While Fox News Bashes Biden on Israel, Netanyahu Thanks Him for His ‘Incredible Support’

As the Hamas assault on Israel continues, the efforts by Republicans to politicize the terrorist atrocities grow ever more repugnant and despicably dishonest. They simply can’t resist any opportunity to demean America’s mission to aid Israel, even if – or especially if – it means maligning President Biden and other Democrats.

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Fox News, Joe Biden

Naturally, The GOP’s Ministry of Propaganda, Fox News, is at the forefront of disseminating lies and deliberate disinformation in pursuit of their partisan political goals. They would rather engage in smear campaigns against their domestic electoral foes, than to stand up for their international allies who are suffering a torrent of savagery. Consequently, the narrative at Fox News is that this is all somehow President Biden’s fault. It’s such a ridiculous proposition that Fox News can’t even sustain it…

SEE THIS: Even Fox News Exposes GOP Lies on the War in Israel and How the Party Harms National Security

To no one’s surprise, Donald Trump is thoroughly bought into the “Blame America First” brigade. And on Wednesday he gave a speech wherein praised the terrorists who are massacring innocent Israelis, and turned his wrath on our Israeli allies, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who Trump may have been angry with for showing solidarity with Biden.

Trump’s tirade led to the Israeli Communications Minister, Shlomo Karhi, responding to say that it is “shameful that a man like that, a former US president, abets propaganda and disseminates things that wound the spirit of Israel’s fighters and its citizens. We don’t have to bother with him and the nonsense he spouts.” And Netanyahu expressed his unreserved gratitude to America in general, and Biden in particular, in a meeting with U.S. Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, saying…

“Mr. Secretary. My good friend, Tony. Thank you, thank President Biden, and thank you to the American people for your incredible support for Israel in our war against the barbarians of Hamas.”

It’s notable that Fox News covered that part of the Blinken/Netanyahu summit. But rest assured that it will not likely be repeated on their primetime Trump-fluffing programs. Nor will they air Netanyahu embracing Biden’s support and praising America “for standing with Israel today, tomorrow, and always.”

Much of Fox’s coverage of the Hamas crusade against Israel seeks to preposterously accuse Biden of providing the financing for it. They cite a recent prisoner swap agreement with Iran wherein the U.S. relaxed sanctions of $6 billion of Iranian money that was frozen in South Korean banks. None of that money, however, would go to the Iranian regime. It was to be held in Qatar and used only for verified humanitarian purposes that would have to be approved by the U.S. And now even that usage has been suspended.

What’s more, Fox News further sought to blame Biden for what they called the “lack of Senate confirmed elected officials” in foreign policy and military positions. However, Fox didn’t bother to mention that those vacancies were due to Senate Republicans obstructing the confirmation of nominees that the White House had already put forward.

SEE ALSO: Fox News Blames Biden for the Lack of Foreign Policy Officials – That Republicans Have Blocked

It’s profoundly damaging to the national security interests of the United States for Republicans and Fox News to be so brazenly disparaging of America and its allies during a time of crisis. But that’s where we are now as the MAGA GOP exerts their unsavory influences on the nation via their MAGA media outlets. It’s just further proof that they care more about their political prospects than they do about their fellow American, or the country, or the world.


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Fox News Blames Biden for the Lack of Foreign Policy Officials – That Republicans Have Blocked

The catastrophic conflagration in the Middle East continues as Hamas terrorists persist in attacking Israeli civilians while threatening to murder innocent hostages, including children. Meanwhile, the United States, under President Biden’s leadership, has effectively rallied its allies around the world to affirm their support for Israel and to condemn the atrocities of Hamas and all acts of terrorism and war crimes.

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Fox News, Joe Biden, Fake News

Unfortunately, America’s steadfast opposition to the perpetrators of crimes against humanity is not shared by all in the Republican Party and its Ministry of Propaganda, Fox News. Led by their Dear Leader Donald Trump, many in the GOP and their aligned right-wing media rushed to assign responsibility for the Hamas savagery to Biden, dishonestly and grotesquely accusing him of financing the barbarism.

SEE THIS: Trump’s ‘Blame America First’ MAGA GOP Aims Their Fire at Biden Rather than Hamas Terrorists

On Tuesday morning, Fox News host Emily Compagno joined the “Blame America First” brigade. In a thoroughly untruthful tirade, she lashed out at Biden, saying that he “has set the tone for a lack of response.” Whereupon she imparted almost verbatim part of an article published in “Foreign Policy.”

