Why Every Argument to Acquit Donald Trump is Pure, Unadulterated Bull****

The Senate hearing for Donald Trump’s historic second impeachment has entered its defense stage. This follows the devastatingly effective presentation of the House impeachment managers who factually and passionately demonstrated how unarguably guilty Trump is for having incited a violent insurrection and an attack on the United States Congress.

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Donald Trump

The Trump defense began with a comically stereotypical comment that illustrates just how vacant the defense team’s strategy is. “Like every other politically motivated witch hunt the left has engaged in over the past four years,” began attorney Bruce Castor, “this impeachment is completely divorced from the facts, the evidence, and the interests of the American people.” So Trump’s team has been fully marinated in Trump’s own buzzwords and fallacies.

Castor went on to present a long collection of video clips suggesting that any use of the word “fight” with reference to a political objective was identical to Trump’s repeated provocations to act out violently. There is, however, a significant difference. We know that none of the remarks by the Democrats in the video resulted in an invasion of Congress or any other display of violence. And we know what Trump’s exhortations to his cult disciples did.

In order to have a concise record of precisely why Trump’s defense is so feeble and patently dishonest, what follows is a summary of the arguments that Trump’s lawyers will offer in defense of the indefensible:

Trump’s defenders have already tried to argue that it is unconstitutional to impeach a president who is no longer in office. But Trump was impeached while he was still in office. The subsequent Senate hearing is explicitly authorized by the Constitution that says that “The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments.”

Free Speech
Trump’s team will argue that Trump was merely exercising his right to free speech like any other American citizen. But free speech has exceptions when the speech is so inflammatory as to present a threat to public safety. Clearly, the consequences of Trump’s speech show that it fit that exception.

No Direct Incitement
Trump’s lawyers will try to divorce Trump from his hostile rhetoric. But the record of months of relentless goading produced exactly the horrific results that Trump intended and that anyone could have foreseen. And Trump’s cavalier attitude after learning of the assault, and his refusal to provide help, is affirmation of his support for the rioters acting at his direction.

Trump’s team will attempt to divert attention from Trump’s atrocities to wholly unrelated events. They will suggest that violence that occurred during Black Lives Matter protests was identical in principle to the storming of Congress by Trump’s Seditionist Brigades. But those looters were not associated with the BLM demonstrations or their organizers. And in any case, that doesn’t absolve Trump of any of his crimes. It’s like saying that a bank robber shouldn’t be convicted because some other bank at some other time was robbed by somebody else.

Preplanned, Partisan, Political Theater
Trump’s legal strategy rests heavily on claiming that the whole matter was politically motivated and therefore illegitimate. To believe that one would have to ignore the mountains of evidence against Trump. Facts are nonpartisan. And the fact that some of the insurrectionists planned their crimes in advance doesn’t meran that Trump wasn’t responsible. He was inciting them for months. and even funded the January 6th rally.

Fear of Electoral Repercussions
This would be the only valid argument from the perspective of Republican senators planning to vote for Trump’s acquittal. They surely have good reason to believe that they would suffer politically if they anger the Trump Cultists in their states. Particularly in the highly partisan primary elections. But that is a terrible reason to align with treasonous acts and to succumb to the cowardly position of acquitting Trump despite the evidence against him.

That pretty much sums up the Trump defense. On the other hand, there are much more substantial reasons to convict him. First and foremost is that he is so obviously guilty.

In addition to that, it is imperative that any president who engages in such appalling behavior must be punished. He must be punished out of a sense of duty, but also as a deterrent to future demagogues, as well as future insurrectionists.

Finally, history demands a conviction so that the crimes of this president are established and recorded for posterity. Otherwise, we will very likely undergo the same sort of atrocities by even more destructive, sociopathic, wannabe tyrants.

