Fox News Hack’s ‘Gotcha’ Question Proves He Doesn’t Know What ‘Super-Spreader’ Means

Is anyone keeping track of how many consecutive days Fox News White House correspondent, Peter Doocy, has asked a stupid question at the daily press briefing, only get humiliated by Press Secretary Jen Psaki? Doocy is nothing if not determined to make a name for himself in this competition and, to his credit, he has commanding lead.

Jen Psaki, Fox News, Peter Doocy

At Tuesday’s press briefing Doocy sought to revisit an issue that he has been clinging to for several days. It concerns the Texas Democrats who left the state to prevent Republicans from passing a draconian voter suppression bill. While in Washington, D.C. a few of them tested positive for the coronavirus (which sicko Donnie Jr thought was hilarious). Doocy, along with other Fox News shills, have been trying desperately to turn that into a scandal, despite the fact that these “breakthrough” are known to occur, and for people who are vaccinated the symptoms will likely be minimal. The facts not withstanding, Doocy entered into this exchange with Psaki (video below):

Doocy: More than 10% of the traveling party with these Texas Democrats now claim to have a breakthrough case. Is there any concern that this trip that was intended to advocate for voting rights is now a super-spreader event in Washington?
Psaki: Well, I would say that’s not a characterization we’re making from here. We certainly understand there will be breakthrough cases. Even vaccines that are incredibly effective are not foolproof. They’re not 100% effective. We’ve seen that. Here’s the good news, though. We know that these vaccines, that these individuals have been vaccinated. It means it protects from death. It protects from serious illness. It protects, for the most part, from hospitalization, so that is a good sign.

It’s pretty sad that Psaki has to give Doocy answers as if he were a child. But she wants him to understand, so it’s necessary to politely condescend. After all, in his question he demonstrates that he doesn’t even understand the words he’s using. You can hardly call a half dozen viral infections among a fully vaccinated group of people a “super-spreader” event. Does anyone recall Doocy referring to Donald Trump’s cult rallies, with thousands of unvaccinated, maskless attendees, during the peak of the pandemic, super-spreader events? Those mass encounters resulted in significant spikes in infections and hospitalizations in the locales where they took place.

The only reason that Doocy is raising this non-issue now is that he’s hoping to use it to deflect from the larger issue about voting rights that the Democrats from Texas are making. He explicitly sought to divert attention from that with his follow up question to Psaki. But Psaki would not be distracted:

Doocy: Now that COVID-19, after contact with those Democrats, has reached the White House, what is your message to these Texas Democrats?
Psaki: Our message continues to be, thanks for standing up for voting rights, and the rights for Americans to have their voices heard at the voting booth, and we appreciate their efforts in that regard.

Meanwhile, Trump himself continues to support the voter suppression bills in Texas and elsewhere. He released a statement Tuesday morning linking to an op-ed asserting that “Republicans Are Making It easier to Vote and Harder to Cheat.” But you really have to wonder who would believe that a pathological cheater like Trump cares about making it harder to cheat. This is a guy who has publicly cheated on his three wives, his charities, his golf score, his “university” students, his veterans fund, his election and reelection campaigns, his taxes, and most recently his own donors. So he’s real paragon of virtue who’s commitment to honesty can be trusted. Right?

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Fox News Shill Asks Jen Psaki an Idiotic Question that Trump Already Answered Idiotically

Another day, another humiliation for the Fox News White House correspondent, and nepotism poster boy, Peter Doocy. He appears to have been given the daily assignment of lobbing vacuous questions at Press Secretary Jen Psaki that she hit out of the park. It’s a dirty job, but someone at Fox has to do it. And they apparently found just the right patsy.

Fox News, Jen Psaki

On Monday Doocy thought he had a real stumper when he was called on Psaki to wind up his pitiful pitch. Studying his notes carefully, he let loose this zinger (video below):

Doocy: On vaccine hesitancy, as COVID-19 cases rise, if this is becoming a pandemic of the unvaccinated and you guys are having a hard time getting a certain part of the population to go get the shot, would President Biden ever call former President Trump and say ‘I need your help. Let’s cut a PSA and tell people to go do it?’

