Peter Doocy of Fox News Flops Trying to ‘Gotcha’ White House Press Sec Karine Jean-Pierre

The recent history of Donald Trump’s crusade to promulgate the “Big Lie” that the 2020 presidential election was “rigged” and “stolen” from him has been validated by numerous sources from across the political spectrum. Even members of Trump’s own administration declared the election legitimate and its results conclusive.

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Fox News, Peter Doocy, Karine Jean-Pierre

That, however, has not deterred Fox News from perpetuating blatant falsehoods and attempting to deflect from the facts with their circus sideshow stunts. The ringleader for these antics is Fox’s White House correspondent, Peter Doocy.

On Tuesday afternoon Doocy demonstrated once again how distant he is from practicing actual journalism. In an exchange with White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, Doocy was dissatisfied with the relevant questions that other reporters were asking, so he interjected his own ludicrous diversion. But, as usual, it was so weak that he was quickly whack-a-moled back into his hole…

Doocy: You tweeted Trump stole an election. You tweeted Brian Kemp stole an election. If denying election results is extreme now, why wasn’t it then?
Jean-Pierre: Let’s be really clear. That comparison that you made is just ridiculous. I was talking specifically at that time about what was happening with voting rights, and what was endangering voting rights. That’s what I was speaking to at the time. And here’s the thing. I have said Gov. Kemp won. President Trump won the election of 2016. And I’ve been clear about that. What we are talking about right now…Let’s not forget what happened on January 6th, 2021. We saw an insurrection, a mob, that was incited by the person who occupied this campus, this facility, at that time. And it was an attack on our democracy. Let’s not forget, people died that day. Law enforcement were attacked that day. That was the danger we were seeing at the time. That was what the President has called out. And that’s what he’s gonna continue to call out.”

Indeed, Doocy’s question was ridiculous for the reasons Jean-Pierre stated. But at least he sort of conceded that “denying election results is extreme.” However,l that isn’t what Jean-Pierre did. She never sought to undermine faith in democracy itself. She was speaking narrowly about the means by which Republicans sought to make voting more difficult for citizens that they assumed would vote against Republicans.

They did this through gerrymandering, closing polling places in Democratic districts, limiting, or cutting entirely, early voting, reducing access to polling places and ballot drop boxes, and other nefarious methods of suppressing the votes of non-Republicans. They even made it illegal to offer food or water to voters who were forced to wait in lines for hours, which only seemed to happen in Democratic precincts.

For the record, the tweets that Doocy referred were posted by Jean-Pierre before she her White House employment. And they were not remotely equivalent to Trump’s wholly fictional allegations of election fraud. One was a response to a bizarre Trump tweet advising that China be allowed to keep an American drone that they had recovered:

The other tweet was a response to an admission by Brian Kemp that he had badly misunderstood the scientific facts about COVID-19.

In both cases Jean-Pierre was making the point that the elections in question were marred, not by fraud, but by dishonesty and efforts to distort the process. And she never disavowed or disputed the outcomes, as Trump and his cohorts in politics and the press are still doing.

Doocy likely knows the difference, but doesn’t care. He thinks that he has latched onto something that he can use to embarrass the White House. Unfortunately for him, he’s only embarrassing himself by dredging up ancient tweets that had nothing to do with the Biden administration, and are utterly irrelevant to Trump’s “Big Lie” about the 2020 election. He is, once again, wasting the time of everyone in the Press Room. And he’s only succeeding at affirming how pitifully unprepared he is for the job he got because his father is a Fox News host.

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Eric Trump Admits on Fox News that the Trump Admin Interfered with Justice Department Business

The old adage that, if you give them enough rope they will hang themselves, has never been more apt than when applied to the Trump family. On Monday the FBI served a search warrant on Donald Trump’s Palm Beach resort, Mar-a-Lago. And the mindlessly defensive responses have revealed boatload of info about the criminal proclivities of the former First Family.

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For his part, Donald Trump released an utterly inane statement that that only served to make him look more guilty. That was followed by hour after hour of Fox News hyperbolically insisting that civil war was imminent and/or the the world was coming to an end, simply because Trump might finally be being held accountable for his crimes.

