Trump’s Anti-American ‘Enemies From Within’ Comment was ‘Speaking From the Heart’ per JD Vance

Every liar has a tell. And Donald Trump is no exception. For those interested in the secret indicator that reveals when Trump is engaging in blatant bullshittery, look for this unfailing signal that he sends every time he is deliberately deceitful: Are his lips moving? That’s all the experienced truth-seeker needs to know to spot when Trump is spinning yarns.

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Donald Trump, JD Vance, Dr. Evil, Mini-Me

As Election Day draws nearer, Trump is unloading ever more flagrant falsehoods whose distance from reality is growing exponentially by the hour. His desperation is driving him to concoct increasingly bizarre tales intended to invoke fear among his glassy-eyed cult disciples. In Trump’s most recent rants there are more murderous migrants, more conniving communists, and all manner of monsters lurking in every shadow. Most of whom he says are fellow citizens who dare to disagree with him.

SEE THIS: Traitor Trump Says that Americans Who Oppose Him are ‘a Bigger Enemy than China and Russia’

On Fox News Monday morning, Trump’s running mate, JD Vance, was interviewed by Bill Hemmer. And the discussion addressed some recent comments Trump made about Americans who he has deemed “the enemy from within.” According to Trump, these are not clandestine figures who have embedded themselves in our communities waiting to pounce. Nope. They are his political foes who can be our family, friends, neighbors, and even elected representatives.

Trump told Fox News’ Senior Trump-Fluffer, Maria Bartiromo, that these imaginary scoundrels “should be easily handled by, if necessary, by National Guard, or if really necessary, by the military.” So Trump is now promising to use the U.S. military against American citizens who don’t support him. This emerging threat sparked the following exchange on Fox between Vance and Hemmer…

Hemmer: He’s asked about this ‘enemies within’ comment. And I’ve read all of it. I’ve listened to all of it. It’s hard for me to know what he really means about it. But that’s not my question. My question is ‘Why is that necessary’?
Vance: Well, first of all, Donald Trump is unfiltered. I think it’s one of the reasons the campaign has gone well is because he’s not doing a basic campaign strategy. He’s not just running on slogans. When people ask him questions he speaks from the heart. And sometimes that means he’s gonna talk about issues that the mainstream media isn’t focused on.

So according to Vance, maligning fellow American citizens – even those serving in elected offices – as “enemies” is okay because it comes from Trump’s alleged heart? Never mind that there is no rational way to justify the accusation. It’s purely a derogatory and childish insult that has long been a core defect evident in Trump’s severe personality disorder. And that’s from the heart, as well as documented by psychiatric health professionals, including his niece, Mary Trump.

Vance says that Trump “isn’t running on slogans.” You mean like “enemies from within,” “build the wall,” “drill, baby, drill,” “lock her up,” “make America great again,” etc. And Vance defends Trump by claiming that he is “unfiltered.” That’s a fault, not a virtue, for civic leaders who ought to have refined diplomatic skills in order to be effective.

However, Trump’s unfiltered state has provided some grotesque examples of his rancid mindset that makes him utterly unfit to serve in any office. Such as, just this week, his calling Kamala Harris a “sh*t” Vice-President, and his fixation on Arnold Palmer’s junk, and that January 6th was a “day of beauty and love.” Do we really want a leader who is that unfiltered?

Vance never actually answered Hemmer’s question about why it would be necessary for Trump to use such preposterously provocative language. He just offered his obsequious defense and asserted that Trump was right to say these things because they are from his heart. Which, in its own way, is informative and useful. Because, if for no other reason, it tells us something about the sickly condition of Trump’s heart.


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On Fox News (Again) Trump Says January 6th Was a ‘Day of Love’ and Doubles Down on Pet Eating

The depths of the derangement of Donald Trump is almost to severe to measure. And as each day brings the election closer to its conclusion, Trump seems to be venturing farther out on the limb of sanity. In recent days he has resorted to rambling discourses on the size of Arnold Palmer’s manhood, and profane insults directed at his opponent, Kamala Harris.

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Donald Trump

Given the bizarre content of his rancid rants, it is hardly surprising that he constrains his public appearances to exclusively MAGA-friendly media where he knows that he won’t face any humiliating situations such as those pesky fact-checks. To that end, cowardly Trump has visited Fox News nine times in just the past month. That’s about twice a week. Within that same time frame he has declined bookings with everyone from 60 Minutes to the NRA. Which is not the best way to expand voter outreach beyond those who are already locked in.

