Trump’s Border Czar Confirms His (and Trump’s) Flaming Fascism in Fawning Fox News Interviews

Donald Trump made a multitude of promises for achievements he would accomplish on day one of his second occupation of the White House. They included lowering grocery and other consumer prices, ending Russia’s war against Ukraine, freeing all of the Gaza hostages, and repealing Obamacare. To no one’s surprise, he has miserably failed to fulfill most of his campaign promises (aka lies).

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Donald Trump, Immigrant, Child

There were, however, a few promises that Trump managed to deliver. None of which advanced the interests of the American people. They include cuts to funding for climate change and environmental programs, curtailing DEI initiatives, pardoning January 6th insurrectionists who assaulted Police officers, imposing tariffs on allies that will burden Americans, weaponizing the Justice Department to attack judges and political critics, and suppression of the free press.

MORE HERE: What Is America? Who Votes For This?

Perhaps Trump’s most prominent promise was his pledge to implement a program of mass deportation of migrants and refugees. It was, from the start, an inhumane response to matters regarding immigration. What’s more, it ignored the critical need for migrant workers in agriculture, construction, and healthcare. But Trump never cared about any of that.

Consequently, Trump sought to execute plans aimed at ridding America of a necessary component of its labor force. But he has even failed at that. As a result, he has dispatched his “border czar” – a darkly appropriate job title – Tom Homan, to disseminate some lies on his Ministry of Propaganda, Fox News. Homan was interviewed by Fox’s Stuart Varney, who asked a rather simple question, but got a disturbing answer…

VARNEY: The administration said the worst of the worst were the people who would be held in Gitmo. But there’s an article in the Washington Post this morning that says some families members of those detained say they’re being falsely branded as members of Tren de Aragua. What’s your response to that?
HOMAN: That’s the Washington Post. President Trump’s been clear, we’re gonna put the worst of the worst in Gitmo. And I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: No one’s off the table. If you’re in the country illegally it’s not okay.

First of all, Homan casually dismisses the facts presented by Varney, simply because they came from the Washington Post. That’s typical of the Trump regime that is afraid to deal with reality, so they just toss it aside with infantile insults.

More to the point, Homan totally dodges the substance of the question to regurgitate tired Trump talking points. But his deflection is worth noting, When Homan says that “No one’s off the table,” he means it. So also on the table are…

  • People who have committed no crimes
  • People who are only accused but not convicted
  • American citizens wrongly apprehended
  • Family members who are here legally
  • Children and infants

They are all rounded up and incarcerated in the same facility as Al Qaeda terrorists. They have no legal rights or constitutionally mandated due process. It is the sort of police state action that is routine in Russia, China, and North Korea. All of which are authoritarian governments with leaders that Trump admires and seeks to emulate.

And if that weren’t bad enough, Homan then scurried off to another Fox News program where he implied that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was breaking the law by advising the targets of Trump’s interment operation of their civil rights. Homan went on to repeat his slander that migrants who have not had their day in court are nevertheless presumed guilty.

“”We’re talking about people that are in the country illegally, committed a crime, they’re a public safety threat, and they’ve been convicted of serious crimes.”

No, that is NOT what we’re talking about. He is only talking about people who are suspected of being in the country illegally. And even then, that is only a civil offense, not criminal. But the bigger problem is that the StormTrumpers who are apprehending people are catching citizens and other innocent people in their too broadly cast net. And even when they are told about that, that don’t care, and won’t change their actions. Because fascists don’t bother with the trivialities of the law if it gets in the way of their totalitarian aspirations.


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UH-OH: Even Fox News Calls Out the Unelected Billionaire ‘Calling the Shots’ in Place of Trump

After weeks of tense negotiations, Democrats and Republicans in the House of Representatives agreed on a bipartisan bill to fund the government and avoid a devastating shutdown that would cause severe harm to millions of Americans. So naturally, that effort was sabotaged by the two most divisive and destructive dimwits in American politics, Donald Trump and Elon Musk.

