Fox News: Rooting For America To Fail

Fox News likes to pretend that they represent the true patriots in America. Their studio and graphics are awash in red, white, and blue. They lavish attention on every soldier who gets within range of their cameras (unless the soldier is gay, in which case they boo him). They have a creepy fixation on the Founding Fathers whom they believe are saintly. And they regard the Constitution (which they barely comprehend) as divinely inspired.

However, the truth is they are devoted to directing hostility at anyone with whom they disagree. They question the patriotism of everyone from the President to the individuals exercising their right to protest in a park in Lower Manhattan. They cheer the Minority Leader of the Senate, Mitch McConnell, when he declares that his highest priority for the nation is to insure that Obama is a one term president. And now they are openly bashing American companies and products:

Fox Nation

Today Fox Nation featured this article on “Government Motors Releasing ‘Wimpy’ Spark Car.” The article accompanying this headline was a pretty straight forward piece about a new all-electric vehicle from GM. There was nothing in the article that characterized the car as wimpy or was otherwise derogatory. The insulting treatment was purely the work of the headline writers at Fox News.

The problem is that they are not merely insulting an inanimate object. They are insulting the thousands of American workers who developed, and built this innovative new vehicle. They are disparaging a product that is the work of American business. And they are casting the product as inferior to our foreign competitors. How exactly is that an expression of patriotism? What ever happened to the pride that our citizens could have from buying American?

Clearly, The Fox Nationalists don’t give a damn about the welfare of our workers, our businesses, or our economy. If they did they would be bursting with pride that we have taken the lead in a growing market for energy efficient transportation. Fox, it seems, would like to cede that market to the Fiats, the Mini-Coopers, and the Smart Cars, all made by foreign corporations.

The reason for this disloyalty is that Fox, and their Republican/Tea Party comrades, would rather see America fail than see Obama get credit for a recovering economy. Therefore they must demean American workers and products, and root for their own neighbors and relatives to fail. Very patriotic of them, isn’t it?


2 thoughts on “Fox News: Rooting For America To Fail

  1. Don’t forget the American auto manufacturers are unionized, something else Fox not News hates. Correct me if I’m wrong but aren’t all of the foreign car manufacturers located in the south and non union labor? Doesn’t GM buy advertising on Fox? And if they do why don’t they raise holy hell with them when they put trash like this out!

  2. fox does not wont america to fail america is watching obama fail and obama is doeing a great job at that

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