The Tea Party, and their Republican handlers, have created a cottage industry of fabricated fear mongering over imaginary plots to thrust the American people into slavery. Their incessant wailing over non-existent attempts by President Obama to designate himself a dictator and force his socialist, Sharia law down the throats of patrio-pathic Christicans has reached eardrum-busting decibel levels.
So it sort of makes you wonder why they aren’t aiming their NRA-approved assault weapons at their TV sets that are perpetually stuck on Fox News. Because this morning, Brian Kilmeade of Fox & Friends proposed that the government place listening devices in houses of worship.
Whatever happened to the right-wing advocacy of small government? Where are the zealots who are convinced that Washington is a cesspool of would-be tyrants? How can those defenders of the Founding Fathers be silent when Fox News promotes such brazen violations of privacy and religious liberty?
The truth is that the righteous wing of the Republican Party was never opposed to big government. They have always favored a brand of oppression that focused on the private lives of the people. When they say that they want government “off their backs” what they mean is off the backs of big business. Regulation is a mortal sin to them. But they reserve the right to dictate how law-abiding individuals practice their faith, not to mention who they marry and what they are permitted to do in the privacy of their bedrooms.
Clearly hypocrisy is not foreign to their way of thinking. And that’s how they can sit back and be silent when their spokesmodels say things that are seemingly contrary to what they pretend to believe. Besides, when you violate the rights of minorities it doesn’t really count, does it?
Something is missing. I did not read nor hear the quote but I don’t believe that Kilmeade would advocate bugging ‘churches’. That would get the ire of the Teapeople up.
Is it possible that he suggested bugging ‘mosques’?
With the rights constant rhetoric that the US is a Christian nation, bugging a mosque (an illegitimate religion to many Teapeople) is perfectly fine because it allows the despised tyrannical government to protect the God fearing Christians.
Didn’t Martin Niemöller write a poem concerning this?
Kilmeade was talking about Muslims and, therefore, mosques. But mosques ARE churches, so…..
(Inside the mind of a Teabagging zealot)
A church is where Christians go to worship; a mosque is where Muslims go to worship.
See….totally different!
If you’re using Fox News as some kind of template for Tea Party thinking, then I can see why you say what you say. The reality is most decent people don’t want this kind of thing happening anywhere – of course that is just my opinion.
Someone would actually need to watch Fox News to know what they are proposing – I don’t know many (if any) people who actually watch them anymore.
“The truth is that the righteous wing of the Republican Party was never opposed to big government. They have always favored a brand of oppression that focused on the private lives of the people.”
See – we can agree on some things – this pretty much defines the republican party today, at least in my view – which is why there is so much frustration with it – and is why the Tea party movement started, no one could actually trust this party anymore.
You have been bamboozled. Every tea bagger is a republican. Every tea bagger candidate is a republican. Every tea bagger votes republican. They’re just republicans. Big money started the movement to help them win one midterm in 2010 and state houses and governorships in red and purple states. Then, they got their gerrymandering, voter suppression, and union busting laws going. But that was unpopular, and therefor the fake grass roots ‘new republican brand’ movement was over. They haven’t been around since. It was to capitalize on residual animus left by losing in 08, and to try to convince people that republicans are all of a sudden concerned about fiscal responsibility. And all it succeeded in doing was scaring the shit out of the existing party to go hard right or lose their jobs to dimwit tea baggers in primaries. It made pussies out of the establishment, and now they vote in a way that just allows them to keep their jobs. Not to solve problems, just to not piss off big money to challenge them in primaries. It made their entire party ineffectual relative to practical governance. They effectively ruined your party. And I mean all republicans, libertarians, tea baggers, neo cons, and religious cons. They’re all either pussies that no longer care/vote on their own individual positions anymore, or they’re pissed off and see the tea party as a problem, especially after 2012. They used you man, got what they wanted and went back to their ivory towers. I mean, I’d believe you Steve if I didn’t know you and every tea bagger in existence voted republican in every election cycle. the tea party was just about helping republicans rig the system, nothing more. You’ve been fooled and used.
Are we talking now?
Since we appear to be back on speaking terms – here are some observations:
1 – I won’t deny some of what you say – although the vote rigging stuff is a complete lie
2 – Several establishment politician are now sitting home – and they were beaten in primaries by some not so great candidates – but I’ll take the reduction in establishment politicians any day – it is having an impact based on that Karl Rove threat – he’s tired of having his favorite candidates tossed and losing elections (which means less power).
3 – this one I’m most content with – the clear polling – gallup and CNN – showing record low support for the federal government – which of course is the best antidote to progressivism.
So in some ways you’re right, but as I see it you can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs – so we’re in the breaking eggs stage and I hope it moves to something more substantial.
Now that’s progress!
#3 – more specifically – TRUST in government is dropping, I’m sure given the events of the past week and this bullshit suggestion about bugging places of worship, islamic in this case, we’re in for a rough ride with more proposals to “protect” the public.