Guest Dinesh D’Souza Honors the Humanitarian Slave Owners of the Old South

Leave it to Fox News to find the bright side of slave owners. While the rest of the civilized world condemns human trafficking, the “Curvy Couch” potatoes of Fox and Friends managed to produce a segment that highlighted the freedom loving Confederates on the old plantations of Dixie.

Fox News, Dinesh D'Souza

Co-host Steve Doocy interviewed one of Fox’s favorite shameless disseminators of flagrant lies, confessed felon Dinesh D’Souza. Earlier this year Donald Trump pardoned D’Souza for the federal crime that he had pleaded guilty to. The Fox segment began as an attempt to mock Democratic congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for what they asserted was a gaffe. It wasn’t. She tweeted that:

Ocasio-Cortez was replying to a tweet that noted that two recent presidents who lost the popular vote have put four justices on the Supreme Court. Doocy then asked D’Souza “Why does the Electoral College matter,” and “what do you think she was talking about?” D’Souza’s reply began by mansplaining what Ocasio-Cortez really meant (video below):

“Well, first of all, I think she’s confusing the Electoral College with the “three-fifths” laws. The three-fifths laws was about slavery, and it had to do with an argument between the North and the South over representation. Ironically, the North, which was the anti-slavery side, wanted blacks to count for zero because they wanted to reduce the representative power of the slave states. The South wanted blacks to count for a full person. So the three-fifths laws which was usually presented to show that the founders didn’t consider blacks to be fully human, doesn’t actually show that at all.”

D’Souza is almost right. The problem is that he leaves out the fact that the South only wanted to count slaves because it gave the region more clout in the federal government. Slaves would still be denied any rights and considered to be property. The South wanted it both ways: to own blacks like chattel, but count them to increase the political power of their white masters. Then D’Souza swung back around to the Electoral College:

“Now the Electoral College was a different matter. The Electoral College emerges out of this contest between the large states and the small states. Not an antiquated issue. We have that now. We have large states, we have small states. And if we had a system that gave power only to the large states, the small states would essentially be unrepresented. The whole point, remember, the core of our founding is the consent of the governed. So to create the union the founders needed the consent of the large states and the small states. The Electoral College is a part of that arithmetic.”

Once again, D’Souza os only partly correct. Much of the dispute between the large and small states was still a matter of north and south. The population of the North far exceeded that of the South. So Ocasio-Cortez was correct in associating the Electoral College with slavery. What’s more, D’Souza is wrong in stating that smaller states would be unrepresented without the Electoral College. Their representation in Congress would be identical. The only difference would be in presidential elections.

However, that difference has become a useless and undemocratic anachronism. Given the boundaryless mobility of the modern U.S., we should not still be electing the president by states, but rather by voters. There is no coherent reason why the tiny populations of Idaho or Wyoming should have a greater say in presidential elections than the vastly more numerous populations of California or Texas. And it’s fair to say that there are a lot of former residents of Idaho and Wyoming who now live in California and Texas. Should their votes be diluted simply because they moved?

Ocasio-Cortez is right to raise the issue of eliminating the outdated Electoral College. It should have been done long ago. Hopefully her colleagues in Congress join her in that initiative when she gets there in January. In the meantime, Fox News needs to stop hosting racists who talk down to women and demean them personally as incapable of grasping these issues. But then they would have hours and hours of dead air.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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With Grand Jury Looming Trump Whines That ‘They’ Are Trying to Cheat You (VIDEO)

It’s getting a little old to say that Donald Trump has just suffered through his worst week yet. Because that appears to be true every damn week. That said, this past week has dropped some bombshells that will ring in his ears for quite a while.

Donald Trump

Most notably, there was the news that special counselor Robert Mueller has impaneled a Grand Jury to escalate his investigation of Trump and Company. But there was also news that subpoenas were issued in connection with Don Jr.’s meeting with Russian operatives. And then there was the release of the transcripts from Trump’s phone conversations with the leaders of Mexico and Australia. They confirmed just how dishonest and embarrassingly narcissistic he is.

