Dumbass Doocy: Fox News Still Doesn’t Understand What The Debt Ceiling Is

As the nation approaches another showdown over the raising of the debt ceiling, Fox News continues to prove that either they don’t understand economics or they are dedicated to misinforming their gullible viewers – or more likely, both.

On Friday’s episode of Fox & Friends, Steve Doocy and his couch potato pals reacted with surprise to President Obama’s remarks about raising the debt ceiling. The President correctly described the function of this routine economic procedure by telling the Business Roundtable what it actually entails.

Obama: Raising the debt ceiling, which has been done over a hundred times, does not increase our debt; it does not somehow promote profligacy. All it does is it says you’ve got to pay the bills that you’ve already racked up, Congress. It’s a basic function of making sure that the full faith and credit of the United States is preserved.

Concerned that a succinct and coherent explanation might make Fox viewers aware of a small bit of reality (something Fox works diligently against), Doocy stepped up to make sure that his audience remained blissfully ignorant. He played two videos of Obama, one talking about the risks of high debt and the other advocating raising the debt ceiling. Doocy then said that Obama was talking about the same thing and had flipped his position. However, the debt is not the same thing as the debt ceiling. But this is a subject that is apparently way over Doocy’s head.

Doocy: So the first sound bite was from the president a couple of days ago at the Business Roundtable where he really got people thinking, “Did he just misspeak?” because he said essentially that raising the debt ceiling does not increase our debt. I know he studied law, and not economics, but increasing the debt ceiling indeed raises the debt.

Well, I know Doocy studied journalism at the University of Kansas and not economics, while Obama got a B.A. in political science from Columbia University and graduated Magna Cum Laude from Harvard Law School, but Doocy clearly knows nothing about either economics or journalism. Raising the debt ceiling does not raise the debt one penny. Just as the President said, it merely authorizes the government to pay bills that Congress has already incurred.

Allow me to spell it out. Let’s say the national debt is $10 trillion and the debt ceiling is $9 trillion. If the ceiling is raised to $11 trillion so that it can accommodate the outstanding obligations, the debt is still $10 trillion. There is no change except for the fact that bills can now be paid which, ironically, would have the effect of lowering the debt. Failing to raise the debt ceiling would result in default which would cause the ratings services to lower the nation’s credit worthiness. That would increase the interest that we pay on the debt which, of course, increases the debt. Which is exactly what happened last year.

So Doocy, and most of the Tea Party right, have everything exactly backwards – as usual. There is only one real reason that Fox and the GOP are obstructing the debt ceiling increase, and that is to harm Obama by attempting to blame him for the economic debacle that would ensue following a default. And they regard the devastation that the American people would suffer as merely collateral damage. As evidence, take a look at this chart that I created a couple of years ago illustrating the Republican support for raising the debt ceiling until a certain event occurred:

Debt Ceiling

And the same dishonest, partisan, hackery is in full effect today.

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Fox Nation Promotes Creepy Uncle Sam Video To Discourage ObamaCare Sign-Ups

As previously reported here, Fox News has been engaged in a coordinated campaign to drive down participation in the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) by preventing eligible citizens from learning about their options under the new law. It is Fox’s goal to see ObamaCare fail because they prefer a system that gouges patients, fails to serve at-risk constituencies, and enriches heartless corporations, who in turn enrich their Republican benefactors in Congress.

In addition to keeping citizens ignorant about their legal opportunities for access to health care, Fox is now helping to promote a campaign that is attempting to frighten young consumers away from ObamaCare with blatant disinformation and outright lies (See Fox Nation vs. Reality for a compendium of Fox lies with full documentation). The new campaign features a video (below) produced by a Koch Brothers-funded operation called Generation Opportunity. Their mission is to prevent younger, healthier people from enrolling in ObamaCare, which would strain the financial viability of the program. Unfortunately for those who are fooled by this effort, it would also subject them to greater risks to their health and the threat of financial devastation should they become ill or injured.

The videos show young patients visiting their doctors for routine examinations, but are then surprised by the appearance of an “Uncle Sam” character who has a decidedly perverse demeanor and intent. The young patients react with justifiable horror, which is the same reaction that the video’s producers hope to instill in viewers. The ending tag line is “Don’t let the government play doctor,” which is followed by an appeal to “Opt Out” of ObamaCare.