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Fox News Sad

The torpedoing of the Continuing Resolution was aided and abetted by the spine-deprived GOP Speaker of the House, MAGA Mike Johnson, who obediently nixed his own bill at the behest of his puppet masters. As a result, he will maintain his record of having presided over the most unproductive Congress in modern times.

SEE THIS: DO-NOTHING CONGRESS? The Republican House of Representatives is the Least Productive Ever

The spectacle of a couple of billionaires bullying Congress into abandoning its obligation to the Constitution and the people is a nauseating devolution of the great expectations for American democracy. It most resembles the melodramatic inanities of reality TV wherein pathetic contestants vie for supremacy by playing idiotic games. And in this season it appears that the Celebrity Apprentice will be Trump, who is now noticeably subservient to his financial benefactor, Musk.

This swapping of roles is not something that has been observed only by Democrats and other Trump critics. On Thursday morning Stuart Varney of Fox News delivered a commentary that could have been composed by Bernie Sanders. He said in part…

“Think about this: Nobody voted for Elon Musk. But with the support of Donald Trump he called the shots on shutting down the government, and he’s calling the shots on trimming the fat in government. In fact, he has influence on just about every aspect of policy, including who should take which job in the Cabinet.

“We have never seen anything like this before. No previous administration has allowed an unelected outsider this degree of power. Of course it’s all a function of Musk’s relationship with the president-elect. They’ve been inseparable for months. He practically lives at Mar-a-Lago. And they seem to be in agreement on everything. It doesn’t hurt that he’s the richest man in the world, and threw over $200 million into Trump’s campaign.”

What Varney is describing is the undermining of democracy by an unelected, foreign-born, oligarch with the resources to buy a weak narcissist who is desperately trying to stay out of prison and retain some measure of perceived power. Musk is not constitutionally able to be president, so he’s settling for the next best thing: controlling the president. That relationship, however, could make things complicated for Trump’s former significant other. And that isn’t Melania…

What was once the Republican Party is now fully indoctrinated into the Musk/Trump Cult. Some GOP members of Congress are even suggesting that Musk be elected Speaker of the House. So if the GOP is not satisfied with the level of idiocy that is presently in place, they have options. A competent Speaker must be someone with extensive knowledge of how the House operates. Musk doesn’t have a clue. So while Johnson has proven to be a disaster, Musk would be even worse.

While the rules of the House do not require the Speaker to be an elected member, there are other concerns that are being neglected. For instance, the Speaker is second in the presidential line of succession, after the vice-president. But the Constitution would not permit Musk to be promoted to the presidency. So the job would fall to the president pro tempore of the Senate. And if Democrats were to regain the majority in 2026, that would be Democratic Sen. Patty Murray. If not, it would be 91 year old Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley.

In the meantime, the nation is being run by billionaires who couldn’t care less about the government shutting down because it won’t affect them in the slightest. And what they do care about – getting richer, lowering their own taxes, and eliminating pesky regulations that protect the environment, workers, and America’s middle and lower income families – would be theirs for the taking. Congratulations MAGA. This is what you voted for. I hope you like being subservient to the oligarchs.


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WATCH: Fox News Host Says that Trump Calling Kamala Harris ‘Dumb’ is a ‘Profound Mistake’

The inbred hostility that is such a core part of Donald Trump’s cretinous character (or lack thereof) has long been offensive to most Americans. They regard his infantile nicknames and seething hate speech as emblematic of a person with an acute case of malignant narcissism or some other severe personality disorder.

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Kamala Harris, Donald Trump baby

In recent weeks the Trump team, and some gullible pundits, have been suggesting that his brush with “ear” death might have made him more empathetic and sensitive to others. That assessment, however, was debunked by Trump himself who told the audience at one of his cult rallies that “They all say ‘I think he’s changed since two weeks ago. Something affected him.’ No, I haven’t changed. Maybe I’ve gotten worse.” And on that point he’s actually right, for once.

SEE THIS: Trump’s Frantic Fear of Kamala Harris Overflows in a Manic Meltdown on Truth(less) (anti)Social

Trump’s compulsive repulsiveness is evident in nearly every public comment he utters or posts online. And now that Kamala Harris is the presumptive nominee of the Democratic Party for president, Trump is setting his surly sights on her. Among the empty epithets he has unleashed are that Harris is “dumb as a rock” and “a low IQ individual” and “a DEI hire.” All of which are thinly veiled racism that doesn’t come close to being a substantive criticism of her policies or her record.