But when Trump gets overwhelmed with bad news that makes him look – in his words – “like a dope,” there is only one cure. Get him back on the campaign trail in front of throngs of slobbering, glassy-eyed disciples. His unquestioning cult followers are the best prescription to rebuild his fragile ego. And that’s where he went Thursday night. The speech he delivered was chock full of the hits his fans have come to know and love. They literally sing along: “Lock her up,” “build the wall,” “make America great again.”

Included in the repertoire was a new number inspired by the Grand Jury. Trump didn’t explicitly reference his legal jeopardy, but he did hint at it in a fairly obvious manner. It’s a typically whiny number that will make a superb addition to his Greatest Emo Hits album (video below):

“They can’t beat us at the voting booth, so they’re trying to cheat you out of the future and the future that you want. They’re trying to cheat you out of the leadership you want with a fake story that is demeaning to all of us. And most importantly, demeaning to our country and demeaning to our Constitution.”

Let’s explore the deeper significance of this ditty. First of all, Trump keeps referring to “they” without ever defining who he’s talking about. And with him it could be anyone from Mexicans to Martians. All of whom he would accuse of being illegal bad hombres (or whatever is Martian for hombre). But here he is asserting that “they” can’t beat him at the polls. Apparently he’s forgotten that Hillary Clinton did beat him, by more than three million votes. Of course, he hasn’t really forgotten, because he’s been bringing it up every day for eight months.

Trump’s complaint that “they” are trying to cheat his cultists is also a peculiar position to take. After all, he is the only one who is credibly charged with cheating in the election. And it’s the Democrats who were cheated by both the Russian interference and the anachronistic and undemocratic electoral college. The leader that America wants is hiking in the forests outside of her New York home.

As for Trump’s incessant blathering about fake news, he refuses to acknowledge that he is the biggest beneficiary of it. The Russians unleashed millions of social media postings that disparaged Hillary Clinton and advanced Trump’s campaign. It was that activity that was demeaning to the country and the Constitution. Mueller’s investigation seeks to correct that.

But Trump will never recognize the reality of that because it doesn’t square with his delusional world view. And it’s much easier for him to imagine an evil “they” that he can exploit to frighten his already screwy supporters. The rest of “us” can only wait and hope his term comes to an abrupt end before he causes too much more harm.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Trump Was So Rattled By the Tax Day Marches He Posted Some Dumb Crap on Twitter

Saturday, April 15, saw tens of thousands of Americans taking to the streets in more than 150 cities. And it had nothing to do with it being the deadline to pay their federal income taxes. The occasion was to protest Donald Trump continuing to renege on his repeated promises to release his tax returns.

Donald Trump Chicken

True to form, Trump was noticeably upset by the outpouring of criticism from across a broad spectrum of the public. Not surprisingly, he expressed his dismay in fewer than 140 characters on Twitter. And as usual he made very little sense:

First of all, Trump once again demonstrates his grammatical incompetence. We should expect better from a president than “…what was an almost an impossible thing…” Especially a president who brags that he “has the best words.” And despite his ego-driven blindness, his tax returns are not just now being brought up. They have been a continuing issue since his campaign began.

More to the point, Trump’s ignorance of electoral history is appalling, but in line with his ignorance generally. Not only is it not impossible for a Republican to win the Electoral College, every Republican president has done it. And most have done it more easily than Trump. In fact, he lands at 46th out of 58 elections. As PolitiFact notes in rating his previous bragging false:

“Trump’s percentage doesn’t rank near the top. In fact, it ranks near the bottom, belonging somewhere between the lowest one-fourth and the lowest one-fifth of all Electoral College victories in history.”

Undeterred by reality, Trump goes on to question whether the protesters were paid to turn out. That would require quite a bankroll considering the massive attendance at these hardly “small” rallies. The assertion is absurd on its face. However, it isn’t the first time that Trump has proposed it. He leveled this charge during the campaign and was revealed to have been disseminating fake news. The only documented incident of payments being made to phony rally goers was when Trump himself did it.