However, the video does not describe anything in the health care law that would permit the government to interfere with a patient’s relationship with their doctor. There isn’t even an attempt to provide any facts that support their contention that the government would have any role in your medical care. The fear mongering in the video is entirely fabricated and untrue. It is the sort of typically vacuous dishonesty that permeates the GOP’s opposition to health care. Another recent example of this deceit is the charge that “ObamaCare will question your sex life.” That charge was obliterated by PolitiFact as a “Pants On Fire” lie.

Ironically, it is the Republican Party that has been most aggressive in their pursuit of intrusive medical practices. Several GOP governors and legislatures have enacted or proposed laws that prevent women from receiving the reproductive health care that their doctors prescribe. These bills call for invasive vaginal probes that are unpleasant and medically unnecessary. It is precisely the sort of perverse intrusion on a patient’s rights that the “Uncle Sam” video implies, but does not substantiate. Consequently, a better illustration of the horrors of medical interference would feature a Republican villain in the lead role.

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Here is the offensive and dishonest video that Fox is helping to distribute:

SlayStation: Fox News Pushes Regulation Of Video Games – Not Guns

Fox News has been a reliable advocate on behalf of the National Rifle Association and its mission to insure that even the most lethal types of guns are readily available to just about anyone. They even opposed legislation that would prohibit people on the terrorist no-fly list from buying firearms. Let’s face it, they love them some guns, and any attempt to interfere with their fixation is sacrilege.

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Today Elisabeth Hasselbeck, the newest member of the Fox & Friends crew, proposed what she regards as an alternative solution to the tragic mass murders that have plagued the nation (video below). Her suggestion had nothing to do with background checks, or limiting access to dangerous individuals, or barring military-style weapons and magazines that hold dozens of bullets. She and her curvy-couch potatoes think that video games, and the people who play them, are the crux of the problem.

Hasselbeck: “What about frequency testing? How often has this game been played? I mean, I’m not one to say get in there and monitor everything, but if this indeed is a strong link to mass killings, then why aren’t we looking at frequency of purchases per person, and also how often they’re playing. Maybe they time out after a certain hour on this.”

So according to Hasselbeck and her pals, the government must never engage in responsible registration of firearms, or keep databases to alert authorities when someone has amassed a dangerous stockpile of munitions, or check to see if a prospective buyer is guilty of a violent felony or has a record of mental health problems. However, the government ought to keep track of video game purchases, as well as the amount of time individuals spend playing the games. She is actually proposing databases of game buyers and some sort of control mechanism on every game that measures the time it is used. Get ready for the nanny state to shut down your XBox after an hour or two in order to insure that you don’t murder a few dozen people. What’s next? Access to books, web sites, felafels? And none of that seems to intrude on their right-wing aversion to Big Government.

The Fox panel also displayed a graphic showing some of the perpetrators of mass shootings and alleged that they were all video game aficionados. Wow – what a startling revelation that young men in America were found to be fond of electronic gaming. Who knew? What they did not mention is that all of the same people were also obsessed with the guns that they actually used to, you know, actually kill actual people. But Guns couldn’t be part of the problem, could they?

Fox Nation vs. Reality: Fox News Recycles Three Year Old ObamaCare Lie

The professional prevaricators at Fox News really had to extend themselves to achieve their latest pinnacle of dishonesty. The lead story on their community web site, and Home of Flagrant Fallacies, Fox Nation, was another in their series of attacks on the Affordable Health Care Act (aka ObamaCare). The blazing headline read “Even Obama Buddy Warren Buffett Has Soured on ObamaCare: Scrap It and Start Over!”

Fox Nation

That would be a disconcerting development if it were true. But like so many things on Fox, it is not only untrue, it is an embarrassing fictionalization that reputable news enterprises avoid at all costs. Fox, it seems, seeks out this sort of malarkey.

Here’s the story. An obscure web site (Money Morning) that appears to thrive by hooking readers into dubious investment schemes, published an article that purported to be a recent interview with the Oracle of Omaha, Warren Buffett. The article, titled “Buffett: Scrap Obamacare and Start All Over,” presented quotes that were portrayed as his current, and negative, opinions about ObamaCare. For instance…

“We have a health system that, in terms of costs, is really out of control,” he added. “And if you take this line and you project what has been happening into the future, we will get less and less competitive. So we need something else.”