Most of the American people can easily recognize Trump’s hollow and impotent efforts to slander Harris. But he is generally defended by his sycophants on MAGA media such as Fox News. However, it appears that he may have gone too far for even some of them to fall in line. On Fox’s business network Monday morning, host Stuart Varney was interviewing Republican congressman Burgess Owens of Utah when he sought to get his opinion about Trump’s taunts…

“This is anecdotal, but I’ve been hearing a lot from women. They are not happy with what Trump has been saying and some of the language that he’s using about Kamala Harris. It’s insulting. Should he tone down his language?”

Owens went on robo-reply, attempting to ignore the question and divert to his criticisms of Democrats. But Varney wasn’t having it, He interrupted saying that…

“I’ve been out and about over the weekend. And when Donald Trump called Kamala Harris ‘dumb,’ that was a profound mistake, in my opinion. Women react to that kind of thing, and so they should. I mean, don’t you think you should tone down the language?”

Whereupon, Owens essentially gave up and replied that “Well, what you’re seeing with Donald Trump, he is who he is. He’s a fighter.” Which neither answers the question, nor describes Trump, who is actually better described as a whiner.

The problem for Trump and the Republican Party is that Varney is right. Trump’s abusive rhetoric will only serve to alienate women, who are familiar with, and tired of, these sort of put downs. And they don’t score any better with most men who don’t want their wives, mothers, sisters, or daughters treated with such open disdain.

Despite the obvious contempt that Trump displays toward women, and the piling on by his equally contemptuous VP pick, JD Vance, he will continue to be the malicious misogynist that he has always been. He can’t help it. And it will serve him right when his former fluffers, like Varney, fall off the bus before they get run over by it, and when women lead the electorate to his eventual defeat in November.


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‘Because He’s Stupid’: Trump’s Lame Attempt to Bash Biden Backfires Bigly

The desperation of Donald Trump is being revealed with every new attempt on his part to redirect media attention to himself. His banishment from social media – including the failure of his own venture – combined with the dismal distribution of Trumpian TV like One America News (OAN) and Newsmax, have forced him back onto fox News, the network he has been slamming mercilessly as “lost” and “unwatchable”.

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Donald Trump, Joe Biden

On Monday the former reality TV game show host, and twice impeached loser, visited with Trump-fluffer Stuart Varney on his Fox Business Channel program. During a discussion about the Biden administration’s efforts to renegotiate a deal with Iran to prohibit them from developing nuclear weapons, Trump and Varney engaged in the following exchange:

Trump: It is the worst deal and also you’re going to see nukes all over the Middle East. Everyone else is going to get them too. It will be the end.
Varney: So why is Biden doing it?
Trump: Because he’s stupid. OK? Because he’s stupid. And because they’re stupid. And they shouldn’t be in power anyway. But they’re destroying our country and they may ultimately be responsible for destroying the world.

Somehow Trump thinks that an agreement to refrain from nuclear weapons production will result in “nukes all over.” It’s a painfully irrational position that he obviously pulled out of his asinine library of idiotic opinions. Like almost everything else Trump says, he has absolutely no foundation on which to support this view.

Next Varney asks him a straightforward question about why Biden would consider such a policy. A knowledgeable person would have responded with some reasons that Biden regarded a new agreement as advantageous, and then offered an opinion as to why he thought Biden was wrong. But that’s not Trump’s style. Plus, it would require him to be knowledgeable, which is always way too much to ask of Trump.

True to his petulant personality, Trump just said that Biden is pursuing an agreement “Because he’s stupid.” The irony here is, of course, that it’s Trump who is displaying extraordinary stupidity in his own response. And he embellishes it with the outlandish hyperbole that Biden “may ultimately be responsible for destroying the world.” Because Trump just naturally tends to drift toward ludicrous apocalyptic catastrophes rather than merely saying that he disagrees.