Let’s go to slo-mo for a closer look at what Doocy just threw down. He is plainly conceding that COVID cases are rising due to the resistance of glassy-eyed, fact-averse, Trump cultists to getting vaccinated. That’s the only reason he could have for regarding Trump’s participation in a vaccine outreach program to be beneficial. However, Doocy isn’t acknowledging the fact that Trump’s absence from this discussion for so many months already tells us where he stands. Psaki’s response to the question addresses that:

Psaki: First I would say that what we’ve seen in our data is that the most trusted voices are local officials, doctors, medical experts, civic leaders, clergy from time to time, and that is really where we have invested our funding and our resources.

We’ve seen almost every former president play a role in putting out a PSA making sure people understood in the country that the vaccine is safe and effective. We don’t believe that requires an embroidered invitation to be part of. But certainly any role of anyone who has a platform where they can provide information to the public that the vaccine is safe, it is effective, we don’t see this as a political issue. We certainly welcome that engagement.

Psaki’s answer recognizes that Trump isn’t necessarily the best pitchman for the vaccine. Even his own disciples aren’t likely to take his word for anything. They already know that he got the shot back in January, but that hasn’t moved them. Perhaps because he did it privately and spent the next few months dismissing it. Meanwhile, his peeps are waiting on trusted sources in their community to convince them that they would benefit from the vaccine.

What’s more, Psaki pointedly notes that Trump could have done a PSA at any time in the past six months but chose not to. Not only does he not need an “embroidered invitation” from Biden, getting one would probably have a negative effect. Trump wouldn’t want to have anything to do with the guy who crushed him in the 2020 presidential election. He didn’t even bother to attend Biden’s inauguration.

Trump also snubbed a prior vaccine promoting PSA that included every other living president. So why would he accept an invitation now? Given his narcissistic reluctance to not being the center of attention, if he cared at all about the welfare of the American people he could still have shot his own PSA starring himself, which would have gotten plenty of play on the right-wing media outlets where those who care about what he says are watching. However, Trump hasn’t even done that. What he did on Monday was to release this pitifully egomaniacal statement:

“Joe Biden kept talking about how good of a job he’s doing on the distribution of the Vaccine that was developed by Operation Warp Speed or, quite simply, the Trump Administration. He’s not doing well at all. He’s way behind schedule, and people are refusing to take the Vaccine because they don’t trust his Administration, they don’t trust the Election results, & they certainly don’t trust the Fake News, which is refusing to tell the Truth.”

So Trump went out of his way to baselessly smear Biden, whose response to the pandemic has been effective and who has the broad approval (66%) of the public. Plus, Trump exalted himself with utterly delusional assertions that vaccine hesitancy is related to his “Big Lie” that the election was “stolen” from him. Seriously? Trump thinks that people will risk a slow and painful (and preventable) death from a virus because of his bald-faced, evidence-free lies about an election that he so decisively lost?

What is obviously missing from Trump’s statement is any encouragement to his foolhardy flock to get vaccinated. This would have been an ideal time to make that pitch. But not for a self-absorbed cretin like Trump. And this is the guy who Doocy thinks it would be useful to invite to participate in a pro-vaccine PSA with Biden? Yeah, right! That’ll happen.

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Fox News Piñata, Peter Doocy, Gets Psaki Bombed for ‘Loaded and Inaccurate Question’

If there’s one thing that Peter Doocy of Fox News should get credit for, it’s his tolerance for being made to look like an utter fool over and over again, without showing the slightest bit of the embarrassment that most other human beings would experience. He takes a beating and keeps on licking his wounds as if he’s actually enjoying the humiliation.

Psaki Lightening

Like a masochist unable to control his perverse compulsions, Doocy keeps coming back for more. On Friday he drenched himself in disgrace again by asking White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki a question that had to have been market tested by a committee in the bowels of the Fox News Propaganda Factory:

Doocy: For how long has the administration been spying on people’s Facebook profiles looking for vaccine misinformation?

Seriously? Doocy’s assertion that the administration is “spying” on Facebook profiles was pulled straight from his asinine notebook of nonsense questions. And this one was a slow pitch right across the strike zone for Psaki who replied…

Psaki: That is quite a loaded and inaccurate question, which I would refute.
Doocy: Inaccurate how?
Psaki: Well, Peter, first of all, as you know we’re in regular touch with a range of media outlets … as we are in regular touch with social media platforms. This is publicly open information, people sharing information online. Just as you are all reporting information on your news stations.