SEE THIS: Scaredy Trump Has Retreated to the Safety of His Fox News Bunker While Canceling Other Media

On Sunday morning Trump made another appearance on Fox News. This time with their alleged media correspondent, Howard Kurtz. This interview produced nothing more than any of the others with sycophants like Sean Hannity and Maria Bartiromo. Although Kurtz did ask a couple of questions that were marginally more challenging for Trump. The problem is that Trump still failed to give rational replies. For instance, on the subject of the deadly January 6th insurrection that he incited…

Kurtz: The other day you called it a “day of love.” And it sparked a lot of reaction with given that many police officers were attacked, and there were mobs shouting “hang Mike Pence.” Can you understand why many Americans would view it as a dark and tragic day in our history?
Trump: The crowd I spoke before, which you rarely see, was the biggest crowd I’ve ever spoke to. and I’ve spoken to the biggest crowds. I’ve never seen that many people…A small group went down to the Capitol. They came because they though it was a rigged election. This was a protest against a rigged election…And there was a beauty to it and a love to it that I’ve never seen before.

Notice that Trump ignored the question asking if he could “understand why many Americans would view it as a dark and tragic day.” Since Trump is incapable of understanding much of anything, he detoured to his self-absorbed obsession with crowd size. Never mind that his claims on that are flagrantly false. It was his way of segueing to a defense of the insurrectionists who he said was “a small number.”

Actually, there were several thousand, of which more than 1,200 were arrested, and over 800 of those have already been convicted. Over 700 of them pleaded guilty. These are people that Trump has called “patriots” and “warriors,” and whom he has pledged to pardon if reelected.

Trump’s response never even mentioned the 140 police officers who were hospitalized, or the threat to his own vice-president, Mike Pence. But he did offer his opinion that this horrific day had, in his warped view “a beauty to it and a love to it.” I’m sure that Jeffrey Dahmer thought the same thing about his activities.

Kurtz also asked Trump about his claims that Haitian migrants were eating cats and dogs in Springfield, Ohio. Trump managed to double down on the ridiculous and thoroughly debunked allegation, while simultaneously admitting that he doesn’t know anything about it.

Kurtz: You said you were just reporting what had been said, But why not say now ‘Look, that turned out not to be true…
Trump: [Interrupting] I don’t know if it’s true or not true.
Kurtz: You don’t know? It’s been debunked by local officials.
Trump: What about the goose, the geese? What about the geese? What happened there? They were all missing. I have no idea. I said something.
Kurtz: There was one goose…
Trump: [Interrupting] Howie, I have no idea. I said something. […] But that’s a story that was reported. And I said that, but why don’t you go after the newspaper that wrote it? Don’t don’t, – don’t blame me.
Kurtz: Well, I think it’s been debunked by local officials.
Trump: I don’t think it’s been debunked at all. I think nobody talks about it, except you.

So Trump said several times the he has “no idea” what he’s talking about. Which is something that impartial observers have noticed for years. But even after acknowledging that ignorance, he isn’t swayed from insisting that his wild and hurtful accusations are correct.

Trump thinks that because something was reported by any nutcase with zero proof or credibility, that he is entitled to repeat it for his cult disciples, even after it has been determined to be utterly false. That’s the state of dementia that has overtaken both Trump and his cult. And voters need to make an unambiguous statement between now and November 5th that we are not falling for it.


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Scaredy Trump Has Retreated to the Safety of His Fox News Bunker While Canceling Other Media

As Election Day draws nearer, the status of the competing campaigns is evident in their activities. Kamala Harris has been fanning out across the country – focusing particularly on the critical swing states – and blitzing the media with strategic appearances on a broad diversity of national and local news outlets, including Fox News.

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Donald Trump Fox News

Donald Trump, on the other hand, has been sequestering himself within his MAGA media bubble, refusing to appear anywhere that might present the slightest challenge, and canceling previously agreed upon interviews. He has already nixed appearances on 60 Minutes, NBC News, CNBC, and even an NRA conference.

SEE THIS: Kamala Harris is Blitzing Media that Donald Trump is Too Afraid of To Do

Trump’s fear is palpable. but his judgment is probably sound, even if wholly inadvertent. After all, he is utterly incapable of completing a rational thought, expressing an intelligent opinion, or avoiding humiliating gaffes. His own staff has said that his curtailed schedule is due to his becoming exhausted. That’s a bad look for a near octogenarian, with noticeable signs of cognitive decline, who is seeking one of the hardest jobs in the world.

However, Trump has shown up for a few interviews where he is guaranteed not to face any confrontational questions or suffer the indignity of being fact-checked. And most of those have been with his very own Ministry of Propaganda, Fox News. In just the past month Trump has visited with such dependable Fox News Trump-fluffers as…

  • Sean Hannity
  • Laura Ingraham
  • Brian Kilmeade
  • Greg Gutfeld
  • Maria Bartiromo
  • Larry Kudlow
  • Fox and Friends
  • Harris Faulkner
  • And this coming Sunday, Howard Kurtz

That’s a superstar line up of fiercely partisan MAGA devotees who have spent the last couple of years proselytizing for the Cult of Trump. The frequency of Trump’s visits averages out to twice a week. This is an unprecedented relationship between a so-called “news” network and a political candidate. Trump might as well have his own graphics and theme music to accompany his programs.