In the same interview, trump was also asked by Varney about his prospects for reelection in 2024:

Varney: If we go into 2022, the election, and 2024, and you’re still looking back to the election of 2020, and saying that you really won, I don’t know if that’s very good for you or the Republican Party. You want to comment on that?
Trump: I actually think it is good for me. And I think if we don’t put out all of the crooked things we knew what they are, that you won’t win in ’22 and you won’t win in ’24. If we don’t get to it. So I think it’s the opposite, actually.
Varney: You think 2022 and 2024 are all about the 2020 election. Really?
Trump: No no no. I think for us to win the election we have to know how they cheated, because otherwise they’ll cheat again.

Notice that when Varney asked about whether Trump’s obsession with having lost in 2020 might hurt him and the Republican Party in 2024, Trump responded only that he thought “it is good for me.” Never mind the Party that he purports to lead. To him, everything is always about Trump, and only Trump. And he is still devoutly committed to the “Big Lie” that the 2020 election was “rigged,” despite having zero evidence of it after more than a year of deranged yammering and trials.

If this is how Trump comes across on a network that is overtly friendly to him, just think how he might be perceived were he to be interviewed by a real news network. Not to worry. He wouldn’t ever consider doing that. In addition to being stupid, he’s also a notorious coward.

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Fox News Corrects Confused GOP Senator Who Forgets Their Anti-Biden, Pro-COVID Narrative

It’s not as easy as it might seem to be steadfastly obedient to the right-wing doctrine of Fox News and Republican Trumpism. Considering all of the blatant hypocrisy and flip-flips of Donald Trump and his Foxian Pharisees, their befuddled cult followers should be forgiven if they fall off the wingnut wagon every now and then.

Fox News, Bullshit Factory

An example of this inadvertent heresy occurred during an interview of GOP Senator Marsha Blackburn on Fox Business Network. She was asked by Trump-fluffing host Stuart Varney about the current state of the coronavirus in America. That inquiry led to this exchange:

Blackburn: What we have to realize, the left is desperate to continue the pandemic until the 2022 midterm elections, and we’ve got to find ways to say, ‘Oh no you don’t.'”
Varney: You think he’s trying to continue the pandemic, extend the pandemic. I would have thought he’s losing ground because of his not great understanding or performance with the pandemic.
Blackburn: Well, you’re right.

First of all, Biden’s performance with the pandemic is responsible for getting nearly 80% of the nation’s adults vaccinated. That said, Blackburn’s initial commentary was clearly a departure from rightist orthodoxy. They have been insisting for over a year that Democrats were being too aggressive in fighting to end the pandemic and return the nation to some semblance of normalcy. Now Blackburn is asserting that Democrats want the pandemic to persist.

Not only has the right accused Democrats of over-hyping COVID, but Trump has repeatedly claimed that the pandemic was a hoax that Democrats were temporarily exploiting for political purposes. He insisted that “on November 4th everything will open up.” He said that the shutdowns were “only being done to hurt the economy” until after the election when “the talk will be how low the death rate is.”

So obviously Blackburn was off script with her claim that Democrats want to hold on to the pandemic. And Varney told her so in no uncertain terms. She had to be quickly steered back into the conservative corral where Biden was a “failure” for not waving a magic wand and making the virus disappear. And it had to be done on the air where everyone could witness it. After which Blackburn immediately straightened up and conceded that Varney’s take was the correct one, without acknowledging that she had just said the exact opposite.

This is an object lesson in how Fox News disseminates its propaganda. They have pre-approved ideological mandates that must be adhered to by every faithful follower. Even if they change from day to day, or hour to hour. It’s how they justify attacking Biden’s vaccine mandates, even though Fox News imposes mandates that are even more strict. Or how Tucker Carlson can criticize the White House parental leave policy, while ignoring his own colleagues who enjoy the same policy at Fox. Or how Trump can whine that his free speech is being abridged as he calls for banning free speech. It’s just how Fox News operates and, fortunately for them, their viewers are too dimwitted to notice.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Deranged Trump Slams Facebook Over ‘Phony Lockboxes’ Full of Biden Votes

Sunday marked five months since the Trump Insurrection on Capitol Hill. The riots incited by the twice-impeached, former reality TV game show host were triggered by his relentless harping on the “Big Lie” that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from him. And he’s not only still doing it, he’s getting worse.

