The News Corpse 7 For 2007

While I am not particularly a fan of “Best of…” lists, I happened to be going over the just past year of News Corpse columns and it became a nostalgic journey through many rants and raves that had slipped from my conscious recollections. So I compiled a short list of a few of my favorites that have also been amongst the most popular as determined by visitor traffic.

Murdoch in DavosMurdoch Confesses To Propaganda On Iraq
Murdoch was asked if News Corp. had managed to shape the agenda on the war in Iraq. His answer?

“No, I don’t think so. We tried.” We basically supported the Bush policy in the Middle East…but we have been very critical of his execution.”

Bill O'BealeThe Cult Of Foxonalityâ„¢
Most liberals (and objective observers) recognize the tight-knit relationship between Fox and the GOP. However, while we fret about the Murdoch/RNC cabal, we may be missing an even more frightening scenario. Fox viewers appear to be more loyal to Fox than to Republicans or conservatism.

American Fuhrer
The Next American Fuhrer
Befitting a nation that prides itself on its entrepreneurial creativity, the United States is preparing the way for a uniquely American innovation in governance: a democratically elected dictator. And neither politicians, nor judges, nor journalists, are rising to oppose the coming tyranny.

Media BlindnessStarve The Beast
Democrats and progressives have got to swear off Fox News. Every time one of our representatives appears on Fox, they are setting back our agenda. They are not just wasting a little time trying to confront the enemy in its lair. They are literally causing harm to the efforts of the rest of us who are fervently struggling to repair and improve our country.

O'Reilly Fear FactorThe O’Reilly Fear Factor: They’re Coming To Take Me Away
O’Reilly is advancing onto Armageddon and steeling for the battle with his secular-progressive foes. When the ultimate clash commences, he will view himself as a valiant Culture Warrior lashing out at the many-headed beast that imperils children and Christmas and virtue and the traditional values that are so fragile that they can be turned to dust by the wispy breath of Pagans.

[See also The Collected Verses for more O’Reilly insanity]

Ailes NewsroomDemocrats And Media: Battered Party Syndrome
The number one cable news network is an unapologetic apologist for the White House and an unabashed basher of Democratic policy and personage. The other networks feature conservative program hosts like Dobbs, Beck, Carlson, etc., but there is only one progressive host on any network – Keith Olbermann on MSNBC’s Countdown. So why do 66% of Democrats trust the media?

Jon Stewart & Steven ColbertStop Hurting America: The WGA And The Daily Show
While news programs continue spewing their corporatist, insider views of presidential politics throughout the strike, programs like The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, David Letterman, Saturday Night Live, etc., have become silent. This is not a trivial matter. Many of these programs have assumed a unique role in our culture by highlighting the absurd quirks and contradictions of our politicians and press. The light these programs shine on the political landscape is nowhere countervailed in the dimwitted din of the so-called Mainstream Media.

It was quite a year. I only hope that I have far less about which to complain in 2008. May we all have far less about which to complain in the new year (Now that’s a Hallmark moment if I ever heard one).


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