Fox News Senior Putin Apologist, Tucker Carlson, Pleads to Keep the Russian Dictator in Power

As the situation in Ukraine grows more dire every day, Fox News grows more diarrheal, excreting vast quantities of waste matter that only matters to the deluded deplorables who are glued to the network’s lies and propaganda. And leading the discharge is Fox’s top rated Tucker Carlson, who has distinguished himself of late as Russia’s favorite American turncoat.

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Fox News, Tucker Carlson

In recent weeks Carlson has itemized his reasons for why nobody should hate Vladimir Putin, even as Putin leads Russia’s murderous rampage in Ukraine. Carlson is articulating precisely the same opinion that Donald Trump has of Putin. And they both have the same infatuation with Donald Trump.

Carlson briefly tried to moderate his Putin lust. But it was such an awkward feat of hypocrisy that he couldn’t sustain it for more than a day or two. So now Carlson is back to drooling adoringly and defending Putin. On his Wednesday night program he delivered a dialogue opposing the sanctions that the U.S. and most of the free world are imposing on Russia. And if that weren’t bad enough, Carlson also made a plaintive plea on behalf of Putin keeping his job as Russia’s top totalitarian tyrant.

Carlson began by asserting that he would withhold judgment on whether the course of action taken by the NATO alliance was a wise course. Which was followed by him unleashing the judgment he just finished saying he would withhold. He sarcastically whined that reflecting on moral implications, or thinking about your own country is a crime, and even treasonous. Then Carlson dived into one of favorite pastimes, asking asinine rhetorical questions:

“What’s the point of all of this? Putin is bad. No one in America is gonna argue with that [except Carlson, Trump and other right-wingers already have]. But will destroying the entire Russian economy make Putin less bad? Will it make Russian troops withdraw from Ukraine? And if it will, how exactly will that work, and how long will it take?

Or is the plan even bigger than that? If they did, we can force Vladimir Putin from office entirely. Okay. Will that work? And if it does work, what happens to Russia after Vladimir Putin leaves? Would the next Russian president be an improvement over Putin?”

So Carlson, with his BA in history and no experience in diplomacy, is against the stiff sanctions that the rest of the world’s most knowledgeable foreign policy experts think are necessary and effective. That’s so considerate of him to be worried about his Russian oligarch pals, rather than the people of Ukraine who are being slaughtered and forced to leave their homeland as refugees.

Even worse, Carlson is arguing that Putin should be allowed to remain in power because his successor could be worse. Do you suppose that Carlson would have used the same argument for keeping Hitler in power? Apparently he believes that all of the world’s monstrous leaders should be left to commit whatever crimes against humanity they like.

Obviously that doctrine is pure idiocy. If there is a genocidal madman running a nation and attacking other nations, he needs to be constrained and, if necessary, removed from power. You worry about his successor, who under the circumstance is likely to be more moderate or suffer the same fate, after you excise the immediate problem. Unless, that is, you are Tucker Carlson and you have a fuehrer fetish. Which is, by the way, what draws him to Trump.

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HUH? Fox News Phony Tucker Carlson Repudiates Tucker Carlson for Rooting for Putin

Spotting lies and hypocrisy on Fox News has never been an especially difficult task. It’s actually been a regular feature of their programming from its earliest days. And nowhere is that more apparent than on the primetime airing of the “Human Manure Spreader,” Tucker Carlson. In fact, it happens with such frequency that the network argued in court (successfully) that no reasonable person would take Carlson seriously.

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Fox News, Tucker Carlson

The only problem with the “reasonable person” standard is that there are so many unreasonable persons watching – and appearing on – Fox News. And this was evident on Monday night’s episode when Carlson advanced his abhorrent asininity in a twenty minute tirade that sought to erase the record of his treasonous support for Russia over Ukraine, the United States, and our international allies.

Just last week Carlson delivered a drooling televised love letter to Putin with all of the reasons he admired the brutal dictator, and why nobody should hate him. It’s a doctrine that mirrors identically that of Putin lover Donald Trump, who Carlson is also hopelessly infatuated with.

Carlson began his harangue (video below) ranting that…

“On Twitter, you see Democrats pretending that their political opponents are responsible for the invasion and somehow support it. […] In this country, virtually everyone understands that the invasion of Ukraine is bad. It’s bad for us and for the world. And Vladimir Putin is bad too. So, effectively in America, those are settled facts. We can stop debating them.”