Donald Trump Angry

On Monday morning Trump visited the Fox Business Network to chat with one of his most sycophantic supporters in the Fox News world, Stuart Varney (video below). The discussion rambled into the recent announcement by Facebook that Trump’s account would be suspended for two years due to his repeated postings of inflammatory lies and disinformation. That, of course, was seen as censorship by Trump, whose reaction was typically overblown. Varney was sympathetic asking…

Varney: Why do you think they’re doing this?
Trump: Because my voice is very strong. My voice is very powerful. I got 75 million votes, which is more than any sitting president ever got. I won the election but they cheated. And by the way, Facebook and Zuckerberg with $500 million worth of phony lockboxes that he put on. some of them had 96% Biden votes. 96%. They were like just dumping ballots, it was a phony deal. And let’s see how that all turns out. But there’s a lot of litigation coming. And what they did was a disgrace.

Trump left out that his voice is dishonest and dangerous. He also continues to brag about getting 75 million votes (actually it was closer to 74 million), which was seven million fewer votes than President Joe Biden, the guy who beat him. And once again, Trump repeats the “Big Lie” that “I won the election but they cheated.” He has still never been able to provide any evidence of voting irregularities, and has lost more than sixty court cases trying to do so.

Perhaps the most bizarre allegations in this ass-kissing “interview” were Trump’s charges that Facebook’s CEO, Mark Zuckerberg bought “$500 million worth of phony lockboxes” that contained a whopping 96% vote tally for Biden. As usual, Trump offered no proof for this assertion, and Varney didn’t ask for any.

What Trump was likely referring to was a report that Zuckerberg had donated $350 million (not Trump’s inflated figure of $500 million) to a non-profit group that provided grants to municipalities to help them manage their election processes. The organization was non-partisan awarded grants without regard to any political affiliation. According to American Public Media’s investigative journalism arm APM Reports

“After Congress failed to aid local election offices, a nonprofit provided critical funds — including $350 million from Mark Zuckerberg — that paid for staff, ballot-scanning machines, protective gear, and rental space that helped the presidential election run surprisingly smoothly.”

However, right from the start Trump and his confederates tried to malign the group and their grants:

“In the weeks since the election, allies of President Trump have included the Center for Tech and Civic Life grants in their voter fraud conspiracy theories. They have challenged the legality and neutrality of the grants, claiming that the funding was aimed at boosting Democratic turnout. But an APM Reports analysis of voter registration and voter turnout in three of the five key swing states shows the grant funding had no clear impact on who turned out to vote.” […]

“Trump allies filed similar litigation in at least nine states to stop the grant funding. And in every instance, the judges rejected the claims.”

Trump closed his bonkers rant by lashing out Facebook – or Biden or Democrats or aliens – it’s actually hard to tell. He babbled that…

“They are radical left crazy people and they are destroying our country. And they don’t want to hear a sane voice. And you know I was one of the top by far on Twitter, and Zuckerberg said top on Facebook. […] They’re a disgrace to our country. They don’t have free speech. We don’t have free speech anymore.”

Talk about projection. There has never been a more radical, crazy, insane voice in American politics than Trump. He has always been a disgrace to the country. And his asinine assertion that “We don’t have free speech anymore,” that he’s making during an appearance on a national cable TV network, is further evidence of his cognitive decline.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

The Love Affair Between Trump and Fox News Has Been All Patched Up, Thank Gawd

There was a brief disturbance in the force this week when Donald Trump became disenchanted with his own State TV network, Fox News. Trump’s ire appeared to have been triggered by Fox having the audacity to interview a representative of the Democratic Party. He seems to think that Fox News is forbidden to interview anyone that isn’t a card-carrying StormTrumper.