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Fox News Cuts Away From Senate Impeachment Hearing During the Most Horrifying Parts

The historic second Senate Impeachment hearing of Donald Trump is unfolding with nauseating evidence of the assault by Trump’s Seditionist Brigades. It is new security camera video from inside the Capitol and shows the insurrectionists, as well as the members of Congress and the staffs being ushered to relative safety.

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Fox News, Censorship

These videos would make any sane, patriotic American cringe at the thought of how Trump and his cult followers desecrated the seat of American democracy and threatened the lives of representatives and others performing their constitutional duties. This treasonous riot in progress was among the most compelling parts of the House impeachment manager’s presentation.

So naturally, Fox News stopped airing it. All three broadcast networks, along with CNN and MSNBC aired it all live. But Fox thought it was more important to show their viewers what the screwball pundits on The Five had to say about the day’s news, some of which had nothing to do with the Senate hearing. The last thing Fox News wanted was to show videos of the Trump Brigades breaking into the Capitol and terrorizing innocent people.

This is more evidence that Fox News is NOT news. In fact, they are afraid the news. and they are afraid to allow their viewers to see what really happened on January 6. They need to keep them as ignorant as possible so they will continue to believe the Trump propaganda. And it really doesn’t matter what they show instead.

In this case it was a segment about an NBA team owner who briefly said he wouldn’t play the National Anthem before a game. And Fox thought that was the most pressing news at that moment in time. Seth Myers nailed on Tuesday night in his “Closer Look” segment when he said that “The smaller the story Fox News is focusing on, the bigger the story they’re ignoring is.”

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Trump is Plotting His Post-Impeachment Comeback After His Failed Coup Attempt

The Senate is hearing the case for Donald Trump’s impeachment. There are a lot of good and necessary reasons to convict Trump. His words and actions for weeks prior to the Capitol insurrection are more than sufficient evidence of his intent to incite his seditionist brigades. The violence that occurred would not have happened but for Trump’s encouragement.

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Donald Trump Tyrant Dictator

Trump’s defenders are leaning on the argument that it is unconstitutional to impeach Trump after he has left office. That is not only untrue (the Constitution literally states that the Senate “shall” have sole authority to try “all” impeachments), but even if it were, Trump was impeached while he was still in office, so the argument is irrelevant.

What the focus on this bogus defense tells us is that Republicans have absolutely no legitimate defense for what Trump actually did. So they are struggling to avoid that debate altogether and get him off on a technicality. In other words, both Democrats and Republicans agree that Trump’s actions were abhorrent and even impeachable, and he is guilty as charged. Republicans, however, want to let the whole coup thing slide. They seem to be arguing that every president should be allowed one violent attempt to overthrow the government. But after that…?

In the meantime, Trump is said to be biding his time and planning his comeback tour. He’s laying low and playing golf so as to project an impression that he doesn’t care about any of this. But, according to what Trump associates told Politico, he has big plans brewing:

“Now, heading into what could have been an historic bipartisan rebuke, the former president and his team are confident both of his acquittal and that he’ll come out of the trial with his influence over the Republican party all but cemented.”

So Trump is feeling pretty good about having gotten away with a treasonous assault on the Congress of the United States. Just as he predicted, his supporters wouldn’t abandon him even if he shot someone on 5th Avenue. The solidarity of the Trump-publican Party is surprisingly sturdy.

What’s strange about this is is that the American people are solidly opposed to Trump and favor his impeachment and conviction. So what’s in it for Republicans to continue propping him up? This Senate hearing would be the perfect opportunity to free themselves from the yoke of Trump’s noxious and unpopular authoritarianism and egomania. They should take advantage of it.

Furthermore, Trump is not likely to remain sequestered in his Mar-a-Lago bunker forever. His silence will eventually give way to to his narcissistic compulsion to exalt himself. He can’t resist. That could result in some form of televised programming. He could launch another unreality program on Newsmax or OANN. There would be no guarantee of success for him in that venture. In fact, it likely only draw a tiny audience of glassy-eyed disciples.

