House GOP’s New ObamaCare-Busting Bill Contains Provision To End Imaginary Exemptions

With the deadline for a government shutdown rapidly approaching, the functionally impotent Speaker John Boehner, and his minority clique of Tea Party diehards, are proposing a third version of the Continuing Resolution in an attempt to blackmail President Obama and the Democrats into undoing the benefits of ObamaCare that millions are already receiving, and that millions more will receive after the insurance exchanges go online tomorrow.

A feature of the new Republican proposal is a version of the Vitter Amendment that would strip health care subsidies for members of Congress, their staff, the President, and other federal employees. The argument proffered for this measure is that government officials have unfairly exempted themselves from ObamaCare and that they should have to live under the same laws as the people they represent. The problem with this tactic is that they already do, at least so far as ObamaCare is concerned. So the GOP is attempting to pass into a law a provision that addresses an imaginary exemption.

The gist of the deception put forth by the House Republicans is that if someone is not enrolled in one of the insurance exchange plans, then they are not participating in ObamaCare. But that is plainly false. The new health insurance reforms include both the exchanges and private insurance. Every American has the option to choose either type of plan. If the President or any member of Congress has the resources to purchase the pricier private plans, they are entitled to do so. And as employees of the federal government, they are eligible for health care benefits from their employer.

What the GOP want to do is pretend that only the exchanges constitute ObamaCare. However, the exchanges are just one part of the program, and they were designed specifically to make access to health care more affordable for people with limited resources. So in reality, forcing the President, or any other federal worker, into the exchanges is what is treating them differently than the people they represent who are free to choose the exchange plans or private plans. What’s more, the GOP amendment proposes to force federal employees into the exchange as well as denying them the benefits they are entitled to as employees. No other American is subjected to these discriminatory policies that were only devised to embarrass Democrats by falsely making it look like they were giving themselves special privileges.

Republicans have been spewing this dishonesty for months, but now they have committed it to paper in the form of a bill that, if not passed by the Senate (which it will not be), will lead to a shutdown of the government. Republicans, therefore, are so obsessed with shutting down the government that they will hinge the whole thing on their insistence that a nonexistent benefit be repealed. They have officially gone past their previous designation as the stupid party. Now they are the delusional party.

Feel free to share this graphic lesson by a character with more smarts than the average Teabagger:

Cletus on ObamaCare

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Gretchen Carlson Not Naked In Fox News Debut

BREAKING (7/6/2016): Gretchen Carlson Sues Fox News CEO Over Pervasive Sexual Harassment

Moving up from her previous assignment on the Fox & Friends couch, Gretchen Carlson’s new afternoon program on Fox News premiered today with something of a disappointment for the old, white, male, Christian, Tea Partiers who dominate the Fox audience.

Earlier this month Carlson teased the launch of her new show, “The Real Story” during a an interview with her former co-host Brian Kilmeade on his radio show. The discussion took a lascivious turn when Carlson announced that “pants were not allowed on Fox & Friends.” She later chided Kilmeade saying that “You always liked to be shirtless. Sometimes you actually suggested that for me.”

If that saucy exchange didn’t get blood pumping in the Viagra-stuffed Fox watchers, what came next would surely guarantee a anxious tune-in bonanza for Carlson’s debut.

Carlson: You never know what I’m going to show up in. I’m busy putting it all together and so, you know, I might forget my clothes the first day.

Unfortunately for all the Fox pervs who made a point of flipping over to Fox for Carlson’s virgin outing, she showed up fully clothed and sitting behind a desk that obstructed much of the view that fans had become accustomed to on the Fox & Friends furniture. Sometimes the temptation even proved too much for her co-workers.

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As for the program itself, Carlson managed to book both Donald Trump and Sarah Palin to spice up the first day. Needless to say, her guests insured that the program would have the same low standards for substance, depth, and newsworthiness that she demonstrated on her old show. Trump pretended that he would be able to negotiate a solution to the shutdown crisis, but offered no specifics on how. Palin unleashed her patented word-salad jumble of incoherence that was peppered with insults to the President and anyone else with whom she disagrees.

