Sarah Palin Calls Obama A “Chicken” For Not Calling Terrorists Names

The second season of Sarah Palin’s Amazing America (the Sportsman Channel series that no one knows exists) is premiering Thursday, and Palin is pumping out promos for it. Among them, she appeared on Inside Edition (video below) where host Deborah Norville asked her about the fabricated and idiotic controversy over whether President Obama should append an “Islamic” prefix every time he refers to terrorists. [He shouldn’t and here’s why]

Sarah Palin

Palin’s response was a jumble of her trademarked word salad in which she resorted to calling the President names because she doesn’t think he calls people names enough.

Palin: “It is, in a sense, being a chicken, as was made manifest when we didn’t have a high-ranking official go over and unify with other world leaders to say, ‘No, this Islamic fundamentalism that is resulting in such terror across the globe, we’re not gonna have that in our land.”

Just to be clear, Palin is calling the man who ordered the attack that killed Osama Bin Laden a chicken. She is demeaning the resolve of a leader who is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of terrorist operatives, including many of their leaders. In Palin’s view, attaching a word to a description of a terrorist is a more courageous act than flying drones over their compounds and dropping bombs on them. And she actually thinks that it would have been a significant gesture to fly to Paris to participate in a staged photo-op with a bunch of political luminaries that she actually despises (i.e. Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas, the socialist president of France François Hollande, and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov).

This might be viewed as the sort of mentality that reveres rhetoric over resolute action, except that that doesn’t really explain Palin’s remarks. A more accurate explanation would be that she is simply looking for any excuse to demean the President and insult America’s leadership.

Palin, on the other hand is a paragon of courage. As the mother of a child with Down’s Syndrome, she has spoken out boldly against those who use language that disparages people with disabilities. She has castigated those who use the word “retard” as a generalized insult. Palin called out Rahm Emanuel for using the term saying that it was “indecent” and “unacceptable.” She also lashed out at Bill Maher via Twitter for what she called “hatefully mock[ing]” of special needs kids.

Which is funny because Ted Nugent just did the same thing, referring to people in the media as “retards” who “screw farm animals.” But Palin is welcoming him as a featured guest on her program in a couple of weeks. That’s just how brave and committed to principle she is.

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WTF? Sarah Palin Named American Achiever of 2014 By Deranged Wingnut Website

You gotta love it when conservatives make such fools of themselves that it’s impossible to tell the difference between satire and reality. An epic and hilarious example of this is the article published by the ultra right-wing blog American Thinker (a name that must have been chosen for its irony).

Sarah Palin

The alleged “Thinkers” have chosen Sarah Palin as their recipient of the 2014 American Achiever honors. Now, you may be wondering what in hell Palin achieved to deserve that recognition. She hasn’t done a single thing since resigning after half a term as governor of Alaska other than her laughable reality programs and some embarrassing segments on Fox News. Well, the Thinkers spell out specifically what she managed to achieve:

“It would be the height of churlishness for even the most inveterate leftist to deny the import of someone who made Time magazine’s “100 Most Influential People” list, and then the Smithsonian Institution’s “100 Most Significant Americans Of All Time” list. Both affirmations were earned by former Alaska governor and vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin.”

Forgive my churlishness, but this inveterate leftist has no problem denying Palin’s import. Particularly when the examples of her achievements in 2014 include making a Time magazine list that was published four years ago in 2010. Yep, that’s the listing to which the Thinkers linked. And the tribute in Time was written by that bastion of modern political relevance, Ted Nugent.

They were a bit more on target chronologically with the Smithsonian list that was at least published this year. However, the list was more a fanciful exercise in algorithmic celebrity than actual historical significance. The listees were selected by a process of calculating references, links, and page views in Wikipedia. The authors even noted that their list “has less to do with achievement than with an individual’s strength as an Internet meme.” And the Thinkers cited this as evidence of achievement. What were they thinking? Also making the list were Charles Manson, L. Ron Hubbard, And Secretariat.

The only other notable achievement cited by the Thinkers concerned Vladimir Putin’s support for Ukrainian rebels. But what they regarded as an achievement was a speech Palin made in 2008 that they say predicted Putin’s actions. First of all, Palin’s six year old speech, that was surely written by John McCain staffers, is hardly eligible to be considered an achievement in 2014. And secondly, it didn’t predict anything of the sort that she and the Thinkers have been boasting about.

