Last year Donald Trump single-handedly killed the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program that allowed undocumented residents who were brought into the country as minors to remain and to work without fear of deportation and separation from their families. The initiative was implemented by President Obama and widely regarded as humanitarian and necessary.
Despite pretending to care about DACA, Trump has callously exploited the issue to malign Democrats and bargain for his asinine and useless border wall. He brazenly demeans innocent people in order to ram his ludicrous agenda through Congress. And the suffering he causes is of no concern to him or his uncaring comrades in the Republican Party.
So it should come as no surprise that Trump is escalating the grotesque bigotry inherent in his exclusionary policies by seeking to profit off the pain of others. He has just introduced a new product on his website that Trump cultists and Deplorables can waste their money on. It’s an “American Dreamer“ hat.
In the spirit of his silly headgear hucksterism, Trump is expanding his “Make America Great Again” product line in the most disgusting way possible. The new hat is apparently a premium item because, at $50.00 a pop, it is twice the cost of a MAGA hat. But it is also twice as repulsive. The Trump website pitches it in language that is trite and unrelated to the tribulations of DACA kids:
“Because Americans are dreamers too. We all want to live the American dream and our 45th President is helping to make that dream a reality for each and every American. With our American Dreamer Hat you can show that you believe we can Make America Great Again.”
DACA recipients are called “Dreamers” because they hope to have their status as Americans recognized officially. They are model citizens who serve in the military, attend school, and contribute to their communities. They cannot participate in the program if they have any criminal record. Their dream is to become citizens of the country they love – the only one they have ever known.
Trump introduced his “American Dreamer” bastardization of this movement in his State of the Union address. It was an attempt to hijack the dreams of DACA kids for the benefit of already privileged white citizens. There is no logical connection to the DACA program by Trump’s deliberate misdirection. It is similar to the racist appropriation of “Black Lives Matter” by the Klan-sponsored distortion, “All Lives Matter.”
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Leave it to Trump to find a way to insult a whole class of people who only want their dignity and freedom from fear. And only Trump could manage to turn that insulting action into a commercial venture that makes him richer. It’s the defining characteristic of his utter lack of character and disregard for ethics and compassion. But at least it will help the rest of us to recognize his dimwitted disciples as they parade around with their flags of prejudice firmly planted on their hateful, empty heads.
Yet another despicable act by a despicable (sub)human being…
?? Shut up stupid Donnie
Oh, what can it mean
to a Daydream deceiver
and a Lyin’ A$$ obscene? ??
With apologies to the Monkees….
Hmp – server doesn’t like text speak for musical notes. Sigh….
Twitler is always going to be the bigoted, lying, thieving, grifter that he is.
Heil Twitler!