This weekend Donald Trump was in Canada doing what he does best: Insulting the media and embarrassing the nation wherever he happens to be in the world. It’s one thing for Trump to relentlessly slander the free press in the U.S., but when he takes that show on the road he is only making the problems and perils of the foreign press much worse. He is, in fact, empowering censorship and oppression around the world.
During an impromptu press avail in Quebec on Saturday, the President delivered a frighteningly stilted reading of prepared remarks regarding the G7 meeting that just concluded. Then he took a few questions from the gathered media. The first question asked at this event seems like a plant by Trump or his staff. The unknown “reporter” asked:
“Mr. President, you are about to embark on what may be the most important meeting you’ve ever had in you life. What’s in your gut? Neels of ster…uh. steel nerves, or butterflies?”
Apparently this ass-kisser’s nerves weren’t very steely. Later near the end of the affair, Trump was asked about his obsession with tearing down the media (video below):
Reporter: Here in Canada you’ve attacked the U.S. press back home, but you’ve also done it on foreign soil. I guess I’d like to ask you why you do that?
Trump: Because the U.S. press is very dishonest, much of it. Not all of it. I have some folks in your profession that are with the U.S., U.S. citizens, proud citizens there. Reporters. These are some of the most outstanding people I know. But there are many people in the press that are unbelievably dishonest. They don’t cover stories the way they’re supposed to be. They don’t even report them in many cases if they’re positive. So there’s tremendous…tremen…you know, I came up with the term “fake news.” It’s a lot of fake news. At the same time I have great respect for many of the people in the press.
Let’s just get this out of the way: The “reporters” Trump regards as “outstanding people” and “proud citizens” are exclusively from Fox News. The rest of the media Trump has long ago dismissed as “the enemy of the American people.” They are who he is now insulting in front of an assembly of journalists from around the world. His complaint that “They don’t cover stories the way they’re supposed to be,” reveals his mindset that the press has an obligation to cover him positively. He says that literally in his next sentence. And that confirms the well established fact that Trump thinks anything negative about him is fake news (a term he certainly did not come up with).
During this Q&A Trump accidentally took a question from a reporter from CNN who asked him about the obvious tensions between him and some of the other leaders at the G7. Trump then asked him who he was with. When the reporter said CNN, Trump rolled his eyes and said:
“I figured. Fake news CNN. The worst. I could tell by the ques…I had no idea you were with CNN. After the question I was just curious as to who you were with. You’re with CNN.”
That’s how this president deals with a perfectly reasonable inquiry about his notably poor relations with his international counterparts. He eventually answered saying that his relationships with other leaders is “on a scale of zero to ten, a ten.” And if that isn’t a sign of an acute delusional psychosis, what is?
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Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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This guy is a raving asshole — wait, can I say asshole or do I have to use asterisks?
So is it Trump is a raving asshole, Trump is a raving a**hole, or Trump is a raving assh*le?
I can never keep that straight.
Well, Trump is right considering the fact that when Clinton and Congress aided and abetted by Corporate America passed and signed off on the Telecommunications Act of 1996, the press is now totally owned by corporations and the wealthy people. Of course, the media gave Reagan a free pass with all the scandals that happen under his watch long before the Telecommunication Act was enacted.