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It takes a special kind of stupid to turn the above irrelevancies into an honorarium. But with so few actual examples of conservative achievements, it isn’t surprising that they need to make things up in order to have something to talk about. It’s not like they can brag about Jeb Bush or Ted Cruz or Michele Bachmann or Rand Paul or Rick Perry. Their desperation is on display, so they swept up some dust balls to elevate their fading Tea Party princess and submitted that as a model of achievement. To which all this churlish leftist can say is “Thanks for the laugh.”

On Immigration: Republicans Have No Clue What The American People Want

Last week President Obama defied the wild-eyed yammering of Republicans who claimed that any executive action addressing immigration reform would be be unconstitutional and mark him as a lawless tyrant who is thwarting the will of the American people. The President ignored their rancorous grumbling and announced a reasonable plan of prosecutorial discretion that has been invoked by every president for the past fifty years, and which 135 experts agree is legal. Not to mention, it is in keeping with our nation’s longstanding values of inclusion and opportunity.

Obama: We Were Once Strangers Too

Notwithstanding these facts, the GOP is so fixated on opposing anything that this president does, they took their positions to the media and brazenly lied. With characteristic lock-step unity, they insisted that they knew what Americans want and that Obama was flouting their clearly expressed wishes. Here is a sampling of their interpretation of the public mood:

  • Sen. Ted Cruz: This last election was a referendum on amnesty. And the American people overwhelmingly rose up and said, no, we don’t want lawless amnesty.
  • John Boehner: By ignoring the will of the American people, President Obama has cemented his legacy of lawlessness and squandered what little credibility he had left.
  • Mitch McConnell: If President Obama acts in defiance of the people and imposes his will on the country, Congress will act.
  • Sarah Palin: [Obama is] betraying our trust [by going] against the wishes of the American people.
  • Sen. Jeff Sessions: The American people rebelled against the President’s executive amnesty.
  • Rick Santorum: This unilateral action sends a message that the President believes his opinion should supersede the will of the American people and democratic process.

These statements could not be more definitive in their estimation of what the American people think about Obama’s executive action on immigration. They could also not be more wrong. Where these wingnuts got these ideas is a complete mystery. It certainly doesn’t reflect either the exit polling following the election earlier this month. Nor does it reflect the more recent polling that spelled out the precise conditions of the policy. Hart Research found that…

“…voters overwhelmingly backed President Obama’s move: 67 percent viewed it favorably, while just 28 percent viewed it unfavorably. The support was fairly bipartisan, with 91 percent of Democrats, 67 percent of Independents, and 41 percent of Republicans viewing the executive action favorably. Among Tea Party Republicans, however, 64 percent opposed the policy while just 30 percent viewed it favorably.”

Setting aside the Tea Party (always a good idea), it is clear that Obama’s views are more aligned to those of the American people than with the bombastic and presumptive Republicans. And not only do people support the President’s action, they agree that he is acting within law by 51% to 41%.

What is most curious about this whole debate is that the GOP has such hatred for the executive action Obama took, but they refuse to do the simplest, quickest thing to nullify it. All they have to do is pass a law. They don’t even have to write one. It already exists and was passed by a bipartisan majority in the Senate. If John Boehner would allow it to be voted on in the House it would pass tomorrow, be signed by the President and – poof – no executive action.

Instead the GOP talk of blocking every bill and presidential nominee that comes before them. They threaten to file lawsuits that would take years to wind their way through the courts and would be moot by the time they were heard. And they even raise the specter of impeachment, another ultra-drastic response that would take months and accomplish nothing but making Joe Biden the next president.

In conclusion, Obama is not acting like a tyrant and Americans don’t buy the criticism of him as one. However, Americans do favor his approach to immigration reform by wide margins despite the protestations from the GOP. The only thing that Republicans have to gain from their current strategy is a generous pension after they are retired from public service in 2016. We wish them luck.

