Koch Brothers Whine About Obama Fund Raising Letter

For a couple of multi-billionaires with virtually unlimited resources who vigorously engage in hardball political activity, the Koch brothers are an awfully lily-livered pair of wusses.

The Koch brothers created and bankrolled the Tea Party, an AstroTurf, corporate funded, pseudo-movement, that incessantly disparages President Obama as a communist, a Nazi, a Muslim, an atheist, a Kenyan, and a Manchurian agent whose mission is to deliver America to its enemies and/or Satan. The Kochs are also the money behind numerous think tanks and organizations whose purpose is to destroy the presidency through propaganda or outright manipulation and suppression of the vote (such as the American Legislative Exchange Council).

Despite their prominent role in attacking the President, the Kochs are wetting their britches because the Obama reelection team mentions them in a fund raising letter. The exchange looks something like this:

Obama Fund Raising Letter: In just about 24 hours, Mitt Romney is headed to a hotel ballroom to give a speech sponsored by Americans for Prosperity, a front group founded and funded by the Koch brothers. Those are the same Koch brothers whose business model is to make millions by jacking up prices at the pump, and who have bankrolled Tea Party extremism and committed $200 million to try to destroy President Obama before Election Day.

Koch Response: [I]t is an abuse of the President’s position and does a disservice to our nation for the President and his campaign to criticize private citizens simply for the act of engaging in their constitutional right of free speech about important matters of public policy. The implication in that sort of attack is obvious: dare to criticize the President’s policies and you will be singled out and personally maligned by the President and his campaign in an effort to chill free speech and squelch dissent. […] the inference is that you would prefer that citizens who disagree with the President and his policies refrain from voicing their own viewpoint. Clearly, that’s not the way a free society should operate.

Apparently the way a free society should operate, according to the Kochs, is that critics of the administration are permitted vast leeway to spew any and all slander that they like, but if the other side seeks to respond they are guilty of squelching dissent. That’s not debate. That’s a one-sided harangue. And it becomes media propaganda when the right-wing press links arms with the Kochs to take their side and whine about free speech. Seriously? Fox News is grumbling about free speech?

The Koch brothers have absolutely no case when they are actively orchestrating nasty campaigns against the White House and other Democrats, but expect their targets to stay silent. They have recruited Fox News, who spent six minutes on this topic this morning with Megyn Kelly and Laura Ingraham, but no opposing view. They recruited Rupert Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal a couple of weeks ago by planting an article written by the Kochs’ attorney on their editorial page. Fox Nation joined in with a featured item that linked back to the Kelly/Ingraham segment on Fox News. Kelly even plugged the Wall Street Journal article to bring the noise machine gears around full-circle.

The Kochs need to quit crying like toddlers lost in a Wal-Mart. They are not merely private citizens engaging in free speech. They are political powerhouses who have committed more than $200 million dollars to defeating the President. The Bush administration was quite vocal in denouncing their critics, including Cindy Sheehan, who was not a billionaire, but the mother of a slain soldier in Iraq. Vice-President Cheney actually did seek to chill free speech by explicitly warning people to “watch what you say.” But we never responded by whimpering about the White House being mean to us. We continued to press our case, get our message out, and speak truth to power.

If the Koch brothers think that they can persuade people that they are sympathetic waifs being put upon by a mean president, they are out of their minds. They are only embarrassing themselves by appearing to be wealthy weaklings who want to dish it out but run away weeping if the victim of their vitriol raises his voice.


9 thoughts on “Koch Brothers Whine About Obama Fund Raising Letter

  1. And how much has George Soros contributed to anti Republican causes?
    The Tea Party is no more extreme than the Liberals in this ocuntry.

    Another thing, the person who wrote “Those are the same Koch brothers whose business model is to make millions by jacking up prices at the pump” is a liar. The Koch brothers have nothing to do with the price at the pump.

    I have a slogan for you. “So much hate, so little time”
    You should post that at the top of your page.

    I have been following politics since the Eisenhower years and I have never seen a campaign go after private citizens in this manner. This is the worst kind of politics.

    • How much indeed….

      Am willing to hear from you about the doing’s of S.O.R.O.S, the anti republican evil organization that seeks to “propagate anarchy through liberalism.”

      I have a slogan for you. “So much hate, so little time”
      You should post that at the top of your page.

      Tell that to FOX and the media right wing, I’m sure it would look good beside their “Fair and Balanced” slogan.

      I have been following politics since the Eisenhower years and I have never seen a campaign go after private citizens in this manner. This is the worst kind of politics.

      You’ve obviously NOT been following politics THROUGHOUT the time from Eisenhower’s period then, especially when it comes to recent politics. Far worse has been said and far more “campaigning” has been done toward the private citizens.

      Remember the Patriot Act?

    • I think you missed the entire point of the post. This is not about whether or not there are people donating lots of money to causes. The actual issue is that the Koch brothers want to be able to criticize the president and spend lots of money to further their causes and they don’t want anyone to push back.

      But I’m wasting key strokes…

  2. The Kock bros. want to “have their cake and eat it too”, jeesh!
    That’s the way one acts when they are so out of touch with ordinary people and their struggles, they don’t understand or can comprehend reality.

    • It’s what they used to call entitlement – although Fox uses that word to mean something else now.

  3. The Koch Brothers make money by poisioning Americans and buying politicians to give them government money and state owned properties. The Koch Brother are perhaps the most evil plutocrats, they are Vultures, making money on death adn destruction.

    • LOL. Were you mean to the Kochs? Quick, somebody call out the Special Victims Unit.

      Maybe if you had a few billion, you too could be “extreme” and “dangerous”… in the interim… way to go.

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