Psaki had addressed this issue on Thursday in stark detail. She spoke about the unprecedented finding by the Surgeon General, Vivek Murthy, that vaccine disinformation is a serious threat to public health. Her remarks included how the Biden administration is working to counter potentially deadly anti-vaccine propaganda. She explained in clear and concise terms that the federal government is not commanding or controlling Facebook. Nor is it colluding with them to attack political foes. They are merely alerting them to posts that Facebook itself deems harmful, something every Facebook user can do. But that wasn’t sufficient for Doocy, who came back on Friday, clearly still confused and thirsting for more punishment:

Doocy: Okay, so these 12 people you have on list, do they know that somebody at the Surgeon General’s office is going through their profiles?
Psaki: I’m happy to get you the citation of where that comes from. There’s no secret list.

Doocy was referring to the 12 people who are responsible for 65% of the online disinformation about vaccines. Psaki mentioned it on Thursday, so Doocy had the time to look it up and come prepared on Friday. He chose not to. Had he done so he would have found that it was not a government list, but one produced by the private non-profit Center for Countering Digital Hate. And despite his deliberate fear mongering, there is nothing untoward about being apprised of harmful disinformation online so that legal countermeasures can be taken to save lives. Psaki attempted to educate Doocy saying that…

Psaki: Our biggest concern here – and frankly I think it should be your biggest concern – is the number of people who are dying around the country because they are getting misinformation that is leading them to not take a vaccine. Young people, old people, kids, children, a lot of them are being impacted by misinformation.

However, Doocy wasn’t having any of it. Still unable to grasp the simplest notion that government has a responsibility to protect its citizens from scammers and con artists, he went off on a tangent about “Big Brother” watching you. Psaki concluded by patronizing Doocy. “If you have the data to back that up,” she offered, “I’m happy to discuss it.” For his part, Doocy left the briefing room and did a remote on Fox News that confirmed that he completely failed to comprehend everything Psaki had just said:

“The White House is now trying to change the conversation from ‘is the Biden Administration censoring people’ to ‘is Facebook killing people.'”

Fer chrissakes. That display of incoherence isn’t even worth responding to.

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In Predictable Perversion of Reality, Fox News Accuses Texas Democrats of ‘Insurrection’

The state of Texas is the latest to pursue a strategy of blatant voter suppression in order to reinforce their right-wing stranglehold on power. To that end their Republican dominated legislature is frantically trying to pass laws that will make it harder for communities of color and low-income (i.e. Democrats) to cast votes.

Fox News, Tucker Carlson, Q Shaman

So naturally, the GOP Ministry of Disinformation (aka Fox News) is doing its part to clamp down on free and fair elections. Fox News Senior White Nationalist, Tucker Carlson, entered into the fray on this issue with his signature faux outrage and perpetually furrowed brow. Not content to deliver his customary hate mongering tirade, Carlson reached deep into his rhetorical repertoire of sarcasm, arrogance, and dishonesty to contrive a bizarre mangling of reality.

Facing the Republican autocrats determined to tilt all future elections in their favor, the Texas House Democrats left the state in order to deny their oppressors a quorum. And in an Olympic-grade feat of projection, Carlson lambasted the Texas Democrats saying that “they committed what amounted to an act of, yes, insurrection.” He elaborated

“Democrats in the state don’t oppose voter fraud. Nor critically do they believe in multi-party politics. So they stopped the entire process cold. Now preventing lawmakers from making laws, shutting down the vote, would not seem like a defense of democracy. In fact, it would appear to be just the opposite. It would appear to be an assault on the very core of democracy, which is the legislature, the people’s house.

“Even diabolical old Vladimir Putin never attempted to do that. But according to Joe Biden, this time it’s necessary. Sometimes you’ve got to end democracy in order to save democracy. That is, if you’re not a racist. ‘Requiring people to prove their identity when they cast a vote,’ said the President, ‘is an unrelenting 21st century Jim Crow assault.’ Really? How so? Biden never explains, but he didn’t need to. His bootlickers on cable television jumped in to do the talking for him.”

Whereupon, Carlson played a few seconds of excerpts from MSNBC and CNN hosts discussing the GOP’s anti-democracy crusade. After which he complained that they didn’t explain why the Texas bill constituted voter suppression. They actually explained it thoroughly, but Carlson’s clips were purposefully chopped so as to remove all of the relevant context. Then, in a another display of projection, he refers to them as “brainless shills,” when that is a far better description of Carlson and his television flock.