Sarah Palin Lusts For Reagan’s “Big Stick Of Strength” To Beat Back Obama’s Terrorist Pals

A new entry on Sarah Palin’s Facebook page reaches back in time to reprise her famously idiotic allegation about President Obama allegedly “palling around with terrorists.” In the original instance, Palin was referring to Obama having a close relationship with former Weather Underground activist Bill Ayres. Of course, that was a lie, but lying has never been an impediment to Palin’s obsession with smearing, and even impeaching, Obama.

Sarah Palin

The new incarnation of the terrorist pals meme is Palin’s way of denouncing recent reports that Obama wrote a letter to Iran’s Ayatollah Khameini seeking to ascertain Iran’s position on battling ISIL. The White House stated unequivocally that there was no military coordination between the U.S. and Iran, but there are obviously some shared objectives.

Palin’s first glaring exhibition of ignorance pops up in the very first sentence of her post:

“Good God, Mr. President. To partner with Iran is to trust the enemy, which is insane. Iran has complicity in the rise of ISIS as it supports radical militias and arms Islamic terrorists.”

Good God, indeed. Where Palin gets the notion that there is any hint of a partnership with Iran is as mysterious as her ability to spy Vladimir Putin’s head rearing up on the Alaskan horizon. But more importantly, Palin seems not to know that Iran isn’t only not complicit with ISIL, they are avowed enemies. ISIL is a Sunni Muslim operation that has massacred Shia Muslims in Iraq and Syria, and Iran is a Shiite nation. In fact, Iran has already been engaged in battle with ISIL and has been aiding the Iraqis in the war effort. For Obama to communicate with the Iranians on this matter is both good policy and necessary to proceed with a fully informed strategy.

But Palin wasn’t satisfied with merely getting the most fundamental facts wrong, she had to continue in her screed to criticize Obama for…

“…his willingness to negotiate with terrorists” and for “pulling an anti-Reagan move by taking our Big Stick of strength and putting it in the hands of any foe.”

Huh? What on Earth is running through her cartoon brain? First of all, there have been no negotiations between the U.S. and Iran. Secondly, what “anti_Reagan move” is she talking about? Could it be the time that Reagan actually did negotiate with the terrorists in Iran who were holding Americans hostage? Could she be referring to Reagan’s scheme to sell arms to our Iranian foes in violation of an international arms embargo against Iran? And what “Big Stick of strength” is being put into the hands of our foes? Maybe she is mis-remembering how Reagan used the ill-gotten funds from his illegal arms sales to Iran to illegally bankroll the terrorist Nicaraguan Contra rebels.

It’s bad enough that Palin gets so much wrong about her idol Ronnie, but somehow at the conclusion of this stream of dipshittery, Palin finds a way to accuse Obama of “coming against Israel” and alluding to America’s inability to survive.

It is delusional tripe like this that may be responsible for Palin’s new SarahPalinChannel on the InterTubes to be failing so miserably. Aside from the fact that she barely posts anything on it, the Daily Beast reports that the traffic is, shall we say, disappointing with “a barely measurable 36,000 visitors in September.” For contrast, News Corpse gets more traffic than that. Imagine how embarrassing it must be for a nationally known Tea Party icon, GOP VP candidate, and Fox News contributor, to get trounced by this humble blog? Oh, the humanity…

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Make Up Your Damn Minds: Republican Waffling And Hypocrisy On Syria

While the media is obsessing over a new propaganda video released by the the ISIL terrorists, it is useful to note just how far the right-wing Republican Party has come in just one year with regard to the situation in Syria. And it can all be summed up by that profound foreign policy visionary from the land of frozen tundra, Sarah Palin:

Sarah Palin

Indeed, Palin’s evolution on this issue aligns perfectly with that of her party comrades. Last summer, most of the conservative mouthpieces were haranguing President Obama for articulating a plan to provide aid to moderate Syrian rebels in an effort to coerce Assad into abandoning his chemical weapons, which he used to massacre tens of thousands of his own people. For some reason, according to the right, that mass slaughter was not sufficient justification for the U.S. to launch a humanitarian response, but a couple of gruesome executions by media-savvy killers and that means war.

Despite the opposition, Obama’s strategy worked and Assad delivered his chemical arsenal to Western authorities and opened his facilities up for inspection. But that was not until after the President was savaged by Republicans who assailed him for not getting congressional approval, and then assailed him for asking congress to concur. Obama is in the unique position of having political foes who are saying, in effect, “Do what we say so we can attack you for doing what we said.”

