About Those Lost Emails: Not The IRS, The Ones Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp Deleted To Cover Up Phone Hacking

In recent weeks Fox News has been feverishly hyping a story about IRS emails that were allegedly lost due to a computer crash. The story has far less substance than Fox heaps on it because it is likely that most of the emails were retrieved via other sources (servers, recipients, etc.) White House Press Secretary Jay Carney outlined the facts noting that 24,000 emails were collected and delivered to investigating committees in Congress. But that wasn’t enough for the lackeys of Rupert Murdoch and his Fox News team.

Rupert Murdoch

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Ever since the story broke, Fox News has mired itself in waist-deep hypocrisy by inferring all sorts of unfounded wrongdoing by Obama administration officials, even though Fox defended the Bush administration that lost over 22 million emails, including those relating to ongoing investigations over the outing of a covert CIA agent, and the improper firing of U.S. Attorneys. [See the Perino hypocrisy and the Issa hypocrisy]

But there is a bigger problem here than mere hypocrisy, which Fox News commits by the hour. The phone hacking scandal that brought down much of Rupert Murdoch’s international newspaper enterprise had an email component as well. Only this one was documented, intentional, and highly illegal. Looking back on the details it makes it impossible to grant any moral authority for Fox News to express the indignation they have regarding the IRS. In February of 2012, the Guardian reported that…

“Rupert Murdoch’s News International took active steps to delete and prepare to delete the publisher’s email archives as phone-hacking allegations and lawsuits against the owner of the now-defunct News of the World mounted in 2009 and developed in 2010.

“According to court documents filed by victims of hacking, the newspaper publisher allegedly produced an email deletion policy in November 2009 whose aim was to “eliminate in a consistent manner” emails “that could be unhelpful in the context of future litigation”.

So how does Fox News report so judgmentally on missing emails when their own company was caught deleting incriminating emails? The same way they reported so judgmentally on NSA spying when their own company was caught spying on hundreds of private citizens, politicians, celebrities, and royals.

Remember this the next time you hear someone on Fox News chastise the Obama administration for the management of emails. Remember that the parent company of Fox News was caught deliberately deleting, and plotting to delete, emails that they regarded as incriminating in order to avoid the rendering of justice. It’s the height of arrogance for them to now whine about a contrived scandal wherein they have far less evidence of wrongdoing than exists against them and their leader, Rupert Murdoch.

Crybaby McDaniel Caught Lying About Black Votes

Last week’s Republican primary in Mississippi has stirred a frenzied response from Tea Party wackos who are convinced that the nomination was stolen by brigades of law-breaking African-Americans (is there any other kind to the right?). Loser Chris McDaniel has still refused to concede the race to incumbent Thad Cochran.


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McDaniel appeared on Fox News last night with ardent support Sean Hannity. He told Hannity of his suspicions of massive electoral foul play, although he offered no evidence. McDaniel said that…

“We’re looking into the issue of whether or not people who participated in the June the 3rd Democratic primary crossed over into the Republican primary this Tuesday night. And we’ve already found more than a thousand examples of that in one county alone.”

This morning Pete Perry, the Republican Party Chairman of Hinds County, to which McDaniel was referring, issued a statement refuting the unfounded charges. In the statement Perry included an example of just how far removed McDaniel is from reality.

“As a committee, we are still in the process of going through the election results before they can be certified, but this morning we can discuss some of the specific examples that were raised yesterday.

“As an example in Precinct 14, the Fondren Presbyterian Church precinct, the numbers cited by the McDaniel campaign yesterday included 192 ‘illegal votes’ – people that they claimed had voted in the Democrat primary on June 3rd but then voted in the Republican run-off. That is impossible. According to the certified results of the June 3rd Democrat primary, there were only 37 total Democrat primary voters at that particular precinct.”

So McDaniel claimed that there were 192 illegal Democratic votes in a precinct that had only 37 Democratic votes total. That’s a pretty good indication that McDaniel’s complaints are pile of certified rubbish. He is just an egomaniacal sore loser who is certain that a secret cabal of Republicans and Democrats are conspiring against his holy Teabagger crusade. When all that actually happened is that voters acted lawfully to choose a candidate that is not McDaniel, and Cochran was smart enough to employ all legal measures to achieve his victory.

