You really have to feel sorry for Fox News these days. They are having a terribly difficult time fabricating any phony “scandals” about President Biden. They try pathetically to peddle nonsense like whether or not he wears a face mask, or blaming him for a sauce shortage at Chick-fil-A, or mocking the romance in his marriage. But they just can’t seem to shake his broad-based popularity.
Consequently, Fox has lashed out at Vice-President Kamala Harris as a surrogate for Biden. But they haven’t had any better luck as their petulant attacks consisted mainly of petty and fake contrivances like the time she allegedly disrespected Memorial Day, or the time she supposedly caused an international incident, or the time she allegedly profited off of selling her books to migrant children. None of those contained a shred of truth (something Fox couldn’t care less about).
On Tuesday Fox News latched unto something they surely thought would bring down the Biden/Harris administration. While in Guatemala, Harris was interviewed by Lester Holt of NBC News. The segment contained the following exchange:
Holt: Do you have any plans to visit the border?
Harris: At some point we are going to the border. We’ve been to the border.
Holt: YOU haven’t been to the border.
Harris: And I haven’t been to Europe. I don’t understand the point that you’re making. I’m not discounting the importance of the border.
Holt: I mention this because I know that Republicans have certainly come at you on this.
.@LesterHoltNBC in NBC News Exclusive: “You haven’t been to the border.”
Vice President Kamala Harris: “And I haven’t been to Europe.”
— The Recount (@therecount) June 8, 2021
OMG! Harris had the audacity to point out that her assignment has nothing to do with the physical border or staging meaningless photo-ops. She is in Central America to have discussions with the leaders there – political and civil – about the root causes of migration from that region to the United States. And by articulating that, Fox News insinuates that she is failing to resolve what they call a border “crisis.” Which, once again, was not her job. And neither is responding to what Republicans are coming at her with.
Tuesday morning Fox News published an article on their website aimed at disparaging Harris. The starkly negative hit piece consisted almost entirely of tweets by Republicans and conservative pundits commenting on the interview. There were twenty-one of them in all (21!), by the likes of Ted Cruz, Katie Pavlich (Fox News), Steve Scalise, Tom Cotton, Kevin McCarthy, Meghan McCain, and Mark Meadows.
There wasn’t a single supportive tweet by a democrat, nor any quotes or comments that Fox could have used to pretend the article was fair and balanced. Although, the second to last paragraph in the article contained a bit commentary:
“Harris visited Guatemala and Mexico Monday to address concerns over illegal immigration, holding her first press conference addressing the border since taking over management of the crisis 75 days prior.”
Fox News has been posting daily the number of days since Harris held a press conference. It’s been a fetish that they’ve been unable to control. So it’s interesting that when Harris did hold a press conference on Monday, Fox News didn’t bother to cover it. The same thing happened on Tuesday when Harris held another press conference and Fox chose not to air that one either.
The tweet-filled article on the Harris interview was reminiscent of another article published a few days earlier when Harris passed out cookies with her likeness on them to the press during the flight to Guatemala. In that piece there were nine tweets castigating Harris for her sugary generosity. They accused her of being a narcissist and wasting taxpayer dollars on an egocentric stunt. Naturally, the truth was far removed from Fox’s whining. The cookies were actually a gift to Harris from a black-owned bakery in Washington. They cost taxpayers nothing. She was thoughtfully sharing them with the reporters on the plane.
These pitiful examples of deceitful and hostile bias are what Fox News considers to be journalism. But all it proves is that Fox is not only incompetent at reporting, they are also embarrassingly bad at malicious fiction. You might think that after all the years of practice they would be better at it.
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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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I thought it was telling that, after 4 years of Trump, Republicans just assumed that Harris’ job was to have photo ops at the border rather than go to Central America to investigate solutions to the immigration problem.