Marjorie Taylor Greene Goes on Berserk Impeach Everybody Rant and Challenges Biden to a Debate

The Chairperson of the Republican’s House Crackpot Caucus, Marjorie Taylor Greene, is demonstrating again how critical she is to the Loony Fringe contingent of the GOP. And since she has no committee assignments or other pressing duties in Congress, she is free to spend all of her time on the wingnut web TV circuit promulgating hate and lies.

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Marjorie Taylor Greene, QAnon

On Saturday morning Greene was a guest on Steve Bannon’s webcast. Bannon, who was recently convicted on two counts of contempt of Congress, invited Greene on to discuss what she regards as the top priorities of the Republican Party should it manage to take the majority in the midterm election. And what are those priorities? Well, According to Greene, “Joe Biden and his family will be a top target. And so will the CDC, the FBI, the Department of Justice, Department of Education, Homeland Security, and many other federal government entities.”

SEE ALSO: The Best Reasons to Never Vote for a Republican – By Joe Biden, Matt Gaetz, and Marjorie Taylor Green

That’s right. The GOP intends to abandon their obviously phony rhetoric about inflation, crime, and immigration, in order to pursue an entirely baseless path of persecution and vengeance. Because pathological hatred is the defining characteristic of Donald Trump’s Republican Confederates. And Greene was happy to reiterate that position on Bannon’s aptly named “War Room.” Greene raged that…

“That’s how we’re going to impeach Joe Biden. That’s how we’re going to impeach Merrick Garland. That’s how we’re going to impeach Secretary Mayorkas. And I’m going to continue to call for it and push for it cause that’s what the American people want. The polling is there, Steve. It is there.”

Never mind that Greene has no rational reasons for impeaching anyone. She proved that when she filed her articles of impeachment for President Biden on the first day of his presidency. The entire bill was about Hunter Biden, and it was so preposterous that it got only one GOP cosponsor.

Perhaps Greene is upset that Biden neglects his presidential duty to tweet all day and night, and to post dozens of flattering videos of himself (as established by her messiah, Trump).

Biden himself addressed the GOP’s inbred malice saying that “I’m already being told, if they win back the House and Senate, they’re going to impeach me. I don’t know what the hell they’ll impeach me for.” Neither do they. But despite her lack of coherent cause, Greene won’t be deterred from her malicious mission. She also told Bannon that…

“If Joe Biden wants to talk to me about why I want to impeach him, or why he’s going to be impeached, why America wants him impeached, then I’d be happy to have that discussion with him on a debate stage. And I challenge him to that debate. Because I would love to bring forward the evidence, and I’d like to see him try to defend himself. He’s guilty and he’s going to be impeached.”

First of all, Biden shouldn’t and wouldn’t lower himself to debate “Empty Greene.” More to the point, twice now Greene has said that the American people want Biden to be impeached. Although she doesn’t bother to reveal where she got the deranged notion. For the record, a recent University of Massachusetts Amherst Poll found that only 34% of respondents agree with her. That’s the baked in GOP/QAnon faction of the electorate. It’s made up of 68% of Republicans and Trump voters. So there are even 32% of them who don’t think Biden should be impeached.

Greene is actually being helpful in a backhanded manner. She is illustrating superbly why it is so important that Democrats turn out to vote and that Republicans are turned out of office. The GOP is wholly fixated on revenge. They couldn’t care less about the well being of the nation or the people. In fact, they have pledged to sabotage the national (and international) economy. And if they prevail in the midterms, Greene has telegraphed precisely what that would mean for the future…

BEWARE: Fascista Marjorie Taylor Greene: If I was Speaker of the House I Would Reign with an Iron Fist

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Adam Schiff Deftly Dodges Trump Shill’s Ambush and Puts the Focus on Trump’s Crimes

Rep. Adam Schiff has long been a thorn in Donald Trump’s side. As the chair of the House Intelligence Committee, as the lead manager in Trump’s first impeachment, and now as a member of the House Select Committee investigating the January 6th insurrection. Schiff has an insider’s experience of Trump’s anti-democratic crime spree, and a vast store of detailed knowledge and legal expertise.