Now the same GOP critics are insisting that Obama commit to all-out warfare with the same Syria that they previously thought we should keep at a distance. And true to form, they want him to demonstrate boldness by unilaterally launching an assault with combat troops, while simultaneously condemning him as an anti-constitutional tyrant if he tries to do that without the consent of Congress.

What I want to know is: How can they ride that out-of-control ideological merry-go-round without getting nauseous?

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Uh Oh. Did Sarah Palin Call Obama “Boy” On Hannity Last Night?

On Wednesday, President Obama spoke to the nation about his plans to “degrade and ultimately destroy” the ISIL organization that has embarked on a terrorist spree in Iraq. Sarah Palin must have been busy brawling at drunken rave in Wasilla at the time because she didn’t make it to Fox News until the next day. And based on what she said last night to Sean Hannity, she might have been better off going another round.

Fox News has been predictably critical of Obama’s initiative to defeat ISIL. Their post-speech analysis didn’t include a single Obama supporter. But few have gone where Palin just took the debate. In her introductory comments to Hannity she began by saying…

“Dear Lord, these boys are so arrogant and that’s getting in the way of sound policy that will keep America secure and our allies.”

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Fox News Sarah Palin

Is it too much for these rancid bigots to refrain from referring to the first African-American President of the United States as “boy?” If they want to call him arrogant or belittle his commitment to the nation’s security, that’s pretty much their standard hate-speech fare, but there are some lines that you would think they would not cross.

Palin continues her warped assessment of the situation by whining about Obama’s determination to protect American soldiers by keeping them from becoming cannon fodder for jihadists in the Middle East. She said…

“And now here we are saying it’s gonna take boots on the ground to win this thing, and yet we’re not gonna send boots on the ground? We’re gonna contract this thing out when there is no mightier power than the red, white, and blue?”

That’s right. We’re not gonna send boots on the ground. That’s because the rightful parties to wage this battle are the Iraqis and their regional neighbors. Why is Palin, and so much of the right, obsessed with spilling more American blood overseas, which is exactly what the enemy wants us to do?

Palin and Hannity spend the rest of the segment in a nearly incoherent dialog that is impossible to transcribe in proper English. They touch briefly on inane concepts like whether ISIL is Islamic, or constitute being a state, merely because they say so. Since when do we allow terrorists to define the world for us? Palin and Hannity appear to have more respect for the enemy’s judgment than their president’s. That shows where their loyalties lie. Here is a typical passage from the segment:

Hannity: Let me ask you this. When the President says that the Islamic State is not Islamic, when he says that ISIS is not a state but they have more territory, it’s bigger than the size of Belgium, so they have the money, they’re more brutal, now they have the territory, maybe not recognized by the United Nations, but they certainly own a lot of that territory, and the President said another thing, he said that ISIS has no vision, I’m thinking don’t they have a vision? Isn’t what they were doing in Mosul, either convert or die, isn’t that a vision for a caliphate where the world is dominated by their brand of Islam?

Palin: It’s not just a vision that’s so obvious, it’s an articulated mission that they’re on, and that is the caliphate. That is the take over of the region, and guess what…we’re next on the hit list. So like Barack Obama, like the rest of us, hear these bad guys, these terrorists, promising that they will raise the flag of Allah over our White House, for the life of me I don’t know why he does not take this serious, the threat, because yes, it’s more than a vision. They’re telling us, just like Hitler did all those years ago when a war could have been avoided because Hitler, too, didn’t hide his intentions. Well, ISIS, these guys are not hiding their intentions either.

The only comprehensible viewpoint that can be squeezed from that rhetorical mess is that Palin and Hannity believe that ISIL is capable of defeating and ruling the entire planet. They believe that ISIL’s 20,000 desert rats can prevail over America’s 2.2 million active and reserve forces (not to mention the rest of the world’s military). In what reality do those numbers make any sense? If they just wanted to assert that ISIL is capable of causing harm, they would have been on solid ground. But by insisting that the threat to raise the flag of ISIL over the White House is a serious potential outcome they are thrusting themselves into the realm of fools (where I am sure they would be quite comfortable).