What makes Trump’s hiding out at Fortress Fox so preposterous at this time is that it can’t possibly benefit his campaign. He’s speaking to an audience that is already committed to voting for him. So while Harris is out in the field rounding up every vote she she can, Trump is preaching to his hideously off-key choir.

Something else that makes this peculiar is that, despite his constant presence, Trump has also been blasting Fox News for being less than unconditionally worshipful of him. That sort of waffling is intolerable to Trump. For some recent examples…

Trump Joins the Fox News ‘Curvy Couch’ Potatoes to Complain About Fox News
“I’m going to tell [Rupert Murdoch] … Don’t put on negative commercials for 21 days, don’t put them — and don’t put on the air their horrible people.”

Trump Slams Fox News Shortly After Gushing Over Bret Baier’s Hostile Interview of Kamala Harris
“Why does Suzanne Scott of FoxNews keep putting on third rate ‘talking heads’ like Jessica Tarlov…If I win…it is DESPITE Fox, not because of them!”

Crybaby Trump Tells Fox News that They Should Only Put on Sycophantic Trump-Fluffers
“What’s the purpose of me doing a nice show and then they put nine horrible commercials on, which are all lies…You can’t do that.’ Fox should put just the good people on.”

Crybaby Trump Unleashes a Flaming Freak Out Vilifying Fox News for Not Censoring his Foes
“Why is FoxNews putting on Crazy Kamala Harris Rallies? Why do they allow the perverts at the failed and disgraced Lincoln Project to advertise on FoxNews? … We have to WIN WITHOUT FOX!”

TRUMP IS RIGHT! In a Mad Rage, Felon of Foy Declares that ‘Nobody Can Ever Trust Fox News’
“Nobody can ever trust Fox News, and I am one of them, with the weak and ineffective RINO, Paul Ryan, on its Board of Directors…You don’t need him. ALL YOU NEED IS TRUMP. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!”

More to Trump’s liking was the interview he did with Maria Bartiromo where he made his abhorrent threat to use the U.S. military against American citizens who disagree with him. He later doubled down on that threat during a town hall/infomercial that Fox News aired with host Harris Faulkner…

MORE HERE: Fox News Hosts a MAGA-Only ‘Town Hall’ that is Actually a Lie-Riddled Trump Campaign Infomercial

For the next three weeks we can expect more of the same. Trump will continue to be too afraid to sit for any real interviews, or to debate Kamala Harris. But he will still grace his Fox flunkies with his lying, demented, presence knowing that they will never point out his mental defects, ignorance, or dishonesty. Most of the country knows that Trump is unfit to serve in any office. Here’s hoping that enough of them will turn out to vote between now and November 5th.

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Trump Joins the Fox News ‘Curvy Couch’ Potatoes to Complain About Fox News

As the 2024 presidential race winds down to its final three weeks, Kamala Harris is blanketing the nation – and particularly the critical swing states – to shore up support and persuade undecided voters that she is the only alternative if we are to preserve American democracy and the principles of the Constitution that we revere.

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Fox News, Donald Trump Baby

Donald Trump, on the other hand, is cowering in the safety of his MAGA media bubble, refusing to expose himself to any real questions, and even canceling events at friendly venues, including one with the NRA. It’s hard to determine if this behavior is due to his cowardice or his laziness or, most likely, both.

SEE THIS: Kamala Harris is Blitzing Media that Donald Trump is Too Afraid of To Do

On Friday morning Trump made another visit to a group of the most devoted Trump-fluffers on Fox News, the “Curvy Couch” potatoes of Fox and Friends. It’s a program that is a favorite of his for phone-in interviews in his jammies, where he knows that he won’t be challenged by any substantive questions or embarrassed by any fact checks. So it’s just the sort of safe space he’s limiting himself to as Election Day drays nearer.

On this occasion Trump was greeted with the customary welcome from hosts Steve Doocy, Ainsley, Earhardt, and Brian Kilmeade. Whereupon he launched into a sob session sparked by what he regards as treason by the his Ministry of Propaganda. Trump whined that…

“In the old days, you never played negative ads. In other words, when I leave here, I’ll then be hit by five or six ads…When I leave, I’ll have 12 people from Kamala on, and pretty much unopposed. For 19 days I don’t think we should do that anymore. I think you shouldn’t play negative ads. It’s very tough. You do a show – and I complain all the time. I love complaining. I like to have everything perfect. But when I leave here 200 people from…by the time you do it you say ‘What are you doing?’ It’s sort of a net neutral”

That’s right. Trump is big mad that Fox News dares to interview people who are not bona fide disciples of the Trump cult. In his warped mind, Fox is obligated to book only guests who will exalt Dear Leader without exception. And that’s not all. Trump is also upset that Fox News will sell advertising time to Democrats who might have cause to criticize him.