RELATED: Fox News Spews Knee-Jerk Defense of Wannabe Dictator Trump After FBI Search of Mar-a-Lago

Now Eric Trump is contributing to the mess with another appearance on Fox News wherein he does more harm than good for himself and his father. He told Jesse Watters that…

“I know the White House as well anyone. I spent a lot of time there. I know the system. This did not happen without Joe Biden’s explicit approval. The White House approved of this. Mark my words. It will come out.

“I love to see the Press Secretary out there today, ‘We had no knowledge of this at all.’ Give me a break. A field office wouldn’t take … they wouldn’t even think of doing this without the sign-off of the President of the United States. This is raiding one of the most famous houses on planet Earth. One of the most famous people – probably the most famous person on planet Earth. Give me a break.”

Let’s just set aside the absurd assertion that Donald Trump is the “most famous person on planet Earth,” or that that has any relevance to his being the subject of a criminal investigation.

The more salient point is that Eric is confessing that during his father’s occupancy of the White House, it would be unheard of for an investigation to proceed without the President’s approval. That is, in fact, a serious violation of legal protocol. The Justice Department is supposed to be an independent agency that is run without the interference of political motivations.

However, according to Eric, who is bragging about his in depth grasp of how the system works, the Trump White House didn’t observe any such independence. Which explains Trump repeatedly firing his own attorneys general when they wouldn’t obey his corrupt orders.

Eric also mentioned that he doesn’t believe the White House Press Secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, when she says that President Biden had no prior knowledge of the FBI operation at Mar-a-Lago. Which is precisely how the system is actually supposed to work. But Eric’s remarks indicate that was not how it worked during the Trump administration.

Fox News is just as ill-informed as Eric Trump. At the daily press briefing on Tuesday, Fox’s Peter Doocy engaged in the following exchange with Jean-Pierre…

Doocy: Is this administration weaponizing the Justice Department and the FBI against political opponents?
Jean-Pierre: Peter, the President believes in the rule of law. The President believes in the Department of Justice…
Doocy (interrupting): That’s a yes or no.
Jean-Pierre: It’s a yes or no for you. I’m answering the question. You may not like it, but I’m answering the question…
Doocy (interrupting): [unintelligible]
Jean-Pierre: No…no. I’m answering the question. And I am telling you we are not going to comment on a criminal investigation. The President has been very clear. I’ve laid out what his thoughts were back on January 7, 2021, about how he saw the Department of Justice. And I’m just going to leave it there. We’re not going to comment from here, from this White House, on a criminal investigation that is currently happening.

Once again, that is precisely how these matter should be handled. For Doocy to badger Jean-Pierre to improperly blab about ongoing investigations proves that he is unfit for the position of a White House correspondent anywhere in the media. Well, anywhere except for Fox News where knowledge and professionalism are considered character flaws.

RELATED: Karine Jean-Pierre Has to School Peter Doocy of Fox News that Lower Gas Prices Are a Good Thing

At least we can be grateful that people like Eric Trump and Peter Doocy so freely demonstrate their ignorance and unfitness for roles in public life. It’s just unfortunate that they continue to have sway over the deplorables who think that Fox is a real news network.

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Karine Jean-Pierre Has to School Peter Doocy of Fox News that Lower Gas Prices Are a Good Thing

The mission of Fox News from its inception has been to deceive their viewers by distorting the stories they present in order to advance the interests of corporations and the wealthy. They feverishly twist their “alternative facts” into maliciously negative attacks on Democrats and progressives seeking to benefit the majority of the American people.

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Fox News, Peter Doocy, Karine Jean-Pierre

Fox’s White House correspondent, Peter Doocy, is the frontline propagator of their propaganda. He occupies a seat at the daily press briefings tasked by his bosses, the Murdochs, to manufacture phony controversies and try to embarrass the President and his spokespeople with “gotcha” questions. Unfortunately for Fox News, he has never been very good at it.

RELATED: HAH! Jen Psaki Says Doocy’s Fox News Questions Would ‘Make Anyone Sound Like a Stupid S.O.B.’