There are just two little problems: 1) The comments were actually made three years ago and 2) They were so far removed from context that Buffett’s spokesman disavowed them. The truth is that Buffett was commenting on a draft version of health care reform that was being debated in the senate in 2010. Contrary to the impression left by Money Morning that Buffett was criticizing ObamaCare in its current state as the law of the land, Buffet was merely offering his opinion of what he would prefer while the bill was still being crafted.

It is fair to say that Buffett had some constructive criticism at that stage of the bill’s development. However, when asked directly whether he would support the bill, he said that he would favor it over the other option of no bill at all. So Money Morning misrepresented the timing of the quotes, as well as the substance of their meaning. And to make matters worse, their blunder was picked up by numerous right-wing news outlets who were more than happy to hype what they thought was a falling out between Obama and Buffett.

Along with Fox Nation, the false story was published by the Wall Street Journal, the Weekly Standard, and the highly choleric NewsBusters. Since the publication, Money Morning edited their article to reflect that the content was three years old, but they did not acknowledge that their previous version was wrong (here is a link to the cached original text). Both the Weekly Standard and NewsBusters posted corrections. But neither of Rupert Murdoch’s properties, the Wall Street Journal and Fox Nation, have bothered to set the record straight.

The degree of dishonesty exhibited here was documented by PolitiFact, who did a thorough analysis. Their conclusion was that the misrepresentation of Buffett’s comments was a “Pants On Fire” lie. It is well worth reading their entire article. Included in their findings is the fact that Buffet expressed his support for ObamaCare just last year, and he praised the Supreme Court’s decision upholding it.

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It’s noteworthy that the Fox Nationalists posted their phoney story well after it was already known that it was wrong. And they have had plenty of time to discover the error and correct it, but have not done so. That’s because they don’t care whether their reporting is true or not. They only care if they can influence their gullible audience, even if that means misinforming them. And that is something that they do better than just about anybody else.

Pravda (Hearts) Tea Party: American Conservatism Embraced By Russian Propaganda Press

If this doesn’t cause Tea Party heads to explode, I don’t know what will.

[Actually, I do know what will: Anything President Obama says; or showing that the health care law is working; or suggesting that billionaires be tapped for more taxes instead of poor people; or saying anything bad about Sarah Palin. Actually, lots of things make Tea Party heads explode]

Today the Russian Communist Party’s internal organ, Pravda, published an article extolling the virtues of American conservatism and its natural harmony with the politburo mouthpiece. The article by Xavier Lerma was titled “Why Conservative Americans Admire Putin.” This is a rather astute observation considering how the GOP has so lovingly embraced the Russian president during the Syrian crisis. They have hailed him as a true leader and even proposed that Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize be given to Putin instead.

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It has long been recognized that the authoritarian Russian right shares much in common with their comrades in the Tea Party. From subjugating women and opposing reproductive freedom, to denying rights to homosexuals and forbidding marriage equality, to clinging to radical nationalism; to replacing education with indoctrination and science denial; and most of all, they share a common hatred for the U.S. government. Now we can add religious fundamentalism and Obama Derangement Syndrome to the mix. Here is how the Pravda article opened:

“America’s president has torn his land into a thousand pieces. The propaganda media machine covers Obama’s trail of blood and shows the president in a good way without a word of dissent.”

That could have been copied almost verbatim from a Rush Limbaugh broadcast. But it gets even worse. After Pravda laments that “The modern Tea Party’s success was short lived by Obama’s illegal interference,” they pivot to a conspiracy theory of election theft that would make the late Andrew Breitbart proud. The article swallows whole the phony IRS scandal and offers it as evidence of Obama’s corruption, despite the utter lack of any evidence connecting him to it. Then the author asserts that “Americans watch Obama destroying their own country and the world […and…] With no hero to save them they become frustrated and look to Putin,” whom they see…

“…kneeling at Christ’s Holy Sepulcher which Obama never does when visiting Jerusalem. They see him going to church when they know Obama favors Muslims who attack Christians and their churches. They see Putin establishing laws to protect the church and laws against homosexuality. This they admire and this brings them hope. Hope in their upside down world where there is a leader willing to follow Christ. They have no Reagan but they see Putin whom they wish was their president.”