Trump is, in effect, revealing that his idea of what Fox News is there for is to advance his interests at all times. He may have gotten that impression because that’s precisely what they have been doing for years. However, should they waver in that mission now, they become just another enemy and a propagator of “fake news.” And this isn’t the first time that Trump has made these feelings known…

SEE ALSO: Crybaby Trump Tells Fox News that They Should Only Put on Sycophantic Trump-Fluffers

However, there is no need for the MAGA-nuts to worry. Trump is taking matters into his own hands to correct this wayward shifting of sentiments. As the segment was wrapping up, Trump told his F&F pals that…

“I’m going to see Rupert Murdoch. That’s a big event. I don’t know if he’s thrilled that I say it. And I’m going to tell him, I’m going to tell him something very simple – because I can’t talk to anybody else about it – ‘Don’t put on negative commercials for 21 days, don’t put them — and don’t put on the air their horrible people.’ They come and lie. I’m going to say, ‘Rupert, please do it this way,'”

Murdoch may or may not be amenable to Trump’s request. On one hand, he’ll want to please Trump, who he is ideologically aligned with, and who is the object of blind adoration by most the network’s viewers. On the hand hand, Murdoch won’t want to turn away ad dollars that offered to him, or lose access to Democratic power brokers in Washington. What’s more, he may be a little perturbed with Trump for bashing his network and it’s executives.

MORE HERE: Trump Slams Fox News Shortly After Gushing Over Bret Baier’s Hostile Interview of Kamala Harris

It is unlikely that Fox News will do anything to anger Trump. They rely on his cult followers for ratings, which translate into ad revenue. But it’s notable that Trump is so comfortable going on a Fox program and griping about how they aren’t being subservient enough to him. And of course, none of the Couch potatoes had any objection to his him kvetching in their faces. They know their place.


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Trump Unleashes a Nasty and Painfully Unfunny Monolog at Traditionally Humorous Al Smith Dinner

The annual “Al Smith Dinner” benefiting the Catholic Charities of New York was held Thursday night. It’s an event that traditionally features Democratic and Republican leaders delivering humorous speeches and roasting their friends in politics and the press.

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Donald Trump Messiah

This year Kamala Harris, who just starting running for president a couple of months ago, was too busy campaigning to attend. So she sent a hysterical video with the help of Saturday Night Live alum, Molly Shannon in her character as the Catholic school girl, Mary Katherine Gallagher (video below). That left the stage to well-known funny man, Donald Trump, whose presence at an event sponsored by a Catholic church organization was somewhat awkward, considering his disparagement of Catholics who fail to worship him. He recently decreed that Jews, oil companies, seniors, African Americans, Hispanics, and yes, Catholics, who support Kamala Harris “should have their heads examined.”

SEE THIS: ATTN: Trump Says Pretty Much Everyone Who Supports Kamala Harris Must Have Their Heads Examined

Nevertheless, Trump, who is also a convicted felon and adjudicated rapist, was treated as an honored guest by this churchly congregation. And for an interminably long time he rambled in his hallmark incoherent style, reading badly from a script that he later revealed was partially written by his pals at Fox News. You have to wonder who at Fox News he leaned on for comedy. Greg Gutfeld? Jesse Watters? No matter, Trump insulted the writers and their jokes, saying that “For the most part, I didn’t like any of them.”

[Update: Fox News released a statement insisting that no one from the network helped Trump write his jokes. So Fox News is saying that Trump lied on a Fox News program about Fox News helping him]

Trump’s remarks were blatantly political, making this ordinarily non-partisan affair just another campaign stop for him. He began his humorless harangue by complaining that he wasn’t allowed to use a TelePrompTer. Then he launched into a tediously lengthy condemnation of Harris for not being there in person, saying that “It’s a rule. You’ve got to go to the dinner. You’ve got to do it…But my opponent feels like she does not have to be here, which is deeply disrespectful.”

Trump elaborated saying that Harris was instead hunting with her running mate, Tim Walz; that she would have showed up if they had “told her the funds were going to bail out the looters and rioters in Minneapolis;” that he regretted her absence “because we can’t get enough of hearing her beautiful laugh,” that he also called “crazy;” that she was “in Michigan receiving communion from Gretchen Whitmer,” which for some reason “was not a pretty sight;” and he admonished the audience saying “Catholics, you got to vote for me [because] I’m here. And she’s not.” Trump also threw a slam at the current President saying that “If Democrats really wanted to have someone not be with us this evening, they would have just sent Joe Biden.”

Wow! Trump must have them rolling in the aisles with that hysterical material. But he was just getting started. He went on to deliver these laugh riot lines…

“Right now we have someone in the White House who can barely talk, barely put together two coherent sentences, who seems to have mental faculties of a child. […] It’s sad. There’s a person that has nothing going, no intelligence whatsoever, but enough about Kamala Harris.”

“Look on the bright side, Chuck [Schumer], considering how woke your party has become. If Kamala loses, you still have a chance to become the first woman president.”

“The only piece of advice I would have for [Harris] in the event that she wins would be not to let her husband Doug anywhere near the nannies.”