On Friday Doocy sought to waste the time of every in the room by asking Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre a question that reeked of bias and ignorance. Jean-Pierre replied with a remarkable degree of patience, considering the blitheringly idiotic inquisition by Doocy:

Doocy: Why is the president bragging today about gas prices?
Jean-Pierre: Because it’s gone down.

That’s right! The answer was as simple as that. But it was way above Doocy’s capacity to grasp it. Or perhaps just outside of his mandate as a disinformation disseminator. And yet, after being politely told why President Biden was happy about the trend in gas prices, Doocy felt compelled to resume his badgering:

Doocy: It’s still $1.72 higher than when he took office.
Jean-Pierre: It has come down in a way we haven’t seen, it’s trajectory coming down, in over a decade.
Doocy: It’s still over $4.00 a gallon though. Is that good?
Jean-Pierre: You want to talk to a nurse or a teacher or a firefighter, if having that little bit of breathing room doesn’t matter to them. […] That matters. And the reason we’re seeing that is because of the work this President has done the last several months.

For the record, gas prices have been falling for two months. In much of the country the average price is below $4.00 per gallon, a decline of 20%. Most consumers would regard that as positive news.

While oil is an international commodity that no president can control, Biden can take some of the credit for the savings due to his affirmative action. Early on he ordered the release of a million barrels of oil a day from the strategic reserve. He put pressure on oil companies and stations not to gouge consumers as oil prices were falling. He supported alternative energy and vehicles, which reduces demand while supplies were increasing, which drives down prices.

In the meantime, Fox News and the Republican Party they shill for, seem to be upset that the American people are saving money on gas. While they steadfastly blamed Biden as the prices rose, they are now criticizing him for the decline. And Doocy’s insinuation that people should still be mad because gas costs more than it did in 2020, ignores the reality of the marketplace. There’s a reason that Biden once referred to Doocy as a “stupid SOB.”

When Biden took office the nation was still suffering from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic at its peak, and people were not traveling very much or even commuting to work. That absence of demand is what brought gas prices down so artificially low. Since Biden’s inauguration the pandemic situation, and the economy, have improved considerably. Consequently, people are back to work, they’re taking trips, and they are considerably more confident that they can spend money – even with inflation – without risking their financial welfare.

RELATED: Biden Brilliantly Debunks the Lies By Trump and Fox News About Energy Production in America

All of that is positive news for the nation and the people. But leave it to Fox News to try to find some apocalyptic spin that they can use to foment fear and make people’s lives miserable. Because they want people to to be miserable in order to have something to bash Biden with. And stirring up political hostilities is much higher on their priority list than telling the truth. Especially if the truth might make people happier and look more favorably toward the President.

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Fox News Hack Peter Doocy Gets Stuck in Ludicrous Loop About Protesting Supreme Court Justices

The daily White House press briefing is supposed to provide an opportunity for the media to get information about the administration and inquire about matters of consequence to the public. Unfortunately, some reporters often seem more interested in contriving “gotcha” questions and trying to stump the press secretary.

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Fox News, Peter Doocy

Peter Doocy of Fox News is perhaps the most prominent example of a partisan shill who thinks it’s his job to manufacture political melodrama. His line of questioning is almost always focused on trivialities and serves as a diversion from serious matters.

RELATED: HAH! Jen Psaki Says Doocy’s Fox News Questions Would ‘Make Anyone Sound Like a Stupid S.O.B.’

On Friday Doocy seemed to get himself stuck in a loop wherein he wouldn’t stop asking the same question over and over. And despite Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre answering it clearly the first time, it didn’t stop Doocy from flinging it back at here as if he was a dog playing fetch.

The subject on Doocy’s mind was a report that protesters showed up outside of Morten’s Restaurant in Washington, D.C. after learning that Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh was dining there. This act of exercising the First Amendment apparently offended Doocy and resulted in the following exchange (video below):

Doocy: It’s okay if a justice is out to eat at a restaurant, that they can go and protest as long as they are what you consider peaceful?
Jean-Pierre: We have said that we want to see peaceful protests. That’s what we have said. We want to see the protests be peaceful. But when it comes to intimidation, that is something that we have condemned.

Jean-Pierre repeated several times that the administration condemns any intimidation or violence, and that the difference between that and peaceful protests is clear. She also noted that President Biden recently signed bipartisan legislation to protect justices.