That is a 180 degree turnaround from everything that Carlson has been babbling about for the past week. And for him to say now that “Putin is bad” suggests a measure of hypocrisy that obliterates the scale. He has literally declared that he is backing Russia in this war:

“Why do I care about what’s going on in the conflict between Ukraine and Russia? And why shouldn’t I root for Russia, because I am.”

Carlson went on to complain about Democrats justifiably criticizing Republicans who support Russia and/or Putin, saying “Isn’t war the moment for unity?” That was in the very same harangue wherein he lambasted Democrats and blamed Biden for Russia invading Ukraine. So much for unity.

Carlson also took Rep. Eric Swalwell to task for saying that…

“We have Republicans who are rooting for Russia and that makes it very hard for President Biden to get the whole country to go along when Donald Trump, Mike Pompeo and Tucker Carlson are rooting for Russians and that’s being replayed on Russia TV to rally Russians for this cause.”

Mr. Swalwell had his own succinct reply to Carlson questioning why he would say such a thing…

(full transcript here on Fox News website)

Carlson’s histrionics continued with nonsense like his claim that Democrats “were telling us that sanctions and arming the Ukrainian military would prevent a Russian invasion.” Wrong. They were hoping that such measures would prevent an invasion, but were prepared to go farther if they didn’t.

Carlson also claimed that “No one defended the riot on January 6th. We certainly didn’t.” Of course, that is blatantly untrue. Many Republicans, including (especially) Trump, defended the insurrection and praised the rioters as patriots. And Carlson himself produced a crocumentary asserting that the the whole thing was a “false flag” operation staged by the FBI, and that the rioters were victims.

So now that the country – and the world – is expressing their disgust with Russia’s unprovoked attack on Ukraine, Carlson is trying to sanitize his solidarity with the monstrous Putin regime. This might work with the dimwits who willfully believe his lies, but the majority of the American people have memories that go back farther than a week.

And then there’s this…

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Trump Doubles Down on His Treasonous Putin Puffery While Continuing to Insult Biden and America

Donald Trump simply refuses to let a single day go by without contaminating every public debate with his diseased and delusional misperceptions of the world. And Saturday was no different as he spoke at the ultra-rightist Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). His address to the CPAC crowd was predictably riddled with lies and exaltations of himself.

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Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin

Among Trump’s preposterous observations was a reprise of his theory for why Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine. According to Trump it was because of the “rigged” 2020 presidential election. Because what atrocity isn’t the result of that throbbing thorn in his tiny paw? He also tried to sell the absurdity that Putin wouldn’t have invaded Ukraine if he was still president. Although there’s some kernel of truth to that. Putin wouldn’t have needed to invade Ukraine because Trump was giving him all the things he wanted the invasion to produce: weaken NATO and the EU, expand Russia’s sphere of influence, sow discord among Western allies, and throw American democracy into disarray.

True to form, Trump elaborated on his recent comments celebrating the intellect of his hero, Vladimir, whom he regaled as “smart,” “savvy,” and a “genius.” He told his glassy-eyed cult followers that…

“Yesterday reporters asked me if I thought President Putin was smart. I said ‘Of course he’s smart.’ To which I was greeted with ‘Oh, that’s such a terrible thing to say.’ The NATO nations, and indeed the world, as he looks over what’s happening strategically, with no repercussions or threats whatsoever, they’re not so smart. They’re looking the opposite of smart.

If you take over Ukraine we’re going to sanction you, they say. Sanction? Well, that’s a pretty weak statement. Putin is saying ‘Oh, they’re gonna sanction me. They’ve sanctioned me for the last twenty-five years. You mean I can take over a whole country and they’re gonna sanction me? You mean they’re not gonna blow us to pieces, at least psychologically?’ The problem is not that Putin is smart, which of course he’s smart. But the real problem is that our leaders are dumb. Dumb!”

First of all, Trump’s account of how he came to fawn over Putin is pure fiction. He wasn’t asked anything about this by reporters. He offered up his Putin praise unprompted at a Republican fundraiser at Mar-a-Lago. And yes, it is a terrible thing to say while the object of his affection was committing war crimes against innocent Ukrainians.

Furthermore, Trump’s assertion that there were “no repercussions or threats” from NATO allies is a deliberate distortion of reality. NATO and President Biden made it clear that Putin would suffer swift and severe consequences if he went through with his invasion plans. Despite Trump’s ignorant belittling of the impact of sanctions, most experts agree that they will critically hamper Russia’s economy and its ability to sustain an occupation of Ukraine.