The worst part of this possibility is that it would subject the nation (and the world) to more of the daily torture of watching Trump lying, and whining, and insulting, and bragging about himself, every damn day. He spent the last four years turning the presidency into a sort of daily soap opera, never giving the public a rest. People forget that in past presidential administrations you could go for weeks without hearing anything about the president. But Trump had to always be the center of attention.

Consequently, while Senators could comfortably convict Trump on the merits of the evidence against him, they should also be thinking about the mental health welfare of the nation. Their conviction could ensure that we wouldn’t have to see his craggy face or hear his grating voice every day. His conviction would banish him to his own private prison where his acid rants wouldn’t splash on the rest of us.

For Republicans, convicting Trump would allow them to pursue their political agenda without having to repeatedly make excuses for more of Trump’s atrocities and idiocies. It would free them to engage in an ideological debate on substantive issues that matter to them. And for those reasons alone the GOP members of the Senate should more seriously consider voting to convict Trump and get him out of their way. The question is, do they have the intellect and courage to do that? Don’t bet the rent money on it.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Fox News is ‘Working the Refs’ to Whip Up Negative News Coverage of Biden

Never let it be said that Fox News isn’t wholly dedicated to their founding mission of denigrating Democrats at all times regardless of how deeply they have to descend into dishonesty. It’s a skill they’ve honed for twenty-five years, and they aren’t resting on their laurels.

Fox News, Sean Hannity, Joe Biden

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Joe Biden has been president for two days. But in Fox World that’s an eternity of dread. Consequently, they are already accelerating their notorious and irrational outrage with a barrage of utterly preposterous attacks that would make any credible journalist cringe. Luckily for Fox, they don’t have any credible journalists to worry about.

Which explains how they can run stories about “Biden’s Disastrous First Week” before the first day has gone by. That was the theme of Sean Hannity’s Hour of White Nationalism on Thursday night. Hannity dared to approach such subjects as Biden “begging for a break” when a reporter asked if his 100 vaccinations in 100 days was too low a bar. What Biden actually said was “When I announced it, you all said it was not possible. C’mon, gimme a break, man.” To Hannity, that familiar Biden phrase was “begging” and proof that “Apparently only one serious question from a reporter was a little too much for him to handle.”

Apparently Hannity has severe cognitive problems. But he was just getting started. Hannity went on to inadvisedly raise the question of Biden’s cognition in the same nauseatingly infantile manner that his fallen hero Donald Trump did. In a tirade against the bipartisan impeachment of Trump, Hannity lashed out saying that…

“At this point, a trial serves absolutely no purpose but to inflame the tensions of this country. It’s the swamp theater and it’s at its worst. The country should be asking tonight, Mr. Unity, Mr. Frail, Weak, Cognitively Struggling Joe, I know this is past your bedtime. Maybe you will consider standing up to the radicalism in your own party and put an end to the charade right now. I doubt that will happen. Joe and his fellow Democrats don’t seem to care about unity. All they want is revenge.”

Someone needs to educate Hannity about the purpose of impeachment. It is not just to slap the wrists of treasonous presidents. It is also important to establish a record of the crimes, prohibit the criminal from serving in federal office in the future, nullify perks such as pensions, office and travel allowances, security, and to deter future wrongdoers. And Hannity’s disingenuous remarks about unity land with a thud when they are said in the same breath as his insults.

Hannity was not alone in the Fox News rush to malign Biden. Fox’s newly minted White House correspondent, Peter Doocy, invented a bizarre and utterly false narrative about Biden violating his own mandate to wear masks. Brian Kilmeade wanted to know “Where in Joe Biden’s speech did he condemn Antifa?” Which is an organization that doesn’t actually exist. Tucker Carlson was concerned about Biden “opening the borders and crushing our country’s last remaining economic sector.” Neither of which Biden has advocated. And Laura Ingraham accused the Biden administration of “uniting behind lawlessness.” Which is a charge that is far more applicable to Trump and his confederates at Fox News. In fact, dozens of Trump’s associates have actually been indicted and/or convicted. For Biden the number of criminal cohorts is precisely zero.