Undaunted, Doocy kept rehashing the same question in slightly different forms. He already knew what the answer was, so his only purpose was to badger Jean-Pierre and score points with his viewers and his bosses at Fox news. He regurgitated…

“So where’s the line? If these protesters can go to a justice’s house, and they can go to a restaurant, where is it that you don’t think it’s appropriate for a group of protesters to go?”


“Really? So these justices, because protesters do not agree with an opinion that they’ve signed onto, have no right to privacy, is what you’re saying?”


“Is that creating a potentially really bad situation when there are people, even if they’re being peaceful at the time, they’re angry. And that’s why they would be there, right?”

Doocy is suggesting that there are only certain public places where it’s “appropriate” to protest. Perhaps he’d like to confine protesters to garbage dumps outside of town. Although you have to wonder if Doocy would approve of protesting at women’s health clinics and harassing their patients. And why does Fox News consider it “appropriate” for protesters (aka violent insurrectionists) to break into Congress and threaten its members.

RELATED: Jon Stewart Nails It: The Supreme Court is Now the Fox News of Justice

It is also ironic that Doocy introduces the concept of “privacy” in this context, since that’s the Constitutional right that Kavanaugh and his radical rightist colleagues took a way with their irrational decision reversing Roe vs Wade.

Finally, Doocy is very concerned that protesters might be angry. Because obviously you should only be allowed to protest things that make you happy. And his complaint about “potentially really bad situations … even if they’re being peaceful,” is another assault on the Constitution that violates the standard of prior constraint.

Jean-Pierre exhibited profound patience with Doocy’s relentless inquisition. And while she eventually told him that “I’m done here, Peter,” she should have cut him off sooner. His childish antics should not be tolerated. They are irrelevant to the important matters that need to be discussed, and they just waste everyone’s time.

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Tucker Carlson Uses Mockery of BTS as a Lead-In to Racist Lies About Black White House Staffers

There is nothing that Fox News’ Senior White Nationalist, Tucker Carlson, enjoys more than disgorging hateful diatribes against people of color, who he believes are being recruited to replace European bred citizens in a massive and diabolical scheme by Democrats to hand control of the United States over to non-white foreigners. And yes, he’s nuts.

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Fox News, Tucker Carlson, Klan

Carlson launched into another of his noxious rants Tuesday night, this time complaining that President Biden invited K-Pop superstars BTS to the White House to raise awareness of anti-Asian-American discrimination and violence. According to Carlson it was just a plot to divert attention from issues important to Black Americans. Who wants to tell Carlson that May was Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month?

RELATED: White Replacement Theory Huckster Tucker Carlson Now Says He’s ‘Not Sure Exactly What It Is’

The notion that Carlson, Fox’s chief proponent of the racist “white replacement” theory, actually cares about Black issues is impossible to take seriously. All he’s interested in is pitting Blacks against Asians, and everyone against the Euro-elites who he fronts for. And he affirms whatever doubts you might have when he continues his harangue (video below) saying that…

“The headline here is that the white supremacy in the Biden White House is so intense that twenty-one Black staffers – can there be more than twenty-one total? Not a huge staff at the White House – twenty-one Black staffers have fled. Speaking of the new Jim Crow.”

“White supremacy at the White House?” Carlson has a vivid and virulent imagination. He follows that up by introducing notorious right-wing race-baiter, Candace Owens, asking her if she’s surprised that “the racism and white supremacy at the White House is so intense that Black staffers are fleeing for their lives?” Owens responded by insulting Black White House staffers with the standard racist expression of contempt for minorities, saying that they were “just given these positions” because of their skin color, and that “they probably were underqualified” for them. To which Carlson added “Is there anything more destructive than white liberal guilt? It feels like it’s hurt more people than nuclear weapons.” “It really has,” agreed Owens obediently.

For the record, Carlson’s yammering about “fleeing” White House staffers is typically full of horse manure. He was referencing reports that Black staffers were leaving their jobs, but leaving out the facts related to their departures. White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre replied to these reports saying that…

“‘The president is incredibly proud to have built what continues to be the most diverse White House staff in history, and he is committed to continuing historic representation for Black staff and all communities,’ said White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre. ‘This is a normal time for turnover across the board in any administration and Black staff have been promoted at a higher rate than staff who are not diverse.'”