Note also that Trump’s implied solution is a military response to “blow [the Russians] to pieces.” That’s the sort reckless reaction that could escalate the crisis into the next world war. and it’s typical of his faux bravado. However, during an interview with Fox News Digital at CPAC, Trump displayed his impotence when asked if he had a message to Putin. The ordinarily blustering, pseudo-strongman replied weakly that “I have no message. I just think it’s a shame that this is going on.” It’s a shame? Well, that should make Putin squirm.

Finally, Trump doubles down on his adoration of Putin’s brilliance. But this time Trump embellishes it by insulting America’s leaders as “dumb.” And again, this comes during a time of conflict wherein Trump’s views can only be seen as emboldening the enemy. No doubt his remarks will be played repeatedly on Russian television. Just like the remarks by Fox News Putin lover, Tucker Carlson.

The propaganda value of a former president of the United States favoring Putin over the current president is incalculable. Which makes it unarguably treasonous on Trump’s part. Thankfully, we have a current president who knows precisely how to smack down a paper tiger like Trump. When asked what he though of Trump’s praise of Putin’s alleged genius, President Biden replied…

“I put as much stock in Trump saying that Putin’s a genius as I do when he called himself a stable genius.”

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Trump Phones Into Fox News to Offer His Idiotic, Egomaniacal Take on Putin’s Invasion of Ukraine

Russia’s most aggressively ambitious tyrant in 70 years, Vladimir Putin, has launched the attack on Ukraine that many people, including President Biden, were expecting. It is certain to result in needless hardship and human loss. And it comes at time when America’s right-wing Republican Trump cult has been shamelessly praising Putin and bitterly maligning Biden.

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Donald Trump TV Set

Donald Trump himself has been engaged in non-stop America-bashing. So it should come as no surprise that, in this moment of crisis, he would emerge from his Mar-a-Lago bunker to disgorge his utterly repugnant and worthless perspective on the tragedy that has befallen Ukraine. And that emergence would be facilitated, of course, by his anti-American Ministry of Propaganda, Fox News.

While the Russian invasion was still in progress, Trump called in to Fox News chat with devoted Trump-fluffer, Laura Ingraham (video below). And in the seven and a half minutes that she sucked up to him, Trump babbled, deflected, and exalted himself. But never once offered meaningful counsel, condolences to the Ukrainian people, or condemnation of his soul mate, Vladimir Putin and Russia. Ingraham asked a total of three questions, which Trump barely paid any attention to:

Ingraham’s First Question: You’re watching this unfold. You’re reaction to Putin’s threat if any Western nation, or any nation, intervenes with this Russian military action.
Trump: Well, this is something that should have never happened. It would not have happened during my administration. In fact. some people were saying why didn’t this take place over the last four years during our administration. And it didn’t for a very good reason. And I’ll explain that to you some day. But it wouldn’t have taken place. And it wouldn’t have taken place right now. And it’s a very sad thing for the world, for the country, and it’s certainly very sad for a lot of people that are gonna be needlessly killed.

Notice that Trump completely evaded the question. His answer to Ingraham asking for his “reaction to Putin’s threat if any nation intervenes,” was “This would not have happened during my administration,” which he repeated four times like a blathering crackhead. He had no idea how to respond to Putin’s threat, so he wrapped himself in a narcissistic cocoon, fixated on his delusions that everything would have been hunky dory just by his divine presence.

And since Trump declined to explain to Ingraham why Putin wouldn’t have invaded Ukraine if he were still occupying the White House, here is the actual explanation: Putin would not have needed to invade Ukraine because Trump was giving him everything he wanted without any military actions or threats. Putin wanted assurances that Ukraine would not join NATO. He wanted to weaken the European Union. He wanted to undermine democracy in the West, particularly in the United States. He wanted to expand Russia’s territorial influence. And Trump was already allowing him to do all of that. It’s only because Trump was booted out of office and replaced by a President who stood for American values of democracy and liberty that Putin decided he would have to achieve his totalitarian goals via force.

Ingraham’s Second Question: Give us sense though, you know Vladimir Putin. You’ve dealt with him. How would you have avoided this conflict? How would you have prevented these series of events from unfolding?
Trump: Well, look, I do know him, and I know him very well. We’ve had many, many times together. And I got along with him fantastically. Despite the fact that I shut down Nord Stream 2. [Edited to remove a bunch of irrelevant nonsense about Nord Stream 2] So I think that it’s a terrible thing. The way it started, I really don’t believe he wanted to do this initially. I think he wanted to do something and negotiate. And it just got worse and worse. And then he saw the weakness. And you know it really started with the weakness in Afghanistan and the way they pulled out of Afghanistan. I really believe that’s where he started thinking he can do this.