Donald Trump, Fox News, White House

Trump unleashed a Twitter tantrum that included his declaration that “Fox isn’t working for us anymore,” and an order to his Deplorables that “We have to start looking for a new News Outlet.” These missives might have startled some in the media business, but those who have seen this sort of whining on Trump’s part before weren’t surprised. While he has had several breakups with Fox, they were always short-lived and the two lovers managed to kiss and make up every time.

The evidence that the latest rift in the Trump/Fox Affair has been mended is Trump’s Twitter feed on Friday. It contained five videos from Fox News all on a single subject: The Justice Department’s Inspector General report on James Comey. Trump could have gotten this news from anywhere, but he chose to feature the Fox segments because – well, Fox is still his sweetheart.

For the record, Trump and Fox News were both obsessed with the IG’s report and presented it as proof of Comey’s corruption and bias. Nevermind that the report explicitly stated that Comey broke no laws, which is why Trump’s corrupt Attorney General, William Barr, declined to prosecute. As for bias, Fox and Trump have never explained why Comey sabotaged Hillary Clinton’s campaign if he was supposedly supporting her.

The videos Trump posted included one with a phony “Democrat” who frequently appears on Fox News to bark at Democrats. Then there was one that featured a former prosecutor and current Fox Democrat basher. And there were three videos featuring Republican congressmen whose predictable partisanship was flagrantly on display.

Obviously Trump has gotten over his beef with Fox News. He always knew that Fox was his best friend and that their tiff would subside. Because where else can he go? He isn’t going to soil himself with the networks he calls “the enemy of the people.” And other right-wing media outlets are pitifully small and ineffectual. He knows that only Fox News has the sort of worshipful sycophants who can go on the air and say with conviction that Donald Trump has never told a lie, which is what Stuart Varney just did. It takes a special brand of deranged cult devotion to satisfy Trump’s massive and fragile ego. And only Fox News can offer that.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Lying Fox News Host Lies that Trump Has Never Lied to the American People

The mission of Fox News from its inception was to advance the goals of the nationalist right-wing and the Republican Party. But when Donald Trump came along they transformed noticeably into a State TV propaganda outlet devoted single-mindedly to this president and his hostile and demented ravings. Virtually every program lavishes praise on Trump and viciously maligns his critics.

Fox News, Donald Trump

What’s worse, is that there is no lie that is beneath the already sunken principles of Fox News. They are taking their cues from a president who has already told more than 12,000 lies since his inauguration. The legacy of the Trump presidency (contrary to his delusional hopes) will surely include this historically depraved achievement, along with caging babies and being a puppet for Vladimir Putin.

As if to to emphasize the enthusiasm Fox News has for lying about Trump, one of his favorite Fox hosts, Stuart Varney, conducted a dumbfounding interview with conservative Republican Joe Walsh who is challenging Trump for the GOP nomination for president. Walsh is hardly a pristine representative of political ethics, but in this segment (video below) of Varney’s program he shines with uncharacteristic virtue, and makes Varney look like a flaccid Trump sycophant and cult follower.

Walsh began by correctly observing that “We’ve never had a situation like this where we have a president that we fundamentally cannot believe.” A surprisingly skeptical Varney asked Walsh for an example. That was his first mistake. Walsh quickly provided an example from just the day before when Trump’s own staff admitted that Trump lied at the G7 summit when he said that he held high level phone calls with China about tariffs. Walsh’s example led to this bizarre exchange and ludicrous denial:

Varney: That’s not a lie. Let’s not get technical. If the man said – and he did – that high level talks had been held with China, that is not a lie. They were held with China.
Walsh: Stuart, he said there were high level phone calls with Chinese officials. His staff admitted that was not true, that he lied in order to manipulate the market.
Varney: Okay, give me another one.
Walsh: Stuart, you really don’t believe that that’s a lie?
Varney: No I don’t.

It is impossible to have a coherent discussion with someone who hears a flagrant falsehood, but denies what he just heard and tries to move past it in complete blindness. Varney simply accepts whatever Trump says as the truth, even if his own staff says that it isn’t. This isn’t political loyalty. It’s cult worship. And it continued further as the interview progressed:

Walsh: Do you believe this president lies?
Varney: No.
Walsh: You don’t believed he’s ever lied?
Varney: He exaggerates and spins.
Walsh: Okay, do you believe he’s ever told the American people a lie?
Varney: No.