“A number of staffers who left, moreover, said it was on good terms. Some departures were for graduate school opportunities. Others went to different cabinet departments. Several said they were leaving because of family matters.”

What’s more, Carlson’s ignorance of the White House was evident in his assertion that it has a small staff that couldn’t possibly support the departure of a couple of dozen people. In fact, the Executive Office of the President has a total staff of 1,800 people. And even if you only count those who are directly engaged in the more narrowly defined White House Office, that’s still 377 people.

RELATED: On Fox News Tucker Carlson Drops His Sickest White Supremacy Conspiracy Theory Yet

So true to form, Carlson has demonstrated both his flaming racism and his world-class stupidity. These are regular features of his program. And it’s why he is currently the top rated host on Fox News, where such repugnant character flaws are regarded as assets.

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Tucker Carlson of Fox News Attacks Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre in a Brazenly Racist Rant

Fox News long ago established its place in the media as the home of America’s bigots and unabashed hate mongers. It regularly airs stories that are riddled with racist rage, while simultaneously insisting that racism doesn’t exist, and that anyone who disagrees is – that’s right – a racist!

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Fox News, Tucker Carlson, Klan

Secure in his position as Fox News’ Senior White Nationalist, Tucker Carlson devotes much of his program to demeaning people of color as “dirty,” and “ignorant,” and as threats to “decent” Americans and to America itself. His promotion of the overtly racist “white replacement theory” is a staple feature of his show.

RELATED: Tucker Carlson of Fox News Fears Democrats are ‘Importing New Voters’ to ‘Replace’ Him

On the Tuesday night episode of his “White Power Hour,” Carlson unleashed another hateful harangue. This one was aimed at the incoming White House Press Secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, whose foreign sounding name he childishly mocked with a terrible French accent.

Jean-Pierre is a prominent Black American who has succeeded through hard work, intelligence, and integrity. She will become the first out lesbian and Black woman to hold this post. But to Carlson she is “shallow, nasty and partisan,” just like her predecessor, Jen Psaki. Carlson elaborated on his rancid rhetoric (video below) saying that…

“Karine Jean-Pierre is our first out LGBTQ+ White House Press Secretary and that’s all you need to know. It’s a good thing, shut up and celebrate. That’s why she got the job. She’s in the right group and so the Biden administration, which thinks exclusively in terms of groups and never in terms of individuals because individuals are messy and inconvenient, the group is all that matters.

“This is exactly how they pick Supreme Court justices or vice presidents or members of the Federal Reserve Board. […] It’s really simple, show us your picture and we’ll tell you if you’re qualified for the job.”

So Carlson started off maligning LGBTQ+ people, then segued to insulting a trio of Black women: Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, Vice-President Kamala Harris, and Federal Reserve Commissioner Lisa Cook. Does anyone think it’s a coincidence that Carlson’s vitriol is reserved for three distinguished Black women?

RELATED: Tucker Carlson of Fox News Says Biden Chose Ketanji Brown Jackson to ‘Destroy’ the Supreme Court

Carlson then went on to play a video that in his Confederacy-craving brain exposes Jean-Pierre as a race whiner who isn’t satisfied with the crumbs that Klan cronies like Carlson cast her way:

Jean-Pierre: When [Obama] got elected I think people thought we were in a post-racial America, and we were not. I think what we learned was that racism was very much real, and still very much around. And the obstruction that he saw, the horrible racist rhetoric of having a Black family in the White House, was very clear. You felt the hate and you saw the hate. I just think that America has a big problem with race. And it’s very real.
Carlson (laughing maniacally): Yeah, they keep electing Obama and promoting me, despite the fact that I have no qualifications to do the job.

Carlson has adopted the patently absurd notion that the election of Barack Obama as President was the end of racism in America. He is deliberately ignoring the reality that Obama’s election actually fueled the rise of bigots who crawled out from under their rocks to attack him as a stupid, socialist, Muslim from Kenya who hated white people.