“I used to think the Democrats were crazy for saying that men have periods. But then I met Tim Walz.”

“I’m surprised that Bill de Blasio was actually able to make it tonight, to be honest. He was a terrible mayor. I don’t give a shit if this is comedy or not.”

That last line was notable for Trump’s use of a profanity from the podium at a devoutly Catholic event. But it’s no worse than what Trump has said a thousand times that disparages religion and people of faith, including his proclamation that he is “The Chosen One” [and] “the Second Coming of Christ”

Kamala Harris’ video for the Al Smith Dinner:


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Trump Slams Fox News Shortly After Gushing Over Bret Baier’s Hostile Interview of Kamala Harris

The list of mental infirmities that Donald Trump suffers from seems to get longer with each passing day. He has been credibly diagnosed as a narcissist, a sociopath, as emotionally stunted, and a pathological liar, to name just a few. And then there’s his paranoia, anxiety, and delusions of both grandeur and victimization.

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Donald Trump, Fox News, Fake

Now we can add Cognitive Dissonance Disorder, a condition wherein the subject holds two or more conflicting beliefs, values, or attitudes. The symptoms of this malady exhibited by Trump were evident in his recent comments on his floundering Twitter ripoff, Truth Social. He was reacting to the programs he was watching on Fox News, the network that he alternatively regards as his Ministry of Propaganda, or just another “fake news” enterprise that is determined to destroy him. In Trump’s mind, all Fox programs must be tailored to exalt him. Such as…

SEE THIS: Fox News Hosts a MAGA-Only ‘Town Hall’ that is Actually a Lie-Riddled Trump Campaign Infomercial

Late Wednesday night Trump posted a comment that lauded the network and its allegedly “hard news” anchor, Bret Baier, for the hit job he did on Kamala Harris (full interview here). Trump was effusive in his praise saying

“Great job by Bret Baier in his Interview with Lyin’ Kamala Harris. She has a massive and irredeemable case of TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME. […] For the good of our Nation, her inferior Cognitive ability must be tested at once!”

It’s no wonder that Trump loved the interview where Baier spent most of his time badgering and interrupting Harris. She could barely get a complete sentence out before Baier would jump in to prevent her from getting her point across. For example…

That went on for twenty minutes. And throughout, Harris kept her composure and still managed to express herself effectively. Not that that matters so much to the Fox News audience that is primed to attack whatever she says, no matter how reasonable and compelling. And in this case, she had to do it while dodging the obstacles that Baier kept throwing in her path.

Trump also lashed out at Harris for having what he called “inferior Cognitive ability.” Which is just another of Trump’s psychotic afflictions, known as “projection.” While Harris has never shown any hint of cognitive decline, Trump can barely complete a thought without diverging into bizarre absurdities that have nothing to do with the topic at hand. His demand that she take a cognitive test is hysterical. Although, she might want to agree to it if he will. Which he won’t.

MORE HERE: Trump, Who Refuses to Release Medical Records, Calls for Kamala Harris to Take a Cognitive Test

A few hours after posting the comment swooning over Baier’s interview, Trump posted another comment that had an entirely different tone. This time he blasted the network’s CEO, Suzanne Scott, asking

“Why does Suzanne Scott of FoxNews keep putting on third rate ‘talking heads’ like Jessica Tarlov, Richard Fowler, Patrick Murphy, ‘something’ Wolf, Keisha Lance Bottoms, and other Radical Left Lunatics that lie, and make up statements.” […]

“[N]ot a moment goes by when I’m not looking at negative, false Ads that the other camp stuffs the Fox airwaves with. If I win…it is DESPITE Fox, not because of them!”

Once again, Trump is acting out his psychoses by accusing every Fox News commentator that isn’t an indoctrinated member of his cult, of being a “Radical Left Lunatic” who lies. He has stated repeatedly that Fox should never allow anyone on their air who isn’t a devoted MAGA disciple. that includes pundits on the Fox payroll, as well as politicos invited on as guests.

SEE ALSO: Crybaby Trump Tells Fox News that They Should Only Put on Sycophantic Trump-Fluffers

So in the course of less than half a day, Trump expressed both his love and hatred for Fox News. Which raises a couple of pertinent questions. First, What the f**k is wrong with him? Trump is utterly incapable of maintaining a consistent, coherent thought. And second, what the f**k is wrong with Fox News? Why would they allow Trump to castigate their network so bitterly and still remain so faithful to him?

It’s the same sort of fear-based response that members of the Republican Party have. The GOP and Fox News are both terrified of alienating Trump and his glassy-eyed cult followers. And Trump is afraid that people will see through his cheesy facade and discover that he’s fraud and a coward. But all of them are going to find out that their charades cannot be sustained for long.

Fox News already found out, or should have, when they settled a defamation lawsuit for 3/4 of a billion dollars. And Trump’s time of reckoning may be come as soon as November 5th, if the American people turn out to vote.