Donald Trump, Adam Schiff

Schiff is currently promoting his new book, Midnight in Washington: How We Almost Lost Our Democracy and Still Could,” that provides his unique perspective of Trump’s attempted coup. He appeared on ABC’s The View Tuesday (video below) to discuss the book and the harrowing events that it describes.

Part of the segment included questioning by guest co-host, Morgan Ortagus. She was a contributor at Fox News who Trump tapped to be a spokesperson for the State Department. From the beginning, Ortagus was intent on maligning Schiff. She led off with a line of questioning that insinuated he was responsible for falsehoods contained in the infamous Steele dossier. But Schiff wasn’t having it:

Ortagus: We know last week the main source of the [Steele] dossier was indicted by the FBI for lying about most of the key claims in that dossier. Do you have any reflections on your role in promoting this to the American people?
Schiff: Well, first of all, whoever lied to the FBI or lied to Christopher Steele should be prosecuted, and they are. And unlike in the Trump administration, if they’re convicted, they should go to jail and not be pardoned. So Donald Trump pardoned Roger Stone for lying. He pardoned Michael Flynn for lying. If people lied to the FBI they should go to jail.

But at the beginning of the Russia investigation I said that any allegations should be investigated. We couldn’t have known, for example, people were lying to Christopher Steele. So it was proper to investigate them. And let’s not forget what we learned in that investigation. We learned that the Trump campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, was giving internal polling data, campaign polling data, to Russian intelligence while Russian intelligence was helping the Trump campaign.

First of all, Igor Danchenko, one of the sources refenced in the dossier, was not indicted “for lying about most of the key claims in that dossier.” The indictment was only for allegedly false statements about a couple of his sources of information. That said, Schiff correctly noted that anyone who lies to the FBI should be held accountable. Then he cites Trump associates who confessed to lying as examples. And he makes the point that Trump pardoned those admitted felons.

Schiff continued with a reminder of the crimes that Trump’s cohorts, including his campaign chairman Paul Manafort, were found guilty of. And he didn’t let Trump off the hook for requesting and receiving Russian campaign help. That led to Ortagus actually accusing Schiff of “spread[ing] Russian disinformation.” To which Schiff replied…

Schiff: Well, I completely disagree with your premise. It’s one thing to say that allegations should be investigated, and they were. It’s another to say that we should have foreseen in advance that some people were lying to Christopher Steele, which is impossible, of course, to do. But let’s not use that as a smoke screen to somehow shield Donald Trump’s culpability for inviting Russia to help him in the election, which they did; for trying to coerce Ukraine into helping him in the next election, which he did; into inciting an insurrection, which he did. None of that is undercut, none of that serious misconduct is in any way diminished by the fact that people lied to Christopher Steele.
Ortagus: No, I think just your credibility is.
Schiff: Well, I think the credibility of your question is in doubt.

Once again, Schiff flipped the tables on Ortagus and used her slanderous question to reiterate Trump’s treachery with respect to Russia, Ukraine, and January 6th. Schiff has distinguished himself as an articulate prosecutor who displayed that talent in his summation as impeachment manager. Making a plea for a guilty Senate verdict, Schiff asked senators to remember why America’s Founders included impeachment as a remedy in the Constitution. It was…

“For a man who would sell out his country for a political favor. For a man who would threaten the integrity of our elections. For a man who would invite foreign interference in our affairs. For a man who would undermine our national security and that of our allies. For a man like Donald J. Trump.”

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LOL: Trump Resurrects His ‘Perfect’ Phone Call, that Got Him Impeached, to Bash Biden

You have to give Donald Trump credit for blind persistence. No matter how ludicrous his behavior, or how damaging to what’s left of his tattered reputation, he continues to remind everyone of just how ignorant and criminally culpable he is, even when he’s trying to chastise his enemies.