Note that Compagno is upset about the “lack of Senate confirmed elected officials.” But, of course, Senate confirmed officials are not elected, and elected officials are not Senate confirmed. Then she gave her edited version of what the actual article said. Which was…

“At the time of the deadly Hamas attack on Israel, Washington’s closest ally in the Middle East, the United States had no confirmed ambassadors to Israel, Egypt, Oman, or Kuwait. The State Department’s top counterterrorism envoy position has sat empty for more than two years, the top human rights envoy position—the assistant secretary of state for democracy, human rights, and labor—has been unfilled for the entirety of the Biden administration, and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) has not had a top Middle East official in nearly three years.”

However, Compagno deliberately left out the paragraphs that followed the part she robotically recited. The article went on to say that…

“The mostly empty bench is due to a nearly broken Senate confirmation process, where nominees have languished in limbo for months or even years due to the ‘new normal’ practice of Republican senators placing sweeping holds on all nominees for different agencies over policy disputes with the administration. On the Pentagon side, hundreds of senior military posts are on indefinite pause due to Sen. Tommy Tuberville’s blanket hold on nominees over the Biden administration’s abortion access policies for the military—including senior officials at U.S. Central Command, which oversees the Middle East. At the State Department, Republican Sen. Rand Paul has held numerous nominees over access to documents on the origins of COVID-19, while fellow Republican Sens. J.D. Vance and Ted Cruz have also previously issued holds.”

So what Compagno omitted were merely the facts that revealed that it wasn’t Biden who “set the tone for a lack of response.” It was the Republicans in Congress who worked to purposefully sabotage the Biden administration, and therefore America and its allies, by hamstringing its ability conduct critical national security affairs.

This is business as usual for both Republicans and Fox News. They have always cared more about trying to cripple their political opponents, and advancing their own hunger for power, than about the welfare of the nation or the world. It’s an obsession for totalitarian control that has driven the right for decades. And Trump is just the most recent personification of their fantasy strongman/dictator.

Despite the right’s determined efforts to impede the goals of Biden and America, the President has performed remarkably well. He successfully brought together our allies in support of Israel. And that success was notice by the Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations, who told NBC News that “Right now we are grateful to President Biden and his administration. I think they are helping us a lot.”

Surprisingly, even the Chief National Security Correspondent for Fox News, Jennifer Griffin, debunked the lies that have been told by Republicans and other Fox News shills, accusing Biden of being responsible for the attack on Israel. If she continues to do that sort of reporting she might just end up with an Emmy – and a pink slip from Fox.

SEE ALSO: Even Fox News Exposes GOP Lies on the War in Israel and How the Party Harms National Security

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The Trump Effect: More Countries Now View the Influence of the U.S. as a ‘Major Threat’

One of the most recognizable personality flaws of Donald Trump is his compulsion to brag about everything he does as the bestest, most awesomest of whatever it is in the history of mankind. To be fair, he is entitled to some credit in specific areas. For instance, no president has ever been documented as telling more lies (8,000+) than Trump.

Donald Trump

However, pretty much everything that Trump has done more of than anyone else has had a decidedly negative impact on the country and the world. They include his withdrawal from the Paris Accords on Climate Change, his ditching the Iran nuclear treaty, his tax scam that benefitted only corporations and the wealthy, and his shutdown of the government over a useless and ineffective vanity wall along the southern border.

To this list we can now add a new accomplishment. According to a worldwide survey by the Pew Research Center, The United States is now seen by more nations as a “major threat” than prior to Trump’s presidency:

“More people now say [the U.S.] is a threat than in 2013 and 2017. Indeed, in 10 countries, roughly half or more now claim that American power is a major threat to their nation.” […]

“The largest change in sentiment among the global threats tracked are for those who see U.S. power and influence as a major threat to their countries. In 2013, only a quarter across 22 nations saw American power as a major threat to their country, but that jumped substantially to 38% in 2017, the year after Trump was elected president, and to 45% in 2018.”

That represents a twenty-five percentage point increase from the presidency of Barack Obama to the Trump regime. Many of the countries with the highest increases are neighbors and allies like Mexico (64%) and Japan (66%). Germany, France, and even Canada reported significantly greater concerns about the threat of U.S. influence. And all of these numbers rose in sync with survey results showing “a strong connection between seeing America as a threat and lack of confidence in U.S. President Donald Trump.”