There you have it. Obama is an anti-Christian, Muslim lover, while Putin is the Second Coming of Ronald Reagan. A devout, law and order Christian who can inspire the Teabagging masses. Putin is their 21st century savior who can restore America and the world. The article even includes emails that the author received from Americans wishing Putin could be the U.S. president. And to top it all off, it closes with an evangelical sermon lambasting the “lamestream” media and exalting Putin’s piety and the glory of Christ’s guidance to the “Truth.” [FYI: Pravda, in Russian, means truth].

“American conservatives hear only lies from their TV but what they see on the internet from Russia regarding Putin is true because Christ guides them to see the Truth. The Holy Spirit does not fail them and inspires them to see Russia. They know a tree by its fruit. Putin obviously respects the Christian Church but Obama and their American government does not.”

Apparently Glenn Beck has been moonlighting as a ghostwriter for Pravda. The lunacy of this article proves that the Russians are just as capable of composing dishonest blather as the world champions at Fox News and, especially, Fox Nation (see my ebook Fox Nation vs. Reality for a collection of documented falsehoods put out by Fox’s professional lie-mongers). But the ideological affinity expressed in the article reveals that, whatever distance separates Pravda from the American wingnut, the doctrine espoused is just their cup of tea.


RidicuList: The Wingnut Ranking Of The Most Influential People On The Right

If you have ever wanted an itemization of what’s wrong with contemporary conservatives, your prayers have been answered. The ultra-right-wing web site Townhall has very generously provided the perfect explanation for how a political movement gets corrupted by demagoguery and ignorance, and sinks to the level of its lowest bottom-feeding imbeciles.

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Townhall has compiled a list of what they regard as “The 25 Most Influential People On The Right For 2013.” The list could not be more revealing of the moronic mentality that infects the worst of the Teabagging mindset. Their idea of “influential” is almost entirely comprised of fringe-dwelling loudmouths who populate the far-right media. Here are just the top 10. In what horror story fantasy land are these people considered to be the most influential?

  1. Glenn Beck: Beck is a loser with a video blog and a radio show that doesn’t air in the nation’s biggest markets.
  2. Ted Cruz: Cruz is a freshman senator who doesn’t even have the respect of his GOP colleagues.
  3. The Koch Brothers: These guys are actually pretty influential on the basis of the cash they throw around. But their scope of influence is limited to the the Tea Party faithful.
  4. John Roberts: As the Supreme Court Chief Justice, Roberts is powerful, but not particularly influential. He isn’t out there advocating on policy positions.
  5. Sean Hannity: Hannity couldn’t influence a drowning man to get out of the water. He is a GOP shill who has never had an original thought, and he just lost his primetime show on Fox. [Update: After this article was posted, Fox announced that Hannity would be moved back an hour to 10:00pm, still primetime]. He also lost a major radio syndicator.
  6. John Boehner: If Boehner was influential in the least he wouldn’t be such a laughingstock on Capitol Hill. He can’t control his own caucus, and he is presiding over the most unproductive congress ever.
  7. Karl Rove: After his numerous losses in 2012, Rove has lost the respect of his establishment cronies, while at the same time earning the distrust of the cantankerous Tea Party flank..
  8. Sarah Palin: Influential? Are you friggen kidding me? Try incoherent, insubstantial, or intolerable.
  9. Matt Drudge: Yesterday’s snooze.
  10. Rush Limbaugh: Bingo! I’ll give ’em this one. Limbaugh is the Gulliver of Republicanism. He towers over the Lilliputians in the party who are too timid to challenge him.

These are not just some of the right’s players, these are their biggest stars. These are the bright, shining lights about whom they are most proud. Let that sink in a minute. When they brag, they bring up these losers. No wonder the Republican Party is suffering the lowest favorability ratings in history.

The top ten features four Fox News critters. The expanded list contains more public embarrassments like Mark Levin (12), Rick Perry (16), Greg Gutfeld (23), and Michelle Malkin (25). And genuine influential types like billionaire Sheldon Adelson, and Fox News CEO Roger Ailes walked away with mere Honorable Mentions. This is not so much a list of influentials as it is a hall of shame. Yet somehow, Ted Nugent, Michelle Bachmann, and Alex Jones didn’t make the cut. Hang in there guys. There’s always next year.