Once again, Trump completely evaded the question. When asked directly how he “would have avoided this conflict,” Trump just boasted that he “got along fantastically” with Putin (so what?), that he shut down the Nord Stream 2 oil pipeline (which he never did), and then he rambled on incoherently about Afghanistan in order to further disparage Biden. He didn’t approach anything resembling a plan to avoid the conflict. It was just more of his robo-talking points that he’s been disgorging for months.

Ingraham’s Third Question: President Trump, I want to ask you this. We understand that President Biden is monitoring this situation at the White House now and is gonna talk to the G7 tomorrow. Tomorrow? And he’s gonna talk to the nation sometime tomorrow as well. You’re reaction to that approach?
Trump: I don’t think he’s monitoring. I think he’s probably sleeping right now. This is a terrible thing. This is something that should have never happened. I really believe that it was Afghanistan. When he looked at that horrible, weak pullout.

This time Trump kind of stayed with the question. But his answer was just to lash out with his typically childish insults about Biden. For the record, Biden was also on the phone, but with his national security team, Ukrainian President Zelensky, and representatives of NATO, the EU, and the United Nations. Meanwhile, Trump, because his attention span is so limited, reverted back to the same diversions he deployed for the previous questions: It would never have happened, and Afghanistan.

To close the interview, Trump mashed together his long held and treasonous preference for Putin over Biden, his manically obsessive “Big Lie” that the 2020 election was rigged, and his mindlessly rote attacks on inflation and immigration…

Trump: Now [Putin] sees the weakness and the incompetence and the stupidity of this administration. And as an American I’m angry about it, and I’m saddened by it. And it all happened because of a rigged election. And that includes inflation. And that includes millions of people pouring in on a monthly basis.

And with that malicious assault on America during a time of crisis, Trump signed off. He was typically antagonistic toward the country he pretends to put first. He provided no encouragement for Americans who are facing the hardships that inevitably accompany war. He was just hostile, unpatriotic, and as always, egocentric and uncaring about anyone or anything but himself. So … same as it ever was with Trump.

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Traitor Trump Can’t Stop Attacking America, but Won’t Condemn His Hero Putin’s Invasion of Ukraine

For the entire four years that Donald Trump occupied the White House, he never once criticized Vladimir Putin. To the contrary, he lavished Putin praise and justified his atrocities. That servile submission to America’s most foreboding foe was a constant reminder of where Trump misplaced his always self-serving disloyalties.

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Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin

Trump’s own national security aide, and renowned expert on Ukraine and Russia, Fiona Hill, did not mince words when describing Trump’s aversion to America. “There’s no Team America for Trump,” Hill said. “Not once did I see him do anything to put America first. Not once. Not for a single second.”

On Tuesday morning Trump unleashed yet another exhibition of his rancid anti-patriotism. In a statement posted by his Twitter ban defying spokes-shill, Trump took some familiar swipes at the U.S. and its response to the invasion of Ukraine by Trump’s pals in Russia, saying that…

“If properly handled, there was absolutely no reason that the situation currently happening in Ukraine should have happened at all. I know Vladimir Putin very well, and he would have never done during the Trump Administration what he is doing now, no way!”

Tuesday morning quarterbacking is always easier than actually coming up with effective policy. Notice that Trump didn’t bother to lay out what he considered “proper handling.” That’s because his policy was always to kowtow to Putin. Trump is right that Putin would never have done what he’s doing now during the Trump administration. He didn’t need to. Trump was doing it for him. Trump was working arduously to undermine NATO, which is what Putin’s goal is today with regard to Ukraine. Trump continued, saying that…

“Russia has become very very rich during the Biden Administration, with oil prices doubling and soon to be tripling and quadrupling. The weak sanctions are insignificant.”

First of all, oil prices have not doubled, much less tripled or quadrupled. As usual, Trump is exaggerating (i.e. lying) to keep his cult followers disinformed. Oil prices have gone up, but then you know who else is getting rich on that? America and U.S. oil companies. And it will benefit the U.S. far more than Russia when the sanctions kick in that prevent Russia from selling its oil, and the U.S. assumes those markets. But we need to remember that oil is an international commodity and its prices are not set by the U.S. or U.S. policy.

Trump went on to repeat his old standard lies about his allegedly having achieved energy independence for America (which was achieved before his term in office), and spat out disingenuous complaints about Putin’s wealth. If Trump actually cared about that, the best way of cutting into Putin’s oil profits would be to transition faster to renewable energy. Which Trump and the GOP oppose.