Ending on a comedic note, Palin did relieve herself of some apparently long-suppressed guilt. She told Hannity that…

“As I watched the speech last night the thought going through my mind is: I owe America a global apology because John McCain – through all of this – John McCain should be our president.”

Indeed, an apology is definitely in order. Except it should be coming from McCain who saddled American with this addled-brained cretin. However, it is interesting that Palin is, in effect, confessing that she she was the reason that McCain lost the election. There was more to it than that, but this is the start of coming to grips with reality.

Mama Grizzly Sarah Palin’s Roar Muted On Ray Rice Assault – And More

As the first woman to be put on the Republican Party’s presidential ticket (thirty years after the Democrats did it), Sarah Palin likes to portray herself as the real voice of feminism. Never mind that she opposes most of the main tenets of the movement involving reproductive health, equal pay, and non-discrimination, in the wake of the release of a revolting new video showing NFL running back Ray Rice punching his then-fiance, Palin has been conspicuously silent.

Sarah Palin

For someone who pretends to be an advocate for the right’s of women, it is extraordinary that Palin has not made a single public comment about this atrocity. However, it is not surprising when viewed in the context of her political career. After all, she was on a presidential ticket with John McCain, who voted against the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act. As governor she presided over the state with the highest rates of rape, sexual assault, and domestic violence in the U.S. She posted ads that put women politicians in the crosshairs of a rifle sight. And while she hails her choice with regard to the birth of her special needs son, she wants to deny other women the same choice.

Other conservatives are adamant that President Obama speak out about this affair (which he did), but do not make the same demands of Republican leaders, including Palin. Fox News host Andrea Tantaros (who thinks the whole thing is Obama’s fault) said of congresswoman and chair of the Democratic National Committee, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, that she “should come out and condemn this, and if she doesn’t, she’s an apologist for domestic violence.” So is Sarah Palin an apologist for domestic violence?

In addition to Palin’s silence on this matter, she has not been particularly talkative in general. In a departure from her longstanding pattern of media narcissism, and hijacking every television camera in her vicinity, Palin has been noticeably absent from the press stage lately. This may be because the media has become weary of her word-salad inanities, or they may be shying away after her embarrassing rants about impeaching President Obama. However, that doesn’t explain why she isn’t even posting on her own brand new, highly touted, Sarah Palin Channel on the Internet. The most recent posting was three days ago. You have to wonder whether those who are actually gullible enough to pay ten bucks a month to watch her ramble are getting their money’s worth.

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For anyone who is curious about what a subscriber to Palin’s channel would get, here is a posting from last week on “Obama’s Judicial Power Grab.” It is an unintentionally hilarious lecture on why Obama is an “imperial president” because he is exercising his constitutional duty to appoint nominees to judicial vacancies.

My favorite part is where Palin implies that she has caught Obama telling a group of donors something nefarious by saying that “We’re going to have Supreme Court appointments.” WOW! What a scoop. If anyone can make any sense of this incoherent mush, please feel free to comment.

Fox Nation vs. Reality: Night Of The Living Death Panels

Thank you Sarah Palin. You have managed to poison the public discourse with an utterly insipid and dishonest notion that has attained a measure of immortality due to the persistent ignorance of your followers and the spinelessness of your Tea Party Republican comrades.

Night of the Living Death Panels

That’s right, folks. The Death Panels are baaack. And with no more legitimacy now than when they were first peddled by Palin (who actually stole the idea from wingnut Betsy McCaughey). Of course it is Fox News who is reprising this zombie lie which they had a substantial part in promoting the last time around. This year’s model is back in the news thanks to Fox Nation, the lie-riddled community website whose aversion to the truth is documented in the acclaimed ebook Fox Nation vs. Reality. Their story carries the tabloid-esque headline “Death Panels? Medicare May Start Covering ‘End-Of-Life Discussions’” That phony characterization is a long stretch from the New York Times article to which they link that doesn’t mention death panels in their headline at all: “Coverage for End-of-Life Talks Gaining Ground.”

