Trump in a Panic Sweat Posts 13 Lie-Riddled Tweets About – Get This – Hillary’s Emails

There is nothing more telling than a Donald Trump Tweetstorm. It reveals what he’s most afraid of and what is consuming his fevered and demented imagination. So it shouldn’t be dismissed when he posts a flurry of thirteen tweets by the disreputable and dishonest StormTrumpers at Judicial Watch. Particularly when the content of those tweets are predominantly the ancient right-wing obsessions over Hillary Clinton’s emails. Are these people serious?

Donald Trump Sweating

Unfortunately, the conservative junkies who are still addicted to fables about Clinton’s emails are deadly serious. They are feeding a fetish that borders on being a psychotic compulsion. And they bring it up whenever they feel threatened by the onslaught of inconvenient facts that challenge their demented world view. And Trump is among those suffering from this manic neurosis.

The symptoms of Trump’s mental disorder were on full display Saturday morning. The thirteen retweets of Judicial Watch propaganda must have seemed like the perfect antidote to the realities in the news that were so unpleasant for him. He just lost another one of his unethical cabinet flunkies (a record breaking achievement), Alexander Acosta, due to his relationship with pedophile rapist Jeffrey Epstein. Of course, Trump had his own relationship with Epstein who he said was a terrific guy.

Trump is also weathering a storm of criticism due his policy of caging children in inhumane conditions. And he is dreading the upcoming congressional testimony of special counsel Robert Mueller. All of this is taking place as the 2020 presidential campaign is beginning with Trump losing in the polls to all of the top Democrats. Consequently, Trump, in a fit of sheer desperation, completes his re-tweetstorm with a comment of his own:

We are sadly witnessing the shameful spectacle of a president making explicit accusations of criminality about an honorable, lifelong public servant in law enforcement. Even worse, this is a charge that has been debunked repeatedly when Trump has made it in the past. Most recently Trump attacked Mueller on this during an “interview” (more of a tongue bath) with Fox News Trump-fluffer Maria Bartiromo in June:

“Mueller terminated them illegally. He terminated the emails, he terminated all of the stuff between Strzok and Page. Robert Mueller terminated their text messages together. He terminated them. They’re gone. And that’s illegal. That’s a crime.”

Setting aside the cognitive dysfunction that Trump thinks texts can be “terminated,” everything else in that comment is provably false. And Trump surely knew that his charges were false because they were refuted when he made the very same remarks last december:

In fact, this lie was shot down by the Inspector General of Trump’s own Justice Department. It was reviewed by fact checkers who unanimously concluded that it was false. And it was rated as Pants on Fire by PolitiFact, who wrote that:

“First, a new report from the Justice Department’s internal watchdog suggests the roughly 19,000 messages slipped through the cracks due to technical glitches with the FBI’s data-collection tool on Samsung devices, not because Strzok and Page went around the system.

“Second, perhaps most importantly, while the messages were initially not captured, they have since been recovered. Trump’s claim gives the false impression the texts are still unaccounted.”

Trump’s fear is obviously getting the better of him. It shows in his rambling, disoriented speeches, his glassy-eyed engagement with the press while his helicopter whirs in the background, and these rabid outbursts on Twitter.

In addition to the Mueller-related tweets, and the Hillary bashing, Trump also posted three tweets that comprised nearly half of Sean Hannity’s Hour of Lies on Friday night. His Twitter feed is becoming the Internet’s channel for Fox News reruns. Which Fox surely appreciates since they stopped posting on Twitter entirely last November. Trump is, in effect, the PR executive for Fox News. And Fox pays him handsomely for that with nauseatingly fawning tributes 24/7. It’s a mutually beneficial, albeit sick and dishonest, arrangement.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Trump’s Cowardly Scheme to Upstage the Mueller Hearing is Stymied by House Democrats

For more than two years Donald Trump has exhibited signs of mortal fear whenever the subject of his unsavory connections to Russia were brought up. That’s especially true with regard to mentions of special counsel Robert Mueller and his probe of Russian interference in the 2016 election.

Donald Trump Robert Mueller

Most of the time Trump has endeavored to lie about and malign Mueller in the harshest terms, calling him corrupt, conflicted, dishonest, and even treasonous. He tried to prevent Congress from ever seeing the Mueller report (and the public as well). Although on a few peculiar occasions Trump tried to butter up Mueller with faint praise in order to validate his delusional assertion that the final report exonerated him. Never mind that even Fox News’ Senior Legal Analyst and Chief Political Anchor didn’t buy that delusion.

A few weeks ago the House Judiciary and Intelligence Committees scheduled hearings to get Mueller’s testimony on the record. It was a necessary step to inform the public, most of whom have not read the Mueller report in full (like many members of Congress) and are not familiar with its conclusions that identify criminal activity on Trump’s part and multiple instances of obstruction of justice. The hearings were set of July 17.

Shortly after that announcement, Trump announced that he would be holding another one of his Deplorable Cult Rallies in North Carolina on the same date. That was surely no coincidence. Trump was plotting to steal the media’s attention from the congressional hearings that he obviously feared. This is a tactic that he has used before. When he refused to participate in a Republican primary debate on Fox News because he was afraid of Megyn Kelly, he held a phony “charitable” event on the same day. And he often tries to manipulate the press with releases intended to distract from coverage of other news that he fears.

Now the Democrats in Congress are discussing delaying the Mueller hearing for one week. That would mean that Trump’s deliberately competing rally would not interfere with the Mueller hearing after all. Trump would either have to reschedule his rally also, or schedule an additional rally a week later. Either way it would make him look brazenly opportunistic and self-serving.

Still, we can’t rule out Trump changing his calendar in order to thwart the congressional testimony of Mueller. His fear is a powerful motivation for much of his behavior as president. He proved that again just yesterday with this trembling tweet:

And last week Trump unleashed this desperate and frightened tweet:

One thing we’ve learned from Trump is that there is no bottom to the barrel of his sleazy behavior. He will pull out all the stops to sabotage the public’s right to know about his criminal activities. If it isn’t a competing rally, it could be an escalation of his abhorrent deportation crusade, or an attack on Iran, or a pardon for Jeffrey Epstein, or an executive order remanding all immigrant children to Epstein’s Palm Beach Detention Center and Spa. Don’t laugh. With Trump anything is possible.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Trump Hypes His Social Media Summit with a Babbling Barrage of Embarrassing Blather

The President of the United States is demonstrating with pride how he is wasting his time and taxpayers money. To be sure, there are a lot of more important matters to address than what he is calling a “Social Media Summit,” but this event is frightening evidence of just how severe his mental infirmities have become.

Donald Trump, Twitter

It isn’t just the fact that Trump has invited some of the most noxious Internet trolls and conspiracy theorists (i.e. Brent Bozell, James O’Keefe, Bill Mitchell, Charlie Kirk, etc.) to the White House. Even though that alone is a dangerous validation of crackpots determined to spread disinformation. Trump’s promotion of this Bizarro Circus of Derp is worrisome business all by itself. He pitched this conclave of kooks on Twitter Thursday morning with a six-tweet essay that reads like the manifesto of a sixties acid casualty. Grit your teeth and read on (each tweet is highlighted with a link):

The White House will be hosting a very big and very important Social Media Summit today. Would I have become President without Social Media? Yes (probably)! At its conclusion, we will all go to the beautiful Rose Garden for a News Conference on the Census and Citizenship.

A big subject today at the White House Social Media Summit will be the tremendous dishonesty, bias, discrimination and suppression practiced by certain companies. We will not let them get away with it much longer. The Fake News Media will also be there, but for a limited period..

The Fake News is not as important, or as powerful, as Social Media. They have lost tremendous credibility since that day in November, 2016, that I came down the escalator with the person who was to become your future First Lady.

When I ultimately leave office in six……years, or maybe 10 or 14 (just kidding), they will quickly go out of business for lack of credibility, or approval, from the public. That’s why they will all be Endorsing me at some point, one way or the other.

Could you imagine having Sleepy Joe Biden, or Alfred E. Newman……or a very nervous and skinny version of Pocahontas (1/1024th), as your President, rather than what you have now, so great looking and smart, a true Stable Genius!

Sorry to say that even Social Media would be driven out of business along with, and finally, the Fake News Media! Will be a big and exciting day at the White House for Social Media!

The only thing “very big and very important” about this is the signal it’s sending to mental health professionals about trump’s declining cognition and grasp of reality. There has never been any hint of verifiable bias against conservatives online. It is their own paranoia and conspiracy brain-rot that causes them to rant about this incessantly.

It’s funny (in a horrific way) that Trump says the media has “lost tremendous credibility” considering the Bozo Brigade that he invited to this party. However, it isn’t funny that he “jokes” about remaining in office beyond the term allowable by law. That reveals his all too real aspirations for dictatorship that he has expressed seriously on many occasions. It goes hand-in-hand with his oft-repeated affinity for murderous tyrants around the world.

Equally disturbing is Trump’s gleeful fantasy that the media organizations he despises as “the enemy of the people” will “quickly go out of business” when (if) he leaves office. As well as his thinly veiled threat that “they will all be Endorsing me at some point, one way or the other.” WTF does that mean?

Then Trump launches into his predictable cascade of infantile insults aimed at anyone he dislikes, and especially political opponents. His tiresome and repetitive nicknames (Sleepy Joe, Alfred E. Newman, Pocahontas, et al) do nothing but remind the American people that the President has the emotional maturity of a seven year old. And he only makes matters worse with his vain and narcissistic claim that he is “great looking and smart, a true Stable Genius!”

Every American should be outraged that this sort of behavior is being tolerated by White House staffers, Republican officeholders, and the minority basket of Deplorables who prop up this nutcase. His Fringe Media Summit isn’t really important at all. But the presence of someone with such obvious psychological problems at the head of government is a disaster waiting to happen.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Crybaby Trump Hypocritically Calls Boycotts ‘Vicious’ and ‘Crazed’: Here are 10 of His Own

One of the most frequent defense tactics employed by Donald Trump is to accuse your accusers of the same thing that you’re guilty of. It mainly serves as a distraction and a method of casting false blame on others. But it’s an irrational tactic that doesn’t actually exonerate the person using it. They remain guilty, but only equally as guilty as the falsely charged victim.

Donald Trump, Boycott

That may be sufficient for Trump’s purposes, which is generally to shift attention away from his crimes until the next scandal erupts. But it also highlights how shallow and deceptive his arguments are. And even more problematic, it showcases his rabid hypocrisy.

Case in point. Trump went off on Twitter about a grassroots boycott of Home Depot after it’s co-founder, Bernie Marcus, announced that he would be donating a large portion of his wealth to reelecting Trump. The President blasted out a three-tweet tirade in defense of Marcus that included an overt threat aimed at his critics:

Naturally, anyone who pays tribute to the Narcissist-and-Thief is regarded as “truly great” and “patriotic.” And it is verboten to disparage him in any way. Those who do are “radicals” with ulterior motives. As opposed to free citizens exercising their constitutional rights.

Also, notice that when Trump refers to “your favorite President” he has to explicitly identify himself. That’s because no one would actually think of him in that context without such prompting. He goes on to malign boycotts as “vicious and totally crazed,” but in the very same tweet calls on his aptly named Deplorables to launch their own. And why wouldn’t he? Crazed viciousness is his trademark.

Finally, Trump dives head first into the “accuse your accusers” maneuver. After describing the strategy of “using Commerce to hurt” others, and acknowledging that it causes indiscriminate pain, he blatantly orders his glassy-eyed disciples to charge ahead with their own assault on commerce.

What’s most disturbing about this is that Trump is either suffering from some form of Alzheimer’s or he is being deliberately dishonest (or both). In this Twitter tantrum Trump fails to mention that boycotts have been a frequent weapon of choice for his own battles. For the record he has called for boycotts at least ten times, mostly against American businesses: Harley-Davidson, CNN, Apple, Macy’s, Fox News, Univision, Mexico, HBO, Rolling Stone, and most recently AT&T. As seen on his own Twitter feed:

This is only a partial list. Other victims of Trump’s boycott frenzy include Starbucks, Oreos, Ford, and many more. Clearly Trump has separate standards for himself and everyone else. But there is a bigger problem here. There’s a significant difference between citizens independently voting with their pocketbooks when there is an issue that they feel strongly about, and a president whose bully pulpit ought to never be used against the companies and workers he was elected to represent. Trump is the one who doesn’t care about who he hurts, and he is deliberately causing harm to the American people and economy when he bashes domestic enterprises.

There has never been an American president who so brazenly sought to damage businesses that are major employers of American workers. No other president would have even thought of such a thing. But Trump only thinks of himself. Even when he attacks foreign businesses he is blinded by his selfishness. He went after products made in China despite the fact that many of his (and Ivanka’s) are manufactured there and his businesses buy Chinese goods by the boatload.

The American people should be concerned that their President will so callously attack the companies that employ them, their families, and neighbors. The next target of Trump’s wrath could very well be their own employer. It is unethical and anti-American for any leader to deliberately try to harm the companies that keep Americans working. But then the president that has called the media “the enemy of the people” obviously couldn’t care less about the damage he does to American workers, even including physical assaults and death threats.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

The Fake Fox News Story About Seth Rich Was Planted By Russia and Promoted By Hannity

Michael Isikoff of Yahoo News has just published an extensive investigative report revealing that the bogus story about the murder of the Democratic National Committee staffer, Seth Rich, was originally planted by Russian intelligence. (Insert SHOCKED! face here). This was a completely fabricated piece of actual fake news that was prominently pushed by Fox News, and particularly Sean Hannity.

Fox News, Sean Hannity, Vladimir Putin

The article by Isikoff went into stark detail about the origins of the callous claims that Rich was actually the source of hacked emails the were published by Wikileaks. Those who told and spread these lies had no compassion whatsoever for the family that was grieving the loss of a loved one. Likewise, they didn’t care that they were disseminating falsehoods created by Russian spies intended to disrupt an American presidential election. Isikoff reported that

“The conspiracy claims reached their zenith in May 2017 — the same week as Mueller’s appointment as special counsel in the Russia probe — when Fox News’ website posted a sensational story claiming that an FBI forensic report had discovered evidence on Rich’s laptop that he had been in communication with WikiLeaks prior to his death. Sean Hannity, the network’s primetime star, treated the account as major news on his nightly broadcast, calling it ‘explosive’ and proclaiming it ‘might expose the single biggest fraud, lies, perpetrated on the American people by the media and the Democrats in our history.'”

“In fact, the Fox story was a ‘complete fabrication,’ said [U.S. attorney Deborah] Sines, who consulted with the FBI about the Fox News claims. There was ‘no connection between Seth and WikiLeaks. And there was no evidence on his work computer of him downloading and disseminating things from the DNC.'”

In an interview on MSNBC, Isikoff elaborated on what his investigation uncovered (video below):

“The timing is so interesting here. The week that this breaks on Fox News, in the story they later had to retract and acknowledged didn’t ‘meet their editorial standards,’ Sean Hannity is shouting it from the rooftops. What’s going on that week? It’s the week that [special counsel Robert] Mueller was appointed. It’s the week [FBI Director James] Comey was fired. It’s when the Russia story was blowing up.”

Isikoff noted that Hannity’s guest was Trump’s attorney for the Russia affair, Jay Sekulow. He had just been hired by Trump, but Hannity left that fact out of the segment. Together they were pushing the phony Rich story as a means to undercut the Russia narrative.

Fox News later issued a mushy retraction that admitted no fault. They said they would conduct an internal investigation to ascertain where they went wrong, but any findings from the alleged investigation remain undisclosed. However, Hannity never conceded any wrongdoing at all. To the contrary, he insisted that his “reporting” was accurate and would continue:

“I am not or, I retracted nothing. For those accusing me of pushing a conspiracy theory, you are the biggest phony hypocrites in the entire world. This issue, it’s so big now that the entire Russia collusion narrative is hanging by a thread. […] These are questions that I have a moral obligation to ask, and I will do the mainstream media’s job like I have most of my career.”

True to form, Hannity never did retract his lies about Rich. But he did delete all of his tweets about Rich (you can still see them here). He is exhibiting the same dishonesty, arrogance, and stubbornness as his bestie in the White House, Donald Trump. They both will cling to the most ludicrous assertions, even after they have been proven to be utterly false. The truth plays no part in their determined propaganda crusades. And neither does patriotism, as both Hannity and Trump have now been been shown to be willing confederates (aka “useful idiots”) of covert Russian operations.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Trump Goes Off (His Meds) on a Crazed Anti-Media Tweet Tantrum Against – Fox News?

It must be extraordinarily difficult for the President of the United States to get through every weekend without being fawned over by his most devoted supporters and promoters: the weekday primetime hosts on Fox News (aka State TV). Donald Trump’s notoriously fragile ego needs constant stroking or it erupts in an explosion of nonsensical ravings and unbound hostility from his Twitter stronghold.

Donald Trump, Fox News, Strange

That’s the sensitive psychological condition that Trump found himself in on Sunday night when he unleashed a torrent of tweets bursting with self pity and anger at an unfair world that wasn’t sufficiently adoring. This hissy twit included an unexpected barrage of animus aimed squarely at Trump’s media confederates at Fox News. It’s not the first time, but it’s one of the most extended and shrill. And it’s a warning to Fox that if you dare to stray from Trumpian orthodoxy, you are officially guilty of betraying the cause of white-wing nationalism, and Trump personally. It’s Trump’s admission that he regards Fox News as his personal publicity shop. The substance of this tweetstorm is so profoundly disturbing that we can just let it speak for itself.

Poor Trump is suffering the brutal symptoms of withdrawal due to the lack of his weekday Trump-fluffers: Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Tucker Carlson, and the “Curvy Couch” potatoes of Fox and Friends. Apparently Jeanine Pirro and Mark Levin aren’t sufficient to get him through these lonely weekends. But does he have to be so cruel as to call the Fox weekenders worse than CNN? That’s a low blow coming from Trump.

Deprived of his State TV babysitters, Trump whines about the brass at Comcast. He’s referring to Chairman and CEO of Comcast Brian Roberts and NBCUniversal CEO Steve Burke. And he apparently believes that they tell everyone on NBC what to say. That must be because that’s the way the propaganda machine at Fox News operates, so he thinks real news organizations do the same.

He also unloads on what he says was a boring Democratic primary debate. Never mind that it was the most watched Democratic debate in history and drew more viewers on the second night than the first, which is not generally an indicator that the viewers were bored. Then Trump takes an odd, leftfield swipe at the New York Times because, well, what anti-media Trump rant would be complete without it?

Next, Trump takes aim directly at Fox News again, this time accusing them of having “forgot the people who got them there!” As if the network is obligated to behave in the manner that Trump demands or it’s being disloyal. That sentiment is extended with Trump’s complaint that Fox hired Donna Brazile, a former Democratic Party official. He lies about her having given Hillary Clinton debate questions during the 2016 Democratic primary. In fact, Brazile never had any actual debate questions. She only gave Clinton a list of topics and questions that she assumed would be covered. That’s still improper for a CNN contributor who was supposed to be unaffiliated, but it isn’t the same as stealing actual questions and handing them over to a candidate. Ironically, that’s an accusation that was levelled at Fox News for tipping off Trump before a GOP debate.

Finally, Trump insults all of the dayside Fox anchors as “terrible” and takes a swing at Fox’s chief news anchor and managing editor of breaking news, Shepard Smith. Considering how often Smith debunks Trump’s lies, that isn’t surprising. Take, for instance, this brutal fact check on Trump’s lies about Russian collusion. But then he closes this manic episode by proclaiming that he knows what the Fox News audience wants and that Fox is failing in its duty to be a staunchly partisan right-wing mouthpiece by not bending obediently to the bias that Trump thinks is required of them.

It’s difficult to be certain exactly what triggered this meltdown, but it doesn’t take much to set Trump off these days. He is becoming more frightened and unstable with each new poll that shows him losing in 2020, and each new revelation of his rampant criminal activity, including the arrest of his pal Jeffrey Epstein for sex trafficking.

However, there was an entertaining bit of “news” made on Fox Sunday when reporter Greg Palkot was covering reaction to the U.S. winning the World Cup. He was live from a sports bar in Lyon, France when the crowd began chanting “F*** Trump.” Then Palkot interviewed an American patron who cheered the U.S. team’s victory and then proudly exclaimed “Now we need to win in 2020, Democrats. Get that racist out of the White House.” That’s surely something that would gnaw at Trump if he saw it. But it warms the hearts of every truly patriotic American who can’t wait for Trump to booted from office whether by losing an election or well deserved impeachment.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Hmm: Trump is Tweeting Way Less Since His Pal Jeffrey Epstein’s Arrest for Sex Trafficking

From the start of his presidency, Donald Trump has made Twitter his preferred platform for communicating with the American people. He has often unleashed rabid tweetstorms that exceeded forty posts in a single day. The vast majority of these posts are shamelessly self-serving tributes to himself – by himself – along with messages by his devoted sycophants in Congress and on Fox News who offer unquestioning praise for Trump and vicious assaults on his critics.

Donald Trump

Trump regards Twitter as his only means of speaking directly to his Deplorable followers since the media is, in his warped mind, “the enemy of the people.” It’s a position that he frequently brings up when questioned about his oppressive Twaddiction. He even believes that criticisms of his Twitter habit are plots to silence him:

So it’s rather peculiar that Trump has been muzzling himself on Twitter lately. The frequency of his posts has significantly declined in the past few days. Here is an accounting of Trump’s Twitter feed since the beginning of July (Only posts by Trump, no retweets):

  • July 1: 14 tweets.
  • July 2: 19 tweets.
  • July 3: 14 tweets.
  • July 4: 14 tweets.
  • July 5: 6 tweets.
  • July 6: 5 tweets.
  • July 7: 6 tweets

[UPDATE: Trump posted five more times on the night of July 7. They are all curiously attacking the weekend programs on Fox News. Something is clearly rattling him. His ordinary psychoses are flashing neon red. Trump is not comfortable with anyone on Fox who isn’t a Trump-fluffing toady, and Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Tucker Carlson, and the “Curvy Couch” potatoes of Fox and Friends are all off until Monday]

Trump’s conspicuous decline from his favorite social media raises some awkward questions. What could possibly drive him away from a medium that he has been so attached to as a critical component of his propaganda machine? Ordinarily, even bad news would result in an increase in his tweet activity as he defends himself.

Well, there was some disturbing news this weekend that might have the scrubbing power to shut him up. It concerns a longtime friend of Trump’s who has been embroiled in a stomach-turning scandal involving the sexual exploitation and assault of underage girls:

“Billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein was arrested for allegedly sex trafficking dozens of minors in New York and Florida between 2002 and 2005, and will appear in court in New York on Monday, according to three law enforcement sources. Saturday’s arrest by the FBI-NYPD Crimes Against Children Task Force comes about 12 years after the 66-year-old financier essentially got a slap on the wrist for allegedly molesting dozens of underage girls in Florida.”

Epstein’s arrest was on July 6. Trump’s Twitter output took a dive on July 5. Assuming Trump got a heads up from either his lackey in the Justice Department, Attorney General William Barr, or someone in Epstein’s camp, that would coincide with his reduced Twitter activity. And not because Trump is worried about the fate of his buddy. Trump himself could be implicated in the scandal. After all, his association with Epstein included an appreciation for his perverse sexcapades:

This shouldn’t surprise anyone who has been paying attention to Trump’s enjoyment of his own “social life.” He has had dozens of women come forward with charges of sexual harassment and/or assault. The latest one occurring just two weeks ago. What’s more, Trump has some exposure to Epstein’s previous legal affairs. Alex Acosta is Trump’s Secretary of Labor, a department which, among other things, has jurisdiction over sex trafficking crimes. Acosta’s connection to Epstein is noteworthy:

“Epstein’s bust comes mere months after a federal judge ruled his 2007 non-prosecution agreement (NPA)—secretly inked under former U.S. Attorney and current Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta—violated federal law by keeping Epstein’s victims in the dark. Under the sweetheart deal, Epstein dodged federal charges that might have sent him to prison for life.”

So Trump is pals with Epstein, an alleged sex trafficker, and he placed the corrupt U.S. Attorney, who gave Epstein a slap on the wrist, in his cabinet. Could Trump be worried about what might come out revealing his participation in Epstein’s cabal of pedophiles? Granted, this is speculation at this point. But it’s not unreasonable to suspect Trump, a known sexual predator, to be among those who engaged in unlawful activities with an alleged trafficker of underage girls. And that’s just the sort of legal jeopardy that could zip Trump’s relentlessly flapping lips shut.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Trump Suffers Fit of Hysterical Projection Syndrome in Desperate Attack on Joe Biden

For nearly two and a half years Donald Trump has been a walking textbook of debilitating psychoses. He has displayed symptoms of malignant narcissism, dementia, senility, paranoia, and antisocial personality disorder (aka sociopathy). He is a sexual predator and a bully who resorts to infantile behaviors when angry or afraid. And a group of psychiatric doctors and academics at Yale University deemed him “too mentally ill to serve.”

Donald Trump, Joe Biden

Now a new diagnosis can be made that describes Trump’s relentless determination to accuse others of what he does himself. The surest indicator of whether Trump has committed a crime is when he blasts out charges at someone else for the same criminal activity. And when that tendency reaches absurd levels of mania, as it so often does with Trump, we can call it Hysterical Projection Syndrome. And history will record Trump as Patient Zero for this malady. He presented a perfect example of it on Saturday morning with a frantic tweet (of course) aimed at Joe Biden, which we can break down to fully observe the depths to which Trump’s illness have driven him.

First of all, there’s no way Trump wrote this tweet. Too many syllables. More to the point, Trump begins by disparaging Biden as “a reclamation project” who is “not salvageable.” Both of those terms are thinly veiled insinuations about his age. Trump has also attached one of his childish nicknames – Sleepy Joe – to Biden. However, while Biden is 76 years old, Trump is 73 years old. And he is the laziest president in history. It has been reported that he doesn’t start his work day until 11:00 am, after his morning routine (executive time) of watching Fox News. And he has played more golf (at his resorts from which he profits) than any president before him.

Secondly, Trump says of Biden that China is “begging for him.” We’ll set aside the fact there is no evidence to support that charge. Trump is implying that China likes Biden and wants to deal with him. But that’s exactly what Trump says about his own relationship with China’s Xi Jinping. How can he criticize Biden for allegedly having the sort of relationship that he brags about having himself?

Third, Trump says that Biden “deserted our military.” Again (and as is true about almost everything Trump says) there is no support for that charge against Biden. Although there is abundant support for it against Trump. He is a five-time draft dodger. He insulted all POWs for having been captured. He denigrates Gold Star families who are not Trump sycophants. He terminated healthcare and other services for vets. And he deported veterans who served in combat despite not being citizens.

Fourth, Trump also baselessly said that Biden deserted law enforcement. However, it is Trump who has viciously attacked the FBI, the Department of Justice, and others in law enforcement. Notably, he does that primarily to tarnish their reputations when he is the subject of an investigation – of which there are many. Trump is against cops for the same reason bank robbers are: They make it harder for him to get away with his crimes. So he goes ballistic. His vile attacks on special counsel Robert Mueller have included charges of lying, corruption, conflict of interest, and even treason.

Fifth, Trump also said that Biden deserted healthcare. Of course, he was at President Obama’s right hand when the Affordable Care Act was passed. Trump, on the other hand, has worked hard to sabotage it and is currently supporting a lawsuit that could result in killing it entirely. He has no plan to replace it or to preserve the most popular provisions, including coverage for those with preexisting conditions.

Sixth, Trump complains about the national debt, which is rising to a record $22 trillion dollars under his administration. Much of that is due to his own tax bill that provided corporations and the wealthy with steep and undeserved tax cuts. The Congressional Budget Office projects that Trump could add roughly the same amount of debt as Obama over two terms. However there’s a big difference between the two. Obama took office in the depths of the Bush recession when deficit financing was required to spur the recovery.

Trump, on the other hand, inherited a booming economy, which is the best time to pay off debt. But he nevertheless managed to increase it without any discernible gain. As Forbes Magazine (not exactly a bastion of liberalism) reported, “Trump’s deficits as a percent of GDP will exceed any other President’s during a time of economic expansion.” And the stock market, which Trump likes to use as a gauge of his success, performed far better during Obama’s term. The S&P 500 rose 66.2 percent under Obama, but less than half that (31.1%) under Trump.

Finally, Trump closed this tweet with the exclamation that Biden “Won’t win!” Well, that may be true. He may not even be the Democratic nominee. But the likelihood that Trump will win is pretty low considering that he is currently trailing all of the top Democratic contenders. And his approval rating is historically low. He is the first president ever to never crack 50 percent in approval.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

That’s a lot of flaming wrongness by Trump in one little tweet. And all of the whining about Biden actually applies much better to Trump. It’s important to acknowledge just how delusional he is as we approach the coming 2020 election. Trump’s psychological infirmities need to be a part of the campaign for all Democrats. He must be exposed as not just another callous and greedy Republican, but as an incompetent whose ignorance, hostility, and mental imbalance puts the whole nation – and world – in danger.

Trump’s Reasoning for Citizenship Question on Census Could Also Prohibit Most Citizens From Voting

Among the hallmarks of Donald Trump’s presidency is his brazen disrespect for, and ignorance of, the Constitution of the United States. When he isn’t flagrantly misstating its meaning, he is fiercely striving to subvert its purpose. To him it is an inconvenient sheet of parchment that gets in the way of him doing whatever the heck he wants.

Donald Trump, Constitution

Case in point, Trump’s current dispute with the Supreme Court over whether to include a question about citizenship on the decennial census. The Court recently ruled against Trump on the matter, but he is refusing to let it rest. Never mind that the Constitution clearly states that the census is an enumeration of “persons,” not citizens.

At first, Trump’s own Justice and Commerce Departments acceded to the Court’s decision and stated that the Census would be printed without the citizenship question. But this must have angered Trump, or more likely his “Shadow Cabinet” on Fox News. Because Trump later tweeted that he was still seeking ways of going forward with the question despite the Supreme Court’s ruling. He even called his own cabinet secretaries fake news:

On Friday morning Trump elaborated on this “quest” when a reporter asked him about it (video below). His response was a startling display of arrogance and ignorance. After babbling about his his many alleged options, Trump revealed his absurd justification for including a question that has been independently assessed to be discriminatory:

“I just spoke with the Attorney General. We have a number of different avenues. We could use all of them or just one. […] If you look at the history of our country, it’s almost always been asked.”