Finally, Trump posted another statement attacking our ally, Germany, for shutting down the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. That’s something that Trump advocated before he felt the need to flip flop because now it is being done as part of the sanctions package put together by NATO and President Biden.

What makes this criticism of Germany even worse is that Trump sourced his complaint with a link to an article on RT, (Russia Today), a Kremlin-backed disinformation network that is registered as a “foreign agent” in the United States. Which is just further evidence of Trump’s embrace of Russia and its anti-American propaganda. As if any further evidence were needed. And for good measure, Trump phoned in to the Travis and Sexton radio show to humiliate himself by slobbering even more over Putin…

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Trump Baselessly Accuses Hillary Clinton of a Capital Crime and Wishes He Could Put Her to Death

Among the most wretched of Donald Trump’s loathsome personality flaws is his rancid vengefulness and compulsion with punishing anyone he deems insufficiently loyal. He has lashed out viciously at his perceived enemies, including steadfast conservative Republicans like former VP Mike Pence and Sen. Mitch McConnell, and flagrantly biased right-wing media such as Fox News and Newsmax.

Hillary Clinton

Escalating the hysterics for which Trump is famous, on Saturday he released a statement that included his explicit yearning to see Hillary Clinton executed for alleged crimes that he utterly failed to identify or even peripherally grasp. The statement was tweeted, as usual, by his Twitter ban defying spokes-shill, Liz Harrington. It concerned a recent filing by special counsel John Durham that Trump completely misunderstood”

“The latest pleading from Special Counsel Robert Durham provides indisputable evidence that my campaign and presidency were spied on by operatives paid by the Hillary Clinton Campaign in an effort to develop a completely fabricated connection to Russia.”

Virtually all of the reporting on this filing by John Durham (not “Robert” as Trump mistakenly said) is coming from hardcore right-wing Internet trolls such as Breitbart, Infowars, RedState, and, of course, Harrington, who has tweeted about it eight nine ten twenty times since yesterday.

Trump’s assertion that the filing provides “indisputable evidence” that he was spied on is wholly fictional. Durham doesn’t even make that assertion in the filing. The gist of the document relates to allegations that an attorney who at one time represented the Clinton campaign didn’t properly disclose that relationship. The references to spying were merely the collection of Internet IP addresses and Domain Service Names (DNS) that are publicly available.

[Note: Emptywheel goes into much greater detail about this matter that she describes as Durham “raising a potential conflict as a way to air his conspiracy theories so he can jack up the frothy right.”]

More to the point, what Trump calls his “fabricated connection to Russia” is actually well documented. There is abundant evidence of the Trump campaign’s numerous unsavory connections to Russia. Much of it is catalogued in the book Russian Roulette: The Inside Story of Putin’s War on America and the Election of Donald Trump, by Michael Isikoff and David Corn. And in April of 2019, Time reported that “investigators have found that Trump and at least 17 of his campaign officials and advisors had more than 100 contacts between Trump associates and Russians.”

That’s hardly something one could characterize as coincidental. But ignoring reality, Trump continued his rant saying that…

“This is a scandal far greater in scope and magnitude than Watergate and those who were involved in and knew about this spying operation should be subject to criminal prosecution. In a stronger period of time in our country, this crime would have been punishable by death. In addition, reparations should be paid to those in our country who have been damaged by this.”

It’s a pretty safe bet that Trump has no idea what the “scope and magnitude” of Watergate was. And if he did, he would probably have supported it. Nevertheless, he is baselessly accusing Clinton and other Democrats of imaginary capital offenses. Because that’s just how vindictive and bloodthirsty he is.

The timing of Durham’s specious filing, and the feigned outrage of Trump and his media shills, is curious coming so soon after the disclosures that Trump violated the Presidential Records Act by shredding and even flushing potentially incriminating documents, and scurrying off to Mar-a-Lago with fifteen boxes of materials that legally should have been turned over to the National Archives.

However, it is thoroughly consistent with Trump’s lifelong pattern of misbehavior to try to supplant actual news with his own overblown concoctions. And the more desperate he is, the more despicable and delusional he becomes.

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Sean Hannity and Donald Trump Jr Promote Putin Propaganda Over U.S. Intelligence on Fox News

With each new day’s dawn it is becoming harder and harder ignore the mounting evidence that Fox News is acting as the Ministry of Propaganda for Vladimir Putin and Russia. Their top rated host, Tucker Carlson, has openly taken sides with Russia over the interests of the United States. “Why would we pick Ukraine’s side,” he recently asked rhetorically, “and not Russia’s side?”