Fox Nation

The news in this story is that, despite being jettisoned by a nervous Congress, coverage for end-of-life counseling is being taken up by insurance companies on their own as a result of prodding from doctors. That’s because it makes good sense and benefits the patient. It is not an economic issue because, depending on the patient’s desires, health care may cost more (if the patient opts for every life-saving procedure available) or less (if the patient chooses to forego artificial methods of sustaining life).

From the beginning, the death panel term was a perversion of what the actual policy provided. It merely stipulated insurance coverage for voluntary discussions between the patient and the doctor to determine the patient’s wishes in the event of a catastrophic illness. Most medical professionals recommend this because, after an illness strikes, you may not be able to make your preferences known. That leaves it to either the doctors or traumatized family members who often disagree. But the completion of an “Advance Directive” always represents your wishes and never imposes any medical care, or lack of it, on the patient.

Tea Party nut cases took the position that you should not be able to have your insurance cover the preparation of such a directive in consultation with your doctor. They irrationally feared that “end-of-life counseling” was coded language that, when translated by enlightened wingnuts, meant “plotting to kill you.” It’s too bad that such stupidity isn’t covered under ObamaCare. And even though some right-wingers recognized that their misrepresentation of end-of-life counseling was making them look ridiculous, when they adjusted their rhetoric they just switched to a different policy, the Independent Payment Advisory Board, and called that a death panel. They were still wrong. The IPAB was a doctor-run advisory group tasked with identifying the best practices in health care to insure the best outcomes and to avoid unnecessary or exploitative procedures.

When the ultra-conservative National Review agrees that “Insuring End-of-Life Talk [is] Not Death Panels,” then the distance Fox News has traveled from reality becomes ever more clear. They simply don’t care about honestly dispensing information, even when people’s lives depend upon it. And they persist with their campaigns of disinformation even after other conservative outlets have abandoned them.

Feud At Fox News: Sarah Palin Slams Fellow FoxPod Tucker Carlson

Uh oh. The family ties at Fox News are being stretched to dangerously explosive levels. It appears that Sarah Palin’s ire has been aroused by her colleague Tucker Carlson. Ironically, both are losers who have been disparaged by Fox News at various times (Roger Ailes called Palin an “idiot” and, before being hired by Fox, Carlson called them a “mean, sick, group of people” for attacking him), and now they are taking swipes at each other.

Fox News Palin/Carlson

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The spark for this fire came from an interview of Dave Berg, a former producer of the Tonight Show with Jay Leno. Berg, who is promoting a new book, spoke with the Daily Caller’s Jamie Weinstein and told him that…

“After the campaign, she had a book to promote, and wanted to do the show, but it was difficult to work out the logistics because she didn’t like to be away from her family for long periods of time. Finally, the only way we could get her to come to Burbank was to book a charter jet from Anchorage for $35,000. The jet was big enough to accommodate all of her family members.”

The Diva from Wasilla took offense to this characterization despite the fact that there is long-standing evidence of her extravagant demands for public appearances. But for some reason, she went after the Daily Caller, which is run by Carlson, instead of Berg who made the statements to which she objected. On her Facebook page Palin launched into a tirade replete with personal insults and invective.

“Guess the boys at The Daily Caller spent a bit too much time at the frat house and not enough time in their college library. (Or maybe it’s in one of their Jr. High tree forts where their leader gathers the boys to ‘report’ their ‘conservative’ issues.) Their claims about what I supposedly ‘demanded’ of the Tonight Show are, in their frat boy terms, B.S. This is not the first time we’ve had to correct their sloppy ‘journalism.’ Paraphrasing and dramatizing sure doesn’t fit into any fair and balanced image, especially from a little fella loving his title of FOX News Channel host. Maybe those bow ties are a bit too tight, bros.”

Meow! So according to Palin the Daily Caller is not really “conservative,” nor a practitioner of “journalism” (as if the woman who couldn’t name a single newspaper that she read would know). And she just couldn’t help ridiculing Carlson’s fashion sense, albeit for the bow ties he stopped wearing years ago. What Palin did not do in her rant was to offer any proof that the claims by Berg were false. She would certainly have the evidence if she were interested in refuting what she called “B.S.” Why do you suppose she would decline to provide it?