Walsh finally gave up in exasperation as he realized that Varney’s doctrinal programming was impenetrable. He has clearly adopted the first order of a cult: Believe only the Leader. Everyone else is lying. And this isn’t even the first time this week that a Trump shill has claimed that Trump never utters anything less than the God’s honest truth. On CNN Chris Cuomo interviewed Trump’s 2020 campaign Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany. She also insisted that Trump has never ever told a lie. Trump’s new press secretary, Stephanie Grisham, said that she doesn’t think his lies are lies. This is all reminiscent of Kellyanne Conway’s “alternative facts,” And Rudy Giuliani’s Truth isn’t truth.”

No rational person could ever assert that Trump has never told a lie. Trump has lied about things big and small. He’s lied about tariffs being paid by China; about his polling; about the size of his crowds; about Obama; about the environment; about the border wall; and always about the news being fake. But Trump’s disciples regard him as a messiah who is an infallible manifestation of perfection. Which is precisely how Trump regards himself, having recently declared that he is The Chosen One.” And sadly, his Deplorables believe that too.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

WTHolyF? Fox News Hysterically Whines that CNN and MSNBC ‘All Seem to Be Opinion Shows’

Well, we are through the looking glass, folks. Of course, that’s been said so many times in the Era of Donald Trump that most of us have built up an immunity to it. But on this occasion there is real concern that the fantasy (nightmare) weavers at Fox News have abandoned any pretense of reality.

Donald Trump Fox News

In a segment on Monday night’s episode Stuart Varney’s Fox Business program, the host interviewed Fox News’ media correspondent, and host of MediaBuzz, Howard Kurtz. The discussion was a particularly obtuse analysis of the editorial positions on MSNBC and CNN. It began with Varney calling out his competition for “Anti-Trump coverage” that is “wall to wall on those two networks.” And that led to this bizarre exchange with Kurtz (video below):

Varney: What’s your judgment, Howard, when two all news networks carry one single editorial message, which is resist Trump for everything and get him out? I mean, you’re a media guy. You can’t be that pleased that two major networks are going so consistently down that opinion road.
Kurtz: I wouldn’t go quite that far. I think there are some fair reporters at both networks. But certainly when you turn on the primetime shows, and it’s getting increasingly hard during the day, they all seem to be opinion shows. I mean, you know, you’ve got these panels that are six to one anti-Trump. I mean, there’s no secret about it. That’s the way they’re being programmed.

Seriously? That’s a media analyst on Fox News, the network that is best known today as “State TV” due to its unflinchingly adoring coverage of Trump and his Republican Nationalist Party. Fox News has dedicated it’s primetime block to three of the most biased Trump-fluffers on television (Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, and Tucker Carlson), Hannity even shows up to speak at Trump’s cult rallies.

As for panels that are partisanly skewed, Fox doesn’t leave that to just their primetimers. They begin with “Fox and Friends” in the morning. Then “Outnumbered” is aptly named with four (and sometimes five) right-wingers out of five co-hosts. And in the afternoon they have “The Five,” which is another four to one conservative pile-on. So Fox News actually designs their shows to have multiple wingnuts ganging up on a lonely alleged liberal. Neither MSNBC or CNN has such a program.

Kurtz did criticize Trump for advocating a boycott of CNN’s parent company, AT&T, in order to punish CNN. And even Varney acknowledged that MSNBC was doing well in the ratings prior to the release of the report by special counsel Robert Mueller. Kurtz agreed and made the point that MSNBC’s viewers might have fallen off due their disappointment that Mueller wasn’t more aggressive in his indictment of Trump. That’s actually a pretty good explanation for MSNBC’s recent ratings slump, although it’s still the second highest rated cable news network.