Carlson’s twisted take on insurrection is typical of how he abuses language. Fox News has been denying for months that there was any insurrection at all. And now Carlson wants to be taken seriously while suggesting that a peaceful boycott of a legislative session is equivalent to the violent and deadly riots that evidence shows Donald Trump incited in Washington, D.C. on January 6th (and continues to do so). Carlson is equating lawful public servants with criminal seditionists.

Contrary to Carlson’s flagrant fallacies, the Democrats are actually exercising the liberty that democracy guarantees them. If he wants an example of subverting democracy. he can refer to how Mitch McConnell refused to even allow a vote on over 400 bills passed by the House of Representatives. Or he might weigh in on Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s totalitarian threat to arrest the Democrats when they return to the state.

Carlson also felt compelled to malign President Biden, whose speech on voting rights the day before was profoundly moving and informative. Which might explain why Fox News was the only cable news “news” network that refused to air it. Instead of a timely and newsworthy presidential address, Fox chose to cover such crucial stories as Bill Gates’ divorce, a Fox Nation promo, and the “woke” military.

That’s just more proof that Fox is most definitely not a news network. Which makes it the perfect place for a lying propagandist like Tucker Carlson to spew his factless bullpucky for an audience of glassy-eyed cult followers. Where else could he get away with idiocy like his paranoid delusion that the National Security Agency (NSA) is spying on him? Or his baseless accusation that the FBI orchestrated the January 6th insurrection? Or his claim that health authorities know that vaccines don’t work and they aren’t telling you? That’s just how Fox News rolls.

UPDATE: Fox’s Peter Doocy once again found a way to introduce the stupidest perspective possible on this matter:

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Peter Doocy of Fox News Bends Over for Another Well Deserved Spanking From Jen Psaki

There really seems to be a streak of masochism in many Republicans and conservative media shills. They have no apparent limit to the amount of abuse they can take after making ridiculous remarks or idiotic inquiries. And Peter Doocy of Fox News is the best example of this perverse personality flaw, particularly during his attempted “gotcha” questions for Press Secretary Jen Psaki.

Fox News, Peter Doocy

Doocy recently got creamed by Psaki when he went off about “Critical Weenie Theory.” It happened again when he tried to make an issue of Olympic hopeful Gwen Berry protesting social injustice. He also did it while criticizing Vice-President Kamala Harris for going to the border after months of complaining that she hadn’t. And then there was the time he sought to turn the origins of the COVID virus into a contrived melodrama.

On Monday morning Doocy was at it again. During the White House daily press briefing, Doocy sought to catch Psaki off guard by dissecting the language of a previous statement in order to suggest some sort of policy failure regarding the recent protests in Cuba (video below):

Doocy: On Cuba, you’re talking today about how some of these protesters were inspired by the people exhausted with the government. Why is it that yesterday the State Department was saying that this is all happening out of concern about rising COVID cases?
Psaki: I would say first that the protests were just happening yesterday. We’re still assessing what is motivating and driving all of the individuals who came to the streets. But we know that we say exhaustion, that the manner by which the people of Cuba are governed, that can cover a range of issues. whether it’s economic suppression, media suppression, lack of access to health and medical supplies, including vaccines, there are a range of reasons and voices we’re hearing from people on the ground who are protesting.
Doocy: So when these protestors are yelling ‘freedom’ and ‘enough,’ there are people in the administration who think they are saying ‘freedom from rising COVID cases’?
Psaki: Again, I would say that people are out there in the streets protesting and complaining about the lack of access to economic prosperity, to the medical supplies they need, to a life they deserve to live. That can take on a range of meanings. There’s a global pandemic right now. Most people in that country don’t have access to vaccines. That’s certainly something we’d love to help with.

You have to give Doocy credit for persistence. After getting smacked down with the first response to his pedantic question, he asks the very same question again, but modifies it to make even dumber. It doesn’t take much intellect to recognize that the Cuban people want “freedom” from an oppressive regime whose failures are putting their lives at risk. But it may be too much for Doocy and Fox News, who even complained about a New York Times story that referred to “Shouting ‘Freedom’ and other anti-government slogans,”was as an attack on freedom. Obviously, chanting “freedom” is staunchly anti-government if you’re doing it in a country that’s been run by dictators for decades.

For the record, the Cuban protesters were, in part, protesting the government response to the COVID pandemic that is surging in their country, along with other issues touching on economics and liberty. The government has badly mismanaged their vaccination program where only 15% of the population is vaccinated. Even Doocy’s Fox News colleagues reported the protests as being driven by “various government shortcomings including […] medicine shortages.” So Psaki was right both times she answered.

