HUH? GOP Chair Touts DeSantis Plan to Let People Get COVID as ‘Smart Leadership’

If you’re having trouble figuring out what the Republican agenda for America is, don’t worry. It’s not you. Other than tax cuts for the rich and deregulation, the Republican Party has not had an affirmative agenda for years. Their focus has been devoted almost solely to opposing the progressive policies of the Democratic Party and obstructing the popular initiatives that Democrats have proposed.

Republican Virus

As the “Party of No,” Republicans have proven that they couldn’t care less about what the people want. The latest legislative goals of the Democrats (including the $1 trillion infrastructure bill and $3.5 trillion budget bill) are broadly favored by significant majorities of the American people. But Republicans refuse to serve the interests of their own constituents, preferring to mislead them into believing flagrant falsehoods and crackpot conspiracy theories.

The same perverse political philosophy is being pursued by the GOP with respect to managing the COVID pandemic. They have adopted Donald Trump’s position of declining any constructive action because it might benefit President Biden or upset their cult followers. And to that end, the chairwoman of the Republican Party, Ronna Romney McDaniel, expressed her approval for Florida’s governor Ron DeSantis and his strategy for addressing the pandemic surge that has made Florida the world’s top COVID hot zone. McDaniel tweeted that…

“This is smart leadership. Instead of pushing for mandates, Republican governors are getting people the treatments and resources they need.”

McDaniel’s tweet linked to an article on Fox News that described how DeSantis “mobilized a ‘rapid response unit’ this week to administer monoclonal antibody treatments to state residents infected with COVID-19.” So what McDaniel thinks is “smart leadership” is to make an attempt to provide treatment for people who have contracted the deadly virus, rather than to prevent them from getting sick to begin with. After all, DeSantis has been fiercely fighting any efforts to deal with coronavirus transmission via tried and true methods such as masks and vaccines. Now he, and McDaniel, think it would be better just to treat them after they get sick.

There are numerous problems with that plan. First of all, Those who contract the virus will still be carriers who can infect others and exacerbate the pandemic’s spread. They will also be subject to the possible long-COVID health problems that could produce permanent disabilities.

What’s more, the monoclonal antibody therapy is less effective at mitigating the pandemic than vaccines and masks, and not effective at all after severe symptoms develop. Additionally, it is far more expensive to administer. It costs about $1,500 per dose, compared to $20.00 for the vaccine and $2.00 for a good K95 mask. Plus it requires hospitalization and medical staff to insert and monitor the IV delivery that it requires. All that to avoid getting a ten second poke in the arm.

Last week Florida reported 151,415 coronavirus cases, 15,441 hospitalizations, and 1,070 deaths. If the state were to treat all those infected with monoclonal antibodies, it would cost over $227 million dollars. However, vaccinating them would have cost only about $3 million. Plus, it would have the added benefit of preventing transmission, long-term illnesses, and possible deaths.

Republicans believe that people should have the freedom to decide whether to wear a mask or get vaccinated. Fine. But communities at large should have the freedom to decide whether those ignorant, irresponsible, and selfish louts should be permitted to mix with and endanger them in public places. The vaccine resistors complain that they aren’t comfortable getting a shot when they don’t know what’s in it or the long term effects. But they don’t know any of that about monoclonal antibodies either, yet they’re happy to get sick and shoot that up their veins.

This is what McDaniel regards as “smart leadership”? To the contrary, this is what Republicans regard as exploitable politics. All they care about is stirring up fear and inciting anger with which to attack their political foes. And if thousands more Americans die because of it, that’s just the cost of retaining power for a party that is totally devoid of ideas – or morals.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Fox News Hate Monger Accuses Democrats of ‘Cheering the Extinction of White People’

The 2020 census made news this week when it found that the white population in the United States declined for the first time ever. It didn’t take long for the racial alarmists on the right to start banging the drums about the end of western civilization. It’s a path they have been tramping for years, and now they have data to fuel their paranoia.

Fox News, Tucker Carlson, Bullshit Factory

Topping the list of race-baiting fear hustlers is the Senior White Nationalist on Fox News, Tucker Carlson. He has been feverishly pushing the Nazi inspired “White Replacement Theory” for months, and recently enhanced it with his perverse view that Democrats are purposely trying to destroy the country for no reason other than to prove that they can do it. That’s a comic book super villain level of analysis that a seven year old would think is stupid.

On his program Friday night, Carlson delivered a maniacal tirade that concluded with his panic-stricken accusation that there were “non-white people cheering the extinction of white people” (video below). That, of course, was all in his diseased mind. But his hateful lunacy was littered with similar rhetorical garbage:

“Democrats are intentionally accelerating demographic change in this country for political advantage. So rather than convince people to vote for them – that’s called democracy – they’re counting on brand new voters. That’s what we said on this show. Immediately after we said that they became completely hysterical. They tried to pull us off the air. They said we were espousing something called the ‘Great Replacement Theory,’ a well known racist fantasy.”

In fact, the ‘White Replacement Theory” is a very real obsession among professional bigots like Carlson. He even admitted it earlier this year when, in the same sentence, he mocked “hysterical” Democrats for criticizing his replacement theory rants, but then concluded by saying that “that’s what’s happening, actually.”

Carlson’s assertion that Democrats are “intentionally accelerating demographic change” is preposterous on its face. Democrats don’t control the party registration of the demographic groups that Carlson is so afraid of. Likewise, his claim that Democrats are “counting on brand new voters” ignores the fact that every generation produces brand new voters. So he’s complaining that the American people are procreating. Well, to be precise, he’s just complaining about the “darkies” procreating. And if anyone is subverting democracy it’s the Republicans, whose voter suppression bills are proof that they know they can’t win without cheating.

Carlson then segues to the results of the 2020 census and what he considers Armageddon for the white population in America. He was clearly upset about this. He asks plaintively “Why did this happen? Where did all those people go?” Then he asserts that Democrats were “celebrating” the census results. As evidence he plays a clip from CNN that doesn’t show anyone celebrating.

Rather, the clip showed a Black commentator’s opinion that Donald Trump and his Confederate, Stephen Miller, were “throwing up” upon hearing this news. That was followed by a Latina commentator pointing out the poetic irony that the White House offices of Miller and Ivanka Trump were now occupied by people of color. That isn’t celebrating the decline of the white majority. It’s acknowledging America’s progress toward a more inclusive society that values its diversity.

To Carlson, what that amounts to is racial treason. He described “these people” as being “completely out of control, They are dangerous,” he said. And he characterized them as “gloating” over the decline of the white race. But in reality it’s just Carlson inciting the Klan types who watch his show religiously to embrace their racist fears. He is overtly exploiting rank bigotry for ratings and the blind adoration America’s most hateful. And he’s doing it with the full support of his bosses at Fox News, where spreading contempt, division, and racial phobia is all part of its corporate and political mission.

NOTE: Twitter suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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