However, for Kurtz to stare into the camera and complain about the partisan tilt of MSNBC and CNN is hypocrisy on an Olympian scale. At least both CNN and NBC have actual news divisions that break stories and win awards. But for him to do that without even the slightest acknowledgement of Fox’s extreme political prejudices, marks him as the same sort of propagandist as Varney, Hannity, and the rest of Fox’s flunkies. If it wasn’t such a serious breach of journalistic ethics, it would make a hilarious sketch for Saturday Night Live.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Trump is STILL Colluding With Russia (and Fox News) to Deny Putin’s Election Interference

It’s been four days since the Mueller Report has NOT been released – only the four page cover up by Trump’s plant in the Justice Department, Attorney General William Barr. In that short span of time the right-wing media has been furiously crafting a brazenly false narrative that imagines that Donald Trump was exonerated even though Barr’s letter explicitly denies it and the American people don’t buy it.

Donald Trump Vladimir Putin

Included in the campaign to vindicate from Trump are demands that the media apologize for accurately reporting about Trump’s crime-riddled administration. Which is ironic since it’s Trump who should be apologizing to special counsel Robert Mueller. For more than two years Trump has engaged in reckless character assassination, accusing Mueller of being a corrupt, dishonest partisan on an illegal witch hunt.

What’s more, the media’s MAGA Martinets are also calling for the President to actually escalate his war against the First Amendment. And perhaps the new king of anti-free press hysterics is the Fox News host of their alleged business channel, Stuart Varney went on an extended rant (video below) that proved nothing except for how valuable psychoactive pharmaceuticals could be if certain unhinged TV yakkers were taking them. Varney began his tirade by saying that:

“Now is the time for a presidential counterpunch. President Trump is good at this. Have a go at him and he’ll come right back at you, big time. Now is the time to counterpunch the media. For two years they’ve let their hatred show. I used to soften that word and say they have contempt for the President. No no, they hate him.”

Isn’t “contempt” actually strong than “hate”? And does Varney really believe that Trump hasn’t already been punching at the press with his Stalinist-inspired denunciations of it as “the enemy of the people” and “the opposition party”? He continued:

“For two years they’ve indulged in a orgy of hatred that colored absolutely everything. For two years they preened themselves, assuming the moral high ground. They’re the elite. They’re above the rest of us. They told us the President of the United States was a Russian agent. They told us he was a traitor. They breathlessly reported the most outrageous statements. They gave themselves prizes. Listen to this. It’s from the Pulitzer Prize awarded jointly to the New York Times and the Washington Post. I’ll read it.”

“For deeply sourced, relentlessly reported coverage in the public interest that dramatically furthered the nation’s understanding of Russian interference in the 2016 Presidential election.”

Varney then mocked this tribute as referring to leaks to the press by former FBI director James Comey, and the false allegations against Hillary Clinton for allegedly funding the infamous Steele dossier. What’s peculiar about this is that Varney is attacking the Pulitzer awards for their recognition of reporting on the “Russian interference in the 2016 Presidential election,” not the accusations that Trump and his criminal associates conspired with Russia.

Russia’s efforts to illegally influence our election have been documented and affirmed by everyone from the U.S. Intelligence community to the Mueller report, according to Attorney General Barr. But this rabid rundown by Varney is denying that the election interference ever occurred. And Trump posted this video on his Twitter feed. Which can only mean that he is, once again, denying Russia’s involvement in tampering with the election. In that way Trump is still colluding with Russia by taking their side, absolving them of guilt, and making it easier for them repeat their crimes in 2020. Vladimir Putin must be ecstatic.

And Varney wasn’t through. He wrapped up this atrocious gift to our enemies in the Kremlin by lavishing adoring praise on Trump and lashing out again at the media:

“The counterpunch has already started. Good! The Trump campaign has sent a letter to news outlets telling them to employ quote ‘basic journalistic standards’ when booking guests who have made outlandish and false claims. Way to go Mr. President.”

For the record, that letter to TV news outlets was pretty funny. It called on them to refuse to book any guests who had proven themselves to be repeated and unrepentant liars. It singled out politicians like like Democratic Sen. Richard Blumenthal and Rep. Adam Schiff. But it more accurately described people like Trump advisor Kellyanne Conway and press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, whose absence from the airwaves would make them decidedly more trustworthy.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.