Fox News, Sean Hannity, Vladimir Putin

Carlson also visited Hungary to lavish praise on its pro-Putin puppet, Viktor Orbán. And that endorsement was quickly parroted by Donald Trump, who has not been shy about his preference for Putin. He even tried sabotage President Biden’s summit with the Russian dictator. Which is something he may have picked up from Sean Hannity, who made virtually the same comments a few days prior.

So naturally Hannity is continuing to malign Biden and America with brazenly unpatriotic polemics. To that end he invited Donald Trump Jr on his program to offer a “fair and balanced” analysis of the Russian threat to Ukraine (and ya gotta love Rep. eric Swalwell’s take):

“I get to read reports saying that intelligence is saying that Russians may be launching a cyber attack on America. I don’t think so. I imagine that’s our people lying to us to try to instigate us getting into another war to distract from the incompetence. Do you think our posture in Ukraine has anything to do with his corrupt son raking in millions over the year, and this is the way to cover it up.”

Oh! Donnie “gets to read reports,” does he? Notice that he isn’t saying that he reads intelligence, which even Daddy Trump is prohibited from getting due to his “erratic behavior.” And the “reports” Donnie reads are undoubtedly contrived by conspiracy crackpots like Alex Jones or any sitting Republican member of Congress.

In his harangue, the sniveling Trump spawn lets leak an inadvertent truth when he says that “I imagine that’s our people lying to us.” Indeed, he is imagining it. He is imagining what he most desires: that there are “Deep State” government moles concocting nefarious schemes that conform to his anti-American nightmares.

However, Donnie’s conspiracy theory couldn’t be more preposterous. He’s alleging that Biden is plotting to start a war with Russia in order to cover up some imaginary incompetence or minor malfeasance by Hunter Biden (for which there has never been any evidence). That would be like setting yourself on fire to get rid of a pimple. Which I wouldn’t put past Donnie. He really thinks that Biden would consider a war with another nuclear superpower to be preferable to a temporary bad news cycle.

This sort of perverse perspective is par for the course for Junior. Earlier this week he posted a video of himself in which he appeared to be totally wasted. The fact that he could post that video, given his slurred and halted speech, and his bizarre head twitching, is a glaring red flag indicating much deeper emotional and/or psychological problems.

However, the neuroses of the Trumps are equally matched by the fanatical fawning of Fox News. Needless to say, Hannity had no problem with Donnie’s diatribe. It’s the sort of dishonest partisanship that has long been the mission of Fox News. And it was on full display Friday when they aired this cringeworthy clip:

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Traitor Trump Goes on Newsmax to Cheer for His BFF Putin Hours Before Biden’s Summit Call

The Russian dictator really got his money’s worth when he chose to back Donald Trump. For four years Trump advanced Vladimir Putin’s interests in the United States, particularly with respect to undermining American democracy. Who can forget Trump taking Putin’s side over that of U.S. intelligence with regard to Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election?

Donald Trump Vladimir Putin

Now, after Trump has been out of office for nearly a year, he is still doing Putin’s dirty work. As Russian troops amass on the border with Ukraine, President Biden was preparing for a tele-summit with Putin in order to advise him not to go forward with any plans of aggression against their neighbor. So naturally Trump booked an appearance on the Trump-fluffing Newsmax network to act as Putin’s mouthpiece. In a segment intended to disparage our American President and exalt his Russian counterpart, Trump once again delivered the goods for the enemy.

Trump, as usual, began with a blatant lie. “I was tough on all of them,” Trump bragged. “With China we took in hundreds of billions of dollars of taxes and tariffs. Nobody’s ever seen that before.” He is still peddling the nonsense that tariffs are paid by the government of the country they are imposed upon. The truth is that the costs of tariffs are borne by the U.S. companies that import the sanctioned goods. Trump’s own economic advisor, Larry Kudlow, was forced to admit that on Fox News. What’s more, those costs are often just passed on to American consumers. But China didn’t pay one red cent. Then Trump got to the meat of his treason:

“Now I see that Biden is gonna be talking to Putin and that’s not a fair match. That wouldn’t have been a fair match in prime time. This is not a fair match for our country. And the Election was rigged and it was stolen, and this is what we got. This is not a match that should even be allowed. Take the New England Patriots playing your high school football team, that’s what you have right now.”

What Trump is doing here is handicapping Biden in the summit talks. To the detriment of our nation’s interests, Trump is praising his Russian boss and denigrating his American nemesis. This isn’t the first time that Trump has done this. Prior to a June summit with Putin, Trump explicitly stated that he trusts Putin more than his fellow Americans.