Trump Penthouse Phone

On Thursday morning Trump released another one line statement via his spokes-shill, Liz Harrington (whose proxy Trump tweeting is violating Twitter’s rules against circumventing a ban). On this occasion he was jumping on a wingnut bandwagon circling the conservative media drain. He said simply that…

“Biden pressed Afghan president to change ‘perception’ that Taliban was winning, ‘whether true or not’

What Trump was regurgitating was flotsam from the right-wing echo chamber about a phone call President Biden had with President Ghani of Afghanistan. Biden was conveying the importance of projecting strength in the battle against the Taliban prior to its take over of the nation. He wanted to encourage Ghani to carry on the fight, which showed the promise of success at the time. The full context of Biden’s remarks bear that out:

“You clearly have the best military. You have 300,000 well-armed forces versus 70-80,000 and they’re clearly capable of fighting well. […] We are going to continue to fight hard, diplomatically, politically, economically, to make sure your government not only survives, but is sustained and grows.” […]

“I need not tell you the perception around the world and in parts of Afghanistan, I believe, is that things are not going well in terms of the fight against the Taliban. And there is a need, whether it is true or not, there is a need to project a different picture.”

That was an entirely appropriate effort to motivate the Afghans to recommit to victory against their foes. But Republicans and their conservative media lackeys saw it differently. Fox News lashed out at Press Secretary Jen Psaki for declining to respond to reports about the Biden/Ghani phone call because it was unlawfully leaked to the press by an anonymous source. She told reporters that “I’m not going to get into private, diplomatic conversations or leaked transcripts of phone calls.”

Psaki’s response was immediately taken up by partisan politicians and pundits including Fox News, Newsmax, the Daily Caller, Kellyanne Conway, and GOP reps Elise Stefanik, Jody Hice, and Lauren Boebert. They all frantically tried to compare Biden’s phone call to the infamous one that Trump had with President Zelensky of Ukraine. That was the allegedly “perfect” phone call (quid pro quo) wherein Trump illegally threatened to withhold U.S. funds unless Zelensky agreed to dig up dirt on Biden.

The right-wingers pointed to a two year old tweet by Psaki that said “It is not just the call transcript. The whistleblower complaint would likely have more details. We need both. And not just the call.” They said that this request for a transcript of Trump’s phone call with Zelensky was a contradiction of her refusal to give more details about Biden’s phone call with Ghani.

There are, however, enormous and obvious differences. First of all, the information Psaki sought about Trump’s call was contained in a properly executed whistleblower complaint that went through all the appropriate channels. But the information in Biden’s phone call was illegally leaked and the sources were unknown and unvetted.

Furthermore, what Psaki was asking for was evidence of criminal activity to be considered in the impeachment of Trump. But there was nothing remotely illegal, or even improper, about Biden’s phone call. So this dust up over dueling phone calls is just a charade by Trump and his minions designed to sow confusion and lies.

For Trump to participate in this utterly dishonest media hype of a pseudo-scandal is further proof of his disreputable and deceitful intentions. But even worse, from his perspective, he is reminding people of his own crimes that got him impeached in the first place. It really does appear that Trump is committed to making a fool of himself. And at least in that pursuit, he is surprisingly adept.

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Fox News Fingers Who is Really at Fault for What’s Happening in Afghanistan: Jill Biden!

The aftermath of President Biden’s decision to proceed with the previously negotiated withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan has dominated the media for the past week. To be sure, any retreat from failed military operations cannot be expected to be free of difficulty. And there are troubling images of desperate Afghans seeking to escape the anticipated tyranny of Taliban rule.

Fox News, Joe Biden, Jill Biden, Friends

Unfortunately, much of the media coverage has focused on melodramatic moments that lack context. The press as a whole seems to have forgotten what Afghanistan was like prior to the U.S. invasion in 2001. In short, it was pretty much the same then as it will be going forward once the evacuation is complete. No better, no worse, and no discernible benefit from twenty years of occupation. The lesson to be learned is not one about predictable hardships following a lengthy war in hostile territory, but about the futility of waging such wars in the first place.

Not surprisingly, Fox News has taken the most preposterous positions regarding the end of the Afghanistan adventure. They have entirely ignored that the original, severely flawed agreement to leave was negotiated by the Trump administration (which he is still bragging about). That deal has been rebuked by Trump’s own National Security Adviser, General H.R. McMaster, as a surrender agreement.” It lifted all sanctions on the Taliban and freed 5,000 of their imprisoned fighters, but got nothing in return.