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Fox News Hosts a MAGA-Only ‘Town Hall’ that is Actually a Lie-Riddled Trump Campaign Infomercial

With only three weeks left until Election Day, Donald Trump is continuing his tour of ultra-friendly media venues where he knows he will be shielded from any difficult questions by the slobbering sycophants who preside over the brazenly partisan love fests. By contrast, Kamala Harris is fanning out across the nation, doing interviews with a wide variety of politically diverse hosts and audiences.

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Donald Trump TV Set

However, somehow, even with the benefit of appearing only before adoring cult followers, Trump still manages to humiliate himself by failing to provide coherent responses to comically Nerfball questions. Even worse, he keeps delivering profoundly disturbing messages that affirm his aspirations to become America’s first openly fascist dictator who hates this country and its people.

SEE THIS: Traitor Trump Says that Americans Who Oppose Him are ‘a Bigger Enemy than China and Russia’

On Wednesday morning Trump appeared on what was billed as a Fox News “town hall” that would feature an all woman studio audience and address women’s issues. It was hosted by the network’s notorious Trump-fluffer, Harris Faulkner. But as might be expected, it was actually an hour long Trump campaign infomercial that he got for free, courtesy of his Ministry or Propaganda, where he knew that there wouldn’t be any inquiries that might rattle or confuse him. And yet, they still did.

Since Trump is a feeble and cowardly narcissist who thrives on constant, unflinching adulation, the producers at Fox News made sure that there would be only Trump supporters in the audience. Which made it possible for him to dodge, deflect, lie, and weave, in order to avoid being responsive, or even rational. There has already been a fact check of his infomercial that found at least 19 flagrant falsehoods.

Trump’s derangement was nowhere as evident as in his reply to a question about previous remarks he made where he called Americans who disagreed with him “the enemy within” who were “more dangerous than China and Russia.” He went farther to say that these “radical left lunatics should be easily handled by, if necessary, by National Guard, or if really necessary, by the military.” So he is proposing to use the military against his political foes. In the town hall/infomercial, Trump doubled down saying that…

“It is the enemy from within. And they are very dangerous. They’re Marxists and communists and fascists, and they’re sick. I use a guy like Adam Schiff. They made up the Russia, Russia, Russia hoax. It took two years to solve the problem. Absolutely nothing was done wrong. They are dangerous for our country. We have China, we have Russia, all these countries. If you have a smart president, they can be handled. The more difficult are the Pelosis. These people they are so sick and they are so evil…They were saying I was like threatening. I am not threatening anybody. They are the ones doing the threatening…They’re the threat to democracy.”

No one should be fooled into believing that Trump has the slightest idea what the words Marxist, communist, or fascist mean. He just uses these terms the way a seven year old would use “poopyhead.” But more to the point, Trump is lashing out at Democrats like Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi because they revealed his traitorous misconduct that got him impeached twice. He is making it clear that the people he thinks should be “handled” by the military include congressional representatives elected by the voters.

Trump apparently doesn’t see how that kind of hostile rhetoric is threatening. And he has been even more direct in his threats against fellow citizens and the press. He has called Americans who dare to defy him “vermin.” And he calls the press “the enemy of the people.” So make no mistake, if Trump gets his way he will seek to punish those he regards as insufficiently worshipful and, if he deems it “necessary,” he will order the military to round them all up and in some manner dispose of them. And “them” means YOU!


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Totally Deranged: Trump Gets Hopelessly Lost in His Own Warped ‘Weave’ of Lies and Deflections

The evidence of Donald Trump’s mental infirmities has been frightfully abundant. The more public appearances he makes, the more obvious is his descent into babbling incoherence. That may be why his campaign staff is strictly limiting his interviews and exposure.

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Donald Trump, Mocking Disability

In recent weeks Trump has chickened out of a traditional 60 Minutes interview that has featured both Republicans and Democrats for 50 years. He refuses to have a second debate with Kamala Harris. He has declined to release his medical records, while preposterously accusing Harris of having cognitive problems. And he remains firmly ensconced within his MAGA-friendly bunker, only agreeing to visit with slobbering sycophants and cult disciples.

SEE THIS: Kamala Harris is Blitzing Media that Donald Trump is Too Afraid of To Do

On Tuesday morning Trump did a Q&A at the Economic Club of Chicago hosted by John Micklethwait, Editor-in-chief of Bloomberg News. And to no one’s surprise, it went straight and abysmally south as Trump failed to grasp what the heck was going on. In each instance Trump wandered far afield from the subject and had to be handheld back. What follows are a few of the exchanges that illustrate his extreme enfeeblement…

Micklethwait: Should Google be broken up?
Trump: I can’t believe the DOJ is suing Virginia over its voter rolls. I haven’t gotten over that.
Micklethwait: The question is about Google, Mr. Trump.