Carlson herself proved that she does not have the intellectual foundation to host an alleged “news” broadcast. In a discussion about the Justice Department’s announcement that they are suing the state of North Carolina for voter suppression, Carlson was stunned to learn that the state had a voter fraud rate of about .00174 percent. She further dismissed the notion that any other state’s rate would be so low. Of course the truth is that North Carolina’s rate is not the least bit extraordinary, as documented by Media Matters. Voter fraud is extremely rare in the United States, despite the right’s attempt to artificially inflate the issue as some sort of epidemic.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Fox News has had a great deal of success parading a bevy of blonde hosts and contributors who have no journalism credentials whatsoever. She is replacing Megyn Kelly who got a bump up to primetime. Carlson, therefore, may do well in her new role as the network’s newest daytime eye candy. But she will also continue the network’s right-wing agenda and devotion to lies and disinformation. If Fox News is anything, it’s consistent.

Fox News Carries Articles From Koch Bros-Funded “News” Service

An odd item appeared this morning on the Fox News web site attacking the progressive organization It was the sort of substanceless filler that generally appears on rabid anti-Obama fringe sites. Beneath a headline reading “ tries to sideline Tea Party over shutdown fears,” the article revealed the shocking news that is a liberal outfit that is seeking donations. You don’t say?

In the few paragraphs posted, Fox included a defamatory reference to a passage in MoveOn’s email that said “If we play our cards right, 2013 could become known as the year the tea party relegated itself to the dustbin of history.” In an effort to manufacture a negative association, the article asserted that the phrase “dustbin of history” was “borrowed” from Leon Trotsky. In fact, the phrase and its variations had been in use long before Trotsky uttered it, and it has even been used by Republican candidate for sainthood, Ronald Reagan, who said in June of 1982 “The march of freedom and democracy will leave Marxism and Leninism on the ash heap of history.”

The reason that this article was loaded with such blatant conservative rhetoric quickly became apparent. The item was sourced to a web site called that presents itself as sort of a wire service. However, is actually a right-wing, propaganda-spewing project that is funded by the Koch brothers through their Franklin Center for Government and Public Integrity. It is an unabashedly partisan source of slanted opinions and attack pieces. But now Fox is utilizing it as an affiliated reporting service. In effect, the Koch brothers have co-opted Fox to get their Tea Party agenda disseminated to Fox’s national audience in the guise of journalism.

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As an example of the deceit employed by, they castigated MoveOn for its early support from George Soros and for “putting a bulls-eye on the conservative Koch Brothers.” However, while defending the Koch brothers, nowhere in the article did the authors disclose that they actually work for the Koch brothers. That’s a pretty egregious omission. Furthermore, as a measure of their journalistic neutrality, the Watchdog reporter sought out quotes from four people for the article: the chair of the Tea Party Express, the chair and vice-chair of the Virginia Tea Party Patriots Federation, and the chair of Tea Party Fort Lauderdale. Fair and balanced, my ass.

A quick Google search on Fox News, and their related Fib Factory Fox Nation, turned up dozens of previous Watchdog-sourced articles that were published by Fox. Many of these articles are hit pieces on unions and environmental science, two issues that deeply interest the Koch brothers whose businesses have fought workers rights and have contributed to dirtying the air and water of every place they have a presence. In none of the articles did Fox provide disclosure of the Koch affiliation to the reporting.

It is clear that the infiltration by the Koch activists is complete. Fox News has long been associated with the conservative politics of the GOP, the Tea Party, and right-wing enterprises like Breitbart News, the Drudge Report, and even WorldNetDaily. But now they have turned a corner and embraced the brazen biases of an activist corporation with vested interests in the stories they pretend to cover. So now, in the warped universe of Fox News, corporations are not only people, they are also journalists. And if, like the Koch brothers, you can afford to create your own fake wire service, you can get fake news networks like Fox to distribute your PR.

Tea Party Shakedown vs. Shutdown: The Shame Of Being Boehner

The Speaker of the House of Representatives is one of the most powerful positions in American politics. The person in that post is second in the line of succession to the presidency, and has the power to appoint every committee chair and to determine what legislation will be considered. However, the current occupant of that post, John Boehner, hardly exerts the influence that comes with it.

To the contrary, Boehner has presided over an embarrassing reign of failure and capitulation. The tiny Tea Party cell of extremists in the House has utterly dominated Boehner and reduced him to a dysfunctional figurehead who cannot complete even the simplest tasks of governing.