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Indian-American Miss America Brings Out The Racist In Fox News Host

Last night’s crowning of the 2014 Miss America produced a milestone for the event with the selection of Nina Davuluri, the first Indian-American winner. Unfortunately, it also produced a flurry of ugly comments in social media that attacked Davuluri, a native of Syracuse, New York, as un-American, a terrorist, and as “Miss Al Qaeda.”

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Not surprisingly, the racist culture at Fox News was prominent among the critics of Davuluri’s victory. Fox’s Todd Starnes, a notoriously repugnant religious bigot and homophobe, took to his Twitter and Facebook accounts to bash a young woman who had just realized her American Dream.

Starnes on Twitter: The liberal Miss America judges won’t say this – but Miss Kansas lost because she actually represented American values.

Starnes on Facebook: Americans were backing Miss Kansas — but the liberal Miss America judges were not interested in a gun-toting, deer-hunting, military veteran.

The nauseating bias expressed by Starnes is typical of his lack of decency. It is also typical that he bases his hatred on idiotic and unsupported assertions. For instance, he has no idea why the judges did not choose his preferred contestant, Miss Kansas. Consequently, he makes up reasons from his own deranged prejudices and implies that Davuluri does not represent American values. If Starnes’ version of American values include his cretinous loathing of America’s diversity, then here’s hoping that no one embraces the values that Starnes represents.

Starnes also states that “Americans were backing Miss Kansas.” He must have pulled that statistic from the same body part he uses for analytical thought – his humongous posterior. What’s more, Starnes’ accusation that the judges were all liberals was another invention sprouted from his vile ignorance of reality.

Starnes has a history of repulsive statements, yet Fox continues to employ him. It is an indication of their approval of such bigotry. It is a part of their mission as a propaganda outlet that abhors the real America that comprises people of all races, nationalities, and creeds. It’s the Fox way.

Glenn Beck Takes A Commanding Lead In The Incoherence Olympics

To anyone who has been paying attention, Glenn Beck has never been one to put much emphasis on making sense when he delivers his hate-filled diatribes. Much more important to Beck is his focus on twisting unrelated sentence fragments into jumbles of conspiratorial nightmares that lead to the imminent extinction of all mankind.

Glenn Beck

Last Friday Beck applied the full force of his dementia to cast President Obama as a foreign entity who “doesn’t know who Americans are.” But his spiel was so disjointed and incomprehensible it has to be heard to be believed.

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Let’s break it down. Beck starts out just mumbling without even completing his psycho thoughts.

There is a great desire…..[He never tells us what the desire is]
And this is why I think this president has missed the opportunity…..{He never reveals the nature of the opportunity]
Because he doesn’t know who Americans are. Just like he doesn’t really…..[Really what? Who knows? He doesn’t say]
He’s not a sports fan. He didn’t grow up here…..[And that’s relevant why?]
And that’s not a slam on him or anything else…..[Gee, I wonder what would be a slam]
He didn’t grow up here. He wasn’t immersed in the culture.

This would be a good time to point out that Obama did indeed grow up in America. While he spent four years in Indonesia between the ages of six and ten, the rest of the time was all in the good old U.S. of A. Plus, he was an avid sports fan and participant. But the wild allegation that Obama’s alleged foreignness is connected to a phony aversion to sports falls apart in Beck’s very next sentence when he say “I grew up here. I’m not a sports fan.” So Beck’s theory is that Obama is not a sports fan because he didn’t grow up here, even though he (Beck) did grow up here but is not himself a sports fan. What on earth is his point?

Beck goes on to fling rhetorical feces at Obama that make no sense and have no basis in reality:

“But I am a fan of the history of the country. I grew up here. And I was lucky enough to grow up in a family that appreciated the heritage of the United States of America. He didn’t. He grew up in a family that hated the United States of America and he has been surrounded by people who hate the United States of America. That’s not a slam on him, that’s a fact. It’s just a fact. So you wouldn’t expect him to be anything else.

“This country gave him the opportunity to go from a guy who grew up in Asia, surrounded by people who hated the country, to become the President of the United States. Now, I do contend that he didn’t earn that. I do contend that he was selected – that he was chosen by the Soroses of the world. That he didn’t earn that. He gave a good speech that I don’t know if he even wrote. He was a good speaker. He was somebody that everybody knew that you’ll get away with murder because he’s likeable and he’s black.”

