The conservative media has been working overtime to portray President Biden as too old to serve as President for another four years. Never mind that he has presided over one of the most productive presidential administrations in history. It is the right’s mission to deceive the public in order to advance their own agenda on behalf of the wealthy and authoritarianism.
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In the past three years the nation has recovered from the worst of the COVID pandemic, cut inflation in half, seen the economy flourish, made record investments in infrastructure, created more than 14 million jobs, restored relations with international allies, provided funding to mitigate climate change, and so much more. The progress has been so obvious that even Republicans are noticing…
SEE THIS: President Biden Trolls Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Hysterically Lame Swipe at Democratic Successes
On Friday one of the right’s premier Trump-fluffers, podcaster Joe Rogan, demonstrated precisely why lying propagandists like him should be shunned. During a segment on his program, Rogan sought to mock the President as mentally deficient. But the example he chose to make his point was way off base (humiliating video below).
Rogan: Did you hear what he said yesterday, or a couple of days ago? He was talking about the Revolutionary War. He said ‘One of the reasons we lost the Revolutionary War, one of the problems with the Revolutionary war was they didn’t have enough airports.’ Have you seen that. I mean, like pull him. If you had any other job, and you were talking like that, they would go, ‘Hey, you’re done.
Rogan then played the video that he thought would support his brazenly dishonest defamation
Biden Video: By the way, the same stable genius said the biggest problem we had during the Revolutionary War is we didn’t have enough airports.
Rogan was right to recognize the absurdity of talking about airports during the Revolutionary War. But there was just one little problem. Biden didn’t say that. Biden was actually referencing something astonishingly stupid that Trump had said. Rogan’s producer then played the clip of Trump.
Trump Video: In June of 1775, the Continental Congress created a unified Army out of the Revolutionary forces…It ran the ramparts, it took over the airports, it did everything it had to do.
After Rogan was told that it was Trump who was the mental deficient, his take on the matter suddenly changed completely. When he thought that Biden made the comment it was disqualifying and proof that he should be committed to an asylum. But after learning that it was Trump, Rogan’s new assessment was merely “Oh, okay. He f**ked up.”
This is representative of how the right distorts reality for the glassy-eyed cultists that make up their audience. They don’t care whether what they are saying is true. And when their lies have been exposed they try to pretend that it was no big deal after all. In a few days they will deny that it ever happened.
What’s worse is that the suckers to whom they lied will end up believing the first version that had no connection to anything resembling the truth. And people like Rogan, and Trump, and everyone on Fox News, will encourage them to remain in their state of delusion. Which isn’t a particularly difficult task since the victims are willing participants in their deception. They are lost to us now. But hacks like Rogan still need to be countered so that their deliberate disinformation doesn’t take hold.
Oh my God. Joe Rogan tried to say Biden is unqualified by claiming he said something that TRUMP said.
He got fact checked in real time. This is amazing.
(h/t @Mediaite)
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