Incendiary commentary has become a daily ritual at Fox News. When they aren’t justifying Donald Trump’s delusional allegations of an allegedly “stolen” election that already incited insurrectionist riots on Capitol Hill on January 6th, they are fomenting fear of a “socialist” take over that will put an end to freedom in America once and for all.
No one on Fox News has been more determined to spread dread to his dimwitted viewers than Tucker Carlson. He has fear mongered about “dirty” immigrants “invading” the United States and overwhelming “traditional” Americans (the White Replacement Theory). Carlson has also stirred paranoid panic with dangerously false disinformation about the COVID pandemic and the common sense methods of mitigating harm via masks and vaccines. He even went so far as to encourage his followers to report parents whose children wear face masks to the police as child abusers.
On Monday night Carlson took another step over the cliff of crackpottery by arguing that violent revolution is justified if President Biden doesn’t apologize for successfully ending the twenty year long war in Afghanistan. Carlson was terribly disturbed that he hadn’t seen anybody in the Biden administration take responsibility for the sometimes messy evacuation from a war zone that was entirely predictable.
Of course, Biden himself had explicitly told the American people that he assumed full responsibility for anything that happens on his watch. But that clear and concise message was too complicated for Carlson to grasp. So he unleashed this bit of asininity:
“This can’t go on. When leaders refuse to hold themselves accountable over time, people revolt. That happens. We need to change course immediately and start acknowledging our mistakes. The people who made them need to start acknowledging them or else the consequences will be awful.”
the most watched cable news host in america justifies a coming "revolt" unless we "change course immediately"
— Andrew Lawrence (@ndrew_lawrence) August 31, 2021
For Carlson to raise the specter of revolt is irresponsible in the extreme. He appears to be lusting for violence, and it doesn’t matter what the reason is. So even though Biden has been open and honest about the tragic circumstances in Afghanistan, Carlson still thinks his viewers should resort to the savagery of an irrational rebellion just on his say so.
Never mind that Biden pulled off one of the most remarkable military operations in U.S. history. He managed the largest personnel airlift ever, safely evacuating more than 120,000 people in less than a month. The one unfortunate incident was a terrorist bombing, but Biden retaliated swiftly and successfully within hours. And for this Carlson thinks Biden should apologize or be subject to a revolt of right-wing barbarians like those who stormed the Capitol last January 6th.
What makes this all the more preposterous is that Carlson’s rant could have been written by a progressive activist and directed at Donald Trump. Read it again and see if it doesn’t apply much more accurately to the explicit denials of responsibility by Trump for everything from the January 6th insurrection, to the 620,000+ deaths due TO COVID-19, to the horrific immigrant family separations, to the unprecedented national debt and income inequality due to his tax cuts for corporations and the rich, to the exacerbation of the climate crisis, and to so many more catastrophic consequences of his ignorance and/or deliberate malfeasance.
Trump has never taken accountability for any of the disasters over which he presided. Nor has he ever acknowledged making a single mistake. So by Carlson’s reasoning, If anyone has the right to revolt it’s America’s Democrats and progressives. And hopefully they will do just that by means of the ballot box in 2022, 2024, and beyond.
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