There is a method to this madness by Fox News. It is their objective to whine about fake assertions that Biden and Democrats are neck deep in criminality and that the mainstream media is giving them a pass. Never mind that there is no evidence of the alleged crimes that Fox says are rampant. They are only interested in pushing the press to ramp up their negative coverage of Biden. Fox thinks that by inventing crimes, they can shame other reporters into covering them, or complain if they don’t.

Some news organizations may fall for this in order to avoid being accused of a bias in favor of Biden. But it isn’t biased to refrain from reporting intentionally fabricated allegations. And the media needs to be vigilant that they don’t wind up amplifying lies in the name of a fake standard of balance. Balance has never been a legitimate standard for journalism. Truth is the standard. You don’t interview a flat-earther to “balance” your coverage of a scientist who said the Earth is round. But that’s the goal of Fox’s knee-jerk attacks on Biden after only two days as President.

Biden addressed the “lies for profit” industry in his inaugural address. It was an unusually profound commentary that isn’t often brought up in inaugural speeches. Meanwhile, the Daily Show picked up on the nefarious intentions of Fox News and posted this enlightening video compilation:

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Trump Seeks ‘Common Ground’ With Racist, Seditionist, Violent, Conspiracy Crackpots

Donald Trump is fond of bragging about being the bestest “whatever” he happens to be ranting about at any particular moment in time. Well now he can honestly say that he is the most impeached president ever – by far! I know it. You know it. Everyone knows it. He has twice the impeachments of any other president. He has impeachments like no one has ever seen before. So much impeachment that you’ll get tired of him getting impeached (doubtful).

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Donald Trump, MAGA

There should be automatic deportation, or at least incarceration, for anyone impeached more than once. How many assaults on the country should be tolerated before there are tangible consequences? So far, Trump is getting a pass for his treason and is attempting to whitewash his crimes.

In response to his record setting impeachedness, Trump released a video in which he claimed to be shocked by the violence that he purposefully incited (and continues doing so). He is now calling for the tensions he recklessly inflamed to be calmed. It will be interesting to see if his glassy-eyed cult disciples comply with this request, or if they are now an autonomous mob of anti-American Trumpian insurrectionists who defy even their Dear Leader’s pathetic and disingenuous appeals.

In addition to Trump’s desperate grasping at legal absolution in his video, he couldn’t resist lashing out (again) at social media for finally taking action against him and his supporters who have been advocating and orchestrating violence. It’s telling that Trump couldn’t just admonish those committing violence in his name and leave it at that. Nope. His ego raised up to interrupt this message and whine about being deservedly banned by Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, et al. However, his crybaby tirade only made things worse. He asserted that he was “calling on all Americans to overcome the passions of the moment, and join together as one American people.” Elaborating, he said that…

“I also want to say a few words about the unprecedented assault on free speech, we have seen in recent days. These are tense and difficult times. The efforts to censor, cancel, and blacklist our fellow citizens are wrong and they are dangerous. What is needed now is for us to listen to one another, not to silence one another. All of us can choose by our actions to rise above the rancor and find common ground and shared purpose. We must focus on advancing the interests of the whole nation.”

Don’t be fooled. Trump, who has repeatedly maligned the free press as “the enemy of the people,” is not suddenly concerned about some generalized “assault on free speech.” He is only concerned about himself and is upset that he can’t tweet anymore. However, his self-serving invective is revealing when you know who he is so anxious to find “common ground and shared purpose” with.

The parties Trump is coming to the defense of are predominantly the perpetrators of violence and disseminators of dangerously dishonest conspiracy theories. They are QAnon, Stop the Steal, and other deviant purveyors of lies, and agitators like Alex Jones. You cannot “rise above the rancor” if those for whom you are advocating are the most vile and rancorous instigators.