That’s the whole ball of wax right there: he’s black. That’s what irks Beck and his cadre of racist, Teabagging cretins. Beck projects his own hatred on Obama and dispenses loopy theories about a man who so detests a country that he spends his life in the service of it and succeeds in rising to lead it. Beck permits himself to believe that George Soros has magical and omnipotent powers that enable him to chose American heads of state, which begs the question, why doesn’t he just do that all the time?

As usual, Beck can’t answer any of these questions. And his brain-dead followers will never even think of them. At this point, Beck’s dementia is so advanced that all we can do is sit back and be entertained – at least until he suffers a complete meltdown and explodes in a fiery ball of fear-dripping, Messianic goo. Let’s just hope he doesn’t take any innocent folks with him.

Attorneys For The Estate Of Andrew Breitbart Threatened With Contempt Of Court In The Shirley Sherrod Matter

Andrew BreitbartEven in death Andrew Breitbart manages to be a major league dickwad.

Last week attorneys representing his estate, in a case where he was being sued for libel by former USDA employee Shirley Sherrod, failed to answer the court’s questions regarding the estate’s finances. When the lawyers couldn’t even tell the judge whether or not Breitbart had a will when he died, the judge became skeptical and threatened to charge them with contempt of court.

U.S. District Judge Richard J. Leon said he was mystified that Breitbart’s attorneys from Katten Muchin did not know whether or not Breitbart died intestate and said he feared that the firm and Breitbart’s estate — or whatever entity may be in ownership of the late blogger’s assets — were being evasive and uncooperative in the case.

“This court expects a law firm of the stature of Katten Muchin to not be a party to games like this, at least as the court sees it,” Judge Leon said.

Back in 2010, Breitbart posted a video of Sherrod on his web site that falsely portrayed her as engaging in racially biased behavior in her duties as a government employee. The unedited video shows that, in fact, she was telling a story about something that had occurred twenty years earlier, before she worked for the government, and actually had a message of equality and tolerance. Nevertheless, Breitbart refused to apologize or retract his defamatory articles.

Sherrod sued Breitbart, who evaded accountability by dying. And now his lawyers are continuing his legacy of shameful deceit by dodging the court’s legitimate inquiries into his finances. The boneheads that assumed control of Breitbart’s web sites have cemented their reputation for bombastic dishonesty and tabloid-like perversions of journalism to an extent that might even have embarrassed Breitbart. But they cannot continue to avoid the legal scrutiny in this case, and will eventually have to pay for their disgraceful smear campaign against Sherrod.

NewsBusters Asks: Is Bank Robber Wearing An Obama Mask Racist?

For those not familiar with NewsBusters, it fancies itself as a conservative media watchdog whose mission is “Exposing and Combating Liberal Media Bias.” It is a subsidiary of the uber-rightist Media Research Center. And it is also one of the most prolific apologists for radical right-wingers and racists like Ann Coulter and Pat Buchanan.

Last week they outdid themselves by posting an absurd item about a bank robber in New Hampshire who wore a mask of President Obama during the robbery. NewsBuster’s Noel Sheppard made the Olympian leap from that incident to the Missouri rodeo last month when a rodeo clown wearing a similar mask went on a racially offensive rant.

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This is a perfect demonstration of how clueless right-wingers are about their own racist tendencies. Sheppard clearly has no idea how offensive it is to perform an allegedly comical routine before hundreds of spectators that calls for grievous harm to befall the president of the United States. His organization ran numerous columns defending the rodeo buffoonery, just as racists of a previous era defended black-face performances.

However, where Sheppard really steps off the plank is when he attempts to draw a comparison between an obnoxious and insulting rodeo act and the criminal behavior of a bank robber. Sheppard seems to think the media has some responsibility to analyze the mind of the criminal for racial insensitivity. The problem is that Sheppard is apparently too stupid to grasp that the crook wasn’t making any kind of a political statement. He was merely trying to conceal his identity (in a spectacularly dumb way). Contrast that with the rodeo clown’s routine that openly baited the crowd to cheer for the President getting gored by a bull.

So what does a bank robber wearing an Obama mask have to do with a brazenly offensive performance by an entertainer? You’ll have to ask Noel Sheppard, because no one in their right mind could possibly connect those dots.