What’s more, while Fox News harshly criticizes the Biden administration’s handling of efforts to evacuate Afghans who helped the U.S. during the two decade occupation, they are simultaneously complaining about the prospect of bringing those refugees to America. Tucker Carlson has labeled them “invaders” who are “coming to your neighborhood.”

On Sunday’s episode of Fox and Friends, co-host Rachel Campos-Duffy went to even more bizarre lengths to malign Biden. She began by regurgitating the tedious Fox News trope that Biden is mentally unfit to serve as president (video below):

“I look at this and I think ‘Wow. We had a president who was impeached over a phone call.’ This looks like a much more impeachable offense. If you ask me, I know that’s probably, technically it’s probably not, but when you look at what’s hurting America, when you look at the lack of leadership, and you wonder who are the people responsible for putting someone this incompetent, and frankly this, you know, mentally frail in this position?”

Note that the American people already made their judgment about that by overwhelmingly voting for Biden. And they had previously determined that it was Trump who doesn’t have the mental soundness to serve (according to a Fox News poll, no less). Also, Trump wasn’t impeached “over a phone call.” It was his treasonous effort to pressure the president of Ukraine to interfere in the U.S. election that resulted in the first of his two impeachments.

As for grounds to impeach Biden, Campos-Duffy admits that there aren’t any. (unlike Sen. Lindsey Graham, who is apparently even more ignorant of the Constitution than she is). But her craziness was just getting started.

“Of course the media and many people are saying – you had some people on your show this week who were saying it was Susan Rice and Obama and maybe Valerie Jarrett. I’m sorry, as a political spouse, I can’t help but look at Jill Biden, No one knew better his state of mind than Dr. Jill Biden. And if you ask me, the most patriotic thing Jill Biden could have done was tell her husband – to love her husband and not let him run in this mental state that he’s in. I think she failed the country as well.”

So now it’s all Jill Biden’s fault? Never mind that Campos-Duffy didn’t bother to cite a single example of any behavior by the President that would warrant such concerns. She still managed to place the blame on a woman, and one who is highly accomplished and respected.

However, Campos-Duffy never had any concerns about Melania Trump’s tolerance of her husband’s obvious cognitive deficiencies. After all, Donald Trump believed that stealth fighters are actually invisible, that windmills cause cancer, that we should nuke hurricanes, that George Washington’s Army took over airports, and that injecting bleach will cure COVID.

Melania never said a single word about any of that. Clearly she is not a patriot and is responsible for all of the harm that Trump caused during his four years of non-stop incoherence, ignorance, incompetence, and raging hostility. Is too late to impeach her?

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Lindsey Graham Exposes His Impeachment Hypocrisies as He Attacks Biden on Fox News

There are few people in American politics who are more obsequious sycophants or shameless hypocrites than South Carolina’s senior senator Lindsey Graham. For example, today Graham is a groveling toady for Donald Trump, but during the 2016 presidential election he referred to Trump as a “jackass,” and “a race-baiting, xenophobic, religious bigot,” who “doesn’t have the temperament or judgement to be commander in chief.”

Lindsey Graham, Donald Trump

Graham is, after all, the guy who said of candidate Trump “I think he’s a kook. I think he’s crazy. I think he’s unfit for office.” But a year later Graham complained about Trump’s critics in the press calling him “some kind of kook, not fit to be president.” This video never gets old…

On Friday Graham appeared on Fox News and demonstrated his Olympic-grade ability to flip-flop as he attacked his former friend, Joe Biden. The topic of discussion was the arduous evacuation of Americans and others from Afghanistan. However, his appraisal was rife with fantastical visions of dire circumstances that did not exist in reality. He told his Fox Friends that…

“If we leave one American behind, if we don’t get all those Afghans who stepped up to the plate to help us out, then Joe Biden, in my view has committed a high crime and misdemeanor under the Constitution and should be impeached.”

Graham is deliberately setting up a scenario for failure based on his partisan political hopes rather than the facts on the ground or any genuine concern for the wellbeing of either Americans or Afghans. And he is rushing to place blame on President Biden for problems that have not, and likely will not occur.

Never mind that it was Trump’s malfeasance and incompetence that set the stage for what’s happening now in Afghanistan. Trump’s own Defense secretary, Mark Esper, said that Trump “undermined” the deal with the Taliban. And his national security adviser, General H.R. McMaster, derisively described Trump’s deal as “capitulation,” and a “surrender agreement.”