John Boehner
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Boehner has a historic opportunity to shepherd several initiatives through the House that would advance the welfare of the nation economically, socially, and diplomatically. Congress has an immigration reform bill before it with broad bipartisan support. There is also legislation that would prevent felons and mentally ill people from having access to guns. Both of these proposals could pass now with a coalition of votes from both Republicans and Democrats.

The Continuing Resolution currently being debated would fund the government at levels that the Tea Party had previously supported. But now they are acting to obstruct it because of their obsession to defund ObamaCare. The insertion of language to cripple or delay the Affordable Care Act is a deliberate attempt to shakedown Democrats in order to get rid of it under the threat of shutting down the government and creating economic distress for the whole country. That’s how desperate zealots who don’t care about anything but their own narrow self-interests operate.

Of course, Boehner has a choice to succumb to this extortion by fanatics or to represent the American people. What Boehner seems to fail to understand is that he is the Speaker of the whole House, not just the Republican caucus – and certainly not the Tea Party. Yet he feels compelled to obey an unwritten rule that only legislation that receives a majority of Republican votes will be brought to the floor. That is a perversion of democracy. The House is the people’s branch of government and ought to reflect their will.

What Boehner is afraid of is the possibility that he will offend the two dozen or so Tea-hadists and put his speakership in peril. So he chooses to acquiesce to their demands while ignoring the other 200-odd members of his caucus. If he were a real statesman, he would craft a legislative agenda that appeals to both Republicans and Democrats and actually pass bills that become law. That is, after all, his job. Instead, he presides over the most unproductive congress in history.

Boehner needs to ask himself what he sees as his role and what he hopes for as his legacy. The way he’s going he will be remembered as a weak hand who surrendered to a noisy faction of outliers while pursuing his own selfish interests. He will have empowered an otherwise small and unpopular group of ignorant malcontents by granting them more attention than they deserve. And he will lose his post whether or not the Republican Party retains a majority after the 2014 elections.

It is really rather pathetic that The Tea Party, which is languishing at near all-time lows of favorability, has such a stranglehold on this congress simply because the guy running it is such a quivering wimp.

SuperZero: Fox News “Psycho” Analyst Says Obama Is The Enemy Of Heroism

It doesn’t take much to get “psycho” analyst Keith Ablow, a member of the Fox News Medical “A” Team, to embark on a demented journey into Obama Derangement Territory. Ablow is well known for his schizoid rants attacking the President and finding common ground with fellow nutcases like domestic terrorist Ted Kazcynski (I’m not kidding. See Romancing The Unabomber).

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In his most recent outing on Fox, Ablow was supposedly brought on to discuss an inspiring story in which a subway passenger fell onto the tracks and nearby witnesses bravely jumped down to help him back onto the platform and safety. It didn’t take long for Ablow to dive into his own personal obsession and divert the segment into an Obama bashing circus of stupid. This is the exchange with host Martha MacCallum that dominated the segment that was supposed to be about a heroic rescue by ordinary citizens:

MacCallum: You say [heroism] can be taught. How?

Ablow: It can be taught by example and by people talking about it. […] Now I know it’s not gonna be popular with all viewers, but I gotta tell you, the culture of dependency that’s being created by this administration, which is a favorite psychological topic of mine, that is the enemy of these moments of autonomy and heroism.

There you have it. The culture of dependency, by which right-wing crackpots like Ablow mean Social Security, Medicare, Food Stamps, etc., is the enemy of heroism. So according to Ablow, people who receive such benefits are cowardly no-accounts who cannot be relied upon in a crisis. Of course, Ablow made no attempt to find out whether any of the heroes in the subway were the sort of government moochers he is insulting. The exchange continued…

MacCallum: Why? How so?

Ablow: Because you gotta be a person. You have to have a self. You have to feel confident about you and your capacity to change the world for yourself and for others in order to hop down past that third rail and rescue someone. Otherwise, if you can’t have intention, if you can’t believe in your own power, you can’t do those things. And to the extent we create a culture of dependency, we are not going to have people that have the wherewithal to act heroically.