It’s notable that this PEW study focuses on what the global community regards as threatening, and that most of them cite Climate Change at the top of their list. Of the twenty-six countries surveyed, fifty percent consider Climate Change to be the most serious threat they are facing. That compares to less than a third who named ISIS. And the perception of Climate Change as a threat increased by eleven points worldwide, a gain that is second only to the the U.S. It’s not surprising that this rising concern coincides with Trump’s dismissal of Climate Change as a hoax.

Clearly, there is no ambiguity about the cause of this decline in the international reputation of the United States. Trump is driving America to a new low in the world, particularly with our longtime allies. It is not only embarrassing and disruptive, it is dangerous. And it is deliberate on the part of an ignorant narcissist whose only goal is to glorify himself and disparage the majority of Americans who disagree agree with him.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Trump Justifies the Khashoggi Murder Because Saudi Arabia Said He is an ‘Enemy of the State’

In Donald Trump’s statement in support of Saudi Arabia, he began with his nationalist-inspired slogan of “America First!” Then he launched into a tangentially related rant about Iran, Yemen, Syria, and Israel. All of this to support his childish contention that “The world is a very dangerous place!” But in the process he fails to recognize that his actions are making it considerably more dangerous.

Donald Trump

What Trump’s statement has done is to grant approval to the most brutal regimes in the world to assassinate their political opponents free from worry about accountability or repercussions from the Trump White House. All they have to do is promise to buy some military gear and invest in Trump’s businesses and they can commit vile acts with impunity.

Trump said so in so many words by alluding to a $450 billion arms deal that most analysts determined doesn’t exist when he claimed it was for $110 billion. He said that it will create “hundreds of thousands of jobs, tremendous economic development, and much additional wealth.” But there is no evidence that any of that is true. Trump, nevertheless, makes the case that the United States is somehow dependent on Saudi Arabia rather than the other way around. It’s a case for American weakness.

However, perhaps the most nauseating paragraph that Trump has ever published is this one wherein he actually insults the murdered journalist, Jamal Khashoggi, and excuses the Saudis for killing him. Trump implies that it is justifiable to assassinate a government critic if he is a journalist, because he is, therefore, an “enemy of the state.” Is Trump projecting what he wishes he could do? He said that:

“Representatives of Saudi Arabia say that Jamal Khashoggi was an “enemy of the state” and a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, but my decision is in no way based on that – this is an unacceptable and horrible crime. King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman vigorously deny any knowledge of the planning or execution of the murder of Mr. Khashoggi. Our intelligence agencies continue to assess all information, but it could very well be that the Crown Prince had knowledge of this tragic event – maybe he did and maybe he didn’t!”

By using the phrase that Trump made familiar in his attacks on America’s free press –“enemy of the state.” – he is expanding his view that the media are not only dangerous, but expendable, to an international audience who will use it to justify more political slayings. Trump is also taking the word of Prince Salman that he didn’t have anything to do with the murder, even though the CIA has definitively concluded that he personally ordered it.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Finally, Trump went on to say that “we may never know all of the facts.” Which is an insult to our intelligence agencies and their ability to conduct an investigation. Trump praises the Saudis as “a great ally” with whom he “intends to remain a steadfast partner,” and he concludes the statement the same way he began by chanting “America First!” By which he apparently means that whatever Trump thinks is in his own best interest takes priority over America’s values – or human decency.

Pew Survey: Donald Trump is ‘Arrogant,’ ‘Dangerous,’ and Hated By Most of the World

Everyone already knows that Donald Trump is broadly reviled in the United States. His approval ratings have been at historic lows since the day he was inaugurated. The policies he advocates are opposed by most Americans. For example, the Republican health care bill to repeal ObamaCare is languishing at seventeen percent. Likewise, the people differ with Trump on issues such as immigration, climate change, taxing the wealthy, and the border wall.

Donald Trump

Now a survey by the respected Pew Research Center reveals that Trump is just as unpopular in the rest of the world. The results are an affirmation of how counterproductive it is to have a leader who embraces our enemies and alienates our allies. Not to mention one who behaves like a bully, lies compulsively, and exhibits profound ignorance on almost any subject. The Pew study begins by saying that:

“Although he has only been in office a few months, Donald Trump’s presidency has had a major impact on how the world sees the United States. Trump and many of his key policies are broadly unpopular around the globe, and ratings for the U.S. have declined steeply in many nations. According to a new Pew Research Center survey spanning 37 nations, a median of just 22% has confidence in Trump to do the right thing when it comes to international affairs.”

