Donald Trump’s List Of Lawsuits Is Longer Than His Combover

This week’s Donald Trump news was mainly focused on his latest feud with Fox News, whom he has pledged to boycott unless he is treated “fairly.” But just under the radar is another story that adds to the absurdity that characterizes the life of The Donald.

Donald Trump

Trump is threatening to sue a small t-shirt vendor who is producing “Stop Trump” merchandise in response to his racist assaults on the Latino community. The vendor is donating a percentage of the proceeds to “organizations that support democracy, immigrant rights and Latino education.” What makes this legal action notable has nothing to do with the facts of the case. Trump actually has no case as it is entirely within the vendor’s First Amendment rights to produce and sell merchandise with a political message. For someone who pretends to aspire to the presidency, Trump should learn a little something about the Constitution.

No, what makes this newsworthy is simply the cumulative effect of Trump’s growing collection of lawsuits. Petulant little crybaby/bully that he is, Trump seems ready to file suits at the drop of a “Make America Great Again” hat. [Note: Trump has trademarked that slogan so maybe he’ll sue me for using it] The list of legal compalints that he has filed or threatened is extensive, and pretty hilarious. Here are the ones that I’ve been able to compile:

  • In 2013 Angelo Carusone’s “Dump Trump” campaign aimed to persuade Macy’s to sever their business relationship with Trump. More recently Trump claims to have broken off that relationship himself with a parting slap at what an awful company Macy’s is.
  • Trump recently threatened to sue Bill Maher for having made a joke about his thoroughly joke-worthy challenge to get hold of President Obama’s college transcripts.
  • Trump claims to have filed a $500 million lawsuit against Univision. And he’s going after NBC too. Both of these are related to their cutting ties with his Miss Universe pageant following his remarks about Mexicans being criminals and rapists.
  • Trump is suing Jose Andres after the mega-chef pulled out of a restaurant deal with his DC Hotel. This was also a response to Trump’s racist comments.
  • Trump has also threatened to sue the National Hispanic Media Coalition for exercising their free speech rights.
  • Trump recently threatened to sue the conservative Club for Growth because they ran some negative ads against him.
    Late Additions:

  • Trump threatened to sue a small t-shirt vendor who is producing “Stop Trump” merchandise in response to his racist assaults on the Latino community.
  • After losing to Ted Cruz in the Iowa caucus, Trump threatened to sue him for campaign violations as well as to challenge his citizenship status and eligibility to serve as president.

These are all pretty recent, and most are after he announced his presidential campaign. There have been many other Trump litigations that go back decades as compiled by the Daily Beast. And that isn’t even counting the legal actions that have been taken against him. Most notable is the New York Attorney General’s case against Trump for defrauding the students of his phony Trump University. But the most disgusting episode is one where Trump dispatched his attorney to literally threaten a reporter:

“I will make sure that you and I meet one day while we’re in the courthouse. And I will take you for every penny you still don’t have. And I will come after your Daily Beast and everybody else that you possibly know,” Cohen said. “So I’m warning you, tread very f*cking lightly, because what I’m going to do to you is going to be f*cking disgusting. You understand me?”

And that is the Donald Trump who wants to be president; who Republicans are currently supporting more than any other candidate; whose rivals have signed pledges to support if he gets the nomination. And they better not renege because he will certainly sue them.

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7 thoughts on “Donald Trump’s List Of Lawsuits Is Longer Than His Combover

  1. I’m just waiting for Mr Orange to say he is suing everyone who don’t vote for him.

    • You gotta wait until he drops out. Then he’ll sue everyone who rejected him. So, stand in line when the judge laughs in The Dump’s face.

  2. I think Donny Boy actually “vants to be der Fuhrer). Predict that by election time he will have sunk deeper than the Titanic.

  3. One of your bullet points suggests something wrong in the sense that no one has the right to slander another person – I’m not suggesting he was slandered or not, that is for a court to do, but for those who need it – here is the definition of slander:

    the action or crime of making a false spoken statement damaging to a person’s reputation.

    Is this act “advocacy”? as the link suggests, I would suggest not. Their statements are not “exercising free speech rights” – which is of course the SLANTED reporting you’re doing. I’m not taking a side on this – but the statement about free speech rights is pretty crooked.

  4. TRump and his lawyer are big sacks of sh–. Shouldn’t they be a way to disbar his horsesh– lawyer? I suspect that’s not the first his sack of sh– lawyer threatened anyone.

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