Remember, Ablow is a psychiatrist (although he is no longer a member of the American Psychiatric Association over a dispute wherein he was violating their standards), and he is asserting that Social Security recipients, who worked their whole lives to earn their benefits, are not “persons.” He says they lack the confidence, intention, and belief in themselves to be heroes. And the same is true, in his view, for low-income parents working two or more jobs to provide for their families if they accept any type of temporary aid for food or housing. Perhaps they would be more heroic if they were homeless and their children starved. He goes on…

MacCallum: So you’re suggesting that if we rely on government, rely on programs all the time, that we’re just sort of part of a mass and we lose that kind of independent spirit and confidence and self-esteem? Is that the suggestion?

Ablow: That is the risk. It’s the risk in towns, it’s the risk in families, it’s the risk on the world stage as to the American character and the character of Americans. We have to choose whether we want people to be autonomous, and do we want people to emulate these people who rescued someone, or do we want people who are always looking to some amorphous entity called the government to say “Well the government can be heroic, but I can’t because I’ve never had that experience in my life.”

Ablow is now elevating this absence of heroism from the individual to the world. He thinks the entire nation is made up of drones who have no autonomy or self-direction. They cannot think for themselves or act independently once they have been tainted by the group-think of what he calls an “amorphous entity” that usurps their free will. Actually, he may have something there. It sounds very much like the elitist, Koch-sponsored, Tea Party movement that thrives on ignorance and fear mongering. Ironically, it was Ablow who once presented a recipe for building a terrorist that also seemed more like a recipe for building a Tea Party. There is an odd and disturbing consistency in his dementia.

Keith Ablow's Terrorist Tea Party

There are few people on Fox News who are more repulsive than Keith Ablow. He repeatedly violates the standards of his alleged profession and of decency. And this abhorrent episode is further evidence of his disdain for ordinary people who valiantly struggle to get by in the face of adversity. Contrary to Ablow’s derogatory point of view, it is these people who are the true heroes, and they have to prove it every day as they strive to improve the lives of their families, their communities and their country.

Rush Limbaugh Compares ObamaCare To Slavery, Then Asks Why It Doesn’t Sell Itself

Not that anyone has ever mistaken Rush Limbaugh for a great scholar, but lately he is treading new avenues of stupidity that are embarrassing, even for him.

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Yesterday on his radio show, Limbaugh went on a tirade against Republicans, who he thinks have not made sufficient efforts to oppose ObamaCare. I’m not sure where Limbaugh was when 100% of Republicans voted against the bill in 2010. And I don’t know how he missed their having voted 41 times since then to repeal it. And who knows how he slept through the bill going all the way to the Supreme Court, only to be upheld. Perhaps he’s back on drugs.

But never mind, in Limbaugh’s demented view of reality those GOP lightweights just refuse to take a stand against this apocalyptic law. It was from that perspective that Limbaugh hauled off and swung at his Republican pals saying that…

“Well over 50% of the American people don’t want [Obamacare]. And the Republicans are like ‘well we can’t do anything about it. The law’s the law, It’s the law of the land.’ Well, so was slavery one time, the law of the land.”

See? It’s just like slavery. America had to go through a bloody Civil War to get rid of that. And the similarities are astonishing. One was an institution that forced human beings into a brutal and inhumane involuntary servitude, and the other provides health care for most Americans at a reasonable cost. No wonder Limbaugh gets them confused.

Today Limbaugh has a new take inspired by President Obama’s appearance at a rally to promote the new health care plans that become available next week. Limbaugh began by lying about Congress exempting themselves from ObamaCare. Then Limbaugh, a college dropout, insulted America’s college students by calling them all “low information voters.” And then he fired off this monumentally idiotic complaint:

“if [ObamaCare] is so wonderful, why does it even need to be sold at all? Why does Obama need to go out there and tout the thing if it is so wonderful? I mean, it ought to just sell itself, shouldn’t it?”

Of course it should. Just like Pepsi. If it is so delicious and refreshing why do they need to spend billions on advertising? Why do Ford and Campbell’s and Bank of America waste so much money every year? The companies that advertise on Limbaugh’s radio program must really suck, because they have been using those ads to push themselves on consumers for years.