What’s more, Carlson’s condemnation of Jean-Pierre as having “no qualifications to do the job” is another example of his flaming bigotry. Jean-Pierre was the Principal White House Deputy Press Secretary from day one of the Biden administration nearly a year and a half ago. Prior to that she had years of experience as a press spokesperson, media analyst, and university lecturer.

The only thing that Carlson can focus on is that Jean-Pierre is a Black woman who once called Fox News a racist network, a charge for which there is abundant evidence. And the proof of prejudice at Fox could not be better demonstrated than by the bitterly prejudice tirades of Carlson himself.

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Laura Ingraham Whines About Ex-Biden Aides on TV to Her Fox News Panel of Ex-Trump Toadies

The ease with which the squawking heads at Fox News discharge blatantly hypocritical commentaries can sometimes be riveting to behold. They appear to have no comprehension whatsoever of just how extraordinarily they contradict themselves, often in the space of single sentence.

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Fox News, Laura Ingraham

On Friday’s episode of “The Ingraham Mangle,” Laura Ingraham sought to express her outrage about a couple of aides to President Biden leaving the administration to take jobs at MSNBC. Ingraham’s anger was a rehashing of the familiar and tedious Fox News narrative that the media is overrun with liberals. That’s a great point as long as you ignore the top-rated cable news network, Fox News, as well as all the conservatives on CNN and the broadcast news networks. CBS, for instance, recently hired Mick Mulvaney, Trump’s former chief of staff. And CNN just added Trump-fluffer Jason Miller to its roster.

RELATED: Stephen Colbert Hysterically Rips His CBS Bosses for Hiring Lying Trump Flunky Mick Mulvaney

Nevertheless, Ingraham was compelled to unleash an irate oratory (video below) in response to the news that Biden Press Secretary Jen Psaki was leaving the White House, and that her successor would be Deputy Press Secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre. Ingraham ranted that…

“Psaki, [VP Harris spokesperson] Symone Sanders, they go to MSNBC. And now they have just a direct line to another outlet, CNN. So there was a lot of comments online about what, well, talk about being in bed with the press – the press and with politicians. I mean, this is now taking it a step further.”

Really? Ingraham is AGHAST at the thought of a media professional pursuing her post-White House career by accepting work at a media company. What an abomination! And what makes Ingraham’s ire all the more preposterous is that she is dumping this diatribe on her panel that includes Jason Chaffetz, a retired Republican congressman, and Kayleigh McEnany, Trump’s former press secretary. Both of whom left their partisan political positions to join Fox News.

The problem that Ingraham has with Jean-Pierre – who will become the first Black, and first out lesbian, to serve in this role – is that her partner, is CNN correspondent, Suzanne Malveaux. Ingraham believes that that relationship will intrude on her White House duties, despite the fact that there’s been no evidence of that prior to this while Jean-Pierre has served as deputy press secretary. Still, we can expect that Ingraham will be just as disturbed about the relationship between Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and his radical, insurrectionist wife, Ginni. Right?

RELATED: Fox News Totally Ignores Story About Ginni Thomas Texting QAnon Nuttery to Mark Meadows

After fuming over Jean-Pierre and Psaki and Sanders, Ingraham turned to McEnany for insight about politicos taking media jobs. And as one of them, her views should be enlightening. However, McEnany didn’t live up to the hype…

“Yes. I have a feeling CNN will be called on often. So too will MSNBC, among other friendly outlets. Also, the sneaking suspicion – just a guess – that KJP, Karine Jean-Pierre, may end up at CNN, rather than MSNBC like her two colleagues, cause three Biden officials at MSNBC would be quite a lot. But you’re right. This administration is kind of rife with these conflicts. But how can you not be with 99.9% of the press is, in fact, liberal, is this revolving door between liberal outlets and the press room. And softball questions. And not asking follow ups. There’s no Jim Acostas in that room, or Kaitlin Collins shouting questions.”

OMG! The press secretary might call on reporters from MSNBC and CNN. What’s the world coming to? Apparently McEnany has not watched a press briefing since leaving her post. Jen Psaki has called on a broad variety of reporters that included Fox News hack, Peter Doocy – every single day. And what she means by her references to Jim Acosta and Kaitlin Collins is anyone’s guess. Does McEnany think there aren’t enough reporters in the briefing room shouting questions?