Nevertheless, Doocy will show up again tomorrow to frame another question in manner that only makes him look desperate to zing Psaki. And he will remain blissfully ignorant of the fact that he simply doesn’t have the mental dexterity to vanquish his far superior foe. At some point Fox News should show some mercy and take him off of this beat. But then, who would they give it to? It’s not like they have a stable of intellectual giants waiting to be called up.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Fox News Hot Dogger Peter Doocy Challenges Jen Psaki with Critical Weenie Theory

Never let it be said that Fox News isn’t on top of the issues that are uppermost on the minds of the American people. And on this 4th of July weekend, Fox’s Chief White House pest, Peter Doocy, demonstrated how devoted the Republican Ministry of Disinformation (aka Fox news) is to the mission articulated by their CEO, Lachlan Murdoch, to be “the opposition” to the Biden administration.

Fox News, Peter Doocy

Doocy has distinguished himself by volunteering his behind for frequent whoopings by the White House press secretary Jen Psaki. There aren’t many “reporters” who are so selfless and/or masochistic. On this occasion Doocy bypassed any questions about the surging Delta variant of the COVID virus, or the tragic collapse of the condo in Florida, or the dramatic congressional battles over infrastructure and voting rights.

Nope. Doocy courageously went straight for the footlong controversy over the cost of cookouts. He even drew a link to the price of gas. It was a frank exchange that went something like this…

Doocy: The official White House account tweeted yesterday the cost of a 4th of July cookout is down 16 cents from last year. 16 cents?
Psaki: There has been a reduction in some of the costs of key components of a 4th of July barbeque. that was what the tweet was noting.
Doocy: So does the White House think that 16 cents off a barbeque has more of an effect on people’s lives than gas being a dollar more than this time last year”
Psaki: I would say if you don’t like hot dogs you may not care of the reduction of costs. You don’t have to like hot dogs. I will say that what we are most focused on is the fact that we’ve created now more than three million jobs since the President took office.

For the record, this is the light-hearted post that the White House tweeted about 4th of July barbeque costs:

As is apparent, many of the components of a holiday barbeque are indeed less expensive, just like Psaki said. But this complex matter deserves a deeper examination. So let’s begin with the fact that a reduction of any amount is significant. The prices for most consumer goods generally increase every year. But this year’s decline indicates that, even as the country is reopening from the pandemic, and the economy is booming, inflation does not appear to be a major worry.

Undeterred by reality, Doocy persisted with a deliberately hostile framing of his next question linking barbeque costs to gas prices. Psaki was prepared for this because she recently had to school Rep. Jim Jordan (OH-QAnon) on the subject. She replied to his ignorant tweet by noting “gas prices are the same now as they were in June 2018.” Indeed, any knowledgeable person knows that gas prices were artificially low last year due to that deadly pandemic thingy that kept people at home. Now that people are moving about again, both the demand and the cost of fuel have returned to their pre-pandemic levels.

Psaki skillfully spun Doocy’s argumentative inquiry into an snarky insinuation that he is anti-hot dog. Then she steered the discussion back to a much more relevant issue to the American people: jobs. On that subject the Republican Party has been pitifully weak as they try to belittle the historic success of the Biden administration’s first five months in office.

The bottom line is that Doocy just can’t resist trying to cast out questions that he thinks are bangers, but which actually make him look like a wiener, or wurst, a brat. Okay, I’m done now. And so is Doocy if he’s smart. But we already know the answer to that.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Why Does this Pitiful Fox News Flunky Keep Presenting His Butt for a Beating by Jen Psaki?

The rotten apple doesn’t fall far from the diseased tree. And Peter Doocy, son of long time Fox and Friends co-host Steve Doocy, is one of the best examples of that old saying. The younger Doocy has been making a name for himself by engaging in embarrassing dialogues with White House press secretary, Jen Psaki.

Jen Psaki

Doocy recently got creamed by Psaki when he tried to make an issue of Olympic hopeful Gwen Berry protesting social injustice. He did it again when he criticized Vice-President Kamala Harris for going to the border after months of complaining that she hadn’t. And then there was the time he sought to turn the origins of the COVID virus into a contrived melodrama.

