Another day, another humiliating smackdown for Fox News White House cor-despondent, Peter Doocy. If one didn’t know better, it would almost seem like Doocy was a plant in the White House briefing room, providing slow pitches for press secretary Jen Psaki to hit out of the park. Which she does with grace and saintly patience.
During Friday’s daily press briefing the lead topic was the outstanding jobs report released early that morning. The U.S. economy added a higher than expect 943,000 jobs in July, while the unemployment rate dipped to 5.4% — the lowest since the pandemic hit more than a year ago.
So naturally, Doocy had to figure out a way to frame his question in the negative. He didn’t do very well. For one thing, his Fox News handlers will not be pleased that he acknowledged that the economy under President Biden is “so great.” According to Donald Trump we should be in a depression by now. But Doocy did manage to spin this good news as something to complain about:
Doocy: If the economy is so great, you guys are celebrating jobs being created at a historic…
Psaki: Wouldn’t you say over 900,000 jobs created is pretty good?
Doocy: So this is my question. Why then is the President still pushing for big relief packages, pandemic-era relief packages like the eviction moratorium?
Psaki: Well, first I would say, one of the biggest pieces of the legislation he’s pushing for as we know is the infrastructure package, and also the Build Back Better agenda. Most of the components in those packages are long-term investments. They’re overdue. They’re meant to modernize our infrastructure, put people back to work over the long-term, and make us competitive over the long-term. It is still a reality, even with a good jobs number this month, and even with four million jobs created over six months, that there are still people out of work. There are still people who don’t have enough money to make ends meet.
Today’s Bad-Faith Question from Fox News White House Correspondent Peter Doocy is “if the economy is so great,” why does the White House want to prevent people from being evicted?
— The Recount (@therecount) August 6, 2021
This answer would seem so obvious to most people that the question would never even be asked. Just because things are improving, it doesn’t erase the hardships that people have been struggling with for the past year. Particularly those threatened with eviction, wherein the missed rent payments date back several months. Landing a job this week doesn’t pay those back rents or remove the threat of eviction.
The fact that Doocy needs to have this explained to him is a sad testament to his ignorance and unfitness for the job he’s pretending to do. But it’s also typical of his tenure in the White House press corps where he’s also needed help understanding the evolving state of a viral pandemic, or grasping the complexities of inflation. He has virtually made his career by admitting publicly that almost every important field of study is over his head.
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