What’s more, Trump’s criticism of “efforts to censor, cancel, and blacklist,” can’t be taken seriously. He is the King of Cancel Culture. He will demand that any person or company or organization that doesn’t unreservedly worship him be banished from society. He has explicitly called for boycotts of “offenders” at least ten times, mostly against American businesses such as Harley-Davidson, CNN, Apple, Macy’s, Univision, Mexico, HBO, Rolling Stone, AT&T, and even Fox News.

It is most definitely not the time to listen to the racists, seditionists, and conspiracy crackpots with whom Trump is so closely aligned. To the contrary, they must be driven out of the public discourse. Trump’s efforts to prop them up in the midst of a speech that is allegedly calling for peace is further proof of his unapologetic hypocrisy and/or severe dementia.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Trump’s Impeachment Message Fails to Condemn His Violent Seditionists

The second impeachment of Donald Trump was in progress for hours when the desperate and despondent President sent an urgent message to his most fervently loyal supporter, Fox News.

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Donald Trump, Nazi Flags

The message that Trump sent was short and blatantly self-serving. It read

“In light of reports of more demonstrations, I urge that there must be NO violence. NO lawbreaking, and NO vandalism of any kind. That is not what I stand for, and it is not what America stands for. I call on ALL Americans to help ease tensions and calm tempers. Thank you.”

The first thing to make note of here is that Trump did not go on television himself to deliver this message. He apparently doesn’t think that keeping the peace during the nation’s quadrennial transfer of power isn’t important enough to warrant his personal attention. Instead, he sends his message – not to the whole of the press where more people will hear it – but to Fox News alone.

More importantly, Trump’s message was carefully worded to avoid accepting any responsibility on his part or the part of the hostile insurrectionists that he incited. Which shouldn’t surprise anyone considering that he and his confederates have actually been threatening more violence if he is held to account. His disingenuous request to refrain from violence isn’t even directed at the perpetrators of violence. Notice that he aims his remarks at “ALL Americans,” as if all Americans just assaulted Congress last week in an insurrection that resulted in at least five deaths.

By not identifying those responsible for the atrocities in Washington, Trump is, in effect, letting them off the hook. Either that, or he’s accusing all Americans of these heinous acts. But he knows full well who is responsible. He knows who is organizing the upcoming demonstrations he referred to. And he knows that they have a propensity for violence.

Last week Trump and others on the right claimed that the congressional attackers weren’t Trump supporters at all. He pointed his short, knobby fingers at Antifa, an organization that doesn’t actually exist. However, as satirist Andy Borowitz pointed out, “If, in fact, Trump thinks that the rioters were Antifa, it was really nice of him to do that video where he said that he loved them.”

Finally, Trump’s assertion that violence is “not what I stand for,” is a flagrant lie. Violence has been a core part of his “movement” from the start. He has praised those who assaulted his critics. He fantasized about assaulting them himself. And with regard to the attack on Congress, he told his cult disciples that “If you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.” He said that at a rally just prior to sending them off to invade the Capitol. He also said that he would be going with them. That was also a lie. He actually returned to the safety of his bunker at the White House. And this is the “macho man” that his cult idolizes?

Watch Trump and his shills, especially Fox News, disgorge inflammatory rhetoric to incite his civil war:

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Frightened GOP Traitors Are Suffering From PTSD – Post-Trump Sedition Disorder

The failed Trump Insurrection was only four days ago. However, the devoted enablers of Donald Trump are are already attempting to distance themselves from the sedition they were advocating. In the wake of the tragedy that has resulted in at least five deaths so far, they are frantically seeking to bury their own complicity and present themselves as uniters.