That twenty-two percent contrasts with President Obama’s sixty-four percent confidence rate in the final years of his term. That’s a forty-two point decline in just five months. And it includes a period during which Trump visited Europe and the Middle East. That trip allowed foreign leaders to get to know him personally, but it doesn’t appear to have helped. In fact, it may be a primary reason for their overt animosity.

When seventy-four percent of the world has no confidence in the U.S. president to competently lead the nation, something is terribly wrong. Particularly when that view is held by nations that are among our closest allies and neighbors. The only two countries where Trump is viewed more positively than negatively were Israel (+7%) and Russia (a whopping +42%). These other nations dislike Trump for most of the same reasons Americans do. They strongly oppose his positions on immigration, trade, and climate change. But their distaste is not limited to policy matters. The survey also shows that:

“Trump’s character is also a factor in how he is viewed abroad. In the eyes of most people surveyed around the world, the White House’s new occupant is arrogant, intolerant and even dangerous. Among the positive characteristics tested, his highest rating is for being a strong leader. Fewer believe he is charismatic, well-qualified or cares about ordinary people.”

Fortunately, the world’s loathing for Trump does not rub off on the American people. Fifty-eight percent of the survey’s respondents say they have a favorable opinion of Americans. That contrasts starkly with their opinions of Trump. According to the survey, the words most often used to describe him are “arrogant (75%),” “intolerant (65%),” and “dangerous (62%).” Only twenty-six percent regard him as “well-qualified to be president.”

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

These findings portend further trouble for Trump as his presidency continues to slide into chaos. Foreign affairs play a significant role in the advancement of U.S. national interests. These relationships are critical to enhancing trade and the economy, forging geopolitical alliances, and combating terrorism. Trump’s low marks make all of these matters more difficult, if not impossible, to successfully negotiate. And it’s all the more worrisome that Trump appears neither aware of, nor concerned about, his international revulsion.

Preparing to Deal with a Child: That’s How Host Nations View Trump’s Upcoming Visit

Friday morning Donald Trump will embark on his first trip oversees as president. He might regard his departure as a flight from the turmoil he’s created at home. A special prosecutor was just named to investigate his connections to Russia and potential charges of obstruction of justice due to his interference with, and firing of, FBI Director James Comey. Add that to a failing agenda including efforts to repeal ObamaCare, curtail immigration, tax reform, and more. This trip must seem like a vacation to Trump and his exhausted inner circle.

Donald Trump

Unfortunately for him, rest and relaxation are not in the cards. Although, lacking stamina, Trump did reportedly try to pare down his schedule. According to the New York Times he asked to shorten the itinerary from nine days to five. The Times also reported that he “expressed dread” about the trip. More to the point, the upcoming encounters with world leaders present fresh opportunities for Trump to embarrass himself and the nation. He has a disquieting habit of insulting America’s allies and embracing its foes.

From the perspective of the countries that Trump will be visiting, his hosts have a complicated task. They must find a way to be hospitable without being condescending. Given Trump’s painfully ignorant grasp of world affairs and history, that’s a tall order. Consequently, they are making special preparations:

“After four months of interactions between Mr. Trump and his counterparts, foreign officials and their Washington consultants say certain rules have emerged. Keep it short – no 30-minute monologue for a 30-second attention span. Do not assume he knows the history of the country or its major points of contention. Compliment him on his Electoral College victory. Contrast him favorably with President Barack Obama.

“Do not get hung up on whatever was said during the campaign. Stay in regular touch. Do not go in with a shopping list but bring some sort of deal he can call a victory.”

These are tactics aimed at accommodating Trump’s ego and incompetence. They recognize that he needs constant reassurance and flattery. Likewise, they are aware of his preference for “short presentations and lots of visual aids.” But one source summed up the preparations for Trump’s visit with a particularly apt analogy:

“‘It’s kind of ridiculous how they are preparing to deal with Trump. It’s like they’re preparing to deal with a child. Someone with a short attention span and mood who has no knowledge of NATO, no interest in in-depth policy issues, nothing. They’re freaking out.'”

It’s more than ridiculous. It’s unbearable that this man is representing the United States in a manner that actually invites ridicule. The world isn’t taking us seriously and are openly mocking us with these preparatory plans. Ironically, Trump told Time Magazine last week that “we were being laughed at by the world.” Then he added “They’re not laughing anymore.” Obviously he isn’t listening very closely. And if he were listening to the American people he would hear distinct whimpering.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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