HYSTERICAL: Fox News Host Worries About Biden’s Campaign Strategy, Advises Him Not to Tell Jokes

In the heat of the 2024 presidential race, it would be prudent for candidates to be seeking out the best consultants with the insight and experience to advance their electoral prospects. And if you’re the Democratic incumbent (Joe Biden) running against a Republican cult leader (Donald Trump), who would be a better source of advice than Fox News?

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Fox News, Joe Biden

This election cycle has, unfortunately, seen the media embarrass themselves with ridiculous stories that compare a candidate that they say is old with memory problems, to his opponent who is also old and with 91 pending felony charges, an adjudication as a rapist, is guilty of financial fraud, and recently promised to illegally violate the NATO treaty and “encourage” Russian dictator Vladimir Putin to attack America’s European allies.

SEE THIS: Trump is Running a Mob-Style Protection Racket Whose Victims Include NATO and Taylor Swift

Last week the press covered the report released by special counsel Robert Hur on his probe of documents stored by President Biden. But what should have been a story about Biden being fully exonerated, was diverted into a smear campaign that made inappropriate and false assertions about Biden’s mental acuity.

SEE ALSO: Fox News ‘Doctor’ Makes Bogus Diagnosis of Biden that Fits Trump’s Cognitive Disorder Way Better

Biden’s response to this unethical attack was multilayered. And consistent with his affable personality, humor was part of that response. For instance…

However, Fox News was apparently concerned about the strategies being employed by the Biden campaign. Host Harris Faulkner was generous enough to provide some free advice to help Biden deal with the furor over the Hur report’s unscrupulous insinuations. Never mind that most of that furor was fanned by Fox News itself. Faulkner began by asking…

“Who is doing this man’s strategy? President Biden joking about his age and memory. Insisting, in fact, he does remember things after that scathing DoJ report cast so much doubt. He didn’t get indicted because the question was, could a jury even go anywhere with him because he has no memory. Now he says he does have memory. Are they gonna indict him?

So Faulkner’s formula for disposing of this dilemma is to refrain from any and all humor. As if a scowling facade of seriousness would put the matter to rest. That sort of gloomy brooding and hostility might work for Trump on his cult disciples, but most everyone else finds it repulsive and repellant.

MORE HERE: Fox News is AGHAST that Biden Mock Fundraised Off of Trump’s Mugshot, Which Trump Did For Real

What’s more, Faulkner completely misstates the findings in Hur’s report. Hur did not decline to indict Biden because of an allegedly poor memory. It was because he didn’t have the evidence to indict, as he said in his report in several separate passages such as the following

“[W]e cannot prove that Mr. Biden knew about or intended to keep the document after he was vice president, or we cannot prove the document contains national defense information, or both. These documents do not support criminal charges against Mr. Biden.”

Consequently, Faulkner’s snarky inquiry as to whether Biden would be indicted now that he has acknowledged that his memory is fine only confirms her own cognitive failings. He never claimed to have a memory problem to begin with. So his affirmation of his recall doesn’t change anything for Biden or the special counsel.

However, if you’re looking for a candidate with a faulty memory that would impact his fitness to serve, take a look at this one who couldn’t even remember when he got engaged to or married his current wife…

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