If you were wondering how low Fox News would go to make excuses for the Donald Trump Crime Family, we have a new baseline. And I do mean BASE! The cascading reports of Trump, Jr.’s collusion with Russian operatives continue to expose rampant criminality. Every day there is some new revelation that makes the meetings more troubling. But Fox News remains ready and willing to obfuscate, distract, and lie in defense of the Trumps.
On Sunday, Fox’s Jeanine Pirro offered up a new serving of her patented vocal excrement. She was deeply upset about all the breaking news involving Russia and the Trumps. But she wasn’t upset with the unsavory behavior of the President and his family. She was angry at Democrats and the press for revealing it. Pirro’s tirade began with accusations that Democrats were “responsible for the demise of a workable and effective government.” She continued whining that “We simply can’t go four more years with Russia, Russia, Russia.” Indeed. We can’t go four more years of Trump. He needs to go now.
However, from Pirro’s perspective Don Jr. is an innocent victim. She insists that he did nothing wrong and, if he did, it was because of his inexperience. That’s an excuse that has been made for Trump himself, as if it makes any malfeasance forgivable. Here is the core of her televised tantrum (video below):
“So Donald Trump, Jr., a political neophyte, gets an email from a friend saying he has information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia that would be useful to his then-candidate father running for president. He has a meeting less than twenty minutes and the discussion ends up on rescinding the ban on Russian adoption. Nothing beneficial to the campaign comes out.
But now the hue and cry, “Indict him for treason, for collusion, campaign finance violations.” I got news for you. There is no law that says a campaign cannot accept information from a foreign government. If that were the case, everyone on a campaign who talked to a foreign national is committing a crime.”
Poor Donnie boy. Why should he be persecuted for being a political newbie? Fraternizing with enemy spies is an understandable mistake that anyone could make. Never mind that campaign veteran Paul Manafort was also in the meeting. Pirro would like the whole affair to be forgotten since nothing came of it. Except we have no proof that nothing came of it. Shortly after the meeting Hillary Clinton’s emails began to trickle out.
Furthermore, “Judge” Jeanine is flatly wrong about there being no law against getting information from a foreign government. It is a flagrant violation of campaign finance law that forbids anything of value being provided to a campaign by a foreign government. And opposition research has distinct and considerable value. Campaign consultants are paid handsomely for such work. And Pirro’s suggestion that any foreign national aiding a campaign would be a criminal is absurd. She makes no distinction between a foreign citizen and a representative of a foreign government.
Pirro also regurgitated a previously debunked falsehood about Hillary Clinton’s campaign colluding with Ukrainians to get information on Trump. That never happened. She also ranted wildly about alleged sales of uranium to Russia in exchange for donations to the Clinton Foundation. That’s also been proved to be completely false.
But Pirro’s longest leap off the end of the rationality plank came when she literally proposed a bargain with Satan:
“As someone who’s run for office five times, if the Devil called me and said he wanted to set up a meeting to give me opposition research on my opponent, I’d be on the first trolley to Hell to get it. And any politician who tells you otherwise is a bald-face liar.”
Really? Doesn’t she know that Team Trump is denying they were trying to get opposition research from the Russians? Which, in her eyes, would make them bald-faced liars. More to the point, Pirro is taking the position that conspiring with the Prince of Darkness is an acceptable campaign activity. Do the evangelical supporters of Trump and the Republican Party know about this? Pirro is saying, in effect, that there are no ethics in the politics of conservatives like herself. If it’s OK to work with Satan, than surely Vladimir Putin can be trusted as a collaborator. In fact, the willingness to embrace the devil would explain a lot about the GOP for the past few decades.
How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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.@JudgeJeanine: "There is no law that says a campaign cannot accept information from a foreign government." https://t.co/8SV5ldqkLw pic.twitter.com/MvsiAGkUN9
— Fox News (@FoxNews) July 16, 2017
Pirro is a republican political prostitute and whore. She represents everything racist and disgusting in America today. She is a mussolini-type Italian low class no class racist, the kind of creature the Trump crime family has done business with since his father founded their trashy crime family decades ago. It’s not surprising that she would support donnie jr’s descent into political corruoption or shpuld I say mobster-like initiation?
So, Fox Spews has two people claiming the title of “Judge,” and they constantly prove neither one deserves it?
Three if we count Judge Judy….
Given the way Fux News treats women, I’m surprised they don’t call her “Jugs” instead of “Judge”.
Maybe we’re just mishearing them….
“I’d be on the first trolley to Hell…”
In other words, on her way home.
I suspect where FOX is suffering is on air staff that is ill-informed about election/campaign laws and procedures and so dither on about Trump Jr. as though he were a babe in the woods. Screw that. We know the Trump administration is incompetent but we are only learning how incompetent their campaign was. If they truly expected Hillary to win, then they needed “dirt” on her, even gotten illegally. But I am favoring the explanation that the whole meeting setup was to gauge how it would be received–Russian campaign assistance–and if it were, it would be perceived by Putin as a green light for more serious intrusions. But these people are so without credibility, without integrity, without scruples, that they have no business running a country–and of course, they show us they can’t.
Pirro has the ethics of a mafia don. In other words, she not only doesn’t know what she’s talking about, she doesn’t care about her blatant lies. Doubt the woman has ever heard of fact checking, which makes her an unqualified journalist. But she sure does love to rant rant rave. Why is someone of her obviously unqualified stature allowed on a major network? Cleavage?
Since she’s another Family Values Republican she does choose to ignore Donald’s Draft-Dodging 5 different times, being as serial Adulterer, who hates the United States POWs, and mocks people who have disabilities. Donald the Draft-Dodger falsely claimed he had a “crippling” bone spur which he said did disable him so much he could not fight for our Nation. She has just said she, like the Drumpf (R) Klan would seek help from an Enemy of the United Sates in an American Election. That is clear, Family Values Republicans can not win a fair Election without going over to the Communists to hack, as Donald Drumpf (R) begged on TV, other US Citizens. That in itself should be viewed as the Treason it is, but FOX News feels above Loyalty to the United States, it’s owned by an Australian and Saudi. Donald Drumpf (R) is fine with the 9/11, 2001 mass murderers ( 15 of 19 were from Saudi Arabia), using their propaganda machine here in the US. Donald did go and dance with the Saudis in Saudi Arabia as his boy, Jared started another War against Qatar because they would not give Jared $500 Million in a Loan. That is a huuge conflict of interest since Jared is willing to cause the deaths of humans as a spiteful little child with a security Clearance. When will a Republican, with a spine, say something about the erosion of America’s respect due to their choice to be in America’s White House.
They are pretty much being honest about themselves now, which is to say, stating their actual stance of “if it helps us we’re fine with it, nothing illegal or bad about it.”