Perhaps one reason that Obama finds it necessary to promote the benefits of the Affordable Care Act is because there are people like Limbaugh comparing it to slavery. There are people like Glenn Beck who tell their glassy-eyed disciples that having access to health insurance will bring about the end of the world. There are politicians like Ted Cruz and Michele Bachmann who claim that ObamaCare will “literally” kill children and seniors. I’m pretty sure that Campbell’s Soup hasn’t had to deal with these sort of marketing obstacles.

In the real world, any product, whether from Old Navy or actually recruiting for the Navy, needs to be sold to the people who are likely to use it. They need to make sure that consumers are aware that it exists and how it might benefit them. There has never been a government program that did not have a marketing campaign, including such destructive and deceitful initiatives like the war on Iraq. But in Limbaugh’s view, promoting ObamaCare ought not to be necessary because the public should learn about it through some sort of telepathy.

In the end, it says a great deal about Limbaugh that he thinks that if ObamaCare is so great then, like slavery, it should just sell itself. Although, if we still had slavery, I’m sure those slave auctions would be advertising on Limbaugh’s network with his personal endorsement.

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Fox News Admits Ted Cruz Isn’t Ready To Be President (Or Rand Paul, or Marco Rubio)

The Fox News community web site and Fib Factory, Fox Nation, posted an item this morning that sought to discredit President Obama’s qualifications to be president. In the process they not only disqualified several Tea-publican presidential hopefuls, but they demonstrated what a laughably unserious source for news Fox has become.

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NBC News had nothing to do with the article about Obama’s readiness to be president. They certainly did not “admit” anything of the kind. It was Joe Scarborough of MSNBC, a Republican host and pundit, who made the comment that “Barack Obama has proven over the past five years that he wasn’t ready to be president of the United States.” Of course, that’s a position that GOP pundits have held since before Obama ever took office, and can hardly be considered breaking news.

The funny thing is that Scarborough’s reasoning behind his opinion is that “Obama ‘came out of nowhere’ as a freshman senator […] with less than a full term in the U.S. Senate, also unimpressive. Most of his time there seemed to be spent running for the presidency.” That description fits freshmen senators and prospective presidential candidates Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, and Marco Rubio, as well as it does Obama. Therefore, we can assume that Fox also regards these Tea Party darlings as unfit for duty in the White House.

And just to drive home how fiercely Fox News is competing with supermarket tabloids for the Batboy-loving news consumer, they juxtaposed the article about Obama with one featuring a reporter being groped by a monkey (insert Schwarzenegger joke here). If this doesn’t send a message about Fox’s credibility as a news enterprise, I don’t know what will.

12 “Pants On Fire” Myths About ObamaCare

Yesterday the Tea Party Texan, Ted Cruz, wrapped up a 21 hour talk-athon during which he couldn’t articulate a single fact that might convince an open-minded person that ObamaCare is the nightmare that he alleges. Rather, he rambled aimlessly through Dr. Seuss recitations, White Castle burger recollections, and Nazi references.

The truth about the Affordable Care Act is something that Republicans are deathly afraid of – that it will be effective and popular – which is why they lie about it so often and so flagrantly.

What Cruz could not do in 21 hours, PolitiFact has summed up nicely in a few paragraphs. They posted an article that contains sixteen “myths” that have been promulgated by right-wing disinformers, complete with links to detailed explanations that expose the brazen dishonesty of the health care law’s opponents. Included are familiar lies like “the health care law rations care, like systems in Canada and Great Britain,” and that “Congress is exempt from Obamacare.” But it is notable that of the sixteen lies listed, twelve of them earned the worst award that PolitiFact gives, the “Pants On Fire” designation.

As a public service, I have created a handy infographic with the 12 worst lies about ObamaCare as documented by PolitiFact. Please share this with your Tea Party infected friends and family.

ObamaCare Myths

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The Ted Cruz Plan To Kill ObamaCare: Speak Until He Can’t Stand

The Senate’s most prominent opponent of ObamaCare, Ted Cruz (TX-Teabagger), has been battling ferociously to defund or otherwise dismantle the President’s signature policy achievement. Today he may have finally come up with a winning strategy to defeat the health care law upon which he is so fixated.

Cruz’s new blueprint for overcoming the enormous odds against his obstructionism was articulated shortly after he took to the Senate floor and said “I intend to speak until I am no longer able to stand.” With that pronouncement, Cruz launched into a soliloquy that is still unfolding at this hour.