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Trump Fear

Sorry. That isn’t going to fly. You don’t get to beg for mercy and togetherness after you spent months fomenting animus, hatred, and flagrant lies aimed at suppressing the will of the American people. After someone has plowed through your rose garden and poisoned your dog, he can’t make a plea to be good neighbors now that he’s facing charges for felony arson because he was also caught setting fire to your house.

There have to be consequences for unlawful acts. The perpetrators must be punished in order to serve justice and to deter others. You can only achieve real unity by honestly applying the law without favor or bias, not by forgiving the heinous crimes of the privileged. That, however, is precisely the dead end path that guilty Republicans are scurrying along. For instance…

  • Kevin McCarthy: Impeaching the President with just 12 days left will only divide our country more.
  • Ted Cruz: We must come together and put this anger and division behind us.
  • Lindsey Graham: I firmly believe impeachment would further destroy our ability to heal and start over.
  • And of course, Trump: We must revitalize the sacred bonds of love and loyalty, that bind us together as one national family.

None of these hypocrites have any standing to cry for unity. They have been unity’s enemies for pretty much… ever! Typical among them is ultra-rightist Rep. Jim Jordan. He made his own appeal to forgive and forget the right’s abhorrent criminality, and was firmly in lock-step with his confederates:

“Impeachment is for a sitting president. And the President, if the Democrats pursue this, could not have a trial until after he has left office. So I think it’s got real constitutional problems. But most importantly, it’s not healthy for the nation. We’re at an important point. I’m very concerned about where we’re at. I hope we can begin to come back together.”

Jordan is helpfully demonstrating what a horrible source he is for constitutional law. There is nothing in the Constitution or subsequent legislation that requires a president to be currently serving in order to be impeached. Congress could impeach Calvin Coolidge now if they chose to. And Jordan is hardly the right person to advocate for unity when his whole career in Congress has been dedicated to creating partisan hostility and division. What’s more, appointing himself as the magistrate of morality is a humongous stretch considering how he covered up sexual abuse when he was a student wrestling coach at Ohio State.

With regard to the seditious acts of the Trump Insurrection, it is necessary to impeach Trump in order to establish a legal record of his conviction for inciting his violent cult disciples. It is also necessary to prevent him from running for office in the future. It is also necessary to prohibit the government from paying for his pension, healthcare, office, staff, and security, for the rest of his life. It is also necessary as notice to Trump’s enablers (Pence, Cruz, Hawley, Pompeo, Haley, and even Tucker Carlson) that their servile bootlicking earned them no political benefit.

These backsliding hypocrites are exhibiting the cowardice for which they are famous. Now that they face some legal peril they are anxious to sue for peace. They are feigning a desire for harmony, but only after their vicious assault failed and they’re too scared to suffer the consequences. But it’s not their choice anymore. The law must prevail. And they’ve been caught red-handed because of all the blood on their hands.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

HUH? Trump Backers Oppose Impeachment Because It Would Upset Trump Backers

The calls for Donald Trump to be removed from office are coming faster and more furiously with each passing hour. A solid majority (57%) of the American people want Trump booted out of office immediately. There are even Republicans who have stated publicly that they support Trump’s impeachment or removal by the 25th Amendment of the Constitution. Clearly the nation has had enough. They don’t believe he is mentally fit to captain the ship of state, and they want him thrown overboard.

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Donald Trump Walking the Plank

Trump, meanwhile, has bunkered in the White House watching Fox News and tweeting incoherently. He is likely seeking out support from any quarter that can still stomach his madness and destructive behavior.

Sadly, there are some factions of anti-democratic cult disciples who continue to worship Dear Leader no matter how heinous his betrayal of America. Some of them are member of Congress who haven’t the courage to defy him. Take House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy, who told reporters that “Impeaching the President with just 12 days left in his term will only divide our country more.”