On Wednesday Doocy took another shot at it. This time he was revisiting a subject on which he had previously failed to make a dent. He couldn’t get a rise out of Psaki on Tuesday, so he went home and retooled his queries (maybe daddy helped him), and came back for another swing on defunding the police. After rattling off the names of the Democratic “Squad” (all progressive women of color) as proponents of defunding, Doocy entered into this exchange with Psaki:

Doocy: Are there any examples of Republican members of Congress saying they want to defund the police?
Psaki: I think most people would argue that actions are more important than words, wouldn’t you say?
Doocy: To your point there, at the time of the vote on the American Rescue Plan you had the Republican leader of the Senate, Mitch McConnell, he said he just didn’t like it because he thought it was a classic example of big government, Democratic overreach in the name of COVID relief. And then Kevin McCarthy said he thought the Democrats were using coronavirus as an excuse for funding pet projects. Where is the “we are gonna vote against this because we ant to defund the police?”
Psaki: Again, I think actions speak louder than words Peter. So if you oppose funding for the COPS program, something that was dramatically cut by the prior administration, and many Republicans supported it, and then you vote against the bill that has funding for the COPS program, we can let other people evaluate what that means. It doesn’t require them to speak to it or shout it out. Their actions speak for themselves.

For a little background, Republicans voted en mass against a Democratic bill that had $350 billion dollars of funding for law enforcement. Some of them did say that they objected to the bill for other reasons. But none of them spoke out in support of the funding or offered an alternate amendment or bill to restore it. So while some Democrats have talked about defunding the police (by which they mean reallocating funds to other services – such as mental health, domestic disturbances, etc. – that police shouldn’t be doing anyway), Republicans have actually voted against the funding.

What Doocy is attempting here is to inoculate Republicans from any accountability for their unambiguous opposition to funding for law enforcement by actually voting against it. Doocy thinks that because they didn’t utter the phrase “defund the police,” that their vote to literally defund the police doesn’t count. Doocy went at this several times, but Psaki wasn’t letting him get away with it. And while Republicans are whining petulantly, it was brilliant how Psaki turned the “defund the police” meme back on the GOP.

You would think that Doocy would get tired of being wrecked in public over and over again. But either he has a steel spine, or his objective is simply to plant his false narratives and get out of the way so Fox News viewers can lap them up. Either way, he’s failing to make any progress with anything but his own humiliation. And on that score he’s been wildly successful.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

CANCEL CULTure: Fox News Attacks Olympic Athlete for Exercising Free Speech

The emergence of a new buzzword in Fox News is always a treasure trove of asininity. And as their embrace of their new and thoroughly contrived concept of “cancel culture” has spread across their airwaves, Fox News has proven that they are the foremost abusers of it.

Fox News, Censorship

Fox News has courageously stood up in opposition to the injustices suffered by esteemed, albeit imaginary, Americans like Dr. Seuss and Mr. Potato Head. Because of Fox, they now represent the class of victims who have been “canceled” by systemic intolerance of cartoon characters and plastic toys.

However, no one is more guilty than Fox News of “canceling” real people who dare to go against the grain of whatever narrative Fox News happens to be espousing. Just ask all of the Republicans censured and cast aside for their perceived disloyalty to Donald Trump. Or check with the American companies that Trump has targeted for boycotts.

Now we can add to those casualties Olympic hopeful Gwen Barry. Upon winning a bronze medal in the recent Olympic trials, Berry took the opportunity to express her commitment to social injustice. That act of free speech earned her a mention at the White House daily press briefing. The Fox News White House correspondent, Peter Doocy, chose to use his privileged position to focus on an issue that he believes far outweighs the other petty concerns of the President of the United States, such as the resurgent COVID pandemic, or the Florida condo catastrophe, or how the pending infrastructure bill will impact the economy and jobs. Nope, Doocy wanted to know about this:

Doocy: This weekend Gwen Berry, who represents the United States as an Olympian on the hammer-throwing events, won a bronze medal at the trials, and then she turned her back on the flag while the anthem played. Does President Biden think that is appropriate behavior for someone who hopes to represent Team USA?”
Psaki: I haven’t spoken to the President specifically about this. But I know he’s incredibly proud to be an American, and has great respect for the anthem, and all that it represents, especially for our men and women serving in uniform all around the world. He would also say, of course, that part of that pride in our country means recognizing there are moments where we as a country haven’t lived up to our highest ideals. And it means respecting the right of people, granted to them in the Constitution, to peacefully protest.

Was it really necessary for Doocy to ask that particular question? Did it advance the public’s knowledge of matters that actually affect them? Didn’t he know that the obvious answer would be a defense of the Constitution? Is he really that stupid? (Don’t answer that).