The tangent that Trump travels down here is a blatant lie. He asserts that the Justice Department sued the state of Virginia to make them retain “illegal votes.” In reality, the DoJ only sought to have Virginia comply with federal law which prohibits removing voter registrations (not votes as Trump said) within 90 days of an election. That’s because doing so can result in valid registrations being deleted without sufficient notice or time for the voter to re-register. Trump never answered the question about breaking up Google. Nor did mention his threat to prosecute the company for hurting his feelings. And then…

Trump: I call it the weave. [unintelligible] You have the weave as long as you end up in the right location at the end.
Micklethwait: I was asking about tariffs.

In this fantasy, Trump babbles about World War III and his claim to have “knocked out ISIS” which, of course, is still very much in existence and conducting its terror operations. None of that had anything to do with tariffs. And even after Micklethwait tried to bring Trump back to Earth, he still couldn’t give a coherent response. And then…

Micklethwait: I’ve asked about the Federal Reserve.
Trump: You’ve got to be able to finish a thought.
Micklethwait: You’ve gone from the dollar to Macron.
Trump: No, I’m just telling you basic, uh it’s called the weave.

Clearly Trump is incapable of focusing on the subject at hand. And even when he is reminded what the conversation is about, he is unable to contribute anything relevant to the dialog. His remarks are a toxic mixture of ignorance and absurdity. And when he repeatedly refers to what he calls the “weave,” every sane listener just thinks he’s talking about that rat’s nest atop his head. Nobody thinks that spewing gibberish about unrelated matters is a sign of intelligence. Well, nobody other than the glassy-eyed disciples that populate his cult.


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Trump, Who Refuses to Release Medical Records, Calls for Kamala Harris to Take a Cognitive Test

When President Biden ended his reelection campaign in July, he elevated Donald Trump to the status of being the oldest person ever to be running for the presidency. And that distinction comes with some of the baggage that weighed on Biden’s campaign before he passed the torch to Kamala Harris. Namely, is there – or should there be – a maximum age to serve as president?

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Kamala Harris, Donald Trump baby

The answer to that question depends a great deal on the particular candidate. People develop age-related issues at different times as they grow older. However, sometimes the evidence of cognitive decline is apparent to any objective and impartial observer. And if any candidate deserves to be scrutinized as insufficiently capable of carrying out the duties of the presidency, it is Donald Trump.

SEE THIS: TRUMP IS TOAST: The Washington Post’s Laundry List of Trump’s Increasingly Bizarre Claims

Among the psychological syndromes that plague Trump is one known as “projection,” a defense mechanism where someone unconsciously or consciously attributes their own thoughts, feelings, or behaviors onto another person or group. And a clearer description of Trump’s latest attack on Harris would be hard to find. In a late-night post on his floundering Twitter ripoff, Truth Social, Trump lashed out saying that…

“I believe it is very important that Kamala Harris pass a test on Cognitive Stamina and Agility. Her actions have led many to believe that there could be something very wrong with her. Even 60 Minutes and CBS, in order to protect Lyin’ Kamala, illegally and unscrupulously replaced an answer she had given, which was totally ‘bonkers,’ with another answer that had nothing to do with the question asked. Also, she is slow and lethargic in answering even the easiest of questions. We just went through almost four years of that, we shouldn’t have to do it again!”

So Trump, who is unable to get through his cult rallies without wandering off into deranged diversions about the fictional film cannibal, Hannibal Lector, or fears of electrocution in a sea of swarming sharks, thinks that Harris needs to take a cognitive test. That’s the same guy who thinks that his rallies draw ten times as many people as would fit in the venue, but Harris’ rallies that are filled to the rafters are attended by nobody. And it’s the same guy who flaunts fantastical fantasies about migrants eating dogs and cats.

In his comment Trump refers to the 60 Minutes interview that Harris did, and which Trump initially agreed to, but later chickened out. And in his reference he lies about the editing of the segment, even calling it illegal.

MORE HERE: Trump Threatens CBS Over Kamala Harris Interview on 60 Minutes He Says Was ‘Possibly Illegal’

What’s more, Trump’s call for Harris to take a cognitive test ignores the fact that she just released the complete results of her medical exam. This is something that Trump has promised to do, but like his taxes, healthcare plan, infrastructure bill, and so much more, it’s a promise that has gone unfulfilled.

Trump surely has good reasons for refusing to release his medical records. If they had any positive info in them, he would have released them with a huge fanfare weeks ago. So it’s safe to assume there’s something troubling that he needs to hide. And that is behavior that’s consistent with his refusal to do any interviews outside of his MAGA-friendly safety bubble, or participation in another debate with Harris. He’s just plain scared. His staff knows it. And so does the Harris campaign.

Trump’s mental deficiencies have also been noticed by over 250 doctors and health care providers who are now calling on him Trump to release his medical records. In an open letter they wrote that “his refusal to disclose even basic health information is a disservice to the American people.”