That is typical of the arguments being made now on Trump’s behalf. It is hardly logical, but it’s all they have left. They are saying that pursuing impeachment or the 25th Amendment would only create more division and inflame Trump and his cult. They say that Trump should get a free pass in order to facilitate healing and unity. The problem is that that suggests that unity is only possible by giving in to Trump in order to appease his supporters who are a distinct minority.

Why can’t we achieve unity instead by prosecuting Trump in order to appease the majority of the American people? It makes no sense whatsoever to accept the argument that the Trump side must be pacified or their feelings will be hurt and they’ll become even more violent. Succumbing to that bullstuff is, in effect, succumbing to the threat of violence. It would be like declining to prosecute Charles Manson because it would have upset Manson’s family. And after all, don’t we all want unity?

There is really only one path to heal the nation in the post-Trump era. We must hold the wrongdoers – especially Trump – accountable. There must be consequences for unlawful acts and deliberately seditious incitements to violence. That’s the only way the perpetrators can be constrained. And it’s the only way to deter future criminal demagogues and aspiring tyrants. It is, in fact, the best course for healing and unity because it brings everyone together in support if the democratic principles that America is supposed to stand for. Hopefully President-Elect Joe Biden will see it this way. There is some indication that he does. In a press briefing on Friday he said that…

“I was told on the way up here that [Trump] indicated that he is not going to show up at the inauguration. One of the few things he and I have ever agreed on. It’s a good thing him not showing up. […] Because he exceeded even my worst notions about him. He’s been an embarrassment to the country, embarrassed us around the world. He’s not worthy, not worthy to hold that office.”

Biden added that removing Trump from office is not his role. It is the business of Congress. So Congress, bring on the impeachment of Trump. And bring on the invocation of the 25th Amendment. Make Trump pay a price for his crimes. And make his accomplices regret having been so cowardly and servile and/or self-serving. Once Trump has been indicted, tried, and convicted, the nation can be proud of having lived up to its promise of justice for all, and the creed that no one is above the law.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

LISTEN: Trump Threatens Georgia Officials For Not Helping Him Subvert the Election

If anyone is still looking for a smoking gun to implicate Donald Trump in a criminal act, Trump himself just fired it. Shooting off his big mouth again, Trump openly pressured Georgia’s Secretary of State to alter the the election results in order to make Trump the victor. And it’s all been captured on tape.

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Donald Trump, Impeach

The Washington Post broke this story with the release of excerpts from an hour long phone call between Trump and Georgia’s Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger. Trump is heard explicitly pressuring Raffensperger and even threatening to charge him with criminal acts if he doesn’t comply with Trump’s flagrantly unlawful demands:

“You know what they did and you’re not reporting it. That’s a criminal offense. And you can’t let that happen. That’s a big risk to you and to Ryan [Germany], your lawyer. That’s a big risk.

“They are shredding ballots in my opinion, based on what I’ve heard. And they are removing machinery, and they’re moving it as fast as they can. Both of which are criminal finds. And you can’t let it happen, and you are letting it happen. You know, I’m notifying you that you’re letting it happen.”

So Trump was officially giving notice to these Georgia officials that he intends to hold them criminally liable for the fake offenses he is accusing them of. That notice was clearly meant to scare them into submission. And by his own admission, his demands to overturn the election were based entirely on “rumors” and “what I’ve heard.” He still has no actual evidence, which is why he already lost about 60 lawsuits alleging election fraud.

It’s a desperate act by a desperate man who knows that when he leaves the White House he will be the one liable for an array of criminal and civil violations of the law. It’s literally driving Trump crazy (or crazier) than he’s ever been. And it exposes him to even more legal peril than he was in prior to this bizarre incident.

But that’s not the only act of desperation by Trump this weekend. On Saturday he dispatched his loyal but incompetent trade advisor, Peter Navarro, to Fox News to assert a blatantly unconstitutional “right” to delay Joe Biden’s inauguration. And Fox’s “Judge” Jeanine Pirro happily embraced the ludicrous notion.