And if that weren’t enough, Fox News had already addressed this critical subject on their early morning program, Fox and Friends. Co-host Ainsley Earhardt put the question to Republican congressman Dan Crenshaw:

Earhardt: [Berry] turned her back on the flag during the anthem, and she also put a black t-shirt over her face that said “activist athlete.”
Crenshaw: We don’t need anymore activist athletes. She should be removed from the team. The entire point of the Olympic team is to represent the United States of America. That’s the entire point. It’s one thing when these NBA players do it. We’ll just stop watching. But now the Olympic team? And it’s multiple cases of this. They should be removed. That should be the bare minimum requirement, is that you believe in the country representing.

So Crenshaw doesn’t believe we need “anymore activist athletes.” That implies that we have some already and that the quota has met. Which leaves one to wonder exactly how many activist athletes we need? And if we’ve exceeded that need, are the rest just canceled/removed?

Crenshaw makes the bizarre assertion that “The entire point of the Olympic team is to represent the United States of America.” Most people probably thought it has something to do with athletic competitions. And he makes a distinction between the Olympics and the NBA because you don’t have to watch basketball. Does he think that watching the Olympics is legally mandated? Plus, he’s being profoundly disingenuous because he wouldn’t support the free speech of professional athletes either. Just ask Colin Kaepernick. And Fox News can tell you something about their demands on NBA players to Shut Up and Dribble.”

Finally, Crenshaw is asserting that a peaceful gesture of protest amounts to not believing in your country. That’s the opposite of the truth. Wanting to improve your country is an act of patriotism. If Berry didn’t care about America, she wouldn’t have felt compelled to make any statement at all. It’s the protestors who love America. It’s the “love it or leave it” types who refuse to acknowledge the nation’s flaws who really don’t care.

And that’s precisely what’s wrong with the attitude of Crenshaw, Fox News, and their audience. The same people who are offended by a woman of color peacefully protesting by turning her back to the flag, have actually defended violent protestors who used the flag as a weapon against police officers at Trump’s January 6th insurrection.

The Crenshaws and Foxists of the world wear blinders that keep them satisfied with America as it is. Don’t bother to resolve problems or help those who are not enjoying the full spectrum of the nation’s benefits. And to hell with anyone who thinks we can do better. Contrary to what Fox News and Crenshaw believe, that is not the true spirit of America.

NOTE: Twitter recently suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Fox News, Who Attacked Kamala Harris for Not Going to the Border, Now Attacks Her for Going

Never let it be said that Fox News isn’t capable or adjusting their perspective when circumstances change. The problem is that they are usually adjusting an already warped perspective to one that’s warped even more. In the process Fox News can be relied upon to be wrong whatever the circumstance.

Fox News, Kamala Harris

In March, President Joe Biden assigned Vice-President Kamala Harris the task of investigating the immigration issue and proposing potential solutions. And every day for the past three months Fox News has made it a habit to mark how many days it has been between her receiving that assignment and visiting the border. Never mind that her physical presence on the border was in no way required for the task that she was assigned. Her role was to evaluate the problems that lead to migration in the first place, not law enforcement.

However, the task that Fox News was assigned was to plant disparaging stories in the media about all things related to Biden and his administration. That usually took the form of bizarre trivialities that served no purpose other than to attack Harris. Some of the petty criticisms included the time she allegedly disrespected Memorial Day, or the time she supposedly caused an international incident, or the time she allegedly profited off of selling her books to migrant children. None of those contrivances contained a shred of truth.

On Wednesday it was announced that Harris would be making a trip to the border later this week. So you might think that Fox News would be satisfied that their hectoring had produced their desired, albeit disingenuous, result. You would be wrong. After spending months attacking Harris for not going to the border, Fox News quickly shifted gears and is now attacking her for going. Witness this exchange between Fox’s Peter Doocy and White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki:

Doocy: Why is the Vice-President visiting the border this week when earlier this month she dismissed a trip like that saying it would be a grand gesture?
Psaki: She also said in an interview with NBC that she would be open to going to the border if it was an appropriate time.

So Doocy’s first question on the subject was to complain that Harris is now going to do what he had been previously complaining she hadn’t done. What’s more, he was dishonestly framing his question so as to ignore the fact that Harris had always said that she intended to visit the border when the time was right. But she isn’t the “border czar,” and it wasn’t the focus of her task.