Graham’s sudden craving for an impeachment is another one of his partisan backflips. While he’s itching to impeach Biden without even the pretense of rational grounds, he voted against impeaching Trump for actual crimes against America – twice. And his preposterous justification for those votes was that “I firmly believe impeachment would further destroy our ability to heal and start over.”

Even more bizarre was Graham’s recent threat to impeach Vice-President Kamala Harris based on an easily provable lie, saying that, “I don’t know how Kamala Harris doesn’t get impeached if Republicans take over the House.” Which is just another crucial reason to vote against every Republican for any office.

Graham clearly has an impeachment fetish, but only when it concerns innocent Democrats. However, he’s happy to forgive his Dear Leader for flagrantly impeachable misconduct. What’s more, Graham is willing to betray his longtime friends in order to achieve his sinister goals.

Remember, both of Trump’s impeachments were over his deranged obsession with destroying Joe Biden. In the first, Trump was found to have pressured the president of Ukraine to dig up nonexistent dirt on Biden. In the second, Trump incited a violent insurrection to overturn the will of the people and prevent the certification of Biden’s electoral victory.

At this point it would safe to disregard Graham as a hyper-partisan, bootlicking, fraud, who will sell out his party, his country, and his soul for a smattering of crumbs from his messiah, Donald Trump. After all the turmoil of the Trump years, Graham still believes that the Republican Party “can’t grow without him.” And he worshipfully declared his desire to “harness the magic” of Trump’s “movement,” while ignoring his “dark side.” Which is something he could just as easily have said about Satan.

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Fox News Gets Spanked for Shamelessly Lying About ‘Spontaneous’ Trump Rally

The sagging fortunes of America’s Biggest Loser, and former reality TV game show host, Donald Trump, continue to swirl down the drain. Not only did voters decisively reject him last November, but his approval ratings have fallen precipitously ever since. He never hit 50% in four years. While President Joe Biden in his first month has been enjoying a post-election honeymoon with a soaring 62% approval.

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Donald Trump Circling the Drain

All of this puts Fox News in an awkward position. They are desperately struggling to frame current events in a manner that is a sharp diversion from reality. The result is a flurry of bizarre stories about House Speaker Nancy Pelosi being responsible for the Capitol Hill riots instigated by Trump; or Lindsey Graham threatening to impeach Vice-President Kamala Harris; or Republicans trying to disassociate themselves from QAnon. Needless to say, none of that is working.

For his Part, Sean Hannity is taking up the call to float some more preposterous notions of how the nation still madly adores their deposed Dear Leader Trump. Hannity led off a segment on his Monday night program by attacking Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell for his lambasting of Trump as “disgraceful” and “responsible” for inciting the January 6th assault on Congress (video below). He put McConnell on notice, slamming him as “sanctimonious” and “way out of touch” with the GOP base. Elaborating, Hannity said…

“Let’s make one thing clear. The seven Republican senators that voted to convict Donald Trump, and other Republicans who have turned their backs on the former president are way out of touch with the base of their own party. A record 75 million Americans turned out for Donald Trump in November and they support him to this very day. […] A few hours ago, spontaneously, thousands of people in Palm Beach lined up in support of the former president as his motorcade traveled through Florida.

Let’s break down this heap of nonsense. First of all, While the seven Republicans who voted to convict Trump might have been out of touch with the radical GOP base, they were steadily aligned with the majority of the American people. What’s more, if the other Republican senators weren’t such cowardly hypocrites, they would have voted to convict Trump as well.

Secondly, Hannity is parroting Trump’s brag about having gotten 75 million votes (it was 74 million). But they are both conveniently forgetting that Biden got 81 million votes. So whatever point he is trying to make about Trump’s alleged popularity, it is still significantly below that of Biden.

However, lying to his viewers is standard operating procedure for Sean Hannity. So it will come as no surprise that he highlighted a video that was posted on Twitter by a former Trump staffer. It showed crowds of Trump cultists lining the streets of Palm Beach as Trump drove by on his way home after golfing. Hannity described this show of support as “spontaneous.”