Notice also that Trump regards the summit as something akin to an episode of his reality TV game show. To Trump it’s a “match” televised in primetime. And he thinks that Biden shouldn’t be “allowed” to represent the country that elected him by an overwhelming margin. He even felt compelled to throw in his “Big Lie” that “the Election was rigged and it was stolen,” because that further supports Putin’s goal of weakening our democratic principles.

Trump likes to pretend that he was tough on Russia. But his own press secretary, Stephanie Grisham, revealed in her recent book that…

“Trump told Putin, ‘Okay, I’m going to act a little tougher with you for a few minutes. But it’s for the cameras, and after they leave we’ll talk. You understand?”

It is downright treasonous for a former president to deliberately sabotage the current one with slanderous insults such as these. Especially on the eve of a critical summit meeting. But Trump has never exhibited anything remotely resembling patriotism, other than his empty and cliched rhetoric. It’s disgraceful and dangerous as Russian troops line their border with Ukraine. But it’s nothing less than what is expected from Trump and the propaganda spewing media machines that support him.

UPDATE: Tucker Carlson is also taking Putin’s side re: Ukraine. And Newsmax is is doing outright PR for Putin…

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

GEEZ! Trump is STILL Obsessed With the ‘Russia, Russia, Russia Hoax’ that is NOT a Hoax

One of the defining personality flaws of Donald Trump is his steadfast determination to propagate lies that have been thoroughly debunked. Undeterred by reality, he continues to press his case on matters such as his “Big Lie” about election fraud; his border wall that was not built nor paid for by Mexico; and his deadly denialism about the COVID pandemic and responsible measures to defeat it.

Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin

Years go by with Trump mindlessly clinging to the same flagrant falsehoods and peddling them to his dimwitted cult disciples. And foremost among these fantasies are Trump’s denials of his well documented and unsavory connections to Russia.

RELATED: Trump Threatens to Sue Pulitzers to Revoke Awards for Factual Russian Collusion Stories

For some reason Trump has been especially fixated on this subject recently. Just in the past week he has been furiously kicking and screaming like a spoiled toddler over what he calls the “Russia, Russia, Russia hoax.” In a tirade of tempestuous tweets Trump grumped that…

  • I view the story being concocted by the Unselect Committee about the so-called insurrection of January 6th (actually, November 3rd!) [see this for what he’s talking about] the same way as the Democrats’ Russia, Russia, Russia Hoax, now fully debunked and discredited!”
  • Our Country has been taken over by Scammers and Hoaxsters, and we have to take it back. Just like the Russia, Russia, Russia Scam has now been totally debunked and discredited as a FAKE Democrat/Crooked Hillary”
  • CNN’s fake ‘reckoning’ over the Steele dossier”
  • Fake News refusing to cover the Presidential Election Fraud is the Russia Hoax in REVERSE: No coverage of a real scandal, versus endless coverage of a Democrat Fake News scandal!”
  • Pulitzer board stonewalls queries about Trump lawsuit, rescinding prizes for debunked reporting [about Trump/Russia]”
  • Durham Unravels the Russia Case”
  • Why don’t they investigate Crooked Hillary, when so much has now been proven about her and her campaign’s lies and dealings with Russia to smear me and spy on my campaign?”

Perhaps the tender sensitivities of Snowflake Trump were triggered by an article in The Atlantic by veteran conservative, David Frum, that refuted the Trumpian right-wingers who have been erroneously claiming that some inaccuracies in the infamous Steele Dossier mean that all of the evidence of Trump’s chumminess with Putin and Russia are invalid, even the evidence that has nothing to do with the Dossier.

Frum detailed much of that evidence in his article with findings from the report of the Senate Intelligence Committee, that was then chaired by Richard Burr, a Republican from North Carolina. Those findings include accounts of meetings between Russians and Trump, his family, and other close associates. It also revealed that Trump was simultaneously taking positions that advanced Putin’s foreign policy goals, particularly the undermining of American democracy.

RELATED: Putin Toady Trump Admits He Trusts Russia Over U.S. On Eve of Summit with Biden

Much of what Frum compiled was also documented in the studiously researched book “Russian Roulette: The Inside Story of Putin’s War on America and the Election of Donald Trump,” by Michael Isikoff and David Corn. And Frum closed his article with this summation refuting those who were trying to exonerate Trump with mistaken allusions to the factual errors in the Steele Dossier:

“It remains fact that Russian hackers and spies helped his campaign. It remains fact that the Trump campaign welcomed the help. […] It remains fact that Trump and those around him lied, and lied, and lied again about their connections to Russia.”