In fact, there are distinct disadvantages to a White House delegation arriving on the scene with the requisite security, media, and other distractions from the core duties of those working on real border problems. Self-serving photo-ops were the purview of the last administration.

Harris’ visit will now be undertaken with a foundation of knowledge acquired from her summits with the leaders of the countries in the region. It now has greater potential to be more productive, rather just a political stunt. What would have made it a “grand gesture” would have been to go without the preparation needed to make the trip worthwhile.

But Fox News is narrowly focused only how they can spin it negatively. And it’s a safe bet that they will harshly condemn whatever she ends up doing while she’s there. Just like they did while Biden was abroad last week to meet with leaders from Europe and Russia, and Fox’s primetime propagandists demonstrated their unflinching loyalty – to Vladimir Putin.

UPDATE: Guess what. Trump is joining the bashing of Biden and Harris. Plus he’s whining about being upstaged, poor baby.

NOTE: Twitter recently suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Jen Psaki to Fox News: ‘I Think You’re Misunderstanding How This Process Actually Works’

Monday morning much of the press was reporting that the number of new cases of the coronavirus in the United States has dropped to levels not seen since the summer of 2020. Hospitalizations and deaths have similarly declined. And the Biden administration’s management of vaccination efforts has led to 50% of adults in half the country being fully vaccinated.

Fox News, Peter Doocy

However, as most of the media continues to report the positive aspects of the COVID pandemic trends, there is some downside focus in certain areas. Not surprisingly, the half of the country that has not reached that 50% milestone are mostly Southern and/or Republican states. And the press that is downplaying this news, or not reporting it at all, is, of course, Fox News. At Fox they have more pressing matters to attend to. Like the fake international incident caused by Vice-President Kamala Harris.

It is the objective of Fox News to either ignore any of the success of the Biden administration or to invent failures. For instance, recent Fox News fakeries included a “scandal” over Biden wearing a face mask, and Sean Hannity posting a flagrantly deceptive video of Biden.

So while there is much to be grateful for as the nation gets closer to whatever it was we thought was normal before the pandemic, Fox News strives to increase the national anxiety level. That was evident in the daily White House press briefing on Monday as Fox’s Peter Doocy engaged in this exchange with press secretary Jen Psaki about the speculation over where the coronavirus originated (a “scandal” that Fox News is foremost in hyping):

Doocy: With 589,920 dead Americans, at what point does President Biden say, “We don’t want to wait for the WHO (World Health Organization). We don’t know what they’re doing. This needs to be an American led effort to get to the bottom of what happened.”
Psaki: Well, first of all, we need access to the underlying data and information in order to have that investigation.
Doocy: But he talks all the time about how he’s known President Xi for a long time. So why can’t he just call?
Psaki: I think you’re misunderstanding how this process actually works. An international investigation led by the World Health Organization is something that we’ve actually been pressing for for several months, in coordination with a range of partners around the world. We need that data. We need that information from the Chinese government. What we can’t do, and I would caution anyone doing, is leaping ahead of an actual international process. We don’t have enough data and information to jump to a conclusion at this point in time.

It’s nice to see that after a year of downplaying COVID-19 as a flu or a hoax, Fox News seems to be concerned about its victims. Needless to say though, Doocy did not grasp Psaki’s response, or didn’t want to. So he rephrased his question and asked it again. Psaki patiently tried to educate Doocy that the U.S. can’t unilaterally investigate something that happened in another country.

It’s sad that Doocy needs to be told that Biden can’t just ring up Xi on the phone and ask him “Wassup with that virus thing?” He also can’t send in CIA operatives to interrogate Chinese officials, or Navy Seals to steal file cabinets with secreted data. This has to be handled with diplomacy by a neutral agency that has authority granted by the international community.

The purpose of Doocy’s apparent inability to comprehend this is simply to leave an impression that Biden is isn’t doing all that he can do to get to truth about the virus’ origins. His assignment wasn’t to elicit information, but to pose questions that act as statements and to malign the President in the process.

However, Psaki correctly points out that Doocy just doesn’t understand how international investigations work. And she drives home the point that the administration’s goal with regard to the virus’ origins is “the desire to know how this started, where it started, and to prevent it from ever happening again.” So all Doocy accomplished was to make himself look like a dope with a partisan agenda. Which he has proven repeatedly is not much a of a stretch for him.

NOTE: Twitter recently suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.