Oddly enough, I agree with McDaniel’s opposition to Democrats selecting Republican candidates, and vice versa. This is only possible due to the enactment of open primaries where people from any party are permitted to vote regardless of their registration. This was never a good idea because political party candidates should only be selected by members of their own parties. Why on earth should a Democrat get to choose who the GOP puts up for office? However, the open primary movement was a creation of right-wingers who saw it as a method of unseating entrenched Democratic incumbents. For instance, in California in 2010, open primaries were enacted via an initiative that was put on the ballot by a Republican state senator and supported by GOP governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Now that this hare-brained concept has come back to bite them in the ass, the Tea Party is furious at what a perversion of democracy their idea actually is. So what do they do in response? Do they retract their support for open primaries and commence a campaign to end them? Of course not. They claim that black criminals have perverted the electoral process and steps must be taken to invalidate their votes. That should help the GOP’s outreach to minority constituents as much as flying a Confederate flag at their campaign rallies will.

The upside of this affair is that the Democratic senate candidate in Mississippi, Travis Childers, just saw his chances of winning in a deep red state increase substantially. McDaniel’s delusional supporters are so upset at Cochran that many of them are already declaring that they will not vote for him in November. Some are even talking about a write-in candidacy for McDaniel, or launching a third Party campaign, which Sarah Palin has been hinting at. When this is all over, the Democrats may have to send McDaniel a thank you card.

WTF: Fox News “Psycho” Analyst Uncovers Obama’s World Cup Distraction Conspiracy (Video)

Just when you think that Fox News has stepped in the deepest abyss of bull excrement imaginable, they book their resident “psycho” analyst and member of the Fox News Medical “A” Team, Dr. Keith Ablow, to float the most asinine hogwash ever broadcast on public media.

Keith Ablow

On today’s episode of Outnumbered, Ablow was the guest male among the Fox phalanx of fems assembled to titillate their elderly viewers voyeurs. During a discussion about the World Cup competition in Brazil, where the United States has unexpectedly advanced to the “Knockout” stage, much to the delight of patriotic sports lovers, Ablow had a unique perspective that could only be concocted by an utter ass.

“I’m suspect because, here’s the thing: Why, at a time when there’s so many national issues and international issues of such prominence, I am a little suspicious of yet another bread and circus routine. Let’s roll out the marijuana, pull back the laws and get people even more crazy about yet another entertainment event. This is to distract people. This is like Rome. I can see why Obama would love the World Cup.”

Obviously! The whole World Cup competition is just a scheme by President Obama to misdirect people’s attention from – oh let’s say the lost Benghazi emails to Hillary Clinton’s lesbian Death Panelists. And that doesn’t even begin to explain Ablow’s reference to the marijuana roll out. That one must be under deep cover.

Somehow Obama orchestrated FIFA’s scheduling of the quadrennial games to coincide with whatever scandal is presently infecting Ablow’s brain so that the American people, who usually ignore soccer, won’t notice that FEMA has already begun incarcerating Tea Party leaders and the EPA is deploying new Pentagon technology to increase global temperatures. What a devious plot our Kenyan in the White House has devised.

If Ablow is a member of the Fox News Medical “A” Team, I would hate to ever meet the “B” or “C” teams. He is far and away the most demented cast member of the Fox Comedy Network. He has used his clairvoyant powers to psychoanalyze Obama without ever having examined, or even met him. Ablow is well known for his schizoid rants attacking the President and finding common ground with fellow nutcases like domestic terrorist Ted Kazcynski (I’m not kidding. See Romancing The Unabomber). He actually praised Newt Gingrich for being unfaithful to multiple wives and welcomed the pain of Americans suffering through the recession. If that’s not enough he offered his recipe for building a terrorist that reads more like a recipe for building a Tea Party.

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I could go on. No, really I could. Ablow believes that that Obama has contempt for the Supreme Court; that Obama has it in for America; that children must be immunized from the Obama virus; that Obama has a victim mentality; that Obama is the enemy of heroism.

So, does someone have a little case of Obama Derangement Syndrome?

[Update:] This update was made necessary by the awesome segment Stephen Colbert did on Ablow last night. He caught the fruitcake doctor on Fox Business Network with Stuart Varney saying laughably inane things like…

“It’s a little too convenient when we have a president who, I contend, has it in for Americans [which News Corpse covered here], and we elected him because we were fearful at the time [which News Corpse covered here]; we better elect someone who’s not very patriotic because, God, we could have someone attack us for being Americans.”

Responding to Ablow’s marijuana component to the conspiracy, Colbert said that “marijuana is clearly involved here because you’d have to be baked out of your gourd to be that paranoid.” Here’s the whole Colbert segment: