Trump Lashes Out Manically at Firefighters and Jack Smith in a Rabid Late-Night Freakout

With everything that is currently going on in the nation and the world, it is interesting to know what is keeping Donald Trump up at night. Well “interesting” may be an overstatement. But it is a revealing peak into the madness that infects America’s president-elect as he prepares to reoccupy the White House.

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Trump in Bed, Eating, Sad

Due to Trump’s rapidly deteriorating mental state, we can rest assured that he will always make his manic midnight obsessions known, whether anyone actually wants to know or not. And in doing so he inevitably displays the depth of his acute dementia.

SEE THIS: Trump’s Press Conference is the Best Evidence Yet that He is Positively, Irreparably Insane

Very late Saturday night, or actually very early Sunday morning, Trump was still awake and agonizing over what he believes are the hot topics of day. And true to form, the matters that cluttered his cartoon brain were predictably how infuriated he is with the miserable state of his extraordinarily privileged existence. In a pair of posts on his failing Twitter ripoff, Truth Social, Trump vacillated between his two most infamous mindsets, venomous fury and petulant whining.

Let’s begin by examining the post expressing his fury over what he thinks are the most important aspects of the tragic fires in Los Angeles. And no, it has nothing to do with the suffering of the victims or the sacrifices of the first responders and other members of the community. Nope. To Trump it was more important to cast undeserved blame on political foes…

“The fires are still raging in L.A. The incompetent pols have no idea how to put them out. Thousands of magnificent houses are gone, and many more will soon be lost. There is death all over the place. This is one of the worst catastrophes in the history of our Country. They just can’t put out the fires. What’s wrong with them?”

Notice that Trump seems to think that politicians are responsible for putting out fires. But his criticism falls flatly on the heroic firefighters who are risking their lives, working 24/7, to save lives and property. He also seems to be more concerned about the “magnificent houses” than the people. As for his fear mongering that “there is death all over the place,” that was typical of his practice of reckless exaggeration.

To be sure, the 14 confirmed fatalities is awful for those involved and their families. But so were the 230 deaths from Hurricane Helene that ravaged Florida and much of the South last September. However, Trump never bothered to hurl insults at the Republican leadership of those states, or the first responders either. He also never threatened to withhold critical aid from the red state victims of a natural disaster, unlike what he and his MAGA minions have done with California. All he has done since the L.A. fires began has been to exploit the suffering for political gain. Something “The Daily Show” couldn’t help take notice of…

SEE ALSO: THE DAILY SHOW: Trump Gives Us a Reminder of What His Leadership Looks Like in Times of Crisis

Trump’s other late-night nonsense was his reaction to having been sentenced for his 34 felony convictions in New York. And even though he received no jail time or financial penalty, he still whined like an infant about what he said was “very unfair” treatment. Which is actually correct. Had it been fair, he would have been in prison long ago, like any other guilty perpetrator. But in his mind Mr. Macho Man is always the victim

“Deranged Jack Smith was fired today by the DOJ. He is a disgrace to himself, his family, and his Country. After spending over $100,000,000 on the Witch Hunt against TRUMP, he left town empty handed!”

That brief tirade was littered with a surprising quantity of lies. First of all, Jack Smith was not fired. He resigned, just as he said would several weeks ago. Secondly, far from disgraceful, he maintained his composure and dignity throughout a difficult process, while Trump relentlessly attacked him with childish insults. Third, his prosecution was costly, but only about half of what Trump is dishonestly saying. And most that expense was caused by Trump’s manipulation of the legal system to cause endless delays. Finally, if Trump thinks that Smith “left town empty handed,” why is he still whining and threatening to appeal?

Although he tries to cover it up with false bravado, Trump is clearly riddled with severe anxiety at becoming the first American president who has been convicted of dozens of felonies and adjudicated a rapist. But his assault on the first responders, and representatives of California’s citizens, is a far worse example of a total lack of character by Trump. And while his outbursts are repulsive, they are not surprising.

We have all seen Trump’s perverse behavior for way too many years now. And sadly, there will still be more to come. So it is now the duty of all patriots to stay strong and focused on resisting Trump’s anti-American, totalitarian aspirations. We simply don’t have the luxury of being discouraged or depressed. We must continue to fight for democracy and the Constitution. They are worth it.


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