Later in the same program Hannity interviewed Don Trump Jr. and made the same claim. “Did you see?” Hannity asked. “Thousands of people out of nowhere. Nobody organized it that I could see. Certainly nobody associated with your father that I know of. Do you?” To which Donnie replied “No. This is totally organic. This shows that the American people are with Donald Trump.”

However, it was not the least bit organic. In fact, it had been planned for over a week. The evidence of that was deliciously revealed by CNN’s Brianna Keilar:

This is just another example of how disreputable Hannity and all of his Fox News confederates are. They can’t be relied upon to tell the truth, even on the small things. So naturally the big things are just going to be smothered in even bigger lies. Such as the the one about the election being stolen, which led to five people being killed, and many more injured, by Trump’s Seditionist Brigades.

Hannity polished off his segment with some equally absurd outrages concerning Mitch McConnell, demanding that he “give a speech on the Senate floor and hold [Kamala Harris, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, and Maxine Waters] accountable for their incitement of insurrection.” Huh?

Hannity also claimed that he has “a long and growing list of Democrats who should now qualify for impeachment and impeachment trial. You can start with Kamala Harris, Chuck Schumer, Joe Biden, and work your way through the list.” Really?

He closed with an unusually honest commentary, so long as he was directing it at himself and Fox News: “Journalism in this country is dead and buried. We are in the middle of an information crisis in this country. And media is not coming back to life anytime soon.” Actually, with Fox News now floundering in third place behind CNN and MSNBC, I may be a little more optimistic than Hannity.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Despite Their Vote, GOP Senators Actually Think Trump is Guilty of Inciting Riots

The Senate trial of Donald Trump for inciting the deadly Capitol Hill insurrection on January 6th is over. But the debate over Trump’s guilt or innocence is not. While Trump was judged to be guilty by a significant, bipartisan majority of 57 senators – the most ever for an impeached president – the vote fell short of the two-thirds majority to convict Trump. But that is not the whole story.

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Donald Trump, Prison

The folks at Just Security, an online forum based at the Reiss Center on Law and Security at New York University School of Law, did an analysis of the public comments made by all of the senators with regard to their positions on Trump’s culpability for the assault on the Capitol by Trump’s Seditionist Brigades. The results reveal that even those who voted to acquit Trump were not absolving him of responsibility:

“Some senators clearly voted in support of Trump’s defense against the allegations. Other senators, however, indicated that the House Managers proved their case but that the senator did not vote to convict on the theory that the Senate lacked jurisdiction to try a former president. […]

[A]s a matter of law, it is technically inaccurate to call many of these 43 senators’ decisions a vote to ‘acquit,’ at least not on the question of guilt or innocence. Indeed, over half of the 43 senators were either critical of Trump or expressed neither criticism nor support for him on the merits.”

So only 11 of the 43 senators who voted to acquit Trump did so because they thought he was not guilty. The rest did so because they thought the Senate couldn’t impeach a former president. Thirteen senators – including the GOP Minority Leader Mitch McConnell – were critical of Trump as “disgraceful” and “responsible” for inciting the insurrectionist riots.

If those senators had voted with the other seven who voted guilty, there would have been more than enough votes to convict Trump. But because the Republicans were intent on letting Trump skate, they exploited a dishonest technicality (that the Senate had previously dispensed with) in order to achieve their pre-determined end.

In short, they chose to vote for political self-interest rather than truth. They chose to stand with a criminal, rather than with their country. And that perfectly defines the character (or lack thereof) of today’s Republican Party.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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WTF? Lindsey Graham Threatens to Impeach … VP Kamala Harris?

The madness of the Republican Party is skidding off the trail and over a cliff. Despite having just lost the legal debate over the impeachment of Donald Trump, and resorting to “cancelling” their own members for daring to vote their conscience, the GOP’s top spokesmodels are exhibiting signs of severe mental collapse.