RELATED: SRSLY? Kayleigh McEnany Tells Fox News There Were No Crises When Trump Was President

The dismay expressed by Ingraham and McEnany over the “revolving door” between the White House and the press is hypocritical to the extreme. Especially when you know that Fox News has spun that door more than any media enterprise in history. For the record, a current list of Fox Newsers who were previously (and likely currently) political operatives includes Ari Fleischer, Mike Pompeo, Dana Perino, Larry Kudlow, Trey Gowdy, Newt Gingrich, Mike Huckabee, Karl Rove, and even renowned political analyst, Lara Trump. As Ingraham so aptly observed: “Talk about being in bed with the press.”

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Poor Peter Doocy of Fox News Fails to Grasp that the COVID Pandemic is a Moving Target

There really should be some minimum standards set in order to acquire press credentials for the White House briefings. The press secretary should not have to be burdened with responding to childish nonsense and politically loaded set ups.

Fox News, Peter Doocy

Early in the Biden administration, his press office articulated criteria for access saying that, “Organizations or individuals who traffic in conspiracy theories, propaganda, and lies to spread disinformation will not be tolerated.” But for some unexplained reason Fox News is still there. It is plain that they fail to meet the necessary criteria. For example, On Thursday, Fox’s White House correspondent, Peter Doocy, asked Deputy Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre this puzzling question about new guidance from the CDC about COVID protocols (video below):

Doocy: President Biden says that we are not returning to lockdowns, shutdowns, and school closures, but he also once said that we didn’t have to wear masks anymore once we were vaccinated. So, why should Americans trust him now?

Doocy’s question is founded on the ludicrous premise that things never change. So anything that a president says at one time must remain operative for eternity. If, for instance, President Biden told you it was unnecessary to turn on your headlights at noon, then he should not be trusted if he later tells you to turn them on after the sun has set.

This is the situation that currently exists with regard to the COVID pandemic. A few weeks ago it appeared that cases were declining and preventive behaviors like mask wearing could be set aside for people who had been vaccinated. However, with the emergence of the much more transmissible Delta variant that has become dominant, there is now more risk for the unvaccinated, but also for the vaccinated who can contract “breakthrough” cases.

Such cases are still rare because the vaccines continue provide excellent protection. And if a vaccinated person does get infected, they will likely have mild symptoms, or none at all. However, they could still transmit the virus to someone who has not been vaccinated. Which is why they should wear masks in public places. It’s mostly a protection for others.

These concepts appear to be way over Doocy’s head. He regards the changing guidance as some sort of admission that the vaccines don’t work. That’s a conspiracy theory peddled by his Fox News colleague Tucker Carlson nightly. They also try to fear monger about mask wearing as a government plot to control the population. But no one on Fox News has yet explained the logic behind such a plot, how it would enforce any type of control, or how it would benefit Democrats to annoy people with mandates that are allegedly unnecessary and unpopular.

Jean-Pierre was too polite to humiliate Doocy with the obvious answers above. She just calmly explained to him, as she would to a child, the reality of managing an ongoing health crisis:

Jean-Pierre: Well, because we listen to the scientists; we listen to the experts. This is a public health situation. This is not about politics at all. This is about saving lives. And this is what the President is all about. He wants to make sure that we are saving lives. If you look at, Peter, the last six months, that’s what he’s done every day. And you see that in the numbers.

Now we’re at a point where we have to double down and make it very, very clear to people that we can’t let the pandemic win. We have to continue to fight.
Doocy: So if you’re listening to the science, if scientists come to you at some point down the line and say, ‘It is our opinion that there should be shutdowns and there should be school closures, you would do that?
Jean-Pierre: Well, like I said, we listen to the CDC and the experts and their guidance. The CDC is a body that is very well respected. And again, we follow their guidance.

Jean-Pierre seems to have picked up the patience and intellect of her boss, Jen Psaki. It’s too bad that Doocy has picked up neither. He will surely come back to the press room tomorrow with more painfully stupid questions that are aimed only at making political points, rather than enlightening the public. But then, that’s why Fox “News” hired him in the first place (at the request of his daddy, Steve Doocy, co-host of Fox and Friends).

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