The Trump tape (full hour and transcript here) also contained a familiar tactic used by Trump to twist the arms of his victims. He told Raffensperger that “All I want to do is this. I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have. Because we won the state.” That’s the preamble to his “quid pro quo” that culminated with the threats above.

That’s exactly the same thing he tried on President Zelensky of Ukraine, which got him impeached. And it isn’t too late to impeach him again. Even if he’s out of office when the impeachment is conducted, It’s useful to establish the illegality of his behavior and to prohibit him from holding office in the future. It is also necessary as an attempt to deter him from committing more crimes in the few weeks he is still president. Lord knows what he’s capable of at this point, and in this deranged state of mind.

NOTE: Twitter recently suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Impeached Presidents Should Not Be Able To Nominate Supreme Court Justices

The passing of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is firstly a personal tragedy for her family, friends, colleagues, and the millions of people throughout the world who admired and were inspired by her intellect, her heart, and her fighting spirit. She is a historical figure whose impact has yet to be fully appreciated.

Donald Trump Walking the Plank

However, it would be naive to pretend that this grievous loss isn’t also a blow to the hopes and dreams of those Americans who value gender and racial equality and the Constitution’s protection for the rights of people over corporations and against the authoritarian aspirations of rogue “leaders.”

Justice Ginsburg was a guardian of the principles that ensure freedom for all Americans. Her loss would be staggering under any circumstance. But to lose her while an ignorant, sociopathic, narcissist is salivating over the prospect of replacing her with an unqualified, neanderthal wingnut is especially painful. The thought of Donald Trump selecting one of his pre-chewed right-wing Stepford judges to take the place of a bona fide superhero of constitutional jurisprudence is excruciating. And Trump’s undisguised glee at having this opportunity is salt in our wounds:

What’s missing from this statement is any hint of reality. Trump was not “put in this position of power and importance” by the American people. They voted against him by a record margin. He was installed by an archaic Electoral College that is anathema to democracy. What’s more, Americans are not proud of Trump. Quite the opposite. He is regarded as a buffoon who is only interested in himself and his puerile pleasures of golfing, tweeting, watching Fox News, and exacting revenge on his perceived enemies.

What Trump is calling an “obligation” is actually just another attempt to steal a seat on the Supreme Court on behalf of his neo-fascist associates in Congress, tunnel-blind evangelicals, and corporate overlords. Trump is violating the precedent set by his GOP confederates who refused to even give a hearing – much less a vote – to an Obama Court nominee during an election year.

Were there any justice in this world, a president who has been impeached ought not to be able to nominate a Supreme Court Justice. Furthermore, impeached presidents with close ties to numerous felons (and pending indictments of his own) should be prohibited from nominating any judges or agency heads or bull manure shovelers. Although, if you’ve ever seen Trump speaking at one of his cult rallies you’d know that shoveling bull manure is something that he is actually pretty good at.

Unfortunately, the last thing we can expect from Trump, or any Republican, is integrity or consistency. They will shamelessly march forward to breach their own precedents without regard to the brazen hypocrisy of their actions.

Consequently, Democrats need to up their game. First of all, they need to win back the White House and the Senate. Then they must abolish the filibuster. Then they need to expand the Supreme Court to fifteen seats. And finally, they need to advance to statehood Washington, D.C. and Puerto Rico. And it wouldn’t hurt to collapse North and South Dakota into a single state. Seriously, do we really need two sparsely populated Dakotas?

After completing these steps we can begin to restore the nation’s honor and respect for the constitutional principles that empower our democracy and enable our freedoms. We can bring justice to bear on those who betrayed the country in pursuit of greed and power. And we can heal the divisions that Trump deliberately created and exploited in order to advance his self-serving agenda.

It won’t be easy, but it wasn’t easy for Justice Ginsburg to wage a lonely fight for decades either. She should be our inspiration today. And we should be the custodians of her legacy and her last request: “My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed.”

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.