In both of these tweets Trump returns to obsessing over an election that he lost by over three million in the popular vote count. That’s a record he is unlikely to brag about. He still seems to think that the election results have any bearing on the public’s interest in his tax returns. If anything, the public is more interested now than ever. Polls show that an overwhelming seventy-four percent of the people want him to release his returns. That includes forty-nine percent of his own supporters.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

So contrary to his whining that only the media cares about this issue, it’s clear that the American people are not going to let it slip away. Whatever he is trying to hide is going to come out one way or another. Whether it be corruption, his true net worth, or unsavory connections to Russia. His impotent excuses for withholding this information will not protect him from his responsibility to the people.

Donald Trump’s Grossly Contradictory Positions On The Electoral College

Like many things with Donald Trump, it doesn’t take much effort to find him contradicting himself. Either that or reversing his stance. Or downright lying. Here is a Twitter Moment that perfectly illustrates this with regard to his opinions on the Electoral College.

Sadly, his followers will forgive him any lie, misstatement, disinformation, insult, or contradiction. So be prepared for four years of this, barring some stroke of good fortune like his resignation or impeachment.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Christine Pelosi Is Getting Death Threats For Seeking Info On Russia’s Hacking – Fox News Berates Her For It

There is a surprisingly effective effort in progress to inform the Electoral College about the Russian hacking of the election. Ever since the Washington Post reported the CIA’s conclusion that “Russia intervened in the 2016 election to help Donald Trump win the presidency,” electors have been reconsidering how they might vote on December 19. It’s taken on a life of its own online with the hashtag #InformTheElectors

Cavuto Pelosi

One of those electors is Christine Pelosi, a long time activist and daughter of the Democratic leader in House, Nancy Pelosi. She appeared Tuesday on Fox News with Neil Cavuto who berated her for seeking information. Right from the start Cavuto maligned the CIA with the GOP talking point that they are the same people who said Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. Pelosi corrected him saying that it was the Bush/Cheney administration who pushed that, not the CIA.

Cavuto continued his harangue in an attempt to paint Pelosi as a partisan who is trying to hurt Donald Trump. She repeatedly informs him that all she is asking is for the information to be made available so the electors can make an informed decision. Cavuto seemed oblivious to her response and shot back:

Cavuto: “You are trying to get electors who are heretofore bound to the Republican candidate in Republican states to switch their allegiance.”

Pelosi: “Don’t put words in my mouth. You owe it to the American people to let me tell the truth and to not lie about what I just said.”

Not satisfied, Cavuto hauled off again with the same question, all the while talking over Pelosi and not allowing her to give a complete answer:

Cavuto: “Do you want them to switch their votes? Yes or no.”

Pelosi: “What I want to do is get the information. What I want to do is not to have you mischaracterize what I say so that I get even more death threats and more insults.”

Cavuto had no sympathy for the danger that Pelosi has encountered specifically due to people like him lying about her. He even tried to waive it off with talk about “threats” that he’s received. As if that made her suffering alright.

Throughout the onslaught, Pelosi more than held her own. She continued to drive home the point that she was not prejudging the contents of the intelligence data. It would be up to the electors to decide for themselves whether it was significant enough to change their vote. But she was adamant that the information be available. And when he couldn’t succeed in getting to Pelosi to cower to his bullying, he resorted to a hackneyed bit of fact-mangling about the election results:

Cavuto: “When you include all the candidates, more people voted against Hillary Clinton than voted for her.”

That’s true. However, when you include all the candidates, even more people voted against Trump than voted for him or against Clinton. So what exactly was his point? That’s the sort of dishonest spin that is typical of Cavuto and Fox News. And you can bet that Cavuto won’t be inviting Pelosi back on in the near future.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Watch parts 1 and 2 of the Fox News segments here:
