Trump Is ‘Really Sad’ Having to Declare that ‘Fox News is Dead’

It’s the most wonderful time of the year. The time when Donald Trump’s rage boils over because those he considers his subservient flunkies are less than fiercely devoted. The time when unquestioned loyalty to Trump is demanded of all who kneel before him. The time when Trump lashes out at Fox News for not showing unqualified adoration of Dear Leader.

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Donald Trump, Fox News, Hate Again

It’s been six weeks since the American people voted to excise the Trump Virus from the body politic. In all that time, Trump has continued to insist, in defiance of reality, that he was the landslide winner of the presidential election, and probably by acclamation, the Master of the Known Universe.

Unfortunately for Trump, the real world is not so forgiving. His failure to best Joe Biden in the election, as well as in nearly sixty court challenges, has sunken Trump’s mood to unprecedented depths. He has now been reduced to whining pitifully about being the victim of an international cabal determined to destroy him. And participating in that collective of coup plotters is Fox News, the network that put him in the White House and still has deep sympathy for his singular plight. On Wednesday morning Trump plaintively tweeted that he…

Trump has been mad at Fox News for quite a while. And his anger may have contributed somewhat to Fox’s ratings decline. He has lately been propping up piddly also-ran “news” sources like Newsmax and OANN. He was even recently reported to have expressed his desire to “wreck Fox News.”

However, this tweet is riddled with bizarre notions that extend far beyond a his ignorant ratings analysis or a mere displeasure with “news” reporting. First of all, his claim that Fox News has “played right into the hands of the Radical Left Democrats” is not supported by any examples. Trump simply regards any adverse commentary as part of the anti-Trump plot. And his singling out of Donna Brazile, is notable for her being a rare woman of color on the network. She conveniently satisfies Trump’s tendencies toward both misogyny and racism.

Furthermore, Trump makes a preposterous reference to Fox News “allow[ing] endless negative and unedited commercials” Does he believe that television news networks are supposed to be editing commercials? Likewise, does he believe that those commercials are supposed to all be positive?

Let’s set aside Trump’s alleged sadness over the network’s alleged demise. Trump’s death notice is more likely a reflection of his desires than of the actual health of Fox News. As noted previously, Trump is out to wreck Fox. He thinks he has a future in media with a self-branded network. He’s wrong. That would just be the path to his next humiliating bankruptcy.

In conclusion, Trump declares that “Fox News is dead.” That’s a diagnosis that doesn’t square with the facts (a common problem for both Trump and Fox). While their ratings have understandably declined following the heat of the presidential campaign, Fox still has millions of viewers and is one of the top cable networks. But what’s really bothering Trump is that Fox News isn’t as slavishly kowtowing to Trump as they were four years ago when they aired his every utterance live and uninterrupted. And Trump has pointed that out several times in the past few months:

  • Dec 16th 2020: “Perhaps the biggest difference between 2016 and 2020 is @FoxNews.”
  • Nov 12th 2020: “The biggest difference between the 2016 Election, and 2020, was @FoxNews!”
  • Oct 27th 2020: “The biggest difference between now and 2016 is @FoxNews.”
  • Aug 14th 2020” “The biggest difference between the Presidential Race in 2020 and that of 2016 is the 2016 candidate … and @FoxNews has become politically correct and no longer the big deal!”

Clearly Trump is unhappy with how Fox News has scaled back their 24/7 coverage of his hostile, lie-riddled, egomaniacal rants. His concern for the death of Fox contrasts tragically with his total lack of concern for the 300,000 Americans who really are dead due to his negligence and incompetence. He is obsessed with burying anything he regards as bad news for him, while pounding mindlessly on his critics. And if he thinks that that sort of programming will draw an audience for his own potential network, he’s even crazier than everyone already assumes him to be. But it will, nevertheless, be fun to watch him fail again should he go through with it.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Fox News Receives Demand to Retract Trump’s Defamatory Election Fraud Lies

Throughout the bizarre misadventures of Donald Trump’s election defeat, he and his screwball legal team have launched baseless attacks on a variety of people and companies that they blamed for his humiliating loss. Their wild conspiracy theories spun tales of alleged plots against Trump by Joe Biden and other Democrats, as wells as by Dominion Voting Systems and software developer, Smartmatic. And Trump’s increasingly rabid rhetoric is crossing the line into explicit incitations of violence.

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Donald Trump, Fox News, Lies

These allegations were never supported by evidence. And the lawsuits filed by Trump’s incompetent attorneys, Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, et al., failed in nearly sixty separate court cases. That has to be some sort of record. And now it has led to a legal response by Smartmatic who has sent letters demanding retractions from the Trump-fluffing, right-wing media outfits that prop up Trump’s lies. The letters went out Monday to Fox News, Newsmax, and the One America News Network (OANN). According to Mediaite

“Smartmatic demanded the retraction of dozens of comments made by hosts Lou Dobbs and Maria Bartiromo, as well as Trump lawyers Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell, who appeared frequently as guests on the network […alleging…] “a conspiracy orchestrated by George Soros and the late Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez.”

All they need to add is Barack Obama’s birth certificate and Hillary Clinton’s emails to guarantee a spot in the Conspiracy Crackpot Hall of Fame. Mediaite also obtained a copy of the letter that Smartmatic sent to Fox News, the network that recently expressed its deep sympathy for the travails of Trump. The letter contains numerous examples of defamatory statements made by Fox News anchors, contributors, and guests, as well as Trump’s lawyers. The letter summarized its complaint saying that…

“Fox News has engaged in a concerted disinformation campaign against Smartmatic. Fox News told its millions of viewers and readers that Smartmatic was founded by Hugo Chávez, that its software was designed to fix elections, and that Smartmatic conspired with others to defraud the American people and fix the 2020 U.S. election by changing, inflating, and deleting votes. While Fox News holds itself out as a trusted news source, it has continually and repeatedly published demonstrably false information and defamatory statements about Smartmatic. Fox News used its anchors and on-air guests, including Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell, to spread lies about a company that had absolutely nothing to do with the voting that took place in areas at the heart of the ‘conspiracies’ discussed following the 2020 U.S. election.” […]

“Smartmatic believes Fox News had (and has) no evidence or credible source to support any of the false and misleading statements it published in the Reports. Indeed, Fox News would have easily discovered the falsity of the statements and implications being made about Smartmatic by performing even a modicum of investigation.”

Smartmatic was stating the obvious in their assessment of Fox News as not “performing even a modicum of investigation.” That’s because Fox has never been bona fide news organization. It’s mission from the beginning was to disseminate conservative propaganda to advance the extremist agenda of the Republican Party, and it’s more recent incarnation, the Trump Party.

The worshipful defense by Fox News of Trump’s preposterous claims of election “shenanigans” is the best evidence of the network’s utter lack of credibility and ethics, not to mention patriotism. And the Smartmatic lawsuit is well founded and warranted. In fact, they should add Trump to the list of defendants since he is at the root of the slanderous lies that form the basis of the lawsuit. Perhaps they will add him after he leaves office next month. But then they’ll have to get in line behind a parade of both civil and criminal cases that are sure to follow Trump into civilian life.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

HUH? Trump Chump Stephen Miller Tells Fox News He’s Forming a Slate of ‘Alternative Electors’

Donald Trump exhausted his last best hope to steal the election last week. The Supreme Court, that he thought he had stacked with servile flunkies, unanimously ruled against his lawsuit aiming to throw out millions of votes from states that Joe Biden had won decisively. That was after having already lost more than fifty court cases. And yet, Trump still whines that he was “never even given our day in court.”

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Donald Trump, Constitution

Of course, Trump was given fifty days in court, where he failed to produce any evidence to support his election fraud claims. It’s been clear all along that the only court that Trump cared about was the court of public opinion where he could lie without the risk of committing perjury.

Continuing that campaign of disinformation, Trump got up early Monday morning to dispatch his Propaganda Advance Team. Their Senior White Nationalist Advisor, Stephen Miller, appeared on Fox News to deliver the administration’s sermon on anti-democratic election theft. And Miller’s presentation to the “Curvy Couch” potatoes of Fox and Friends was every thing you would expect:

“The only date in the Constitution is January 20, so we have more than enough time to right the wrong of this fraudulent election and certify Donald Trump as the winner of the election. As we speak, an alternate slate of electors in the contested states is going to vote and we are going to send those results to Congress. This will insure that all of our legal remedies remain open. That means that if we win these cases in the courts, that we can direct the alternate slate of electors to be certified.”

Miller asserted that upon completion of their ludicrous machinations “Donald Trump is the winner of this election.” He further claimed that he had “hundreds of violations that we’re documented.” He did not, however, explain why none of those allegedly documented violations were presented in court despite fifty opportunities to do so.

For regular observers of Trump’s Circus of Deceit, Miller’s buzzwords may sound familiar. His “alternative electors” must come from the same warped imagination as Kellyanne Conway’s “alternative facts.” And his distortion of the Constitution’s provisions for a democratic transfer of power ignore the laws associated with certifying the electoral votes (by December 8), the official casting of votes by the electoral college (on December 14), and Congress formalizing the outcome on January 6. January 20 is the day that the already certified president-elect is inaugurated and sworn in to office.

Miller’s contention that his alternate slate of electors can be sent to Congress and certified as legitimate is a fantasy that does not exist anywhere in the law. He is merely perpetuating the fraud that Trump has been blathering about for more than a month in his attempt to delude his dimwitted cult disciples – and probably himself – into believing that he still has a chance of serving another four years in the White House. He doesn’t!

More troubling is his flagrant lies that have the potential to incite violent responses to what Trump characterizes as an election that was “RIGGED,” and a presidency that was “STOLEN.” In fact, that’s precisely the response he’s seeking with inflammatory language that is an explicit call to “escalate dramatically” the opposition to American democratic principles.

NOTE: Twitter recently suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

The Victim-In-Chief? Fox News ‘Feels for’ Trump’s ‘Pain and Frustration’

Poor, poor Donald Trump. He’s the President of the United States of America, but apparently is as weak and impotent as a barnyard hog in a coma. He puts on airs of being a dominant alpha male, but whines like a colicky infant whenever he doesn’t get his way. He literally bragged that he is the most fabulous whiner.” It’s a pitiful situation wherein this co-called “leader” needs to get sympathy from talking headcases on television.

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Donald Trump

That’s what happened on Sunday morning as Fox News became the provider of consolation for our despondent wannabe despot. The “Curvy Couch” potatoes of Fox and Friends were so emotionally moved by the plight of Trump’s decisive electoral defeat that they found it necessary to relieve themselves of the inner aching they felt for the Commander-in-Grief. It went something like this (video below):

Rachel Campos-Duffy: I just feel for the President. I see the pain and the frustration. You do everything you’re supposed to do. You run the country well. You campaign your heart out, while the other guy’s in a basement. Then in the end, fraud and shenanigans at the local level, you’re robbed. We’ve all been robbed because when the elections don’t go well, when there’s fraud, when there’s these kinds of shenanigans, we all lose.
Pete Hegseth: Yeah. Frustrated, but remains undeterred. He called it rigged, a sham, a shame, a couple of times. He said ‘I worry about the country having an illegitimate president.’ And if 77% of Republicans and Trump supporters believe the election was stolen, where do you go from there?

Oh, the sorrow of this pitiful, unfortunate, Leader of the Free World. Never mind that Campos-Duffy’s characterization of Trump as having “done everything,” and “run the country well,” wasn’t shared by a majority of the American people. And set aside that Joe Biden’s campaign, for whatever flaws you might assign to it, was victorious. And don’t bother trying to justify the claims of “fraud and shenanigans” because there simply isn’t any evidence of it (Trump’s legal team lost in court 59 times so far for that very reason). These bootlicking sycophants still regard Trump – and America – as having been robbed.

In addition to the flood of empathy pouring out of these sensitive Fox Newsers, Trump himself is tormented by his tragic circumstance. He poured out to Fox’s Brian Kilmeade in yet another suck up “interview” on the network that Trump loves to hate and that some are now accusing of being complicit in the “Deep State” conspiracy to destroy Trump. He whined that…

“No judge has had the courage – including the Supreme Court – I am so disappointed in them. No judge has had the courage – including the Supreme Court of the United States has had the courage to allow it to be heard. The Supreme Court, all they did was say we don’t have standing. So they’re saying, essentially, the President of the United States, and Texas, and these other states, great states, they don’t have standing. They didn’t go into the evidence. If you would look at the evidence – thousands of pages of evidence – we have over a thousand affidavits from people that saw tens of thousands of ballots. But here’s the point: They’re winning these things on little technicalities, like a thing called standing. They’re saying the President of the United States does not have standing.”

Actually, many courts have heard Trump’s case, but then dismissed it because it was lacking in evidence and legal reasoning. And “standing” is not a “little technicality.” It is core principle of the law that requires a plaintiff to establish damage and/or loss. That means that, not only is the evidence considered, but also the claim that what the evidence shows produced tangible harm. Not a single court had found any of that.

What’s more, Trump seems to think that he should have standing just because he’s the President. That’s another example of his laughably poor grasp of elementary legal concepts. Plus, you have to wonder why Trump failed to produce any of the evidence he is crowing about in a courtroom. Most likely because it has no validity and would be tossed out, even by the Republican-appointed judges who have already ruled against him.

What Trump is demonstrating so plainly is that his facade of manliness is as fake as his invisible healthcare plan or his Mexican financed border wall. And despite his insistence that he is smarter than anyone in the known galaxy, he can’t even prevail over a rag-tag crew of jelly-bellied socialists. He’s having trouble facing the fact that he was outsmarted and beaten decisively by a candidate that he portrayed as “sleepy” and “unfit to serve.” So the question then is: What does that make Trump?

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Marchers for Trump Chant ‘Destroy the GOP’ and Attack Deep State Fox News

The bottom is rapidly falling out of Donald Trump’s “Stop the Steal” campaign. The legal misadventures for his imaginary reelection victory have resulted in more than 50 losses at every court level. That includes the Supreme Court that he thought he had pretty well stacked. And in desperation he is planting thinly veiled incitations to violence.

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Donald Trump, Republican, GOP

Following the Supreme Court rebuke, Trump’s cult disciples staged a “March for Trump” in Washington, D.C. on Saturday. It was intended to persuade the feeble-minded faithful that their Dear Leader had, as he tweeted in all caps, “WON THE ELECTION IN A LANDSLIDE,” if you only counted the votes that were for him. The rally was a bizarre spectacle that featured the most devoted Trump-fluffing zealots this side of Mar-a-Lago. Among them was Nick Fuentes, a former YouTuber who got the axe for repeatedly violating YouTube’s hate speech policies. At the rally he ranted that…

“At the first Million MAGA march [which fell about 995,000 short of a million] we promised that if the GOP would not do everything in their power to keep Trump in office, that we would destroy the GOP. And as we gather here in Washington D.C. for a second Million MAGA march we’re done making promises. It has to happen now. We are going to destroy the GOP.”

Whereupon the crowd vigorously took up the chant, “Destroy the GOP!” So with that goal, Trump actually has produced some measure of unity among the right and the left. Fuentes went on to specifically call out the Republican candidates for the Senate in Georgia. “The GOP wants us to hold the line,” he hollered, “and vote for RINOs like David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler.” The crowd responded again with resounding boos.

Also speaking at this event was that notorious political thinker and scammy telemarketer of crappy pillows, Mike Lindell. The MyPillow guy was equally irate at the establishment conservatives who he believes have let Trump down. Even worse, he accused Fox News of being in on the conspiracy:

“Why do you think Fox declared Arizona with only 14 percent of the vote in? They already knew what they did! They were in on it. I’m serious, they had to be in on it. You don’t know this stuff. I mean all this stuff…and you know what? It’s not just the ones that are behind this that are gonna wind up being…and they should all go to prison when they are found out. But how about the Republicans out there that didn’t back this great president and us as a people?”

First of all, Lindell is either lying or stupid. When Fox News called Arizona for Joe Biden about 80% of the votes were in. That blows up his paranoid conspiracy theory. But it still resonates among the Trump cultists who are convinced that Fox News, the network that put Trump in the White House, is part of the “Deep State” cabal aligned against Trump, freedom, and Gawd. Lindell concluded that these allegedly wayward Republicans, including the governors of Arizona and Georgia, “have to be hiding something.”

It’s also notable that Lindell’s MyPillow is a big advertiser on Fox News. Given his views, shouldn’t he pull those ads? He’s actually financing the Deep State evildoer that he believes is “in on” the conspiracy to steal the election from Hair Trump.

As for Fox News, they don’t intend to be shut out of this madness. On Saturday evening “Judge” Jeanine Pirro weighed in with her assessment that Trump’s hand-picked Attorney Genuflect, Bill Barr, was another traitor to the Trumpian cause (and not for the first time). “We now know,” she harangued, that “Bill Barr was the ultimate do nothing deep stater there to defend the status quo.”

That revelation makes this a profoundly nefarious and convoluted plot. It designates Trump himself as the Deep Stater-in-Chief, since he was the one who appointed Barr to lead the so-called “Justice” Department. Who would’ve thunk it?

These schizoid conspiracy crackpots are determined to bring down the Republican Party and the conservative establish that it represents. And they deserve all the help that Democrats can muster to accomplish that noble goal. They are the unwitting (unconscious) right flank of the progressive movement. And they are working in tandem with Trump who has been furiously waging warfare against Fox News, and Republicans who are less than unconditionally adoring, for most of his single term in the White House. It’s the textbook behavior of a malignant narcissist who is consumed by his addiction to non-stop adulation and the fear of losing it.

NOTE: Twitter recently suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

WHUT? After Losing 50+ Times, Trump Whines He Was ‘Never Even Given Our Day in Court’

[NOTE: the number of lost lawsuits is now over 60]

This is what the final stages of a psychotic meltdown looks like. Donald Trump has come face to face with the fact that he’s a loser who was decisively beaten by Joe Biden, a man he characterized as “sleepy” and “unfit to serve.” Trump is now confronting the reality that the majority of the American people are repulsed by him and his agenda of self-serving hate and division. For a malignant narcissist that’s a fate worse than death. And Trump’s response was to incite his glassy-eyed cult followers to violence.

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Donald Trump Pacifier Fox

Now that the Supreme Court has ruled against Trump’s last best hope to overturn the will of the people, he is hunkering down in his bunker, depressed and afraid to show his face in public. Friday night, at the last minute, Trump sent word to his guests at a White House Christmas party that he would not be attending. He probably spent the rest of the evening in bed, watching Fox News and gumming his hamberders.

However, today is a new day, and Trump awoke invigorated with the confidence of a rat at a cat convention. Seated on his “throne,” Trump grabbed his Twitter machine and began pounding out incoherent rants that only affirmed his cognitive decline. “WE HAVE JUST BEGUN TO FIGHT!!!” Trump tweeted in all caps. As if he has been holding his fire for the past five weeks. And the rest of his Saturday morning tweetstorm was even more deranged. For instance…

Trump is lashing out at the Supreme Court, including the conservative justices and his own appointees. And he asserts that he was “Never even given our day in Court!” He must have slept trough the 50+ cases that he already lost in the most humiliating fashion.

Remember… Trump only thinks in terms of votes for him as being legal. All other voters are fake or frauds. The miracle is that his people listen to this nonsense despite his failure to provide even a sliver of proof.

Trump keeps showing that he will attack anyone – even his own party – if they fail to have unqualified devotion. But let’s appreciate his opposition to reelecting GOP governors.

“IF Biden gets in???” While continuing to disparage democracy, Trump’ rhetoric devolves into the hostile lingo of mob bosses.

When Trump resorts to accusing his own Attorney Genuflect, Bill Barr, of being part of the “Deep State” conspiracy against him, you know he’s gone over the edge.

The Supreme Court actually demonstrated – unanimously – that they did have an interest in “the greatest voter fraud ever perpetrated on the United States of America.” which is why they declined to hear a case that lacked standing, as well as evidence or legal reasoning.

Trump and his screwball attorneys have had dozens of opportunities to plead their case in court, but have failed to do so every time. All he has left is his fear and wrath, which he’s aiming at anyone he regards as disloyal. That includes some of his most fervent supporters and administration staff. Nobody is safe in the path of his hysterical rage.

Meanwhile, the nation – and the world – is watching as Trump decomposes like an overripe banana. And the rot is producing a toxic substance that threatens America’s tradition of peaceful transfers of power. With just a little more than a moth until Biden is inaugurated, we can only hope that Trump is constrained by either his incompetence or his Republican confederates who, so far, have exhibited nothing but spineless cowardice and sycophantic bootlicking. Hang tight, America.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Trump’s Desperate Supreme Court Pleas to Steal the Election Only Humiliate Him Further

No one with any measurable judgment is ever going to mistake Donald Trump for an intellectual. His grasp of even the most simplistic concepts is tenuous. After all, Trump is the “stable genius” who believes that windmills cause cancer; that stealth fighters are really invisible; that hurricanes can be nuked; and that he won the election by getting seven million fewer votes than Joe Biden.

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Donald Trump

In his desperate attempts to overturn the will of the American people by invalidating their votes, Trump has racked up a win/loss record in the courts of 1 in 52 (at best). His arguments are pathetically weak and utterly devoid of supporting evidence. And his lawyers are crackpots who regurgitate conspiracy theories collected from fringe Internet trolls.

Nevertheless, Trump is hanging his hopes on the Supreme Court that he stacked with radical right-wingers. But, to date, even that hasn’t worked for him. The result is that he’s becoming ever more deranged and removed from anything resembling reality. He’s even resorting to thinly veiled calls for a violent upheaval to retain power. Trump’s latest entreaty to the high court is a sad example of this:

Let’s break down this pile of rhetorical manure, shall we? To begin with, Trump is referencing a recent report that President-elect Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, is under investigation for unspecified tax issues. This report was made public, not by some intrepid journalist, but by Hunter Biden, who maintains that his taxes were all filed appropriately and with the aid of professional tax preparers. He has not been found guilty of anything and he is cooperating fully with the authorities. As opposed to Trump who is still fighting to hide his tax returns even as his presidency is screeching to an ignoble halt.

Note that this matter does not concern Joe Biden in any way, much less suggest that his nascent presidency is “scandal plagued.” So Trump’s assertion that there is a presidential scandal brewing is a product of his warped imagination. More to the point, Trump is drawing a bizarre conclusion that a narrow tax dispute involving Biden’s son somehow affects the Supreme Court’s decision regarding Trump’s bogus election fraud whining. Why Hunter’s taxes would “make it easier” for the Supreme Court to act on Trump’s electoral complaints is a mystery that could only be solved by a skilled psychotherapist who specializes in malignant narcissists.

Trump obviously has no idea what the Supreme Court does or how it works. He clearly isn’t interested in following the Constitution because first he’d have to read and understand it. And if Trump really wants the Court to “do what everybody knows has to be done,” then they would refuse to hear his preposterous case. That wouldn’t even take much of the courage and/or wisdom that Trump is pleading for, but of which he has none of either.

To no one’s surprise, Trump is closing out his one-term in Washington as a bellowing, bull-headed, blowhard who can’t believe that he is the biggest loser. He even lost Time’s “Person of the Year” to Biden and Kamala Harris. So expect him to shortly announce his demand for a recount or his lawsuit to overturn the “RIGGED” decision.

UPDATE: The Supreme Court rejects Texas’ and Trump’s bid to overturn election. This case represented Trump’s last chance to pitch his election fraud nonsense and it was denied unanimously by the highest court in the land. Trump called it “The Big One!” Will he finally STFU? Not if he thinks he can scam more money off his glassy-eyed cult followers.

NOTE: Twitter recently suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

A Call To Arms? Trump Commands His Cult Followers To ‘Escalate Dramatically’

Reality may be setting in at the White House as it becomes impossible for Donald Trump to avoid conceding defeat. Joe Biden’s seven million vote margin of victory, and his 306 to 232 electoral college win, are gnawing at Trump. And his meritless, evidence-free lawsuits (more than 50 so far) continue to get laughed out of court.

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Donald Trump Tyrant Dictator

In desperation, Trump is resorting to the methods of history’s most loathsome wannabe tyrants. He’s hoping that he can stir up outrage among his cult followers, convincing them that they are all the victims of an international plot to usurp the power of the presidency that Trump believes is rightfully his. It’s a bizarre scenario that requires his glassy-eyed disciples to accept that, despite his omnipotent superiority, he has been outsmarted by someone he disparaged as “sleepy” and “mentally unfit.”

In the process, Trump obviously feels that he needs to mobilize his supporters into a literal army in order to prevent his removal from power. That’s a situation that he fears because it would place him in serious financial and legal jeopardy. Consequently, Trump is deploying his doomsday device: A call to arms! And he’s doing it via Twitter:

For the record, there is no poll showing that 78% of the people feel that the election was rigged. To the contrary, most polls show a majority saying it was not. Trump may be confusing the overall voter polling with just the Republicans. But even there he is inflating the number. A recent Ipsos/Reuters poll showed that 68% of Republicans said the election was rigged. As for the Supreme Court, no expert on the subject expects them to take up Trump’s ridiculous lawsuits.

Trump has still failed to provide any evidence of any illegal votes. He’s just desperate to label Biden as “illegitimate” out of spite. And Trump is on shaky ground when asking about running the country. Because it’s been “run” by an incompetent for the past four years.

Along with portraying Biden as illegitimate, Trump needs to convince people that victory was “stolen” from him in order to foment the sort of anger that erupts into violence.

Here Trump is explicitly calling to “escalate dramatically” the anger he’s been cultivating. He refers to these times as “a very dangerous moment in our history.” And he reiterates his delusional assertion that the election was “stolen” from in a “coup” and that “the public can’t take this anymore.”

There is only one plausible interpretation of that. Trump is giving the order to his Braindead Brigades to take up arms and fight to defend his lust for power. He knows that there will be no ruling from any court – including the Supreme Court that he thought he had stacked – that will uphold his preposterous allegations of election fraud. So the only avenue left for him is through a violent upheaval by unpatriotic thugs on his behalf.

That’s a course of action that will surely fail. Few people will be dumb enough to answer Trump’s call. That doesn’t mean there won’t be a few lost souls who will embark on futile missions to subvert American democracy for Trump’s benefit. And they might even cause some harm to those unfortunate enough to be in the vicinity. But they won’t come anywhere near victory. Trump will remain the loser that he is, and his soldiers will bear the brunt of his ill-conceived civil war.

It’s too bad that Twitter permits this sort of violent agitation by a clearly deranged sociopath. Their impotent labels marking Trump’s tweets as “disputed” have done nothing to deter him from escalating his rhetoric to these perilous levels of insanity. And if there is violence, Twitter will bear some of the responsibility, along with Trump, the spineless Republicans, the crackpot right-wing press, and Trump’s pathetic cult followers.

NOTE: Twitter recently suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Fox News ‘China Spy’ Story Falsely Accuses Democrats of Trump’s Crimes

As expected, Donald Trump’s pathetic assault on America’s democracy is rapidly sinking further into irrelevance. His efforts to manufacture evidence of a “rigged” election have produced nothing but failure and legal humiliation. Consequently, his Ministry of Propaganda (aka Fox News) is grasping desperately for new forms of journalistic chicanery with which to malign Democrats.

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Donald Trump, Fox News, Fake

In pursuit of that goal Fox News is employing a tactic that Trump uses frequently: Accuse your enemies of crimes for which you are guilty. This is evident in a story on Fox News that brazenly distorts a rather innocuous item about Democratic representative Eric Swalwell published by Axios. The article tells the tale of an alleged Chinese spy who wrangled her way into the California political scene.

Fox News attempted to turn this old news into a new scandal via deceitful spinning and insinuation. They begin with a blatant lie by White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany, who claimed that Democrats were “under control of a foreign power.” But the Axios article even never suggested that. What the Axios article made clear was that the “spy” accomplished nothing and that there was no evidence whatsoever of wrongdoing by Swalwell. Fox even included those conclusions deep in their story saying that “officials do not believe she received or passed on classified information.”

So all that’s left of this story is that Swalwell was targeted – unsuccessfully – by an alleged Chinese spy. He reported it to the FBI and cut off all connections to her. Which is exactly what is supposed to be done.

Trump, on the hand, when his unsavory connections to Russia were revealed, attacked the FBI and the rest of the U.S. intelligence community and whined about being a victim of a hoax by Americans plotting against him in a “Deep State” conspiracy. He refused to cooperate with law enforcement, the intelligence community, or Congress. But he continued his relationships with the people who were fraternizing with Russia.

Yet somehow this became the number one story on Fox News (followed shortly by more bullpucky about Hunter Biden). Fox produced a flurry of headlines with ludicrous insinuations, such as…

  • McCarthy demands answers on Chinese spy’s infiltration of top Democrat’s team
  • Ingraham: China’s influence in the US is dangerously ‘widespread’
  • Swalwell refuses to explain relationship with suspected Chinese spy accused of affairs with mayors
  • McCarthy: Why is Swalwell still in Congress after China spy report?
  • Swalwell suggests Trump is behind blockbuster Axios report
  • Sanders: Swalwell’s ‘outrageous and irresponsible’ behavior looks even worse now
  • Rubio: Swalwell has much to answer for ‘if he wants to continue’ in Congress
  • MacCallum: Swalwell link to Chinese spy more ‘substantial’ than Trump-Russia claims
  • Congressman’s past positions on Beijing draw scrutiny after Chinese spy infiltrated his office
  • Gaetz slams coverage of Swalwell spy scandal: ‘That’s deemed as something we can just accept and move on’
  • [And my personal favorite] Swalwell’s dad, brother no longer Facebook friends with suspected spy

Tucker Carlson joined in on the lie-fest with a segment that referred to Swalwell as “a reliable source of Chinese propaganda.” That’s a flagrant falsehood that Carlson backs up with nothing but flimsy misquotes and innuendo. Although Carlson does attempt some rhetorical jiu Jitsu saying that “It’s always those who have the most to hide who attack other people for the very things they’ve done.” That, of course, is the Trump method.

So we’ve come full circle. Fox News accuses Swalwell of accusing Trump of accusing everyone else for his atrocities and failures. These are the growing pains of a network that needs to reinvent itself for the post-Trump era. They have to transform from a slobbering pro-Trump mouthpiece, to a vicious anti-Democratic slander machine. And the result will be more stories that try to construct controversies where none exist. That’s been the Fox News mission from its inception. And it will continue into the foreseeable future, spreading lies and disinformation, and lowering the collective IQ of their dimwitted viewers.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Deluded Fox News Viewers Buy Into Trump’s Election Fraud Lies: Poll

On Tuesday the Supreme Court batted down yet another meritless election fraud lawsuit by Donald Trump and/or his sycophantic surrogates. To date Team Trump has lost more than 50 such cases. Yet he persists in pushing his evidence-free allegations despite his record of unprecedented legal failures.

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Donald Trump, Fox News, White House

On Wednesday Trump embarked on his regularly scheduled morning tweetstorm with a barrage of election related outbursts that share the common feature of being wholly removed from reality. For instance, Trump posted these examples of the articulate and coherent case he’s making to disenfranchise tens of millions of voters:

Well, that should settle it. Trump also tweeted his intention to intervene in the bogus lawsuit that Texas just filed that he falsely says contains “massive evidence of widespread fraud.” He tweeted his belief that “it was impossible for me to lose” because he won both Florida and Ohio, and because “the bookies” said so.

However, Trump is not alone alone in advancing this preposterous campaign to overturn the will of the American people. Trump’s Ministry of Disinformation (aka Fox News) is right beside him with their patented brand of propaganda buttressed by flagrant falsehoods. And that relentless blast of bullpucky has taken its toll on Fox’s feeble minded viewers. A new poll by Daily Kos/Civiqs reveals that…

“…a large majority of Americans accept and acknowledge the outcome of the 2020 presidential election: President-elect Joe Biden’s victory over President Donald Trump. But among people who watch Fox News … rejecting the election’s result continues to be the norm.”

A majority of Americans overall (58%) accept that Biden clearly beat Trump. That’s a conclusion they base on Biden having received seven million more votes and a 306-232 electoral college victory. But among frequent Fox News viewers only 18% accept that Trump is a loser, versus 63% who still suffer from the delusion that he won.

This is what can be expected when a deliberately dishonest media enterprise embarks on a campaign of lies to promote their own agenda. And the threat it poses isn’t merely a division between those who accept reality and those who cling to faith-based fantasies. Both Trump and Fox News have overtly incited potential violence on the part of disappointed Trump cultists. They have promoted fringe voices calling for “a civil war.” Just last week Fox’s Lou Dobbs attacked not only those who defend democracy, but even Trump’s own law enforcement agencies. Dobbs accused them of being…

“…a politically corrupt Justice Department in Washington, D.C. A politically corrupt FBI. And I don’t know if he is a dullard, a fool, or a liar, but the Attorney General of this country is not enforcing the law. And I don’t know what he thinks he’s presiding over, but I guarantee William Barr this, it will not be a quiet surrender of this constitutional republic.”

That’s how radically removed Fox News is from any semblance of sanity. And it is all on behalf of their Dear Leader whose malignant narcissism, and lust for greed and power, prevents him from honoring the traditional peaceful transfer of power that characterizes functional democracies.

NOTE: Twitter recently suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Thanks for your support.

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