“On August 20, Donald Trump said he would ‘very gladly’ release his medical records. In the 55 days since, he has yet to do so. With no recent disclosure of health information from Donald Trump, we are left to extrapolate from public appearances. And on that front, Trump is falling concerningly short of any standard of fitness for office and displaying alarming characteristics of declining acuity.” […]

“We are seeing that from Trump, as he uses his rallies and appearances to ramble, meander, and crudely lash out at his many perceived grievances. He also is notably refusing to give the public the ability to properly vet or scrutinize his capacities. Just last week, he backed out of an interview with 60 Minutes, and he is refusing to debate Vice President Harris again.”

The medical info that Harris release included the results of a neuropsychiatric exam. It is now imperative that Trump take the same tests and release the results. But if anyone is holding their breath waiting for Trump to do that, they might soon be in need on medical attention themselves.


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Speaker Johnson Glorifies Dear Leader Trump’s Glorious Health, Rejects Calls for Medical Records

Any rational person who has been paying attention to the MAGA movement led by Donald Trump cannot help but recognize its similarities with cults from the past. He tolerates no dissension from his missionaries in politics and the press. His flock are glassy-eyed disciples who can see no wrong. And he employs the first rule of cults: Only Dear Leader will tell you the Truth. Everyone else is lying.

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Trump in Bed, Eating, Sad

The obvious parallels between cults and MAGA should strike fear into the hearts of Americans who value the democratic principles that have formed the foundation of this constitutional republic for 250 years. Trump’s emergence as a demagogic figure threatens to put an end to the freedoms that the American people have enjoyed, and replace them with servitude to the wannabe messiah.

SEE THIS: IT’S A CULT! Poll Shows Republicans Trust Only Criminal Messiah Trump to Tell Them the Truth

On Sunday morning, one of Trump’s most loyal ministers, Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson, was interviewed on NBC’s Meet the Press. And the sermon he delivered there was extraordinarily reverential and bursting with blind devotion. It was a display of unfettered fealty to his salmonesque savior. The exchange began with host Kristen Welker asking Johnson whether Trump should release his medical records – which Johnson said were “irrelevant” – but descended into flagrant lies and worshipful exaltation almost immediately.

Welker: Should Donald Trump release all of his medical records, Mr. Speaker?
Johnson: He has. He issued – he issued the records of his physicians. Kamala Harris issued her medical records as diversion because she’s desperate, because she’s sinking in the polls. Donald Trump’s health is on display. Everyone in America can see it. The man works nonstop. He never quits. He probably sleeps four hours a night. He doesn’t require as much sleep as the average person. He’s an unusual figure. And this is the strength that we need in a time like this. We’re in the most dangerous moment since World War II. You have to have strength. You have to have a steady hand. You have to have a commander-in-chief that our allies respect and our enemies fear. They do not fear Kamala Harris. They do fear Donald Trump. That’s what people are going to vote on.
Welker: Mr. Speaker, just be very clear, he hasn’t released all of his medical records. He released two letters. Should he release the results of the cognitive tests?
Johnson: It’s unnecessary. He’s on display every minute.

There’s a lot of blatant BS to unpack here. Let’s start with Johnson’s barefaced lie that Trump has released his medical records. He has not. Johnson was, however, correct that Kamala Harris did release hers. And not as a diversion (she is currently leading in most polls), but because every presidential candidate for decades – except for Trump – has done so.

The only thing Trump released was an outdated and letter with no details from last year describing a partial physical that did not include cognitive testing, and two letters from disgraced former doctor, Ronny Jackson, who claims that he treated Trump after his “ear death” experience in Pennsylvania. He did not perform a complete physical on Trump at that time. Jackson is currently unlicensed, and was demoted in retirement from the Navy due to misconduct involving drugs and alcohol.

Johnson went on to assert that Trump’s medical records weren’t needed because his perfect health was evident and that “Everyone in America can see it.” That is hardly an alternative to a physical exam by a qualified professional. Trump could have numerous problems that are not visible to laymen watching him on TV, or measurable without laboratory tests. They could include any number of bio-deficiencies or abnormal growths. And certainly any mental defect would require closer scrutiny. Although there has been a great deal of that evident in Trump’s bizarre and incoherent ravings at his rallies and in recent interviews.

Johnson also lauded Trump’s alleged stamina. But boasting that he doesn’t sleep much is more a sign of depravation than fitness. Likewise, claims that America’s enemies “fear Donald Trump” are preposterous. Mostly they laugh at him. If there is any hint of fear it’s due to his mental instability, not his strength or intellect, both of which he is lacking. Which our enemies know and are adept at manipulating him.

Trump’s failure to release his medical records is certainly due to their having bad news in them. If they were positive he would have released them on live TV weeks ago. It’s the same reason he has refused to release his financial and tax records. He is afraid to let the American people see the truth.

Johnson knows all of this, but he is to deeply indoctrinated into the Trump cult to be honest about it. In the meantime, Democrats and other sane Americans need to stay focused on winning in November. It is more imperative now than ever.


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