No wonder Trump is ranting relentlessly about Russia, Russia, Russia. He realizes that he needs to reinforce the lies he’s been futilely spewing for years. But he doesn’t realize that if it hasn’t worked yet, it isn’t going to. Nevertheless, his lies spill forth again and again. But then, when has Trump ever not lied about anything?

NOTE: Twitter suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

SRSLY? Trump Threatens to Sue Pulitzers to Revoke Awards for Factual Russian Collusion Stories

Being the reigning heavyweight champion of the World of Whining, Donald Trump bears the burden of defending his title every day. And he wrestles with this responsibility as furiously as one would expect of a bona fide malignant narcissist. He wakes every morning with a commitment to feeding his insatiable ego.

Donald Trump

Among the most demanding tasks Trump faces is his obsession with the fallacy that he won the presidential election in 2016 all on his own. Never mind that he actually lost the popular vote by more than seven million votes. Trump is still fixated on the verified charges that Russia aided and abetted his campaign. Those charges were documented by exhaustively investigated stories in both the Washington Post and the New York times. Both papers won Pulitzer Awards for their reporting.

Recently Trump has been expressing his notoriously unhinged outrage at the Pulitzer Committee’s decision to honor the journalists whose work revealed how deeply the interests of Trump and his campaign were intertwined with those of Vladimir Putin’s Russia. Putin, when asked directly at a press conference with Trump standing next to him, admitted that he wanted Trump to win and helped him do so.

On Wednesday Trump sent a letter to the Pulitzer Committee demanding that they revoke the awards given to the Post and the Times. His request was triggered by reports that some of the material in the infamous Steele Dossier was provided by sources who were just indicted for lying to the FBI. Setting aside the fact that no one has been convicted, those indictments do not address nor refute the vast majority of what was reported in the Pulitzer winning articles. But that didn’t stop Trump from asserting a series of flagrant falsehoods in his letter to the Pulitzers. For instance, Trump’s letter began by stating that…

“…it has recently become apparent that the subject articles were based on incontrovertibly false information provided by dubious sources who were maliciously attempting to mislead the public and tarnish our client’s reputation.”

There’s a lot of wrong in that sentence. First of all, the articles were not “based on” the Steele Dossier. In fact, they were hardly mentioned. In the twenty articles that made up the series of awarded reporting, the Dossier was referenced in only two of them. And in both of those it was characterized as “unproved” and included Trump’s denials. One article noted that…

“…the [Steele] dossier produced last year alleged, among other things, that associates of Trump colluded with the Kremlin on cyberattacks on Democrats and that the Russians held compromising material about the Republican nominee. These and other explosive claims have not been verified, and they have been vigorously denied by Trump and his allies.”

The article also made clear the that Steele Dossier was not a significant source, saying that…

“U.S. officials took pains to stress that his report was not a U.S. government product and that it had not influenced their broader conclusions that the Russian government had hacked the emails of Democratic officials and released those emails with the intention of helping Trump win the presidency.”

The same is true for the other article that referenced the Dossier. It reported that…

“…the dossier had not been corroborated and that its contents had not influenced the intelligence community’s findings.”

Consequently, there are no grounds for defamation as alleged in Trump’s letter to the Pulitzers. For one thing, the Pulitzer Committee didn’t make any of the allegations that Trump is whining about. Those allegations were in the articles, and they were responsibly and factually reported. Nevertheless, Trump’s letter included his false assertion that the Pulitzers were somehow liable, and an impotent demand for redress, saying that…

“The Pulitzer Prize Board is actively advancing the false narrative contained therein and promoting defamatory statements against our client. […] it is hereby demanded that the Pulitzer Prize Board take immediate steps to strip the New York Times and The Washington Post of the 2018 Pulitzer Prize for National Reporting. Pulitzer Prize Board’s failure to do so will result in prompt legal action being taken against it.”

Trump’s legal assault on the Pulitzer Committee is purely a function of his bruised ego and thirst for revenge against the media that he regards in Stalinist terms as “the enemy of the people.” It has no legal merit whatsoever, particularly since it is aimed at the awards committee, rather than the journalists. Trump is just exhibiting his raging jealously at never having received any of the awards that he craves, whether they be Pulitzers or Nobels or Emmys or the cover of Sports Illustrated’s annual swimsuit edition. [Editor’s Note: Apologies in advance for that visual] However, he does like making up phony awards and giving them to himself…

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.