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Lindsey Graham, Donald Trump

Sen. Lindsey Graham visited with Fox News’ Senior Trump-Fluffer, Maria Bartiromo, Sunday morning to defend his unconscionable vote to acquit Trump for inciting an insurrection. He ignored a mountain of evidence in order to obediently comply with the demands of his Dear Leader. But during the segment on Fox News, Graham trotted out the most ludicrous allegation imaginable as a means of diverting attention from his own detestable behavior:

“The trial record was a complete joke. Hearsay upon hearsay. And we’ve opened Pandora’s box to future presidents. If we use this model I don’t know how Kamala Harris doesn’t get impeached if Republicans take over the House. Because she actually bailed out rioters and one of the rioters went back to the streets and broke somebody’s head open. So we’ve opened Pandora’s box here, and I’m sad for the country.”

Graham is not the only one who is sad for the country. So are the majority of Americans who supported the conviction of Trump and are looking forward to his being held accountable in criminal and civil courts.

More to the point, Graham’s suggestion that Vice-President Kamala Harris could be subjected to impeachment if Republicans take control of Congress is the best argument for voting against every Republican in 2022 and beyond. He is shamelessly conceding that it would only be done as brazen political vengeance. Not that this shady motive hasn’t been evident in everything that Graham, and most of his Republican confederates, have done for years.

In addition to his craven politicization of impeachment, Graham is also lying about Harris. She never bailed out anyone, especially not rioters or other violent lawbreakers. The thread that Graham is dangling from concerns a tweet wherein Harris expressed support for the Minneapolis Freedom Fund (MFF), an organization that raised money to bail out peaceful protesters in Minnesota who were arrested following the police murder of George Floyd.

The MFF did provide bail for others who were charged with more serious crimes, but had nothing to do with the protests or those Harris was seeking to help. Even so, there is no evidence that any protester, or any other beneficiary, committed any crimes after being bailed out. Graham’s statement that Harris “actually bailed out rioters” and that “one of the rioters went back to the streets and broke somebody’s head open,” is a bald-faced lie.

This is a demonstration of how desperate Graham and the GOP are. They know that Trump is guilty of inciting a deadly riot, and they know that they are culpable for aiding and abetting his treason. That’s why they will only show up on Fox News where they know that they won’t be challenged by partisan suck-ups like Bartiromo. However, they also won’t stem the tide of disgust that is rising against them as they continue to engage in pathetic and desperate displays like this preposterous attack on VP Harris.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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CANCEL CULTure: Intolerant GOP Censures Members Who Voted to Impeach Trump

Now that Donald Trump has made history as the first reality TV game show host to be impeached twice, his toxic legacy is infecting the Republican Party that kneeled before him for four excruciating years. The latest humiliation for the Party came when they failed to convict Trump for inciting the Capitol Hill Insurrection, despite the avalanche of evidence.

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Donald Trump, GOP

The fact remains that a bipartisan majority of the Senate (57-43) voted to convict Trump, just not the two-thirds required to seal his fate. But that technicality doesn’t distract from the fact that the Democrats won the impeachment debate. And it won’t prevent Trump from being remembered forever by the American people for betraying his country.

For Trump and his apologists to regard having lost a majority of the Senate is a bizarre twist on the concept of victory. Even GOP leader Mitch McConnell ultimately conceded Trump’s guilt. After the vote he described Trump’s behavior as a “disgraceful dereliction of duty” about which he said “There’s no question, none, that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day.” Which makes his vote to acquit an exercise in flaming hypocrisy and cowardice.

In the meantime, the disgraced GOP appears intent on cementing their reputation as a closed-minded confederacy of goose-stepping ultra-rightists who demand strict obedience to party dogma. The few Republicans who dared to vote their conscience and convict Trump have already been subjected to the lash wielded by the Party Martinets of Virtue.

A frenzy of censures have been imposed on the disobedient ones who betrayed Dear Leader. They include Sen. Bill Cassidy, Sen. Richard Burr, Sen. Ben Sasse, Sen. Pat Toomey, Rep. Liz Cheney, Rep. Peter Meijer, Rep. Fred Upton, Rep. Tom Rice, and Gov, Doug Ducey, so far.

This is the punishment for exercising free thought in today’s GOP. The party has devolved so drastically that it cannot even pretend to be supportive of law and order or the democratic principles upon which the nation was founded. And it is making a mockery of its complaints about “cancel culture” by literally canceling their own members for the crime of honoring the Constitution and for having a spine.