Let’s set aside the fact that Attorney General William Barr is once again acting as Trump’s personal lawyer, rather than the chief law enforcement official for the American people.

More to the point, Trump is arguing that because there was a citizenship question on the census in the past, there should be one now. But If you take Trump’s advice and look at the history of our country, what you’ll find is that African-Americans and women have almost always been prohibited from voting. So by the same ludicrous logic, it would be justifiable to restore those prohibitions. And that would literally prohibit most citizens from voting.

For the record, a citizenship question was not asked for most of the first fifty years the U.S. existed. Then it began to be asked just after the civil war, until around 1950. That’s curious timing, don’t you think? Thereafter it has been asked of only a small sample of the population. But now Trump wants to ask everybody. In his morning media scrum, he was also asked why the question was so important. And here he said aloud what his aides surely meant for him to keep secret:

“You need it for many reasons. Number one, you need it for Congress. You need it for Congress for districting. You need it for appropriations. Where are the funds going?”

So Trump is now calling his own Justice Department liars. Their original reason had something to do with needing the question to help enforce the Voting Rights Act. That, of course, makes no sense at all. And it’s one of the reasons they lost in the Supreme Court. Even worse, a few weeks ago Trump’s Solicitor General explicitly told the Supreme Court that redistricting was not the reason for the question. So much for that transparently dishonest excuse.

Worst of all, trump is now admitting that his reason for the question is to impact redistricting in a manner that would suppress the votes of a largely Democratic electorate, while helping Republicans to hang on to their white nationalist power base. What we have here is Trump getting caught in a complex web of lies in order to justify a partisan and racist policy that violates the Constitution. In other, business as usual in the Era of Trump.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Trump’s Fourth of July Tweets Were a Manic Eruption of an Ego Gone Wild

The Independence Day debacle in Washington, D.C. lived down to it’s hype. Donald Trump managed to avoid overtly partisan political comments, but he failed to provide a presentation of leadership that anyone can be proud of. His remedial lecturing on American history fell flat. And his exploitation of the military only reminded people that he is a five-time draft dodger who frequently insults veterans.

Donald Trump

Trump’s speech (which was carried live only by Fox News because, well, they’re Fox News) contained no memorable lines that will be quoted for their insight or inspiration. However, he did make a couple of painful gaffes that will surely go down in history. Most notably, Trump told his enrapt audience of Deplorables that the Continental Army “took over” the airports during the Revolutionary War.

Trump’s White House nannies can still mark this one down as a victory for having kept Trump from engaging in his customary bragging and hostile political grandstanding. However, following the speech, Trump was no longer able to control himself. He unleashed a tweetstorm of epic proportions before the grounds at the National Mall could even dry from the day’s rainstorm. In fact, before and after the speech there forty-two tweets or retweets in all. This may be a record for Trump’s Twitter tantrums.

Most of the posts were about his speech and praise of it by himself or his glassy-eyed Trump-fluffers. But a good percentage were outbursts of the political angst that he was holding in during the speech. For instance, he tweeted…

  • A criticism of the week-old Democratic debates.
  • An attack on Rep. Justin Amash for quitting the Republican Party.
  • A Breitbart video allegedly of communists burning an American flag.
  • Ted Cruz berating Congress for not doing whatever Trump says on the border.
  • A GOP Rep on Fox News ranting about Mueller and Deep State abuse of power.
  • An article on Biden’s polls dropping against other Democrats, but still beating Trump.
  • Fox News wingnut Byron York being upset with Colin Kaepernick.
  • The Wall Street Journal touting Trump’s scam “health reimbursement” accounts.
  • Byron York (again) dissing Kamala Harris.
  • Another Fox Newser, Mollie Hemingway, on the border again.
  • A conspiracy crackpot plugging the ultra-right One America News Network.
  • Trump touting job creation with a link to the disreputable Breitbart News.
  • Trump touting job creation with a link to the disreputable CNSNews

These tweets will forever stand as a historical record of a president whose mind was a frothy lump of mush. Albeit the sort of mush that had healthy portions of hate, fear, and ignorance mixed in. It’s evidence that Trump never lets his hostility drift far from his thoughts. And we can always expect it to be released in torrents, even if he manages to keep it pent up for an hour or two at the urging of desperate and embarrassed staffers. This is who Trump is and will always be.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.