Ted Cruz
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Never mind that there is no one in the Senate listening, and that no one is watching on CSPAN, and that Fox News is only airing occasional snippets, Cruz is confident that this stunt will turn the political tide in his favor. And forget about the fact that his Senate colleagues are embarrassed and irritated by his antics, and that he is rambling incoherently, and that there is no chance that he will affect the legislative process or change anyone’s mind. And, finally, set aside the reality that his phony filibuster is scheduled to end due to Senate rules that are already in effect and will require him to shut his mouth for a scheduled vote on the bill he is pretending to delay.

None of that is significant when weighed against the underlying brilliance of his scheme. By threatening to go on speaking for an indeterminate amount of time it is possible that just the grating sound of his voice, and the annoying ignorance of his arguments, could result in unprotected bystanders caving in to his demands just to get him to shut the hell up. Having to endure his monotonous blabbering is a form of torture that might be too much to bear.

This legislative hokum will prove to be a real test of the mettle of members as they attempt to withstand the unyielding pain and suffering of exposure to Cruz’s rhetorical weapons of crass discussion. But if they can survive the assault, Cruz will be effectively rendered impotent – at least until he spots another television camera.

[Update:] We made it! Cruz finished his rant without crushing us with his droning blather. Interestingly, Majority Leader Harry Reid advised Cruz that he could continue speaking an additional hour, but Cruz declined. Perhaps it’s because he had a previous engagement to appear on the Rush Limbaugh radio program. Priorities, you know. And naturally, the Lie Factory Fox Nation lived up to their reputation with this bullcrap:

Fox Nation

Meet Ralph Peters: The Fox News Senior Douchebag And Treason Advocate

Over the years Fox News has given their airtime to some of the most disreputable and irresponsible sleaze merchants to ever appear on television. From Ann Coulter to Erick Erickson to Glenn Beck to Sarah Palin and so many more. But it is hard to find anyone that sinks to the disgustingly low levels of the loathsome Lt. Col. Ralph Peters.

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Peters is an unabashed hater of American principles and will stoop to any depth to slander those with whom he disagrees. His past commentaries have included arguing that the United States should fight back against our enemies with the same tactics they use against us – by which he means terror and torture. Peters also yearns for the blood of journalists whom he regards as terrorist worshiping infidels. He literally called for military attacks on media targets saying that…

“Rejecting the god of their fathers, the neo-pagans who dominate the media serve as lackeys at the terrorists’ bloody altar. […] Although it seems unthinkable now, future wars may require censorship, news blackouts and, ultimately, military attacks on the partisan media.”

And in a fit of treasonous lust, Peters even took the side of our foes in Afghanistan by suggesting, without evidence, that a missing American soldier was a deserter and that “the Taliban can save us a lot of legal hassles and legal bills,” presumably by killing him.

So it should come as no surprise that Peters has opened his repulsive crap-hole to utter more idiotic inanities, and that Fox News gave him the platform to do so. On this morning’s edition of America Live, Peters was invited to discuss the terror attack in the mall in Nairobi, Kenya. Of course, he is entirely incapable of focusing on any subject without diverting to some outlandish and imbecilic assault on President Obama or any of his other ideological enemies. Today was no exception when he went off on the President saying…

“You cannot deny that Al Qaeda is out to kill Christians and Jews and, by the way Shia Muslims, and any Sunni Muslims who don’t live up to their standards. It’s one of the most murderous cults in history and the Obama administration is still looking for common ground with these guys.”

From what chasm of bile-soaked stupid did Peters get the notion that Obama is looking for common ground with Al Qaeda? But he wasn’t done there. Peters went on to smear millions of people when he referenced what he called the “American left” and maligned them all as “apologists for terror.”

Obviously there are crackpots like Peters all over the place. They show up regularly on Glenn Beck’s cavalcade of crazy, or over at WorldNetDaily, or in Alex Jones’ conspiracy theory bunker. But for Fox News to repeatedly feature someone this revolting is inexcusable. Peters makes a habit of spewing the most abhorrent and nauseating rhetoric, and he keeps getting return invitations from Fox.

This is more evidence that Fox is not in any way a credible news enterprise. They have no more integrity than Beck or Jones or Coulter or the deranged troll that lives under Rupert Murdoch’s porch (oh wait, I already said Beck).