The GOP’s Ministry of Disinformation (aka Fox News) is getting tossed in the torrent. On one hand they are joining the Party’s lynch mob to attack wayward Republicans. On the other, many of Trump’s cult disciples are abandoning Fox News for not being sufficiently worshipful. What’s a shameless purveyor of propaganda to do?

This may all be a harbinger of doom for the Republican party. There have been rumors that Trump has been toying with the idea of splitting from the GOP and starting his own self-exalting Church of Trump Party. Although he doesn’t really need to do that because he already owns the GOP.

A more likely scenario would be that Republicans of the more sane variety (if they exist) will bolt and start a third party of their own. Either way, what we know today as the Republican Party is falling apart. And that will be good news for Democrats in 2022 and beyond.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Despite What Fox News Says, Democrats Won the Impeachment Debate

Donald Trump has secured a place in history as the only reality TV game show host to be impeached twice. He holds fully 50% of all impeachments for United States Presidents. And while the outcome of this second attempt by Democrats in Congress to hold Trump accountable for betraying his oath of office and his country was never in much doubt, his legacy will forever reflect his treasonous acts.

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Donald Trump Walking the Plank

The Senate is an august body that is often referred to as “deliberative.” That is less true in these modern times as hyper-partisanship has infected a cowardly confederacy of Republicans who ignored the fact-based evidence in order to express their blind devotion to a dishonest and disgraced demagogue whose lust for power very nearly brought down the American experiment in democracy.

However, the much larger constituency of the populace at large was not as easily misled as their senatorial so-called representatives. The latest polling of citizens on the question of Trump’s guilt diverges sharply from the survey of Senators voting in Trump’s impeachment hearing:

“Seventy-one percent of American adults, including nearly half of all Republicans, believe former President Donald Trump was at least partially responsible for starting the deadly Jan. 6 assault on the U.S. Capitol, according to an Ipsos poll conducted for Reuters.”

So nearly three-quarters of the American people believe Trump is guilty. And while all fifty Democratic senators agree with the nation’s citizenry, only seven Republicans did. Even so, that still makes this the most bipartisan vote to convict an impeached president in history.

For Trump and his apologists to regard having lost a majority of 57% of the Senate is a bizarre twist on the concept of victory. Even GOP leader Mitch McConnell ultimately conceded Trump’s guilt. After the vote he described Trump’s behavior as a “disgraceful dereliction of duty” about which he said “There’s no question, none, that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day.” Which makes his vote to acquit an exercise in flaming hypocrisy and cowardice.

It isn’t very often that poll respondents ever approach 71% agreement on any political issue. So it’s significant that a majority that lopsided has occurred with an issue as controversial as impeachment. And this unity (which many in politics and the press have been clamoring for) occurred despite the best efforts of Fox News to distort reality and thrust their biased propaganda down the throats of their eagerly deceived audience.

What this tells us is that Fox News doesn’t have the broad-based influence to which they like to pretend. In fact, the ratings for the impeachment hearings prove how weak Fox’s grip on the nation’s news consumers really is. For instance, CNN reports that “Fox fell below 1 million viewers during the afternoon coverage period. For comparison’s sake MSNBC averaged 3 million and CNN averaged 2.9 million viewers.” Fox News has been coming in third regularly since the election in November of last year.

Some pundits have been asserting that Trump’s hide was saved by the existence of an ultra-rightist network that was parroting his lies and propaganda. But the ratings show that that isn’t the case. Trump’s support among his cult followers was baked in before the Senate hearings began. The efforts by Fox to shape the debate were seen by only a tiny faction of already convinced devotees. And during much of the time leading up to the impeachment, the only news for Trump was bad news. His lawyers were embarrassing themselves and/or quitting. And Fox News shills were being caught in flagrant lies and/or getting fired.

In the end, Trump’s defense was a humiliating mish-mash of the sort of malarkey that was dispensed by Trump-fluffers on Fox and other wingnut media, and that used to appear in Trump’s now-canceled Twitter feed. And the ridiculousness of the Trump defenders wasn’t lost by credible and respected observers who commented on their ineptitude, as well as Trump’s grim future:

NOTE: Twitter recently suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.