Obviously Berg’s assertions are probably accurate and Palin, who has criticized Hillary Clinton for her contract riders, is only interested in smearing her critics. As usual, Palin is not the least bit concerned about being factual or truthful. And in this case, the Daily Caller was merely publishing what Berg said, but Palin slams the Daily Caller and thanks Berg “for the kind comments.” Huh? Her reading comprehension is even worse than her verbal “skills” that have produced the some of the most mangled (and hilarious) mutilations of the English language.

Carlson is notoriously thin-skinned, so we may have the good fortune of hearing his retort to Palin and a prolonged public quarrel. It’s notable that Palin chose to belittle Carlson with a reference to his “frat house” immaturity. Just yesterday, Carlson made a similarly insulting remark directed at the U.S. Ambassador to the U.N., saying that “This is what happens when you have a foreign policy run by college sophomores like Samantha Power.” For the record, Power is a Pulitzer Prize winner with a distinguished career that puts Carlson, a trust-fund baby, to shame. More to the point, both Carlson and Palin regard college credentials as liabilities, which explains a lot about their mutual affinity for ignorance.

However, what will be truly interesting is to see if Palin is taken to the wood shed for beating up on “little fella” Tucker. After all, Fox News CEO. Roger Ailes, made it clear that he will not tolerate intra-network derision by people in his fiefdom “shooting in the tent.” So they better be careful. They don’t want to make Uncle Roger mad.

Sarah Palin Thinks The Texas D.A. Should Resign Due To A DWI? How About These Folks Too?

America’s foremost authority on quitting public service jobs, Sarah Palin, penned a new Fox News editorial to defend Rick Perry who was just indicted for abuse of power. Like every other Perry advocate, she misconstrues the facts with regard to the indictment. Perry is not being accused of issuing a veto. His alleged crime is abuse of power for attempting to coerce an elected officer to resign under threat of official retaliation.

The editorial is typical of Palin’s tunnel-blind perspective wherein every Republican charged with a crime is a victim of a partisan plot. In this case, she asserts Democrats are out to get Perry, despite the fact that the special prosecutor in charge of the case is a Republican who was appointed by a Republican judge.

Never one to be deterred by facts, Palin continues her rant by focusing on the Travis County District Attorney who Perry was trying to strong-arm out of her job. Rosemary Lehmberg was convicted of a DWI. She pleaded guilty, served her sentence, and pledged not to run for reelection. But Perry wasn’t satisfied and proceeded with his unlawful threat.

Palin isn’t satisfied either. She writes that “The appropriate and honorable thing for this powerful D.A. to do is resign.” Then she spends much of the rest of her opinion piece characterizing Lehmberg as a worthless drunk who has no business in public office. Of course, that’s a decision for the voters to make, not Palin and Perry. But if Palin insists that anyone who has ever been cited for driving under the influence be immediately sacked and run out of town, then I suppose we will shortly see her editorials calling for these Republican politicians to resign at once:

  • Republican U.S. Senator Michael Crapo of Idaho
  • GOP State Sen. Roy Ashburn of California
  • Florida Republican state Rep. Dane Eagle
  • Hinds County, MS Republican Executive Committee Chairman Pete Perry
  • Vermont Republican gubernatorial candidate Scott Milne
  • GOP Minnesota Supreme Court candidate Michelle MacDonald
  • Illinois Republican State Rep. Randy Ramey
  • Republican District Attorney Bradley Collins of Jacksonville, FL
  • GOP Maryland Rep. Don Dwyer
  • Idaho state Sen. John McGee
  • Missouri GOP State Representative Tom Burcham
  • Republican Georgia State Representative Ben Harbin
  • And many more…

Sarah Palin

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And if that weren’t bad enough, Palin’s husband Todd has his own drunk driving conviction on his permanent record. But don’t hold your breath waiting for Palin’s next wave of editorials. She has no intention of being consistent. Her only goal is to play defense for Perry and to demonize Democrats.

In that regard I have a little sympathy for her. After all, there are four GOP governors who have recently been subjects of speculation as possible candidates for the Republican nomination for president, who are under indictment or investigation: Perry, Chris Christy, Scott Walker, and Bob McDonnell. Certainly in Palin’s mind they are all innocent victims of liberal conspiracies. So she’s going to have a hell of a time writing editorials absolving all of them of any wrongdoing, and pinning the blame on Democrats.